Ensures Higher Productivity During The Production Phase.: Companydevelopment Machine

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Metasoft's approach to developing software products and solutions can be characterized by the following principles. 1.

Use of a UML (Unified Modeling Language) model and automatically generated code. When we start working on a project, the customer's requirements are collected to be later reflected in a business model. We use model driven architecture (MDA) in all our projects. The UML model becomes the basis for further development of a documented system. The main bulk of the code is generated automatically from the model using our own tool - CompanyDevelopment System . This approach: allows us to represent the customer's requirements in a graphical form; ensures that there will be fewer errors at the development stage; structures the system being developed;

ensures higher productivity during the production phase.

CompanyDevelopment Machine is our own methodology and an extremely effective software development environment for rapid project development which allows to: Substantially reduce the number of developers; Greatly decrease the timeframe of a project;

Essentially reduce the percentage of errors in the source code; Substantially decrease the cost of the application development and further maintenance. Company creates software systems which can be launched on any EJB 2.0 server. These software systems support most of enterprise level databases and can be installed on any Java enabled Operating System. Servers that can be used for the software systems created with MRDM: WebSphere , WebLogic , Oracle 9i (Orion) , Jboss ; Databases: Oracle , DB/2 , Informix , MS SQL Server , MySQL . The advantages of the CompanyDevelopment Machine usage are: Model driven programming

Usage of proven and effective Metasoft design templates repository for code generation (for standard behavior) No traditional design phase No need for a DB Designer

Java scripting, persistence, segregation, localization, encryption, data sealing, data history, scrolling, compression, and authorization/authentication mechanisms are automatically provided One touch deployment Very short time required to deliver the first version of a system Possibility to make assessment about adequacy of the hardware and the communication channel bandwidth before the first release is provided Modular principle and high flexibility (possibility to use the customers own client software, the customers design pattern repository, external software components,...) Distributed processing on the set of existing servers (EJB achievements) Any industrial RDBMS can be used Easily educated MRDM environment

2. International standards based approach. All the products we develop conform to the international standards such as: W3C J2EE Object Management Group (OMG) SQL Working Group ECMA

Conformance to the international standards guarantees that: our systems can be easily integrated with any third party products; our systems are not proprietary solutions and can run in any operating environments by different producers. 3. Security. We employ role-based security in our projects with an option to set up user and group permissions for each business operation. The access to the data is separated by the domain principle, which means that several customers can be served by the same physical server (application service provider - ASP). 4. Flexibility. We can provide the following add-ons for our solutions: Localization/internationalisation service;

Functionality can be expanded by means of scripting; User reports can be created.

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