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written by Michael A Gill-Branion

Rewrite 9B

Copyright (c) TXu001166844 Copyright (c) PAu003443489 REVISION 3401 WGA Reg# 1271810 June 29, 2012 Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Michael A Gill-Branion All Rights Reserved

FADE IN ON: EXT. BINARY SOLAR SYSTEM We race past one yellow sun and one blue sun on a comet's tail. Zooming by ten celestial bodies to the enormous blue planet with extraordinary contrasts... SUPERIMPOSE: Zatamari BEGIN OPENING TITLES We plummet through its atmosphere and as the rock of the comet is burned away an unexpected great sword is revealed. The sword soon comes to a hovering halt over a stream running through a beautiful glade. END TITLES The sword speaks as it floats over the area... EXT. GLADE - DAY SWORD After time began, but before it ended, Verve, the queen of the gods was greatly offended. Reign, her king, consumated an adulterous affair with a goddess who bore him a godly heir. Reign, the king of the gods appears extremely muscular with white wings. Verve, the queen of the gods appears as a young maiden hunter with an ornate bow. MONTAGE 1. The shadowy images of Reign, the king of the gods, having sex with an unknown goddess. 2. The shadowy image of an unknown goddess giving birth to a son. EXT. GLADE - DAY - CONTINUOUS SWORD(CONT'D) The act was kept secret by the few who knew. The lovers tried to hide the deed. They gave their child to a Nubian King, who resided by the Dulreign sea. Nubians appear as dark skinned warriors with athletic builds.

2. MONTAGE 1. Gods whispering to each other in the heavens. 2. The continent of Nubia and the Dulreign sea. 3. Shadowy image of unknown goddess handing over the baby to Nubian King. CUT TO EXT. GATES - MORNING A Wyse lieutenant greets Yvori at the watch tower gates. The Wyse are alabaster skinned purebloods with various eye and hair colors. Hold! LIEUTENANT

The lieutenant rests his hand on the pommel of his silver sword and the other guards do the same. LIEUTENANT(CONT'D) What are you doing this far north of Kelward? Kelward is one of three continents on Zatamari. The lieutenant walks around Yvori and the horses. LIEUTENANT(CONT'D) We've got a slave trader, one dead body and a lot of explaining to do... The lieutenant exchanges looks with his men. One of them signals the tower. Who are you? LIEUTENANT(CONT'D)

YVORI I am Marshal Yvori Lelan. Laughter erupts amongst the men. The lieutenant holds his stomach as his chortled laughter reminds one of a snorting bull. LIEUTENANT Next you'll be telling me she's a dead princess. As the lieutenant points at the body, the guards' laughter

3. abruptly stops. It is. YVORI

LIEUTENANT Let me get this straight. The lieutenant and his men begin to draw their swords. LIEUTENANT(CONT'D) You're a mythological prince, right? Well... YVORI

LIEUTENANT Who's also a marshal, right? Other guards join the lieutenant's ranks. YVORI I can explain. LIEUTENANT (scolding) Wait! I am not finished. And, you have a dead princess. YVORI I did not kill her. LIEUTENANT The same princess everyone's been looking for... YVORI I know it looks bad. LIEUTENANT It looks bad. The lieutenant nods in agreement. YVORI I know it seems unbelievable. The guards move in closer with swords at the ready. LIEUTENANT Oh, I agree, it's unbelievable. Yvori reaches into his ancient black uniform.

4. LIEUTENANT(CONT'D) Stay your hand! YVORI Do not do this. Shut up. LIEUTENANT

SPFX: Yvori assumes a fighting stance as his karma erupts. SPFX: The karma of a marshal forms a visible spiritual blue aura of defense. Two of the guards drop their swords and run. Take him! LIEUTENANT(CONT'D)

YVORI Men, as your first sword swings all of you shall fall. SPFX: Yvori's indomitable spirit bestows itself forming a glyph of red energy around his body. SPFX: White flames flare from his eyes, hands, and feet. Another soldier drops his sword and flees past the watch tower gates. Steady! LIEUTENANT

SPFX: Yvori's sword leaps from her scabbard circling Yvori. SPFX: Dazzling lights emit brilliantly from the remarkable blade. SPFX: She sweeps down and crashes through the swords and shields of four soldiers. They now stand shieldless and weaponless. Come Azure. YVORI

The sword floats into Yvori's hand. Four more soldiers run away. The captain intervenes. CAPTAIN Stow your swords! All of the soldiers obey save the lieutenant. Yvori returns Azure to her scabbard.

5. Yvori regains his poised bearing. CAPTAIN(CONT'D) Princess Lorraine told me to be expecting you. YVORI I am here to deliver Princess Kara Vale's body and meet with Ranger Halleford. Show me. CAPTAIN

Yvori hands papers to the Captain and shows him his palm. SPFX: A spiritual tattoo of many colors physically manifests in its center. All marshals are identified this way. Go on. CAPTAIN(CONT'D)

YVORI I tried to explain. CAPTAIN We don't get too many like you in Ghellan. Like what? YVORI

CAPTAIN Like a foreigner. YVORI I see...I am not looking for trouble. CAPTAIN May the gods keep you so. LIEUTENANT But, Captain... CAPTAIN Lieutenant, you will respect his rank and office! The lieutenant sheaths his sword.

6. CAPTAIN(CONT'D) Very well, move on then, you'll find Halleford near the Big Oak Inn. Thank you. YVORI

CAPTAIN By the way, is that a great sword? YVORI It is a bastard. Incredible. CAPTAIN

YVORI And the gods keep her so. CUT TO EXT. MORTUARY - MORNING In the alley between the coffin maker's place and the supply store, Yvori removes Azure from her scabbard away from prying eyes. YVORI What is wrong with you? Yvori stares at Azure in his hands. YVORI(CONT'D) You have not acted this way for centuries. Yvori is met with silence. YVORI(CONT'D) (frustrated) I apologize. I know you have your reasons. SPFX: Azure floats from Yvori's hand back into her scabbard. Yvori walks back to the horses and unties a bundled body from the stallion. He carries her through the saloon-style doors to the coffin maker's place. COFFIN MAKER Is that the princess?

7. YVORI How did you know? COFFIN MAKER News travels fast here, marshal. I see. YVORI

COFFIN MAKER Did she suffer? Yvori holds Kara's body closer without saying a word. COFFIN MAKER(CONT'D) Well, you can set her down here. Yvori sets her bundled body down. COFFIN MAKER(CONT'D) They're gonna send people. YVORI Already? I have not solved this murder... COFFIN MAKER Some kinda fancy entourage. Who? YVORI

COFFIN MAKER Representatives from Joxia. The country of Joxia resides in the northeast region of Kelward. Joxian appear fair skinned with dark black hair. Joxian females have pointy ears. YVORI I understand. COFFIN MAKER(CONT'D) They call me Wes. YVORI Nice to meet you Wes. Wes looks back at the body. WES I hate unwrapping bundles.

8. YVORI I can imagine. WES It's the hardest part of the job. Why? YVORI

WES You never know what you're gonna see. YVORI That is the hardest part of my job too. WES Did you find the others? What others? YVORI

WES The other dead princesses. YVORI What say you? WES Princess Ariel Vinge of Typhoria... Typhorians are a winged folk who typically appear blonde haired, blue eyed, and pale skinned. WES(CONT'D) And, someone murdered Marina Regere... Yvori puts his head in his hands leaning forward in the chair. WES(CONT'D) The rightful princess of Nubia. YVORI I did not know... WES There may be twelve dead princesses when all is said and done.

9. YVORI I think I need some air... Yvori moves outside the coffin maker's place. YVORI(CONT'D) May you rest in peace, Marina. *giggles*. AZURE(V.O.)

YVORI It is not funny Azure. WOMAN Marshal, are you alright? A woman wearing spectacles looks up the short stairway at Yvori on the storefront porch. She is wearing a blue dress with white frilly undergarments protruding where they find a way. Yes. I... YVORI

WOMAN Marshal, would you mind speaking to my class today? YVORI Well. I have a... WOMAN It would mean a lot to the children. Uh, ma'am... YVORI

WOMAN I promise we won't keep you long. The woman walks up the porch and wipes his brow with her hankerchief. Ok. YVORI

WOMAN Mr. Kiley was supposed to help me, but he's probably off drinking again.

10. YVORI CUT TO INT. SCHOOL - MIDDAY Yvori walks down the school hallway peering into rooms packed with children. The woman and Yvori end up outside the door of one of the bigger classrooms. WOMAN Stay right here. Why? YVORI

I see...

WOMAN Because you're a surprise. Oh. YVORI

WOMAN I'll call you when I'm ready. Ok. YVORI

When she enters the classroom the children greet her in unison. CLASSROOM Hi Miss Akin! MISS AKIN Shhh. Miss Elkhorn isn't finished. Another teacher is busy teaching the children science. MISS ELKHORN Now, as I was saying... Miss Elkhorn begins again. She is wearing a red dress and her skin can be seen where the dress doesn't cover. Unlike Miss Akin, three of her buttons are undone from her neck to her full breasts.

11. MISS ELKHORN(CONT'D) Zatamari has how many months? CLASSROOM Ten...thirteen...Eleven... MISS ELKHORN(CONT'D) Zatamari has eighteen months. Each month lasts for sixty days. Miss Elkhorn continues as she points to the calendar. MISS ELKHORN(CONT'D) Zatamari has one ringed moon named Milieu. It is new on the 1st and full on the 30th. Some children write down what Miss Elkhorn explains. MISS ELKHORN(CONT'D) Well, that's it for science today. Miss Akin, they're all yours. MISS AKIN Okay class put away your things. Miss Elkhorn makes her way into the hallway. MISS ELKHORN Mr. Kiley, oh my... Ma'am, I... YVORI

MISS ELKHORN You've changed your voice too. Well... YVORI

MISS ELKHORN Yummy, let's play after school. Miss Elkhorn winks whilst seductively strolling away. MISS AKIN Colub, stand by the globe please. A tall strapping young man stands from his chair and walks over to a huge world globe next to the window. SPFX: Yvori's spirit-sense reveals blue and silver swirls of magic about him. Spirit-sense is a marshal's ability to perceive the spiritual makeup of things.

12. MISS AKIN(CONT'D) The continents of Zatamari are Kelward, Kapec and... GIRL There are only two. MISS AKIN Are you sure Sara? Miss Akin points to the globe, but Colub is busy looking out the window. Colub! MISS AKIN(CONT'D)

COLUB Sorry, Miss Akin. SARA But the globe is wrong. Explain? MISS AKIN

SARA My dad said Nubia is destroyed. Is that so? MISS AKIN

SARA Yes, because Nubia was a bad place. It was? MISS AKIN

SARA Yes, because the Nubians are bad people. MISS AKIN Are you sure? Sara slaps her hands down on her desktop. SARA Yes, because the only good Nubian is a dead Nubian! Other children clap with loud applause.

