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3214 of June 8, 1978 06/07/78 Changes / Updates D.O.U. SSMT Ordinance No. 12, dated June 6, 1983 14/06/83 GM Ordinance No. 598 of December 7, 2004 08/09/2004 (Text provided by GM Ordinance No. 598 of December 7, 2004) 10.1 - PURPOSE AND SCOPE 10.1.1 The Norm - NR establishes the minimum conditions and requirements aimed at implementation of control measures and preventive systems in order to ensure the safety and health of workers who directly or indirectly, interact with electrical installations and electricity services. 10.1.2 This applies to the phases of generation, transmission, distribution and consumption, including the design stages, construction, installation, operation, maintenance of electrical installations and any proceedings in its nearby, observing the technical standards established by official bodies and in the absence or these omissions, the applicable international standards. 10.2 - CONTROL MEASURES 10.2.1 In all interventions in electrical installations should be taken preventive measures to control electrical hazard, and other additional risks through risk analysis techniques in order to ensure the safety and health at work. 10.2.2 Control measures adopted must integrate the other company initiatives within the preserving the safety, health and environment of work. 10.2.3 Firms are required to keep updated single-line diagram of the electrical facilities of its establishments with the specifications of the grounding system and other equipment and devices protection. 10.2.4 Establishments with installed load exceeding 75 kW shall establish and maintain medical records of Electrical Installations, containing, in addition to the provisions of sub clause 10.2.3 as a minimum: a) set of procedures and technical instructions and administrative health and safety, and implanted Related to this NR and description of existing control measures; b) documentation of inspection and measurement system of lightning protection and grounding electric; c) specification of protective equipment and tooling collective and individual, as applicable this NR determines; d) documentation of qualifications, qualification, training, authorization of workers and trainings conducted; e) results of tests performed on electrical insulation equipment for individual and collective protection; f) certification of equipment and materials in hazardous areas; g) technical report of inspections with current recommendations, schedules to be adjusted, considering the points "a" through "f". 10.2.5 The companies that operate facilities or equipment, members of the electric power system must chart form with the content item 10.2.4 and add to chart the documents listed below: a) description of procedures for emergencies; b) certification of equipment for collective and individual protection; The companies that work in proximity to the Electric Power System must be records comprising the letters "a", c", "d" and "e", item 10.2.4 and paragraphs "a" and "b" of item 10.2.5. 10.2.6 The Handbook of Electrical Installation must be organized and kept current by the employer or person formally appointed by the company and must remain available to workers involved in installations and electrical work.

10.2.7 The technical documentation provided in the Handbook of Electrical Installation shall be prepared by a legally qualified. 10.2.8 - COLLECTIVE PROTECTION In all services run on electrical installations must be planned and adopted, primarily collective protection measures applied by performance, the activities to be undertaken in order to ensure the safety and health of workers. The collective protection measures include, primarily, as de-energizing electrical and sets it in its impossibility, the use of voltage security. Page 2 of 12 In the impossibility of implementation as provided in subsection Shall be used other collective protection measures such as insulation of live parts, obstacles, barriers, signals, system sectioning automatic feeding, automatic reclosing lock. Earthing of electrical installations should be implemented as regulations established by bodies and, failing that, to meet current international standards. 10.2.9 - PERSONAL PROTECTION MEASURES In the works on electrical installations, where the measures of collective protection are technically infeasible or insufficient to control risks should be adopted protective equipment specific and appropriate to the activities developed in compliance with the provisions of NR 6. The garments should be appropriate for work activities and should include conductivity, flammability and electromagnetic influences. It is forbidden the use of personal ornaments in the work with electrical installations or in its vicinity. 10.3 - SAFETY PROJECTS 10.3.1 It is compulsory for projects specifying wiring devices shutdown circuit who have the resources for prevention of re-energizing for warning signs indicating the operating condition. 10.3.2 The electrical design, to the extent possible, provide for the installation of device isolation action simultaneously, enabling the implementation of prevention of re-energizing the circuit. 10.3.3 The design of electrical installations should consider the safe space, as the design and location of its components and the external influences upon the operation and performance of services construction and maintenance. The electrical circuits for different purposes, such as: communication, signaling, and traction control power should be identified and installed separately, except when the technological development permit share, subject to the definitions of projects. 10.3.4 The project must define the configuration of the grounding scheme, mandatory or not the interconnection between the neutral conductor and protective ground connection and the conductive parts for the conduct of electricity. 10.3.5 Where it is technically feasible and necessary, should be designed isolation devices that incorporating fixed assets equipotencialization sectioned and ground circuit. 10.3.6 Every project should provide conditions for the adoption of temporary grounding. 10.3.7 The design of electrical installations should be available to authorized workers, authorities and other persons authorized by the company and should be kept updated.

