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ENTERPRISE Database Reference Guide

Software Version 6.2 Reference Guide Edition 1

Copyright 2009 AIRCOM International All rights reserved ADVANTAGE, ASSET, CONNECT, DATASAFE, DIRECT ENTERPRISE, ARRAYWIZARD, AIRCOM OPTIMA, and WEBWIZARD are recognised trademarks of AIRCOM International. Other product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Microsoft Excel , .NET, Microsoft Office, Outlook , Visual Basic Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Word are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. This documentation is protected by copyright and contains proprietary and confidential information. No part of the contents of this documentation may be disclosed, used or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without the prior written consent of AIRCOM International. Although AIRCOM International has collated this documentation to reflect the features and capabilities supported in the software products, the company makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, about this documentation, its quality or fitness for particular customer purpose. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of ENTERPRISE software and the application of the results obtained. An electronic version of this document exists. This User Reference Guide finalised on 27 August 2009. Refer to the Online Help for more information. This User Reference Guide prepared by: AIRCOM International Ltd Cassini Court Randalls Research Park Randalls Way Leatherhead Surrey KT22 7TW Telephone: Support Hotline: Fax: Web: +44 (0) 1932 442000 +44 (0) 1932 442345 +44 (0) 1932 442005


Chapter 1 About this Manual

15 16

Overview of Database Table Definitions

Primary and Foreign Keys About Permissions

Explanation of Symbols Obtaining User Assistance

Who is This User Reference Guide For? About the ENTERPRISE User Reference Guides Can You Improve Our User Assistance? Obtaining Support Obtaining Further Information and Services

16 16
17 18 19 19 21

Chapter 2 Database Table Relationships

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (1) Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (2) Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (3) Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (4) Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (5) Equipment Database Table Relationships Internal Database Table Relationships Logical Network Database Table Relationships (1) Logical Network Database Table Relationships (2) Logical Network Database Table Relationships (3) Analog Network Database Table Relationships Project Database Table Relationships ADVANTAGE Database Table Relationships (1) ADVANTAGE Database Table Relationships (2) CONNECT Database Table Relationships (1) CONNECT Database Table Relationships (2)

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Chapter 3 Environment Set-Up Database Tables

About the Elementtypekey Parameter


About Fields

55 55 56 56 57 57 57 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 62 63 64 64 65 66 67 67 68 68

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72 73 73 74 74 75 76 76 76 77 77 78 79 79 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 83 83 83 87 88 88 89 89 89 90 90 91

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Chapter 4 Equipment Database Tables 93


Chapter 5 Internal Database Tables


106 107 107 108 108 108 108 109 109 109 110 110 110 112 112 113 113 114 114 115 118 118
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Chapter 6 Logical Network Database Tables


123 123 124 125 125 126 127 128 130 130 131 132 132 133 134 134 138 139 140 141 142 143 143 143 144 146 147 150 153 154 156 157 157 158 159
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161 163 163 165 166 167 167 168 169 170 170 171 176 176 177 178 178 179 182 182 183 184 184 185 185 187

Chapter 7 Analog Network Database Tables

Page 10

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201 202 204 205 205 206

Chapter 8 Project Database Tables



About States in the CARRIERS Table


212 212 214 215 215 216 216 217 219 219 220 221 221 223 224

Chapter 9 ADVANTAGE Database Tables


227 228 229 229 230 231 231 232 233 233 234
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234 235 235 236 237 238 238 239 239 240 241 241 242 243 244 244 245 246 247 248 249 249 250 251

Chapter 10 CONNECT Database Tables

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Chapter 11 About Difference Tables


Permissions in Difference Tables



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About this Manual

This Reference Guide describes the database tables in the ENTERPRISE database for version 6.2.

In This Section
Overview of Database Table Definitions Explanation of Symbols Obtaining User Assistance 15 16 16

Overview of Database Table Definitions

The tables in the core database are divided into two distinct groups: The master tables which store data available to all users The difference tables which store information relating to user-specific changes This chapter gives reference information on the separate database tables available in the core database. Information about the DIRECT database is proprietary. For any queries you may have, please contact Product Support.

Primary and Foreign Keys

The primary key is a column, or set of columns, whose values uniquely identify every row in a table. A foreign key is one or more columns within a table whose values are based on those of the primary key from another table. The foreign key relates the information from another table (the foreign table) to information in the current (referenced or primary) table. If a foreign key is allowed to have a NULL value, it is said to be optional. A foreign key that is not optional is called mandatory. Most foreign and primary keys are mandatory. Projectno is always part of the foreign key, so is not indicated as such throughout the database tables.

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About Permissions
Tables in the database for BSCs, MSCs, distribution nodes, Properties, repeaters and cell sites have a Permissions field. This contains a three digit code that grants the read/write privileges to the relational database as follows: The first digit of the code is specific to the user The second digit relates to that user's default group The third digit relates to all available users in that project Each digit extends from 0 to 2 inclusive, with 0 or 1 providing Read privileges and 2 representing all permissions, that is Read and Write. You set user permissions in Administrator, either when you first create a user or by changing the properties of an existing user. For information on how to do this, see the Installation and Administration Guide.

Explanation of Symbols
Throughout this guide, where appropriate, some symbols are used to highlight particular pieces of text. Three different symbols are in use, and are explained as follows:
Symbol Brief Description Note Tip Warning or Important Full Description Signifies text that should be noted or carefully considered. Signifies text that may help you do something in an easier or quicker way. Signifies text that is intended as a warning or something important.

Obtaining User Assistance

Using Online Help ENTERPRISE products come with a complete system of online Help which you can access in three ways: From the Help menu, click Help Contents. Scroll through the table of contents and choose a relevant topic to display. To search for something particular, from the Help menu, click Help Contents and using the Index tab or Search tab, type in a letter or word to start searching for relevant topics. Press F1 in a dialog box to view context-sensitive help (available for most dialog boxes). If you are using ENTERPRISE within a CITRIX environment, to ensure that the Help graphics are displayed, set your display settings to support more than 256 colours.
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Using ENTERPRISE User Reference Guides If you prefer to read printed content, we also provide User Reference Guides. To view or print these as PDFs (Adobe Acrobat portable document format): 1 Make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC. If you do not have this, you can install it from the ENTERPRISE CD, or get it from the Adobe website. Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. 2 Click Start on the taskbar, point to Programs, then AIRCOM International, then ENTERPRISE, then Docs. - or Navigate to the Docs folder in the location where you installed the product. If neither of these exists, please contact your administrator. 3 Double-click the PDF file that you want to view.

If you have a customer web account, you can also download the latest User Reference Guides from our website. Checking Release Notes Each release of the ENTERPRISE software is accompanied by Release Notes, giving important information on system requirements, installation, known issues, upgrades and so on. These notes are included in the ENTERPRISE CD, or you can download them from our website. For any further documentation, such as application notes and extra reference information, please email the support team at the address described in Obtaining Support on page 19.

Who is This User Reference Guide For?

The ENTERPRISE User Reference Guides are intended for different audiences, depending on the particular product. Typical prerequisites include a good understanding of the following: The appropriate telecoms technologies and the associated network planning methods (for planning software) Relational database management, and in particular Oracle database creation and administration procedures (for administrative software) The various parameters utilised for monitoring and optimising networks (for OSS software) Irrespective of the particular product, the following basic knowledge is required: Microsoft Windows concepts The functions of the Microsoft Office suite of tools, in particular Excel

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About the ENTERPRISE User Reference Guides

This table describes our range of User Reference Guides:
This Guide What's New ENTERPRISE Installation and Administration Contains Information On The main difference between the latest versions of the ENTERPRISE suite. Installing and configuring ENTERPRISE, your network, and Oracle databases. Using Administrator to create users and groups, and set permissions. Also contains information on software licensing. ENTERPRISE Database Reference ENTERPRISE User Reference ENTERPRISE Technical Reference ADVANTAGE User Reference The relationships between tables in the database and the contents of each table. Functionality that is common to most of the products in the ENTERPRISE suite, including how to access, view, edit and store data. File formats, as well as antenna and diffraction calculations. Using ADVANTAGE to plan and optimise networks automatically, consider measured data in analysis/optimisation, analyse network performance, identify problematic areas/cells, and related tasks. Using ARRAYWIZARD to automatically generate coverage predictions and best server arrays, which gives you instantaneous display of coverage and interference information for pre-selected filters when loaded into ASSET. Using ASSET, the network planning and analysis tool, to design a range of cellular networks. Includes information on hierarchical network planning, propagation modelling, service and bearer definition, coverage analysis, traffic planning, neighbour planning, measurement data analysis, detailed reporting, analysis arrays and simulation of network performance. ASSET Technical Reference ASSET ACP User Reference Guide Array descriptions and information on some of the algorithms used in ASSET. Using ASSET ACP to plan and optimise networks automatically, designed as an aid for day-to-day planning. (Optional add-on to ASSET.) CONNECT User Reference Using CONNECT, the network transmission and microwave link planning software for full network physical link design and logical link design. Also contains CONNECT-specific reference information. DATASAFE User Reference DIRECT User Reference Using DATASAFE, our network configuration tool to implement both small and large scale changes to networks Using DIRECT to design telecommunications networks of different network layers. Explains how to plan cellular, PSTN and data networks at a both general and strategic level. Also contains DIRECT-specific reference information. Financial Analysis User Reference Guide Using the Financial Analysis module to evaluate and plan for the revenue potential of your network. (Optional add-on to ASSET and ADVANTAGE.) ILSA User Reference Guide Using ILSA, ASSET's automatic 2g frequency planning tool. (Optional add-on to ASSET.)

ARRAYWIZARD User Reference

ASSET User Reference

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This Guide MYRIAD User Reference

Contains Information On Using the MYRIAD propagation model, which is a sophisticated model that can automatically adapt to all engineering domains, radio environments and systems. (Optional add-on to ASSET.)

AIRCOM OPTIMA User Reference RANOPT User Reference WEBWIZARD User Reference

Using AIRCOM OPTIMA to view performance data and statistics both with ENTERPRISE and standalone. Using RANOPT to efficiently find faults in your network, optimise and validate its performance prior to commercial launch. Using WEBWIZARD to display GIS and report information of network data, including creating layers, regions, nodes, layer types, administering and configuring the system and using the GIS view, explorer and report viewers.

Can You Improve Our User Assistance?

We are always trying to improve the online Help and User Reference Guides. If you cannot find the Help you were looking for, need more information, or have any suggestions for improvements, we would be grateful for your feedback. Also, if you are generally satisfied with these resources, we would appreciate any positive feedback. Online Questionnaire You can help us by completing our brief online questionnaire ( Alternatively, you can contact us directly at

Obtaining Support
If you have a difficulty you cannot resolve yourself using the online Help or Reference Guides, or you have found a possible fault in the software, you can log a support request. You may also wish to contact us if you want to: Register for a customer web account to access the Support area Obtain further documentation, such as application notes and extra reference information Logging Support Requests Online To log a support request online: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Go to the AIRCOM website, at Click the link to Support. Log in, using your customer web account username and password. In the Technical Support pane, click Online Helpdesk System. Click Log New. Type the details of your request, and then click Log.
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Contacting us via Telephone or Email If you wish to contact us directly, here are the contact details of our regional offices:
Location Europe Regional Office United Kingdom Contact Details Tel : +44 1932 442000 Fax :+44 1932 442005 Sweden France Italy Germany Belgium Middle East, Africa and Central Asia United Arab Emirates Tel : +971 4 391 2642 Fax :+971 4 391 8141 South Africa Tel : +27 11 745 1475 Fax : +27 11 465 1517 Americas Mexico USA Tel : +1 214 576 2700 Fax : +1 214 576 2794 Brazil Asia and Oceania Australia Singapore Tel: +65 6372 0548 Fax: +65 6372 0350 China Taiwan India Tel: +91 124 4102445-49 Fax: +91 124 41024500

When contacting us with a support query, it would help us if you: Give us as much information as possible about the problem and the context in which it occurred State the version and build you are using Have all the details of your query to hand Are logged into the ENTERPRISE application Can send extracts of your data sets if we need them to reproduce your problem

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Obtaining Further Information and Services

As well as comprehensive online Help and User Reference Guides and dedicated Product Support, AIRCOM provides: Online Knowledgebase of Articles If you register for a customer web account, you can view our searchable technical database in the Product Support section of the AIRCOM website. This Knowledgebase contains articles created by our support professionals who have resolved issues for our customers, and is constantly updated, expanded, and refined to ensure that you have access to the very latest information. Power Tools If you register for a customer web account, you can download from a selection of useful power tools, such as file conversion utilities. Latest Copies of the User Reference Guides If you register for a customer web account, you can download the latest User Reference Guides (PDFs) from our website. If you do this, please check the back of the reference guides for any additions or corrections. Consultancy Services AIRCOM also provide full radio consultancy services in Network Audits, Business Planning Support, Licence Applications, Radio Network Planning, Telecommunications Research and System Modelling and Propagation Analysis and Modelling. Training There is a wide variety of courses run by AIRCOM. These courses range from tool training to technology training. For details, contact Competence Development Solutions (

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Database Table Relationships

This chapter shows the relationships between tables in the ENTERPRISE database, illustrated by the following diagrams. The direction of the arrows indicates the way the tables are referenced.

In This Section
Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (1) Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (2) Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (3) Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (4) Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (5) Equipment Database Table Relationships Internal Database Table Relationships Logical Network Database Table Relationships (1) Logical Network Database Table Relationships (2) Logical Network Database Table Relationships (3) Analog Network Database Table Relationships Project Database Table Relationships ADVANTAGE Database Table Relationships (1) ADVANTAGE Database Table Relationships (2) CONNECT Database Table Relationships (1) CONNECT Database Table Relationships (2) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

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Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (1)

This diagram shows relationships between the environment set-up database tables.

Environment Set-up Database Tables

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Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (2)

This diagram shows relationships between the environment set-up database tables.

Environment Set-up Database Tables

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Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (3)

This diagram shows relationships between the environment set-up database tables.

Environment Set-up Database Tables

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Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (4)

This diagram shows relationships between the environment set-up database tables.

Environment Set-up Database Tables

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Environment Set-up Database Table Relationships (5)

This diagram shows relationships between the environment set-up database tables.

Environment Set-up Database Tables

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Equipment Database Table Relationships

This diagram shows the relationships between the equipment database tables.

Equipment Database Tables

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Internal Database Table Relationships

This diagram shows the relationships between the internal database tables.

Internal Database Tables

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Logical Network Database Table Relationships (1)

This diagram shows the relationships between the logical network database tables.

Logical Network Database Tables

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Logical Network Database Table Relationships (2)

This diagram shows the relationships between the logical network database tables.

Logical Network Database Table Relationships

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Logical Network Database Table Relationships (3)

This diagram shows the relationships between the logical network database tables.

Logical Network Database Tables

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Analog Network Database Table Relationships

This diagram shows relationships between the analog network database tables.

Analog Network Database Tables

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Project Database Table Relationships

This diagram shows relationships between the project database tables.

Project Database Tables

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ADVANTAGE Database Table Relationships (1)

This diagram shows the relationships between the ADVANTAGE database tables.

ADVANTAGE Database Tables

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ADVANTAGE Database Table Relationships (2)

This diagram shows the relationships between the ADVANTAGE database tables.

ADVANTAGE Database Tables

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CONNECT Database Table Relationships (1)

This diagram shows relationships between the CONNECT database tables.

CONNECT Database Tables

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CONNECT Database Table Relationships (2)

This diagram shows relationships between the CONNECT database tables.

CONNECT Database Tables

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Environment Set-Up Database Tables

The following table describes the environment set-up database tables:
This Table ACTIVEATTRIB Stores Information On The active attributes used in user-defined filters. Primary Keys activeattributekey pickedobjectkey projectno ACTIVEELEMENTS The active elements used in user-defined filters. elementtypekey filterkey projectno rulekey ACTIVEFLAGS The active fields used in userdefined filters. filterkey flaggroupkey flagkey projectno rulekey ACTIVEOBJECTS The active objects used in userdefined filters. elementtypekey filterkey objectkey projectno ACTIVEPOLYGONS The active polygons used in user-defined filters. featid filterkey guidfield polygonkey projectno rulekey FK1 filterkey FK2 rulekey YES FK1 filterkey FK2 flaggroupkey FK3 rulekey FK1 filterkey YES YES FK1 filterkey FK2 rulekey YES Foreign Keys (projectno + ) FK1 filterkey FK2 rulekey Diff Table? YES

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This Table AICAR

Stores Information On The available carriers defined in the Carrier Layers dialog box.

Primary Keys carriernumber projectno

Foreign Keys (projectno + )

Diff Table? NO


The attribute types used in userdefined filters. The carrier layers defined in the Carrier Layers dialog box. The carriers associated with each carrier layer defined in the Carrier Layers dialog box.

attributetypekey carlaykey projectno carlaykey carriernumber projectno FK1 freqbandkey FK1 carriernumber





The cell layers defined in the Cell Layers dialog box. The relationship between the carrier layers and cell layers.

cellaykey projectno carlaykey cellaykey projectno FK1 carlaykey FK2 cellaykey





The datums, groups, units and co-ordinate systems used in the map projections. The BLOB record, containing the entire co-ordinate system file. The coverage classes defined in the Cell Layer dialog box. These apply globally to the system, and store the name and colour of each of the classes. The user and system coverage schemas created. The thresholds for each coverage class. There are arranged on each cell layer for different achieved coverages. Associations between pathloss correction files and cell vectors. The active connections to the database. Events in projects.






covclasskey projectno



covshemakey projectno covthreshkey projectno cwvectorpk projectno sessionid usrkey








Errors/exception that are logged. Environment type parameters associated with the Model Assignment Calculator. envtypepk idname projectno


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Stores Information On Environment type clutter parameters associated with the Model Assignment Calculator. The names, types and attributes of filters defined in projects. The field groups available for different element types.

Primary Keys envtypeclutter pk projectno filterkey projectno elementtypekey flaggroupkey projectno

Foreign Keys (projectno + )

Diff Table? NO




FK1 flaggroupkey FK2 elementtypekey



The association between field groups and user groups.

flaggroupkey usergroupkey projectno



The available field groups, defined in the Field Editor dialog box. The available fields, defined in the Field Editor dialog box.

flaggroupkey projectno flaggroupkey flagkey projectno FK1 flaggroupkey





The field settings of each object.

elementtypekey flaggroupkey objectkey projectno

FK1 flaggroupkey FK2 flaggroupkey + flagkey



The frequency bands used in the project. The conversion formulas used to extract the uplink and downlink frequencies from the appropriate ARFCNs. A frequency band can use different conversion formulas for different ranges of carriers. The frequency diversity hopping gain values. The candidate details for Properties.

freqbandkey projectno freqbandkey freqconversionkey projectno freqhopcars projectno addressfk candidatepk projectno FK1 addressfk FK1 freqbandkey









The grid settings, including the measurement units. The grid settings for the cells.

configpk projectno configcellpk configfk projectno FK1 configfk




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Stores Information On The carriers associated with a frequency reuse group in a particular pattern, defined in the Group dialog box. The available hexagon radii defined in the Hexagon Radii dialog box. HSDPA coding rates.

Primary Keys carriernumber groupkey projectno

Foreign Keys (projectno + )

Diff Table? YES


gridkey projectno hsdparatekey projectno





The identifiers defined in the Identifier Options dialog box. Not used.

identifier_fk projectno intfkey projectno





Not used.

intfkey intflevel projectno



The logical operators used in the user-defined filters. Associations between UMTS cells and HSDPA rates.

logicalopkey projectno hsdparatefk logumtscellfk projectno

FK1 filterkey FK1 hsdparatefk FK2 logumtscellfk





Channel to transceiver maps defined in the Channel Maps dialog box. The way in which channels are organised on the carriers in the Channel Maps dialog box. The maximum number of neighbours allowed on different cell and node types The frequency reuse structure, defined in the Groups dialog box. The allocation of carriers to the various frequency groups in a particular pattern, defined in the Groups dialog box. The prediction models and their settings created in each project. The rules used in user-defined filters.

mapkey projectno projectno FK1 mapkey





limit_pk projectno patternkey projectno groupkey patternkey projectno modelkey projectno projectno rulekey FK1 filterkey FK2 logicalopkey FK3 - ruletypekey FK1 carrierlayerkey FK1 patternkey










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Stores Information On The rule types used in userdefined filters. The schema managers. The events stored in database scripts.

Primary Keys ruletypekey classid lognodetypekey projectno scriptkey

Foreign Keys (projectno + )

Diff Table? NO NO

FK1 lognodetypekey FK2 scriptkey



The database scripts. Associations between terminal types and HSDPA rates.

scriptkey hsdparatefk projectno termtypefk FK1 hsdparatefk FK2 termtypefk FK1 termtypekey FK2 cellaykey FK1 termtypekey



The relationship between the cell layers and terminal types, defined in the Terminal Types dialog box. The amount of traffic and weightings for the clutter classes defined in the Terminal Types dialog box. The available terminal types.

cellaykey projectno termtypekey code projectno termtypekey projectno termtypekey







The amount of traffic spread in the projects' polygons. The traffic can be spread by using a weighting value or an Erlang value.

projectno termtypekey code guidfield featid

FK1 - termtypekey



The amount of traffic spread in the projects' polygons. The traffic can be spread by using a weighting value or an Erlang value.

code featid guidfield projectno termtypekey

FK1 termtypekey



The amount of traffic spread along the projects' vectors. The traffic can be spread by using a weighting value or an Erlang value.

code featid guidfield projectno termtypekey

FK1 termtypekey



The timeslot maps defined for links in the Link Database.

projectno timeslotmapkey attrid segid vecid



Vector attributes and segments.


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Stores Information On The vectors in the project. The location of the vector file.

Primary Keys vecid filename vecid

Foreign Keys (projectno + )

Diff Table? NO NO

This table shows the column list:
Name activeattributekey attributenum DataType integer integer Constraint Not null Not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each active attribute in the database. Indicates the type of active attribute. A unique number will be stored for each parameter in the Site Database. See table below. Indicates whether the active attribute is boolean (1) or not (0). Identifies the carrier layer. Identifies the cell layer. Stores a unique number for each element type in the database. Not null Not null Stores a unique number for each filter in the database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. If the active attribute is a number (or a range), this field is the number 1 on the Rules Definition page of the Filter Wizard. If the active attribute is a range, this field is number 2 on the Rules Definition page of the Filter Wizard. If a list is being used for the active attribute, identifies each object in the list. Not null Not null Not null Primary key, storing a number for each picked object if a pick-list is being used for the active attribute. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number for each rule in the database. If the active attribute is a string, contains the string value.

bool carlayerid cellayerid elementtypekey filterkey modifyuser numberA numberB objectkey pickedobjectkey projectno rulekey string

integer varchar2(128) varchar2(128) integer integer integer float float integer integer integer integer varchar2(255)

Foreign keys: FK1 (projectno + filterkey) references the FILTERS table FK2 (projectno + rulekey) references the RULES table

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This table shows the meanings of the possible values of the attributenum parameter:
Number 1 3 4 6 7 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 75 97 98 99 100 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 Attribute GSM ID MCC Assigned Cell Layer NCC BCC Allocated Carriers Forbidden Carriers Fixed Carriers Allocated Traffic Carriers Allocated Control Carriers Forbidden Traffic Carriers Forbidden Control Characters Fixed Traffic Carriers Fixed Control Carriers MNC BSIC CGI Cell Equipment Equipment Correction Factor (db) Enable DTX Voice Activation Factor Enable Antenna Hopping Enable AMR NSEI City Type Maximum Back Cell Radius Maximum Front Cell Radius Co-Channel Carriers Adjacent Channel Carriers ID Address 1 (Property), 1st Name (MSC), Cell Name (GSM Cell) Address 2 (Property), 2nd Name (MSC) Comments Contact Person Antenna Type Feeder Type NCC Mechanical Downtilt

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Number 210 211 212 213 217 218 220 222 224 225 230 231 233 250 251 252 253 254 255 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 275 277 280 282 287 290 403 405 406

Attribute Azimuth Height Antenna Corr. Factor (db) LAC Carrier MHA Type Relative Antenna location (East) (m) Relative Antenna location (North) (m) 1st Order NBR 2nd Order NBR Mast Cabin Mast Structure Height (m) Owner Group Owner Writable Group Writable All Writable Last Modified User Forbidden Azimuth Range Enabled Clockwise Bearing Angle Anti-Clockwise Bearing Angle Antenna Device Fixed Antenna Pattern Fixed Mechanical Downtilt Fixed Azimuth Fixed Height Fixed Constrain Max Main Lobe Tilt Max Main Lobe Tilt Fixed Site DB Sector Configuration Primary Prediction Radius (m) Primary Prediction Resolution (m) Secondary Prediction Radius (m) Secondary Prediction Resolution (m) Relative Antenna Distance (m) BSIC Schema Property Code DTM(m) Actual DTM(m)

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Number 408 409 410 411 412 416 418 420 422 424 425 426 429 431 432 433 434 435 436 438 439 440 601 605 606 1202 1402 1590 1591 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1612 1613 1614

Attribute Town Province Post Code Search Radius(m) Use Actual DTM checked Link High/Low Conflict Location - East (m) Location - North (m) Building Height (m) Override MTTR MTTR Available Height (m) Antenna heights to Use (m) Constrain Antenna Heights to Use Height Variation Allowed Antenna Co-Location Enabled Same Height Antennas Min Azimuth Diff Constrain Same Height Antennas Min Azimuth Diff Max Mast Height (m) Optimisation Status Location Fixed Site Always Active Hexagon Radius (m) Site Equipment Site Equipment Fixed RAC Number of Channels Antenna RX Diversity Antenna TX Diversity Sector Carrier Noise Rise Limit (dB) Sector Short PN Code Offset Max PA Power (dBm) Rated PA Power (dBm) Min Fundamental Channel Power (dBm) Max Fundamental Channel Power (dBm) Power Control Step Size (dB) Sector Carrier Pilot Power (dBm) Sector Carrier EV-DO Uplink Data Offset 153kb (db) Sector Carrier Number of Paging Channels

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Number 1615 1616 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1628 1629 1631 1632 1635 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1680 1801

Attribute Sector Carrier Paging Channel Power (dBm) Sector Carrier Sync Channel Power (dBm) Sector Carrier Receiver Noise Figure (dB) Sector Carrier Excess Noise (dBm) Sector Carrier DL Radio Configuration Sector Carrier Active Set Size Sector Carrier T-Drop (dBm) Sector Carrier TX Combiner Loss (dB) Sector Carrier RX Splitter Loss (dB) Sector Carrier Max Primary Channels Sector Carrier Static Analysis Achieved DL Traffic Power (dBm) Sector Carrier Min Supplemental Channel Power (dBm) Sector Carrier Max Supplemental Channel Power (dBm) Sector Number of Channels Sector Carrier TD-SCDMA Max DPCH Power (dBm) Sector Carrier Broadcast Control Channel Power (dBm) Sector Carrier Quick Paging Channel Power (dBm) Sector Carrier Common Power Control Channel Power (dBm) Sector Carrier Common Assignment Channel Power (dBm) Sector Carrier Common Control Channel Power (dBm) Sector Carrier Dedicated Control Channel Power (dBm) Sector Carrier EV-DO Uplink Data Offset Nom (db) Sector Carrier EV-DO Uplink Data Offset 9k6 (db) Sector Carrier EV-DO Uplink Data Offset 19k2 (db) Sector Carrier EV-DO Uplink Data Offset 38k4 (db) Sector Carrier EV-DO Uplink Data Offset 76k8 (db) Sector Carrier Paging Channel Data Rate (bps) Sector Carrier Number of Channels Sector Carrier Max Handoff Channels Sector Carrier Static Analysis Achieved Noise Rise (dBm) Sector Carrier TD-SCDMA Scrambling Code Sector Carrier TD-SCDMA Scrambling Code Group Sector Carrier TD-SCDMA Code ID Sector Carrier TD-SCDMA Min DPCH Power (dBm) Sector Carrier TD-SCDMA Code Orthogonality Factor Sector Carrier TD-SCDMA Joint Detection Orthogonality Factor Sector Carrier TD-SCDMA SP Configuration Sector Carrier MAC Indexes Main Freq Band

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Number 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1813 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1843 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 2001 2002