13. MISS AKIN Sara Mason, do you believe that? SARA Well, that's what my dad said. A tiny girl, no older than fourteen raises her hand. Her clothes are not as clean as the other children's and there is a hole in the bottom of her shoe. SPFX: Yvori's spirit-sense reveals a mass of rainbow-colored magical energies surrounding her like a blanket wrapped around a baby. TINY YOUNG GIRL How did it sink? BOY The gods did it, Chalice. TEENAGE GIRL There are no gods, Rone. MISS AKIN Well, this brings us to our special guest. CLASSROOM Special guest...what special guest? MISS AKIN It's time for history. Oh brother. RONE

MISS AKIN And, here he is... Miss Akin signals to Yvori to enter. Many students of various ages gawk at him as he walks to the front of the class. Some children shake in their seats. Teenage girls ever paling knuckles hold onto their coin purses tightly. Colub pulls out a wood knife and hides it in his hand next to the globe.

14. MISS AKIN(CONT'D) Do you recognize him from your textbook? COLUB He's a murderer! He's stupid. TEENAGE GIRL

MISS AKIN Quala Fann, you behave yourself! Quala refrains herself. MISS AKIN(CONT'D) Almanac, you go first. Who are you? ALM

YVORI I am Marshal Yvori Lelan. Rone's face takes on a shocking revelation. He slowly raises his crumb filled chunky hand into the air. Bits of food traipse down his arm, which is bruised at the elbow. RONE Miss Akin, that's not Mr. Kiley. MISS AKIN Rone Cade, did I call on you? Miss Akin pops out of her seat and marches over to Rone. She reaches through his labrador black hair and grabs his ear lobe. Owww! RONE

Miss Akin reaches down and grabs the sweet bread from his other hand. She holds it in front of his pudgy nose making Rone crosseyed for a moment.

15. MISS AKIN How many times do I have to tell you? Do not ruin this for the others. Miss Akin walks back to the front desk and sits down. MISS AKIN(CONT'D) Remember this is history, Colub, you're next. COLUB Why are you called the Butcher of Delsway? Delsway is the southern gulf of Kelward. YVORI At the battle of Delsway I cut out thousands of Helstat hearts. This earned me the title, "The Butcher of Delsway." The Helstat are a forceful culture, hardy in character and physique. They have deeply reddish tanned skin, dark hair and dark eyes. COLUB You did that? YVORI War is not theatre, Colub. Miss Akin smiles wisely as the children frantically turn the pages. MISS AKIN Do not believe everything you read. SARA How old are you? YVORI I am over 1000 years old. Chalice, the tiny sun red-haired girl slowly raises her hand during the confusion and asks a question. Her white blouse is torn at the shoulder. CHALICE Why do you wear a kite?

16. MISS AKIN That's not a kite, Chalice. CHALICE It's on his back. ALM No, it's a dart. RONE It's a boomerang. COLUB It's a sword. QUALA What do you see Miss Akin? MISS AKIN I see...I see a mace... RONE See, I told you he's not Mr.Kiley. SARA Are you going to the festival? YVORI What festival? ALM Kyline Lorraine is our patron mother. CHALICE Today is her festival! RONE Her death united the eleven kingdoms. COLUB As Nubia sank into the Dulreign Sea. A regal woman in a knight's attire enters the classroom. MISS AKIN Princess Lorraine! Miss Akin quickly curtsy's beside her desk as the princess passes by. The other girls in class do the same. The boys bow, save Colub, who valiantly kneels on bended knee with his wood knife lowered.

17. Princess Falkry Lorraine's hips seem to play a stirring melody as they partner with the weapons hanging from her waist. Her striking shiny armor is impressive. She walks over and grabs Yvori's hand. FALKRY This man saved my life in the Bralia Caverns... Bralia is a polar region in the north of Kelward. The children stand up with confused visages all around. FALKRY(CONT'D) Put that in your history books. A shocked Colub drops the wood knife. CUT TO INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - AFTERNOON Falkry leads Yvori down the school's hallway towards the exit. Teachers and students curtsy or bow as they pass. YVORI Thanks for your help with the kids. FALKRY Just come on... Soon they bump into a shabby looking twin of Yvori. He wears a sword on his back. FALKRY(CONT'D) Smells like the tavern came to us! YVORI Mr. Kiley I presume. Sorry... MR. KILEY

SPFX: Mr.Kiley transforms back into a balding, pudgy sixtyish man with a baggy black doublet, over a blue shirt and black breeches. Mr. Kiley is a wielder. Wielders control four types of benevolent magic. Wielder magic is usually defensive in nature. SPFX: Falkry continues to pull Yvori along. Yvori senses she

18. too is a wielder. SPFX: Yvori notices the hand Falkry is holding is engulfed in white flame. Falkry notices and pulls her hand away. FALKRY What are you doing? YVORI I am trying to control it. FALKRY Why did it tickle? YVORI It is not magic... Yvori retracts his hand. Stop it. FALKRY

SPFX: Yvori makes the flames snuff out in a heartbeat. CUT TO I/E. TAVERN- AFTERNOON A man in green leather armor walks towards the duo. SPFX: Yvori holds his head as a weird feeling comes over him. MAN Finally. I was getting worried. Man and Yvori shake hands like old friends MAN(CONT'D) Thanks again for saving us in Bralia. YVORI We saved each other, Halleford. HALLEFORD And, recovered the princess' body. The party walks into The Big Oak Inn's tavern. They are seated by a buxom barmaid who brings them food and ale.

19. HALLEFORD(CONT'D) The quest will be difficult and time consuming. YVORI I understand. FALKRY The king of the eleven kingdoms seeks an heir. HALLEFORD King Tulane will appoint a princess. FALKRY He has declared a quest for Verve's Headdress. HALLEFORD The princess who finds it will become the queen of the eleven kingdoms. YVORI Does the artifact actually exist? Suddenly, loud bangs interrupt the party from outside of the tavern. Crowds can be seen through the windows moving towards the city gates. HALLEFORD The festival must be starting. YVORI This may shine some light on the princess assassinations... FALKRY We'll see soon enough. YVORI At least three princesses are dead. FALKRY There must be more to this quest. Falkry looks at Yvori dead in the eyes. Ale? FALKRY(CONT'D)



Barmaid slams her hips into the table knocking food and drink all over the place! BARMAID Marshal, come quick, it's the troupe! The troupe are a guild of duelist casters who enforce the king's edicts. Casters employ offensive elemental magic. They answer solely to King Tulane. CUT TO EXT. WATCH TOWER GATES - DUSK People holding everything from knives to pitch forks surround solid red cloaked Grysome men. Each wears a red half-circle cloak with a green renaissance shirt covered by a black swordsman's vest. The Grysome are an exciting race with feline ears, plume green hair, light honey skin, and singkit purple eyes. As for being singkit, there are degrees and variations. As for purple eyes, they are all cat-like. Several filleted dead guards are awkwardly strewn across the earthen road. The lieutenant's hand is chopped off laying on the road with his silver sword still in it. Off to the side, one of the red cloaked men is holding Chalice by her arm. He stands over Mr.Kiley who is laid belly up on the road with his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth. A huge knot protrudes from his baldish forehead. Chalice arcs a bolt of electricity with her eyes at the man holding her, but the he ignores it as if it is nothing. GRYSOME MAN We serve the king. YVORI Release her at once! Yvori shows his palm.

21. GRYSOME MAN We're performing our duty marshal. SPFX: Yvori's spirit-sense reveals him to be a kind soul. YVORI Kidnapping a child? GRYSOME MAN Converting two wielders. YVORI By kidnapping an innocent child? GRYSOME MAN You know the law, marshal. YVORI Kidnapping is not allowed by the law. A moment of stillness occurs between them. GRYSOME MAN I challenge you to a duel for the girl. YVORI What about Mr. Kiley? GRYSOME MAN You can have the drunk. Yvori reaches for Azure, but she will not come out of her scabbard. YVORI (whispering) Azure, I said I was sorry earlier. GRYSOME MAN Having trouble marshal? YVORI I do not need a blade. GRYSOME MAN This is a duel, not a wrestling match. The crowd and troupe snicker. Suddenly, Falkry's blade crosses the Grysome's. She is red in the face.


I accept.

SPFX: The troupe pay close attention to her glowing rapier and dirk. GRYSOME MAN Very well, wielder...princess. Yvori steps back as does the crowd. GRYSOME MAN(CONT'D) My name is Plaxtin, I am a troupe knight. FALKRY I am Lady Falkry Loraine, the Princess of Wyse. The background echoes of the villages sympathy obviously lay with their princess. YVORI Can she take them all? HALLEFORD They're about ten short, besides caster magic doesn't work on wielders... Six of the seven troupe surround Falkry as Plaxtin remains in front of her with Chalice in tow. Two of the duelists reflect the setting suns rays into Falkry's eyes with their katanas. Falkry remains calm as though she is merely engaged in simple conversation. Apparently, she is not worried about an attack from either flank or from the rear. Suddenly, two right-hand troupe aggressors, who think they see an opening attack both high and low! SPFX: Falkry clearly anticipates their moves as her magical rapier's blinding parries and ripostes cut off the head of the first attacker whilst disarming the second in one rapier stroke as she runs her dirk clean through the second's heart. YVORI Did you see that one coming?



Falkry's dirk extends through his studded leather, but remains covered by his red half-circle cloak. The poor dead soul convulses as Falkry easily uses his body as a human shield. SPFX: One of the left-hand troupe lunges on his turn, but Falkry's rapier treats him in similar fashion, a single magical slice fells his head unto the ground bathed in blood. All of this takes less time than to strike a piano key. Yana! WYSEWOMAN

HALLEFORD By the gods... SPFX: The biggest crazy-eyed troupe rushes dead on with a loud war cry after seeing the fate of his comrades; from the shocked expression upon his face, he did not realize his head was lopped off until it fell next to his heels. Falkry kicks the dead troupe off her dirk. Two other troupe think better of their first intention and run away. Plaxtin stands alone. YVORI (whispering) Have mercy... Plaxtin throws his sword down and lets go of Chalice. SPFX: It's swift the way Falkry runs her rapier through his neck all the way up to the hilt. No! YVORI(CONT'D)

She moves in close as blood floods out of his nostrils and he bares his blood stained teeth. A sickening gurgling sound purses from his blood drenched lips.

24. FALKRY Never the helpless, nor the children... SPFX: Falkry thrusts her rapier swiftly from side-to-side, wipes off the blood on her rapier and dirk onto Plaxtin's cloak and sheathes both weapons before his head hits the ground. SPFX: Yvori eyes erupt with red flame. He holds his hands together. His mouth drools. HALLEFORD Are you allright? YVORI (hoarse) It will pass... Papa! CHALICE

Chalice runs over to the lieutenant. Falkry comes over to Halleford and Yvori. FALKRY What's wrong with you? SPFX: Yvori's red flames dissipate. YVORI (hoarse) You should have spared him. FALKRY Never those who abuse children! The local magistrate shows up after the battle with horses close behind him. MAGISTRATE The king is not gonna like this... YVORI It was a legal duel. MAGISTRATE I'll get Wes. The magistrate walks off shaking his head.

