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Alice Bailey Quotes | Global Oneness .

Archive 1009 II Alice Bailey Quotes A Wisdom Archive on Alice Bailey Quotes Alice Bailey Quotes A selection of articles related to Alice Bailey Quotes: AIR: In physics, vacuum interference. In metaphysics, air is the element that pe rtains to dimensions and represents the tendency towards dispersion. Alice Baile y describes air as "the bridge between high and low" (I would call all bridges " air") See this and more articles and videos below. Alice Bailey Quotes Archives on Alice Bailey Quotes Alice Bailey Quotes In the heart of every [human being] lies hid the flower of the intuition.Alice B ailey Quotes, Alice Bailey, Famous Quotes, Heart Just as money has been in the past the instrument of men'ss selfishness, now it must be the insturment of their goodwill.Alice Bailey Quotes, Alice Bailey, Famo us Quotes, Money Goodwill is contagious; once a definite start has been made in a pure and disint erested spirit, goodwill will permeate the world, right human relations will be rapidly established.Alice Bailey Quotes, Alice Bailey, Famous Quotes, World Every person develops soul bonds, so when a soul bond wears out a person must be free to divorce. When one starts to grow, one must be free to get together with that person even if they are married.Alice Bailey Quotes, Alice Bailey, Famous Quotes, Soul People must be free to abort unwanted children. If a man can have sex and then l ive without the consequences then the same should be true for a woman too. A wom an must have the right to abort an unwanted child.Alice Bailey Quotes, Alice Bai ley, Famous Quotes, Live, Children All good things come to those who live harmlessly, who are kind and considerate as well. But harmlessness is the key and I leave you to find out for yourselves how difficult it is to be harmless in word and deed and thought.Alice Bailey Quo tes, Alice Bailey, Famous Quotes, Live, Words I have always held the theory that the deepest and most esoteric truths could be shouted from the housetops to the general public and unless there was an inner mechanism of spiritual recognition no harm could possibly be done. Therefore ple dges to secrecy became meaningless. There are no secrets. There is only the pres entation of truth and its understanding.Alice Bailey Quotes, Alice Bailey, Famou s Quotes, Truth

The purpose of meditation is soul contact and, ultimately, union with the soul; its whole object is to enable one to become in outer manifestation what one is i n inner reality. Through the practice of meditation one is enabled to identify w ith the soul aspect and not simply the lower characteristics of the personality. Alice Bailey Quotes, Alice Bailey, Famous Quotes, Purpose, Soul * MysticismMagick Dictionaryon KOOT HOOMI KOOT HOOMI One of the Chohan entities, initiates or "secret chiefs" contacted by HPB and Al ice Bailey. Koot Hoomi is responsible for the creation of Theosophy. (See also: KOOT HOOMI , Magick, Mysticism, Mysticism Dictionary, Body Mind and Soul,) * MysticismMagick Dictionaryon AIR AIR In physics, vacuum interference. In metaphysics, air is the element that pertain s to dimensions and represents the tendency towards dispersion. Alice Bailey des cribes air as "the bridge between high and low" (I would call all bridges "air") . Commonly, air is the element attributed to the intelligence. (See also: AIR , Magick, Mysticism, Mysticism Dictionary, Body Mind and Soul,) Home P Home

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