FRINQ Communication Plan

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FRINQ Communication Plan

Use Constituent Relationship Management software (CRM) to facilitate communication and targeted intervention with at risk students. Project Working Group Mirela Blekic (University Studies) Project Description A students first quarter is an important launching pad in his or her academic career at PSU. As one of three initial adopters of CRM implementation, University Studies is utilizing this tool to send relevant information to students based on previously stated needs and concerns via the Prior Learning Survey and as identified from other student information sources. For the period of 2006-2011, PSU has seen a steady increase in retention from 67.5% to 70.0% for first-time full-time freshmen. While the trend is positive, this retention rate indicates that a number of students leave PSU during or after first year. There are a variety of reasons why such students do not continue at PSU, but we know that feeling integrated into the PSU community, interacting with staff and students, and receiving academic advising tailored to their particular needs, can help some at-risk students navigate through the challenges of their freshman year and gain the confidence and footing needed to successfully continue. Action Items Bi-weekly communication sent to students in Freshmen Inquiry Communication based on the academic calendar and the issues students face during their first year in college Freshmen Experience Map. Complete a year-long cycle of communication plan using CRM (2011-12 academic year) Use data to make informed communication decisions: Integrated Prior Learning Survey, Banner, End-of-Year Survey, and Housing information in the communication plan. Enable segmentation of student population and targeted communication based on the students characteristics and needs.
These actions will reduce

Key Barriers 1. Lack of student integration

These actions will achieve

Goal Help students transition during the first year and establish a path for successful continuation beyond first year.

These actions will ultimately lead to

Increased freshman retention and graduation

Fresh Retention Project WG I I

Council of Academic Deans

Implementing Department

Admissions and Records

Assessment Coordinator

CRM Working Group

Executive Committee

Retention Associate

SA to the Provost

FRINQ Faculty

UNST Council

Faculty Senate

Decision Matrix Key: (R) Recommend, (A) Agree, (P) Perform, (I) Input, (D) Decide. Deploy FRINQ Communication Plan D Develop text for communication Bi-weekly communication sent to students in Freshmen Inquiry Communication based on the academic calendar






and the issues students face during their first year in college Freshmen Experience Map. Complete a year-long cycle of communication plan using CRM (2011-12 academic year) Use data to make informed communication decisions: Integrated Prior Learning Survey, Banner, End-of-Year Survey, and Housing information in the communication plan.

Recommendations and Decisions Communicate to students about resources on campus. Connect students with resources relevant to the problems they face. Use data to inform the communication and targeted intervention. Share the communication with mentor retention leaders and mentors. Connect communication with mentor retention efforts. o Goal: To increase email reading rate and effectiveness of the messages by tying discussions in mentor sessions with the information sent through communication plan (Assessment: 2012/13 academic year). Funding Required No funding required Timeframe and Metrics Complete full-year cycle of communication plan using CRM: 2011-2012 Metric Name/Description Project reach Mentor reach Formula / Method #of students who opened email # of mentors using information to inform class discussions

Results 1. Number of emails sent to students during academic year: 16 2. About 30% of students viewed one or more communication item during fall 2011. 3. Items from communication plan are being used to create lesson plans and inform discussions in mentor sessions about risk factors and resources, and address student success issues in a systematic manner a. Number of lesson plans created: 9

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