25. FALKRY Let's see what's wrong with your sword. Wait. YVORI

SPFX: Azure leaps from her scabbard emitting an immense light and quickly points directly at Falkry's heart. Falkry remains calm. HALLEFORD It has a temper. FALKRY I wish my sword did. SPFX: Azure floats back into her scabbard. SPFX: Yvori's spirit-sense alerts him of Colub perched up on the branch of a tall tree overhead. CHALICE See papa, it's better now. SPFX: Chalice reattaches the lieutenant's hand perfectly to his arm. HALLEFORD She can wield and cast magic? YVORI No wonder the troupe showed up. LIEUTENANT My daughter's not going anywhere. CHALICE But they keep coming papa. SPFX: Colub appears next to Chalice in an instant. COLUB It's time to go Chalice. Go where? Physics. FALKRY COLUB

26. YVORI I knew the wood knife looked familiar. HALLEFORD Physics is a myth. YVORI The wielder safe haven does exist. The lieutenant stands up holding Chalice's hand. LIEUTENANT She's not going anywhere. COLUB You're a fool! HALLEFORD Watch your tongue, boy. COLUB She is safer with us. The magistrate returns with Wes. MAGISTRATE Whatever you're gonna do, better make it quick. The crowd is getting antsy. LIEUTENANT I love you Chalice. CHALICE I'll be fine papa. Colub asks the party to stand back as he holds Chalice close with one hand. He holds his pearl handle wood knife aloft in the other hand. COLUB I have a message for you marshal. A message? YVORI

COLUB From our seer... SPFX: Mysterious winds magically stir around. The lieutenant waves good-bye, Chalice waves back.

27. COLUB(CONT'D) Come to Physics when you find it. Find what? FALKRY

COLUB Close your eyes Chalice. Wait. FALKRY

SPFX: Broad bands of glaring white light emerge from the wood knife above Colub's head. SPFX: In seconds a rainbow colored hexagonal sphere of lights surround them and in a flash they are gone! Find what? HALLEFORD

YVORI The headdress I imagine. MAGISTRATE Better get outta here... The crowd moves towards the trio. Falkry, Halleford, and Yvori mount their horses. TEENAGE GIRL Go back to Nubia! YVORI (whispering) I wish I could. Damn kids. HALLEFORD

FALKRY It's not their fault. CUT TO EXT. BORDER STATION - MORNING The trio rides to the Altaria border station. Altaria is the capitol city of Kelward. The party is met by a Helstat man on Arabian horseback. The Helstat have athletic builds with reddish brown skin.

28. SUPERIMPOSE: Border Station - Morning. MAN Hail Princess Lorraine. FALKRY What news of Altaria, Major? MAJOR They await you. HALLEFORD How much farther? MAJOR Four days ride. FALKRY We'll need to water the horses. Major points towards Yvori. MAJOR Boy, unload the horses and water them there! I... YVORI

MAJOR Did you hear me boy? Apologize. FALKRY

Major signals to a soldier on horseback behind him. The soldier wheels his horse around and briskly darts towards Altaria. Major is slow to respond to Falkry. I will not. MAJOR

FALKRY He is my noble escort. MAJOR He is a slave peddler. SPFX: Falkry waves her hand with wielder magic. Major's Arabian bucks vigorously causing him to fall off. He sits on his butt holding his bloodied nose.

29. FALKRY (spiteful) Bow in my presence. MAJOR Slaver lover... Azarete soldiers bow as Falkry rides by. Azaretes are made up of mixed racial strains. The trio stops at the station. FALKRY Is it always like this? Yes. YVORI

Falkry brushes down her horse at the water trough. Yvori feeds his horse an apple there. FALKRY Why don't you fight back? Murder? YVORI

FALKRY Peace has a price, marshal. YVORI M'lady, I can handle myself. FALKRY You've proven it. YVORI I believe in peace. FALKRY Prejudice is not about your beliefs. No? YVORI

FALKRY It's about justice. Falkry's eyes are of fiery conviction.

30. YVORI It is better to serve justice than fight for it. FALKRY Serve who's justice? YVORI The answer eludes me. FALKRY We must fight! YVORI I am not so sure...why did you kill Plaxtin? FALKRY It's a long story. YVORI We have four days... FALKRY My reasons are just. Falkry walks away. Halleford exits the border station. He walks his horse over to the trough with a quirky smirk. HALLEFORD She fancies you. YVORI She is young. HALLEFORD You don't look much older. YVORI I am old enough to not kill so quickly. HALLEFORD Falkry was kidnapped when she was 9 years old. I see... YVORI

31. HALLEFORD She's had a problem with men ever since. YVORI She never married? No. HALLEFORD CUT TO EXT. GREAT GATES - MORNING The trio approaches eleven castle towers spiraling high from the center of Altaria that can be seen extending well above the city's black coral walls. The walls appear to be roughly refined. As if someone brought the walls here as black molten lava and set them before they cooled. Soldiers align the walls atop. A herald greets the trio at the gates. HERALD We'll need to secure your weapons. FALKRY Absolutely not. HERALD M'lady, it's a matter of... FALKRY Take it up with my uncle, King Tulane. Your uncle? YVORI

HERALD Open the gates. CUT TO INT. COURT HALL - DUSK The trio enters the castle keep and makes its way to the court hall. The kitchen and other service quarters are set connected just outside the court hall. Ornate tapestries adorn the court hall's colored glass windows and solid limestone floors.

32. An especially long and wide sea-green marble table of arcane make is mounted to the floor at the center. Eleven chairs, each with a placard representative of each kingdom, surround the table. The twelfth throne-like chair on one end is raised and nearest the chamber doors. The seal of the eleven kingdoms displays on the table top. Four majestic ladies are seated with their noble escorts standing behind them. HELSTAT WOMAN Late as usual, Falkry. FALKRY Fashionably, Marissa. Marissa stands in troupe garb with her hands on her hips rudely scowling at Falkry. Her two nobles beside her are also troupe knights. Wild blonde hair frames her distraught face with deep blue eyes full of venomous angst. Falkry walks past to the her chair. MARISSA Who's the foreigner? My escort. FALKRY

GURTH WOMAN You're joking, right? A Gurth woman frowns with long curly red hair, light reddish toned skin and delicious brown eyes. The Gurth are strong hunters who are close to nature. FALKRY Let it go, Dartha? Let it go? DARTHA

Dartha is stocky but femininely well built. She wears a red and blue tunic with white trim and cow-brown thigh high leather boots.

33. GRYSOME WOMAN What of your blades and Plaxtin? FALKRY It was a fair duel, Kayla... KAYLA Something stinks, Falkry... FALKRY How dare you... DARTHA Spare us the act, Falkry. AZARETE WOMAN You brought a slave-maker to the capitol court hall. And, Anais? FALKRY

Anais is a tall woman of mixed heritage. ANAIS It's disgusting. Marissa faces Yvori. Who are you? MARISSA

Yvori is interrupted by Halleford. HALLEFORD He's a marshal. ANAIS Marshals don't carry weapons. Suddenly, both chamber doors open wide. King Tulane enters with his royal entourage and a host of troupe knights ushering women and their children. Tulane is a well-groomed charismatic man with charcoal hair. He wears magnificent white gold armor with symbolic inlays. A bejewled crown rests squarely on his head. KING TULANE I have a gift for my niece. Mothers along with their children flood the court hall.

34. The princesses come to their feet. KING TULANE(CONT'D) These are Altaria's greatest treasures. Each child stands in front of a troupe knight on one side of the room. Their mothers watch-on with troupe knights from the other side in the same fashion. Tulane hands candy to each child as the princesess and their nobles smile and wave to them. KING TULANE(CONT'D) They are here to honor your arrival Lady Falkry. FALKRY It is I who is honored. Lady Falkry? Yes, milord. KING TULANE FALKRY

KING TULANE What of Plaxtin? The mood in the room is shot. Falkry turns pale. The children continue to smile and eat candy. Their mothers look worried. FALKRY S...Say again, milord? KING TULANE I said--what of Plaxtin? Falkry looks at all of the children's smiling faces. A single tear is seen as she turns to face their mothers. FALKRY Forgive me... KING TULANE Is your king to ask trice? FALKRY He died honorably.

35. KING TULANE Ah yes, I'm sure he did. Tulane snaps his jewelry clad fingers. With synchronized fashion each knight quickly draws their blade with their right hand ramming it through each mother's heart from the back whilst their left hand cusps each mother's face over the eyes and mouth. Swiftly the slayings continue with each knight pulling the mother's face back hard exposing the neck. They withdraw their blades from each mother's back and quickly slice deep across each mother's throat. All of this happens before any mother can plummett to the ground in a heap. SPFX: Yvori's eyes erupt with red flames. His mouth waters profusely. No! FALKRY

The children fight for their mothers, but they are quickly restrained by the troupe. The noble escorts quickly move to protect the princesses. Tulane quarrels with Falkry face-to-face. KING TULANE No one kills the troupe. Regret you. FALKRY

KING TULANE Lord's and ladies rule the kingdoms, but I rule the world! FALKRY Like this, uncle? KING TULANE You're the example why the constitution does not allow kingdom rulers to vie for the crown. FALKRY The constitution is wrong.

36. KING TULANE Wrong? The constitution allows a princess, like you, the crown this day. Why? FALKRY

KING TULANE There is good reason! Falkry points to the children. FALKRY The same reason you murdered their mothers? KING TULANE Falkry, you are a princess. It's time you act like one. FALKRY So I may become like you and orphan children? KING TULANE Even the children must honor the king! No! FALKRY

Falkry starts to draw her rapier and dirk. Troupe knights close with bloody blades pointed against her. Halleford puts his hand on his greatsword. SPFX: Yvori takes a fighting stance as red flames dance about his hands and feet too. Marissa does not draw her blade. The other weaponless princesses and their nobles can only watch. SPFX: Azure telepathically speaks to Yvori. AZURE(V.O.) Stop! You risk the childen!

37. KING TULANE How now niece? (taunting) Are you to coup the king? One of the surviving teary-eyed children signals Falkry to stop by slowly moving her head side-to-side. Milady... SURVIVOR

FALKRY I am a princess, not a usurper. Falkry lets go of her weapons. Troupe knights sheath their bloody blades. Halleford and Yvori regain their poised bearing. The servants start to remove the dead bodies. KING TULANE Stop...leave them lie! Lady Falkry will take each one to their families. M'lord? SERVANT

KING TULANE Falkry alone. The servants stop and return to their stations. King Tulane faces the surviving children. You may go. KING TULANE(CONT'D)

The surviving children leave looking at their slain mothers until it is impossible. TIME CUT INT. COURT HALL - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT Tulane and the princesses sit at the table. The noble escorts continue to stand behind them. The troupe knights line the walls of the room. An advisor and a troupe knight stand beside Tulane. The dead mothers continue to lie on the bloody limestone

38. floor. Occasional twitching can be heard from the bodies against it. KING TULANE How long has it been? YVORI (hoarse) About seventy years, m'lord. KING TULANE I thought you dead... Yvori continues to try and clear his throat. YVORI (hoarse)


KING TULANE You haven't aged a single hour... YVORI Nor have you, m'lord. KING TULANE Flattery serves you well, marshal. Dartha sits noticeably frustrated, but remains silent. KING TULANE(CONT'D) What of Plaxtin? YVORI It was a legal duel... The servants serve the princesses a feast amidst the chaos. No one eats. A few drink. Falkry struggles to keep her composure. Shame... It was. KING TULANE YVORI

KING TULANE No, I'm referring to the marshals. YVORI What of the marshals?