Attribute Div Freq Band Main Freq Channel Div Freq Channel Main Channel High Freq (MHZ) Div Channel High Freq (MHZ) Main Channel Low Freq (MHZ) Div Channel Low Freq (MHZ) Main Antenna Type Div Antenna Type Main Antenna Diameter Div Antenna Diameter Main Antenna Operating Freq (MHZ) Div Antenna Operating Freq (MHZ) Main Polarisation Div Polarisation Main Radio Type Div Radio Type Main Radio TX Power (dBm) Div Radio TX Power (dBm) Main Centre Freq (MHZ) Div Centre Freq (MHZ) Main Freq Designation Div Freq Designation Link Terminal Equipment Name Cumulative Interference Show Interferers Primary BTS Routes Secondary BTS Routes Link Length (Km) Link Type LOS Status Capacity Allocation Rainfall Region (ITU-R) Propagation Prediction Calculation Method Capacity Type Rainfall Region (Crane) Rainfall Calculation Method RX Antenna Type RX Feeder Type

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Number 2003 2004 2006 2007 2009 2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2027 2029 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2040 2041 2042 2401 2402

Attribute RX Propagation Model RX MHA Type RX MHA Gain RX Prediction Radius (Km) RX Feeder Length (m) RX Antenna Height (m) RX Azimuth RX Mechanical Down Tilt RX Antenna Corr. Factor (dB) RX Antenna RX Diversity RX Antenna TX Diversity TX Antenna Type TX Feeder Type TX Primary Prediction Model TX Secondary Prediction Model TX MHA Type TX MHA Gain TX Feeder Length (m) TX Antenna Height (m) TX Azimuth TX Mechanical Down Tilt TX Antenna Corr Factor (db) TX Antenna RX Diversity TX Antenna TX Diversity Uplink Gain (dB) Uplink Noise Rise (dB) Downlink Gain (dB) Shared Antenna ID Is Shared Antenna ID

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About the Elementtypekey Parameter

A number of database tables include the elementtypekey parameter. This table shows what values the parameter can have and what network elements those values represent:

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This Value 1330 1331 1350 1351 1352 1354 2002 2301 2302 2501 2502 2503 2505 2510 2511 2513 2601 3000 3210 3300 3301 3320 3321 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5116


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This table shows the column list:
Name elementtypekey filterkey modifyuser projectno rulekey DataType integer integer integer integer integer Constraint Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Description Primary key storing a unique number for each element type in a database. Primary key storing a unique number for each filter in the database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key storing a unique number for each rule in the database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + filterkey) references the FILTERS table FK2 (projectno + rulekey) references the RULES table

This table shows the column list:
Name filterkey flaggroupkey flagkey modifyuser number1 number2 projectno rulekey string DataType integer integer integer integer float float integer integer varchar2 (32) Not null Not null Constraint Not null Not null Not null Not null Description Primary key storing a unique number for each filter in the database. Primary key storing a unique number for each field group in the database. Primary key storing a unique number for each field in the database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Contains the minimum field value. Contains the maximum field value. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key storing a unique number for each rule in the database. If the active field is a string, stores the string value.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + filterkey) references the FILTERS table FK2 (projectno + flaggroupkey) references the FLAGGROUPS table FK3 (projectno + rulekey) references the RULES table
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This table shows the column list:
Name elementtypekey filterkey modifyuser objectkey projectno DataType integer integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null not null Description Primary key that stores a unique number for each element type in the database. Primary key storing a unique number for each filter in the database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key storing a unique number for each object defined in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + filterkey) references the FILTERS table

This table shows the column list:
Name featid filterkey guidfield modifyuser polygonkey projectno rulekey DataType integer integer varchar2(48) integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, used in conjunction with the guidfield to describe the polygon. Primary key storing a unique number for each filter in the database. Primary key, used in conjunction with the featid to describe the polygon. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key storing a unique number for each polygon in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key that stores a number for each rule in the database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + filterkey) references the FILTERS table FK2 (projectno + rulekey) references the RULES table

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This table shows the column list:
Name attribtype description filterfk modifyuser projectno queryxml rulefk wfsattrib wfsfeature wfsruletype wfsservicefk DataType integer varchar2(1024) integer integer integer clob integer varchar2(32) varchar2(32) integer integer not null not null not null not null not null not null not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Identifies the filter rule attribute type defined in the ENTERPRISE filter wizard. Stores a description of the WFS filter defined in the ENTERPRISE filter wizard. Stores a unique number for each filter in the database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores an XML query . Primary key, storing a number for each rule in the database. Stores the WFS attribute name. Stores the WFS feature name. Identifies the WFS rule type. Foreign key referencing the WFSSERVICES table.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + filterfk) references the FILTERS table FK2 (projectno + rulefk) references the RULES table

This table shows the column list:
Name carriernumber projectno DataType number number Constraint not null not null Description Primary key that stores the Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (ARFCN) available to the project. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name attributetypekey attributetypeid DataType integer varchar2(32) Constraint not null not null Description Primary key used to identify attribute types in the database. Identifies the attribute type.

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This table shows the column list:
Name abbreviation carlaykey colourcode DataType varchar2(32) integer integer not null Constraint Description Stores an abbreviation for each carrier layer. Primary key, storing a unique number for each carrier layer in the Carriers dialog box. Indicates whether SAT(0), DCC (1) or DVCC (2) is used on the carrier layers. Available in AMPS/TDMA networks only. createdate createuser freqbandkey Idname maxcarriers modifydate modifyuser permission date integer integer varchar2(32) integer date integer integer not null The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Indicates the particular frequency band associated with each carrier layer. Lists the names of all carrier layers. The maximum number of carriers associated with each carrier layer. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates the state of the carrier layer data - either traffic layer (0), control layer (1) or MA list (2). Indicates whether to reuse a pattern (1) or not (0). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno type usereusepattern usergroup

integer integer integer integer

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + freqbandkey) references the FREQBAND table

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This table shows the column list:
Name carlaykey carriernumber modifyuser projectno DataType integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each carrier layer in the Carriers dialog box. Primary key, storing the carrier numbers allocated to each carrier layer created. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + carriernumber) references the AICAR table

This table shows the column list:
Name caoffset ccmap cellaykey createdate createuser idname iweight meanci modifydate modifyuser network permission DataType float integer integer date integer varchar2(32) integer float date integer integer integer not null not null Constraint Description Stores the C/A offset value. Stores a number indicating the channel to carrier map chosen for use with the particular cell layers created or presented. Primary key, storing a unique number for each cell layer in the database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Lists the names of all cell layers. Defaults to the projectno. Stores the mean C/I value. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates the technology that this cell uses, GSM(1), AMPS (2) or TETRA (3). This is defined on the Technology tab of the Preferences dialog box. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Describes the order in which traffic should be serviced by the cell layers, with 1 being the highest priority. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the cell layer is a superlayer (1) or not (0). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

priority projectno superlayer usergroup

integer integer integer integer

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This table shows the column list:
Name carlaykey cellaykey modifyuser priority DataType integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each carrier layer in the Carriers dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each cell layer. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Specifies the order in which the carrier layers should be appear on the cell layers in the Site Database. 0 is the highest priority, then 1 and so on. projectno integer not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + carlaykey) references the CARLAY table FK2 (projectno + cellaykey) references the CELLAY table

This table shows the column list:
Name mapcoordsyskey mapdatumkey mapgroupkey mapunitkey projectno viscoordsyskey visdatumkey visgroupkey visunitkey DataType varchar2(64) varchar2(64) varchar2(64) varchar2(64) integer varchar2(64) varchar2(64) varchar2(64) varchar2(64) not null Constraint Description Stores a unique number for each map co-ordinate system in the database. Stores a unique number for each map datum in the database. Stores a unique number for each map group in the database. Stores a unique number for each map unit in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number for each co-ordinate system in the database (used for visualisation). Stores a unique number for each datum in the database (used for visualisation). Stores a unique number for each group in the database (used for visualisation). Stores a unique number for each unit in the database (used for visualisation).

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This table shows the column list:
Name filedata DataType blob Constraint Description The BLOB record contains the entire co-ordinate system database file, and is used by the co-ordinate conversion algorithms in the software.

This table shows the column list:
Name colour DataType integer Constraint Description Associates a palette colour with each coverage class defined in the Cell Layers dialog box. The number refers to the colour's palette position. covclasskey covschemakey dataset modifyuser name projectno integer integer integer integer varchar2(128) integer not null not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each coverage class in the Cell Layers dialog box. Stores a unique number for each coverage schema in a project. NOT USED. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores the name of each coverage class defined in the Cell Layers dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name covschemakey createuser idname projectno DataType integer integer varchar2(32) integer not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Constraint not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each coverage schema in a project. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the name of each coverage schema.

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This table shows the column list:
Name celllayerkey covclasskey covthreshkey dataset modifyuser projectno threshold DataType integer integer integer integer integer integer float (64) not null not null not null Constraint Description Associates each threshold with a cell layer. Associate each coverage class with a threshold. Primary key, storing a unique number for each coverage threshold in the database. NOT USED. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores all threshold values (in dBm)

This table shows the column list:
Name cwvectorpk modifyuser parentkey parentobjecttype pathlosscorrection projectno vectorguid DataType integer integer integer integer integer integer varchar2(40) Constraint not null not null not null not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each measurement file/cell vector association. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a number indicating the associated cell. Stores a number indicating the type of parent object. Stores a number indicating whether pathloss correction is in use (1) or not (0). Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number representing a unique identifier.

This table shows the column list:
Name authtype DataType varchar2(32) Constraint Description Indicates whether the user is externally authenticated or password authenticated when connecting to the database. Stores a unique number, associating the user with the particular user that they are impersonating. not null not null The date and time the user is connected to the database for the current project. The host name for the connected client. The IP address of the user's machine.

childusrkey datetime hostname ip_address

number(38) date varchar2(255) varchar2(32)

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Name isdba locked modetype os_user pid projectno rw sessionid sharedno starttime userid usrkey

DataType varchar2(32) number(1) varchar2(50) varchar2(255) number(38) number(38) number(1) varchar2(32) number(38) date varchar2(32) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Indicates whether the user is a DBA user or not. Indicates whether the user has locked the project to prevent other users (1) or not (0). Stores a temporary representation of usrkey. The OS username of the user.

not null

Stores a unique number for the process connected to the database. Stores the number of the project to which the user is connected.

not null not null

Indicates if the project is read-only (0) or writable (1). Primary key, storing a unique identity for the client session. The number of the sub-project that the user is logged into.

not null not null not null

The start time when the user connected to the database. The identifier of the user connected to the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each user in the database.

This table shows the column list:
Name eventpk eventtime eventtype object2fk objectfk objectid objecttype2fk objecttypefk projectno sharedno usrkey DataType varchar2(20) date number(38) number(38) number(38) varchar2(255) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) Constraint not null Description Stores a unique number for each event in a database. The date and time the event occurred. Stores the type of event that occurred - a commit (0), a refresh (1) or a deletion (2). Secondary number associated with an additional referenced object. Number associated with the referenced object. Stores the identifier of the object the event belongs to. Secondary number associated with an additional type of referenced object. Number associated with the referenced object type. Stores a unique number for each project in the database. The sub-project number. Stores a unique number for each user in the database

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This table shows the column list:
Name exinfo extime extype funcdata funcparams oracode oradesc projectno sourcefunction sourcepackage userkey DataType varchar2(2000) date integer xmltype varchar2(2000) integer varchar2(512) integer varchar2(32) varchar2(32) integer Constraint Description Stores a description of the error. The time and date when the error/exception occurred. Indicates the type of error. Additional information on the package that raised the exception. Parameter details of the call to the function that caused the error. The Oracle ORA error code. The Oracle error description. Stores a unique number for each project in the database. The name of function that raised the error. The name of the package that raised the error. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in.

This table shows the column list:
Name avghgt avghgtenable DataType float integer Constraint Not null Not null Description The height, in metres, defined in the Average Height(m) field of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box. Stores a number indicating whether the Average Height fields are enabled (1) or not (0). Defined by the Average Height(m) checkbox in the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box. Stores a number indicating the operator associated with the Average Height(m) field of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box: <(0), =<(1), >(2), >=(3), =(4), !=(5) The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Primary key, stores a number indicating the environment type defined in the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box. Each environment type created will have a unique 8 digit number. Primary key, storing the name of the environment type defined in the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box. The date when the object was last modified.



Not null

createdate createuser envtypepk

date integer integer

Not null Not null Not null



Not null



Not null

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Name modifyuser permission

DataType integer integer

Constraint Not null Not null

Description Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The standard deviation, in metres, defined in the Standard Deviation(m) field of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box. Stores a number indicating whether the Standard Deviation fields are enabled (1) or not (0). Defined by the Standard Deviation(m) checkbox in the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box. Stores a number indicating the operator associated with the Standard Deviation(m) field of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box: <(0), =<(1), >(2), >=(3), =(4), !=(5) Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno stddev

integer float

Not null Not null



Not null



Not null



Not null

This table shows the column list:
Name clutlogop DataType integer Constraint Not null Description Stores a number representing the logical operator found in the Logical Operator column of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box: AND(6), OR(7), END(9) Stores a number representing the operator found in the Operator column of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box: <(0), =<(1), >(2), >=(3), =(4), !=(5) Stores a clutter percentage number from the Percentage(%) column of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box. Stores a number representing the position of an item in the Rules table of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Primary key, storing a number representing the type of item in the Rules table of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box. Stores a number representing an environment type indicated in the Environment Types panel of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box. Each environment type created will have a unique 8 digit number. Stores a name from the Clutter names column of the Model Assignment Calculator dialog box.



Not null

clutpercent clutterindex createdate createuser envtypeclutterpk

integer integer date integer integer

Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null



Not null



Not null

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Name modifydate modifyuser permission

DataType date integer

Constraint Not null Not null

Description The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

projectno usergroup

integer integer

Not null Not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name comments createdate createuser enddate filterid filterkey modifydate modifyuser parentkey permission DataType varchar2(255) date integer date varchar2(32) integer date integer integer integer not null not null not null not null not null Constraint Description Stores any comments associated with the filter. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The filter's end date. Stores a number to identify each filter. Primary key that uniquely identifies each filter defined in the database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Identifies the parent folder for the filter. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The filter's start date. not null not null Indicates whether the filter is static (0) or dynamic (1). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno startdate type usergroup

integer date integer integer

not null

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This table shows the column list:
Name elementtypekey flaggroupkey indx projectno DataType integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each element type in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each field group in the database. NOT USED. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + flaggroupkey) references the FLAGGROUPS table FK2 (elementtypekey) references the LOGNODETYPE table

This table shows the column list:
Name flaggroupkey projectno usergroupkey DataType integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each field group in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each user group in the database.

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This table shows the column list:
Name fieldtype flaggroupid flaggroupkey flaggrouplocked DataType integer varchar2(32) integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null Description Indicates the data type for each field in the table - Boolean (0), Float (1), Integer (2), Picklist (3), String (4). Stores the name of the field group. Primary key, storing a unique number for each field group in the database. Indicates whether the lock checkbox is selected (1) or not (0) for a field in the Field Definer dialog box of the ENTERPRISE Administrator Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the Reset On Cloning checkbox is selected (1) or not (0) for a field in the Field Definer dialog box of the ENTERPRISE Administrator

projectno resetoncloning

integer integer

not null not null

The FLAGS table stores each field group and its respective fields. Each row represents one field group and has a unique name indicative of the order in which they were added, starting at 0, followed by 1, 2, and so on. In each group you can create 50 fields identified with a two-digit code (00, 01, 02, 49). Again, these codes are indicative of the order in which they were added. The columns in the FLAGS table are as follows:
Name flaggroupkey flagid flagkey DataType integer varchar2(32) integer Constraint not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each field group in the database. Stores a unique identifier for each field. Primary key that uniquely identifies each flag group within the project, starting at 0 and counting upwards for each new one added. Stores a number for each fields in their order of creation.

indx projectno

integer integer

not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + flagroupkey) references the FLAGGROUPS table

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About Fields
Fields are associated with sites and links. The table: FLAGGROUPS, stores object parameter names, for example UMTS Cell Ids, for which the fields can be associated. FLAGASSOCIATIONS, stores values indicating for which elements the field groups are available. FLAGVALUES, stores the individual data for the fields.

This table shows the column list:
Name elementtypekey flaggroupkey flagkey DataType integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each element type in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each field group in the database. Stores a unique number for each flag group within the project, starting at 0 and counting upwards for each new one added. If the field value is expressed as a float, stores the float value. If the field value is expressed as an integer, stores the integer value. not null not null not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key storing a unique number for each object defined in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. If the field value is expressed as a string, stores the string value.

floatfielddata intfielddata modifyuser objectkey projectno stringfielddata

float integer integer integer integer varchar2 (32)

Foreign keys: FK1 (projectno + flaggroupkey) references the FLAGGROUPS table FK2 (projectno + flaggroupkey + flagkey) references the FLAGS table FK3 (elementtypekey) references the LOGNODETYPE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name freqbandkey name networktype DataType integer varchar2(32) integer Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each frequency band in the database. Stores the name of each frequency band in the database. Indicates the type of network used, defined in the Preferences dialog box. This can be GSM (1), AMPS (2) or TETRA (3). not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.



This table shows the column list:
Name freqbandkey freqconversionkey name projectno rangex rangey separation variablea variableb DataType integer integer varchar2(32) integer integer integer float float float not null Constraint not null not null Description Primary key, indicating the particular frequency band associated with each carrier conversion formula. Primary key, storing a unique number for each carrier conversion formula in the database. Stores the name of each conversion formula in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the first ARFCN number in the carrier range. Stores the last ARFCN number in the carrier range. Stores the separation value between the uplink and downlink frequencies. Stores the starting frequency for the conversion formulas. Stores the frequency separation between adjacent frequencies (for example, between two adjacent uplink frequencies).

Foreign keys: FK1 (projectno + freqbandkey) references the FREQBAND table

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This table shows the column list:
Name freqhopcars gain projectno DataType number(38) float number(38) not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each frequency hopping carrier. Stores the frequency diversity gain in dB. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name addressfk candaddressfk candidatepk createdate createuser DataType number(38) number(38) number(38) date number(38) not null not null Constraint Description Primary key, storing the ID of the nominal Property that contains the candidate. Foreign key which stores the ID of the candidate Property. Primary Key, storing a unique number for each candidate Property in the database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null NOT USED. Location of the candidate Property stored as Easting. Location of the candidate Property stored as Northing. The date when the object was last modified. not null not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

idname latitude longitude modifydate modifyuser projectno

varchar2 (32) float(64) float(64) date number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + addressfk) references the SITEADDRESS table

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This table shows the column list:
Name configpk createdate createuser DataType number(38) date number(38) Constraint not null Description Primary Key, storing a unique number for each grid configuration. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null NOT USED. The date when the object was last modified. not null not null not null not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a unique number, identifying each object in the configuration. Stores a unique number, identifying the type of each object in the configuration. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

idname modifydate modifyuser objectfk objecttypefk projectno

varchar2 (32) date number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

This table shows the column list:
Name cellfk configcellpk configfk createdate createuser DataType number(38) number(38) number(38) date number(38) Constraint not null not null not null Description Cell key for GSM or UMTS Primary key, storing a unique number for each cell in a configuration. Primary key, storing a unique number associating the cell with a particular configuration. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The date when the object was last modified. not null not null not null not null not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a unique number identifying the parent object. Stores a unique number identifying the parent object type. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the cell layer (GSM only).

modifydate modifyuser objectfk objectypefk projectno subcellfk

date number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

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Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + configfk) references the GRIDCONFIG table

This table shows the column list:
Name carriernumber groupkey modifyuser projectno DataType integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, indicating the carriers associated with each group within a frequency re-use pattern. Primary key, indicating the frequency re-use pattern associated with a carrier group. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser gridkey idname latitude longitude modifydate modifyuser permission DataType date integer integer varchar2(32) float float date integer integer not null not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Primary key, storing a unique number for each mid hexagon radii in the database. Stores the name of each mid-hexagon radii in the database. The latitude co-ordinates of the site. The longitude co-ordinates of the site. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the mid hexagon radius, defined in the Hexagon Radii dialog box. Indicates the method for calculating the hexagon radii, either corner (1) or face ( 0). NOT USED. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno radius split style usergroup

integer integer integer integer integer

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This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser DataType date integer Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each HSDPA coding rate in the database. The name of the HSDPA coding rate, defined in the HSDPA Coding Rates dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. not null Indicates the type of modulation used, either QPSK (0) or 16QAM (1). Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The effective data rate of the HSDPA coding rate (for example, 0.5 or 0.25), defined in the HSDPA Coding Rates dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

hsdparatekey idname modifydate modifyuser modulation permission

integer varchar2(32) date integer integer integer

projectno rate

integer float



This table shows the column list:
Name base_string DataType varchar2(32) Constraint Description Describes the base string (Property, MSC, BSC and so on), defined in the Identifier Options dialog box. not null Indicates whether the base string is enabled (1) or not (0). For combined strings (such as Multi-radio links), this stores the base string used for the second element (for example, the radio link for a dual polar link). not null not null The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in.

base_string_enabled combined_string

integer varchar2(32)

createdate createuser

date integer

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Name enforce_name_enabled

DataType integer

Constraint not null

Description Indicate whether the Enforce Naming Convention (on Commit) option has been selected (1) or not (0). Primary key, storing a unique value for each identifier in the database. Stores the ID name - for object types, this is NOVAL, but the Override Database defined Identifiers option is listed here. Stores the ID scheme value.

identifiers_pk idname

integer varchar2(32)

not null not null

id_scheme modifydate modifyuser object_type_id padding_min padding_min_enabled pattern_string permission

integer date integer integer integer integer varchar2(2000) integer not null not null not null not null not null

The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a number associating an object type with a related object type - for example, BSC and SMLC. The Padding Min Length value. Indicates whether the Use Padding Min Length option has been selected (1) or not (0). Stores the Pattern String, defined in the Identifier Options dialog box. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the subtype ID. Indicates whether the Update Cell IDs option has been selected (1) or not (0). (Cell Site or Node identifiers only)

projectno subtype_id update_cells_enabled

integer integer integer

not null not null not null



not null

Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Table INTF
This table shows the column list:
Name caoffset idname intfkey numweights projectno startvalue DataType integer varchar2(32) integer integer integer integer not null not null Constraint Description NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED.

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This table shows the column list:
Name intfkey intflevel projectno weights DataType integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null Description NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED.

This table shows the column list:
Name filterkey logicalopkey modifyuser nodeid parentlogicalopkey projectno sortorder treelevel type DataType integer integer integer varchar2(64) integer integer integer integer integer not null not null not null Constraint not null not null not null not null Description Stores a unique number for each filter in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical operator in the database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores the ID code for each node. Stores a unique number for the parent for the logical operator. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Defines the order in which the sibling nodes in the rule tree are displayed and processed. Indicates the logical operator's position in the tree structure, from top-most tree level (0) downwards. Indicates the type of logical operator used, AND (1), OR (2) or none (0).

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + filterkey) references the FILTERS table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser DataType date number Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null Primary key storing a unique number associating a particular HSDPA rate with a logical UMTS cell.



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Name idname logumtscellfk modifydate modifyuser permission

DataType varchar2(32) number date number number

Constraint not null

Description The name of the UMTS cell. Primary key storing a unique number associating a particular logical UMTS cell with a HSDPA rate. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

projectno usergroup

number number

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1(hsdparatefk + projectno) references the HSDPARATE table FK2 (logumtscellfk + projectno) references the LOGUMTSCELL table

This table shows the column list:
Name defaultno gsm idname mapkey projectno DataType integer integer varchar2(32) integer integer not null not null not null Constraint Description Stores the default number of channels on each carrier for every map definition. Indicates whether the Channel to Carrier map uses dedicated GPRS channels(1) or not (0). Stores the name of each Channel to Carrier map, defined in the Channel Maps dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each Channel to Carrier map in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name carrier DataType integer Constraint Description For each Nth channel in the map, the database stores the number of available traffic and control timeslots. This field refers to which Nth the data is for - for example, a value of 5 would indicate the 5th channel, a 7 the 7th channel and so on. Stores a unique number for each channel to transceiver map in the database. The Total Number of Channels, which is the maximum number that can be used on each carrier.

mapkey maxchannels

integer integer

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Name num_cs

DataType integer


Description The number of circuit switched channels. This is the total number of channels minus the total channels used for the four options described in the next four rows. The number of shared control channels, defined in the Map Editor dialog box. The number of GPRS channels, defined in the Map Editor dialog box. The number of GPRS control channels. defined in the Map Editor dialog box. NOT USED. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

num_ctrl num_gprs num_gprsctrl num_hscsd_limit projectno

integer integer integer integer integer

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + mapkey) references the MAPNAMES table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser enabled limit limit_id DataType date number number number number Constraint not null not null not null not null not null Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Indicates whether the neighbour limits are active (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Neighbour Limits dialog box. Indicates the value of the limit. In combination with the section_id, forms a unique identifier. 1 = Max no. relations in GSM cell 2 = Max no. relations in UMTS cell 3 = GSM - GSM and so on limit_pk modifydate modifyuser projectno section_id number date number number number not null not null not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for the limit in the database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. In combination with the limit_id, forms a unique identifier. Total Limits per Cell =1 Neighbour Type Limits per Cell = 2

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This table shows the column list:
Name afrequency bfrequency carrierlayerkey createdate createuser modifydate modifyuser patternkey projectno usergroup DataType integer integer integer date integer date integer integer integer integer not null not null not null Constraint Description The number of sites in a frequency re-use group. The number of cells in a frequency re-use group. Stores a unique number for each carrier layer. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, stores a unique number for each pattern in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + carrierlayerkey) references the CARLAY table

This table shows the column list:
Name groupkey modifyuser patternkey projectno DataType integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each frequency reuse group defined in the Groups dialog box. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, indicating the group carriers associated with each pattern in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + patternkey) references the PATTERN table

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This table shows the column list:
Name comments createdate createuser DataType varchar2(2048) date number(38) Constraint Description Stores any additional comments for the propagation model, defined in the Propagation Models dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null not null Stores the name of the propagation model, defined in the Propagation Models dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each propagation model in the database. Stores details of the propagation model parameters. Specifies the CLSID GUID of the CoClass exposing the IAircomPredEngine interface. The date when the object was last modified. not null not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores parameters that are specific to this model but are not exposed as model parameters.

idname modelkey modelparams modeltype modifydate modifyuser projectno systemparams

varchar2(32) number(38) clob varchar2(128) date number(38) number(38) clob

This table shows the column list:
Name attributetypekey elementtypekey filterkey logicalopkey modifyuser projectno rnot rulekey ruletypekey DataType integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer not null not null not null not null not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Stores a unique number for each attribute type in the database. Stores a unique number for each element type in the database. Stores a unique number for each filter in the database. Stores a unique number for each logical operator in the database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the Not option is selected for the rule (1) or not (0). Primary key, storing a unique number for each rule in the database. Stores a unique number for each rule type in the database.

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Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + filterkey) references the FILTERS table FK2 (projectno + logicalopkey) references the LOGICALOPS table FK3 (ruletypekey) references the RULETYPES table

This table shows the column list:
Name ruletypeid ruletypekey DataType varchar2(32) integer Constraint not null not null Description The id of the rule type. Primary key, storing a unique number for each rule type in the database.

This table shows the column list:
Name classid description name progid DataType varchar2(200) varchar2(1024) varchar2(32) varchar2(100) Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing the unique identifier for a class. Optional - provides additional Schema Manager information. User defined name for the Schema Manager. Uniquely identifies a Programme ID in the System Registry.

This table shows the column list:
Name eventtype ignoreonerror isenabled lognodetypekey projectnumber scriptkey DataType number number number number number number Constraint not null not null not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, indicating the type of event - Apply (0), Commit (1) or Restore (2). Indicates whether the event will be ignored if there is an error (1) or not (0). Indicates whether the event is enabled (1) or not (0). Primary key associating the event with a particular logical node. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key associating the event with a particular script.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (lognodetypekey) references the LOGNODETYPE table FK2 (scriptkey) references the SCRIPTSTORAGE table
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This table shows the column list:
Name scriptkey scriptname scripttext DataType float varchar2(255) clob Constraint not null not null Description Primary key storing a unique number for each script in the database. The name of the original script file. The text of the script.