10.3.8 The electrical design must meet the standards enjoyed by Regulating Health and Safety Work, the official technical regulations established, and be signed by a legally qualified. 10.3.9 The memorial project description must contain at least the following safety items: a) specification of the characteristics relating to protection against electric shock, burns and other risks; b) position statement of the switching devices of the circuits: (Green - "D", off and red - "L", on); c) description of the identification system of electrical circuits and equipment, including switching devices, control, protection, interlock, and the drivers' own equipment and structures, defining as such information must be physically implemented in the components of the facilities; d) recommendations for restrictions and warnings regarding the access of people to plant components; e) precautions apply in the face of external influences; f) the principle of protection of the devices listed in the project, for the safety of persons; g) description of the compatibility of protection devices with the wiring. 10.3.10 The projects should ensure that facilities provide adequate lighting and workers a safe working position, according to NR 17 - Ergonomics. 10.4 - SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 10.4.1 The electrical installations must be constructed, assembled, operated, reformed, enlarged, repaired and inspected to ensure the safety and health of workers and users, and are overseen by licensed professional, as this provides NR. 10.4.2 In the works and activities referred to should be taken precautionary measures to control additional risks, particularly as to time, containment, electric and magnetic fields, explosive, moisture, dust, wildlife and other risk factors, adopting the safety signs. Page 3 of 12 10.4.3 In workplaces can only be used equipment, appliances and power tools compatible with the existing electrical wiring, preserving the characteristics of protection, while respecting the manufacturer's recommendations and external influences. The equipment, devices and tools that have electrical insulation must be appropriate to tensions involved, and be inspected and tested in accordance with existing regulations or manufacturers' recommendations. 10.4.4 The electrical installations must be maintained in safe condition and its operating systems protection should be inspected and monitored periodically in accordance with existing regulations and definitions of projects. The local electric utility, compartments and enclosures of electrical equipment and installations are exclusively for this purpose are expressly forbidden to use them for storage or safekeeping of any objects. 10.4.5 For activities in electrical installations must be guaranteed adequate lighting and a worker safe working position, according to NR 17 - Ergonomics in order to allow it to dispose of upper limb free to perform the tasks. 10.4.6 The tests and electrical tests and laboratory or field commissioning of electrical installations must meet the regulations established in items 10.6 and 10.7, and can only be performed by workers who meet the qualifying conditions, qualification, training and authorization provided herein. 10.5 - SAFETY IN ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS OFF 10.5.1 alone will be considered de-energized electrical installations released for work by the appropriate procedures, considering the following sequence:

