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Obtrusion By RW

INT. LIVING ROOM. EVENING. 11:20PM. The sound of a door slamming cuts the shot from black to a close-up reflection in a hand mirror of a womans eye, the sound of stressed breathing can be heard as she dabs make-up on bruise around her eye. She clips the mirror shut. cut We are in a small flat which looks like the scene of a battle. It is a mess. The woman stands by the coffee table. She is looking down at a photo frame which is in her hand, the glass is smashed. cut She runs he fingers along the jagged glass. MAN V.O Dont talk back to me! Sound of a smack then glass smashing. The womans finger catches on a sharp point. WOMAN Ow fuck. She flinches and begins to bleed. cut Putting down the frame she looks at the blood on her finger, her breathing is heavy but shivering as it trickles down to her wrist and onto her metal bracelet. MAN V.O Arent you happy? I bought you that bracelet with MY money. I earned it. The woman grimaces and pulls the chain from her wrist and throws it away. She slumps in the chair and sucks her thumb, tears are streaming down her face. cut We look dead on at the woman as she slowly rocks in her seat, she is looking down with her finger still in her mouth but looks up at the camera sharply, as if she hears something. WOMAN VO YOUR money? Im the one who pays the bills, IM the one who buys the food. But YOUVE spent it all. And on what?! (CONTINUED)



cut Side on tracking shot around the woman. MAN V.O Shut up! Just shut up! Ill do what I want to do! cut The woman gets up and moves to the kitchen area where she runs her bleeding hand under the tap, she winces as the blood washes away. She turns off the tap, the close-up on her face is claustrophobic, the sound mimics her perspective and she hears herself again. WOMAN V.O What is it Mark? Drugs? Other women? Are you gambling again? The sound continues as she turns back to the living room. She picks up the bottle of wine. MAN V.O You really know nothing! You dont know me at all! WOMAN V.O But Im your wife! The woman takes a swig from the bottle of wine, she looks up at the clock. MAN V.O Yeah, your mine! WOMAN V.O Get your hands off me! The woman flinches and shudders, she is evidently shaken. She gets up from the seat and goes to the draining board. cut She picks up a glass. There is the sound of people fumbling and fighting as she turns with the glass. WOMAN V.O No, Mark! There is a loud smack sound sound and a scream. The woman drops the glass, and touches her face near where the bruise she covered earlier is. cut (CONTINUED)



The woman bends and picks up bits of the broken glass and goes to put them in the sink. We return to that claustrophobic shot from earlier. The sound of the glass hitting the water is merged with the sound of weeping. MAN V.O Im going out. cut Extreme close up on her eye, a tears rolls down her face. Then the sound of the door slamming can be heard, she closes her eyes. Her lips quiver in fear. cut We she the woman from behind, standing at the sink. We hear her breathing and we hear footsteps getting louder. As we pan toward her body and get to a mid frame we see a hand reach out to her shoulder. She turns and we hear a gasp but the screen goes black. Fade out the sound of her breathing.

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