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser DataType date integer Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null Primary key, storing a unique number associating a particular HSDPA coding rate with the terminal type. The name of the terminal type. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number associating a terminal type with a HSDPA coding rate. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

hsdparatefk idname modifydate modifyuser permission

integer varchar2(32) date integer integer

projectno termtypefk usergroup

integer integer integer

Foreign Keys: FK1 (hsdparatefk + projectno) references the HSDPARATE table FK2 (termtypefk + projectno) references the TERMTYPE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name cellaykey modifyuser projectno termtypekey DataType integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each cell layer in the database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each terminal type in the project.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + termtypekey) references the TERMTYPE table FK2 (projectno + cellaykey) references the CELLAY table

This table shows the column list:
Name code modifyuser projectno termtypekey weight DataType varchar2(32) integer integer integer float(64) Constraint not null not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each clutter category defined in the Terminal Types dialog box. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each terminal type defined in the Terminal Types dialog box. Stores the weighting or Erlang value given to each clutter category.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + termtypekey) references the TERMTYPE table

This table shows the column list:
Name antengain DataType float Constraint Description The antenna gain in dBi, defined in the Terminal Types dialog box on the (W)CDMA Params tab for UMTS networks or the WiMAX Params tab for WiMAX networks.

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Name beamwidth

DataType float

Constraint not null

Description The horizontal beamwidth (in degrees) defined on the WiMAX Params or Mobile WiMAX Params tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (WiMAX networks only). The body loss in dB, defined on the (W)CDMA Params tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (UMTS networks only). Indicates whether Channel Coding Schemas 1-4 are supported (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Dual Tech tab in of the Terminal Types dialog box (GSM/UMTS networks only). The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in.



ccs1 up to ccs4


createdate createuser

date integer



not null

Stores the value in the Chip Equalisation Support Efficiency field on the HSPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type. Stores the value in the Interface Cancellation Support Efficiency field on the HSPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type. Stores the value in the Max. Supported Block Size field on the HSPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type. The TX Dynamic Range, defined on the (W)CDMA Params tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (UMTS networks only). Indicates whether EGPRS link adaptation families AC are supported (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Dual Tech tab in the Terminal Types dialog box (GSM/UMTS networks only). NOT USED.



not null



not null



familyA up to familyC


hscsdtimeslotweightnt hscsdtimeslotweightt1 up to hscsdtimeslotweightt4 hscsdtrafperterm






hscsdweightnt1 up to hscsdweightnt4 hscsdweightt1 to hscsdweightt8 idname jointdetfact masternamekey masterterminal





varchar2(32) float integer integer

Stores the name of the terminal type. NOT USED. Stores the name of the master terminal type. Indicates whether the traffic association is master (0) or slave (1). This is specified on the General tab of the Terminal Types dialog box.

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Name maxhsdpacodes

DataType float(64)

Constraint not null

Description The maximum number of HSDPA codes, defined on the HSDPA tab of the Terminal Types box (UMTS only). The maximum power that the terminal type can emit, defined in the Terminal Types dialog box on the (W)CDMA Params tab for UMTS or the WiMAX Params tab for WiMAX networks. The maximum number of timeslots that the terminal type can use, defined on the GPRS/EGPRS tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (GPRS only). The mean busy hour capacity (in kb/s), defined on the GPRS/EGPRS tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (GPRS only). The date when the object was last modified.







modifydate modifyuser networkkey noisefig

date integer integer float not null not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Defines which network is being considered - GSM (0), TETRA (1) or AMPS (2). The Noise Figure (in dB), defined in the Terminal Types dialog box on the (W)CDMA Params tab for UMTS networks or the WiMAX Params tab for WiMAX networks. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Quantisation step size for mobile transmit power, defined on the (W)CDMA Params tab in the Terminal Types dialog box (UMTS networks only).





projectno reqecio

integer float

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Required Ec/Io (dB), defined on the (W)CDMA Params tab in the Terminal Types dialog box (UMTS networks only).



not null

Stores the value in the Required HS-SCCH Ec/Nt (dB) field on the Terminal Params tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type. Required RSCP (dB), defined on the (W)CDMA Params tab in the Terminal Types dialog box (UMTS networks only). Required Pilot SIR (dB), defined on the (W)CDMA Params tab in the Terminal Types dialog box (UMTS networks only). - or Required RSS (db), defined on the WiMAX Params tab in the Terminal Types dialog box (WiMAX networks only).



not null



not null



The sub-channelisation options supported by the terminal, defined on the WiMAX Params tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (WiMAX networks only).

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Name supchipeqfactor

DataType integer

Constraint not null

Description Indicates whether the Chip Equalisation Support option is selected (1) or not (0) on the HSPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type. Indicates whether the Enable HSDPA option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the HSDPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (UMTS networks only). Indicates whether the Enable HSUPA option is selected (1) or not (0) on the HSPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type. Indicates whether the Interface Cancellation Support option is selected (1) or not (0) on the HSPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type. NOT USED. NOT USED.



not null



not null



not null

support2g support3g supul2mstti

integer integer integer not null

Indicates whether the 2ms TTI option is selected (1) or not (0) on the HSPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type. Specifies what technology the terminal type uses Circuit switching (0), GPRS (1), EGPRS (4), CDMA2000 (6), EV-DO (7), GSM/UMTS (9), Fixed WiMAX (12), Mobile WiMAX TDD (13), Mobile WiMAX FDD (14).



termtypekey termweight trafficscale

integer float float

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each terminal type in a database. Indicates the clutter spread, either Density (0) or Weight (1). The traffic scaling % between master and slave terminals, defined on the General tab of the Terminal Types dialog box. The maximum number of downlink timeslots available, defined on the 2g RF Params tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (GSM/UMTS networks only). The noise figure (dB), defined on the 2g RF Params tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (GSM/UMTS networks only). The receiver sensitivity (dBm), defined on the 2g RF Params tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (GSM/UMTS networks only). The required BCCH C/I (dB), defined on the 2g RF Params tab of the Terminal Types dialog box (GSM/UMTS networks only).





twogrecvrsensitivitydbm twogsnrdb





not null

Stores the value in the Max. HSUPA codes field on the HSPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type. Stores the value in the Min. SF field on the HSPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type.



not null

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Name ulmodsupported

DataType integer

Constraint not null

Description Indicates whether the Support 4PAM option is selected (1) or not (0) on the HSPA tab of the Terminal Types dialog box for a UMTS terminal type. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Indicates whether the Absolute (0) or Density (1) option has been selected. Indicates whether the terminal type uses a weight distribution based on an Erlang figure (1) or individual Erlang entries (0) for each clutter category. The weightings for the clutter categories available to each terminal type.

usergroup usevectordensity useweights

integer integer integer

weight wimaxmimorx wimaxmimotx wimaxmod

float integer integer integer not null not null not null

The number of receive elements for MIMO (or UL Diversity) defined in the Terminal Types dialog box. The number of transmit elements for MIMO defined in the Terminal Types dialog box. The modulation schemes supported as defined on the WiMAX Mobile tab of the Terminal Types dialog box. NOT USED. Indicates whether the Beamforming support option has been selected (1) or not (0) on the WiMAX Mobile tab of the Terminal Types dialog box.

wimaxmultiplex wimaxtermsupport setting

integer integer

not null not null

This table shows the column list:
Name code DataType varchar2(32) Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each point in the database. These are defined on the Vectors tab of the Terminal Types dialog box. Primary key, used in conjunction with the guidfield to describe the point. Primary key, used in conjunction with the featid to describe the point. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each terminal type defined in the Terminal Types dialog box. The weighting or Erlang value given to each point defined on the Vectors tab of the Terminal Types dialog box.

featid guidfield modifyuser projectno termtypekey weight

integer varchar2(48) integer integer integer float(64)

not null not null not null not null not null not null

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + termtypekey) references the TERMTYPE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name code DataType varchar2(32) Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each polygon in the database. These are defined on the Vectors tab of the Terminal Types dialog box. Primary key, used in conjunction with the guidfield to describe the polygon. Primary key, used in conjunction with the featid to describe the polygon. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each terminal type defined in the Terminal Types dialog box. The weighting or Erlang value given to each polygon defined on the Vectors tab of the Terminal Types dialog box.

featid guidfield modifyuser projectno termtypekey weight

integer varchar2(48) integer integer integer float(64)

not null not null not null not null not null not null

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + termtypekey) references the TERMTYPE table

This table shows the column list:
Name code DataType varchar2(32) Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each vector in the database. These are defined on the Vectors tab of the Terminal Types dialog box. Primary key, used in conjunction with the guidfield to describe the vector. Primary key, used in conjunction with the featid to describe the vector. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each terminal type defined in the Terminal Types dialog box. The weighting or Erlang value given to each vector defined on the Vectors tab of the Terminal Types dialog box.

featid guidfield modifyuser projectno termtypekey weight

integer varchar2(48) integer integer integer float(64)

not null not null not null not null not null not null

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + termtypekey) references the TERMTYPE table

Page 88 Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

This table shows the column list:
Name comments endaequip endbequip interconkey name projectno timeslotmapkey ts0 to ts31 DataType varchar2(255) varchar2(255) varchar2(255) integer varchar2(32) integer integer varchar2(255) not null not null not null Constraint Description Stores the optional description that can be added to each timeslot map. Stores information on the equipment at linkend A. Stores information on the equipment at linkend B. Indicates the link(s) associated with each timeslot map. Stores the name of each timeslot map in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key to uniquely identify each of the timeslot maps created within each of the projects. Indicates whether timeslots 0-31 are divided into 4 x 16kbps or remain as 64kbps. Also stores any textual information added to the slots.

This table shows the column list:
Name attrid dataname datatype fileid floatvalue intvalue segid stringvalue stringangle vecid DataType integer varchar2(32) integer integer float integer integer varchar2(32) integer integer not null not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each vector attribute in the database. The name of the attribute. Indicates the type of attribute, either number (0) or double (1). The name of the vector file. A float value for attribute, based on the attribute type. A number value for attribute, based on the attribute type. Primary key. Unique Segment identity within the vector. A string value for attribute, based on the attribute type. Angle at which attribute string should be printed on screen. Primary key, storing a unique number for each vector in the database.

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser DataType date integer Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in.

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Name ispolygon modifydate modifyuser parentid permission

DataType integer date integer integer integer


Description Indicates whether the object is a vector (0) or a polygon (1). The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates the parent vector layer for each vector. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

usergroup vecid vecname vectype xmax xmin ymax ymin

integer integer varchar2(32) integer integer integer integer integer not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each vector in the database. Stores the name of each vector in the database. Indicates whether the vector is a system (0), user (1) or building vector (2). The maximum vertical extent. The minimum vertical extent. The maximum horizontal extent. The minimum horizontal extent.

This table shows the column list:
Name checksum directory fileid filename vecid Data Type integer varchar2(1024) integer varchar2(256) integer not null not null Constraint Description A checking sum calculated to determine corrupt or unexpectedly changed files. The directory storing the vector file. Stores a unique number for each vector file in the database. Primary key, storing the name of each vector file in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each vector in the database.

This table shows the column list:
Name objecttypefk DataType integer Constraint not null Description Stores the Object Type defined in the WFS Service Wizard which is started from the Administrator application. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.



not null

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Name wfsattrib

DataType varchar2(32)

Constraint not null

Description Stores the WFS Attribute Type defined in the WFS Service Wizard which is started from the Administrator application. Stores the WFS Feature defined in the WFS Service Wizard which is started from the Administrator application. Indicates whether or not WFS mapping is enabled. Defined in the WFS Service Wizard which is started from the Administrator application. Foreign key referencing the WFSSERVICES table.



not null



not null



not null

This table shows the column list:
Name endpointaddr DataType varchar2(255) Constraint not null Description Stores the Endpoint Address defined in the WFS Services dialog box accessed via the Utilities menu of the ENTERPRISE Administrator application. Stores the Identity defined in the WFS Services dialog box accessed via the Utilities menu of the ENTERPRISE Administrator application. Stores metadata defined in the WFS Services dialog box accessed via the Utilities menu of the ENTERPRISE Administrator application. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the Request Timeout in seconds defined in the WFS Services dialog box accessed via the Utilities menu of the ENTERPRISE Administrator application. Identifies the WFS service key. Stores the WFS Version defined in the WFS Services dialog box accessed via the Utilities menu of the ENTERPRISE Administrator application.



not null



not null

projectno reqtimeout


not null not null

wfsservicepk wfsversion

not null not null

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Equipment Database Tables

The following table describes the equipment database tables:
This Table ANTENNADEVICE Stores Information On The antenna devices associated with antenna patterns The antenna patterns used by antenna devices Primary Keys devicepk projectno devicefk patternpk projectno BCFTYPE BCF types, defined on the BCF tab in the Site Database BTS equipment, defined in the BTS equipment dialog box Cabin equipment, defined in the Cabin dialog box Equipment suppliers bcftypekey projectno btskey projectno cabinkey projectno equipsupplierkey projectno FEEDER Feeder equipment, defined in the Feeder dialog box Node B Types for 3g networks, defined in the Node B Types dialog box Masthead Amplifier equipment, defined in the Masthead Amplifier dialog box Mast equipment, defined in the Mast dialog box The vertical and horizontal masks for each antenna stored in the Antennas dialog box feederkey projectno nodebtypekey projectno mhakey projectno projectno towerkey maskpk patternfk projectno FK1 - patternfk + devicefk YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES FK1 - devicefk YES Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) Diff Table? YES









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This table shows the column list:
Name antennacategory cost createdate createuser description devicepk idname manufacturer modifydate modifyuser noelements parentkey permission DataType number(38) float date number(38) varchar2(128) number(38) varchar2(64) varchar2(64) date number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null not null Constraint Description Indicates whether an antenna device is standard (0) or switched beam (1). The cost of the antenna, defined on the Costing tab of the Antennas dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores an optional description of the antenna. Primary key, storing a unique number for each antenna device in the database. Stores the name of each antenna in the database. Stores the name of the manufacturer of the antenna. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The number of beam patterns per antenna, defined on the General tab of the Antennas dialog box. Stores a number for the parent folder of the antenna. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores the file path to a photo associated with the antenna, specified on the General tab of the Antennas dialog box. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number for the antenna supplier, defined on the Costing tab of the Antennas dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the antenna weight (kg), defined on the General tab of the Antennas dialog box.

photofile projectno supplierkey usergroup weight

varchar2(128) number(38) number(38) number(38) float

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This table shows the column list:
Name antennapatternangle configid DataType float varchar2 (64) Constraint Description The angle of the pattern on the horizontal mast (Switched beam antennas only). The Level/Parameter Config ID, defined on the Info tab of the Antennas dialog box. Indicates whether a control pattern is used (1) or not (0) (Switched beam antennas only). The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The cross polar discrimination (in dB), defined on the Info tab of the Antennas dialog box. Stores an optional description for an antenna pattern. not null Primary key, indicating which antenna device is used with each pattern. The pattern downtilt, defined on the Mask tab of the Antennas dialog box. The electric beam adjustment. The Element Array Indicator, defined on the Info tab of the Antennas dialog box. The pattern frequency (in MHz), defined on the Info tab of the Antennas dialog box. The Front to Back Ratio (in dB), defined on the Info tab of the Antennas dialog box. The pattern gain (in dBi or dBd), defined on the Info tab of the Antennas dialog box. Indicates whether the pattern gain is specified in dBi (0) (isotropic antennas) or dBd (1) (dipole antennas). The horizontal beamwidth, defined on the Mask tab of the Antennas dialog box. not null Stores the name of each pattern in the database. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a number for the parent folder of the pattern. not null Primary Key, storing a unique number for each pattern in the database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

controlpatternflag number (38) createdate createuser date number (38)

crosspolardiscrim float description devicefk downtilt elecbeamadj elemarrindi frequency fronttobackratio gain gaintype horizontalbw idname modifydate modifyuser parentkey patternpk permission varchar2 (128) number (38) float number (38) number (38) float float float number (38) float varchar2 (64) date number (38) number (38) number (38) number (38)

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Name polarisation projectno tilttype unique_pattern_ id unique_pattern_ id_override usergroup verticalbw

DataType number (38) number (38) number (38) varchar2 (130) number (38) number (38) float


Description Indicates the polarisation of the pattern - horizontal (0), vertical (1) or crosspolar (2) - defined on the Info tab of the Antennas dialog box.

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Specifies the type of tilt associated with the antenna pattern, that is, either mechanical (1) or electrical (0).

not null not null

The Unique ID for the pattern, defined on the General tab of the Antennas dialog box. Identifies whether the Unique ID has been overriden (1) or not (0). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The vertical beamwidth, defined on the Mask tab of the Antennas dialog box.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + devicefk) references the ANTENNADEVICE table

This table shows the column list:
Name bcftypekey combinertype createdate createuser Idname maxbts maxtrx modifydate modifyuser nmscode permission DataType integer varchar2(32) date integer varchar2(32) integer integer date integer integer integer not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each BCF type. The combiner type, defined in the BCF Types dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the name of each BCF Type in the database. The maximum number of BTSs that can be used with the BCF Type, defined in the BCF Types dialog box. The maximum number of TRXs that can be used with the BCF Type, defined in the BCF Types dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The NMS Code, defined in the BCF Types dialog box. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno usergroup

integer integer

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Table BTS
This table shows the column list:
Name btskey celllaypow cellspacing cost createdate createuser description Idname modifydate modifyuser permission DataType integer varchar2(1024) integer float date integer varchar2(128) varchar2(32) date integer integer not null not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each BTS in the database. Stores the power value for the cell. The Minimum Cell Spacing, defined on the Parameters tab of the BTS Equipment dialog box. The unit cost of the BTS, defined on the Costing tab of the BTS Equipment dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores an optional description of the BTS. Stores the name of each BTS in the database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores the file path to a photo associated with the BTS, specified on the General tab of the BTS Equipment dialog box. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Minimum Site Spacing, defined on the Parameters tab of the BTS Equipment dialog box. Stores a number for the BTS supplier, defined on the Costing tab of the BTS Equipment dialog box. The Maximum PA Output Power (in dBm), defined on the Parameters tab of the BTS Equipment dialog box. The Minimum PA Output Power (in dBm), defined on the Parameters tab of the BTS Equipment dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the associated weight of the BTS.



projectno sitespacing supplierkey txpwrmax txpwrmin usergroup weight

integer integer integer float float integer float

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This table shows the column list:
Name cabinkey cost createdate createuser description height idname length modifydate modifyuser parentkey DataType integer float date integer varchar2(128) float varchar2(32) float date integer integer not null not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each cabin the database. The unit cost of the cabin, defined on the Costing tab of the Cabins dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores an optional description of the cabin. The height of a cabin (in m), defined on the Dimensions tab of the Cabins dialog box. Stores the name of each cabin in the database. The length of the cabin (in m), defined on the Dimensions tab of the Cabins dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates the folder in which the equipment is stored, in the Cabins dialog box. 70000 = All projects folder 70001 = First created project folder. 70002 = Second created folder and so on. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores the file path to a photo associated with the cabin, specified on the General tab of the Cabin dialog box. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number for the cabin supplier, defined on the Costing tab of the Cabin dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The weight of the cabin (in kg), defined on the Dimensions tab of the Cabins dialog box. The width of the cabin (in m), defined on the Dimensions tab of the Cabins dialog box.



photofile projectno supplierkey usergroup weight width

varchar2(128) integer integer integer float float

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This table shows the column list:
Name address comments email equipsupplierkey fax name phone projectno DataType varchar2(255) varchar2(255) varchar2(128) integer varchar2(32) varchar2(128) varchar2(32) integer not null not null Constraint Description The equipment supplier's address, defined on the Equipment Supplier Properties dialog box. The comments about an equipment supplier, defined on the Equipment Supplier Properties dialog box. The equipment supplier's email address, defined on the Equipment Supplier Properties dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each equipment supplier in the database. The equipment supplier's fax number, defined on the Equipment Supplier Properties dialog box. The equipment supplier's name, defined on the Equipment Supplier Properties dialog box. The equipment supplier's phone number, defined on the Equipment Supplier Properties dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name connloss Data Type float Constraint Description The Total Connector Loss (in dB) for the feeder, defined on the Losses tab of the Feeders dialog box, and used to calculate EIRP. The Unit Cost of the feeder, defined on the Costing tab of the Feeders dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores an optional description of the feeder. Indicates the particular ARCHITECT symbol associated with each feeder. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each feeder in the database. The Frequency (in GHz) of the feeder, defined on the Losses tab of the Feeders dialog box. not null Stores the name of each feeder in the database. The Loss (in dB per m) of the feeder, defined on the Losses tab of the Feeders dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table.

cost createdate createuser description equipiconkey feederkey freq idname losspermetre modifydate modifyuser

float date integer varchar2(128) integer integer float varchar2(32) float date integer

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Name parentkey

Data Type integer


Description Indicates the folder in which the equipment is stored, in the Feeders dialog box. 50000 = All projects folder 50001 = First created project folder 50002 = Second created project folder, and so on. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores the file path to a photo associated with the feeder, specified on the General tab of the Feeders dialog box.



photofile projectno supplierkey usergroup weight

varchar2(128) integer integer integer float not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number for the feeder supplier, defined on the Costing tab of the Feeders dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The weight of the feeder (in kg per m), defined on the Losses tab of the Feeders dialog box.

This table shows the column list:
Name autotxcalc Data Type number Constraint Description Indicates whether Automatic calculation of Max DL Power per Connection has been selected (1) or not (0). This is set on the Load Control tab of the Node B Types dialog box. The Unit cost of the Node B Type, defined on the Costing tab of the Node B Types dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores an optional description of the Node B Type. Indicates the particular ARCHITECT symbol associated with each Node B Type. Stores the name of each Node B Type in the database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each Node B Type in the database. Indicates whether the Enable OTSR Configuration Support option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is set on the General tab of the Node B Types dialog box.

cost createdate createuser

float date number

description equipiconkey idname modifydate modifyuser nodebtypekey otsrsupport

varchar2(128) number varchar2(32) date number number number

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Name perdltrafpow

Data Type number


Description Indicates whether the Consider proportion of downlink traffic power used option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is set on the Load Control tab of the Node B Types dialog box. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Indicates whether Consider proportion of noise rise limit reached has been selected (1) or not (0). This is set on the Load Control tab of the Node B Types dialog box. Stores the file path to a photo associated with the feeder, specified on the General tab of the Node B Types dialog box.



pernoiseriselim photofile



projectno res1dlho res2dlho res3dlho res1dlpri res2dlpri res3dlpri res1dltot res2dltot res3dltot res1namekey res2namekey res3namekey res1props res2props res3props res1ulho res2ulho res3ulho

number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the number of downlink handover channels for Resource 1. Stores the number of downlink handover channels for Resource 2. Stores the number of downlink handover channels for Resource 3. Stores the number of downlink primary channels for Resource 1. Stores the number of downlink primary channels for Resource 2. Stores the number of downlink primary channels for Resource 3. Stores the total number of downlink channels for Resource 1. Stores the total number of downlink channels for Resource 2. Stores the total number of downlink channels for Resource 3. Key that resource 1 uses on the node B type. Key that resource 2 uses on the node B type. Key that resource 3 uses on the node B type. Per node B type / per carrier / per cell resource 1 properties. Per node B type / per carrier / per cell resource 2 properties. Per node B type / per carrier / per cell resource 3 properties. Stores the number of uplink handover channels for Resource 1. Stores the number of uplink handover channels for Resource 2. Stores the number of uplink handover channels for Resource 3.

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Name res1ulpri res2ulpri res3ulpri res1ultot res2ultot res3ultot supplierkey usergroup weight

Data Type number number number number number number number number float


Description Stores the number of uplink primary channels for Resource 1. Stores the number of uplink primary channels for Resource 2. Stores the number of uplink primary channels for Resource 3. Stores the total number of uplink channels for Resource 1. Stores the total number of uplink channels for Resource 2. Stores the total number of uplink channels for Resource 3. Stores a number for the feeder supplier, defined on the Costing tab of the Node B Types dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the associated weight of the Node B Type.

This table shows the column list:
Name cost createdate createuser Data Type float date integer Constraint Description The Unit Cost of the feeder, defined on the Costing tab of the Mast Head Amplifier(s) dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores an optional description of the Mast Head Amplifier. Indicates the particular ARCHITECT symbol associated with each mast head amplifier. not null Stores the name of each mast head amplifier in the database. The Insertion Loss (in dB), defined on the Amplifier tab of the Mast Head Amplifier(s) dialog box. The Maximum Gain (in dB), defined on the Amplifier tab of the Mast Head Amplifier(s) dialog box. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each mast head amplifier. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Noise Figure (in dB), defined on the Amplifier tab in the Mast Head Amplifier(s) dialog box. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

description equipiconkey idname insloss maxgain mhakey modifydate modifyuser noisefig permission

varchar2(128) integer varchar2(32) float float integer date integer float integer

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Name photofile

Data Type varchar2(128)


Description Stores the file path to a photo associated with the feeder, specified on the General tab of the Mast Head Amplifier(s) dialog box.

projectno supplierkey usergroup weight

integer integer integer float

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number identifying the feeder supplier, defined on the Costing tab of the Mast Head Amplifier(s) dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the associated weight of the mast head amplifier.

This table shows the column list:
Name cost createdate createuser DataType float date integer Constraint Description The Unit Cost of the mast, defined on the Costing tab of the Masts dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores an optional description of the mast. Stores the mast Structure Height in m, defined on the Dimensions tab of the Masts dialog box. not null Stores the name of each mast in the database. NOT USED. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. NOT USED. Indicates the folder in which the equipment is stored, in the Masts dialog box. 80000 = All projects folder 80001 = First created project folder 80002 = Second created project folder and so on. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores the file path to a photo associated with the mast, specified on the General tab of the Masts dialog box. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. NOT USED. Stores the a number identifying the mast supplier, defined on the Costing tab of the Masts dialog box.

description height idname mastheightavail modifydate modifyuser mounting parentkey

varchar2(128) float varchar2(32) varchar2(512) date integer integer integer



photofile projectno sectionlength supplierkey

varchar2(128) integer float integer

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Name towerkey usergroup weight

DataType integer integer float

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each mast in the database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the associated weight of the mast.

This table shows the column list:
Name devicefk mask maskpk modifyuser patternfk projectno Data Type number(38) clob number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Indicates which antenna device uses the mask. Combined horizontal and vertical Angle Loss Vector data stored in XML format. Primary key, non unique key defaulted to 1 and reserved for future use. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each mask in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + patternfk + devicefk) references the ANTENNAPATTERN table

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Internal Database Tables

The following table describes the internal database tables:
This Table CELLEQUIPMENT Stores Information On Cell equipment, defined in the Cell Equipment dialog box Primary Keys cellequipmentkey projectno CIBER The Bit Error Rate ci projectno CONFIGURATION DBCOREFRI DBVERSION The options in the Application Configuration dialog box. Relationships between Diff tables The current database version number, and the number of the version from which it was upgraded The database tables and associated column fields ID numbers for each new site created Interference weights tables, and the level of interference expected within a pixel based on C/I ratio User groups User groups versionnumber optionidpk NO NO NO NO Foreign Keys Diff Table? YES


acfieldname actablename idname projno intfweightskey projectno grpkey grpkey pn









Associations between groups and users Associations between groups and users

grpkey usrkey grpkey pn usrkey








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Stores Information On Permissions for tables

Primary Keys grpkeypk permissionpk projectno usrkeypk

Foreign Keys FK1 grpkeypk FK2 usrkeypk FK3 permission pk FK1 permissionpk

Diff Table? NO


The privileges available for a user or user group in the database for a project

grpkeypk permissionpk pn projectno usrkeypk



A short name to describe the permission, and a comment The options in the Power Users Permissions dialog box. Users

permissiontypepk optionidpk usrtypefk pn usrkey





All user types created and stored in the database Projects

usrtypepk name projectnumber



Region information for when a project is loaded. Foreign key relationships

projectnumber userkey

FK1 projectnumber




This table shows the column list:
Name cellequipmentkey cost createdate createuser description equipiconkey idname DataType integer float date integer varchar2(128) integer varchar2(32) not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each cell equipment defined in the database. The Unit cost of the cell equipment, defined on the Costing tab of the Cell Equipment dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores an optional description of the cell equipment. Indicates the particular ARCHITECT symbol associated with each cell equipment. The Part ID, stored on the General tab of the Cell Equipment dialog box.

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Name loss modifydate modifyuser permission photofile projectno supplierkey usergroup weight

DataType float date integer integer varchar2(128) integer integer integer float


Description The Equipment Loss (in dB), stored on the Info tab of the Cell Equipment dialog box. The date when the object was last modified.

not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. NOT USED. Stores the file path to a photo associated with the feeder, specified on the General tab of the cell equipment dialog box.

