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The Subconscious Code

By Nathan Thomas

Youre About to Discover the Secrets of the Subconscious Mind... ... and learn how to create Rapid Transformations in yourself and others.

(C) Nathan Thomas

Dear reader, Its a pleasure to have you here! Throughout this short report youll be discovering the secrets of the subconscious mind, or what psychologists sometimes call The Creative Unconscious. Youre about to learn how to unleash the power of the imagination, and communicate to people on a level far deeper and more meaningful than normal everyday surface level interactions. You can use these skills to hypnotize and put on mind-blowing demonstrations of the power of the subconscious. You can use what youre learning to communicate on a level which inspires rapid change, and you can use these insights to create changes in yourself, to overcome problems and release your full potential. This is not a manual of conventional psychology nor the occult or alternative. Its simply an introductory guide for you on how to get the most out of this thing we call the mind and help others to do the same. Who Am I? My name is Nathan Thomas, and for the last 5 years Ive been running With a focus on how to access the power of the subconscious, Keys To The Mind has grown into a hugely popular online resource, with a community of close to 15,000 members worldwide. Since youre reading this book, I guess that means its 15001! Welcome to the team, and I look forward to getting to know you over the coming months. If you ever need anything, you can reach me at Ok, now lets begin! Hypnosis Demystified Hypnosis is a murky term with a murky past. For most people the word conjures up images of a powerful performer or mystical movie character able to wield control over those who fall under his spell. Of course, most people know hypnosis to be quite different. Frequently hypnosis is being understood simply to mean the influence of the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is powerful, but this doesnt mean its unusual.

(C) Nathan Thomas

Think about the last time you were captivated by a movie, and felt your emotions rise and fall with those of a fictitious character. Think about the last time you had a powerful conversation with a close friend or mentor, and left feeling a little differently about the world. Think about the last time someone said something to you which changed the way you felt and thought for the rest of the day. These are all examples of hypnosis as these are all examples of the influence of the subconscious or unconscious mind. Street Hypnosis Recently a new trend has emerged in the hypnosis world called Street Hypnosis. Street hypnosis is when a hypnotist demonstrates the power of the mind in an impromptu or informal setting. By showing the power of the imagination, a hypnotist can WOW a crowd and create experiences which many will never forget. The imagination is incredibly powerful, and when applied and demonstrated properly Street Hypnosis can create a stunning and inspirational display of the potential of the mind. If learning Street Hypnosis is why youre here, then youll be delighted to find a wealth of free resources on this subject on the Keys To The Mind blog. How to Do Street Hypnosis Free Resources Why All Hypnotists Should Master Street Hypnosis 1: Its *awesome* practice. Whether your goal is to eventually take the classic path, and become a clinical or stage hypnotist, or whether, like me, youre fascinated by how to get the most out of the mind, and walk through the world with ease and personal power, Street Hypnosis is a fantastic training tool. When you can stand before a crowd of sceptical strangers and, with someone youve never met before, lead them into a dazzling display of hypnotic phenomena, your confidence will go through the roof, and youll learn a pile about how to lead a group, and effectively influence others in pressured circumstances. 2: It Shows People the Power of the Subconscious Mind Too many people go through life the victim of their own mind. They wake up in the morning bored and tired, drag themselves to a job they hate, glare at the clock for 8 hours, get stuck in traffic on the way home, glare at the TV for hours, then roll into bed.
(C) Nathan Thomas

Street Hypnosis done the way I teach is not just a cheap parlour trick its a way of showing off the true power and potential of the mind. Show people how much strength they have been keeping locked away inside their own subconscious, and theyll realize that life really is what YOU make of it. As a Street Hypnotist, youre showing people how to take control of their own mind, and blast past the barriers that have been trapping them in the past. 3. Its Phenomenal Marketing! If youre a hypnotherapist or clinical hypnotist, or even a stage performer, what better way to promote your services could their possibly be than by hypnotizing people out and about in your home town, and giving them firsthand experience of the power of hypnosis? Bring a stack of business cards with you, and within just a few short hours you could have filled your appointment book for the next month! The Street Hypnosis Revolution 20 years ago, hypnosis was a slow progressive relaxation induction performed over 30 minutes by a certified professional with screeds of letters after their name. Today, a hypnotist is anyone who has seen an instant induction on YouTube and can find a willing volunteer. Hypnosis is more accessible now than it has ever been, thanks to what I call The Street Hypnosis Revolution. For many, this is a great thing. Anyone with a little bit of training can show off the power of the mind, and free others from problems. You can show your friends dazzling hypnotic phenomena, and display the full potential of the subconscious mind. For others, this is a little scary. You see, Street Hypnosis requires us to evolve our perspective on hypnosis. Ironically, even though Street Hypnosis is the modern pinnacle of hypnosis, it is structured in a way which still assumes old ways of thinking. Lets break this down: The Old Perspective On Hypnosis People used to think that hypnosis was some sort of magic special state which was above and beyond our normal way of operating.
(C) Nathan Thomas

