February 18, 2009

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009 KEEPING THE SOUTH EAST INFORMED SINCE 1861 $1.00 inc.




Dental costs bite

Free dental care considered
But Mount Gambier
residents were unsure if
the proposed system would
Email: anelia@tbw.com.au “Medicare should cover
MOUNT Gambier people dental care because bad teeth
expressed mixed views affect your health and can
yesterday on a possible free even cause heart problems,”
dental health scheme. Charlie Scott said.
A new national health “Why do we need a whole
system “with teeth” was pro- different system?”
posed on Monday, potentially Some residents expressed
giving Australians universal concern over added pressure
access to dental care, regard- on local dentists, already
less of their ability to pay. stretched with long waiting
The National Health and times to get an appoint-
Hospitals Reform Commission ment.
chair, Dr Christine Bennett, “Waiting times are already
announced Denticare very long. With Denticare
Australia as part of the com- more people are going to pA new national health scheme “with teeth” has been proposed.
mission’s Healthier Future access dental services and we
for all Australians interim are going to wait even longer,”
report as a work in progress, Louise Ladlow said.
calling for public response “Do we have enough
and comments before the dentists to cope with extra
final report is due for release patients? They are going to
in June. have to look at attracting
While explaining Denticare more dentists to the South
Australia would be funded by East.”
an increase in the Medicare But Jenny Fogarty wel-
levy, Dr Bennett added comed the new system after
“many people would pay no she was recently told she
more than they currently pay would have to find $2000 to
for dental care”. pay for dental treatment.
“People could choose a “I grind my teeth in my
dental health plan with a sleep and as a result I will
private health insurer paid have to get fillings done,
for by the levy, or they could which will cost $1500, and
opt to rely on public dental fork out another $500 for a
health services, for which mouth guard to wear when

increased funding would be I go to bed,” Ms Fogarty

‘ ‘
provided,” she said. said.
The report claimed despite “I would love it if we had It won’t shorten the
the 0.75pc taxable income this system because I don’t Medicare should I would love it if we

’ ’
Medicare levy increase, have private health insur- long waiting times to

it would be smaller than ance and I am going to have cover dental care had Denticare
existing out-of-pocket costs to pay off the money over the see a dentist
for dental services for many next few months, and with
people. my dad’s help.” -Louise Ladlow -Charlie Scott -Jenny Fogarty

WEATHER Mount Gambier Today - Fine. Mostly sunny. 33o – report page 27 KID’S PAGE Page 12 COMICS Page 17 CLASSIFIEDS Pages 18-20

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