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number associating a particular supplier with the cell equipment. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the associated weight of the cell equipment.

This table shows the column list:
Name ber ci projectno Data Type float number(38) number(38) not null not null Constraint Description Stores the BER, defined on the Define C/I BER Conversion dialog box. Primary key, which stores the C/I value, defined in the Define C/I BER Conversion dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name active activebydefault description Data Type integer integer varchar2(2048) Constraint not null not null not null Description Indicates whether this option is currently active (1) or not (0). Indicates whether this option is active by default (1) or not (0). The full description of the option, which is displayed in the Description pane of the Configuration dialog box in Administrator. The English name descriptor for the option. The ID name for the option, displayed in the Configuration dialog box in Administrator. Indicates whether the option is a section header only (1) or not (0). Primary key, storing a unique number for each option in the Configuration dialog box in Administrator.

englishname idname issectionheaderonly optionidpk

varchar2(128) varchar2(128) integer integer

not null not null not null not null

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Name parentoptionid

Data Type integer

Constraint not null

Description If the option is a sub-option, this number identifies its parent option.

This table shows the column list:
Name xmldata DataType clob Constraint Description Stores hierarchical links to the relationships between tables in an XML format.

This table shows the column list:
Name upgradeversion versionnumber DataType integer integer not null Constraint Description The version number of the database from which the user upgraded. Primary key, storing a unique number for the version of the database the user is currently using.

This table shows the column list:
Name acfieldlength acfieldname acfieldtype actablename DataType integer varchar2(32) varchar2(32) varchar2(32) not null not null Constraint Description The length of field entries of the varchar2 and float data type. Primary key, storing the name of each field in the database. The data type of each field. Primary key, storing the name of each table in the database.

This table shows the column list:
Name idname nextv projno DataType varchar2(64) number number not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing the name of the network element. The last number used when a new network element was created. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

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This table shows the column list:
Name ci_db0 (and so on up to ) ci_db60 intfweightskey maxci_db minci_db name projectno float integer integer integer varchar2(128) integer not null not null The last CI_dB value in the Define Interference Weights dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each CI_dB/Percentage pair in the database. The maximum CI_dB value in the Define Interference Weights dialog box. The minimum CI_dB value in the Define Interference Weights dialog box. The name of the group of interference weights, defined in the Define Interference Weights dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. DataType float Constraint Description The first CI_dB value in the Define Interference Weights dialog box.

This table shows the column list:
Name grp grpcom grpkey projectpriv Data Type varchar2(32) varchar2(255) integer integer not null Constraint Description The name of the group, defined in ENTERPRISE Administrator. Stores any optional comments on the group. Primary key, storing a unique number for each group in the database. Indicates whether the group has the Enable Project Creation privilege (1) or not (0).

This table is not currently used, but is reserved for future use. This database table is used in the synchronisation utility for keeping track of detailed information about groups from the master database. This table shows the column list:
Name grp grpcom grpkey Data Type varchar2(32) varchar2(255) integer not null Constraint Description The name of the group, defined in ENTERPRISE Administrator. Stores any optional comments on the group. Primary key, storing a unique number for each group in the database.

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Name pn projectpriv

Data Type integer integer

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the group has the Enable Project Creation privilege (1) or not (0).

This table shows the column list:
Name grpkey usrkey Data Type integer integer Constraint not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each group in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number associating a user with a particular group.

This database table is used in the synchronisation utility for keeping track of which users are in which groups from the master database, and which projects these groups and users can see. This table shows the column list:
Name grpkey pn usrkey Data Type integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each group in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number associating a user with a particular group.

This table shows the column list:
Name address afterhoursno defaultgrp Data Type varchar2(1000) varchar2(30) integer not null Constraint Description The Address of the user, defined on the 5th page of the Create A New User dialog box. The After Hours Number of the user, defined on the 5th page of the Create A New User dialog box. Indicates the Default Group to which the user is attached, defined on the 4th page of the Create A New User dialog box. The Email Address of the user, defined on the 5th page of the Create A New User dialog box. The Email Address 2 of the user, defined on the 5th page of the Create A New User dialog box. not null Indicates whether the Enable Distribution option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Distributed Predictions tab of the User Properties dialog box.

email_id email_id2 enabledistribution

varchar2(100) varchar2(100) integer

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Name extauth

Data Type integer

Constraint not null

Description Indicates whether the Use External OS Authentication option is selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the 1st page of the Create A New User dialog box. The First Name of the user, defined on the 1st page of the Create A New User dialog box. The Last Name of the user, defined on the 1st page of the Create A New User dialog box.

firstname lastname maxnumagents mobileno pagerno predpriority

varchar2(50) varchar2(50) integer varchar2(30) varchar2(30) integer not null

Stores the maximum number of agents, if this has been specified on the User Properties dialog box. The Mobile Number of the user, defined on the 1st page of the Create A New User dialog box. The Pager Number of the user, defined on the 1st page of the Create A New User dialog box. Indicates the relative priority of the user for the processing of distributed predictions - Lowest (1), Low (50), Medium (100), High (500) or Highest (10000). Defined on the Distributed Predictions tab of the User Properties dialog box. Indicates whether the user has the Enable Project Creation privilege (1) or not (0). This is defined on the 3rd page of the Create A New User dialog box. Indicates which Object Creation Defaults have been specified - only the user has write permission over the sites they create (0), all users belonging to the default group defined for this user have these permissions(1), or all users have privileges over the sites this user creates (2). This is defined on the 4th page of the Create A New User dialog box.





specifymaxagents usr usrcom usrkey usrtype workno

integer varchar2(32) varchar2(255) integer integer varchar2(30)

not null

Indicates whether the maximum number of agents is Specified (1) or Unlimited (0). The User Id, defined on the 1st page of the Create A New User dialog box. Any option comments for the user, defined on the 1st page of the Create A New User dialog box.

not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each user in the database. Indicates the user type. The Work Number of the user, defined on the 5th page of the Create A New User dialog box.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (usrtype) references the PRIORUSERTYPE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name grpkeypk permissionpk permvalue projectno usrkeypk Data Type integer integer integer integer integer not null not null Constraint not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number associating the user with a particular group. Primary key defining a particular instance of a permission type. Stores the value of the permission, either 0 or 1. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each user in the database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (grpkeypk) references the PRIORGROUPS table FK2 (usrkeypk) references the PRIORUSER table FK3 (permissionpk) references the PRIORUSERPRIVEXTYPE table

This table shows the column list:
Name grpkeypk permissionpk permvalue pn projectno usrkeypk Data Type integer integer integer integer integer integer not null not null not null Constraint not null not null Description Primary key used to uniquely reference a user group. Primary key used to uniquely identify user permissions. Stores a user permission value. Primary key storing a value for the master project number. Primary key storing a value used to distinguish between projects in a database. Remote project number. Primary key used to uniquely identify the user.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (permissionpk) references the PRIORUSERPRIVEXTYPE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name permissiontypepk shortname usercomment DataType integer varchar2(64) varchar2(255) Constraint not null Description Primary key defining the permission. Stores a short name to describe the permission, which the code references. Comment made by the user.

This table shows the column list:
Name allowed DataType integer Constraint not null Description Indicates whether the option is currently selected (1) or not (0) in the Power Users Permissions dialog box. Indicates whether the option is selected by default (1) or not (0) in the Power Users Permissions dialog box. The full description of the option, which is displayed in the Description pane of the Power Users Permissions dialog box. The English name descriptor for the option. The ID name for the option, displayed in the Power Users Permissions dialog box. Indicates whether the option is a section header only (1) or not (0). Primary key, storing a unique number identifying each option in the Power Users Permissions dialog box. If the option is a sub-option, this number identifies its parent option. Primary key, which provides distinction between the various users. SuperUser (0), Regional SuperUser (1), Normal User (2) and Power User (3).



not null



not null

englishname idname issectionheaderonly optionidpk

varchar2(128) varchar2(128) integer integer

not null not null not null not null

parentoptionid usrtypefk

integer integer

not null not null

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This database table is used in the synchronisation utility for keeping track of general information. This table shows the column list:
Name defaultgrp DataType integer Constraint Description Indicates the Default Group to which the user is attached, defined on the 4th page of the Create A New User dialog box. Indicates whether the Use External OS Authentication option is selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the 1st page of the Create A New User dialog box. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the user has the Enable Project Creation privilege (1) or not (0). This is defined on the 3rd page of the Create A New User dialog box. Indicates which Object Creation Defaults have been specified - only the user has write permission over the sites they create (0), all users belonging to the default group defined for this user have these permissions(1), or all users have privileges over the sites this user creates (2). This is defined on the 4th page of the Create A New User dialog box. usr usrcom usrkey usrtype varchar2(32) varchar2(255) integer integer not null The User Id, defined on the 1st page of the Create A New User dialog box. Any option comments for the user, defined on the 1st page of the Create A New User dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each user in the database. Indicates the user type.



pn projectpriv

integer integer



This table shows the column list:
Name typename usrtypepk DataType varchar2(255) integer not null Constraint Description Stores the name of the user type. Primary key, which provides distinction between the various users. SuperUser (0), Regional SuperUser (1), Normal User (2) and Power User (3).

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This table shows the column list:
Name active aerialdir DataType integer varchar2(255) Constraint Description Indicates whether the project has been deleted from the Start Project window (0) or not (1). Stores the path to the Backdrop photograph directory associated with the project, defined on the Map data directories tab of Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the ARCHITECT master file associated with the project, defined on the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the Coverage Array directory associated with the project, defined on the User data directories tab on the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the Building raster data directory associated with the project, defined on the Map data directories tab on the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the Building vector data directory associated with the project, defined on the Map data directories tab on the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the Clutter directory associated with the project, defined on the Map data directories tab on the Modify Project dialog box. Optional comments about a project, defined on the Info tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The date and time when each project was created, defined on the Info tab of the Modify Project dialog box. Optional description of a project, defined on the Info tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The Easting Maximum co-ordinates for the map data extents, defined on the Map Data Extents tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The Easting Minimum co-ordinates for the map data extents, defined on the Map Data Extents tab of the Modify Project dialog box. Stores a unique number, associating a particular ellipsoid with the project. This is defined on the Coord System tab of the Modify Project dialog box. NOT USED. Stores the path to the Heights directory associated with the project, defined on the Map data directories tab on the Modify Project dialog box.











comments created

varchar2(255) varchar2(64)

description eastmax

varchar2(255) integer





grp htdir

varchar2(32) varchar2(255)

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Name isremote latmax

DataType integer float(64)


Description Indicates whether the project is remote (1) or not (0). The Latitude Maximum co-ordinates for the map data extents, defined on the Region Load tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The Latitude Minimum co-ordinates for the map data extents, defined on the Region Load tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The Longitude Maximum co-ordinates for the map data extents, defined on the Region Load tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The Latitude Maximum co-ordinates for the map data extents, defined on the Region Load tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The name of the MapInfo projection system being used for this project, defined on the Coord System tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The date and time when each project was last modified, defined on the Info tab of the Modify Project dialog box.











name northmax

varchar2(32) integer

not null

Primary key, storing the Project name. The Northing Maximum co-ordinates for the map data extents, defined on the Map Data Extents tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The Northing Minimum co-ordinates for the map data extents, defined on the Map Data Extents tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The AIRCOM OPTIMA DataSource, defined on the AIRCOM OPTIMA Login tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The AIRCOM OPTIMA Password, defined on the AIRCOM OPTIMA Login tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The AIRCOM OPTIMA UserId, defined on the AIRCOM OPTIMA Login tab of the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the Colour palette file associated with the project, defined on the User data directories tab of the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the Prediction directory associated with the project, defined on the User data directories tab of the Modify Project dialog box. Stores a unique number, associating a particular projection with the project.













projection projectnumber rmcreator

integer integer integer not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number, identifying the user who created the remote project.

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Name scanmapdir

DataType varchar2(255)


Description Stores the path to the scanned map directory associated with the project, defined on the Map data directories tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The project number of the shared project. If the project is not shared, this will be the same as the project number. Stores the path to the TARGET master file associated with the project, defined of the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the Text directory associated with the project, defined on the Map data directories tab of the Modify Project dialog box. NOT USED. Indicates whether the Always prompt for Username and Password option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Simulation Distribution tab of the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the distribution folder associated with the project, defined on the Simulation Distribution tab of the Modify Project dialog box. Indicates whether the Restrict Site Load to Region option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Region Load tab of the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the User preferences directory associated with the project, defined on the User data directories tab of the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the User Line (vector) data directory associated with the project, defined on the User data directories tab of the Modify Project dialog box. Stores the path to the Line (vector) Data directory associated with the project, defined on the Map data directories tab of the Modify Project dialog box. The Universal Transverse Mercator Zone, defined in the Coordinate System dialog box.







threeglocalfolder threegpromptforaccount

varchar2(255) integer













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This table shows the column list:
Name enabled DataType integer Constraint Description Indicates whether the Restrict Load to Region option on the Region Load tab of the Project Settings dialog box has been selected (1) or not (0). FOR FUTURE USE. not null not null The name of the project. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The coordinates of the region. not null Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in.

filename name projectnumber region userkey

varchar2(32) varchar2(32) integer regionload_ot_va integer

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectnumber) references the PROJECT table

This table shows the column list:
Name column_name constraint_name constraint_type position r_column r_constraint_name r_pos r_table table_name table_type DataType varchar2(32) varchar2(32) varchar2(1) number varchar2(32) varchar2(32) number varchar2(32) varchar2(32) varchar2(1) not null not null Constraint Description The name of the column containing the foreign key. The name of the constraint found in the foreign table. The type of constraint used. The position of the column in the foreign table. The name of the column referenced by the foreign key. The name of the constraint in the referenced table. The position of the column in the referenced table. The name of the referenced table. The name of the foreign table. The table type.

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Logical Network Database Tables

The following table describes the logical network database tables:
This Table GENREPEATER Stores Information On Repeaters, defined in the Site Database IS95 carriers Primary Keys lognodepk projectno is95carpk projectno LOGATTACHMENT Attachments in the logical network Logical connections attachpk projectno logconnkey projectno LOGCONNROUTE Logical connection routes Logical connection route hops Logical connection traffic IS95 antennas in logical networks IS95 BSs in logical networks IS95 BSCs in logical networks IS95 carriers in logical networks IS95 carrier layer sites in logical networks IS95 clusters in logical networks connroutepk projectno projectno routehoppk projectno trafficpk is95antpk projectno lognodepk projectno lognodepk projectno is95carpk projectno is95bspk projectno is95clusterpk projectno YES FK1 - is95carpk FK2 - logbsfk FK1 - is95clusterfk YES YES FK1 - lognodepk YES FK1 - lognodepk YES FK1 - lognodefk YES FK1 - logconnfk YES FK1 - logconnfk YES FK1 - lognodeafk FK2 - lognodebfk FK1 - logconnfk YES YES YES YES Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 - lognodepk Diff Table? YES











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Stores Information On IS95 feeders in logical networks IS95 MSCs in logical networks IS95 sector carriers in logical networks IS95 sectors in logical networks The logical network

Primary Keys is95feedpk projectno lognodepk projectno projectno seccarpk projectno sectorpk lognetworkpk projectno

Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 - is95antfk FK2 - is95sectorfk FK1 - lognodepk

Diff Table? YES




FK1 - carrierfk FK2 - sectorfk FK1 - logbsfk





FK1 - parentfk only FK2 networktypefk only FK1 lognodetypefk only FK2 - addressfk FK3 - lognetworkfk



Logical nodes

lognodepk projectno



Logical node Bs

lognodepk projectno

FK1 - lognodepk



Logical node traffic

projectno trafficpk

FK1 - lognodefk



The logical node types in the network The logical PLMN network Logical RNCs

lognodetypekey lognetworkpk projectno lognodepk projectno FK1 - lognodepk FK1 - lognetworkpk







UMTS antennas in logical networks UMTS carriers in logical networks UMTS cells in logical networks UMTS cell carriers in logical networks Logical UMTS feeders

projectno umtsantpk projectno umtscarpk projectno umtscellpk projectno cellcarrierpk projectno umtsfeedpk

FK1 - lognodefk



FK1 - lognodefk FK2 - tgcarrierfk FK1 - lognodefk FK2 - umtscarfk FK1 - umtscellfk FK2 - carrierfk FK1 - umtsantfk FK2 - umtscellfk FK1 logwimaxfk FK1 - lognodefk FK2 wimaxcarrierfk









Fixed WiMAX antennas in logical networks Fixed WiMAX carriers in logical networks

nodeantennapk projectno carrierpk projectno




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Stores Information On Fixed WiMAX cells in logical networks Fixed WiMAX cell carriers in logical networks Fixed WiMAX feeders in logical networks Mobile WiMAX antennas in logical networks Mobile WiMAX carriers in logical networks

Primary Keys cellpk projectno cellcarrierpk projectno feedpk projectno nodeantennapk projectno carrierpk projectno cellpk projectno cellcarrierpk projectno feedpk projectno lognodepk projectno lognodepk projectno mimolookuppk projectno

Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 - lognodefk

Diff Table? YES


FK1 - wimaxcellfk FK2 - carrierfk FK1 - antfk FK2 - wimaxcellfk FK1 - lognodefk






FK1 - lognodefk FK2 wimaxmobcarrierfk FK1 - lognodefk



Mobile WiMAX cells in logical networks Mobile WiMAX cell carriers in logical networks Mobile WiMAX feeders in logical networks



FK1 - wimaxmobcellfk FK2 - carrierfk FK1 - antfk FK2 wimaxmobcellfk FK1 - lognodepk



Mobile WiMAX nodes in logical networks Fixed WiMAX nodes in logical networks MIMO details



FK1 - lognodepk





PN code index numbers

idname pnindex schemapk projectno



Served traffic from the 3g Simulator (including handover traffic)

projectno trafficpk

FK1 - lognodebfk FK2 - tgdlbitratefk FK3 - tgulbitratefk FK4 - tgservicefk



The priority order for bearers allocated to a cell layer

bitratekey cellaykey projectno servicekey

FK1 bitratekey FK2 cellaykey FK3 servicekey FK1 cellaykey FK2 servicekey



The priority order for cell layers allocated to a service

cellaykey projectno servicekey


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Stores Information On 3g Bitrates, defined in the Bitrates dialog box 3g carriers

Primary Keys bitratekey projectno carrierkey projectno

Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 hsdparatefk

Diff Table? YES




3g carrier adjacencies

projectno rowindex tgcarrierfk

FK1 tgcarrierfk



Path loss values for 3g clutter

code key projectno



3g resources that can be used in the 3g simulator The relationship between 3g bitrates and services 3g services

projectno resourcekey bitratekey projectno servicekey





projectno servicekey



3g soft handover gains

projectno shogkey



The relationship between 3g terminal types and services UMTS scrambling codes

projectno servicekey termtypekey



code codegroup key projectno schemakey



UMTS scrambling code schema Fixed WiMAX carriers

key projectno carrierkey projectno





Fixed WiMAX carrier adjacencies

projectno rowindex wimaxcarrierfk

FK1 - wimaxcarrierfk



Mobile WiMAX carriers

carrierno projectno

FK1 - carrierno



Mobile WiMAX carrier adjacencies

projectno rowindex

FK1 wimaxmobcarrierfk


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This table shows the column list:
Name cellfk dlgain lognodepk lognodetypefk modifyuser predresolution projectno rxantennafk technology DataType number(38) float number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) integer not null not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Stores a unique number associating the repeater with a particular cell The downlink gain (in dB) of the repeater, defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Primary key, storing a unique number associating the repeater with a particular logical node. Identifies the logical node type. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores the repeaters prediction resolution calculations. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number, associating the antenna with the receiving element of the repeater. Indicates the technology type of the repeater: UMTS (257), CDMA2000 or EV-DO (0), Fixed WiMAX (512), Mobile WiMAX (2048). not null Associates the antenna with the transmitted element of the repeater. The uplink gain (in dB) of the repeater, defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. The uplink noise (in dB) of the repeater, defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database.

txantennafk ulgain ulnoisefactor

number(38) float float

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

This table shows the column list:
Name allocated createdate createuser fwdlinkcar idname is95carpk Data Type number(38) date number(38) float varchar2(32) number(38) not null Constraint Description NOT USED The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the downlink frequency. Field which stores the names provided for each IS95 carrier in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each CDMA2000 carrier.

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Name leftnbrchan leftnbrdldb leftnbruldb modifydate modifyuser permission

Data Type number(38) float float date number(38) number(38)


Description Stores the value of interference from the left neighbour channel. Stores the value of interference from the left neighbour downlink. Stores the value of interference from the left neighbour uplink. The date when the object was last modified.

not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Field that describes the order in which traffic should be serviced by the various cell layers with 1 being the highest priority.



projectno revlinkcar rightnbrchan rightnbrdldb rightnbruldb usergroup

number(38) float number(38) float float number(38)

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the uplink frequency. Stores the value of interference from the right neighbour channel. Stores the value of interference from the right neighbour downlink. Stores the value of interference from the right neighbour uplink. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name attachpk comments filename modifyuser parentkey parenttype projectno DataType number(38) varchar2 (255) varchar2 (255) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each attachment in the database. Optional description that can be added to each attachment. Stores the file path to the attachment on the logical node, defined on the Attachments tab of the logical node dialog box. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number associating the attachment with a particular logical node. Stores a unique number, associating the logical node with a particular parent element. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

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This table shows the column list:
Name conntype createdate createuser idname logconnkey lognodeafk lognodebfk modifydate modifyuser permission Data Type number(38) date number(38) varchar2(80) number(38) number(38) number(38) date number(38) number(38) not null not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Indicates the type of connection. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The name of the connection. Primary key, storing a unique number for each connection in the database. Stores a unique number, identifying the logical node at linkend A. Stores a unique number, identifying the logical node at linkend B. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores any optional comments about the connection. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno usercomment usergroup

number(38) varchar2(255) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodeafk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (projectno + lognodebfk) references the LOGNODE table

This table shows the column list:
Name connroutepk createdate createuser indexno logconnfk modifydate Data Type number(38) date number(38) number(38) number(38) date not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each connection route in the database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the route's index number. Stores a unique number, associating a particular logical connection with the connection route. The date when the object was last modified.

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Name modifyuser permission

Data Type number(38) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

projectno usercomment usergroup

number(38) varchar2(255) number(38)

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Optional description that can be added to each attachment. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + logconnfk) references the LOGCONNECTION table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser Indexno linkfk logconnfk logconnrtfk modifydate modifyuser permission DataType date number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) date number(38) number(38) not null not null not null not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Indicates the position in the hop sequence. Stores a unique number, associating the route hop with a particular link. Stores a unique number, associating the route hop with a particular logical connection. Stores a unique number, associating the route hop with a particular connection route. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each route hop. Indicates whether is start point A (0) or end point B (1). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno routehoppk startend usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + logconnrtfk) references the LOGCONNROUTE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name bitratedirakbs Data Type float Constraint Description The bitrate of the logical connection traffic (in kbs) from A to B. This is defined on the Traffic tab for a logical connection in the Logical/Cellular Connection Database. The bitrate of the logical connection traffic (in kbs) from B to A. This is defined on the Traffic tab for a logicla connection in the Logical/Cellular Connection Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null Stores a unique number, associating the traffic with a particular logical connection. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The number of subscribers for the particular traffic, defined on the Traffic tab for a logical connection in the Logical/Cellular Connection Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the traffic is symmetric (1) or asymmetric (0). not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical connection traffic. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.



createdate createuser logconnfk modifydate modifyuser numsubscribers

date number(38) number(38) date number(38) float



projectno symmetric trafficpk usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + logconnfk) references the LOGCONNECTION table

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This table shows the column list:
Name anttypefixed anttypefk azimuth azimuthfixed Data Type number(38) number(38) float number(38) not null Constraint Description Stores a number representing the antenna type defined on the Antenna tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. Stores a unique number, indicating the antenna used. The Azimuth (in degrees), defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the azimuth defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the anti-clockwise bearing angle defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. The co-ordinates of the antenna location, defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. The co-ordinates of the antenna location, defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. The Antenna Correction (Corr'n) Factor, defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database in the Site Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores a number representing the clockwise bearing angle defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. The Total Downtilt (in degrees) on the antenna, defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. The antenna Height (in m), defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the Height Fixed defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. A number used to sequence the CDMA2000 antennas. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each CDMA2000 antenna in the database. Stores a unique number, associating the antenna with a particular logical node. Stores a number representing the Max main Lobe Tilt defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the Mechanical Downtilt Fixed defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a CDMA2000BS in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table.



coordx coordy corrfactor

float float float

createdate createuser cwwallbrg

date number(38) number(38)

downtilt height heightfixed

float float number(38)

indexno is95antpk lognodefk maxlobetilt

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)



modifydate modifyuser

date number(38)

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Name permission

Data Type number(38)


Description Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. NOT USED. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database.

predmodelkey1 predmodelkey2 predradius predradiusimp1 predradiusimp2

number(38) number(38) float float float













projectno repeater sharedantenna usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates if the a repeater is used (1) or not (0). Indicates whether the antenna is shared (1) or not (0). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGIS95BS table

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Page 129

This table shows the column list:
Name lognodepk Data Type number(38) Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number associating the CDMA2000 BS with a particular logical node. Identifies the logical node type. NOT USED. NOT USED. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The number of channels for the CDMA BS Channel Pool, defined on the BS Params tab for a CDMA2000 BS in the Site Database. NOT USED. NOT USED. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the radius of the sector.

lognodetypefk maxhochanspool maxprimchanspool modifyuser numchanspool

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

not null

predradius predresolution projectno sectorradius

number(38) number(38) number(38) float

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

This table shows the column list:
Name lognodepk lognodetypefk modifyuser projectno supports_sho DataType number number(38) number number number Constraint not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number associating each CDMA2000 BSC with a logical node. Identifies the logical node type. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the CDMA2000 BSC supports soft handover (1) or not (0).

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser Data Type date number(38) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Field which stores the names provided for each logical IS95 carrier in the database. not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each CDMA2000 carrier in the database. Stores a unique number, associating a particular set of CDMA2000 carrier data with a CDMA2000 carrier. Stores a unique number, associating the CDMA2000 carrier with a particular CDMA2000 BS. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The number of pooled traffic channel elements. The number of total traffic channel elements. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The number of traffic channel elements at a particular data rate. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

idname is95carpk is95carrierdatafk logbsfk modifydate modifyuser numpooledtraff chanelems numtotaltraff chanelems permission

varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) number(38) date number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

projectno traffchandatarate usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + is95carrierdatafk) references the IS95CARRIER table FK2 (projectno + logbsfk) references the LOGIS95BS table

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Page 131

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser is95bspk is95clusterfk modifydate modifyuser permission DataType date number(38) number(38) number(38) date number(38) number(38) not null not null not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Primary key, storing a unique number associating the CDMA2000 cluster site with a particular CDMA2000 BS. Stores a unique number for each CDMA2000 cluster site in the database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno usergroup

number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + is95clusterfk) references the LOGIS95CLUSTER table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser Idname Is95clusterpk modifydate modifyuser permission DataType date number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) date number(38) number(38) not null not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. User defined identifier for each particular cluster. Primary key, stores a unique number for each CDMA2000 cluster in the database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno usergroup

number(38) number(38)

Page 132

Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

This table shows the column list:
Name corrfactor Data Type float Constraint Description Value in dBs that provides a correction factor on the cell equipment used, if necessary. A positive value represents a gain and a negative value a loss. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Downlink Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. not null not null not null not null Stores a unique number identifying the feeder type. Stores a unique number, associating the feeder with a particular CDMA2000 antenna. Stores a unique number, associating the feeder with a particular CDMA2000 cell. Primary key, storing a unique number for each CDMA feeder in the database. The Feeder Length (in m), defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Stores the maximum 'Power Amplifier' power in dB's. not null Stores a unique number identifying the MHA (MastHead Amplifier) type. The MHA Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Noise Figure (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The Other Downlink Losses (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether RX Diversity is being used (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. txdiv number(38) Indicates whether TX Diversity is being used (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database.

createdate createuser

date number(38)

dlgain feedertypefk is95antfk is95cellfk is95feedpk length maxpapower mhamptypefk mhgain_db modifydate modifyuser noise_db otherlosses permission

float number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) float float number(38) float date number(38) float float number(38)

projectno rxdiv

number(38) number(38)

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Page 133

Name ulgain usergroup

Data Type float number(38)


Description The Uplink Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + is95antfk) references the LOGIS95ANTENNA table FK2 (projectno + is95sectorfk) references the LOGIS95SECTOR table

This table shows the column list:
Name lognodepk lognodetypefk modifyuser needsbsc projectno supports_sho DataType number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) not null Constraint not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number associating the CDMA2000MSC with a particular logical node. Identifies the logical node type. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates whether the CDMA2000MSC needs a CDMA2000BSC (1) or not (0). Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the CDMA2000MSC supports soft handover (1) or not (0).