39. KING TULANE There's hardly any left. What? YVORI

KING TULANE Zeal, how many are left? Tulane turns in his chair to the troupe knight beside him. Zeal constantly wipes sweat from his clean cut handsome face. His shoulder length chestnut hair is neatly spruced, but a little wet too. ZEAL Three, including you, marshal. Three? YVORI

KING TULANE Soon, the troupe will solely enforce the law. Shame... YVORI

Tulane snaps his jewelry clad fingers again. The advisor announces like a town crier with scroll in hand. ADVISOR Hear ye, Hear ye all thee present... The troupe knights stand at attention. ADVISOR(CONT'D) This royal court is now in session... The princesses come to their feet. ADVISOR(CONT'D) Call through this hall and be recognized. Falkry leans towards Yvori's ear.

40. KAYLA I, Princess Kayla Kree of Grysotamia stand here. Kayla is lean yet proportionately muscled with well-endowed bosom. Mantis green hair with fiery red highlights outline an exquisite beauty featuring purple singkit eyes. Her face brings to light a refined highbrow. FALKRY (whispering) You were right. It's better to serve justice... YVORI (whispering) Who's justice? King Tulane's? ANAIS Princess Anais Ublic of the Azarete is present. Anais' long blonde hair is in a single braid down her back. A navy blue cloak covering a deep blue tunic with blue-dyed leather leggings regally promote her naive appearance. MARISSA Princess Marissa Jurel of the Helstat, at your service, sire. When Marissa speaks the troupe salute her. Marissa's brown locks fall wildly well over her shoulders like a lion's mane. DARTHA Princess Dartha Lour of the Gurth awaits, my liege. Dartha is a secular beauty of strong demeanor. FALKRY (shaken) I, the Princess of Wyse, stand humbly before you. ADVISOR Sire, your decree has wrought five princesses. Dartha points directly at Yvori.

41. DARTHA He doesn't belong here. Explain. KING TULANE

DARTHA He has no house. ADVISOR True sire, Nubia is not one of the eleven kingdoms. KING TULANE Ah yes, it is at the bottom of the sea. Chuckles and titters sound from many in the hall. FALKRY He's my noble escort, uncle. KING TULANE Well, he is a prince and a marshal. ADVISOR The constitution... KING TULANE The constitution forbids me to interfere with a marshal's investigations or warrants. ADVISOR Very well, sire. KING TULANE Shame you are not here for Princess Marina Regere. YVORI Representatives are coming for the body? KING TULANE Oh yes, but Altaria will be rather rank by that time. Troupe snickering seeps into the discussion. YVORI What brought her to Altaria?

42. KING TULANE My decree was justly offered to every kingdom. DARTHA Would my king allow Nubia the fate of the crown? Tulane slams his ring clad fist upon the table afore the princesses. SPFX: There is a flash of light similar to lightning where he strikes. Yet, neither fist nor table are harmed. KING TULANE Dartha, we will honor the constitution in this matter. Dartha's face is angry, but she says nothing more. Tulane waves off his entourage including the troupe knights. Zeal remains behind. KING TULANE(CONT'D) Being here means you are the strongest of twelve royal women. ANAIS What's this all about, milord? KING TULANE An evil, content on knocking the crown into the hazard. KAYLA What could overthrow the collective power of twelve kingdoms? KING TULANE I imagine the same thing that killed Princess Puna Chai of Yerque. The Yerque are an amphibious race who reside on land, but are able to fully function underwater. They have honey brown skin, brown eyes, and brown hair. Their normal looking ears double as gills. Zeal withdraws a map from behind the king's chair and unfolds it on the table.

43. KING TULANE(CONT'D) There is a wicked errant roaming the lands in a shrouded darkness. Its power grows undisturbed and we must fear its foul malevolence. ZEAL This is the location of the realm's salvation. Zeal points to a location on the world map. HELSTAT NOBLEMAN 1 There's nothing there but water? A wiry nobleman of modest height squints through spectacles at the map. A bulky Azarete nobleman, with a stomach familiar to lager, bumps him out of the way. AZARETE NOBLEMAN 1 There is land there Stoddard, but who would dare the wraith's charter? The wraith's charter rests on the equator of Zatamari in the heart of the Skull Sea. The Skull Sea is a restricted boundary set to protect trade routes inside the Dulreign Sea. The Dulreign Sea covers an expanse from the north eastern hemisphere to the south eastern hemisphere of Zatamari. STODDARD What are you talking about, Kalp? KALP Deadly waters reside there in the Skull Sea. HALLEFORD As does the Barchan Zephyr. HELSTAT NOBLEMAN 2 Barchan Zephyr? A young Helstat nobleman not far from his mother's bosom stands tall and thin peering down at the map.

44. HALLEFORD A curtain wall of tidal waves and high winds which start at the corners of the Skull Sea during the summer solstice and finally come together in its center when the solstice ends, Pharkett GURTH NOBLEMAN 1 Ha! It's an impenetrable column of storms jetting straight into the sky continuing to the stars, I've survived the power of it once. A charismatic knight wearing a platinum coat of ringmail details the Barchan Zephyr. PHARKETT Did you make it through, Hoth? HOTH No, the barchan's power is too great, surrounding the island like a vigilante guardian. AZARETE NOBLEMAN 2 You're forgetting about the doldrums. An Azarete nobleman of moderate height yet powerfully built brings up the current state of the Skull Sea. The tattoo of a mermaid runs down the length of his right arm. HALLEFORD Plink's right. Managing to navigate through the doldrums now will take considerable time... PLINK Timing makes it nigh impossible to get back. GURTH NOBLEMAN 2 Who would dare such a journey? This Gurth nobleman is an imposing figure with lantern-jawed patrician face. KING TULANE I have, Mant.

45. MANT You, my lord? KING TULANE Only four of us survived... KAYLA What happened? Tulane's voice shakes as his eyes fill with fright. He tells of his horrific account with anxiety in his eyes. KING TULANE There is a vile corner of the world called Equinox. Its lands are filled with tombs where a thousand souls are lost. Make swift your fated journey there and return as fast as you can. For if the doldrums cease the winds, you will die a soulless man. A serpent's trail will lead you through a perverted site's quagmire. Before you reach a distorted mass in front of your heart's desire. Continue across the molten land to an abyssal keep. In the keep's center isle is the treasure that you seek. Hurry now and turn back around towards whence you came. Or you will die like other fools who are too long dead to name. Tulane stares at the colored glass windows. KING TULANE(CONT'D) (mumbling) Poor Tressa, what it did to her. ANAIS What happened to her? KING TULANE The gods horror... Milord? FALKRY

KING TULANE You seek Verve's Headdress.


The goddess?

KING TULANE Yes Yanxo, the queen of the gods. STODDARD But, there are no gods. KING TULANE Remember your station, Stoddard! Stoddard's eyes become wide with worry. He glances down at the dead mothers and bellows a large gulp. STODDARD Please pardon me...m'lord. KING TULANE If you do not return in a month. I will reveal your deaths to your respective kingdoms. MARISSA Why not send the troupe m'lord? KING TULANE Marissa, no prince will save Zatamari. And, troupe magic can not retrieve what we need. YVORI I do not understand. KING TULANE Only a woman of noble birth can wear Verve's Headdress. And, only she can save us all... Tulane exits the court hall with Zeal. Falkry stoops to pick up a dead mother. Yvori and Halleford start to help her. FALKRY No. Bring me a shovel. Halleford leaves to get a shovel. Yvori trails behind Falkry through the hallways to the castle keep doors. Families await her there. A father spits on her. Another

47. slaps her. All are weeping. Falkry hands off the mother, turns around and retrieves another. As time passes, Falkry remains with the families helping bury the dead under lantern light throughout the night. Yvori makes his way back to the court hall. PLINK It's thirty five hundred miles to reach Nether Lake... DARTHA Princess Ariel was murdered there. PLINK A thousand more to reach the port city of Azarete... Home. ANAIS

PLINK Several hundred miles at sea to find Equinox... HOTH During the summer solstice. KALP It'll be a humid hell in the Skull Sea. PLINK Leaving us less than six days to make it back. GRYSOME NOBLEMAN 2 We're running out of time. Aye Yinxo. PLINK

Servants enter and begin to quickly clean the blood from the floors. The servants also clean food and drink from the table. KALP Better than staying in this hall keep.


Castle keep. Hall keep!

STODDARD Technically, it's a castle keep. PLINK See, I told you. Servants finish cleaning and retire for the evening. Yinxo stares at Yvori's blade through his plume green hair. YINXO Who made your katana? KALP Katana? It's a broadsword. HOTH Ha! You're as blind as bats. It's a saber. STODDARD It's a battle-axe you nitwits. YANXO It looks like my katana. MANT What kind of sword is it? YVORI It is a bastard. DARTHA I'm sure it is. Dartha interrupts. DARTHA(CONT'D) Thus, the fables are true, Yvori Lelan. Fables? YVORI

DARTHA A cursed prince with a forbidden sword from a sunken land, doomed to roam Zatamari forever...



DARTHA Mant...Hoth, we leave this night. What? MARISSA

HALLEFORD You rush to a fool's death Dartha. Dartha leaves with Mant and Hoth. She is hotly followed by Marissa and Anais. MARISSA Stoddard, Pharkett...we have an early morning ahead of us. ANAIS Kalp, Plink, we too should retire. HALLEFORD I'm going to check on Falkry. Yvori is left alone in the court hall. CUT TO INT. COURT HALL - MIDNIGHT Yvori sits at the court hall table. He hears the castle keep's chimes at midnight. SPFX: His spirit-sense alerts him and he looks over his shoulder to find Marina Regere hovering. Something has bore a hole through her stomach and out her back. A wormy slime oozes out her guts and down her legs. Her intestines are rotten and her eye sockets are filled with flies. The rags she wears are remnants of a black royal dress. Her arms are flush with pox and a black fog covers each of her hovering steps. REVENANT Come my love, let us embrace once more. Marina? YVORI

SPFX: Marina swoops down and tackles Yvori. His karma and indomitable spirit erupt automatically. The evil corpse gets

50. away and whirls about in the air like a tornado to snuff the white flames out. Come Azure! YVORI(CONT'D)

SPFX: Azure flies into Yvori's hand. MARINA I will have my vengeance! Marina races like a blur towards the chamber doors. A couple of troupe knights enter with their weapons drawn to investigate the ruckus. Aaargh! TROUPE KNIGHT 1

SPFX: Marina throws one against the wall on the other side of the room. SPFX: She breaks the second's neck with her merciless claw. Yvori is on his feet now chasing after Marina. He leaps over the table in pursuit. Marina bellows a hideous laugh. YVORI Stop, Marina! More troupe come racing down the main hallway firing crossbows. Their weapons are useless. SPFX: Marina flies barreling through them like a bowling ball striking down pins. She turns the corner and is gone. Help! TROUPE KNIGHT 4

YVORI Tell your men to stay back! Yvori races down the hallway past the bowled over troupe. SPFX: He barely catches a glimpse of Marina ramming through the kitchen doors causing them to fall off their hinges. He makes it to the kitchen and races inside to find a cook facing off with Marina.

51. COOK

Not tonight!

