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Hannah Till Mother of Isaac Woorley Till 2015

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Hannah Till Mother of Isaac Woorley Till 2015

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Hannah Till Mother of Isaac Woorley Till 2015

Note: This work was done as background for the DAR marker placed in 2015. CR Cole typed and
retrieved digital copies where applicable. The traditions and directions to the material are
largely contributed from Charles L Blockson.

There are conflicting birthdates for Hannah Till. So she has to be identified as Hannah Till mother of
Isaac Worley Till. The main primary documentation is the baptism record for Isaac Worley Till. The
baptism record clearly defines that this is the Hannah Till who was present at Valley Forge Encampment.
Isaac Worley Till is being baptized on the 4th Sabbath of September 1779 following and entry for the 3rd
Sabbath September 1779. Isaac Worley is identified as 19 months old which gives him a calculated birth
date of about February or March of 1778.

This is the only “Primary Source” found to date which states that Hannah was at Valley Forge and that
has a generational proof for Isaac Worley Till. It is found in the Presbyterian Church records in
Philadelphia. If we calculate Hannah’s age from this document and place her at 20-50 years old her
calculated birth range becomes 1728-1758.

In Watson’s Annals he reports that Hannah’s name at birth was Longpoint but when she was buried they
used her maiden name of Archer, The story of Longpoint involved a bow and a Buck. Hannah’s obituary
and burial records are under the name of Archer. Her children used the surname Till. Her husband was
Isaac Till.

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2nd Presbyterian at Arch and 3rd. this print depicts 3 African Americans in the scene which includes
African American’s.

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Church record of baptism of Isaac Worley Till Presbyterian Church Philadelphia, PA

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Isaac Till is the husband of Hannah Till. He is last enumerated in the 1798 Philadelphia Tax list page 121
among the “T’s”. Unfortunately the tax list does not give age but it does give an address of 146 Lombard
St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which can be mapped today, 2015. Isaac Till was also noted on the 1793
Tax records of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the New Market District which includes Lombard St. In 1793
he is noted as a Whip Maker. Isaac Till is number 861 on page 206 of the 1793 tax record.

The “Head House” a fire hall built in 1805 for New Market; Philadelphia has an historical marker placed
by Pennsylvania. The marker is placed at the fire hall entrance on Second Street. The Market itself ran
between Pine Street and Lombard Street. The home of Isaac Till located at 146 Lombard was within a
block of this Market.

New Market at Lombard St.

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1798 Tax record Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Isaac Till is on the first line.

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1793 Tax record Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Isaac Till is #861

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With both a generational proof for Isaac Worley Till and an address for the family of Isaac Till Sr. we can
look at other records. Hannah’s birth by calculation is 1728-1758 and she is in residence at 146 Lombard
St. which is established to be just below Pine.

John Fanning Watson a well-known source of historical information can only at the most be considered
secondary source for genealogy. Hannah Till is identified by John Fanning Watson but the age is not


1825 Died Mrs. Hannah Till, a black woman, who had been cook to General Washington and General
Lafayette in all their campaigns during the War of Independence. The latter at my instance went to
see her at No 182 South Fourth Street when he was here in 1825, and made her a present to be

It may be a mistake that this is placed in the year 1825. As the bio that John Fanning Watson, has in
Annals of Philadelphia : Being a collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents of the City and Its
Inhabitants, from the Days of the Pilgrim which is Added an Appendix, Containing Olden
Time Researches and Reminiscences of New York City published in 1830 read:

Hannah Till

This is the name of a black woman whom I saw in March, 1824, in her 102d year of age-a pious
woman, processing a sound mind and memory, and fruitful of anecdote of the Revolutionary war, in
which she had served her seven years of service to General Washington and La Fayette, as cook, &c. I
saw her in her own small frame house, No 182, south Fourth Street, a little below Pine Street. Her
original name was Long Point-a name given her father for his successful conflict with a buck at that
place near Smyrna. She was born in Kent County, Delaware. Her master, John Brinkly, Esq. sold her at
the age of 15 years, when she was brought to Pennsylvania. At 25 years of age she was sold to Parson
Henderson , and went to Northumberland. At 35 years of age she was sold to Parson Mason, of New
York, with whom she dwelt there until the war of the Revolution: she then brought her freedom, and
with her husband was hired into General Washington’s military family as cooks-serving with him in all
his campaigns for six and a half years, and for half a year she was lent into service of General La
Fayette. With one or the other of these she was present in all the celebrates battles in which they
were engaged. She could speak, in a good strong voice, of all the things she saw in her long life, with
better recollection and readier utterance than any other narrator with whom I have had occasion so to
converse. I inquired respecting the domestic habits of Washington and others; she said he was very
positive in requiring compliance with his orders; but was a moderate and indulgent master. He was
sometimes familiar among his equals and guests, and would indulge a moderate laugh. He always
had his lady with him in the winter campaigns, and on such occasions, was pleased when freed from
mixed company and to be alone in his family. He was moderate in eating and drinking. I asked if she
ever knew that he prayed. She answered that she expected he did, but she did not know that he
practiced it. I was more the particular in this, because I had heard very directly from Isaac Potts, the
public Friend at Valley Forge, that he actually saw him by chance in prayer in the bushes near his
place. I asked her if he ever swore; she answered, that ideas then about religion were not very strict,
and that she thought he did not strictly guard against it in times of high excitements, and she well
remembered that on one provocation with her, he called her c---d fool. General La Fayette she praised
greatly- said he was very handsome, tall, slender and genteel, having a fair white and red face, with
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reddish hair-that he spoke English plain enough-was always very kind. Her words were very
empathetic::--“Truly he was a gentleman to meet and to follow!”

As I was interested in the narrative of this old black woman, I thought she might afford some
gratification to Gen. La Fayette himself again to see her; I made him therefore acquainted with the
leading facts. As I never saw either of the parties afterwards, I may add from the communications of
my sister who knew her and visited her occasionally, especially in her 104 th year. She says she received
from her questions, such answers as these-“I well remember the arrival of the Specie to pay the French
army, for the house was so crowded that my pastry room was used to lodge the specie in, even while
she still used the room. She continued with Washington till after Andre the soy was hung. On that
day she saw many tears shed by our officers.” General La Fayette called on her with Messers.
Tilghman and Biddle. The sequel was that her home was embarrassed for arrear groundrents, and she
was soon after informed to make herself easy, for La Fayette had cleared it off! And “the pious old
soul blesses you and him for the interference.” More was said, but it might savour of gossip to say
more in this Article. She has gone to her reward.

Watson notes in the year 1825 that she died and was also visited by Lafayette????? Lafayette was in
Philadelphia 1824 and 1825 this is a note about his visit. His sister spoke with Mrs. Till in her 104th year
(his calculation) which would be by calculation 1826 which places her death between 1826 and 1830 at
publication of his work.

The 1830 USA federal census shows a Hanna Till in Baltimore as a free Black between 55 and 99 with a
female slave over 100 living with her but there is nothing to indicate that this is Hannah Till mother of
Isaac Worley Till.

Watson Housekeeping
Let us start with the address noted by Watson as “No 182, south Fourth street, a little below Pine street.”
Numbers 182 and 142 are somewhat close and the numbering may have changed between 1798 and
1825 but the location of just below Pine Street is Lombard Street. Pine below Forth is the cemetery for
St. Peter’s. The address reported by Watson is likely the same home on Lombard Street which had been
shared by the family in 1793. Lombard Street is one of the oldest “Free Black Communities in the

The age of Hannah Till as retold by Watson from information he obtained second hand from his sister
places her birth as 1721-1722. This date is about six years outside of the range 1728-1758 calculated
from her son’s birth. Watson then goes on to place her as born in Smyrna Delaware and owned by John

Watson asserts that Hannah Till maiden name is Long Point because of an altercation with a buck in
Buck Delaware. The Buck Tavern was in the St. Georges one hundred. Today 2015 there are a few
African American families with the surname Longpoint. Watson also asserts it is near Smyrna where the
family is located.

Then Watson goes on to name John Brinkly as her master/owner. There are more than two John
Brickly/Brinckley/Brincklow and other spellings. John Brinckle the presumed owner of Hannah Till is the
representative of Kent County now Delaware.

