Article Stramonium Belladonna

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Valerie Lovelace Copyright 2007

Stramonium & Belladonna: Comparison-Contrast of two Solanaceae

Known as The Plant that Drives Mad, Datura Stramonium, is commonly called Thornapple or Jimsonweed.1 This plant shares good company with Belladonna (Beautiful Lady), Hyoscymus, and other members of the Solanaceae family. Its active ingredients are atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine, all classified as deliriants, or anticholinergics (nervous system inhibitors). The plant is often used recreationally, but doses that give affect and doses that result in death are quite close in physical quantity. Belladonna is well known as a primary source of atropine, and this tropane alkaloid is present in all the parts of the plant, but most concentrated in the root. As few as two or three berries can cause the death of a child, and an adult can die from ingesting just one of the leaves. Stramonium sports beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers of white to purple, and the blossoms open and close at irregular times during the evening. This peculiarity earned the plant the nickname Moonflower. Any part of the plant will emit a foul odor when crushed or broken. See Stramonium Image, Appendix A-1. These sayings were coined to define Stramoniums overall affect: "Blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, red as a beet, hot as hell, dry as a bone, the bowel and bladder lose their tone, and the heart runs alone." "Can't see, can't spit, can't pee, can't shit." Among the Navajo, the caution is: 'Eat a little and go to sleep. Eat some more and have a dream. Eat some more and don't wake up.' In the United States, Stramonium got the name Jamestown Weed from the town of Jamestown, Virginia, where British soldiers were drugged with it while attempting to suppress a rebellion. This account describes their behavior in detail:
Some of the soldiers sent thither to quell the rebellion of Bacon (1676); and some of them ate plentifully of it, the effect of which was a very pleasant comedy, for they turned natural fools upon it for several days: one would blow up a feather in the air; another would dart straws at it with much fury; and another, stark naked, was sitting up in a corner like a monkey, grinning and making mows [grimaces] at them; a fourth would fondly kiss and paw his companions, and sneer in their faces with a countenance more antic than any in a Dutch droll. In this frantic condition they were confined, lest they should, in their folly, destroy themselves- though it was observed that all their actions were full of innocence and good nature. Indeed, they were not very cleanly; for they would have wallowed in their own excrements, if they had not been prevented. A thousand such simple tricks they played, and after 11 days returned themselves again, not remembering anything that had passed. Robert Beverly, The History and Present State of Virginia, 1705.

Belladonna, on the other hand, looks anything but a beautiful lady. The plant is rather duller in appearance than Stramonium, with small bell-shaped purple blossoms that eventually develop into shiny black berries approximately one centimeter in diameter (and have the look of a large, black, dilated pupil). The leaves have an oily feel to them and can cause vesicular eruptions if carelessly handled. Belladonna can grow to five meters with leaves up to 18 centimeters long. Considered a perennial branching herb, it is not known for hardiness and is quite sensitive to transplanting. Germination generally requires several weeks in warm, moist, absolutely sterile

Datura stramonium is known by the common names Jimson Weed, Gypsum Weed, Ditch Weed, Stink Weed, Loco Weed, Korean Morning Glory, Jamestown Weed, Thorn Apple, Angel's Trumpet, Devil's Trumpet, Devil's Snare, Devil's Seed, Mad Hatter, Crazy Tea, Malpitte, Hells Bells, and The Devil's Balls. Deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna), is also known as Belladonna, Banewort, Devil's Cherries, Naughty Man's Cherries, Divale, Black Cherry, Devil's Herb, Great Morel, and Dwayberry.