Battered pans, broken stools, and fiery ovens encumber the chaotic scene. SPFX: Yvori notices the cook to be holding a redknife with searing red light coming from it. Abscondi... YVORI

The abscondi are a vast organized network of spies. The cook swings wildly and manages to cut into Marina's flesh. Marina backs off a bit buying the cook some time to quickly harness his red belt buckle to his wrist. It proves to be some type of buckler shield. Regret you! MARINA

The cook kicks a pot cabinet with his boot that's hooked up to some sort of pulley system. The scrunched shaft of his taupe short boot warps down revealing a tucked serpentine dagger aside fine tools on an anklet belt. SPFX: The pot cabinet screeches across the kitchen floor with clanks and clinks. A pressure plate sprouts out of the kitchen floor as a trap door flies open. MARINA Die abscondi! The cook jumps down the trapdoor and Marina flies down after him. Yvori dashes to the trapdoor and down he goes. He lands on his feet like a panther, looks up, and finds Marina and the cook embraced. SPFX: Marina's claws are wrappped around the cook's throat, but his redknife is buried to the hilt in her side. Marina's dead flesh crackles and pops as it burns. Stop! YVORI

Yvori tackles Marina down in the dark cellar way tunnel. He can hear the cook's lungs refill with air as he wrestles

52. with Marina. SPFX: Marina and Yvori become engulfed in wild white flames. Marina stops struggling as her human visage returns. MARINA Do you still love me? YVORI I will always love you, Marina. SPFX: Soon, Marina's corpse and spirit fade away as white wisps of flame and smoke. ABSCONDI (choking) Thanks, marshal. Yvori moves fast and lifts up the abscondi by his blue cook's overcoat from his dank seated place. SPFX: He controls his white flames so they do not burn him. YVORI Was it you abscondi? Did you kill Princess Marina Regere? No. ABSCONDI

YVORI Liar--She came for you. ABSCONDI I know, YVORI Talk fast abscondi. ABSCONDI It tried to kill us and I... YVORI What tried to kill you? ABSCONDI Some sort of monster. YVORI Why should I believe a leader of the underworld? ABSCONDI Because it's the truth. SPFX: Yvori's spirit-sense reveals the abscondi is being

53. truthful. He sets him down, but keeps ahold of him. ABSCONDI(CONT'D) How'd you know? YVORI You have one of ten redknives from the goddess Altruist. Yvori grabs the wrist of the abscondi and holds it up with the redknife. YVORI(CONT'D) Each leader of the abscondi carries one. ABSCONDI Your wisdom serves you well, marshal. YVORI You left her to die? ABSCONDI I was afraid... Afraid? YVORI

ABSCONDI It was some sort of...octopus man. YVORI Words prove nothing. ABSCONDI You have to believe me... YVORI Believe a governor of thieves and assassins? ABSCONDI Come now marshal, I have information. YVORI Do you think me easily swayed by abscondi propaganda? ABSCONDI Don't be a fool, marshal.

54. YVORI What is this about then? Power. Go on. ABSCONDI YVORI

ABSCONDI Verve's Headdress will do more than make someone queen. It makes the wearer a goddess and... Troupe knights can be heard approaching. ABSCONDI(CONT'D) Let me go, marshal. Why? YVORI

ABSCONDI I'm trying to save your life like I tried to save Marina's. SPFX: Yvori's spirit-sense reveals he tells the truth. He let's him go. ABSCONDI(CONT'D) Don't go to Equinox. You are sure to die if you do... YVORI I can take care of myself. ABSCONDI Sometimes a drowning man throws back the life preserver. YVORI You owe me your life. ABSCONDI What will you tell the troupe? YVORI There is more at stake here than us. The abscondi starts to sneak away, but then he stops, and turns back around facing Yvori.

55. ABSCONDI I loved Marina. SPFX: Yvori's spirit-sense reveals he tells the truth once more. SPFX: The abscondi merges into the darkness as smoothly as breath merges into the air. CUT TO I/E. STABLES - MORNING The party meets up at the stables prepared for the journey. The party includes four additional horses leading packmules. Dartha and her nobles are long gone. FALKRY Helluva night. Yeah. YVORI

The party sets off through the Kelward countryside. CUT TO EXT. ROAD - NEXT DAY HALLEFORD We've got company. Seven horsemen line the crossroad up ahead. An Athinuit woman is strewn over the middle one's black stallion. The Athinuit are a hermetic people prefering colder climates. Their deep green eyes and thin brown hair is unmistakeable. Marissa spies ambushers in the not-too-far off woodline. She slyly alerts the party who unsheaths their weapons. Yvori greets the horsemen. Well met. YVORI

HORSEMEN 1 There will be no mercy, marshal.

56. YVORI You are a long way from home Vuladian. The Vuladian are very smooth skinned with a silver hue. The body of their hair is blue, but the ends are bright red. VULADIAN Kelward will soon be our home. Is that so? YVORI

VULADIAN Kill them all, but leave the marshal for me. In an instant, a hail of crossbow bolts shower the party from the woodline. SPFX: A defensive Azure leaps from her scabbard blocking bolts heading towards Yvori. She then darts off into the woods. SPFX: Caster fire from Marissa and Stoddard torch ambushers charging from the woods. Pharkett's lightning bolts scatter the horses and packmules in every direction. The Vuladian lifts the head of the dead woman on his stallion. A whip has peeled her skin away from the bone on her back. Dried blood trickle traces over her bound hands and gagged mouth. Her face holds the epitome of death within it. He throws her body to the ground. YVORI Princess Saphira... The Vuladian dismounts and moves forward with whip in hand. SFX: Azure's merciless laugh haunts the battlefield after every one she kills. VULADIAN Time for your lashing, boy. SPFX: Yvori's indomitable spirit glyph's and his karma erupts. The Vuladian lashes repeatedly with the whip at Yvori. But, Yvori is able to dodge the combination of whip strikes and move in. A punch to the kidney makes the Vuladian wince. A punch to his solar plexus has the air flee his lungs. Yvori sweeps his legs knocking him down. His back lands hard against the

57. unforgiving ground. Yvori ends up on top of the Vuladian establishing a burning choke hold. YVORI Who sent you? VULADIAN (choking) It comes for thee... Suddenly, a crossbow bolt strikes the Vuladian square in the head. A lash from behind wraps around Yvori's neck. He jumps backwards into a somersault with the tug of the lash. When he lands on his feet he's facing another whilst pulling the whip hard and fast. The Vuladian tumbles forward unable to catch himself. When he stands back up Azure is pointed directly below his belt. YVORI Azure, we need him alive. No. AZURE(V.O.)

SPFX: Azure gores brutally through his groin. The priest squeals like a pig being slaughtered. Yvori looks around and catches a glimpse of Kayla turning a man's arm to dust. Yinxo and Yanxo fight in a unique tandem slaying attackers. SPFX: Halleford cleaves a Vuladian in-two with his mighty greatsword. Falkry places her boot against the face of a dead priest whilst pulling her rapier from his ear. SPFX: Blood spews out of him like steam ejecting from a fissure. SPFX: Marissa and her noble's castings reap a pile of attackers dead around them. Anais and Plink emerge from the woods carrying Kalp. SPFX: Azure spins in the air like a fan throwing blood and fleshy stuff everywhere.


It is done. Gangway!

Kayla rushes over and kneels down at Kalp's side placing her hand on his chest. She carefully removes the bolt from his ribs. KAYLA I smell bleeder poison. PLINK The shooter used this... Plink holds up a fancy type of heavy crossbow. Kayla places her hand on Kalp's neck. KAYLA I'm sorry, he's dead. PLINK Damn it Kalp. ANAIS I will not bury him here amongst this wretched lot. MARISSA Hmpf. I didn't know you were a healer? Kayla looks up at Marissa. KAYLA You'll need a wielder who can heal on this journey. Marissa, Stoddard, and Pharkett move away from the party into a clearing. SPFX: The three of them cast together forming dark clouds and rain where the trees and grass burn. The flames disappear. SPFX: The three of them cast again and unearth a giant plot of land. Dirt particles fill the air causing some of the party to cover their noses. YANXO What are you doing?

59. MARISSA Burying the bodies. Yvori, Plink, and Anais carry Kalp's body along with Princess Saphira Na further up the Road. HALLEFORD All free hands help me find what horses and packmules we can. Yvori, Plink, and Anais talk amongst themselves. ANAIS I never realized the troupe were so powerful. PLINK Aye princess, they saved our ass this day. ANAIS Let's not forget they lynch innocent wielders. YVORI There's nothing innocent about these attackers. SPFX: In the b.g., Marissa and her nobles can be seen creating a great gust of winds that topple the dead bodies end-over-end into the makeshift mass grave. CUT TO EXT. CAMPSITE 1 - NIGHT Halleford inspects the crossbow near the campfire. The symbol of a whip is engraved on the lath of the weapon whilst a horde of creatures is intricately carved on the tiller. An extraordinary crannequin rests on the heavy crossbow's top. HALLEFORD I've not seen the like. I have. Where? ANAIS YINXO

60. ANAIS The trinity high priests in Azarete carry them. The Trinity is a dark religion on Zatamari. YVORI Lady Domina allows them a cathedral? ANAIS My mother loves the religion's coin. MARISSA Among other things... ANAIS What mean you, Marissa? MARISSA Well, she's had many lovers. ANAIS I know who my father is Marissa. And, he gave me my last name. STODDARD I've not heard of the Ublic family? ANAIS It's not a family name. It means "good fortune". KAYLA Let's concentrate on the big picture. FALKRY Yes, we're headed to Azarete. PHARKETT How many more trinity await us there? Everyone turns to Anais for an answer. ANAIS It's hard to say. PLINK Their scallywags scour the streets nightly for converts.

61. ANAIS They would not dare attack us inside Azarete. PLINK Aye, it would be a fool's errand. YVORI Regardless, all of today's attackers were Vuladian. HALLEFORD What's it mean? YVORI Vuladian's's and the trinity want the princesses dead. Yvori stares off beyond the campfire. YVORI(CONT'D) (mumbles) I am honored. STODDARD Who are you talking to? YVORI I am greeting our dead friends. SPFX: Princess Saphira Na and Kalp's spirits communicate with Yvori through his spirit-sense. A black fog crawls adrift about Saphira's feet. FALKRY You can hear them...see them? Yes. YVORI

HALLEFORD By the gods... PLINK Where are they? YVORI Saphira stands by Falkry. Kalp sits next to you. Plink springs to his feet in a hurry. What? PLINK

62. YVORI Kalp says he'll see you on the other side. Plink mistakenly faces the opposite direction of Kalp. PLINK You'll be waiting forever you pompous fart. MARISSA What of Saphira? YVORI She says beware the bite and to stand still at the web. YINXO What's that mean? YVORI Spirits usually give priceless information. YANXO We should figure it out. SPFX: The spirits fade away. YVORI They are gone. HALLEFORD Well, we found enough horses, but we didn't find the mules. ANAIS So many dead already. PLINK Aye, Princess... YINXO Does your blade always disobey you? The party turns to Yvori. STODDARD Be careful, lest the blade hear you. SPFX: A cyan glow gleams from Azure's pommel.