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This John Brinckley along with Benjamin Chew was elected to represent Kent County now Delaware then
Pennsylvania in October of 1752 the story ran in the Pennsylvania Gazette.

Watson dates Hannah as age 15 at a transfer from Brinkley when she was brought to Pennsylvania. John
Brinkley would be traveling between Kent County and Philadelphia County in 1752 much like Benjamin
Chew. If immediately after the election he traveled to Philadelphia and sold Hannah at 15 it would place
her year of birth at 1737-1738. This John Brinckle was married to Jemima Moleston daughter of Henry
and Jemima Ann Manlove Moleston.1 After John Brinckle’s death Jemima married Colonel John Haslet.2
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 190

Molleston, Jemima.Wife of Henry Molleston. Will. Made Aug. 20, 1760. Heirs: sons John, Jonathan, Henry &
William; dau. Jemima Brinckle, wife of John Brinckle. Exec'rs, sons John & Henry. Wits., Elizabeth Faries, G.
Russell, Mark Manlove. Prob. Nov. 11, 1760. Arch. vol. A35, pages 211-212. Reg. of Wills, Liber K, folios 245-246.

Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800

page 310

Haslet, Jemima.Widow of Col. John Haslet. Admin. of, to William Killen, Esq. March 14, 1777. Arch. vol. A22,
pages 223-224. Reg. of Wills, Liber L, folio 188.

Jemima Moleston. August 20, 1760. Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800 page 190.
Probate November 11, 1760. Archive Volume A35, pages 211-212. Reg of Wills, Liber K folios 245-246.
Jemima Haslet Widow. March 14, 1777. Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800. Archives
Volume A22, pages 223-224. Registrar of Will folio 188.
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Colonel John Haslet fought in the Indain Wars with Washington. Haslet was also a Presbyterian Minister.
Colonel John Haslet was killed at the Battle of Princeton. The second transfer of Hannah Till coincides
with settling the estate of John Brinckle about 1760. Hannah at this time was 25 placing her birth about

If we return to Watson and continue to prove age at 25 she was sold to Parson Henderson and went to
Northumberland. We assume that this is Northumberland PA at this time the western half of
Pennsylvania and was the wilderness where Haslet had fought. It is assumed that Isaac and Hannah met
at this point. Some of their descendants returned to the area that was Northumberland as Iron Furnace

There are descendants of both Isaac and Hannah Archer Till and William and Margaret Thomas Lee. All
four individuals were at the encampment at Valley Forge. The descendants are all found together in
1850 on census in the area that was Northumberland, PA and is now Mifflin County, PA.

There is again an issue with the identification of her owner. Parson Henderson is not identifiable but
Parson Anderson was at the Middletown Meeting in Chester County. That is in Bucks County today and
is Neshaminy. A group did go into Northumberland County PA. Parson Anderson was Quaker. Rev.
Parson Anderson teacher of the gospel at Middletown Meeting is left money in the Will of William
McElvain in 1784.3

It is at this point with all the conflict that we have to return to traditions. We know that her husband
Isaac Till was born in Virginia and the first two children are “supposed” to be born there also. There is
only oral tradition, no baptism information or generational proof. Andrew Till the eldest was born about
1761. The area which became Northumberland, PA was included and or identified in the area known as
Northumberland, VA. This was at the time of the birth of Isaac Till and also at the birth of some of the

Death record index for Andrew Till shows that his calculated birth is 1761. The record is part of the index
of Philadelphia Death Certificates found on which were part of the Mayor’s Office records
of Philadelphia.

Andrew Till
Birth Date: abt 1761
Death Date: 26 Feb 1822
Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age at Death: 61
Burial Place: Philadelphia, Penn
Gender: Male
Race: Black
Cemetery: Alms House Burial Grounds

Chester County Pennsylvania. Will of William McElvain. 2/25/1784 proven 12/1/1784.
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FHL Film Number: 1903130

This identification places the birth of Hannah at about 1735 if she was 26 years at the birth of her eldest
child, Andrew Till. Andrew Till’s birth year of 1761 is taken from the Death Certificate index and is
calculated from his age at death. This is still within the range calculated of 1728-1758. Hannah Till’s age
as 26 for the birth of her first child Andrew Till born about 1761 places her birth year at about 1735.

