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From Beowulf Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 1. Why had Grendel attacked the mead hall? A. He was hungry. B. He hated the sound of the music and laughter. C. He was bored. D. None of the above. 2. Who were Grendels parents? A. Hrothgar and his wife. B. Beowulfs uncle and aunt. C. Descendents of Cain. D. None of the above. 3. Who were the only survivors of Grendels attack? A. Those who fled. B. Those who paid him a ransom. C. Hrothgars friends. D. None of the above. 4. Why couldnt Grendel touch Hrothgars throne? A. Because it was broken. B. Because it was protected by God. C. Because its paint was wet. D. None of the above. 5. Who had heard what was happening in Hrothgars mead hall? A. Beowulf B. Grendel C. Grendels mother D. None of the above. 6. Why were Beowulf and his men stopped by the watchman on the Danish shore? A. Because they were armed strangers. B. Because he wanted to be friendly and welcome the visitors. C. Because he was nosy. D. None of the above 7. What did Beowulf ask Hrothgar to allow him to do? A. Marry his daughter. B. Buy his mead hall. C. Purge the evil from the hall by going after and killing Grendel. D. None of the above. 8. What did Grendel find when he went to Herot? A. an empty hall B. Beowulf waiting for him alone C. The smoking rubble of the mead hall D. None of the above.

9. How did Beowulf stop Grendel from killing him? A. He cut off his head with a sword. B. He grabbed his claws with his hands. C. He shot him with a crossbow. D. He used a magic spell. 10. Why couldnt swords kill Grendel? A. His skin was too tough. B. He was immortal. C. He had turned the swords into putty. D. He had enchanted all weapons to not harm him. 11. How did Beowulf kill Grendel? A. He cut off his head with a sword. B. He shot him with a crossbow. C. He twisted his arm off. D. He used a magic spell that caused him to die. 12. Why couldnt Grendels mother harm Beowulf? A. There was a magic spell placed upon Beowulf. B. She could not get through his armor. C. She was weak. D. She fell in love with him. 13. Where did Grendels mother take Beowulf? A. To her hall under the lake. B. To Las Vegas to get married. C. To the dark marsh. D. To Denmark. 14. How did Beowulf kill Grendels mother? A. He strangled her. B. He stabbed her with his dagger. C. He didnt. D. He cut off her head with the giants sword. 15. What was Beowulfs final revenge on Grendel? A. He was Grendels evil stepfather. B. He cut off Grendels head. C. He burned down Grendels mothers hall. D. None of the Above. 16. Which of the following is the main reason that Beowulf cuts off Grendels head? A. a desire for revenge B. a desire to have a trophy C. the need to prove his victory D. the need to guarantee Grendels death 17. What did Beowulf bring back to Herot with him from the monsters lair? A. Grendels mothers head B. Grendels claw C. Grendels head D. Nothing 18. What happened to the sword with which Beowulf cut off Grendels head? A. it broke under the stress of cutting off heads B. Hrothgar hung it in the mead hall C. Beowulf hung it in his castle D. None of the above

True/False Select A for True and B for False 19. Beowulfs people knew he was strong because he had defeated giants and ocean monsters. 20. The Geats thought Beowulf was dead because his head floated up to the surface of the lake. 21. Grendels mother had terrorized Hrothgars hall for 12 winters. 22. Hrothgar was Grendels father. King Arthur Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 23. What was Arthur training to be? A. King B. A knight C. A wizard D. A cook 24. Who took care of the knights armor and weapons? A. Another knight B. His wife C. His son D. His squire 25. Merlin was A. King B. A prince C. A wizard D. None of the above 26. What did Merlin recommend to the Archbishop of Canterbury in order to choose the next king? A. That he set a test. B. That he choose the new king himself. C. That he draw straws to see who the new king would be. D. That he sell the kingship. 27. According to the sign over the anvil, who would be king? A. Arthur B. Whoever could pull the sword from the anvil C. The Archbishop of Canterbury D. Sir Kay 28. What did the Lady of the Lake give to Arthur? A. A sword called Excalibur B. A book of spells C. A sextant D. A golden cup 29. King Arthur established his court at A. London B. Edinburgh C. Paris D. Camelot 30. What shape was the table that Arthurs knights sat around? A. Round B. Square C. A half circle D. Rectangular 31. When the knights took their vows, what did they promise? A. To love, honor and cherish B. To always take a bath C. To be brave and good, never false, mean, or cruel. D. To give him all their money. 32. Who was the most virtuous of all of the knights and ladies of King Arthurs court? A. Sir Percivals sister B. Queen Guinevere C. Lady Elaine D. The Lady of the Lake 33. What was the Holy Grail? A. A beautiful white gown B. A golden basket kept in the church C. A white dove sent from heaven D. A cup that Christ had used at the Last Supper. 34. Who was the only knight who was fit to search for the Holy Grail? A. Sir Lancelot B. Sir Percival C. Sir Galahad D. Sir Bors 35. What did Sir Percival see in a vision in a silver beam of light? A. the Holy Grail B. Sir Galahads armor C. His dead sister D. a Cross 36. While King Arthur was away at war, who ruled Camelot? A. Sir Modred B. Sir Gawain C. Sir Lancelot D. Sir Gareth 37. What did this substitute ruler do while Arthur was gone? A. killed all of the knights B. raised a rebellion against King Arthur C. put a price on King Arthurs head D. married Queen Guinevere 38. When King Arthur was dying, he told Sir Bedivere to take Excalibur and A. keep it for himself. B. give it to his wife. C. give it to the new king. D. throw it in the lake.

39. Why did Sir Bedivere hesitate to do as King Arthur asked? A. He wanted the sword for himself. B. He hated to throw a good sword in the lake. C. He lost the sword. D. He wanted to give it to the new king. 40. What happened when Sir Bedivere honored the kings request about the sword Excalibur? A. An arm came out of the lake and grabbed it. B. It sank to the bottom like a stone. C. It floated on the top of the water. D. It disappeared into thin air.

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