This is the cartoon stereotype the evil Svengali hypnotist with a stop watch who has unlimited power over all who look into his eyes. Fortunately, people are now a little too smart and too well educated to fall for this way of thinking. The Modern Perspective Hypnosis is an outdated term for something which is very powerful, yet very natural and very common. Any form of persuasion or change that happens on the subconscious level is hypnosis. When a persuasive add convinces you to buy a new TV, thats hypnosis. When an amazing and inspiring movie makes you feel good for hours after the film has ended, thats hypnosis. When you have a deep conversation with a friend and leave them feeling great, their problems solved, thats hypnosis. Its a process that we all go through everyday of our lives. Heres where Street Hypnosis fits in: The Street Hypnosis Revolution Street Hypnosis takes this modern understanding of hypnosis, and applies it to old thought patterns. This is where all the instant inductions come from. An instant induction causes the subject to go from sitting upright and acting normal to appearing relaxed, with their eyes shut. The hypnotist will say that they are now in a trance. Of course, there is no one magic state of trance BUT this process still works. Why? Because by going through the process the hypnotist leads them through, the person being hypnotized believes that they have gone through hypnosis. This causes them to stop thinking with their conscious mind, and allow their imagination to take over. In other words, a Street Hypnosis style instant induction is a placebo. BUT heres the big news All Hypnosis is Placebo Effect! This should actually be self-evident.
(C) Nathan Thomas

After all, a placebo effect is when the subconscious mind response to an idea or a suggestion. What else occurs when the subconscious mind response to a suggestion? Hypnosis! Now does this mean Street Hypnosis is fake? Definitely not! But it does not happen the way most people think it does. Street hypnosis is just everyday subconscious influence placed in a box. This box contains peoples pre-set expectations and ideas about hypnosis. The box can be useful, as it creates this placebo effect and therefore amplifies the effects of whats going on, creating a cool spectacle. It causes people to think I must be being hypnotized therefore, in effect they become hypnotized. You have an advantage though You dont have to stay stuck in the box! Look at hypnosis the new way, the logical and sensible way, and a lot of doors suddenly become open to you. The best part is, you dont have to slam any doors shut either. You can still do street hypnosis and hypnotize based on the old model, ie within the box. Its great fun, a great way to help others create real changes, and a fantastic way to practice your skills. BUT its not all there is! Focus not on the conventions of the box, but instead on the idea of influencing the subconscious mind, and suddenly you have far more options and much more freedom. Back to the Revolution Street hypnosis is fantastic because it removes some of the biggest barriers to using hypnosis. Its faster, simpler, more accessible, more flexible and more fun. But, its still just the first step. Street Hypnosis has the advantage of still fitting into that old hypnosis box. It still has the assumption of trance and the idea of there being a definite overt hypnotic process occurring.

(C) Nathan Thomas

This is great because it allows you to package what you do in a way people understand and relate to, and because of the placebo effect I described earlier it can make what you do more powerful and effective. However just because you operate within this box doesnt mean your mind needs to be stuck in it. Relax your thinking, open your mind, and youll realize that theres far more to being a real hypnotist than just hypnosis! How to Do Street Hypnosis Check out these posts on Keys To The Mind on how to get started in Street Hypnosis they include videos to demonstrate and walk you through the entire process. The Truth about Instant and Rapid Hypnosis Inductions 5 Steps to Instant Street Hypnosis Communicate with Impact Communicating at the normal surface level wont get you far. In order to create transformations, you need to go a little deeper. Some people call this Conversational Hypnosis but its really just the art of communicating to people in a way that gets results. Hypnotic Language Patterns About 40 years ago, a linguist named John Grinder and a computer programmer named Richard Bandler sat down with a pen and paper, and set about picking apart the conversational patterns of a man named Milton Erickson. Milton Erickson was a therapist and hypnotist based in Phoenix, Arizona, with a few unusual knacks. Erickson noticed that when his clients came to see him, they often phrased their problems in strange ways. Theyd speak in such a way that their totally irrational problems somehow seemed real, concrete and unchangeable. Dr. Erickson thought that if these patterns kept people trapped inside problems, then they could probably be used to free people from problems as well. He began talking to clients in that same language, feeding their patterns back to them. Patterns like The Bind, two ideas linked together: the more you read about language patterns, the more you notice people using them naturally in everyday speech
(C) Nathan Thomas