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

This table shows the column list:
Name activesetsize Data Type number(38) Constraint Description The Active Set size, defined on the Power/Sho subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The Broadcast Control Channel Power (in dBm), defined on the Channel Power subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Broadcast Control Channel Power parameter has been selected (1) or not (0). not null Stores a unique number, associating the CDMA sector with a particular carrier.



broadcastcntrl chanpwrcheck carrierfk



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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name codeorthofactor commassignchanpwr

Data Type float float


Description FOR FUTURE USE The Common Assignment Channel Power (in dBm), defined on the Channel Power subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Common Assignment Channel Power parameter has been selected (1) or not (0). The Common Control Channel Power (in dBm), defined on the Channel Power subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Common Control Channel Power parameter has been selected (1) or not (0). The Common Power Control Channel Power (in dBm), defined on the Channel Power subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Common Power Control Channel Power parameter has been selected (1) or not (0). The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the data offset channel power 153.6 kbit/sec. Stores the data offset channel power 19.2 kbit/sec. Stores the data offset channel power 38.4 kbit/sec. Stores the data offset channel power 76.8 kbit/sec. Stores the data offset channel power 9.6 kbit/sec. Stores the data offset nom channel power. Stores the number of dedicated channel elements. The Dedicated Control Channel Power (in dBm), defined on the Channel Power subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Dedicated Control Channel Power parameter has been selected (1) or not (0). Indicates whether the Excess Noise parameter has been selected (1) or not (0). The Excess Noise (in dBm), defined on the General subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database.

commassign chanpwrcheck commctrlchanpwr



commctrl chanpwrcheck commpwrctrlchanpwr



commpwrctrl chanpwrcheck createdate createuser


date number(38)

dataoffsetchanpwr153k6 dataoffsetchanpwr19k2 dataoffsetchanpwr38k4 dataoffsetchanpwr76k8 dataoffsetchanpwr9k6 dataoffsetnomchanpwr dedicatedchanelems dedicatedctrlchanpwr

float float float float float float number(38) float

dedicatedctrl chanpwrcheck excessnoise_check excessnoise_db


integer float

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Page 135

Name jointdetectionorthofactor macindexes

Data Type float integer


Description FOR FUTURE USE The number of MAC Indexes, defined on the General subtab of the Params tab for an EVDO sector in the Site Database. Indicates whether to make the value read-only (1) or not (0). FOR FUTURE USE Stores the maximum number of handoff channel elements. The Maximum Handoff Channels, defined on the Channel Pool subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The Max PA Power (in dBm), defined on the Power/Sho subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The Maximum Primary Channels, defined on the Channel Pool subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Stores the maximum power per channel. The Max Supplemental Channel Power (dBm/bit), defined on the Power/Sho subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The Mean Achieved Noise Rise (in dB), defined on the Static Analysis subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Stores the mean number of handoff channels used (drive test parameter). Stores the mean number of primary channels used (drive test parameter). The Mean Total Downlink Traffic Power (in dBm), defined on the Static Analysis subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. FOR FUTURE USE Stores the minimum power per channel. The Min Supplemental Channel Power (in dBm/bit), defined on the Power/Sho subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified.

makevalro maxdpchpwrdbm maxhochanelems maxhochanspool

number(38) float number(38) number(38)





maxpwrperchan_dbm maxsupppwr_dbm

float float



meanhochanusd meanprichanusd meantotdltfcpwr

float float float

mindpchpwrdbm minpwrperchan_dbm minsupppwr_dbm

float float float

modifydate modifyuser noiseriselmt_db

date number(38) float not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Noise Rise Limit (in dB), defined on the General subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector. The Number of Channels, defined on the Channel Pool subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database.



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Name numpagingchans

Data Type number(38)


Description The Number of Paging Channels, defined on the Paging subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Stores the number of pooled primary channel elements. Stores the orthogonality factor used. The Paging Channel Data Rate (in kbps), defined on the Paging subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The Paging TX Channel Power (in dBm), defined on the Paging subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. The Pilot Channel Power (in dBm), defined on the Channel Power subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database.

numpooledprimchanelems orthogfactor pagingchandatarate_kbs

number(38) float float







projectno pwrctlstepsize_db

number(38) float

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Power Control Step Size (in dB), defined on the Power/Sho subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The Quick Paging Channel Power (in dBm), defined on the Channel Power subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Quick Paging Channel Power parameter has been selected (1) or not (0). The Rated PA Power (in dBm), defined on the Power/Sho subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The Downlink Configuration (1-10, 0=EV-DO), defined on the General subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. NOT USED. The Receiver Noise Figure (in dB), defined on the General subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The RX Splitter Loss (in dB), defined on the General subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. FOR FUTURE USE FOR FUTURE USE



quickpaging chanpwrcheck ratedpapwr_dbm





rcuplink rcvrnoisefigure_dbm

varchar2(32) float



scramblingcode scramblingcodegrp seccarpk sectorfk spconfig

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number identifying the sector carrier. Stores a unique number identifying the sector. FOR FUTURE USE

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Page 137

Name syncchandatarate_kbs syncchanpwr_dbm

Data Type float float


Description Stores the synchronised channel data rate The Sync Channel Power (in dBm), defined on the Channel Power subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Sync Channel Power parameter has been selected (1) or not (0). The T_Drop value (in dB), defined on the Power/Sho subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The TX Combiner Loss (in dB), defined on the General subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Use dBm/bit units for traffic channel power limits option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Power/Sho subtab of the Params tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database.

synchchanpwrcheck t_drop_db

integer float







Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + carrierfk) references the LOGIS95CAR table FK2 (projectno + sectorfk) references the LOGIS95SECTOR table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate idname Data Type date varchar2(32) not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Field which stores the names provided for each logical IS95 sector in the database. Stores a unique number associating the CDMA sector with a particular CDMA BS. NOT USED. NOT USED. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Number of Channels, defined on the General tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database. The Short PN Code Offset, defined on the General tab for a CDMA sector in the Site Database.

logbsfk maxhochanspool maxprimchanspool modifydate modifyuser numchanspool pncode

number(38) number(38) number(38) date number(38) number(38) number(38)

not null

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name projectno sectorname sectorpk

Data Type number(38) varchar2(32) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The CDMA Sector Name, defined on the General tab for a CDMA sector in the database.

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each CDMA sector in the database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + logbsfk) references the LOGIS95BS table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser DataType date number(38) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null not null The Network Identity, defined on the General tab for a logical network in the Site Database. Primary key, stores a unique number for each logical network in the database. Further field used to uniquely identify the elements in the network hierarchy. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates the network type. not null Foreign key that uniquely identifies the parent folder for the logical network. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Field used to uniquely identify the elements in the network hierarchy. Stores optional comments for the logical network. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

idname lognetworkpk mecontextid modifydate modifyuser networktypefk parentfk permission

varchar2(32) number(38) varchar2(128) date number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

projectno subnetid usercomment usergroup

number(38) varchar2(128) varchar2(255) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 - (projectno + parentfk) references the LOGNETWORK table FK2 - (networktypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table
Database Reference Guide Version 6.2 Page 139

This table shows the column list:
Name addressfk constrflags createdate createuser hasconstraints idname lognetworkfk lognodepk lognodetypefk maxsectors minsectors modifydate modifyuser name name2 networklevel permission Data Type number(38) number(38) date number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) date number(38) varchar2(32) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) not null not null not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Stores a unique number, associating the logical node with a particular site. Stores flags corresponding to grid planning and power planning load contraints (Fixed Configuration, Fixed Node B Type) The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Indicates whether the constrflags option has been selected (1) or not (0). The logical node Identity, defined on the General tab for a logical node in the Site Database. Stores a unique number, associating the logical node with a particular logical network. Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical node in the network. Identifies the logical node type. Maximum number of sectors to be generated by the slot pattern generation algorithm. Minimum number of sectors to be generated by the slot pattern generation algorithm. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The 1st Name of the logical node, defined on the General tab for a logical node in the Site Database. The 2nd Name of the logical node, defined on the General tab for a logical node in the Site Database. NOT USED. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores any comments for the logical node. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno usercomment usergroup

number(38) varchar2(255) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table FK2 (projectno + addresskey) references the SITEADDRESS table FK3 (projectno + lognetworkfk) references the LOGNETWORK table
Page 140 Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

This table shows the column list:
Name cellradius lognodepk lognodetypefk modifyuser nodebid nodebtypefk predradius predresolution projectno res1dlho res2dlho res3dlho res1dlpri res2dlpri res3dlpri res1dltot res2dltot res3dltot res1ulho res2ulho res3ulho res1ulpri res2ulpri res3ulpri res1ultot res2ultot res3ultot Data Type float number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null not null Constraints Description Stores the radius of the cell. Primary key, storing a unique number for each Node B in the database. Identifies the logical node type. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Node B Identity, defined on the General tab for a Node B in the Site Database. Indicates the Node B type. NOT USED. The Prediction Resolution (in m), defined on the Prediction tab Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. DL Max # of Handover. DL Max # of Handover. DL Max # of Handover. DL Max # of Primary. DL Max # of Primary. DL Max # of Primary. DL Total # of Resources. DL Total # of Resources. DL Total # of Resources. UL Max # of Handover. UL Max # of Handover. UL Max # of Handover. UL Max # of Primary. UL Max # of Primary. UL Max # of Primary. UL Total # of Resources. UL Total # of Resources. UL Total # of Resources.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

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Page 141

This table shows the column list:
Name bitratedirakbs bitratedirbkbs createdate createuser logconnfk lognodefk modifydate modifyuser numsubscribers permission Data Type float float date number(38) number(38) number(38) date number(38) float number(38) not null not null not null Constraint Description The UL Bit Rate (in kbps), defined on the Traffic tab for a logical node in Site Database. The DL Bit Rate (in kbps), defined on the Traffic tab for a logical node in Site Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores a unique number, associating a particular connection with the logical node traffic. Stores a unique number, associating the traffic with a particular logical node. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The number of Subscribers for the traffic, defined on the Traffic tab for a logical node in the Site Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the Symmetric Traffic option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Traffic tab for a logical node in the Site Database. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical node traffic in the database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno symmetric

number(38) number(38)

trafficpk usergroup

number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGNODE table

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

This table shows the column list:
Name description lognode typekey DataType varchar2(30) number not null Constraint Description Description of the object type, used to impose referential integrity on the type fields in all tables. Primary key that uniquely identifies each logical node type defined in the database.

This table shows the column list:
Name lognetworkpk mcc mnc modifyuser projectno DataType number(38) varchar2(3) varchar2(3) number(38) number(38) not null not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each PLMN network in the database. The Mobile Country Code (MCC), defined on the General tab for a PLMN network in the Site Database. The Mobile Network Code (MNC), defined on the General tab for a PLMN network in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognetworkpk) references the LOGNETWORK table

This table shows the column list:
Name functionid lognodepk lognodetypefk manelemid modifyuser projectno rncid DataType varchar2(128) number(38) number(38) varchar2(128) number(38) number(38) varchar2(10) not null not null not null not null Constraint Description The Function ID, defined on the General tab for a logical RNC in the Site Database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical node in the database. Identifies the logical node type. The Managed Element ID, defined on the General tab for a logical RNC in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The RNC-Id, defined on the General tab for a logical RNC in the Site Database.

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Page 143

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

This table shows the column list:
Name anttypefixed anttypefk azimuth azimuthfixed Data Type number(38) number(38) float number(38) not null Constraint Description Stores a number representing the antenna type defined on the Antenna tab for a UMTS node in the Site Database. Stores a unique number, identifying the antenna type. The antenna azimuth (in degrees), defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the azimuth defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a UMTS node in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the anti-clockwise bearing angle defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a UMTS node in the Site Database. The co-ordinates of the antenna location along the x axis. The co-ordinates of the antenna location along the y axis. The download antenna correction factor/gain, defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores a number representing the clockwise bearing angle defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a UMTS node in the Site Database. Stores the value of the downtilt on the antenna. The antenna height (in m), defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the Height Fixed defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a UMTS node in the Site Database. A number used to sequence the logical UMTS antennas. not null Stores a unique number, associating the antenna with a particular logical node. Stores a number representing the Max main Lobe Tilt defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a UMTS node in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the Mechanical Downtilt Fixed defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a UMTS node in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified.



coordx coordy corrfactor createdate createuser

float float float date number(38)



downtilt height heightfixed

float float number(38)

indexno lognodefk maxlobetilt

number(38) number(38) number(38)





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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name modifyuser permission

Data Type number(38) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. NOT USED Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database.

predmodelkey1 predmodelkey2 predradius predradiusimp1 predradiusimp2

number(38) number(38) number(38) float float













projectno repeater sharedantenna umtsantpk usergroup usewallbrg

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates if the Connected Repeater option has been selected (1) or not (0). Indicates whether the antenna is shared (1) or not (0).

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical UMTS antenna in the database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores a number representing a wall bearing constraint on the Antenna Constraints tab for a UMTS node in the Site Database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGNODEB table

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Page 145

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser idname lognodefk modifydate modifyuser permission Data Type date number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) date number(38) number(38) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Identity of the logical UMTS carrier. Stores a unique number, associating the logical UMTS carrier with a particular logical node. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. DL Max # of Handover. DL Max # of Handover. DL Max # of Handover. DL Max # of Primary. DL Max # of Primary. DL Max # of Primary. DL Total # of Resources. DL Total # of Resources. DL Total # of Resources. UL Max # of Handover. UL Max # of Handover. UL Max # of Handover. UL Max # of Primary. UL Max # of Primary. UL Max # of Primary. UL Total # of Resources. UL Total # of Resources. UL Total # of Resources. Stores a unique number, associating the UMTS carrier with a particular 3g carrier. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each UMTS carrier in the database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno res1dlho res2dlho res3dlho res1dlpri res2dlpri res3dlpri res1dltot res2dltot res3dltot res1ulho res2ulho res3ulho res1ulpri res2ulpri res3ulpri res1ultot res2ultot res3ultot tgcarrierfk umtscarpk usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGNODEB table FK2 (projectno + tgcarrierfk) references the TGCARRIER table

This table shows the column list:
Name cellname coveragetype Data Type varchar2(32) integer Constraint Description The Cell Name, defined on the General tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates the Coverage type, either Outdoor (0) or Indoor (1), defined on the CI-RTT tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The date when the object was created. not null Stores the value in the Max. Supported Block Size field on the HSPA tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Load balancing downlink traffic power. not null Stores the value in the E-AGCH Activity Factor field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the value in the E-AGCH Power Channel On field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the value in the E-AGCH Power (dBm) field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the value in the E-HICH Activity Factor field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the value in the E-HICH Power Channel On field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the value in the E-HICH Power (dBm) field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the value in the E-RGCH Activity Factor field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the value in the E-RGCH Power Channel On field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the value in the E-RGCH Power (dBm) field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the value in the Mean HS-SCCH Power (dBm) field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.

createdate dlmaxblocksize

date double

dltrafpowbal eagchact

float double



not null



not null



not null



not null



not null



not null



not null



not null



not null

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Page 147

Name hssccpower

Data Type double

Constraint not null

Description Stores the value in the HS-SCCH Power (dBm) field on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Field which stores the names provided for each logical UMTS cell in the database. The Location Area Code (LAC), defined on the General tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. NOT USED. The Link Power Offset (in dB), defined on the Load&Power Ctrl tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Local Cell Id, defined on the General tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores a unique number, associating the UMTS cell with a particular logical node. The Maximum Cell Radius (Back) (in km) defined on the CI-RTT tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Maximum Cell Radius (Front) (in km) defined on the CI-RTT tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Max DL Power per Connection (in dBm), defined on the Load&Power Ctrl tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Min DL Power per Connection (in dBm), defined on the Load&Power Ctrl tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates the Multipath Environment Factor - Heavy Multipath(0), Light Multipath(1) or Mixed(2). This is defined on the CI-RTT tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Noise Rise (in dB), defined on the Load&Power Ctrl tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.

idname lac lcr linkpowoffcet

varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) float

localcellid lognodefk maxcellradiusback maxcellradiusfront maxtxpowconn

number(38) number(38) float float float



modifydate modifyuser multipathtype

date number(38) integer

noiserisebal otsrconfig

float number(1) not null

Indicates whether or not OTSR support is enabled (1) or not (0). Defined on the General tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the P-SCH Power Channel is ON (1) or OFF (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Routing Area Code (RAC), defined on the General tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Reference DL Bitrate (bps), defined on the Load&Power Ctrl tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Reference DL Eb/No (in dB), defined on the Load&Power Ctrl tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.

projectno pschon

number(38) integer

not null not null

rac refbitrate

number(38) number(38)



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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name res1dlho res2dlho res3dlho res1dlpri res2dlpri res3dlpri res1dltot res2dltot res3dltot res1ulho res2ulho res3ulho res1ulpri res2ulpri res3ulpri res1ultot res2ultot res3ultot sac supcodemplx

Data Type number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number number(38) integer


Description The DL Max # of Handover channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The DL Max # of Handover channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The DL Max # of Handover channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The DL Max # of Primary channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The DL Max # of Primary channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The DL Max # of Primary channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The DL Total # of Resources, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The DL Total # of Resources, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The DL Total # of Resources, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The UL Max # of Handover channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The UL Max # of Handover channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The UL Max # of Handover channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The UL Max # of Primary channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The UL Max # of Primary channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The UL Max # of Primary channels, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The UL Total # of Resources, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The UL Total # of Resources, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The UL Total # of Resources, defined on the Resource tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Service Area Code (SAC), defined on the General tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.

not null

Indicates whether or not the Enable HSUPA option is selected (1) or not (0). Defined on the HSPA tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether or not Dynamic HS-SCCH Power is set to True or False. Defined on the Cell Parameters tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether or not the Enable HSUPA option is selected (1) or not (0). Defined on the HSPA tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether or not the Support 2ms TTI option is selected (1) or not (0). Defined on the HSPA tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.



not null



not null



not null

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Page 149

Name ulmaxcodes ulminsfsupported ulmodsupported

Data Type integer integer integer

Constraint not null not null not null

Description Stores the value in the Max. HSUPA field on the HSPA tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the value in the Min. SF field on the HSPA tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether or not the Support 4PAM option is selected (1) or not (0). Defined on the HSPA tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The UMTS Cell Id, defined on the General tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.

umtscellid umtscellpk ura utranra1 (and so on up to ) utranra8 wlcseid

number(38) number(38) number(38) integer not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each UMTS cell in the database. This field defines UTRAN registration area. The URA 1 value, defined on the General tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.

integer number(38)

The URA 8 value, defined on the General tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The WLCSE ID, defined on the CI-RTT tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGNODEB table

This table shows the column list:
Name aichact aichon DataType float integer Constraint not null not null Description The AICH Power Activity Factor, defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the AICH Power Channel is ON (1) or OFF (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The AICH Power (in dBm), defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Foreign key, identifying the carrier used from the node. Stores the value of the cell background noise. not null Primary Key, identifying the cell carrier. Indicates whether the UMTS Channel Power is fixed (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores a unique number, associating a particular code schema with the UTMS cell. Specifies the type of code schema used. For a UMTS cell it will indicate ScramCode(2304). For a WiMAX cell it will indicate PNIndex(2305). Type(0) is unknown.

aichpwr carrierfk cellbgrndnoise cellcarrierpk chanpowfixed

float number(38) float number(38) number(2)

not null not null

codeschemakey codeschematype

integer integer

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name commonchanpwr createdate createuser

DataType float date number(38)


Description Stores the common channel power in dBms. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Downlink traffic power. Downlink Loading Level (%).

dlpower downlinkloadinglevel dschontdd

float float integer not null

Indicates whether the DSCH channel is on (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. TDD only. The DSCH power (in dBM), defined on the WiMAX Params tab in the Site Database dialog box. TDD only. Handover Margin (dB). Indicates the downlink HSDPA Traffic Power (in dBm) on the Cell Params tab in the Site Database.



not null

handovermargin HSDPAdltraff pwrdbm HSDPAPowFixed

float float integer not null

Indicates whether the HSDPA Power Fixed option is set to True (1) or False (0) on the Cell Params tab in the Site Database. The Active Set Size, defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.

maxactivesetsize maxhsdpapwr maxtxdlpowfixed

number(38) float number(2) not null

The HSDPA Power (in dBm), defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Max Tx Power is fixed (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Max Tx Power (in dBm), defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified.

maxtxpower modifydate modifyuser multiuser detectionfactor noiserise orthogfactor otsrsplitterloss pccpchon

float date number(38) float float float float integer not null not null not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Multi User Detection Factor (0-1). TDD only. The Noise Rise Limit (in dB), defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Orthogonality Factor, defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The OTSR Splitter Loss, defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the P-CCPCH Power Channel is ON (1) or OFF (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.





not null

The PICH Power Activity Factor, defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.

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Page 151

Name pichon

DataType integer

Constraint not null

Description Indicates whether the PICH Power Channel is ON (1) or OFF (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The PICH Power (in dBm), defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Pilot Power (in dBm), defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.

pichpwr pilotpower projectno pschon

float float number(38) integer

not null

not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the P-SCH Power Channel is ON (1) or OFF (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the CCCH Powers Relative To Pilot is set to YES (1) or NO (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The S-CCPCH Power Activity Factor, defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the S-CCPCH Power Channel is ON (1) or OFF (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Scrambling Code, defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Scrambling Code Group, defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The secondary common channel power. The secondary synchronisation channel power. The Soft Handover Window (in dB), defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.



not null

sccpchact sccpchon

float integer

not null not null

scramblingcode scramcodegrp seccmnchpow secsynchpow softhosrchwnd sschon

number(38) number(38) float float float integer not null

Indicates whether the S-SCH Power Channel is ON (1) or OFF (0). This is defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the HSDPA Support option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the HSDPA tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The synchronised channel power. Indicates whether the Fixed option for the Max DL Power per Connection has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Load&Power Ctrl tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Uplink Noise Rise (in dB), defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database.



not null

synchchanpwr txpowfixed

float number(2)

ulnoiserise umtscellfk usergroup

float number(38) number(38) not null

Foreign key identifying the parent cell. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + umtscellfk) references the LOGUMTSCELL table FK2 (projectno + carrierfk) references the LOGUMTSCAR table
Page 152 Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

This table shows the column list:
Name corrfactor Data Type float Constraint Description Value in dBs that provides a correction factor on the cell equipment used, if necessary. A positive value represents a gain and a negative value a loss. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Downlink Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. not null Indicates the Feeder Type, specified on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Unknown(0), otherwise a unique seven digit number. The Feeder Length (in m), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the maximum Power Amplifier power in dB's. not null Indicates the MHA Type, specified on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. None(0), otherwise a unique seven digit number. The MHA Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Noise Figure (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Other Losses (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the RX Diversity option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the TX Diversity option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Uplink Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. not null not null Stores a unique number, associating the feeder with a particular UMTS antenna. Stores a unique number, associating the feeder with a particular UMTS cell.

createdate createuser

date number(38)

dlgain feedertypefk

float number(38)

length maxpapower mhamptypefk

float float number(38)

mhgain_db modifydate modifyuser noise_db otherlosses permission

float date number(38) float float number(38)

projectno rxdiv

number(38) number(38)



ulgain umtsantfk umtscellfk

float number(38) number(38)

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Page 153

Name umtsfeedpk usergroup

Data Type number(38) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each UMTS feeder in the database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + umtsantfk) references the LOGUMTSANTENNA table FK2 (projectno + umtscellfk) references the LOGUMTSCELL table

This table shows the column list:
Name anttypefixed DataType number(38) Constraint Description Stores a number representing the antenna type defined on the Antenna tab for a Fixed WiMAX node in the Site Database. not null Stores a unique number, identifying the antenna type. The antenna azimuth (in degrees), defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the azimuth defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Fixed WiMAX node in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the anti-clockwise bearing angle defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Fixed WiMAX node in the Site Database. The co-ordinates of the antenna location along the x axis. The co-ordinates of the antenna location along the y axis. The download antenna correction factor/gain, defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores a number representing the clockwise bearing angle defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Fixed WiMAX node in the Site Database. Stores the value of the downtilt on the antenna. The antenna height (in m), defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the Height Fixed defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Fixed WiMAX node in the Site Database. A number used to sequence the logical WiMAX antennas. not null Stores a unique number, associating the antenna with a particular logical node.

anttypefk azimuth azimuthfixed

number(38) float number(38)



coordx coordy corrfactor createdate createuser

float float float date number(38)



downtilt height heightfixed

float float number(38)

indexno lognodefk

number(38) number(38)

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name maxlobetilt

DataType number(38)


Description Stores a number representing the Max main Lobe Tilt defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Fixed WiMAX node in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the Mechanical Downtilt Fixed defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Fixed WiMAX node in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified.



modifydate modifyuser nodeantennapk permission

date number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary Key, identifying the antenna type on a Fixed WiMAX node. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. NOT USED. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database.

predmodelkey1 predmodelkey2 predradius predradiusimp1 predradiusimp2

number(38) number(38) number(38) float float













projectno repeater sharedantenna ulgaincorrfactor

number(38) number(38) number(38) float

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates if the Connected Repeater option has been selected (1) or not (0). Indicates whether the antenna is shared (1) or not (0).

not null

The upload antenna correction factor, defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. WiMAX only.

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Page 155

Name usergroup usewallbrg

DataType number(38) number(38)


Description Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores a number representing a wall bearing constraint on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Fixed WiMAX node in the Site Database.

Foreign Key: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGWIMAXNODE table

This table shows the column list:
Name carrierpk createdate createuser idname lognodefk modifydate modifyuser permission Data Type number(38) date number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) date number(38) number(38) Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each Fixed WiMAX carrier in the database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Identity of the logical WiMAX carrier. Stores a unique number, associating the logical WiMAX carrier with a particular logical node. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. not null Foreign key referencing the Fixed WiMAX carrier used.

projectno usergroup wimaxcarrierfk

number(38) number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGWIMAXNODE table FK2 (projectno + wimaxcarrierfk) references the WIMAXCARRIER table

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

This table shows the column list:
Name cellid cellname cellpk createdate idname lognodefk modifydate modifyuser projectno Data Type number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) date varchar2(32) number(38) date number(38) number(38) not null not null Constraint Description The Cell Identity, defined on the General tab for a Fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. The Cell Name, defined on the General tab for a Fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Primary Key, identifying the cell. The date when the object was created. Field which stores the names provided for each logical Fixed WiMAX cell in the database. Stores a unique number, associating the Fixed WiMAX cell with a particular logical node. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGWIMAXNODE table

This table shows the column list:
Name carrierfk cellbgrndnoise cellcarrierpk controlact controlpwr createdate createuser DataType number(38) float number(38) float float date number(38) not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Foreign key, identifying the carrier used from the node. Stores the value of the cell background noise. Primary Key, identifying the cell carrier. The control activity, defined on the WiMAX Params tab for a WiMAX cell in the Site Database. The control power (in dBm) (WiMAX). The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table.

modifydate modifyuser

date number(38)

Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Page 157

Name noiserise permission

DataType float number(38)


Description The Noise Rise Limit (in dB), defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions.

projectno rxsens

number(38) float

not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The receiver sensitivity (in dBm) defined on the WiMAX Params tab for a Fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Sub-Channelisation Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Foreign key identifying the parent cell.

subchannel usergroup wimaxcellfk wimaxdltraff pwrddm wimaxtxpowfixed

integer number(38)

not null


Indicates the downlink Traffic Power (in dBM) for WiMAX on the WiMAX Params tab in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Fix Tx Power option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Mobile WiMAX Params tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. ADVANTAGE only. The WiMAX transmitter power (in dBM), defined on the WiMAX Params tab for a WiMAX cell in the Site Database.




Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + wimaxcellfk) references the LOGWIMAXCELL table FK2 (projectno + carrierfk) references the LOGWIMAXCAR table

This table shows the column list:
Name antfk corrfactor DataType number(38) float Constraint not null Description Stores a unique number, identifying the antenna type. Value in dBs that provides a correction factor on the cell equipment used, if necessary. A positive value represents a gain and a negative value a loss. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Downlink Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. not null Indicates the Feeder Type, specified on the Antennas tab for a fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Unknown(0), otherwise a unique seven digit number. Primary key, storing a unique number for the feeder.

createdate createuser

date number(38)

dlgain feedertypefk

float number(38)



not null

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Name length maxpapower mhamptypefk

DataType float float number(38)


Description The Feeder Length (in m), defined on the Antennas tab for a fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Stores the maximum Power Amplifier power in dB's.

not null

Indicates the MHA Type, specified on the Antennas tab for a fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. None(0), otherwise a unique seven digit number. The MHA Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified.

mhgain_db modifydate modifyuser noise_db otherlosses permission

float date number(38) float float number(38) not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Noise Figure (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. The Other Losses (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions.

projectno rxdiv

number(38) number(38)

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the RX Diversity option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antennas tab for a fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the TX Diversity option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antennas tab for a fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. The Uplink Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a fixed WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.



ulgain usergroup wimaxcellfk

float number(38) number(38) not null

Foreign key, identifying the parent cell.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + antfk) references the LOGWIMAXANTENNA table FK2 (projectno + wimaxcellfk) references the LOGWIMAXCELL table

This table shows the column list:
Name anttypefixed DataType number(38) Constraint Description Stores a number representing the antenna type defined on the Antenna tab for a Mobile WiMAX node in the Site Database. not null Stores a unique number, identifying the antenna type. The antenna azimuth (in degrees), defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database.

anttypefk azimuth

number(38) float

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Name azimuthfixed

DataType number(38)


Description Stores a number representing the azimuth defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Mobile WiMAX node in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the anti-clockwise bearing angle defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Mobile WiMAX node in the Site Database. The co-ordinates of the antenna location along the x axis. The co-ordinates of the antenna location along the y axis. The download antenna correction factor/gain, defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores a number representing the anti-clockwise bearing angle defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Mobile WiMAX node in the Site Database. Stores the value of the downtilt on the antenna. The antenna height (in m), defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the Height Fixed defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Mobile WiMAX node in the Site Database. A number used to sequence the logical WiMAX antennas.



coordx coordy corrfactor createdate createuser

float float float date number(38)



downtilt height heightfixed

float float number(38)

indexno lognodefk maxlobetilt

number(38) number(38) number(38) not null

Stores a unique number, associating the antenna with a particular logical node. Stores a number representing the Max main Lobe Tilt defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Mobile WiMAX node in the Site Database. Stores a number representing the Mechanical Downtilt Fixed defined on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Mobile WiMAX node in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified.



modifydate modifyuser nodeantennapk permission

date number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary Key, identifying the antenna type on a Mobile WiMAX node. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. NOT USED. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database.

predmodelkey1 predmodelkey2 predradius predradiusimp1

number(38) number(38) number(38) float

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Name predradiusimp2

DataType float


Description Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database.













projectno repeater sharedantenna ulgaincorrfactor usergroup usewallbrg

number(38) number(38) number(38) float number(38) number(38)

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates if the Connected Repeater option has been selected (1) or not (0). Indicates whether the antenna is shared (1) or not (0).

not null

The upload antenna correction factor, defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. WiMAX only. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores a number representing a wall bearing constraint on the Antenna Constraints tab for a Mobile WiMAX node in the Site Database.

Foreign Key: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGWIMAXMOBNODE table

This table shows the column list:
Name carrierpk createdate createuser idname lognodefk modifydate DataType number(38) date number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) date not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, identifying the carrier. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. A unique name identifying the object. Foreign key referencing the logical node used. The date when the object was last modified.

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Name modifyuser permission

DataType number(38) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Indicates the preamble frequency reuse on the Carriers tab of the Site Database dialog box for a node.

preamblefreq projectno subchandlamc

number(38) number(38) number(38) not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates the resource pooling method for the downlink AMC on the Carriers tab of the Site Database dialog box for a node: Node Carrier(0), Sector(1). Indicates the resource pooling method for the downlink FUSC on the Carriers tab of the Site Database dialog box for a node: Node Carrier(0), Sector(1). Indicates the resource pooling method for the downlink OPUSC on the Carriers tab of the Site Database dialog box for a node: Node Carrier(0), Sector(1). Indicates the resource pooling method for the downlink PUSC on the Carriers tab of the Site Database dialog box for a node: Node Carrier(0), Sector(1). Indicates the resource pooling method for the uplink AMC on the Carriers tab of the Site Database dialog box for a node: Node Carrier(0), Sector(1). Indicates the resource pooling method for the uplink OPUSC on the Carriers tab of the Site Database dialog box for a node: Node Carrier(0), Sector(1). Indicates the resource pooling method for the uplink PUSC on the Carriers tab of the Site Database dialog box for a node: Node Carrier(0), Sector(1). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.













usergroup wimaxmobcarrierfk

number(38) number(38) not null

Foriegn key referencing the mobile WiMAX carrier used.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGWIMAXMOBNODE table FK2 (projectno + wimaxmobcarrierfk) references the WIMAXMOBCARRIER table

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This table shows the column list:
Name cellid cellname cellpk createdate idname lognodefk modifydate modifyuser projectno Data Type number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) date varchar2(32) number(38) date number(38) number(38) not null not null Constraint Description The Cell Identity, defined on the General tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. The Cell Name, defined on the General tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Primary Key, identifying the cell. The date when the object was created. Field which stores the names provided for each logical Mobile WiMAX cell in the database. Stores a unique number, associating the Mobile WiMAX cell with a particular logical node. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodefk) references the LOGWIMAXMOBNODE table

This table shows the column list:
Name carrierfk cellbgrndnoise cellcarrierpk codeschemakey codeschematype createdate createuser Data Type number(38) float number(38) integer integer date number(38) not null Constraint not null Description Foreign key, identifying the carrier used from the node. Stores the value of the cell background noise. Primary Key, identifying the cell carrier. Stores a unique number, associating a particular code schema with the Mobile WiMAX cell. Specifies the type of code schema used. For a WiMAX cell it will indicate PNIndex(2305). Type(0) is unknown. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null The downlink traffic load percentage defined on the Mobile WiMAX Parameters tab of the Site Database for a WiMAX Mobile cell. The Max Tx Power (in dBm), defined on the Cell Params tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified.



maxtxpower modifydate

float date

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Name modifyuser modulation

Data Type number(38) integer

Constraint not null not null

Description Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a number no greater than 7 representing a combination of the following modulation types (added together): QPSK(1), QAM16(2), QAM64(4). Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. The pilot boosting factor (in dB) on the Mobile WiMAX Params tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Fix Pilot Power option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Mobile WiMAX Params tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. ADVANTAGE only.



pilotboosting pilotpowfixed

float number(2)



The preamble boosting factor (in dB) on the Mobile WiMAX Params tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The receiver sensitivity (in dBm) defined on the Mobile WiMAX Params tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Fixed option for the Max DL Power per Connection has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Load&Power Ctrl tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. The Uplink Noise Rise (in dB), defined on the Cell Params tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. not null not null not null not null The carrier assigned to a cell on the Mobile WiMAX Params tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. Foreign key identifying the parent cell. The PUSC groups allocated to a cell on the Mobile WiMAX Params tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. The PN Code Index assigned to a cell on the Mobile WiMAX Params tab for a Mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database.

projectno rxmobsens

number(38) float



ulnoiserise usergroup wimaxmobcarrierfreq wimaxmobcellfk wimaxmobpuscsectors wimaxpnindex

float number(38) float number(38) number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + wimaxmobcellfk) references the LOGWIMAXMOBCELL table FK2 (projectno + carrierfk) references the LOGWIMAXMOBCAR table

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This table shows the column list:
Name antfk corrfactor DataType number(38) float Constraint not null Description Stores a unique number, identifying the antenna type. Value in dBs that provides a correction factor on the cell equipment used, if necessary. A positive value represents a gain and a negative value a loss. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. NOT USED. The Downlink Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The downlink interference rejection factor. number(38) not null Primary Key, indicates the Feeder Type, specified on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Unknown(0), otherwise a unique seven digit number. The Feeder Length (in m), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Stores the maximum Power Amplifier power in dB's. not null Indicates the MHA Type, specified on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. None(0), otherwise a unique seven digit number. The MHA Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The date when the object was last modified. The support settings defined on the Site Database Antennas tab for a cell. The number of receive elements for MIMO defined on the Site Database Antennas tab for a cell. The number of transmit elements for MIMO defined on the Site Database Antennas tab for a cell. The date when the object was last modified. number(38) not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The number of MIMO antenna array elements defined on the Antenna tab for a mobile WiMAX cell in the Site Database. float float number(38) The Noise Figure (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The Other Losses (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions.

createdate createuser

date number(38)

divormulti dlgain dlinterference feedpk

number(38) float

length maxpapower mhamptypefk

float float number(38)

mhgain_db modifydate mimo mimorx mimotx modifydate modifyuser noaaselements

float date

noise_db otherlosses permission

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Name projectno rxdiv

DataType number(38) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the RX Diversity option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether the TX Diversity option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The uplink collaborative multiplexing setting defined on the Site Database Antennas tab for a cell. The Uplink Gain (in dB), defined on the Antennas tab for a UMTS cell in the Site Database. The uplink interference rejection factor. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.



ulcollab ulgain ulinterference usergroup wimaxcellfk

number(38) float float number(38) number(38) not null

Foreign key, identifying the parent cell.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + antfk) references the LOGWIMAXMOBANTENNA table FK2 (projectno + wimaxmobcellfk) references the LOGWIMAXMOBCELL table

This table shows the column list:
Name cellradius lognodepk lognodetypefk modifyuser nodeid predradius predresolution projectno DataType float number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null not null Constraint Description Stores the radius of the cell. Primary key, storing a unique number for each Mobile WiMAX node in the database. Identifies the logical node type. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Mobile WiMAX node identity, defined on the General tab for a Mobile WiMAX node in the Site Database. NOT USED. The Prediction Resolution (in m), defined on the Prediction tab. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk) references the LOGNODE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name cellradius lognodepk lognodetypefk modifyuser nodeid predradius predresolution projectno DataType float number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null not null Constraint Description Stores the radius of the cell. Primary key, storing a unique number for each Fixed WiMAX node in the database. Identifies the logical node type. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Fixed WiMAX node identity, defined on the General tab for a fixed WiMAX node in the Site Database. NOT USED. The Prediction Resolution (in m), defined on the Prediction tab. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name aasgain cinrloss createdate createuser Data Type float float date integer Constraints Description Value from the Beamforming Gain tab of the Advanced Antenna System Parameters dialog box. Value from the DL SM CINR Adjustment tab of the Advanced Antenna System Parameters dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Value from the DL SD CINR Adjustment tab of the Advanced Antenna System Parameters dialog box. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each MIMO lookup table in the database. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Value from the DL SM CINR Adjustment tab and the DL SM Rate Gain of the Advanced Antenna System Parameters dialog box. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

gain mimolookuppk modifydate modifyuser mplx

float integer date integer float





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Name rx technology tx uldivcinr usergroup

Data Type integer integer integer float integer


Description The number of receive elements specified in the Advanced Antenna System Parameters dialog box.

not null

Stores a number identifying the technology for AAS parameter tables. The number of transmit elements specified in the Advanced Antenna System Parameters dialog box. Value from the UL SD CINR Adjustment tab of the Advanced Antenna System Parameters dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser Data Type date integer Constraint not null not null Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Primary key, stores the name of the schema. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores the first PN code index.

idname modifydate modifyuser permission

varchar(32) date integer integer

not null not null not null not null

pnindex00 ...(and so on up to) pnindex113 pnindex schemapk projectno usergroup integer integer integer

not null

not null not null not null not null

Stores the last PN code index. Primary key, storing a unique identifier. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

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This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser Data Type date number(38) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null not null Stores a unique number, associating the Sim Traffic with a particular Node B. Stores the handover value for the Node B. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Mean number of Subscribers, defined on the Sim Traffic tab for a Node B in the Site Database. The Max(imum) number of Subscribers, defined on the Sim Traffic tab for a Node B in the Site Database. The Standard Deviation (SD) in the number of Subscribers, defined on the Sim Traffic tab for a Node B in the Site Database. not null not null not null not null Stores a unique number, associating a particular 3g downlink bitrate with the Sim Traffic. Stores a unique number, associating a particular 3g service with the Sim Traffic. Stores a unique number, associating a particular 3g uplink bitrate with the Sim Traffic. Primary key, storing a unique number for each set of Sim Traffic in the database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

lognodebfk lognodebho modifydate modifyuser permission

number(38) number(38) date number(38) number(38)

projectno subsave subsmax substddev

number(38) float float float

tgdlbitratefk tgservicefk tgulbitratefk trafficpk usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodebfk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (projectno + tgdlbitratefk) references the TGBITRATE table FK3 (projectno + tgulbitratefk) references the TGBITRATE table FK4 (projectno + tgservicefk) references the TGSERVICE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name bitratekey cellaykey createuser modifyuser priority projectno servicekey DataType integer integer integer integer integer integer integer not null not null not null Constraint not null not null Description Primary key, uniquely identifying 3g bitrates. Primary key associates carrier layers to cell layers in the site database. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates the priority of the serving cell. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key uniquely identifies each service.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + bitratekey) references the TGBITRATE table FK2 (projectno + cellaykey) references the CELLAY table FK3 (projectno + servicekey) references the TGSERVICE table

This table shows the column list:
Name cellaykey createuser modifyuser priority projectno servicekey DataType integer integer integer integer integer integer not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Primary key associates carrier layers to the various cell layers in the site database. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores 3g carrier priorities. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key identifying the number of the project the user has permissions for in the site database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + cellaykey) references the CELLAY table FK2 (projectno + servicekey) references the TGSERVICE table

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

This table shows the column list:
Name activul activdl bandwidth ber1 DataType float float float (64) float Constraint Description The Uplink (UL) CS Activity Factor (in %). The Downlink (DL) CS Activity Factor (in %). The channel bandwidth (in MHz) defined in the WiMAX Bearers dialog box. The FER for Eb/No -4 dB, defined on the Noise Services tab of the UMTS or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The FER for Eb/No -2 dB, defined on the Noise Services tab of the UMTS or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The FER for Eb/No 0 dB, defined on the Noise Services tab of the UMTS or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The FER for Eb/No 2 dB, defined on the Noise Services tab of the UMTS or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The FER for Eb/No 4 dB, defined on the Noise Services tab of the UMTS or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The FER for Eb/No 6 dB, defined on the Noise Services tab of the UMTS or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The FER for Eb/No 8 dB, defined on the Noise Services tab of the UMTS or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The FER for Eb/No 10 dB, defined on the Noise Services tab of the UMTS or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The FER for Eb/No 12 dB, defined on the Noise Services tab of the UMTS or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The FER for Eb/No 14 dB, defined on the Noise Services tab of the UMTS or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each bearer in the database. Stores the block error rate Eb/No 0 set on the Services tab. Stores the block error rate Eb/No 2 set on the Services tab. Stores the block error rate Eb/No 4 set on the Services tab. Stores the block error rate Eb/No 6 set on the Services tab. Stores the block error rate Eb/No 8 set on the Services tab.



















bitratekey bler1 bler2 bler3 bler4 bler5

integer float float float float float

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Page 171

Name bler6 bler7 bler8 bler9 bler10 blocksize

DataType float float float float float double


Description Stores the block error rate Eb/No 10 set on the Services tab. Stores the block error rate Eb/No 12 set on the Services tab. Stores the block error rate Eb/No 14 set on the Services tab. Stores the block error rate Eb/No 16 set on the Services tab. Stores the block error rate Eb/No 18 set on the Services tab.

not null

Stores the block size defined on the Bearers tab of the UMTS FDD + HSPA Bearers dialog box for downlink only. The Link Direction, either Uplink (0) or Downlink (1). NOT USED.

brdirection chiprate cinr1

integer integer float not null

The CINR offset for 0-3 Km/h defined on the CINR and Speed Delta tab of the WiMAX Mobile Bearers dialog box. The CINR offset for 50 Km/h defined on the CINR and Speed Delta tab of the WiMAX Mobile Bearers dialog box. The CINR offset for >=120 Km/h defined on the CINR and Speed Delta tab of the WiMAX Mobile Bearers dialog box. The required CINR value in decibels defined on the CINR and Speed Delta tab of the WiMAX Mobile Bearers dialog box. As above but where Uplink Collaborative Multiplexing is enabled for a cell.



not null



not null



not null

cinrwithmulti codingrate codingscheme codingschemetype colour cqiindex

float float varchar2(10) integer integer integer not null not null

The coding rate defined on the bearers tab of the WiMAX Mobile Bearers dialog box. NOT USED. The AMC scheme defined in the WiMAX Bearers dialog box. NOT USED. In conjunction with cqitabindex, defines the dl bearers that are predetermined in the HSDPA CQI Table Editor for downlink only. In conjunction with cqiindex, defines the dl bearers that are predetermined in the HSDPA CQI Table Editor for downlink only. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in.



not null

createdate createuser

date integer



not null

The Data Offset (dB), defined on the General tab of the EV-DO Bearers dialog box.

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name dlai

DataType integer


Description The Air Interface bitrate (bps) for the downlink, defined on the Bearers tab (for a UMTS bearer) or the General tab (for a CDMA2000 or EV-DO bearer) of the Bearers dialog box. The number of Channels on the downlink, defined on the Bearers tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box. The Control Overhead Factor (%) for the downlink, defined on the Bearers tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box.

dlchans dlctrlohead

float float

dlmimomode dluser

integer integer

not null

The MIMO support settings defined on the bearers tab of the WiMAX Mobile Bearers dialog box. The User bitrate (bps) for the downlink, defined on the Bearers tab (for a UMTS bearer) or the General tab (for a CDMA2000 or EV-DO bearer) of the Bearers dialog box. Stores the Eb/No downlink acceptable. Stores the Eb/No downlink target. Stores the Eb/No uplink acceptable. Stores the Eb/No uplink target. NOT USED.

ebnodlac ebnodltg ebnoulac ebnoultg grossdatarate hsdparatefk idname minamrfullratedb minamrhalfratedb minfullratedb minhalfratedb modifydate modifyuser modulation

float float float float integer integer varchar2(32) float float float float date integer integer not null not null not null not null

Stores a unique number, associating a particular HSDPA coding rate with a HSDPA bearer. The name of the bearer. Stores full adapted multi rate GSM / UMTS technology values. Stores half adapted multi rate GSM / UMTS technology values. Stores CI full adapted multi rate GSM / UMTS technology values. Stores CI half adapted multi rate GSM / UMTS technology values. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The modulation scheme defined on the bearers tab of the WiMAX Mobile Bearers dialog box: QPSK (1), 16QAM (2), 64QAM (4). Indicates the network type: UMTS (0), CDMA2000 (1), EV-DO (2), GSM (4), GPRS (5), Fixed WiMAX (11), Mobile WiMAX (12). NOT USED. NOT USED. PCCPCH SIR Target (dB). NOT USED.



numcodes numtimeslots pccpchsirtarget permission projectno

integer integer float integer integer not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

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Name rccodingtype

DataType varchar2(32)


Description The Radio Configuration Coding type, either Convolutional or Turbo. This is defined on the General tab of the CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The Radio Configuration for the downlink, defined on the General tab of the CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The Radio Configuration Frame Length, defined on the General tab of the CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The Radio Configuration for the uplink, defined on the General tab of the CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box.







repetition reqecio

integer float

not null

The repetition rate defined on the bearers tab of the WiMAX Mobile Bearers dialog box. The Required DL Pilot Ec/Io, defined on the Eb/Nt Values tab of the EV-DO or CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The consumption for the different resource types, defined on the Bearers tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box.

res0consump to res5consump sfcodesindex



not null

Indicates whether the SF Combo option is selected (1) or not (0) on the Bearers tab of the UMTS FDD + HSPA Bearers dialog box for uplink only. NOT USED. The sub-channelisation defined in the WiMAX Bearers dialog box.

spare1 to spare4 subchannel subchannelmode supportamr supporthalfrate switchingtype techtype throughputpertimeslot ttims

float integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer not null not null not null

The subchannel mode defined on the bearers tab of the WiMAX Mobile Bearers dialog box. Supported adapted multi rate GSM / UMTS technology. Field stores 2G / 2.5G Bearers. NOT USED. Indicates the technology type of the bearer, either UMTS (0) or HSDPA (1). NOT USED Indicates whether the TTI(ms) option is selected (1) or not (0) on the Bearers tab of the UMTS FDD + HSPA Bearers dialog box for uplink only. The Max Tx Power (dBm), defined on the Downlink Gain tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box. The Air Interface bitrate (bps) for the uplink, defined on the Bearers tab (for a UMTS bearer) or the General tab (for a CDMA2000 or EV-DO bearer) of the Bearers dialog box. The number of Channels on the uplink, defined on the Bearers tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box. The Control Overhead Factor (%) for the uplink, defined on the Bearers tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box.

txpow ulai

float integer

ulchans ulctrlohead

float float

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name uluser

DataType integer


Description The User bitrate (bps) for the uplink, defined on the Bearers tab (for a UMTS bearer) or the General tab (for a CDMA2000 or EV-DO bearer) in the Bearers dialog box.



not null

Indicates whether the Use AAS Tables option is selected (1) or not (0) on the Eb/No & Speed Delta tab of the UMTS FDD + HSPA Bearers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The table values for soft Mobile TX Power Gain, defined on the TXP Gain tab of the (UMTS or EVDO) Bearers dialog box. The table values for softer Mobile TX Power Gain, defined on the TXP Gain tab of the (UMTS or EVDO) Bearers dialog box. The table values for soft Average Power Rise Gain, defined on the PR Gain tab of the (UMTS or EVDO) Bearers dialog box. The table values for softer Average Power Rise Gain, defined on the PR Gain tab of the (UMTS or EV-DO) Bearers dialog box. The table values for soft Power Control Headroom gain, defined on the PCH Gain tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box. The table values for softer Power Control Headroom gain, defined on the PCH Gain tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box. The table values for Downlink Eb/Io Target Reduction, defined on the Downlink Gain tab of the CDMA2000 Bearers dialog box. The table values for Power Control Headroom, defined on the Power Control tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box. The table values for Average Power Rise, defined on the Power Control tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box. The table values for uplink Eb/No speed dependency, defined on the Eb/No and Speed Delta tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box. The table values for uplink Eb/No speed dependency with diversity, defined on the Eb/No and Speed Delta tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box. The table values for downlink Eb/No speed dependency, defined on the Eb/No and Speed Delta tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box. The table values for downlink Eb/No speed dependency with diversity, defined on the Eb/No and Speed Delta tab of the UMTS Bearers dialog box.

usergroup v0-v11

integer float























v99- v101


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Foreign Key: FK1 (hsdparatefk + projectno) references the HSDPARATE table

This table shows the column list:
Name carrierkey createdate createuser downlinkch idname modifydate modifyuser permission priority projectno uplinkch usergroup DataType integer date integer integer varchar2(32) date integer integer integer integer integer integer not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each UMTS carrier in the database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Downlink (DL) Channel Number, defined on the UMTS Carriers tab of the UMTS Carriers dialog box. The name of the UMTS carrier. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. NOT USED. Stores 3g carrier priorities. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Uplink (UL) Channel Number, defined on the UMTS Carriers tab of the UMTS Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name carrier createdate createuser dlatt modifydate modifyuser permission DataType integer date integer float date integer integer not null Constraint Description The adjacent carrier (in dB) defined in the WiMAX Carriers dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The downlink attenuation (in dB) defined in the WiMAX Carriers dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

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Name projectno rowindex tgcarrierfk ulatt usergroup

DataType integer integer integer float integer

Constraint not null not null not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing the adjacency index number, between 0 and 30 inclusive. Primary key, storing a unique number for each WiMAX carrier in the database. The uplink attenuation (in dB) defined in the WiMAX Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Key: FK1 (projectno + tgcarrierfk) references the TGCARRIER table

This table shows the column list:
Name angularspread clutcon code dlsdsinradj dlsmebnoadj dlsmrategain fadeind fadeout indloss indper key orthloss projectno technologytype ulsdsinradj DataType float float varchar2(32) double double double float float float float integer float integer integer double not null not null not null not null not null not null not null not null Constraint Description The angular spread (in degrees) for the clutter type. Stores optimisation data for tgclutter pathloss. Identifies the type of clutter. Stores the downlink spatial diversity Eb/No adjustment defined on the UMTS clutter parameters dialog box. Stores the downlink spatial multiplexing Eb/No adjustment defined on the UMTS clutter parameters dialog box. Stores the downlink spatial multiplexing rate gain defined on the UMTS clutter parameters dialog box. Value for the standard deviation shadow fading (indoor). Value for the standard deviation shadow fading (outdoor). Value for the indoor penetration loss. NOT USED. Primary key, storing the unique key value. NOT USED. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates the technology type employed, GSM (0), UMTS or CDMA2000 or EV-DO or WiMAX (1). Stores the uplink spatial diversity Eb/No adjustment defined on the UMTS clutter parameters dialog box.

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This table shows the column list:
Name airinterface createdate createuser Data Type number(38) date number(38) Constraint Description Indicates whether the Air Interface option on the UMTS Resources dialog box has been selected (1) or not (0). The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The name of the resource, defined in the UMTS Resources dialog box. not null Indicates whether the HSDPA Resource option on the UMTS Resources dialog box has been selected (1) or not (0). The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each resource in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

idname ishsdpa

varchar2(32) integer

modifydate modifyuser permission

date number(38) number(38)

projectno resourcekey usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38)

This table shows the column list:
Name bitratekey cp0 to cp31 DataType integer integer Constraint not null Description Primary key, which references a bitrate type in the TGBITRATE table. The CDMA2000 carrier that has the highest priority in this service, up to the carrier that has the lowest priority. This is set on the Carriers tab of CDMA2000 Service. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null not null not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Power Activity (%) of a bearer, given on the UMTS DL Bearers tab for a Service.

createuser modifyuser projectno pwract

integer integer integer float(64)

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Name resact servicekey tptact

DataType float(64) integer float(64)

Constraint not null not null not null

Description The Resource Activity (%) of a bearer, given on the UMTS DL Bearers tab for a Service. Primary key, which references a service type in the TGSERVICE table. The Throughput Activity (%) of a bearer, which is calculated based on the power activity. This is used when the Override Packet Model Activity option is selected. The weight of this association between service and bitrate.



This table shows the column list:
Name alpha blerdl DataType float float Constraint Description NOT USED. The Block Error Rate (BLER) Working Point for the downlink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the UMTS Service, CDMA2000 Service Types or the EV-DO Service Types dialog box. The Block Error Rate (BLER) Working Point for the uplink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the UMTS Service, CDMA2000 Service Types or the EV-DO Service Types dialog box. Stores the number of each carrier defined on the service. Indicates whether the service is circuit (1) or packet switched (0). This is defined on the General tab of the UMTS Service or CDMA2000 Service Types dialog box. The CDMA2000 carrier that has the highest priority in this service, to the carrier with the lowest priority. This is set on the Carriers tab of the CDMA2000 Service Types and EV-DO Service Types dialog boxes, and the Carriers/Layers tab of the UMTS Service dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Circuit Switched (CS) Activity Factor (in %) on the downlink, defined on the General tab of the UMTS Service and CDMA2000 Service Types dialog boxes. The Circuit Switched (CS) Activity Factor (in %) on the uplink, defined on the General tab of the UMTS Service and CDMA2000 Service Types dialog boxes. not null Stores the value in the Minimum Supported Data Rate (bps) field on the UMTS DL Bearers tab of the UMTS Services dialog box. The downlink service rate (in bits per second) defined on the Downlink Bearers Tab in the WiMAX Mobile Services dialog box. The downlink user bitrate (in bps) defined on the Params tab of the WiMAX Services dialog box. Guaranteed bit rate on the downlink.



carriers cirpack

number number

cp0 to cp31


createdate createuser

date integer









not null

dlusrbtr gtbitratedl

float integer

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Name gtbitrateul idname ignorpri

DataType integer varchar2(32) integer

Constraint not null

Description Guaranteed bit rate uplink. The Service Name. Indicates whether the Ignore Priorities option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is set on the Carriers tab of the CDMA2000 Service Types and EV-DO Service Types dialog boxes, and the Carriers/Layers tab of the UMTS Service dialog box. The Inter-packet arrival time (in seconds) on the downlink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. The Inter-packet arrival time (in seconds) on the uplink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. Future quality of service parameters. Future quality of service parameters.





k m macpoweroffset maxnumretransdl

float float double integer not null

NOT USED. The maximum number of times a service will try and retransmit before it times out (ARQ Max # Retransmission), defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. Mean downlink bit rate. Mean uplink bit rate. The Mean # packet calls/session on the downlink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. The Mean # packet calls/session on the uplink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. Mean packet inter arrival time on the downlink. Mean packet inter arrival time on the uplink. Mean # of packets in a call on the downlink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. Mean # of packets in a call on the uplink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. Mean packet size (in bytes) on the downlink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. Mean packet size (in bytes) on the uplink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. Reading time between calls (in seconds) on the downlink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. Mean ready time between calls (in seconds) on the uplink, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. Mean downlink session timeout. The date when the object was last modified.

mnbitdl mnbitul mncalldl

integer integer integer

mncallul mnpktardl mnpktarul mnpktcldl mnpktclul mnpktszdl mnpktszul mnreaddl

integer float float integer integer integer integer float



mnstodl modifydate modifyuser mxbitratedl

float date integer integer not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Maximum downlink bit rate.