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soil (significantly different than the trashy places in which Stramonium can be found growing!). See Belladonna Image, Appendix A-2. Characteristic themes common to the Solanaceae family are (Sankaran): Jerking, shooting, spasms, constriction, choking, twitching, convulsions, violence. Fainting, unconsciousness, stupor, rage, fear of murder, black objects, jovial, vivacious, and kisses. The affects of members of this family are sudden, spasmodic, convulsive, and violent with common expressions of delirious laughing, desire for company, talking, and cheerfulness polarized by fear, rage, darkness, being alone, being startled, screaming, blackness, and death. Belladonna and Stramonium are both placed in the acute miasm (rapid pace, great immediacy) in Sankarans Sensations method. In Synthesis Treasure Edition, Belladonna is found in plain type in the general rubrics for Psora and Syphilis, and Stramonium is found in plain type for Sycosis and Syphilis. Looking specifically at the two remedies in question, it is easy to see how much they share in common with their family likeness. The two remedies can be found together in over 2600 rubrics, 671 in the MIND section and 443 GENERALS. Appendix B provides a sorted list of rubrics shared between the two remedies (MIND Ailments, Deliriums, Delusions, Fears, and shared DREAMS). A quick browsing of the list and it is very easy to see the Solanaceae description above come to the surface along with the fever and delirium of the alkaloids they share in common. Delirium is fast in pace: wild, vivid, rabid, and violent. Their delusions are terrifying (dogs, rats, cats, animals, ugly faces), and behaviors range from snatching, biting, laughing, crying, to unconsciousness. The two remedies share a great deal, including the fear of water or the sound of running water and fear of the dark. Physically, they share the same feverish rolling head motions, photophobic dilation of the pupils, paralysis of the optic nerve, red discoloration of the eyes and face, congestion of the face, difficult speech, gyrations and twitching of extremities, convulsions, and elevated or rapid and quite strong pulse. But, like all families, each member is really quite unique, even when they may look very much alike on the surface. Just as the two plants present themselves quite differently, so the single symptoms of the remedies quickly distinguish them as do a look at the remedies keynotes and modalities. Although Belladonna is often thought of as remedy for acute illness, it also has action as a constitutional medicine. When all is put together, one can readily see that Stramonium is a remedy for neurological disorders that manifest with violent, raging, murderous and terrified symptoms and while Belladonna may appear to have many of the same symptoms, it is a remedy more suited for illnesses that are perhaps as acute in their symptoms, but not as psychologically deep-seated. Gibson offers this description of Stramonium: That it is a menacing and repulsive plant is evident by its names devils apple, devils trumpet, stinkweed. Its pallid blanched funnel-shaped flowers instill fear. Its ragged untidy leaves suggest wildness. Its spiky fruit could scarcely be more hostile, both in appearance and also when it explodes like a hand-grenade, scattering black seeds of death. Its dark somber leaves enwrapping pale flowers at night are suggestive of the black cloud of nightmarish nonsense that envelopes the befuddled mind of its victim. And of Belladonna: It is the berries which arrest the eye and may prove all too alluring to the unwary. They are large, globose, shiny black in color and seem to stare at the passerby to challenge and entice. The plant resembles a remarkable picture of violent growth, springing into intense activity in the early part of the year from its underground root, bearing leaves, flowers, and both ripe and unripe berries all at the same time in a furor of growth,
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attaining in one short season perhaps to the height of a manthere always was a sinister aura of lethality associated with this plant. Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, and Belladonna are referred to as the sinister sisters of the Solanaceae family.

DATURA STRAMONIUM Violence in action and thought Rage, capacity to commit murder Mania w/red face Fear of death, dark, water Fear to be alone Fear of animals, mirrors, reflecting or shiny objects Night terrors Convulsions, violent delirium Neurological disorders from head injury, meningitis Violent jerking of the head Craving for sweets Violent sexual desires Vulgar language Masturbation Enuresis esp w/fright Worse 4p to midnight Company, warmth, light ameliorates Aversion to water w/thirst Sensory illusions Vague, sick feeling Twitching, uncontrollable motions Seizure and sexual disorders Touch is resented, confrontation with shiny objects have a most adverse affect.