a) isolation; b) prevention of re-energizing; c) to the absence of tension; d) installation of temporary grounding of the conductors with More electrical circuits; e) protection of existing elements energized in a controlled area (Annex I); f) installation of the signs of being unable to re-energizing. 10.5.2 The installation status should be kept energized by the commitment to restoring power, should be re-energized in the same sequence of the following: a) removal of tools, fixtures and equipment; b) withdrawal of the controlled area of all workers not involved in the process of restoring power; c) removing the temporary grounding of Electrical safety and additional protections; d) removal of the signs of being unable to re-energizing; e) unlocking, if any, and reconnection of isolation devices. 10.5.3 The measures contained in paragraphs set out in 10.5.1 and 10.5.2 items can be changed, replaced, extended or eliminated, depending on the peculiarities of each situation, by a legally qualified technical justification and approved by formalized previously provided to maintain the same level of security originally envisaged. 10.5.4 The services to be performed on electrical installations off, but with the possibility of energizing, by any means or reason, must respond to establishing the provisions of item 10.6. 10.6 - SAFETY IN ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS ENERGIZED 10.6.1 Interventions in electrical installations with voltage less than 50 Volts AC or exceeding 120 volts direct current can only be performed by workers who attend to what establishes the item 10.8 of the Standard. The workers that the preceding item should receive safety training for work with live electrical installations, with minimum curriculum, workload and other provisions set forth in Annex I of NR. The elementary operations such as connect and disconnect electrical circuits carried out at low voltage, with materials and electrical equipment in perfect condition, suitable for operation, can be performed by anyone not warned. 10.6.2 The jobs that require entry into the controlled area must be conducted through procedures respecting the specific distances in Annex I. 10.6.3 The services installations energized, or in its vicinity should be withdrawn immediately in imminent occurrence that may put workers in danger. Page 4 of 12 10.6.4 Where innovations are implemented and for entry into operation of new installations or electrical appliances should be previously developed risk assessments, developed with de-energized circuits, and their working procedures. 10.6.5 The person responsible for implementation of the service should suspend activities when checking status or condition unanticipated risk, the elimination or neutralization is not possible immediately. 10.7 - ACTIVITIES INVOLVING HIGH VOLTAGE (HV) 10.7.1 Workers involved in electrical installations energized with high voltage, exercising its activities within the limits established as risk-controlled areas and, according to Annex I, must respond to provided in Section 10.8 of this NR.

10.7.2 The employees mentioned in item 10.7.1 should receive safety training, in particular Safety in Electric Power System (EPS) and its vicinity, with a minimum curriculum, workload and other provisions set forth in Annex I of NR. 10.7.3 The services on live electrical installations in HV, as well as those executed in the Electric System Power (in portuguese SEP), can not be achieved individually. 10.7.4 All work on live electrical installations in HV, as well as those that interact with the SEP, can only be accomplished by order of service for specific time and place, signed by more than responsible for the area. 10.7.5 Before starting work on energized circuits in HV, the supervisor and the team responsible for performance of service, shall conduct a preliminary evaluation, study and plan the activities and actions to be developed to meet the basic technical principles and best technical security applicable to the electricity service. 10.7.6 The services on live electrical installations in HV can only be achieved when there specific procedures, detailed and signed by licensed professional. 10.7.7 The intervention on live electrical installations in HV within the limits established as a zone of risk, according to Annex I of the NR, can only be achieved through the deactivation, also known as blockade, the sets and automatic reclosing devices on the circuit, system or equipment. The equipment and devices shall be marked off with identification of the condition deactivation as specific standard working procedure. 10.7.8 The equipment, tools and devices equipped with insulators or insulating materials, for the work in high voltage, must be subjected to electrical tests or laboratory tests Periodicals obeying the manufacturer's specifications, company procedures and in the absence of these annually. 10.7.9 Each employee on live electrical installations in HV, as well as those involved in activities the SEP must have equipment that allows communication with other team members or with the operation center during the delivery of service. 10.8 - QUALIFICATION, QUALIFICATION, TRAINING AND AUTHORIZATION OF WORKERS 10.8.1 It is considered a skilled worker who demonstrate completion of specific courses in the electrical recognized by the official educational system. 10.8.2 It is considered a legally qualified employee previously qualified and registered at competent counsel in class. 10.8.3 It is considered skilled worker who meets the following conditions simultaneously: a) receive training under the guidance and responsibility of a qualified professional and authoritative, and b) work under the supervision of a qualified professional and approved. The qualification is only valid for the company that trained and conditions established by authorized and qualified professional responsible for training. 10.8.4 shall be considered authorized or qualified skilled workers and skilled professionals, formal agreement with the company. 10.8.5 The Company shall establish identification system enabling any time know the extent the authorization for each worker, according to item 10.8.4.