The Double Bind, the illusion of choice people find they either find language patterns easy to use or simple to implement in their daily communication Presuppositions when (presupposition of time, its not if, its when) you realize (presupposition of awareness, its not whether its happening, its whether youve noticed) how easy it is to use these language patterns, youll notice that youve already made massive changes in the way you communicate Embedded Commands When you read this post youll discover more ways to use these patterns in your interactions Cause Effect patterns,... Reading this post means youre learning about hypnotic language patterns, and because youre learning these patterns, it means you can use them naturally in your everyday interactions. And a lot more besides! Grinder and Bandler broke down these patterns, and called the model they created The Milton Model. The patterns arent logical, but they play into the way the mind thinks, and creates a compelling motivation for actions and beliefs. The Milton Model is today used by therapists, businessmen, marketers and more to connect with people, change their beliefs and attitudes, and motivate them to take action, and create change. How To Use Hypnotic Language Patterns without Sounding Crazy There are those who say language patterns are absurd, that they could never possibly be used in a real life conversation, and are at best a crutch for the anxious or nervous hypnotist. They assume that in order to use language patterns in normal conversations, you have to drastically change the way you speak. Heres the secret: you dont! The fact is language patterns are used by us in our everyday lives, all the time! The trouble is, theyre normally used for negative things. Every time someone says Ive realized Ill either fail now, or give up (presupposition of awareness followed by a double bind), or the more I talk to him, the more annoyed I get (bind), they are using language patterns! Open your ears and youll find people use patterns of the Milton Model all the time! They are a natural function of English language communication! So, rather than allowing us to trap ourselves into our problems with these patterns, why not use them to help free our minds, get what we want from life, and help others do the same?

(C) Nathan Thomas

Keep an ear out for language patterns in your everyday interactions, and ask yourself how you can use these patterns for the results you want. The Go There First Idea All effective influence and communication begins with your own state of mind. Your state effects your body language, your tonality, the words you subconsciously select, and the minute details of your non-verbal communication. If youre not in the right start of mind, youll sabotage the effectiveness of your communication of dozens of levels. So, always begin with the state of mind you want to help someone enter. If you want to cheer someone up, be in a cheerful state of mind yourself. If you want to gain rapport with someone, be in that rapport state yourself! Of course, there are some nuances here that you should be attune to. You see before you can bring someone into your own positive state of mind, you must first connect with their less desirable state of mind. I call this technique: The Problem Shaker. How To Create Powerful Transformations within Ordinary Conversations. If youve ever been talking to somebody who is down about some sort of problem or worry maybe its to do with work, or a relationship and you have wanted to snap them out of it and make them feel great, let me present you with perfect tool for the job. Obviously, if youre a hypnotist or hypnotherapist, this technique will be a fantastic addition to your repertoire, and you can adapt it for almost any situation. I call it The Problem Shaker. How The Problem Shaker Works If youve been on my newsletter for a while, you will have learned that your core inner game is the most important element of ANY hypnosis or influence work you do. Of course, just because youre focusing on your core inner game, it doesnt mean that you cant use cool ninja strategies to conversationally hypnotize others. BUT rather than a scripted technique that may sound cool but 9/10 of you would never try, and the other 1/10 would probably fail, I want to install in you an attitude and mindset that will do the work for you.