Andrew Till 1820 census Philadelphia, PA 5th Ward

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The next owner of the Hannah Till who is by now a family member with a husband and two children is
asserted by Watson to be Parson Mason of New York. He is not identifiable. Watson himself is
somewhat fascinated with Washington Praying and states that Till was owned by Parson Mason of New
York from the age of 35 to the Revolution. It has long been thought that this reference is actually a
familiar reference to Parson Weems whose full name was Mason Locke Weems making him Parson

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This print of the praying occasion at Valley Forge depicts a person in African garb in the background
some assert that this is Will Lee.

Weems' name may have faded with history but we cannot forget him because of his narratives
and the conflicted history they portray. The cherry-tree anecdote illustrates this point. Another
dubious anecdote found in the Weems biography of George Washington4 is that of
Washington's prayer during the winter at Valley Forge. Weems was the source of the Cherry
Tree and the Prayer traditions about George Washington.

Weems, M.L. (1809) The Life of George Washington with Curious Anecdotes, Equally Honourable to Himself and
Exemplary to His Young Countrymen. Philadelphia, PA. Weems.
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Artist Grant Woods with his painting of George Washington and the Cherry Tree.

With the housekeeping issues set aside created by Watson’s statements we can move on to
one more source for identifying the birth year of Hannah Till. Hannah’s daughter Sarah Till was
also a member at 1st Presbyterian and she also has a death record in the Philadelphia Index of
Death Records.

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Sarah Leacont Or Le
Birth Date: abt 1771
Death Date: 25 Sep 1847
Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age at Death: 76
Burial Date: Oct 1847
Gender: Female
Race: Black
Cemetery: 1sr Presbyterian Church
FHL Film Number: 1906538

Sarah Till married Joseph La Count and she is buried at First Presbyterian. Joseph and Sarah Till La Count
are the grandparents of the LeCount children who attended the institute for colored youth.

The granddaughter of Sarah Till Leacont named Caroline was married to Octavious Valentine Catto.

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Isaac Worley Till is seen on the 1830 Federal census Moyamensing Township, Philadelphia County PA
with 10 in his household there were 2 females listed as 36-54. He is also found on the 1840 census in
Cedar Ward. This Isaac Till is also seen on the Philadelphia African American census in 1847. He is the
son of Isaac Till and Hannah Till. The date of his birth as calculated from his age on his death certificate is

Death Record Index Philadelphia from

Isaac W Till
Birth Date: abt 1770
Death Date: 1 May 1848
Death Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age at Death: 78
Gender: Male
Race: Black
FHL Film Number: 1906776

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Isaac Worley Till 1840 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cedar Ward

The birth records for Isaac Worley Till indicate that Hannah is a free woman. The records are from the
Presbyterian Church. The other Till’s who are supposed to be the elder children of Hannah and Isaac Till
do not all have church records.

The children usually affiliated with Hannah and Isaac Till are:

1. Andrew Till born abt. 1761

2. John Till born abt. 1765
3. Sarah Till born abt. 1771
4. Daniel Till born between 1775-1795
5. Philip Till born between 1775-1795
6. Isaac Worley Till born 1778
7. William Till born 1780-1790

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There is much more to be uncovered about this family. Other family traditions place the area of
Northumberland as the part of Virginia which was surveyed in 1779 and 1780 and which became part of
Tennessee. Tennessee was formed in 1776 with the survey added later. Traditions also say that the
middle name of Worley was a family name for either Isaac or Hannah Till. Montgomery Bell, 1769-1855
named an Iron Furnace for James Worley his slave. Montgomery Bell moved from Chester County
Pennsylvania (Nottingham Monthly Meeting Area which covered PA/MD/DE) after being an apprentice
in the leather trade to the area of Virginia which had become Tennessee and lived there with his
widowed sister. There was a Henry Worely family at Nottingham Meeting.

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Owners of Hannah Till

John Brinkley

In Lost Chapter Recovered from the Early History of American Methodism by John Wakeley

Applewood books 2009 is a reprint of 1858 version.

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