63. YVORI Azure protects me. STODDARD It's the forbidden and you can't control it. KAYLA (chuckles) Who named it that? STODDARD I know the history of the blade. I studied it at our library. HALLEFORD Really, please enlighten us. YVORI I have little faith in Helstat history. STODDARD That cursed blade is the intelligent sword of Reign, the king of the gods. The blade fell in love with him and grew jealous of Verve. One dreadful night Reign awoke to the ferocious blade murdering Verve as she slept beside him. Reign tried to stop the wretched blade, but he too was slain. The remaining gods fought the wicked blade for days, but were destroyed along with the heavens. Gamble, the god of luck, and the last to be struck down by the horrific weapon cursed the evil blade as the forbidden. SPFX: Azure stirs violently on Yvori's back and leaps from her scabbard into the air. All colors of light strobe in every direction from the blade. SPFX: Azure hovers brightly over the campfire swinging like a pendulum. SFX: Azure lets out an agonizing shrill that could wake every nearby dead. AZURE(V.O.) Lies, lies, all lies! The party backs away from the campfire in a hurry.

64. AZURE(CONT'D) I never raised hand nor brow against my love. YVORI Be still Azure. AZURE(V.O.) I will not be still when one spews forth such false truths. STODDARD Please forgive me great blade... Stoddard backs away stepping all over Halleford's feet. Owww! HALLEFORD

Pharkett tries to cast at the blade, but Marissa tackles him to the ground before he can. MARISSA Yana, do you want to die? Yinxo and Yanxo guard Kayla. Anais and Plink stand behind Yvori. AZURE(V.O.) Once I was fond of the Helstat, but you have ruined their place with me Stoddard. SPFX: Falkry moves inbetween Azure hovering over the fire and Stoddard. The flames from the campfire do not harm her. She extends her hand to touch Azure and her finger is quickly pricked. FALKRY Ouch! You're a woman. AZURE(V.O.) I am Radiance, Verve's little sister. STODDARD But, Verve didn't have a... Halleford punches Stoddard in the face knocking him out cold. HALLEFORD I promise to take his watch.

65. FALKRY You fell in love with your sister's husband? AZURE(V.O.) I took Reign as my own. FALKRY I am honored to meet you, Radiance. AZURE(V.O.) Falkry, you have my respect. CUT TO EXT. CAMPSITE 1 - MIDNIGHT Falkry and Yvori watch over the party as they sleep. FALKRY Remarkable goddess. YVORI I never knew she was till this night. Odd. FALKRY

YVORI She will not talk to me like you. FALKRY Women have their reasons, Yvori. I am sure. YVORI

Yvori and Falkry think they hear something off in the woods, but nothing is there. FALKRY You're a hard one to figure out, Yvori. YVORI What do you mean? FALKRY You're a slave owner turned humble marshal.



FALKRY A prince without a kingdom. YVORI What are you getting at? FALKRY A man accompanied by the goddess, Radiance. YVORI I call her Azure. FALKRY (chuckles) Excuse me...Azure. YVORI What is so funny? FALKRY You're so male, Yvori. YVORI I do not understand. Exactly. FALKRY

Falkry moves in closer to Yvori. FALKRY(CONT'D) I was betrothed once. YVORI What happened? FALKRY He refused to marry a woman who does what she wants. Who was he? YVORI

FALKRY Prince Misammi Kree of Grysotamia. YVORI So, that is how you know Kayla.



Falkry and Yvori think they hear something else, but again it is nothing. Would you? FALKRY(CONT'D)

YVORI Would I what? FALKRY Would you marry a woman who does what she wants? YVORI I would never stand in your way. Falkry and Yvori passionately kiss. Falkry walks away and lies down next to Halleford by the campfire. SPFX: Azure speaks to Yvori telepathically. AZURE(V.O.) At least you didn't sleep with her. YVORI (whispering) Must you Azure? AZURE(V.O.) You fancy her. YVORI (whispering) Why did you reveal who you are tonight? Yvori is met with dead silence. TIME CUT EXT. LAKE - NIGHT The party approaches the southern shore of a great lake. Strewn encampments float atop the lake's waters and some are atop trees.

68. PHARKETT What happened here? FALKRY Some of them are dead soldiers. MARISSA Several dead troupe are here too. STODDARD Look at all the dead children... Falkry dismounts and pukes. Yinxo and Yanxo search for clues amidst the deathly chaos. The party reacts to the terrible smell. KAYLA Princess Ariel died here. PLINK The horses can't drink this water mates. YINXO What killed them? HALLEFORD It seems a beast of some sort. KAYLA Falkry, what are you doing? Falkry lines a row of stones to form a perimeter. FALKRY I'm wielding up a barrier. YVORI Do not bother. Why? ANAIS

YVORI Dartha says it is useless. SPFX: Dartha and her nobles' spirits stand on the lake's shore. A black fog crawls where their feet once were. SPFX: They point to the north suggesting the party follow, by means of shambled souls, missing parts, and speechless mouths. Yvori follows them up a hilly knoll amidst a path of

69. corpses. The party follows closely behind him with lighted sconce torches. They all come to a grassy cave atop the hill. The cave is fitting for a giant grizzly bear. Dartha, Mant and Hoth, stop, point, and stare. MONSTER It was in my grasp; all I had to do was accept it. But, I ran...and now look at me...look at me! SPFX: A monstrous creature emerges from the cave into the torch light holding a reflective silver flask. It has the face of a bat, long blonde hair on its head, and light brown marsupial fur covers its naked torso. Below its waist is the form of a beetle with mirror-like dragon fly wings anchored onto its back. PHARKETT Tressa, is that you? TRESSA Pharkett, tis I, your aunt. PHARKETT What happened to you? Xensobar... TRESSA

SPFX: Tressa cries an unnatural laugh with creepy resolve as she swiftly soars high into the air like a dragonfly. STODDARD She flew past the trees. PHARKETT Do you see her? Anais points. ANAIS She went that way. FALKRY Stay together. PHARKETT My magic won't work...she moves too fast! SPFX: Her mirror-like wings grant a unique camouflage against the starlit sky.

70. PHARKETT(CONT'D) AAAARRRGGGHHHH! KAYLA She's got Pharkett! SPFX: Tressa flies behind Pharkett wrapping her arms and beetle legs around him. She gnaws into his neck several times. SPFX: Yanxo rushes her with his katana drawn. Tressa uses one of her wings to slice him in-half at the waist whilst his katana is in mid thrust. Yanxo never sees it coming. SPFX: Tressa zips high back into the air carrying Pharkett. SPFX: Azure leaps from her scabbard. YANXO! Yana... YINXO KAYLA

FALKRY Get closer, don't separate. Falkry and Marissa cover Yinxo who mourns over his brother. Pharkett's body is thrown from the treetops striking down Halleford, Plink and Yvori. SPFX: Azure races towards Tressa. SPFX: Tressa swoops down upon Kayla. The two wrestle on the ground. Tressa turns into dust where Kayla touches. Azure hacks into Tressa's wings at every opportunity. Kill her! STODDARD

SPFX: By the time the party can reach Kayla, Tressa is dead. Her head and upper torso are dust. Black wisps of smoke linger up from her destroyed wings. The rest of her carcass lies in a heap. SPFX: Azure spins in the air and returns to her scabbard. SPFX: Dartha and her nobles fade away. KAYLA What could do this...what could change a woman so?

71. FALKRY Do you see her spirit? No. YVORI

YINXO What of Yanxo...Pharkett? No. YVORI

HALLEFORD Tulane said she was with him at Equinox. KAYLA He knew what she was... Regret him! FALKRY

Marissa and Stoddard bury Pharkett, Yanxo and Tressa's remains atop the hill. Yvori stays behind and inspects the cave blotched with piles of mixed trinkets and jewelry throughout. He spies a chubby ferret with a locket in its mouth. YVORI I know it's you Mr. Kiley. SPFX: Mr. Kiley transforms back into his normal form. Sorry. MR. KILEY

YVORI No you are not, Mr. Kiley. MR. KILEY I know better than to match wits with a marshal. YVORI You pour ale on your clothing? MR. KILEY It's convenient at times. YVORI What are you doing Mr. Kiley?

72. MR. KILEY I work for Physics. YVORI In what capacity? Mr. Kiley sits and grins back at Yvori. YVORI(CONT'D) I need that locket, Mr. Kiley. MR. KILEY I was going to ask you for Kara's. Why? YVORI

SPFX: Mr. Kiley quickly transforms into a bald eagle and jets out of the cave with the locket in his beak. YVORI(CONT'D) You could have stopped him, Azure. AZURE(V.O.) I like Mr. Kiley. Yvori pulls out Princess Kara Vale's platinum locket and reads the inscription inside, "Love Always, Lord Rynoc". CUT TO EXT. CAMPSITE 2 NETHER LAKE SHORE The foot of sunrise delivers morning art upon canvas sky reflected on the lake's calm waters top. SPFX: A familiar smell invades Yvori's nostrils as his spirit-sense fires wildly. Again Yvori holds his head in his hands, as a weird rush comes over him. YVORI Gamble, you knew about Radiance? GAMBLE Just give me the blade and your worries will be gone. Gamble sits right next to Yvori. SPFX: The party is fast asleep as if they can not hear a single word being spoken. Gamble has boyish looks and a cat-like appearance. He wears a golden longbow and his feline eyes blink like a panther's when he speaks.

73. YVORI You are a god, why not take it? GAMBLE No one can take that blade. YVORI Why not tell me of Radiance? GAMBLE You were not ready. YVORI Ready for what? Xensobar... GAMBLE

SPFX: A cyan light beams forth from Azure, then quickly dies down. YVORI What is Xensobar? Your fate. GAMBLE

YVORI I love Azure. As do I. GAMBLE

YVORI What say you? GAMBLE I left a goddess and a daughter for Radiance. But... SPFX: Gamble bounces up and strolls through the campfire without disturbing it at all. He leaps up into a nearby oak tree and nestles down on a long sturdy branch. YVORI Ah, I see, you love the goddess. GAMBLE And, you love the blade. YVORI (laughing) Maybe she likes me more than you.

74. GAMBLE Careful, or it will be I who laughs in the end. CUT TO I/E. AZARETE CITY - DAYS LATER The party arrives at the non-walled port city of Azarete. A colossal statue of a lady resides in the bay with one hand outstretched towards the Dulreign Sea and the other holding high a lantern. The cityscape is a honeycomb of alleys and souks outlining a labyrinth of bustling vivacity. ANAIS It's good to be home. Aye, lass. PLINK

STODDARD I didn't see the castle on the way in? ANAIS Azarete is an underground port city, Stoddard. What? STODDARD

PLINK You're only seeing the top. Azarete messenger greets the party. AZARETE MESSENGER Lady Domina wants to meet with Princess Ublic and Marshal Yvori Lelan. Anais and Yvori follow the messenger to the "fallway". A fallway is a small station house attended by one guard who calls down through a hollow pipe to the guard below. Rushing water can be heard pulsing through a system of pipes attached to chain hoists and gears with counterweights. Anais and Yvori start the ride down.