ATROPA BELLADONNA Explosive Anger Violent Delirium w/Superhuman Strength Vivid Hallucinations Fear of Dogs Desire to strike, spit, bite Markedly affected by temperature changes Aggravations 11am to 3pm Aggravations due to hormonal imbalances Aggravations from being jarred, motion Aggravations from light, noise Pain ameliorated by pressure Convulsions, esp. febrile Twitches, jerking Intense heat in affected parts High blood pressure Right-sided complaints Head pain ameliorated by cold applications, lying in the dark, pressure, or from binding the head Vertigo worse for motion, turning, stooping, bending Craving for lemons, lemonade Constipation w/rectal dryness Cold hands/feet with hot face Sleeps on abdomen Cutting hair aggravates

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Allen, H. C. Allens Key Notes and Characteristics. New Delhi: 2001, pp 275 276. Gibson, Douglas. Studies of Homeopathic Remedies. Beaconsfield, Bucks: Beaconsfield Publishers, 2000, pp 487 492. Kent, James Tyler. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Remedies. Sittingbourne: Homeopathic Book Service, 2000, pp 915 918. Kent, James T. Repertory of the Materia Medica and a Word index. Sixth American Edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers, 1927. Morrison, Roger. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Grass Valley: Hahnemann Clinic Publishing, 1993, pp 363 365. Nash, E. B. Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers, 2002, pp 109 110. Phatak, S. R. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers, 2002, pp 667 670. Sankaran, Rajan. The Soul of Remedies. Mumbai: Homeopathic Medical Publishers, 1997, pp 191 193. Sankaran, Rajan. An Insight into Plants. Volumes II and III. Mumbai: Homeopathic Medical Publishers, 2002, 2007, Solanaceae Family description. Tyler, M. L. Homeopathic Drug Pictures. Saffron Walden, Essex: The C. W. Walden Company, LTD, 1989, pp 768 780. Vermeulen, Frans. Prisma. Second Edition. Haarlem: Emryss bv Publishers, 2002, pp 1278 1291. Wikipedia, Stramonium Article,, and Belladonna Article,, viewed December 21, 2007.

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Appendix A-1 Stramonium Image

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Single Stramonium Mind Rubrics (Ailment, Fear, Delirium, Delusion):

MIND - DELIRIUM - afternoon - 16-0 h MIND - DELIRIUM - addresses objects MIND - FEAR - eaten; of being MIND - DELUSIONS - wheelwright; is a MIND - DELIRIUM - alternating with - convulsions; tetanic MIND - DELIRIUM - face - muscles constantly in play MIND - DELIRIUM - look fixed on one point - wrinkled face; with MIND - DELIRIUM - moving - queer; moving MIND - DELIRIUM - moving - rhythmical MIND - DELUSIONS - lying - crosswise MIND - FEAR - convulsions - with MIND - DELIRIUM - gay, cheerful - alternating with - laughing MIND - DELIRIUM - gay, cheerful - alternating with - singing MIND - DELIRIUM - gay, cheerful - alternating with - whistling MIND - DELIRIUM - irrational actions and thoughts MIND - DELUSIONS - hat is a pair of trousers which he tries to put on MIND - DELUSIONS - talking - inanimate objects with names, but observes no one standing near him; to MIND - DELUSIONS - flight from objects MIND - DELUSIONS - objects; about - flight away from objects MIND - DELUSIONS - murdered - being murdered; he is roasted and eaten; he was murdered MIND - DELUSIONS - murdering; he is - struck friends who came to help him MIND - DELUSIONS - bed - creases; bed is full of MIND - DELUSIONS - bed - falling - on her MIND - DELUSIONS - catches - people, at MIND - DELUSIONS - falling - clings and asks to be held MIND - DELIRIUM - stupid MIND - FEAR - imbecile, to become MIND - DELUSIONS - hearing - mania; in DREAMS - HEARING talking MIND - DELUSIONS - alone, being - wilderness; alone in a MIND - DELUSIONS - wilderness; being in MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - corners; coming out of MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - jumping - out of the ground MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - starting up MIND - DELUSIONS - corners - people coming out of; sees MIND - DELUSIONS - dogs - barks at them to be understood; others are dogs, he MIND - DELUSIONS - dogs - biting his chest MIND - DELUSIONS - fowls, sees MIND - DELIRIUM - horses, talks about MIND - DELUSIONS - rabbits, sees MIND - FEAR - dogs, of - big dogs MIND - DELUSIONS - executioner; visions of an MIND - DELUSIONS - images, phantoms; sees - rising out of the earth MIND - DELUSIONS - images, phantoms; sees - side; at his MIND - DELUSIONS - side - alive on one and buried on the other; he is MIND - DELUSIONS - faces, sees - elongated MIND - DELUSIONS - figures - seeing figures - corners; coming out of MIND - DELUSIONS - people - seeing people - seize them; a number of strangers and tries to MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - horrible - beside him MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - sleep; during - restless MIND - DELUSIONS - friend - never seen his friends; he had walking; after MIND - DELUSIONS - fire - balls of fire were rolling over bedclothes MIND - DELUSIONS - fire - room is on MIND - FEAR - roasted, to be MIND - DELUSIONS - God - he is God, then he is the devil MIND - DELUSIONS - delightful - she is or wants to be delightful MIND - DELUSIONS - statue - admired; poses as a statue to be MIND - DELUSIONS - power - diseases; he had power over all MIND - DELUSIONS - beautiful - she is beautiful and wants to be MIND - DELUSIONS - position; she is not fitted for her MIND - DELIRIUM - shy, hides himself MIND - DELUSIONS - limbs - no limbs; she had MIND - DELUSIONS - railway train - ear; there is a train or car in his MIND - FEAR - everything, constant of - measles do not come out; and MIND - DELUSIONS - head - disease will break out of head MIND - DELUSIONS - honest - not honest; is MIND - DELUSIONS - inconsolable; being MIND - DELUSIONS - joy - nothing could give her any joy MIND - DELUSIONS - jealousy - lovers concealed behind stove; wife has MIND - DELUSIONS - neglected - he or she is neglected husband; by her MIND - DELUSIONS - seeking - something; he is seeking MIND - DELUSIONS - small - things - appear small; things - he were very large; and MIND - FEAR - evil; fear of - trifles, from MIND - FEAR - looking - first thing he sees; fear looking at the MIND - FEAR - processions, in MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - rubber dam is placed in the mouth by dentist; after a