10.8.6 Employees authorized to work in electrical installations should be recorded in this condition registration system employee. 10.8.7 Employees authorized to intervene in electrical installations should undergo health check consistent with the activities to be developed, carried out in accordance with NR 7 and registered in your medical records. 10.8.8 Employees authorized to intervene in electrical installations must have specific training on risks resulting from the use of electricity and the main measures for preventing accidents electrical installations in accordance with the rovisions of Annex I of NR. The Company will grant permission in the form of NR workers trained or qualified to skilled professionals who have participated in evaluation and satisfactory utilization of the courses listed in Annex I of NR. There must be a refresher training every two years and whenever any of the above situations following: Page 5 of 12 a) return of function or change of company; b) return to work or removal of inactivity for a period exceeding three months; c) significant changes in the electrical installation or exchange of methods, processes and work organization. The workload of the training syllabus and recycling used in the treatment of paragraphs "a", "b" and "c" of paragraph must meet the needs of the situation that motivated him. Work in hazardous areas should be preceded by specific training according to risk involved. 10.8.9 Employees with activities not related to the electrical installations developed in the free zone and in vicinity of the controlled area, as defined by this NR are to be formally educated with knowledge to identify and assess their potential risks and take reasonable precautions. 10.9 - FIRE PROTECTION AND EXPLOSION 10.9.1 Areas where there are installations or electrical equipment shall be provided with fire protection and explosion, as does the NR 23 - Fire Protection. 10.9.2 The materials, parts, appliances, equipment and systems for use in electrical installations environments with potentially explosive atmospheres must be assessed for compliance under Brazilian Certification System. 10.9.3 The processes and equipment which may generate or accumulate static electricity must have specific protection devices and electrical discharge. 10.9.4 In the electrical installations in hazardous areas or subjected to extreme risk of fire or explosions, should be adopted protective devices such as alarm and automatic sectioning to prevent surges, faults, fault isolation, heating or other abnormal conditions of operation. 10.9.5 The services on electrical installations in hazardous areas may only be achieved by ermission to work with formal release, as established in item 10.5 or suppression agent risk that determines the classification of the area. 10.10 - SAFETY SIGNS 10.10.1 In installations and electrical work must adopt adequate safety signage, for the warning and identification, according to the provisions of NR-26 - Signaling Security in order to attend, among others, the following situations:

a) identification of electrical circuits; b) lock-ups and blocks devices and switching systems and controls; c) restrictions and impediments to access; d) delimitation of areas; e) signs of circulation areas, public roads, vehicles and cargo handling; f) signaling prevented from energizing; g) identification of equipment or circuit prevented. 10.1 - WORKING PROCEDURES 10.1.1 The services installations must be planned and conducted in accordance with Specific work procedures, standardized, with detailed description of each task, step by step signed by a professional that meets the laying of the item 10.8 NR. 10.1.2 The services installations must be preceded by specific orders, approved by authorized worker, containing at least the type, date, place and references to the work procedures to be adopted. 10.1.3 The work procedures must include at least objective, scope, technical basis, powers and responsibilities, general provisions, control measures and the final guidelines. 10.1.4 The work procedures, training, health and safety and the authorization mentioned in item 10.8 must involve throughout the development process of Specialized Engineering Safety and Occupational Health - SESMT, if any. 10.1.5 The authorization referred to in item 10.8 shall be in accordance with training provided, under Annex I of NR. 10.1.6 Every team should have one of his workers indicated and able to exercise oversight and conducting the work. 10.1.7 Before commencing work on team members, together with the person responsible for implementing the service, shall conduct a preliminary evaluation, study and plan the activities and actions to be carried out location in order to meet the basic technical principles and the best techniques applicable to the security service. Page 6 of 12 10.1.8 The alternation of activities should consider the risk analysis of the tasks and competence workers involved, to ensure the safety and health at work. 10.12 - EMERGENCY 10.12.1 Emergency actions involving facilities or services to be included in the electricity plan rescue the company. 10.12.2 Employees authorized must be able to perform the rescue and provide first aid to accidents, especially through cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 10.12.3 The company must have standardized methods of rescue and appropriate to their activities, providing the means for its implementation. 10.12.4 Employees authorized must be able to handle and operate equipment to prevent and combat Fire in existing electrical installations. 10.13 - RESPONSIBILITIES 10.13.1 The responsibility for compliance with this NR are sympathetic to contractors and contractors involved. 10.13.2 It is the responsibility of contractors to keep workers informed about the risks they are exposed, instructing them on procedures and control measures against electrical hazards to be adopted. 10.13.3 It is for the company, the occurrence of accidents at work involving facilities and services in electricity, propose and adopt preventive and corrective measures.

