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They ask you [Prophet] about the Last Hour, "When will it come?

" Say, "Knowledge about it rests only with my Lord; He alone will reveal when its time will come, it lies heavy on the heavens and the earth: it will suddenly overtake you." They will put questions to you as though you had full knowledge of it. Say, "Knowledge about it rests only with God, though most people do not realize it." [al 'Araf 7:187]

I and the Last Hour are like these two finers." [Bukhari and Muslim]

It is narrated by Sayyidina Anas that the Messenger of Allah said: " The example of this world is like the garment that is torn from end to end except a thread at the corner holds it together. That thread too is on the point of severing." [Baihaqi] - BEGIN BY PRAISING ALLAH, THANKING ALLAH, THANKING ORGANIZERS, GUESTS, ETC. Introduction to SELF. "Whoever goes to the masjid not desiring anything except to learn or to teach has the reward of a pilgrim that completed his Hajj." [Tabrani] - Teach/ Explain Hadith of Niyyah. WHY ALL THE HYPE? - On December 14, 1503 a kaafirah gave birth to a Dajjal. His name was Nostradamus. - Prophet said: "Wallahi! Day of Judgement will not come until 30 (antichrist) will appear and the final one will be the one eyed liar." [Ahmad] Abu Hurairah reports " each one of them will claim to be a prophet of Allah." - Many false prophets came- Musaylamah, Tulayhaah, Sajjah, Suff, Abu Mansoor, Rashid Khalifa, Muhammad ibn Saeed, Ghulam Ahmad, Dr. York, Jasmin, Mahmud al Faraj, Mukhtar, Nostradamus......latter made media BIG TIME due to his predictions. - Y2K muslims and non muslims thought Qiyamah would come; NON MUSLIMS moved to Palestine becuase they believed Isa A.S. would descend. - 2012: Especially muslims warning each other through social media, internet, chat, forums, etc. saying it is to come. EVEN THOUGH the Quran says: " O Muhammad they ask you regarding the Hour, tell them it's knowledge is only with Allah." ALSO "The Day of Recogning draws close"

- Prophet said '5 things are with Allah and will remain with Allah' - out of 5 is knowledge of the Hour. - Even in the past, Ummah thought Qiyamah was to arrive: - in 900s A.H. Imam Suyuti wrote a book becuase people thought in 1000 A.H. world was going to end. - Plagues of 'Anwaaz: 70,000 people a day were dying - In Egypt: time of Fatimids people resorted to cannibalism due to severe drought - Tartar onslaught: When they swept through Heraat (Afghanistan) only 7 people survived and came out of the rubble. - Tartars killed 800,00 in Baghdad during the time of the Abassid Khalifate. There was a superstition that the khalif's blood should not touch the ground otherwise something bad would occur so they wrapped him in a rug and beat him to death. - During Crusades: most horrifc massacre to date. in Jerusalem, for 90 years no salaat was performed in al Aqsa until Salah uddin took it back! TYPES OF SIGNS 1) Past Signs (statements of the Rasul ) that eventually came true 2) Continuous Signs (only get worse till Qiyaamah) 3) Umoor 'Izaam [ Major Signs ]

- The difference is that minor signs occur at different parts of the world at various intensities (NOT GLOBAL) i.e, disobedience to parents is worse in some regions than other, seeing of women dominant in some areas than others (might argue about satelittes..) - Major signs example: Dajjal, Mahdi, Isa, Yajuj Majuj, Daab etc.

PREDICTIONS (Early Signs) - 1) Hadith of Bukhari: Umar asked Hudhaifa r.a. regarding fitnah that will occur in such a way that it will be like waves of the ocean. Hudhaifa r.a. said, ' Ya Ameeral Mu'mineen

[ ' . O leader of the Believers, it won't come upon you (dont worry about
it) ].

"Ayuftahul baab aw yuksar?" [ Will the door be opened or broken? ] Hudhaifa said '

[ Between you and it is a closed door]. Umar said .

