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Literacy Memoirs 1 Sonny Vue

When the word sponsors of literacy are mentioned I think of my previous English teachers, my parents and books that I have read throughout my lifetime. I am still developing as a reader and writer; I aim to become a better one to prepare for the working world, because I feel literacy is very significant in work and life. If not for literacy how would history be documented and how would communities and people grow more intelligent? My parents are definitely my biggest literacy sponsors, they have always encouraged and motivated me to do my school work and learn as much as I can. This restrains in part from them being only high school graduates. At a young age they became married and raised my siblings and I, and as with all parents their desire for my siblings and I to receive a better education. Whenever I had educational reading to do they would always push me to complete it and forced me to write on a consistent basis. If not for them I would not be at the position I am at educationally. Learning how to read and write was a process that I learned through my English teachers all the way from elementary school to high school. I remember constantly being quizzed on assigned readings and books; it kept me sharp on learning new vocabulary, concepts and themes present in the assigned readings. I also had to write many essays about cultures, my vacations, interests, history, etc. Writing those essays and receiving help from my teacher in how to make my papers become informative and detailed construct my basic writing skills. Although all my English teachers helped me in forming greater writing skills and reading comprehension, they did not just help me grow as a reader or writer. If not for their help I would not have been able to

Literacy Memoirs 2 grow as a person or communicate with others, like my parents they helped motivate me to become a better writer and reader. People that read books seem to always have a nerdy bookworm stigma associated with them, but as a child I loved to read and I do not believe that the above stigma is true. If anything reading books contributes towards promoting vocabulary, grammar and critical thinking that can be applied to writing. It is very important in developing those skills and definitely increased my literacy. Books that interested me encouraged me to read and learn, and they are without the pressure of writing a paper, or the continuance of being forced to memorize certain words and their definitions. It was a fun way to develop my skills, but over time books became a chore to read especially when high school came around. High school textbooks contain some of the most uninteresting information; and as a high school student I ended up dreading reading chapters. It became something I read to continue in order to receive a positive consent of a high grade. After high school I never got back into reading due to those horrible experiences reading dull textbooks about information I could have cared less about. After reminiscing about who and what my literacy sponsors are I have come to realize how important they were in my life. Not just in literacy but in life, because without literacy simple tasks or skills such as being able to navigate, ordering food at a restaurant and communicating to others would not be possible if I did not have my literacy sponsors guiding me. Whether positive or negative they have affected me in one way or another.

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