10.13.4 It is for the workers: a) ensure their safety and health and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions work; b) to be responsible with the company for compliance with laws and regulations, including procedures regarding safety and health; c) communicate without delay to implement the service to consider the situations of risk to your health and safety and that of others. 10.14 - FINAL PROVISIONS 10.14.1 Employees must stop exercising their duties the right to refuse, whenever they find evidence of serious and imminent risk to their health and safety or that of others, communicating the fact immediately to his superior, who must ensure the appropriate measures. 10.14.2 Companies should promote measures to control risks caused by another person on his premises Electrical and offer immediately, when appropriate, notification to the competent bodies. 10.14.3 In the event of non-compliance with the standards set forth in this NR, MTE take such steps established in NR 3. 10.14.4 The documentation provided in this NR should be permanently available to workers who work services and electrical installations, subject to the coverage, limitations and interference tasks. 10.14.5 The documentation provided in this NR should be permanently available to the authorities. 10.14.6 This shall not apply to electrical installations fed by extra-low voltage. Page 7 of 12 1. High Voltage (HV) voltage exceeding 1000 volts alternating current or 1500 volts DC, between phases or between phase and earth. 2. Hazardous Location: place with potential for occurrence of explosive atmosphere. 3. Temporary Electrical Grounding: reliable and effective electrical connection to the land suitable intentional, designed to ensure equipotential and maintained continuously during the operation on the wiring. 4. Explosive Atmosphere: mixture with air under atmospheric conditions, of flammable substances in the form of gas, vapor, mist, dust or fibers, in which after ignition combustion spreads. 5. Low Voltage (LV) voltage exceeding 50 volts alternating current or 120 volts DC and an equal or less than 1000 volts alternating current or 1500 volts direct current between phases or between phase and earth. 6. Barrier: A device that prevents any contact with live parts of electrical installations. 7. Right of refusal: instrument which gives the employee the termination of a work activity by consider that it involves serious and imminent risk to their health and safety or others. 8. Collective Protection Equipment (CPE) device, system, or through fixed or mobile coverage conference, aimed at preserving the physical integrity and health of workers, users and third parties. 9. Segregated Equipment: equipment rendered inaccessible by wrapping or barrier. 10. Extra-Low Voltage (EBT): a voltage not exceeding 50 volts alternating current or 120 volts direct current continuous between phases or between phase and earth.

1. External Influences: variables that must be considered in defining and selection of protective measures for safety of people and performance of system components. 12. Electrical Installation: A set of electrical wiring and not associated with features and coordinates among themselves, which are necessary in a particular part of an electrical system. 13. Released for Installation Services (BT / AT): one that ensures the safety conditions for workers through appropriate procedures and equipment from the beginning to the end of the work and release for use. 14. Prevention of Re-energizing: a condition that guarantees non-energizing the circuit through resources and appropriate procedures under the control of the workers involved in services. 15. Enclosure: Wrap energized parts intended to prevent any contact with internal parts. 16. Electrical Isolation: A process designed to prevent the passage of electric current, by bringing insulating materials. 17. Obstacle: the element that prevents the accidental contact, but prevents direct contact by deliberate action. 18. Danger: risk condition or situation likely to cause injury or harm to human health by absence of control measures. 19. Person cautioned, or informed person with enough knowledge to avoid the dangers of electricity. 20. Procedure: a sequence of operations to be developed to perform a particular job, with the inclusion of material and human resources, security measures and circumstances that preclude its achievement. 21. Medical records: an organized system to contain a dynamic memory of relevant information to facilities and employees. 2. Risk: a capacity for greatness with the potential to cause injury or harm to human health. 23. Additional Risks: all other groups or risk factors, besides the electric-specific environment or work processes that directly or indirectly affect safety and health at work. 24. Signalling: standard procedure to guide, warn, advise and warn. 25. Electrical System: Circuit or circuits interrelated for achieving a given goal. 26. Electric Power System (EPS): A set of facilities and equipment for the generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy through the measurement, inclusive. 27. Voltage Security: Extra low voltage originated from a source of security. 28. Proximity to work: work during which the worker can enter the controlled area, though to be a part of your body or with conductive extensions, represented by materials, tools or equipment to handle. Page 8 of 12 29. Locking: action designed to maintain, through mechanical means, a device fixed on a maneuver certain position in order to prevent an unauthorized operation. 30. Risk Zone: vicinity of energized conductive part, not segregated, even accidentally accessible from dimensions established according to the level of tension, whose approach is permitted only to professionals authorized and with the adoption of appropriate techniques and tools of work. 31. Controlled Zone: vicinity of energized conductive part, not segregated, affordable, sized established according to the level of tension, whose approach is permitted only to licensed professionals. Page 9 of 12

RISK ZONE AND CONTROLLED AREA Table ray delimitation of risk areas, controlled and free.