] No, rather it will be broken. ] Umar said " Zaaka aHra kallaa yughraq"

[ It was better that it was never closed]. - Umar was in salaatul Fajr. Abu Lu'la hid in a corner of the masjid, and attacked him with a double edged dagger. Even at that moment, he was worried of the salaah of the Believers! He pulled one of the Sahaba forward and continued the salaat. Shortly after some time, Umar was martyred. - 2) Uthmaan was also martyred: Aisha reported Rasul once called Uthmaan and he said something in his ear (whispered to him) ' I could see Uthmaan's face changing color.' [ Ibn Majah, Haakim, and others ] - Uthmaan reported that Rasul told him that you will be given a garment to wear, people will try to take it from you, don't let them take it off of you. - Insurgency rose up to harm Uthmaan. People wanted to take arms and protect him but he said to them 'if you unsheathe your swords, they will never be unsheathed again.' He was later martyred. - 3) On one occasion Rasul said to his wives, " How will it be when the dogs of Hawub will bark at you?" Aisha smiled and said ' How is that possible?' He turned to her and said " Ya Humaira, be careful that it's not you." He turned to Ali and said " If you are ever given the reigns of her affairs, make sure you are lenient with her." People rallied up Aisha to take revenge for the blood of Uthmaan. She tried to get Ali to join her. But Ali was pre-occupied handling the situation of the Ummah. She came to a place and heard dogs barking. She asked ' What is this place?' The people said Hawub. She decided to go back upon remembering the words of the Rasul .

- 4) Imam Ahmad relates from Abu Hurairah that Rasul said to Mu'awiyya"If you are made in charge of affairs of Muslims then fear Allah and make sure you are just." Mu'awiyya said since I heard those words, I knew I would be tested with the position.

- Khwaarij sent 3 people to murder Mu'awiyya, Amr bin al 'Aas and Ali. Person struck Mu'awiyya but due to his size, the wound was not deadly. Amr bin al 'Aas was sick so someone led salah in his place and was martyred. Ali was attacked and martyred. NOT FOR US TO DISCUSS THE DIFFERENCES OF SAHABA AND TAKE SIDES...REMEMBER ALLAH, ALLAH FI ASHAABI LA TATTAKHIZU GHARDUM MIN BA'AADI FAMAN AHABBAHUM FABIHUBBI AHABBAHUM WA MAN ABGHADAHUM FABIBUGHDI ABGHADAHUM. - 5) Hadith of Bukhari reported by Abu Hurairah ' The Day of Judgement will not occur until a fire erupts from Hijaz, it will illuminate the necks of the camels of Boossra (NOT BASRAH).' Few hundred years later, Earthquakes occured just outside of Medina, which caused fire to erupt ( volcanic explosion). * EVERYBODY RUSHED TO MASJID TO PRAY TO ALLAH [ in our day and age we want to get up close, record, take pictures ].

The ruler of that time freed slaves. Lava was headed exactly towards masjid Nabawi, just a short distance before Medina it completely turned direction!!! DUA IS POWERFUL. Shepperds in Boosra (Syria) described that they could see the necks of their camels. Harrat Rahat is what the area is now known.

- 6) Day of Judgemnt will not occur until the most fortunate person in the world will be Luq'a bin Luq'a (baseborn son of a baseborn). * respect of such people will grow that don't deserve leadership.
THE WORDS OF RASUL ARE HAQQ! NOONE CAN DENY THEM! INSHA'ALLAH I HOPE IT REFRESHED AND REAFFIRMED OUR FAITH IN THE RASUL . SO WHEN HE SAID: [almar u ma'a man ahhabb - a person will be with whom he loves] IT IS HAQQ! WHEN HE SAID: " O people! Weep much (fearing Allah and the punishment.) If you cannot do that then remeber (the wrath of Allah and His punishment) and force the weeping condition on yourself making out as if you were weeping, for the people of Hell will weep in Hell to such an extent that their tears will flow as if they were rivers till they are exhausted. Then blood will flow causing wounds in the eyes ( and the wounds will shed more bled and the blood and the tears together will be so much that) boats may sail in them very well."

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