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Appendix A-2 Belladonna Image

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Belladonna Single Rubrics (Ailment, Fear, Delirium, Delusion):

MIND - AILMENTS FROM - love; disappointed - excitement; with general MIND - DELIRIUM - alternating with - lamenting MIND - DELUSIONS - juggler, he is a MIND - DELUSIONS - magician, is a MIND - DELUSIONS - policeman - physician is a policeman MIND - DELUSIONS - gun, uses a stick for a MIND - DELUSIONS - trees - people in fantastic costume; seem to be - afternoon - riding; while MIND - DELIRIUM - arms - throws about MIND - DELIRIUM - carotids pulsating, with MIND - DELIRIUM - face - livid MIND - DELIRIUM - grimaces, with MIND - DELIRIUM - grinding teeth; with MIND - DELIRIUM - lips move as if talking MIND - DELIRIUM - terror, expressive of MIND - DELIRIUM - extravagant language, with MIND - DELIRIUM - urinating - pot; outside the MIND - DELUSIONS - riding; as if - ox; riding on an MIND - DELUSIONS - tongue - pulling out his tongue; someone is MIND - DELUSIONS - drinking - is drinking; he MIND - DELUSIONS - pendulum - vertigo were like the vibration of a pendulum MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - creeping - shirt; in MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - dark colored MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - fierce, with horns and bushy heads MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - fire, in the MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - persons are animals - unclean animals MIND - DELUSIONS - bats, of MIND - FEAR - animals, of - black MIND - DELIRIUM - dogs, talks about MIND - DELUSIONS - bulls, of MIND - DELUSIONS - insects, sees - shining MIND DELUSIONS - snakes - crimson serpent fastening on his neck MIND - FEAR - imaginary - animals, of MIND - DELUSIONS - turtles in room, sees large MIND - FEAR - wolves; of MIND - DELUSIONS fiery MIND - DELUSIONS - fire - home; on a distant MIND - DELUSIONS - cucumbers on the bed; sees MIND - DELUSIONS - bed - someone - take away the bedclothes; someone tries to MIND - FEAR - waking, on - under the bed, of something MIND - DELUSIONS - body - sink down between the thighs; body will MIND - DELUSIONS - body - spotted brown, is MIND - DELUSIONS - transparent - head and nose are MIND - DELUSIONS - head - transparent and speckled brown MIND - DELUSIONS - Nose - transparent nose; has a MIND - FEAR - putrefy, body will MIND - DELUSIONS - dead - corpse - tall yellow corpse is trying to share the bed with him - ejected; and he is promptly MIND - DELUSIONS - falling - he is - deep MIND - DELUSIONS - floating - air, in - evening MIND - DELUSIONS - floating - boat; floating in a MIND - DELUSIONS - gallows with fear; vision of MIND - FEAR - gallows, of the MIND - DELUSIONS - gathering objects from pictures and walls; making efforts at MIND - DELUSIONS - giants, sees MIND - DELUSIONS - head - friend's head stick out of a bottle; sees his MIND - DELUSIONS - mask - seeing - laughing masks - night bed; in MIND - DELUSIONS - pleasing delusions - morning - sleep; after MIND - DELUSIONS - room - people; sees - passing in and out, who wanted to take her away; room were full of strange men MIND - DELUSIONS - sensations; misrepresents his MIND - DELUSIONS - specters, ghosts, spirits - fire, in MIND - DELUSIONS - stabbed - person who passed on the street; he had stabbed a MIND - DELUSIONS - strangers - room; seem to be in the snatch at her; who MIND - DELUSIONS - talking - dead people; with - sister; with his - churchyard; in MIND - DELUSIONS - touching - everything; he was touching MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - hide; wishes to MIND - FEAR - approaching; of - others; of - starting; with MIND - FEAR - jumps - touch, on MIND - FEAR - near; of those standing MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of - swallow; with desire to DREAMS - AWAY - go away; she wants to DREAMS - UNSUCCESSFUL EFFORTS - go away; to DREAMS - GHOSTS - miserable phantoms DREAMS - PEOPLE - many people; she is occupied with DREAMS - PLEASANT - laughter; provoking DREAMS - VISIONARY frightful

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Appendix B Belladonna-Stramonium Shared Fears, Delusions, Ailments and Dreams

