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Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre
Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to

Mini Grid Promotion and Scaling up in Nepal

(Programs and Policies)
Presented by:

Prof. Dr. Govind R. Pokharel

Executive Director February 6, 2013

Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Govind Raj Pokharel, Mr. Samir Thapa & Ms. Resha Piya


Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to

Energy Situation in Nepal

Total energy consumption 11.9 Million Tons of Oil Equivalent & per capita energy consumption is about 14 GJ. ~65 % population have access to electricity including 14% from Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).*

Commercial Energy 12%

Renewable Energy 1%

Traditional Energy 87%

RE scope

Sources of Energy
Agricultural Residues 4% Livestock Residues 7%

Fuel wood 89%

Source: WECS (2010), * many gray reports

Traditional Sources of Energy


Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to

Micro-Hydro (MH): Potential ~100MW

Domestic Biogas: Potential 1.1/1.9 million HHs

Wind: Potential 3,000MW !

Improved Water Mill (IWM): Potential 25,000 Nos

Improved Cook Stove (ICS): Potential 2,500,000 HHs

Biofuel: Potential 1,1 billion liter

Solar Home System (SHS): Potential 4.5 kWh/m2/day,

Institutional Solar System & Solar Water Pumping:

Solar Dryer & Cooker Potential areas Urban,Terai and Himal



Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to

The RE Graduation Steps in Nepal

Adaptive research, Technology transfer (60s)

Adaptive research, pilot programmes, ad-hoc policies (1980-90s)

Scaling-up, PPP, sector development, Setting mainstreaming RE targets, policy in energy supply, planning, linking with resource economy, upgrading allocation, technology, making capacity coherent policies , building, linking with institution environment and building external costs (2010(1990-2010) 2030)

Scale Time


Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to

About 14 % of population have electricity from RETs. Additional 500 jobs each year (total 30,000 jobs).

More than 25% reduction in fuel wood consumption by almost 600,000 households through ICSs.
More than 300,000 HHs replacing fuel wood by biogas. More than 350 Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in RETs sector.


Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to

Why Mini Grid

Severe Energy Crisis Improves plant performance and sustainability Addresses inequitable distribution of energy
(poor are more affected by energy crisis)

Economic Growth: Declining Manufacture Sector GDP

(declined from 9 to 6 % since 2000/01. Source: Himalayan Times 2011)

Increasing use of imported fossil fuels


Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to in Nepal

Interventions Needed
Broader definition of Mini Grid/Renewable Energy
to address different needs, strategy development

Illustrate RE macro-economic perspective Coordination, RE nodal agency and role Positive biasness in policy and mandate
smart incentives/subsidy

Enhancing private sector capacity Quality ensuring and monitoring Research, Development and capacity building Resource mobilization


Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to


Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to

Technology: insufficient know-how on systems integration
Awareness: lack of awareness among decision makers, financial sectors and relevant stakeholders

Policies: inadequate policies

Resource Mobilization: inequitable access to finance and credit Coordination and Cooperation

Enhancement of productive end uses


Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to

Way Forward
Development of conducive policies.
Research and Development. Support in increasing confidence of relevant stakeholder.

Capacity building of sector.

Improve access to finance and credit.


Alternative Energy Promotion Centre Alternative Energy Promotion Centre

Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply in Nepal Nepal Making Renewable Energy Mainstream Supply to

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