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Name mxbitrateul nettype overrideact

DataType integer integer integer


Description Maximum uplink bit rate. The network type.

not null

Indicates whether the Override Packet Model Activity option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is set on the UMTS DL Bearers tab of the Service dialog box. NOT USED. The Precedence Class - Premium (1), Standard (2) or Best Effort (3). This is defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. Indicates whether circuit-switched traffic is prioritised (1) or not (0).

permission precedenceclass

integer integer

pricstraf projectno rc0dlcheck to rc9dlcheck rc0dlpriority to rc9dlpriority retransdl retransul servicekey servicepriority todl toul trafficcls ulservicerate

integer integer integer not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the downlink RCs0-9 have been selected (1) on the RC Priorities tab (for a CDMA2000 Service Type) or not (0). Indicates the downlink priority number for RCs0-9. Retransmission rate on the downlink. Retransmission rate on the uplink.

integer float float integer integer float integer integer float not null not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each service in the database. Indicates the service priority on a Mobile WiMAX service. Data field representing timeout on the downlink. Data field representing timeout on the uplink. The Traffic Class for packet-switched traffic, defined on the Packet Switched tab of the Services dialog box. The uplink service rate (in bits per second) defined on the Uplink Bearers Tab in the WiMAX Mobile Services dialog box. The uplink user bitrate (in bps) defined on the Params tab of the WiMAX Services dialog box.

ulusrbtr usecqitables

float integer not null

Indicates whether the Use CQI Tables option is selected (1) or not (0) on the UMTS DL Bearers tab of the UMTS Services dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Indicates whether the Support Soft Handoff option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the General tab on the GSM + EGPRS + UMTS + CDMA Service Types dialog box. NOT USED.

usergroup usesoftho

integer integer



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This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser modifydate modifyuser permission projectno shogkey usergroup v1 (and so on up to ) v24 float NOT USED. DataType date integer date integer integer integer integer integer float not null not null not null Constraint Description NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED.

This table shows the column list:
Name modifyuser priority projectno servicekey termtypekey DataType integer integer integer integer integer not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The priority of each 3g service in the service/terminal type relationship. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each 3g service in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number associating a particular terminal type with the 3g service.

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This table shows the column list:
Name code codegroup createdate createuser key modifydate modifyuser networktype DataType number(38) number(38) date number(38) number(38) date number(38) number(38) not null not null not null Constraint not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each code in the code group. Primary key, storing a unique number for each code group in a UMTS Scrambling Code Schema. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Primary key storing a unique value for the UMTS code. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a number indicating the network sub-type: UMTS FDD(1), WIMAX(512), Mob WIMAX(2048). permission number(38) Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number associating the code with a particular UMTS scrambling code schema. The Schema Name, defined in the Scrambling Code Schemas dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno schemakey schemaname usergroup

number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38)

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This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser idname key modifydate modifyuser networktype DataType date number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) date number(38) number(38) not null not null not null not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Schema Name, defined in the UMTS Scrambling Code Schema dialog box. Primary key which uniquely identifies the UMTS code schema. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a number indicating the network sub-type: UMTS FDD(1), WIMAX(512), Mob WIMAX(2048). permission number(38) Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno usergroup

number(38) number(38)

This table shows the column list:
Name bandwidth carrierkey createdate frequency idname modifydate modifyuser permission DataType float integer date float varchar2(32) date integer integer not null not null not null Constraint not null not null Description The carrier bandwidth in (MHz) defined in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog. Primary key, storing a unique number for each carrier in the database. The date when the object was created. The carrier frequency (in MHz) defined in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. A unique name identifying the object. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno usergroup

number(38) integer

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This table shows the column list:
Name carrier createdate createuser dlatt modifydate modifyuser permission DataType integer date integer float date integer integer not null Constraint Description The adjacent carrier (in dB) defined in the WiMAX Carriers dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The downlink attenuation (in dB) defined in the WiMAX Carriers dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions. not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing the adjacency index number, between 0 and 30 inclusive. The uplink attenuation (in dB) defined in the WiMAX Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each WiMAX carrier in the database.

projectno rowindex ulatt usergroup wimaxcarrierfk

integer integer float integer integer

Foreign Key: FK1 (projectno + wimaxcarrierfk) references the WIMAXCARRIER table

This table shows the column list:
Name bandwidth carrierno createdate createuser cyclicprefix DataType float number(38) date integer integer Constraint not null not null Description The carrier bandwidth in (MHz) defined in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog. Primary key, storing a unique number for each carrier in the database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores a number indicating the 1/32(32), 1/16(16), 1/8(8) or 1/4(4) radio button for the OFDMA symbol in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box.

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Name dlamc dlfusc dlopusc dlpusc duplex fixmapdl

DataType integer integer integer integer integer float


Description Stores a number indicating the downlink AMC in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the downlink FUSC in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the downlink OPUSC in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the downlink PUSC in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the FDD or TDD radio button in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the Preamble and MAP activity per frame in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box (for the downlink). Stores a number indicating the Preamble and MAP activity per frame in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box (for the uplink). The frame duration in milliseconds specified in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box.



frameduration frequency idname modifydate modifyuser permission

float float varchar(32) date integer integer not null not null not null

The carrier frequency (in MHz) defined in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. Field which stores the names provided for each Mobile WiMAX carrier in the database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

projectno transitiongap ulamc ulopusc ulpusc usergroup

number(38) float integer integer integer integer

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The transition gap in microseconds specified in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the uplink AMC in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the uplink OPUSC in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the uplink PUSC in the WiMAX Mobile Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Key: FK1(projectno+carrierno) references the TGCARRIER table

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This table shows the column list:
Name carrier createdate createuser DataType integer date integer Constraint Description The adjacent carrier (in dB) defined in the WiMAX Carriers dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The downlink attenuation (in dB) defined in the WiMAX Carriers dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing the adjacency index number, between 0 and 30 inclusive. The uplink attenuation (in dB) defined in the WiMAX Carriers dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. not null Foreign key referencing the Mobile WiMAX carrier used.

dlatt modifydate modifyuser permission

float date integer integer

projectno rowindex ulatt usergroup wimaxmobcarrierfk

integer integer float integer integer

Foreign Key: FK1 (projectno + wimaxmobcarrierfk) references the WIMAXMOBCARRIER table

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Analog Network Database Tables

The following table describes the analog network database tables:
This Table ANTENNA Stores Information On The antennas, defined in the Antennas dialog box Back to back passive repeater antennas Primary Keys cellantennakey projectno backtobackantenna_pk prlinkend_fk projectno BCF BCFs, defined in the Site Database BSCs, defined in the Site Database Which combination of colour codes has been used for the BSIC schema Carrier layers allocated to each cell layer or subcell in the Site Database bcfkey projectno projectno sitekey bsicschemapk idname projectno CARLAYDATA carlaykey cellaydatafk projectno FK1 - carlaykey FK2 - cellaykey FK3 - cellaydatafk FK4 - cellkey CELLAYDATA Cell layers or subcells allocated to cells in the Site Database Exception separation requirements between cells, defined on a cell-bycell basis in the Site Database BTS sites, defined in the Site Database cellaydatapk projectno cellkey excellkey projectno projectno sitekey FK1 - sitekey FK2 - sitekey FK3 - addresskey YES FK1 - cellaykey FK2 - cellkey FK1 - cellkey YES YES YES FK1 - sitekey FK2 - addresskey NO YES FK1 - bcftypekey YES FK1 - linkfk FK2 - prlinkend_fk FK3 - prlinkfk YES Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 - cellkey Diff Table? YES






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Stores Information On Relationships between each antenna configuration on a cell and subcells or cell layers

Primary Keys cellantennakey cellaydatafk projectno

Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 - cellantennakey FK2 - cellaykey FK3 - cellaydatafk FK4 - cellkey

Diff Table? YES


Distribution nodes, defined in the Site Database MSCs, defined in the Site Database PLMN networks, defined in the Site Database Repeaters, defined in the Site Database Transmitters associated with repeaters

projectno sitekey projectno sitekey plmnname projectno projectno sitekey cellkey projectno

FK1 - sitekey FK2 - addresskey FK1 - addresskey







FK1 - addresskey FK2 - cellkey FK1 - sitekey




This table shows the column list:
Name antennakey anttypefixed azimuth azimuthfixed ccwwallbrg cellantennakey cellkey corrfactor createdate createuser cwwallbrg feederkey feederlength Data Type integer integer integer integer integer integer integer float date integer integer integer float not null not null Constraint Description Stores a unique number, associating the antenna with a particular cell. NOT USED The antenna azimuth (in degrees), defined on the Antennas tab for a cell in the Site Database. NOT USED NOT USED Primary key, storing a unique number for each cellular antenna in the database. Stores a unique number, associating the antenna with a particular cell. The antenna correction factor, defined on the Antennas tab for a cell in the Site Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. NOT USED Stores a unique number, associating a particular feeder with the antenna. The length of the feeder (in m), defined on the Antennas tab for a cell in the Site Database.

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Name height heightfixed lat lon maxlobetilt mechdownfixed modifydate modifyuser permission

Data Type float integer float float integer integer date integer integer


Description The antenna height (in m), defined on the Antennas tab for a cell in the Site Database. NOT USED The latitude, defined on the Antennas tab for a cell in the Site Database. The longitude, defined on the Antennas tab for a cell in the Site Database. NOT USED NOT USED The date when the object was last modified.

not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database.

predmodelkey1 predmodelkey2 predradiusimp1 predradiusimp2

integer integer float float













projectno sharedantenna slotnumber tilt

integer integer integer float

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the antenna is shared (1) or not (0). The slot number of the antenna, defined on the Antennas tab for a cell in the Site Database. The amount of antenna tilt in degrees. A positive value indicates downtilt, and a negative value indicates uptilt.

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Name usergroup usewallbrg

Data Type integer integer


Description Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. NOT USED

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + cellkey) references the GSMCELL table.

Table BCF
This table shows the column list:
Name address bcfid bcfkey bcftypekey createdate createuser idname modifydate modifyuser name permission DataType varchar2(81) integer integer integer date integer varchar2(32) date integer varchar2(81) integer not null not null Constraint Description Stores the ID of the Property that contains the BCF. The ID code used to identify the BCF. Primary key, storing a unique value for each BCF in the database. Foreign key that describes the BCFTYPE to which a particular BCF is linked. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the names provided for each BCF in the database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores the name of the BCF. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number, associating the BCF with a particular site. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno sitekey usergroup

integer integer integer

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + bcftypekey) references the BCFTYPE table

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Table BSC
This table shows the column list:
Name bscnetworkid directkey flagvalue gndheight lognodepk lognodetypefk modifyuser msckey photofile projectno smlcid srchrad DataType integer integer varchar2(255) float number(38) number(38) integer integer varchar2(128) integer varchar2(32) float not null not null not null not null not null Constraint Description Field that stores an identification value for each BSC. The numerical reference for the BSC in DIRECT (Only populated when the BSC is synchronised with DIRECT). Stores a unique value, associating a particular field with the object. The Ground Height of the BSC (in m), defined on the General tab for a BSC in the Site Database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical node in the network. Identifies the logical node type. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a unique number, associating the BSC with a particular MSC. Stores the file path to a site photo associated with the BSC, defined on the General tab for a BSC in the Site Database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The SMLC Identity, defined on the SMLC tab for a BSC in the Site Database. Stores the search radius defined for each network element.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (projectno + msckey) references the MSC table FK3 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name bsic00 DataType integer Constraint not null Description Indicates which combination of colour codes has been used for the BSIC schema. A BSIC schema is made up of 2 values, an NCC and BCC. To calculate which NCC/BCC combination is used, divide the integer by 8, to the nearest whole number. The nearest whole number is the NCC, while the remainder is the BCC. For example, bsic05 indicates a BSIC schema of NCC0, BCC5, bsic14 indicates a BSIC schema of NCC1, BCC6, bsic41 indicates a BSIC schema of NCC5, BCC1 and so on. ... (and so on up to) bsic63 bsicschemapk createdate createuser idname modifydate modifyuser permission integer integer date integer varchar(32) date integer integer not null not null not null not null not null not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each BSIC schema in a database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Primary key, storing the name of the BSIC schema. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno usergroup

integer integer

not null not null

This table shows the column list:
Name carlaykey cellaydatafk cellaykey cellkey channeltype DataType integer integer integer integer varchar2 (256) Constraint not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each carrier layer in the database. Primary key, referencing a particular CELLAYDATA table. Stores a unique number associating the carrier layers to a particular cell layer. Stores a unique number associating the carrier/cell layer to a particular cell. Field storing the channel type value.

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Name maxcarriers modifyuser projectno required trxids trxrequired type

DataType integer integer integer integer varchar2(33) integer integer


Description The maximum number of carriers, defined on the Carriers tab for a cell layer in the Site Database.

not null not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The number of carriers required, defined on the Carriers tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Stores the IDs of the TRXs set for the carrier layer. The number of TRXs required for the carrier layer, defined on the Carriers tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Indicates whether the carrier layer is non-hopping (0), hopping (1), associated MA list (2) or allocated MA list (3).

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + carlaykey) references the CARLAY table FK2 (projectno + cellaykey) references the CELLAY table FK3 (projectno + cellaydatafk) references the CELLAYDATA table FK4 (projectno + cellkey) references the GSMCELL table

This table shows the column list:
Name activationthresh DataType float Constraint Description The HR (Half Rate) Activation Threshold (in % of TS allocated), defined on the General tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Stores the Average Data Rate per Timeslot. This value is generated when a user creates a GPRS data rate array, and is used in the traffic analysis calculations. It is displayed in the traffic analysis report. Stores a unique number associating a particular BCF with the cell layer. Stores the BTS ID for the cell layer. The Channel Coding Scheme(s) supported by the cell - CCS1 (1), CCS2 (2), and so on. This is defined on the (E)GPRS tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. not null not null Primary key, referencing a particular CELLAYDATA table. Stores a unique number for each cell layer in the database. NOT USED. not null Stores a unique number associating the cell layer with a particular cell.



bcfkey btsid ccs

integer integer integer

cellaydatapk cellaykey cellid cellkey

integer integer varchar2(32) integer

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Name comparison

DataType integer


Description Indicates whether the coverage boundaries of the cell layer are set based on the signal strength (SS) of the signal (0) or the path loss (PL) from the antenna (1). This is defined on the General tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. The date when the object was created. Indicates whether a Dedicated Packet BCCH is used (1) or not (0). This is defined on the (E)GPRS tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Indicates whether the user has chosen to dynamically set the size of the overlaid coverage (1) or use a set path loss (0). This is defined on the General tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. NOT USED.

createdate dedicatedpbcch

date integer







Stores the 8-PSK Average Power Decrease (APD), defined on the Antenna/TRX tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Stores the Average Data Rate per Timeslot for EDGE. This value is generated when a user creates an EGPRS data rate array, and is used in the traffic analysis calculations. It is displayed in the traffic analysis report. Indicates whether the cell layer is EGPRS enabled (1) or not (0). This is defined on the (E)GPRS tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. The proportion (in %) of EGPRS traffic to GPRS traffic in the cell layer. NOT USED.





edgegprsmix edgehscsdmix

float float

edgemcs egprstraffic gprsenabled

integer float integer

Mask number, which indicates which families of MCS curves are enabled. The EGPRS traffic value (in kbit/s), defined on the (E)GPRS tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Indicates whether the cell layer is GPRS enabled (1) or not (0). This is defined on the (E)GPRS tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. The GPRS traffic value (in kbit/s), defined on the (E)GPRS tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Indicates whether frequency hopping on the cell layer has been enabled (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Hopping tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. If frequency hopping has been enabled, indicates whether the hopping type is Baseband (0) or Synthesised (1). This is defined on the Hopping tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. NOT USED.

gprstraffic hoppingstate

float integer







If frequency hopping is enabled, this is the Hopping Sequence Number for the cell layer. This is defined on the Hopping tab for a cell layer in the Site Database.

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Name maio

DataType integer


Description If frequency hopping is enabled, this is the MAIO value for the cell layer. This is defined on the Hopping tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. If frequency hopping is enabled, this is the MAIO Offset value for the cell layer. This is defined on the Hopping tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. If frequency hopping is enabled, this stores the MA List ID for the cell layer. This is defined on the Hopping tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Indicates whether the BTS on the cell layer is the master BTS (1) or not (0). This is defined on the BCF tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. NOT USED. The date when the object was last modified.







modelkey modifydate modifyuser non_bcch_offset outpowfixed outputpower overflowload thresh predstate projectno signaloffset signalthreshold

integer date integer integer integer float float not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Non BCCH Offset, defined on the BCF tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Specifies the TRX output power for the various cell layers defined within the database. NOT USED. The overflow load threshold (in % of TS allocated), defined on the General tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Indicates whether the prediction model assigned to the cell layer has been overridden (1) or not (0).

integer integer float float not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Signal Offset (in dB) for the cell layer, defined on the General tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. The Signal Threshold (in dBm) for the cell layer, defined on the General tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. The SubCell ID, defined on the General tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. The SubCell Name, defined on the General tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. The Timing Advance (TA) Threshold, defined on the General tab for a cell layer in the Site Database. Positive integer values are interpreted in ENTERPRISE at their face value; negative values are re-interpreted from integer to floating point by dividing by -1000.

subcellid subcellname tathreshold

varchar(32) varchar(32) integer

totaltrxalloc trafdes traffic

integer float float

The total number of TRXs allocated to a cell, across all carrier layers. Stores the antenna configuration associated with the sub-cell. Traffic value that suggests how many subscribers are using the coverage of this particular cell layer.

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Name trugroup

DataType integer


Description Stores the percentage of traffic to be handled by the overlaid coverage of the overall total.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + cellaykey) references the CELLAY table FK2 (projectno + cellkey) references the GSMCELL table

This table shows the column list:
Name cellkey excellkey DataType integer integer Constraint not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number associating the exception with a particular cell. Primary key, storing a unique number associating the exception with the Exception Cell, defined on the Exceptions tab for a cell in the Site Database. Stores a unique number that associates the Exception cell with a particular site. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The separation value for the Exception Cell, defined on the Exceptions tab for a cell in the Site Database. not null Stores a unique number, associating the exception to a particular site.

exsitekey modifyuser projectno separation sitekey

integer integer integer integer integer

not null not null not null

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + cellkey) references the GSMCELL table

This table shows the column list:
Name ampbitrate DataType integer Constraint Description Stores the bit rate with which each site defined in the database transmits data back to the switches (AMPS network only). Additional Site Traffic, defined on the BTS Route tab for a site in the Site Database (AMPS network only). Timeslots Required Per Carrier, defined on the BTS Route tab for a site in the Site Database (AMPS network only). Stores a unique number associating the site with a particular BSC. NOT USED.

ampexts amptspc bsckey btsfixed

integer integer integer integer

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Name btskey cabinkey directkey flagvalue gndheight grdcstrntflags

DataType integer integer integer varchar2(255) float integer


Description Stores a unique number associating the site with a particular BTS. Stores a unique number associating a particular cabin with the site. The numerical reference for the site in DIRECT (Only populated when the site is synchronised with DIRECT). Stores a unique value, associating a particular field with the object. The Ground Height of the site (in m), defined on the General tab for a BSC in the Site Database. Stores flags corresponding to grid planning and power planning load contraints (Fixed Configuration, Fixed Node B Type) Stores the bit rate with which each GSM or TETRA site transmits data back to the switches. Additional Site Traffic, defined on the BTS Route tab for a site in the Site Database (GSM and TETRA networks only). Timeslots Required Per Carrier, defined on the BTS Route tab for a site in the Site Database (GSM and TETRA networks only). Indicates whether grdcstrntflags has been set (1) or not (0). Indicates the hexagon radius for the site by referencing the hexagongrid table. 0 represents the largest hexagon radius in the list, 1 represents the next one down, 2 the next and so on. Stores the Location Area Code.

gsmbitrate gsmexts gsmtspc

integer integer integer

hasconstraints hexradius

integer integer

lac lognodepk lognodetypefk maxsectors minsectors modifydate modifyuser msckey networklevel photofile predradius predresolution projectno srchperc srchrad

integer number(38) number(38) integer integer date integer integer integer varchar2(128) integer integer integer integer float not null not null not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical node in the network. Identifies the logical node type. Maximum number of sectors to be generated by the slot pattern generation algorithm. Minimum number of sectors to be generated by the slot pattern generation algorithm. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a unique number associating the site with a particular MSC. NOT USED Stores the file path to a site photo associated with the site, specified on the General tab for a site in the Site Database. NOT USED. NOT USED. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a percentage of the hexagon radius on the site, which will be suitable for the search radius. Stores the search radius defined for each network element.

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Name towerkey useperc

DataType integer integer


Description Stores a unique number associating a particular mast with the site. Specifies which method to use for suggesting a search radius, that is, percentage of hexagon radii (1) or actual radius (0).

Foreign Key: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (projectno + bsckey) references the BSC table FK3 (projectno + msckey) references the MSC table FK4 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

This table shows the column list:
Name cellantennakey cellaydatafk cellaykey cellkey modifyuser predmodelkey1 DataType integer integer integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each antenna configuration in the database. Primary key, referencing a particular CELLAYDATA table. Stores a unique number associating a antenna configuration with a specific cell layer. Stores a unique number associating an antenna configuration with a specific cell. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a number indicating the primary prediction model selected on the Antenna/TRX tab of the Site Database dialog box if the override checkbox is selected. Stores a number indicating the secondary prediction model selected on the Antenna/TRX tab of the Site Database dialog box if the override checkbox is selected. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.



not null



not null

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + cellantennakey) references the ANTENNA table FK2 (projectno + cellaykey) references the CELLAY table FK3 (projectno + cellaydatafk) references the CELLAYDATA table FK4 (projectno + cellkey) references the GSMCELL table

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This table shows the column list:
Name bsckey btsfixed btskey cabinkey flagvalue gndheight Data Type integer integer integer integer varchar2(255) float Constraint Description Stores a unique number, associating the distribution node with a particular BSC. NOT USED Stores a unique number, associating the distribution node with a particular BTS. Stores a unique number, associating a particular cabin with the distribution node. Stores a unique value, associating a particular field with the object. The Ground Height of the distribution node (in m), defined on the General tab for a distribution node in the Site Database. NOT USED not null not null not null not null The distribution node Identity, defined on the General tab for a distribution node in the Site Database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical node in the network. Identifies the logical node type. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores the file path to a site photo associated with the distribution node, defined on the General tab for a distribution node in the Site Database. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the search radius defined for each network element. Stores a unique number, associating a particular mast with the distribution node.

hexradius idname lognodepk lognodetypefk modifyuser photofile

integer varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) integer varchar2(128)

projectno srchrad towerkey

integer float integer

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (projectno + bsckey) references the BSC table FK3 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name azimuth bcfkey bscc btsid carreq cellequipment key Data Type integer integer integer integer integer integer Constraint Description NOT USED NOT USED The Base Station Colour Code (BSCC), defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. NOT USED NOT USED Stores a unique number, associating a particular piece of equipment with the GSM cell. This is defined on the Cell Config tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each GSM cell in the database. The Cell Name, defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. Indicates the technology that this cell uses, GSM(1), AMPS (2) or TETRA (3). This is defined on the Technology tab of the Preferences dialog box. Indicates the City Type (or environment) in which the GSM cell is located, either Urban(0), Suburban(1) or Open-Rural(2). This is defined on the CI+TA+RX tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. NOT USED Stores a unique number, associating a particular code schema with the GSM cell. Specifies the type of code schema used. For a GSM cell it will indicate BSIC (0). NOT USED Stores a unique number, associating the GSM cell with a particular ARCHITECT configuration. The cell equipment correction value (in dB), defined on the Cell Config tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. The date when the object was created. The DTX Voice Activity Factor, defined on the Cell Config tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. Indicates whether DTX has been enabled on the downlink (1) or not (0). The FCC category, defined on the Cell Config tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. Specifies the type of GSM used. The GSM ID, defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database.

cellkey cellname celltype

integer varchar2(32) integer



cntrlchan codeschema key codeschema type commonbcch configkey corrfactor

integer integer integer integer integer float

createdate dtxfactor dtxstate fcccategory gsmcelltype gsmid

date float integer integer integer integer

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Name idname lac maxcellradius back maxcellradius front mcc mnc modelkey modifydate modifyuser ncc networktype

Data Type varchar2(32) integer float float integer integer integer date integer integer integer

Constraint not null

Description The GSM Cell Identity, defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. The Local Area Code (LAC), defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. The Maximum Cell Radius Back (km), defined on the CI+TA+RX tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. The Maximum Cell Radius Front (km), defined on the CI+TA+RX tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. The Mobile Country Code (MCC), defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. The Mobile Network Code (MNC), defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. Stores a unique number, associating a particular prediction model with the GSM cell. The date when the object was last modified.

not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Network Colour Code (NCC), defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. Indicates the technology that the network uses, GSM(1), AMPS (2) or TETRA (3). This is defined on the Technology tab of the Preferences dialog box.



not null

The Network Service Entity Identifier (NSEI), defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. This is for information purposes only. NOT USED

numcars projectno psid rac rsid

integer integer integer integer integer not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Private System Identifier (PSID), defined on the General tab for an AMPS cell in the Site Database. The Routing Area Code (RAC), defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. The Residential System Identifier (RSID) defined on the General tab for an AMPS cell in the Site Database, or the GSM ID defined on the General tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. The Segment ID, defined on the BCF tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database. The Segment Name, defined on the BCF tab for a GSM cell in the Site Database.

segment_id segment_ name sitekey supportamr

integer varchar2(16) integer integer not null

Stores a unique number, associating the GSM cell with a particular site. Indicates whether the Enable AMR option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Cell Config tab for a cell in the Site Database.

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Name useantgain

Data Type integer


Description Indicates whether antenna hopping on the cell has been enabled (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Cell Config tab for a cell in the Site Database.



Determines whether to use a priority for a cell.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + sitekey) references the CELLSITES table

Table MSC
This table shows the column list:
Name directkey flagvalue gndheight lognodepk lognodetypefk modifyuser msctype photofile Data Type integer varchar2(255) float number(38) number(38) integer integer varchar2(128) not null not null not null Constraint Description The numerical reference for the MSC in DIRECT (Only populated when the MSC is synchronised with DIRECT). Stores a unique value, associating a particular field with the object. The Ground Height of the MSC (in m), defined on the General tab for a MSC in the Site Database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical node in the network. Identifies the logical node type. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a unique number identifying the MSC network type - GSM (1), TETRA (2) or AMPS (3). Stores the file path to a site photo associated with the MSC, defined on the General tab for a MSC in the Site Database. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the search radius defined for each network element.

projectno srchrad

integer float

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

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Table PLMN
This table shows the column list:
Name plmnname projectno DataType varchar2(32) integer Constraint not null not null Description Primary key, storing the unique name of each PLMN in the project. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name azimuth btsfixed btskey cabinkey calcmethod cellkey flagvalue gain gndheight height hexradius DataType integer integer integer integer integer integer varchar2(255) float float float float Constraint Description The receiving antenna's Azimuth (in degrees), defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. NOT USED. Stores a unique number, associating the repeater with a particular BTS. Stores a unique number, associating a particular cabin with the repeater. Indicates the calculation method used. Stores a unique number, associating the repeater with a particular cell. Stores a unique value, associating a particular field with the object. The Gain (in dB), defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. The Ground Height for the repeater (in m), defined on the General tab for a repeater in the Site Database. The receiving antenna's height (in m), defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Indicates the hexagon radius for the site by referencing the hexagongrid table. 0 represents the largest hexagon radius in the list, 1 represents the next one down, 2 the next and so on. Primary key, storing a unique number for each logical node in the network. Identifies the logical node type. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The transmitting antenna's Output Power, defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Stores the file path to a site photo associated with the repeater, defined on the General tab for a repeater in the Site Database. NOT USED.

lognodepk lognodetypefk modifyuser outputpower photofile

number(38) number(38) integer float varchar2(128)



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Name And so on until power9 predradius predresolution projectno rxantennakey rxsignal rxthreshold srchperc srchrad tilt towerkey useperc

DataType float integer integer integer integer float float integer float float integer integer



not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number, associating a particular receiving antenna with the repeater. The Rx Signal, defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. The Rx Threshold, defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Stores a percentage of the hexagon radius of the repeater, which will be suitable for the search radius. Stores the search radius defined for each network element. The amount of antenna tilt in degrees. A positive value indicates downtilt, and a negative value indicates uptilt. Stores a unique number associating the repeater with a particular mast. Indicates the method used for suggesting a search radius, either the percentage of hexagon radii (1) or specify an actual radius (0).