MIND - AILMENTS FROM - alcoholism MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - anxiety; with MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - fright; with MIND - AILMENTS FROM - emotions MIND - AILMENTS FROM - excitement - emotional MIND - AILMENTS FROM - fear MIND - AILMENTS FROM - fright MIND - AILMENTS FROM - grief MIND - AILMENTS FROM - love; disappointed MIND - AILMENTS FROM - mortification MIND - AILMENTS FROM - reproaches MIND - DELIRIUM - night MIND - FEAR - night MIND - DELIRIUM - closing the eyes, on MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - closing the eyes, on MIND - DELIRIUM - sleep - during MIND - DELIRIUM - sleeplessness - with MIND - DELIRIUM - restless MIND - DELIRIUM - sopor, with MIND - DELUSIONS - activity, with MIND - DELIRIUM - trembling, with MIND - DELIRIUM - anxious MIND - DELIRIUM - bite, desire to MIND - DELIRIUM - busy MIND - DELIRIUM - exaltation of strength, with MIND - DELIRIUM - fantastic MIND - DELIRIUM - fierce MIND - DELIRIUM - foolish, silly MIND - DELIRIUM - frightful MIND - DELIRIUM - maniacal MIND - DELIRIUM - noisy MIND - DELIRIUM - rabid MIND - DELIRIUM - raging MIND - DELIRIUM - violent MIND - DELIRIUM - vivid MIND - DELIRIUM - waking, on MIND - DELIRIUM - wild MIND - DELUSIONS - fancy, illusions of MIND - DELUSIONS - violent MIND - DELUSIONS - vivid MIND - FEAR - mania; in MIND - FEAR - terror MIND - DELIRIUM - crying, with MIND - DELIRIUM - gay, cheerful MIND - DELIRIUM - gay, cheerful - fever; during MIND - DELIRIUM - laughing MIND - DELIRIUM - loquacious MIND - DELUSIONS - loquacity, with MIND - DELIRIUM - muttering MIND - DELIRIUM - chill, during MIND - DELIRIUM - fever - during MIND - DELIRIUM - perspiration - with MIND - DELIRIUM - anxious - fever; during MIND - DELIRIUM - loquacious - fever; during MIND - DELIRIUM - menses - during MIND - DELIRIUM - muttering - fever; during MIND - DELIRIUM - pains - from MIND - DELIRIUM - periodical - fever; during MIND - DELIRIUM - raging - fever; during MIND - DELIRIUM - headache - during MIND - DELIRIUM - injuries to head; after MIND - DELIRIUM - smallpox; after MIND - DELIRIUM - typhoid fever; during MIND - DELUSIONS - fancy, illusions of - heat, during MIND - DELIRIUM - bed - creeps about in MIND - DELIRIUM - bed - escapes, jumps up suddenly from bed MIND - DELUSIONS - floating - bed - suspended in bed MIND - DELUSIONS - floating - bed - swimming in bed MIND - FEAR - escape; with desire to MIND - DELIRIUM - business, talks of MIND - DELUSIONS - engaged - occupation; he is engaged in some MIND - DELUSIONS - engaged - occupation; he is engaged in some ordinary occupation MIND - DELUSIONS - business - ordinary, they are pursuing MIND - DELUSIONS - calls - someone calls MIND - DELUSIONS - conversing; as if MIND - DELUSIONS - hearing - illusions of MIND - DELUSIONS - people - conversing with absent people MIND - DELUSIONS - people - seeing people MIND - DELUSIONS - inanimate objects are persons MIND - DELUSIONS - objects; about - persons; are MIND - DELUSIONS - voices - hearing MIND - DELUSIONS - voices - hearing distant MIND - DELUSIONS - voices - hearing - dead people, of MIND - DELUSIONS - whistling, with MIND - DELIRIUM - naked in delirium, wants to be MIND - DELUSIONS lascivious MIND - DELIRIUM - look fixed on one point MIND - DELIRIUM - recognizes no one MIND - DELIRIUM - delusions, with MIND - DELUSIONS - animals MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - bed - on MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - black animals; seeing - walls and furniture; seeing black animals on MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - frightful MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - persons are animals MIND - DELUSIONS - animals - persons are animals - rats, mice, insects etc. MIND - DELUSIONS - assembled things, swarms, crowds etc. MIND - DELUSIONS - beetles, worms etc. MIND - DELUSIONS - cats - sees MIND - DELUSIONS - cockroaches swarmed about the room MIND - DELUSIONS - dogs - sees MIND - DELUSIONS - dogs - swarm about him MIND - DELUSIONS - fishes, flies, etc.; sees MIND - DELUSIONS - insects, sees MIND - DELUSIONS - mice - sees MIND - DELUSIONS - rats, sees MIND - DELUSIONS - snakes - in and around her MIND - DELUSIONS - wolves, of MIND - FEAR - animals, of MIND - FEAR - dogs, of MIND - FEAR - dogs, of - black dogs; of MIND - DELUSIONS - black - objects and people, sees MIND - FEAR - dark; of MIND - FEAR - dark; of - children; in MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - horrible - dark, in the MIND - DELUSIONS - blind; he is MIND - DELUSIONS - body - cut through; he is - two; in MIND - DELUSIONS - enlarged MIND - DELUSIONS - enlarged - body is - parts of body MIND - DELUSIONS - large - parts of body seem too large MIND - DELUSIONS - divided - two parts; into MIND - DELUSIONS - divided - two parts; into - cut in two parts; or MIND - DELUSIONS - drunk - is drunk; he MIND - DELUSIONS - churchyard - visits a MIND - DELUSIONS - religious MIND - FEAR - evil; fear of MIND - DELUSIONS - possessed; being MIND - DELUSIONS - devil - sees