Figure 1 - Distances in air radially delimiting the zones for risk, controlled and free.

Figure 2 - Distances in air radially delimiting the risk areas, controlled and free, with interposition of adequate physical separation surface. Page 10 of 12

ZL = Free Zone ZC = Zone controlled and restricted to authorized employees. ZR = Danger zone and restricted to authorized workers and the adoption of techniques, tools and appropriate equipment to work. PE = point of installation energized. SI = Surface insulation constructed with durable material and equipped with all safety devices. TRAINING 1. COURSE - SAFETY FACILITIES AND SERVICES WITH ELECTRICITY I - For authorized workers: minimum workload - 40h: Programming Requirements: 1. introduction to safety with electricity. 2. risks in service and facilities with electricity: a) an electric shock mechanisms and effects; b) electrical arcs, falls and burns; c) electromagnetic fields. 3. Techniques of Risk Analysis. 4. Risk Control Measures Electrical: a) disconnected. b) functional earthing (TN / T / IT); protection; temporary; c) Electrical safety; d) isolating the automatic feeding; e) devices the leakage current; f) extra low voltage; g) barriers and enclosures; h) blocks and impediments; i) barriers and shields; j) isolation of live parts; k) double or reinforced insulation; l) placing out of reach; m) electrical separation. 5. Brazilian Technical Standards - ABNT NBR: NBR-5410, NBR 14039 and others; 6. Regulations MTE: a) NR; b) NR-10 (Facilities and Services Safety with Electricity); c) qualification, qualification, training and authorization. 7. Collective protection equipment. Page 1 of 12 8. Personal protective equipment. 9. Work routines - procedures. a) de-energized facilities; b) release to service; c) signage; d) inspections of areas, services, tools and equipment; 10. Documentation of electrical installations. 1. Additional risks: a) height; b) indoors; c) classified areas; d) moisture; e) weather conditions. 12. Protection and fire fighting: a) basics; b) preventive measures; c) Methods of extinction; d) practice;

13. Accidents of electrical origin: a) direct and indirect causes; b) discussion of cases; 14. First Aid: a) notions of injuries; b) prioritization of care; c) application of artificial respiration; d) cardiopulmonary resuscitation; e) techniques for removal and transportation of casualties; f) practice. 15. Responsibilities. 2. ADDITIONAL COURSE - SAFETY IN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM (EPS) IN ITS VICINITY. It is a prerequisite for attending this course complementary, have participated, with satisfactory recovery, stroke basic set earlier. Minimum time - 40h (*) These topics will be developed and targeted specifically to working conditions characteristics of each branch, operation pattern, voltage levels and other peculiarities specific to the type special activity or condition, and obeyed the hierarchy on technical improvement of the worker. I - Programming Minor: 1. Organization of Electric Power System - SEP. 2. Organization of work: a) programming and planning services; b) teamwork; c) records and registration of facilities; d) methods of employment; e) communication. 3. Behavioral aspects. 4. Conditions impeding services. 5. Typical hazards in their prevention and SEP (*): a) proximity and contact with live parts; b) initiation; c) lightning; d) static; e) electric and magnetic fields; f) communication and identification, and g) work at height, machinery and special equipment. 6. Risk analysis techniques in the S and P (*) Page 12 of 12 7. Working procedures - review and discussion. (*) 8. Techniques work under stress: (*) a) live online; b) potential; c) indoors; d) distance work; e) night shift, and f) underground environments. 9. Equipment and work tools (selection, use, storage, verification, testing) (*). 10. Collective protection systems (*). 1. Personal protective equipment (*). 12. Work postures and costumes (*). 13. Safety vehicles and transportation of persons, materials and equipment (*). 14. Signalling and isolation of work areas (*). 15. Release to service and installation to operation and use (*). 16. Training in techniques of removal, service, transportation of injured (*). 17. Accidents typical (*) - Review, discussion, protective measures. 18. Responsibilities

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