75. ANAIS Butterflies in your stomach? Several. YVORI

The fall moves slowly at first, but soon gains speed and after many metal screeches crashes down on the lower fallway floor. Anais and Yvori are knocked on their rumps. ANAIS We're still working out the kinks. I see. YVORI

Anais and Yvori are lead to Lady Domina's royal chamber. Before they enter, a magistrate greets them. AZARETE MAGISTRATE Marshal, here is the entitlement for the Articus. Magistrate hands Yvori some papers. Articus? Your ship. YVORI AZARETE MAGISTRATE CUT TO EXT. MARKETPLACE - MOMENTS LATER Halleford and Princess Kayla Kree shop together. In the b.g., a bustling crowd of shoppers roars. KAYLA You have a way about you. HALLEFORD What do you mean? KAYLA Your movements are so if... What? HALLEFORD

76. KAYLA You have no fear. HALLEFORD I didn't know you were paying so much attention to me. KAYLA What woman wouldn't? Halleford and Kayla continue to talk walking away from the roar of the market. Eventually straying into an apparent unoccupied souk. Get them! TRINITY CLERIC

Trinity members armed with crossbows and swords erupt from the shadows. It's an ambush! Halleford and Kayla drop their supplies and fight valiantly. SPFX: Halleford cleaves a couple of men in-two and Kayla turns one to dust, but Kayla is suddenly knocked out cold from behind by one of the attackers. A trinity cleric holds a dagger to Kayla's throat. TRINITY CLERIC(CONT'D) Drop your sword or I'll kill her! Halleford surrenders... CUT TO INT. ROYAL CHAMBER - AFTERNOON ANAIS (whispers)

Bow. Yvori deeply bows.

Lady Domina stands before him as a gorgeous, perfect, eternally young woman who's beautiful body is adorned with a light purple see-through royal dress. She is surrounded by handsome young male advisors. She waves them all off and they leave the chamber immediately. DOMINA Anais, you will stay with us in Azarete.



DOMINA Do as I say, Anais. Anais storms out of the chamber. DOMINA Do you know what happens next, son of Gyre? YVORI No, but I imagine you do. How so? DOMINA

YVORI My father believed you know everything. DOMINA Yes, we were dear friends, your father and I. YVORI I was under the impression you two never met. Lady Domina quickly glances down and pours wine from a decanter into goblets. Wine? DOMINA

YVORI Why did you give me the Articus? Give? DOMINA

YVORI What do you want? DOMINA I once had a lover who abandoned my affections and all the burdens I bore. YVORI I do not understand.

78. DOMINA I seek justice. Justice? YVORI

DOMINA What kind of sword is that? YVORI It's a bastard. DOMINA (laughs) Such irony. SPFX: Yvori holds his head again as he feels a strong rush. DOMINA Ah, you feel it, don't you prince? What is it? YVORI

DOMINA My how you've grown... YVORI Why not answer my questions? Lady Domina turns stoic and sits down on her throne. She crosses her legs obviously last. DOMINA Marshal, the Articus leaves within the hour. I strongly suggest you be on it. CUT TO EXT. DOCKS - DUSK When Yvori arrives at the docks only Marissa, Stoddard, Plink, and Falkry are there. YVORI Where's Halleford? FALKRY Halleford and Kayla went to the market for supplies and never returned.



PLINK We've searched the market and other places but... STODDARD We should check the trinity cathedral. FALKRY No. We can't afford the time, they could be anywhere. PLINK Falkry's right, I think that's what they want...we can only pray for them. MARISSA Where's Anais? YVORI Lady Domina bade her stay. STODDARD It seems we're the only ones left. PLINK The scallywags at the pub are drawin' lots. FALKRY What are the odds. PLINK This is a dead man's ship. The party looks upon the Articus, a 378-foot vessel made of refined petrified wood banded with metal alloy. The beam of the Articus is at least 160-feet. The five-mast topsail bark boasts square white sails with tailor made mass riggings. Three masts are amidship, one mast is on the fore, and the other mast on the aft with the purple flag of Azarete hailing above. TIME CUT

80. I/E. SHIP'S GALLEY - WEEKS LATER MONTAGE 1. The Articus sails the Skull Sea to Equinox. 2. Along the way mariners go missing day after day. STODDARD We suffer a skeleton crew? PLINK Thirty-three men missing without a trace... MARISSA It started when we hit the Doldrums. PLINK Aye, but your casting of winds surely helped. We are near the shores of Equinox. FALKRY The Barchan Zephyr nears... YVORI Even if we find the headdress, the solstice will end before we can leave. STODDARD The Barchan Zephyr will trap us here for nine months. FALKRY Whatever targeted the men ignored us. Why? MARISSA

YVORI It wants us to make it to Equinox. Suddenly, the party is flung from their seats. The table in the galley is overturned as they find themselves searching for balance against the ship's startling halt. MARINER AAAARRRGGHHH! The party races up from the galley to topside. Plink leads

81. the way. Soon after he makes it to the top something grabs him. PLINK AAAARRRGGHHH! SPFX: The rest of the party arrives as the creature wraps its tentacles and stingers around Plink. They recognize the creature from Altaria. Zeal... MARISSA

YVORI (mumbles) The octopus man... SPFX: Zeal's skin is deathly pale and prune creased. SPFX: The huge bell of a jellyfish protrudes from his naked chest. His translucent tentacles hold Plink under arrest. A flat spittle of water peruses from his lips. ZEAL (gurgling) It comes for thee... SPFX: The party discovers the missing mariners scurrying up the side of Articus. All look similar to Zeal. Some of the remaining crew jump overboard. The others fight alongside the party to the last. All crew and monster are slain. Only Falkry, Yvori, Marissa & Stoddard survive. They swim from the Articus over to the shore of Equinox. MARISSA There's no going back. FALKRY What's wrong? YVORI So many spirits are here. SPFX: The spirits are of all cultures, but mostly female. Their clothing reveals adventurers from different time spans. Some are missing limbs more than others, but all have a black fog where their feet once were. This way. YVORI(CONT'D)

The Barchan Zephyr's conflicting winds from the north and south pick up making the palm trees sway back and forth.

82. A sprinkling of rain starts as the party follows Yvori along the shoreline to an inland stream of molten lava pluming from the shore into the Skull Sea. Once there, the party travels inland through a dense shoal of palms for sometime. Where the palms clear, a dramatic slope begins at the inner circumference of the island. MARISSA It's like we are standing on the edge of a giant bowl. The lowered terrain allows the party to directly see to the other side of the island. In the middle of the bowled land is a black lake. In the middle of the black lake is an isle. The party descends over the protrusive brimstone rock covered by grass resembling a wrinkled rug as if it creeps downslope when you're not watching. The great rug of grass forms terracettes on the hillsides on the bowled slope and continues slumping over the topography of tower karsts at the bowled slope's bottom before the lake. Pillars of steam erupt from fumaroles scattered throughout the terrain. A pathway of polished serpentine tiles lay before the party. FALKRY A serpent's trail... The party follows the serpent's trail through the perverted site's quagmire until they hear something coming up behind them fast. They wheel around with swords at the ready to find Gamble standing on the trail. GAMBLE Did I scare you? Who are you? FALKRY

GAMBLE Something bad is where you go. YVORI Behold, the messenger of the gods. Gamble? STODDARD

83. GAMBLE It's time Yvori, be quick, you must hurry. Give me Azure! AZURE(V.O.) Nay Gamble, this is his fate. SFX: The party thinks it hears a howl. But, it could be a scream, or perhaps an eerie growl, thus so it seems. Marissa stands frozen, Stoddard weeps, and Falkry trembles. It comes. AZURE(CONT'D)

MARISSA What was that? SPFX: Gamble shakes. Yvori's spirit-sense detects he is truly afraid. YVORI How now Gamble, what could make a god tremble so? Xensobar. GAMBLE

SPFX: Gamble hastily runs away along with the multitude of spirits. The ground trembles as something steps and its wail grows closer. The sprinkling rain of the Barchan Zephyr becomes a drizzle. FALKRY We must hurry! The party runs to the serpent trail's end. A molten quagmire stands a short distance between them and the isle. Steam billows off the quagmire as the drizzle strikes down. STODDARD It's getting closer. YVORI I can traverse the lava's top and counter its flames with mine. FALKRY What about us?

84. MARISSA Stoddard and I will buy you some time. Nay! FALKRY

Marissa grabs hold of Falkry. MARISSA Listen to me, Tressa was a caster and she could not achieve it. But... FALKRY

STODDARD It's almost upon us! Go! MARISSA

YVORI I can carry you. SPFX: Azure leaps from her scabbard with blazen light. AZURE(V.O.) They will not fight alone! SPFX: Yvori and Falkry cross the black molten abyss to the isle. CUT TO EXT. ISLE - EVENING SPFX: They stand before a great tree there. A web of emeralds cover the tree's branches and delicious looking fruit hangs amongst its leaves. SPFX: The base of the tree is the giant head of a young and beautiful wysemaiden. SPFX: Her tongue lies on the ground awkwardly out her mouth. Thick red roots extend from her tongue into the ground. SPFX: Her eyes are rolled back leaving only a trace of her golden pupils at the top of her silver eyeballs. SPFX: Her green hair flows from her head to the surface amongst a dazzling blue moss.

85. FALKRY In the keep's center isle is the treasure that you seek. YVORI I do not see the headdress? FALKRY I do. It's right there. SPFX: Falkry points and Yvori spies an emerald green spider the size of a deer stirring amongst the branches. The spider lowers itself on a single strand of emerald web that it drags behind it. SPFX: The spider slowly creeps towards Falkry who shudders constantly. Yvori starts to move against the spider. FALKRY(CONT'D) No! I believe...I believe! SPFX: The spider pounces upon Falkry without knocking her down. Four of its legs hold her up steady and two weave the emerald strand of web into her hair. SPFX: The emerald strand of web flows across the ground from the great tree's branches as the spider weaves. Quickly, the emerald web covering of the tree is removed revealing the delicious fruit and branches to actually be the perverted brains from the giant wysemaiden head. SPFX: As flowers begin to grow within Falkry's hair emerald green light begins to spring around her face. Falkry screams. FALKRY(CONT'D) Aaarrgghhh!!! SPFX: The spider lets go of Falkry and slowly crawls up the tongue into the wysemaiden's mouth. Once there, it flips over on its back, its legs fold in and it dies. Falkry falls to the ground unconscious. Yvori picks up Falkry. SPFX: Azure appears in front of Yvori. AZURE(V.O.) Run Yvori, and no matter what you see, no matter what you hear, don't...look...back! Yvori runs back to the shore carrying Falkry with his heartbeat in his ears. Gamble awaits him there. He lies Falkry on the windy shore as drizzle becomes rain.

86. YVORI Why are you here, Gamble? GAMBLE Azure summoned me. YVORI Is this another one of your tricks? GAMBLE I am the god of tricks, but I am also the god of secrets. SFX: Gamble's ears perk towards Xensobar's wail and sounds of things most horrible in the distance. GAMBLE(CONT'D) I have kept this secret for far too long, Yvori. What secret? YVORI

GAMBLE The secret about Radiance, your mother. YVORI Radiance is not my mother. She is. No... GAMBLE YVORI

SFX: In the b.g., Xensobar's wail draws ever closer sounding again over the stormy Barchan Zephyr. GAMBLE Reign, the king of the gods, was your father. YVORI My father was Gyre. GAMBLE Your mother is Radiance, the goddess of miracles. You lie! YVORI

Gamble laughs a childish heckle followed by a purr and begins to pace, circling Yvori and Falkry on the weathered

87. shore. GAMBLE Verve discovered their adulterous affair. Stop. YVORI

GAMBLE Her wrath destroyed the churches and worshippers of Radiance. Be quiet. YVORI

GAMBLE She created Xensobar to slay her sister. Shut up! YVORI

SPFX: Red flames begin to creep from Yvori's eyes, hands and feet. Gamble laughs again and continues to prowl. GAMBLE But, Verve had a change of heart. Why? YVORI

GAMBLE She could not kill the mother of her nephew. SPFX: Yvori calms down and the red flames dissipate. GAMBLE(CONT'D) Unfortunately, Xensobar sensed Verve's repentance. YVORI I was raised a prince, not a god. GAMBLE What know you of gods, Yvori? Gamble suddenly stops his prowling pace and looks angrily into Yvori's eyes.