(C) Nathan Thomas

The Power of Intention Sorry about the negative example but this is the quickest way I can help you really get the power of what were talking about here. Have you ever been angry furious, about someone or something, so angry that you could not control your words, and said something hurtful or mean? Thats OK! Youre human, these things happen, and thats in the past. I bring it up because it shows you how much impact your emotional state and intention can have on the way you communicate. Now, imagine if you could have the OPPOSITE of that a powerful positive intention so strong that you cant help but say the PERFECT thing, which helps other people (and yourself) to just feel great! That is the problem shaker. Lead From The Heart, and The Mind Will Follow Relax were not getting into the realms of woo woo weirdness here, but I do need you to understand that the bulk of your communication occurs at a subconscious level. Your tonality, body language, gestures, breathing rate, tonality, and to a large extent even your word choice is subconscious. So, it stands to reason that if you want to effectively influence somebody, you should work on your whole self, not just on the shallow conscious level. This is what the problem shaker is all about. While a general positive intention will serve you tremendously well, for the problem shaker Id like to get very specific. And it starts with a very precise emotional place The Monster In The Cupboard Imagine that you knew a reasonably bright kid of about 6 or 7, who was perfectly normal and happy, yet he was afraid of a monster in his bedroom cupboard. Would you try and logically convince him that there was no monster there? Would you angrily tell him to grow up and get over it? Would you freak out, and run out of the room lest the monster eat you too?

(C) Nathan Thomas

These options may sound farcical but emotional persuasion, anger or, even worse AGREEING with the problem are the ways most people in most conversations try and help their friends out! As this example should clearly show you, this does not help! So, what would you do? Youd be calm, confident and friendly. You joke around with the kid, and make him laugh at just how silly he was. Maybe youd get him to imagine a large pink monster with a Christmas hat on, and join him in his reality WITHOUT buying into his fear or negative emotions. Youd be relaxed, playful and reassuring, and at the end of the chat the child would smile, relax, and be able to sleep without worry or fear. Dont Buy Into Problem Frames The key lesson from this is to NEVER buy into problem frames. If someone comes to you and says I just broke up with my boyfriend and now my life sucks would you say Aw, poor you. Thats so terrible! Im so sad for you? Sadly, without reading this article many people would! But thats exactly the same as telling the 7 year old kid Oh my god! A Monster! Youre on your own kid, Im getting out of here! When people are bogged down by a problem they are NOT seeing the world through a very productive frame of mind. Joining them in their world view is the worst thing you could do. Instead, maintain YOUR frame. YOUR frame should be the everythings fine and life is awesome frame. Project this in every aspect of your communication. This shift alone will make you a much better problem solver than 90% of the rest of the world. Join Them In Their Reality FIRST Ouch! Have I just contradicted myself big time? First I tell you do NOT buy into their frame, then I say join them in their reality first!
(C) Nathan Thomas

Well, actually the two work together. Imagine that you are rescuing somebody from a burning building. Would you wander in as soon as you hear their shouts, sit down on the flaming couch and burn with them? No! But, you wouldnt stand outside and yell its not burning out here, dont be such a baby! either, would you? The best thing to do would be to suit up in a protective uniform, grab a fire hose, charge in, grab them, and then get them out of there quickly. This is how you should treat helping someone out of personal problems too. Show Understanding Without Getting Burnt People like to know that their problems are understood. Theres also a reason why NLP style pacing and leading works extremely well in many situations. You can be bouncing off the walls with happiness, but if youre mates really down your emotional level will be so far outside their reality that your message will not stand a chance of reaching them. Before you pick them up, you must first bend down. Realize that TO THEM their problems are real, but always REMEMBER that they are real ONLY TO THEM, and assert your reality that actually, the world is just fine thank you very much. The Three Step Problem Shaker Formula So, lets try and slap some logical structure around these principles 1: Recognize that their problem is NOT real. BUT it is real for them. 2: Join them in their reality just long enough to pull them out. 3: Refuse to buy into their negative emotions maintain your positive frame, and keep them locked onto it too. The Last Metaphor Im battling with the challenge of making the problem shaker principle clear to you without suffocating your creativity by giving you too many concrete examples. So, heres yet another metaphor.
(C) Nathan Thomas