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MIND - DELUSIONS - dead - persons, sees MIND - DELUSIONS - faces, sees - ugly MIND - DELUSIONS - figures - seeing figures MIND - DELUSIONS - figures - seeing figures - strange MIND - DELUSIONS - images, phantoms; sees MIND - DELUSIONS - images, phantoms; sees - black MIND - DELUSIONS - images, phantoms; sees - dark, in the MIND - DELUSIONS - images, phantoms; sees - frightful MIND - DELUSIONS - specters, ghosts, spirits MIND - DELUSIONS - specters, ghosts, spirits - closing eyes, on MIND - DELUSIONS - specters, ghosts, spirits - seeing MIND - FEAR - ghosts, of MIND - DELUSIONS - talking - dead people; with MIND - DELUSIONS - talking - spirits, with MIND - FEAR - faces looking at him - hideous faces MIND - FEAR - imaginary - things; of imaginary MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - daytime MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - fantastic MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - horrible MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - monsters, of MIND - DELUSIONS - die - about to die; one was MIND - DELUSIONS - murdered - will be murdered; he MIND - DELUSIONS - injury - about to receive injury; is MIND - DELUSIONS - doomed, being MIND - FEAR - death, of MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of MIND - FEAR - high places, of MIND - DELUSIONS - falling - he is MIND - DELUSIONS - vertigo - having vertigo MIND - DELUSIONS - poor; he is MIND - FEAR - poisoned - being poisoned; fear of MIND - DELUSIONS - sick - being MIND - DELUSIONS - fire - house, on MIND - DELUSIONS - fire - visions of

MIND - DELUSIONS - great person, is a MIND - DELUSIONS MIND - DELUSIONS MIND - DELUSIONS MIND - DELUSIONS - persecuted - he is persecuted - pursued; he was - pursued; he was - enemies, by - strange - familiar things seem strange

MIND - FEAR - alone, of being MIND - FEAR - approaching; of - others; of MIND - FEAR - approaching; of - others; of - children cannot bear to have anyone come near them MIND - FEAR - noise, from - rushing water; of MIND - FEAR - liquids; of - thirst; with MIND - FEAR - water, of MIND - FEAR - starting, with MIND - FEAR - struck - approaching him; of being struck by those MIND - FEAR - thunderstorm, of MIND - FEAR - touched; of being MIND - FEAR - waking, on MIND - DELUSIONS - fancy, illusions of - sleep - during DREAMS - AMOROUS DREAMS - ANXIOUS DREAMS - FIGHTS DREAMS - FRIGHTFUL DREAMS - HORRIBLE DREAMS - MANY DREAMS - NIGHTMARES DREAMS - PLEASANT DREAMS - QUARRELS DREAMS - UNREMEMBERED DREAMS - VIVID

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Allen, H. C. Allens Key Notes and Characteristics. New Delhi: 2001, pp 275 276. Gibson, Douglas. Studies of Homeopathic Remedies. Beaconsfield, Bucks: Beaconsfield Publishers, 2000, pp 487 492. Kent, James Tyler. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Remedies. Sittingbourne: Homeopathic Book Service, 2000, pp 915 918. Kent, James T. Repertory of the Materia Medica and a Word index. Sixth American Edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers, 1927. Morrison, Roger. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Grass Valley: Hahnemann Clinic Publishing, 1993, pp 363 365. Nash, E. B. Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers, 2002, pp 109 110. Phatak, S. R. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers, 2002, pp 667 670. Sankaran, Rajan. The Soul of Remedies. Mumbai: Homeopathic Medical Publishers, 1997, pp 191 193. Sankaran, Rajan. An Insight into Plants. Volumes II and III. Mumbai: Homeopathic Medical Publishers, 2002, 2007, Solanaceae Family description. Tyler, M. L. Homeopathic Drug Pictures. Saffron Walden, Essex: The C. W. Walden Company, LTD, 1989, pp 768 780. Vermeulen, Frans. Prisma. Second Edition. Haarlem: Emryss bv Publishers, 2002, pp 1278 1291. Wikipedia, Stramonium Article,, and Belladonna Article,, viewed December 21, 2007.

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