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Ashram Quotes | Global Oneness .

Archive 1009 II Ashram Quotes A Wisdom Archive on Ashram Quotes Ashram Quotes A selection of articles related to Ashram Quotes: Mirra Alfassa (later Morisset and Richard), known as The Mother (February 21, 18 78 - November 17, 1973), was the spiritual partner of the sage and seer Sri Auro bindo. She was born in Paris to Turkish and Egyptian parents and came to his ash ram on March 29, 1914 visiting Pondicherry several times and finally settling th ere in 1920. After November 24, 1926, when Sri Aurobindo retired into seclusion, she supervised the organization of his ashram and institutes Books: Life Divine, Synthesis of Yoga, Savitri, The Mother, Letters, Agenda Teac hings: Involution, Evolution Integral yoga, Triple transformation Physical, Vita l, Mental, Psychic, Spirit Overmind, Supermind Sacred Structures: Matrimandir Co mmunities: Sri Aur ... Read more here: The Mother: Encyclopedia II - The Mother - Early Life See this and more articles and videos below. Ashram Quotes Archives on Ashram Quotes Ashram Quotes The purpose of all the activities in the ashram, and finally in the commune, is to teach you how to remain in meditation for twenty-four hours. So we are going to create a miniature world where all that is available outside is available, bu t with a totally different quality. That quality will be meditation.Osho Insight s on Ashram, Osho, Spiritual Quotes, Living Totally, Purpose An Ashram is a place where there is no shram/effort. Keeping the mind at peace a nd letting divinity flow through you is effortlessness. And when does that happe n? When you are at ease with yourself and the surroundings. And this is, in fact , the significance of the Ashram where you are at home.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Quotes , Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Hinduism Quotes, Peace, Effortless Your whole life should be meditation. People who come for a few days from the ou tside have to learn meditation, but those who are living in the ashram -- their whole life should be meditation. Their walking, their sitting, even their sleep; everything should become meditative. Meditation should be a climate here. Not s omething that you do, but something that you are.Osho Insights on Ashram, Osho, Spiritual Quotes, Life, Ashram There could also be another class of people who have no interest in worldly life . May be the chain of past events brings them to this point. Life for them has l ost all its purpose and meaning. To push such people into the worldly life is li ke initiating a person who is about to get married into the life of sannyas by f orce. A person with an inborn fragrance of sannyas should most necessarily live in an .ashram where his life would be more productive. There they could run a fa

rm or a hospital and be self-sufficient.Osho Insights on Ashram, Osho, Spiritual Quotes, Life, Live Remember this: a sannyasin is not one who leaves his home and begins to say, "Th e ashram is mine." The sannyasin is one who stops using the word 'smy's. It does not matter where he lives. He may sit and run a shop, provided the shop does no t become 'smine's. Then the whole matter ends. But we have a habit of leaving th e shop, of quitting it, and then reasserting our old habit by entering an ashram and beginning to talk of my ashram. It makes no difference then whether we live in the house or live in an ashram. Then changing the name is of no use. It is a s useless as the elephant'ss practice of bathing in a river or pond, and then co ming out and throwing dust over its body. The bath has served no purpose. The wh ole labor is wasted.Osho Insights on Ashram, Osho, Spiritual Quotes, Live, Body Jains started a totally different kind of tradition in India -- the tradition of the wanderer -- and they destroyed the whole institution of the ashram. And the wanderers cannot be Masters, because what can you teach in three days living in a place? And they go on moving. They are afraid, very much afraid of relating t o people. What can they teach? They are themselves afraid, living out of fear; t heir whole orientation is fear of the world. They destroyed the beautiful univer sities that existed around Masters. My effort here is to create again a real ash ram, a real commune. That'ss why I want to move to the forests. I am not against the world, against the marketplace, but I know the beauty of the hills, of the lakes, of the oceans, and I would like you to experience it and to experience it with me so you can share my vision, so you can dance with the trees and sing wi th the birds, so that you can start feeling the humming sound that comes when yo u meet with the universe... AUM... so that you can feel that music, the eternal music, the celestial music.Osho Insights on Ashram, Osho, Spiritual Quotes, Beau ty, Effort * Encyclopedia - The Mother Mirra Alfassa (later Morisset and Richard), known as The Mother (February 21, 18 78 - November 17, 1973), was the spiritual partner of the sage and seer Sri Auro bindo. She was born in Paris to Turkish and Egyptian parents and came to his ash ram on March 29, 1914 visiting Pondicherry several times and finally settling th ere in 1920. After November 24, 1926, when Sri Aurobindo retired into seclusion, she supervised the organization of his ashram and institutes. She became the le ader of the community after ... Including: * The Mother - Difficulties facing the biographer * The Mother - Early Life * The Mother - Meeting Sri Aurobindo * The Mother - The Mother of the Ashram * The Mother - The Physical Transformation * The Mother - Auroville * The Mother - Important Disciples * The Mother - The Mother - Quotes * The Mother - Partial bibliography Read more here: The Mother: Encyclopedia - The Mother

* Encyclopedia II - The Mother - Early Life Books: Life Divine, Synthesis of Yoga, Savitri, The Mother, Letters, Agenda Teac hings: Involution, Evolution Integral yoga, Triple transformation Physical, Vita l, Mental, Psychic, Spirit Overmind, Supermind Sacred Structures: Matrimandir Co mmunities: Sri Aur ... Read more here: The Mother: Encyclopedia II - The Mother - Early Life Home P Home

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