Imagine youre on a nice warm dry boat, but someone falls out into the water. Your friend cant swim, and shes clearly going to drown. How do you help her? You could tell her that she must be crazy for thinking shes drowning, because the boat is just fine, thank you very much. Sure, you arent buying into her frame, but you arent helping much either, are you? You could jump in next to her, but seeing as you cant swim either (in their particular metaphor) youd start drowning too. This is buying into her frame too much. You could shout at her to start swimming and stop being lazy. This is advice giving it almost never really helps. Or, you could learn over, bend down, grasp her hand, and pull her out, then give her a warm towel, and a dry change of clothes. This is joining her in her world (bending down and extending your hand) but maintaining your frame (staying on the boat and keeping dry), and pulling her into it (lifting her onto the boat). This is how the problem shaker works. Time To Get Started! Right now, you might be feeling a little confused. Thats ok its natural. Usually when you learn things you are taught that confusion is bad thats how the schooling system normally works. You get confused, you make a mistake and you get punished. Fortunately, learning how to be a master hypnotist and a better person is NOT like that. We recognize that confusion is the gateway to new understandings. Take from this article an attitude and mindset, and use it to BECOME a Problem Shaker. Read That Again Go back and re-read The Problem Shaker as its one of the most powerful persuasive techniques youll ever discover!

(C) Nathan Thomas

Start With Yourself Remember when I mentioned Go There First? All influence and Hypnosis starts with you. So if you want to be able to transform others, you know who you have to transform first. Part of this comes down to what I call: Controlled Insanity On the 5th of October last year, Steve Jobs passed away. From nothing, Steve Jobs founded, built and championed a company which today is worth over 100 billion dollars. His vision, passion and drive revolutionized the way we interact with each other, experience entertainment, and view the purpose and potential of technology. How did he do it? Friends and colleagues of Steve commented that one of his most compelling traits was what they called his Reality Distortion Field. With the combination of a charismatic speaking manner, an unwavering gaze, and complete self certainty, Steve was able to convince people to believe, and later do, the impossible. Throughout his career Steve Jobs often encountered doubt and resistance. Many of the ideas which we now know were brilliant from the iPhone to Apple Stores, were first met with ridicule and scorn from many extremely intelligent people. Steves reality distortion field blew those doubts out of the water, and caused people to take action, and create changes and transformations that, to use Jobs own phrase, would Put a dent in the universe. The power of the reality distortion field stems from one simple secret: In order to convince others, you must first convince yourself. People in the world of hypnosis and NLP call this Go There First. What makes the reality distortion field such a rare gift is that most people dont know how to convince themselves. Most people source their beliefs from the world around them. They constantly ping or reality check the people and inputs around them, constantly seeking to confirm that what they believe is true.
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We search the reactions and behaviors of others to make sure were not our of line, and rapidly abandon out independence and sense of self when lost in a crowd. Going against the raging tide of social pressure is a hugely demanding task. Achieve it, however, and youll no doubt be able to pull others along with you. Of course, what the masses believe is not always wrong. In fact, most of the time its actually right on the money. Ignoring everything everyone else believes and living in a world entirely of your own design is a pretty good definition of insanity. Ignoring other peoples limitations and creating a world entirely of your own design is a pretty good definition of genius. Like everything, its a sliding scale. A sensible solution would be to be aware of the inputs of the world at large, and pay good attention to what others think, feel and believe. After all, you are a part of humanity, and while there may be areas where you want to break free and carve your own ground, conformity is not always a bad thing. However, ask Mark Twain said, whenever you find yourself on the side of the masses, its time to pause and reflect. Dont go on a bender of anarchic reality denial, in which you refuse to believe what others do. Likewise, dont be yet another sheep in the herd, believing only what society gives you permission to think. Make a conscious decision to live a life of your own design, and set out to create a set of beliefs which are useful and empowering. Your beliefs, particularly about yourself, create reality. They dont follow it. So, ask yourself what is most useful and valuable to believe right now. If its completely untrue, then believing it will not be valuable. If youre broke yet you try and believe youre a millionaire, youll probably end up in a cardboard box. Yet if youre broke and you believe that you have the potential to become a millionaire and (this is the most important part) you take action based on those beliefs, you may well become one. Reality is persistent, and social pressure will often try and force you to adopt a particular belief set. Ask yourself only is it useful, and believe it only if the answer is yes.
(C) Nathan Thomas

Thats It! I hope youve enjoyed The Subconscious Code! Remember if you need anything, Im right here: hit me up and Ill do what I can to help you out. Actually, if youve enjoyed this report it would make my day if youd flick me a quick email. Let me know who you are, and what you were looking for / trying to learn and discover when you found my website. The more I learn about you, the more I can help out. Now make sure you keep your eyes on the Newsletter, as Ill be sending you some interesting stuff very soon. And remember, make checking a habit, as youll always find new resources and insights to help you achieve your goals. Cheers! Nathan Thomas

(C) Nathan Thomas

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