88. GAMBLE(CONT'D) I grew up a farm boy hunting pwargle worms. YVORI What are pwargle worms? GAMBLE They're quite tasty. YVORI I have not heard the like anywhere on Zatamari. GAMBLE Who said anything about Zatamari? YVORI You are from another world? Relentless waves crash onto the shore. The tide moves steadily onto the beach near the trio. YVORI(CONT'D) Why did they do it? GAMBLE The same reason I left the goddess, Plethora. Plethora? YVORI

GAMBLE Lady Domina to you... YVORI Who is Halleford? GAMBLE The god of life? I'll let him tell you his secret. Xensobar's footsteps can be heard in the distance as dark clouds hide what remains of day. GAMBLE(CONT'D) Not even a god can withstand love. YVORI How did I become the son of Gyre?

89. GAMBLE On very rare ocassions, a god is born out of love. So... YVORI

GAMBLE You would not be still Yvori. When you cried all of the heavens heard it. They gave you to Gyre in order to hide you from Verve. Why? YVORI

GAMBLE Gyre was a great king. YVORI How can you say that? SPFX: Yvori races towards Gamble. Gamble tries to flee, but Yvori catches him. GAMBLE(CONT'D) That part? The part enabling you to catch the god of luck...that part is Reign. Yvori lets go. GAMBLE(CONT'D) I blame you, Yvori. YVORI Me? Gyre killed thousands! GAMBLE You killed millions. Millions? YVORI

GAMBLE What's wrong Yvori? Cat got your tongue? Leave me... YVORI

A tempest of thunder and lightning rolls over the beach as rain becomes a shower.

90. GAMBLE Because of you, Radiance became a sword to hide from Verve. No. YVORI

GAMBLE Because of you Reign and Verve were murdered by Xensobar. Yvori bends down next to an unconcious Falkry. GAMBLE(CONT'D) Because of you Nubia sank into the Dulreign Sea and all the heavens fell. Gamble starts to run away. GAMBLE(CONT'D) You are the god of murder! The footsteps of Xensobar are almost upon Yvori. SPFX: Yvori's eyes begin to bleed as does his ears. Part of him wants to make a run for the Articus he spies just offshore, but Yvori finds courage and allows his murderous lust to erupt. He turns around to face Xensobar. SPFX: When he does, Azure is hovering before him. AZURE(V.O.) Perhaps you are ready... SPFX: Yvori closes his eyes using his spirit-sense to detect Xensobar's movements. He senses an abyssal mass of black energies. He grabs Azure from the air and holds the blade in a dragon fighting stance as Xensobar comes to stand before him. XENSOBAR There is iniquity in your heart, Prince of Nubia. YVORI What say you? XENSOBAR I can see your desire for forbidden pleasures. I know your thirst to conquer and rule.



XENSOBAR You lie! Swear allegiance to me and I will let you live. No! YVORI

SPFX: Yvori leaps into the dark energies swinging true with Azure in his attack. A brutal force strikes him down unto the black shore. Yvori rolls with the force of the blow and springs back to his feet. SFX: Xensobar wails intensely trying to pull Azure out of him. SPFX: Yvori charges into Xensobar again with his hands and feet aflame. His punches and kicks flash red energies every time they land. SPFX: Xensobar stops trying to pull Azure out and wraps Yvori into his giant clutches. He squeezes Yvori. Yvori cannot breath and blacks out. SPFX: Azure flies out of Xensobar and transforms back into Radiance, the Goddess of Miracles. No! RADIANCE

SPFX: Radiance raises her hand and a flash of white energy sends Xensobar crashing through the shoal of palm trees in the far distance. SPFX: She quickly gestures out towards the Skull Sea and the Articus appears before her on the beach. She snaps her fingers and all of the dead crew along with the quest party appear on the deck with her. SPFX: Radiance can hear Xensobar charging back through the shoal of palm trees. She raises both hands high lifting the Articus into the air. The Articus soars back out into the Skull Sea right before Xensobar reaches it and the Barchan Zephyr landfall comes crashing down around Equinox trapping him there. TIME CUT

92. EXT. SHIP'S DECK - NIGHT Yvori awakes shaking on the deck of the Articus. SPFX: A radiant goddess who appears to be made of a smoothly wrought dark ore with fire dancing over her nude body sits on the bow of the ship. Her eyes resemble a cosmic event filled with energy, and as she softly cries overboard what appear to be diamonds, her tears calm the Dulreign Sea waters making them as smooth as glass. RADIANCE (whispering) Hubris... As Yvori looks across the sea he spies familiar land off in the distance rising from the watery depths. Nubia resurrects from its sodden grave. Nubia? YVORI

Yvori notices Stoddard lying on the deck obviously dead. Marissa is injured and unconcious. SPFX: Falkry is still out cold, but her charismatic appearance increases even as she sleeps. YVORI(CONT'D) Is this heaven, fore I dare not leave your presence? RADIANCE Arise, Yvori. SPFX: A great multitude of souls including the nobles and princesses lost on this journey appear all over the Articus and atop the sea's waters. The darkness about their feet is gone. They bow in honor of Yvori. SPFX: Shortly after they all fade into nothingness. YVORI I...I can not stop shaking. RADIANCE The effects of Xensobar. Is he dead? YVORI

RADIANCE Think you able to kill the godslayer?

93. YVORI What happened? RADIANCE I saved you and them. That is all you need know. She points towards Falkry and the others. YVORI Gamble called you my mother. RADIANCE I have many names. YVORI Was the tree your sister? Was it Verve? Yes. RADIANCE

YVORI You have my deepest sympathy for your loss. RADIANCE You're all grown up. YVORI It's all my fault? RADIANCE There is something Gamble didn't tell you. Yvori slowly stops shaking. RADIANCE(CONT'D) All gods have two sides and many names. You are the god of murder and mercy. YVORI You had a thousand years to tell me. SPFX: Radiance transforms back into Azure. AZURE(V.O.) You weren't ready. Truly, I say unto you Yvori, I am the goddess of miracles, but you are the only miracle I ever had.

94. YVORI You abandoned me... AZURE(V.O.) Please forgive me god of mercy... SPFX: Azure flies back into her scabbard. TIME CUT EXT. PORT - DUSK The ship is being moored to the dock at Physics by Colub. Yvori holds unto Falkry as others try to help her. SUPERIMPOSE: Port of Physics. It hurts! FALKRY

Falkry flails on the deck holding her head. Chalice tries to help her as Marissa and Yvori hold her down. A Typhorian instructs Chalice. SPFX: Typhorians boast three pairs of strong transparent wings. Three wings on each side from shoulder to buttock working in concert like human arms and legs. SPFX: Fireflies appear from nowhere as flowers begin to grow about the deck of the Articus. TYPHORIAN Chalice, the headdress must be fixed. CHALICE By me, Amora? AMORA I have foreseen it. SPFX: Chalice places her hands into Falkry's hair. Emerald green light races up her arms. CHALICE Oh, the weaving isn't finished. SPFX: Chalice quickly weaves emerald strands about Falkry's light fluxing hair. A beautiful globe of rainbow colors form around them. Soon, Chalice stops and falls asleep. Falkry's screams cease and she comes to her feet. Marissa bends over in pain.

95. AMORA The wounds from Xensobar ignore Cast and Wield. COLUB Only rest can heal you. MARISSA I could use some... AMORA But, there is no time... The Helstat will march against Nubia if Marissa does not return. YVORI What say you? COLUB Queen Falkry must return to Altaria. AMORA I can teleport Marissa to the Helstat. Colub hands Falkry the pearl handle wood knife and shows her how to use it. COLUB My queen, use this, I will watch over Chalice...and Stoddard's remains. AMORA May the gods keep you safe. YVORI Amora, when this is over, I want to know more about Mr. Kiley... SPFX: Yvori looks down at Chalice on the deck and notices the emerald light still on her hands and arms. COLUB What about the Articus? Yvori reaches into his uniform and tosses the entitlement papers to Colub. YVORI She is yours. SPFX: Falkry's voice is tempered with a mild echo.

96. FALKRY Yvori, you're with me. SPFX: Falkry and Yvori embrace and kiss again. Falkry holds the wood knife aloft and in a flash they are gone. CUT TO INT. BEDROOM CHAMBER. - NIGHT SPFX: Falkry and Yvori appear in Tulane's bedroom. SPFX: Falkry's charismatic appearance causes the troupe knights to immediately lower their weapons. TROUPE KNIGHT 4 Look, she wears Verve's Headdress. YVORI The quest is fulfilled. Tulane lies sprawled on his bedroom floor. KING TULANE (moans) Leave us... The troupe knights leave. KING TULANE (coughing) My niece, please forgive a foolish king. FALKRY Why uncle? Why did you offer us to the hand of ruin? KING TULANE I made a pact with the devil, Xensobar. Why? FALKRY

KING TULANE He granted immortality should we serve him. Tulane writhes on the floor. He grabs Falkry by the shoulder. Uncle... FALKRY

97. KING TULANE (gasping) Listen, we brought him twenty abscondi...he needed them...he did something to them... FALKRY What did he do? KING TULANE (moans) The trinity...the Vuladian...his minions... Falkry cries and slowly draws her dirk from her sheath. She places her hand over Tulane's eyes. FALKRY Never the children, nor the helpless, uncle. KING TULANE (wincing) Do it... Falkry's slice is swift and true across the neck. SPFX: Black wisps of smoke exit Tulane's nostrils and throat. Yvori leaves the bedroom as Falkry weeps beside her uncle. CUT TO INT. COURT HALL - NIGHT Yvori makes his way into the court hall. He is stopped by a troupe knight. Marshal! Your name? TROUPE KNIGHT 4 YVORI

TROUPE KNIGHT 4 Lynagree Bale, marshal. Yvori pauses and listens.

98. LYNAGREE Trinity clerics have seiged Azarete. The port city is calling for assistance and the Vuladian are declaring war! I see.. YVORI

LYNAGREE Ranger Halleford and Princess Kayla Kree are being held aboard a Trinity barge off the coast of Kapec, and the Helstat... Yvori interrupts the troupe knight. YVORI I need a moment... LYNAGREE By your leave, marshal. Lynagree walks away and waits outside the court hall. Yvori withdraws Azure from her scabbard and hugs her close to his body. YVORI Mother, I forgive thee. Falkry enters the court hall and interrupts Yvori. FALKRY Radiance offends you? YVORI No, I am the bastard. SPFX: Yvori lets go of Azure and she floats back into her scabbard. FALKRY There's so much yet to be done. YVORI We'll finish it together. Falkry and Yvori embrace and kiss once more.

99. EXT. GLADE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Sword transforms into Radiance. RADIANCE(CONT'D) What happened next is another story written in heaven's tongue, but to this day, I am very proud of my gallant son. FADE TO BLACK. Run Credits.

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