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + lognodepk + lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODE table FK2 (projectno + cellkey) references the GSMCELL table FK3 (lognodetypefk) references the LOGNODETYPE table

This table shows the column list:
Name antennakey azimuth cellkey height idname modelkey DataType integer integer integer float varchar2(32) integer not null Constraint Description Stores a unique number associating a particular transmitter antenna with the repeater cell. The azimuth (in degrees) of the transmitter antenna on the repeater cell. Primary key, storing a unique number associating the repeater to a particular cell. The height (in metres) of the transmitter antenna on the repeater cell. Site identifier as created by the application with the settings specified in the Identifier Creation dialog box. Stores a unique number, associating a particular propagation model with the repeater cell.

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Name modifyuser predmodelkey1 predmodelkey2

DataType integer integer integer

Constraint not null

Description Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Model selected on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Antennas tab in the Site Database.

















projectno sitekey tilt

integer integer float

not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number used to relate the transmitter configuration to a repeater defined in the Site Database. The Downtilt (in degrees) of the transmitter antenna. A positive value represents a downtilt, while a negative value represents an uptilt.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + sitekey) references the REPEATER table

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Project Database Tables

The following table describes the project database tables:
This Table CARRIERS Stores Information On Carriers assigned to different carrier layers on subcells in the Site Database Primary Keys carlaykey carriernumber cellaydatafk projectno CIXLAT Cell information, for use in both ASSET and AIRCOM OPTIMA Compound Array Expressions, defined in the Compound Arrays dialog box Compound Array Terms, defined in the Compound Arrays dialog box assetpno key compoundarrayexpkey projectno compoundarrayexpkey compoundarraytermkey projectno CONTACTPERSON Contact details, defined in the Contact Persons dialog box Contact fax numbers, defined in the Contact Persons dialog box User-defined folders used in the projects personkey projectno faxkey projectno folderkey foldertype projectno GENERICNBR Cell neighbours created in the projects carrierkey nbrcarrierkey nbrkey nbrtech parentkey parenttech projectno YES NO NO NO FK1 compoundarrayexpkey NO NO Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 - carlaykey FK2 - cellaykey FK3 - cellaydatafk FK4 - cellkey NO Diff Table? YES





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Stores Information On Feeders attached to repeaters

Primary Keys projectno repeaterfeederpk abscissa graphkey graphlisttype ordinate projectno

Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 - feederfk

Diff Table? YES


The co-ordinates for any 2.5g graphs



Any 2.5g graph curves

graphkey graphlisttype projectno



Cells associated with BTS sites, created in a GSM or AMPS/TDMA network EV-DO downlink parameters, used in ASSET MSCs, defined in the Site Database Contact telephone numbers for contacts defined in the Contact Persons dialog box PLMN networks, defined in the Site Database Repeaters, defined in the Site Database Transmitters associated with repeaters Address details for contacts, defined in the Property Management dialog box The speed of the terminal mobile

cellkey projectno hdrdlkparamspk projectno projectno sitekey phonekey projectno plmnname projectno projectno sitekey cellkey projectno addresskey projectno code projectno termtypekey

FK1 - sitekey





FK1 - addresskey



FK1 - personkey





FK1 - addresskey FK2 - cellkey FK1 - sitekey







FK1 - termtypekey



Any vectors defined in the projects

projectno vecid


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This table shows the column list:
Name carlaykey carriernumber cellaydatafk cellaykey cellkey modifyuser projectno state DataType integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number associating each carrier with a particular carrier layer. Primary foreign key that references and stores the ARFCN numbers that have been allocated as forbidden, allocated or fixed to each cell layer. Primary key, referencing a particular CELLAYDATA table. Stores a unique number associating each carrier (layer) with a particular cell layer. Stores a unique number associating each carrier/cell layer with a particular cell. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the carriers selected on the cell layer are allocated (0), forbidden (1) or fixed (2). See About States in the CARRIERS Table on page 211 for more information.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + carlaykey) references the CARLAY table FK2 (projectno + cellaykey) references the CELLAY table FK3 (projectno + cellaydatafk) references the CELLAYDATA table FK4 (projectno + cellkey) references the GSMCELL table

About States in the CARRIERS Table

In the Site Database, the carriers available to the project can be set in one of three states on each cell layer. When this has been set, a new entry appears in the Carriers table. The state is calculated by dividing the carrier number by 256, the remainder equals the state. For example: 513/256 = 2 remainder 1. This table shows the codes for states:
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 State Allocated Forbidden Allocated and Forbidden Fixed Allocated and Fixed Forbidden and Fixed Forbidden, Fixed and Allocated INVALID STATE. INVALID STATE. INVALID STATE. INVALID STATE.

The carrier state is found by dividing the carrier number by 256. For example: 512/256 = 2.

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This table shows the codes for carrier states:

Code 0 1 2 3 4 Carrier State Active Idle Released Locked Deleted

You can set the default carrier state by using your own registry key DefaultCarrierState set to Active, Idle, Released, Locked or Deleted (case sensitive). If none of these is found or the registry key does not exist, ENTERPRISE will use a default carrier status of Active.

This table shows the column list:
Name assetci assetcli assetpno key optimaci tgci DataType varchar2(32) varchar2(32) number number varchar2(32) varchar2(32) not null not null Constraint Description The ASSET Cell Id The ASSET Cell Layer Primary key, storing the ASSET project number. Primary key, storing the ASSET project key. The AIRCOM OPTIMA Cell Id. The 3g Cell Id.

This table shows the column list:
Name compoundarrayexpkey createdate createuser DataType integer date integer Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each compound array expression in the database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null The name of the compound array expression, defined in the Compound Arrays dialog box. The FALSE Array display name, defined in the Output Arrays for Logical Expressions pane of the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE. The FALSE Instance display name, defined in the Output Arrays for Logical Expressions pane of the Compound Arrays dialog box.

idname lofarrdispname

varchar2(256) varchar2(64)

lofarrgenrcname lofinstdispname

varchar2(64) varchar2(256)

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Name lofinstintnlname lofsrcdispname

DataType varchar2(256) varchar2(128)


Description FOR INTERNAL USE. The FALSE Source display name, defined in the Output Arrays for Logical Expressions pane of the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE. The TRUE Array display name, defined in the Output Arrays for Logical Expressions pane of the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE. The TRUE Instance display name, defined in the Output Arrays for Logical Expressions pane of the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE. The TRUE Source display name, defined in the Output Arrays for Logical Expressions pane of the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table.

lofsrcintnlname lotarrdispname

varchar2(128) varchar2(64)

lotarrgenrcname lotinstdispname

varchar2(64) varchar2(256)

lotinstintnlname lotsrcdispname

varchar2(256) varchar2(128)

lotsrcintnlname modifydate modifyuser parentkey permission

varchar2(128) date integer integer integer not null

Stores a unique number, associating the compound array expression with a particular parent. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

projectno reserved1 reserved2 reserved3 reserved4 usergroup

integer varchar2(256) varchar2(256) integer integer integer

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. FOR FUTURE USE. FOR FUTURE USE. FOR FUTURE USE. FOR FUTURE USE. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

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This table shows the column list:
Name compoundarrayexpkey compoundarraytermkey createdate createuser larrdispname DataType integer Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number associating the compound array term with a particular compound array expression. Primary key, storing a unique number for each compound array term in the database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Array display name for the left side of the equation, defined in the top half of the term in the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE. Instance display name for the left side of the equation, defined in the top half of the term in the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE. The operator, defined in the Compound Arrays dialog box. Source display name for the left side of the equation, defined in the top half of the term in the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Array display name for the right side of the equation, defined in the bottom half of the term in the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE. The Instance display name for the right side of the equation, defined in the bottom half of the term in the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE. The logical operator, defined in the Compound Arrays dialog box. Source display name for the right side of the equation, defined in the bottom half of the term in the Compound Arrays dialog box. FOR INTERNAL USE.

integer date integer varchar2(64)

not null

larrgenrcname linstdispname

varchar2(64) varchar2(256)

linstintnlname loper lsrcdispname

varchar2(256) integer varchar2(128)

lsrcintnlname modifydate modifyuser permission

varchar2(128) date integer integer

projectno rarrdispname

integer varchar2(64)

rarrgenrcname rinstdispname

varchar2(64) varchar2(256)

rinstintnlname roper rsrcdispname

varchar2(256) integer varchar2(128)



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Name usergroup

DataType integer


Description Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Key: FK1 (projectno + compoundarrayexpkey) references the COMPOUNDARRAYEXP table

This table shows the column list:
Name comments company forename personkey projectno surname title DataType varchar2(225) varchar2(32) varchar2(32) integer integer varchar2(32) varchar2(5) not null not null Constraint Description Optional description that can be added to each contact person, defined in the Contact Person dialog box. The company of the contact person, defined in the Contact Person dialog box. The forename of the contact person, defined in the Contact Person dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each contact person in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The surname of the contact person, defined in the Contact Person dialog box. The title of the contact person, defined in the Contact Person dialog box.

This table shows the column list:
Name faxkey faxnumber personkey projectno DataType integer varchar2(32) integer integer not null Constraint not null Description Primary key storing the unique number for each facsimile number in the database. The Facsimile Number, defined in the Contact Person dialog box. Stores a unique number, associating the facsimile number with a particular contact person. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

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This table shows the column list:
Name folderkey foldername foldertype parentkey projectno DataType integer varchar2(64) integer integer integer not null not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each folder in the database. The name of the folder. Primary key that uniquely identifies the type of folder. Stores a unique number identifying the parent of a subfolder. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name carrierkey DataType number Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number associating a particular carrier with the outward neighbour (IS95 networks only). The direction of the neighbour. The handover type. The margin of the neighbour (in dB), defined on the Neighbour tab for a cell in the Site Database. not null not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number associating a particular carrier with the inward neighbour (IS95 networks only). Primary key, storing a unique number for each inward neighbour in the database. Primary key, storing a number identifying the technology type of the inward neighbour. Primary key, storing a unique number for each outward neighbour in the database. Primary key, storing a number identifying the technology type of the outward neighbour. A number indicating the planning status of each neighbour in the database (0= Planned or 1 = Live). A number indicating the priority of each neighbour in the database. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. A number indicating whether the neighbour is protected (1) or not (0).

direction handovertype margin modifyuser nbrcarrierkey

number number number number number

nbrkey nbrtech parentkey parenttech planned_status priority projectno protected

number number number number number number number number

not null not null not null not null

The seven primary keys in this table reference various other tables depending on the technology applicable, as follows:
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Technology identifier 1 (AMPS) 2 (GSM) 3 (CDMA) 4 (UMTS)

parentkey/nbrkey GSMCell.CellKey GSMCell.CellKey LogIS95Sector.SectorPK LogUMTSCell.UMTSCellPK

carrierkey/nbrcarrierkey Not Applicable Not Applicable LogIS95SecCar.SecCarPK LogUMTSCar.UMTSCarPK

This table shows the column list:
Name antennatypefk azimuth coordx coordy corrfactor DataType number(38) float float float float Constraint not null Description Stores a unique number, associating a particular antenna type with the feeder. Stores the repeater's feeder azimuth bearing. Stores the co-ordinate of the site's location. Stores the co-ordinate of the site's location. Stores any correction factors in dBs, that might be added on to the configuration to fine tune the output EIRP. Positive values offer an improvement in the configuration. Therefore a negative value will represent a further loss to the antenna configuration. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the repeater feeder's downtilt. not null References the link between the repeater and the feeder type. Stores the feeder length. Stores any feeder losses. not null Stores information about the type of feeder used. Stores the height of the feeder. not null References the link between the repeater and the mast head amplifier. Stores the mast head amplifier gain difference in dB. not null References the link between a repeater and a repeater model. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. not null Distinguishes between objects in the database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Model selected on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database.

createdate createuser downtilt feederfk feederlenght feederloss feedertype height mastheadampfk mhagain_db modelfk modifydate modifyuser objecttype permission

date number(38) float number(38) float float number(38) float number(38) float number(38) date number(38) number(38) number(38)



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Name predmodelkey2

DataType number(38)


Description Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Model selected on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. NOT USED. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in miles defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Radius in kilometres defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in feet defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Primary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the Secondary Prediction Resolution in metres defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database.

predradius predradiusimp1

number(38) float















projectno repeaterfeederpk repeaterfk rxdiversity rxpredmodelkey

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

not null not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key field, storing the unique identifier for a repeater feeder. References a repeater to a feeder. Indicates whether the RX Diversity option has been selected for the feeder (1) or not (0). Stores a unique number, referencing the prediction model selected for the repeater's feeder at the receiving end. This is defined on the Config tab for a repeater in the Site Database. Indicates whether the TX Diversity option has been selected for the feeder (1) or not (0). Stores the default user group at the time the object was created.

txdiversity usergroup

number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + feederfk) references the GENREPEATER table

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This table shows the column list:
Name abscissa graphkey graphlisttype modifyuser ordinate projectno DataType float integer integer integer float integer Constraint not null not null not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing the relative x co-ordinate for the curve. Primary key, storing a unique number for each graph curve. Primary key, storing a unique number indicating the type of graph - coding scheme (0) or Occupancy (1). NOT USED. Primary key, storing the relative y co-ordinate for the curve. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser graphenabled graphkey graphlisttype idname modifydate modifyuser permission projectno usergroup DataType date integer integer integer integer varchar2(32) date integer integer integer integer not null not null not null not null not null Constraint Description NOT USED. NOT USED. Indicates whether the graph option is available (1) or not (0). Primary key, storing a unique number for each graph in the database. Primary key stores a number indicating the type of graph - coding scheme (0) or occupancy (1). The name of the curve. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. NOT USED.

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This table shows the column list:
Name bitrate bits createdate createuser ebno ebnt0 And so on to... ebnt4 hdrdlkparamspk idname modifydate modifyuser oheadbits per0 And so on to... per4 permission float number(38) The last PER (Packet Error Rate) value, defined in the EVDO Downlink Parameters dialog box. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The number of (time) Slots used, defined in the EV-DO Downlink Parameters dialog box. NOT USED. float number(38) varchar2(32) date number(38) number(38) float not null not null The last Eb/Nt (in dB) value, defined in the EV-DO Downlink Parameters dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each set of EV-DO downlink parameters in the database. NOT USED. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Number of Overhead Bits, defined in the EV-DO Downlink Parameters dialog box. The first PER (Packet Error Rate) value, defined in the EVDO Downlink Parameters dialog box. Data Type number(38) number(38) date number(38) float float Constraint Description The bitrate (in bps), defined in the EV-DO Downlink Parameters dialog box. The Number of Bits, defined in the EV-DO Downlink Parameters dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Ior/Ioc (in dB), defined in the EV-DO Downlink Parameters dialog box. The first Eb/Nt (in dB) value, defined in the EV-DO Downlink Parameters dialog box.

projectno slots spare0 And so on to... spare4 traffchips usergroup

number(38) number(38) float

float float number(38)

NOT USED. The number of Chips per Traffic Bit, defined in the EV-DO Downlink Parameters dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

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This table shows the column list:
Name personkey phonekey phonenumber projectno Data Type integer integer varchar2(32) integer not null not null Constraint Description Stores a unique number, associating the telephone number with a particular contact person. Primary key, storing a unique number for each telephone number in the database. The telephone number, defined in the Contact Person dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + personkey) references the CONTACTPERSON table

This table shows the column list:
Name address1 address2 addresskey antcolocation antheightlist antheightrule antsamecell antstepsize assocmast buildingheight comments createdate createuser DataType varchar2(32) varchar2(32) integer integer varchar2(1024) integer integer float integer integer varchar2(255) date integer not null Constraint Description Address line 1, defined on the Address tab for a Property in the Site Database. Address line 2, defined on the Address tab for a Property in the Site Database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each Property in the database. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. Optional description that can be added to each Property. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The numerical reference for the Property in DIRECT (Only populated when the Property is synchronised with DIRECT). Stores a unique value, associating a particular field with the object.





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Name gndheight

DataType float(64)


Description The Ground Height of the Property (in m), defined on the General tab for a Property in the Site Database. Indicates if ADVANTAGE grid planning constraints have been selected on this Property - None (0), Location Fixed (1), Always Consider (2) or both (3).



idname latitude locksearcharea

varchar2(32) float(64) integer

not null

The Property ID, defined on the General tab for a Property in the Site Database. The Latitude, defined on the General tab for a Property in the Site Database. Indicates whether the Prevent changes to search area option is selected (0) or not (1). This is defined on the Search Area tab for a Property in the Site Database. The Longitude, defined on the General tab for a Property in the Site Database. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. The date when the object was last modified.

longitude mastexcluded mastspace maxheight minazimdiff minheight modifydate modifyuser mounting mttr nominalid optimisationstatus panfile permission

float(64) varchar2(512) float float integer float date integer integer float(64) integer integer varchar2(255) integer not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. NOT USED. NOT USED. Stores the id of the nominal property. The ADVANTAGE optimisation status, either Nominal (0) or Candidate (1). NOT USED. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores a unique number, associating the Property with a particular contact person.



Name postcode projectno propertycode province

Data Type varchar2(16) integer varchar2(32) varchar2(32)


Description The Post Code, defined on the Address tab for a Property in the Site Database.

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Property Code, defined on the General tab for a Property in the Site Database. The County, defined on the Address tab for a Property in the Site Database.

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Name srchoverrideview srchrad

DataType integer float


Description Stores the unique property code assigned to each siteaddress The Search Area Radius (in m), defined on the Search Area tab for a Property in the Site Database. The State, defined on the Address tab for a Property in the Site Database. Indicates the status of property - Candidate (0), Nominal (1), Preferred Candidate (2) or Not Used (3). The Town, defined on the Address tab for a Property in the Site Database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

state targetstatus

varchar2(64) integer

town usergroup

varchar2(32) integer

This table shows the column list:
Name avgspeed DataType float Constraint not null Description Mean Mobile Speed (km/h) per clutter type, defined on the Mobile Speed tab of the Terminal Types dialog box. (GSM/UMTS and EV-DO Terminal Types only) code maxspeed minspeed modifyuser percentin varchar2(32) float float integer float not null not null not null not null not null Primary key, associating the mobile speed values with a particular clutter type. Max Mobile Speed (km/h) per clutter type, defined on the Mobile Speed tab of the Terminal Types dialog box. Min Mobile Speed (km/h) per clutter type, defined on the Mobile Speed tab of the Terminal Types dialog box. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Percentage of mobiles considered to be in buildings. This is defined on the Clutter tab (using the Density option) of the Terminal Types dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Standard Deviation in Speed per clutter type defined on the Mobile Speed tab of the Terminal Types dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each terminal type in the database.

projectno stdspeed termtypekey

integer float integer

not null not null not null

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + termtypekey) references the TERMTYPE table

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This table shows the column list:
Name projectno vecid DataType integer integer Constraint not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number associating a particular vector with the project.

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ADVANTAGE Database Tables

The following table describes the equipment database tables:
This Table ACTIONCOMBINATIONS Stores Information On Combinations of action costs. Primary Keys actioncombinationskey projectno ADVDESTGT Performance design targets. Global design targets and action costs. Weightings for problem cells. Clutter parameters, divided into different bands. Configuration values for problem cell data. Thresholds specific to clutter. Thresholds for clutter values, calculated from the spreading of ADVANTAGE data. Action constraint templates. Coefficients used in cost conversion. Weightings for cost functions. advdestgtkey projectno advglobdestgtkey projectno advprobcellwgtkey projectno bandkey projectno cellmodkey projectno cluttertkey projectno clutthreskey projectno constrainttemplatekey projectno coefficientkey projectno cfweightskey projectno YES YES FK1 pedataindexkey FK1 thresholdkey FK1 pedataindexkey NO YES YES YES YES Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) Diff Table? YES













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Stores Information On The current database version number, and the number of the version from which it was upgraded. Delta plans.

Primary Keys versionnumber

Foreign Keys (projectno + ...)

Diff Table? NO


deltaplankey projectno

FK1 - plankey



Relationships between performance design groups and mechanism/componen t pairs created when the user defines a design target. Relationships between elements (for example carriers on a service) and groups. Components stored within design targets.

designtargetkey projectno

FK1 designtargetcompkey FK2 designtarget groupkey



designtargetatomkey projectno designtargetcompkey projectno

FK1 designtargetgroupkey





User-defined performance design target groups. Constraints on max action. Details of optimisation snapshots.

designtargetgroupkey projectno constraintkey projectno optimisationdetailskey projectno FK1 optimisationsnapshotkey







Optimisation snapshots.

optimisationsnapshotkey projectno



The options defined on the Settings tab of the Optimiser Workflow. ADVANTAGE traffic raster spreading data. The plans.

optionskey projectno pedataindexkey projectno plankey projectno







The plans available for use. Options for rejecting the plan based on metric degradation. Relationships between plans and constraint templates.

planavailabilitykey projectno plnrejectoptnkey projectno projectno ptakey

FK1 - deltaplankey





FK1 constrainttemplatekey FK2 - plankey


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Stores Information On Vectors created for plans. Clutter- and technology-specific thresholds used for problem area identification. Technology-specific thresholds used for problem cell identification. UMTS/GSM statistics reports. Monte Carlo statistics reports. Thresholds.

Primary Keys planvectorkey projectno probareaidkey projectno

Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 - plankey

Diff Table? NO




probcellidkey projectno projectno statistickey projectno statisticmckey projectno thresholdkey FK1 optimisationsnapshotkey FK1 optimisationsnapshotkey









Thresholds specific to technology and vectors/polygons. Parameters specific to vectors Thresholds specific to vectors and polygons.

projectno threshold_ptkey projectno thr_key projectno vectortkey

FK1 thresholdkey





FK1 thresholdkey


This table shows the column list:
Name actioncombinationskey combinationlevel DataType number(38) number(10) Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each action combination in the database. The level at which the cost will be combined - No Action Combining (0), Per Location (1), Per Property (2), Per Site (3) or Per Cell (4). This is defined on the Action Combinations tab of the Global Design Targets and Action Costs dialog box. Indicates which actions should be combined - All Actions (0), Visit Actions (1) or Remote Actions (2). This is defined on the Action Combinations tab of the Global Design Targets and Action Costs dialog box. Indicates how power actions will be considered Remote (1) or Visit (0). This is defined on the Action Combinations tab of the Global Design Targets and Action Costs dialog box. The date when the object was created.







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Name createuser

DataType number(38)


Description Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

modifydate modifyuser permission

varchar2(32) number(38) number(38)

projectno usergroup

number(38) number(38)

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name adjcnt advdestgtkey areatraf celllay_fk clutcode compid createdate createuser destgt mechid mechver modifydate modifyuser permission DataType number(2) number(38) number(2) number(38) number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) varchar2(4000) varchar2(32) varchar2(32) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) not null Constraint Description Stores the adjacency count. Primary key, storing a unique number for each performance design target in the database. Stores the area and/or traffic identifier. Stores a unique number, associating a particular GSM cell layer with the performance design target. The clutter code value. Stores a unique number identifying the component type. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The design target values, stored as XML. Stores a unique number referencing the CLSID cost mechanism. The version of cost mechanism. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Field storing the technology type used, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2). Stores a unique number, associating a particular UMTS carrier with the performance design target.

projectno techtype umtscar_fk

number(38) number(38) number(38)

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Name usergroup

DataType number(38)


Description Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name actionid advglobdestgtkey createdate createuser modifydate modifyuser permission Data Type number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) not null Constraint Description Identifies the action. Primary key uniquely identifying an entry in the table. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores xml data representing the global design targets and action costs.

projectno usergroup xmldata

number(38) number(38) varchar2(4000)

This table shows the column list:
Name advprobcellwgtkey cellaykey cellkey createdate createuser DataType number(38) number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint not null Description Primary key storing the unique problem cell weight value. Stores GSM cell layer ID. Stores GSM cell ID. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

modifydate modifyuser permission

varchar2(32) number(38) number(38)

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Name projectno tech umtscellfk usergroup weight

DataType number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) float

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Identifies the technology used, either GSM(1) or UMTS (2). Foreign key referencing the UMTS cell ID. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the problem cell weight.

This table shows the column list:
Name bandkey bandname cluttercode createdate createuser importance indoorper infade inloss interference DataType number(38) varchar2(64) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) float float float float Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each set of band parameters in the database. Indicates the technology type. Associates the band parameters with a particular clutter type. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Indicates the importance of that clutter type in terms of terms of traffic density - Zero (0), Low (1), Medium (2) or High (3). NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. Depending on the bandname, this is either the C/I Threshold (dB), defined on the GSM Clutter Parameters tab, or the Ec/Io Threshold (dB) defined on the UMTS Clutter Parameters tab. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. NOT USED. NOT USED. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Depending on the bandname, this is either the Signal Strength Threshold (dBm), defined on the GSM Clutter Parameters tab, or the Pilot Strength Threshold (dBm), defined on the UMTS Clutter Parameters tab. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the sample parameter is set to Yes (1) or No (0). Field storing the technology type used, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2).

modifydate modifyuser outfade pathloss permission

varchar2(32) number(38) float float number(38)



projectno sample technology

number(38) number(2) varchar2(64)

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Name usergroup

DataType number(38)


Description Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name cell_fk celllay_fk cellmodkey createdate createuser modifier modifydate pedataindexkey permission DataType number(38) number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) float varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) not null not null Constraint Description Foreign key referencing a GSM cell used. Foreign key referencing a GSM cell layer used. Primary key used to uniquely identify an entry in the cellmod table. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the value calculated by spreading problem cell data. The date when the object was last modified. Foreign key for the PEDATAINDEX table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Field storing the technology type used, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2). Foreign key referencing a UMTS cell used. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno techtype umtscell_fk usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + pedataindexkey) references the PEDATAINDEX table

This table shows the column list:
Name cluttertkey createdate createuser DataType number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each clutter threshold in a database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in.

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Name importance

DataType number(38)


Description The importance of the clutter type, Zero (0), Low (1), Medium (2) or High (3). This is defined on the Clutter Parameters tab of the Optimisation Parameters dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

modifydate modifyuser permission

varchar2(32) number(38) number(38)

projectno sample thresholdkey usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the sample column for this clutter type is set to YES (1) or NO (0).

not null

Stores a unique number, associating a particular threshold with the clutter. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Key: FK1 (projectno + thresholdkey) references the THRESHOLD table

This table shows the column list:
Name clutcode clutthreskey createdate createuser modifydate pedataindexkey permission DataType number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) not null Constraint not null not null Description Stores clutter code values. Primary key that uniquely identifies the clutter entry in the table. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a unique number identifying the table index entry. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores threshold values calculated by the spreading process. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno threshold usergroup

number(38) float number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + pedataindexkey) references the PEDATAINDEX table

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This table shows the column list:
Name constrainttemplatekey content createdate createuser DataType number(38) clob varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each action constraints template. Stores action constraints template data. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null The name of the constraints template, defined in the Action Constraints Template Manager. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The date when the object was last modified. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

idname modifyuser modifydate permission

varchar2(32) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38)

projectno usergroup

number(38) number(38)

This table shows the column list:
Name coefficient coefficientkey coefficientname createdate createuser DataType float number(38) varchar2(32) varchar2(32) number(38) not null Constraint Description The cost function coefficient value. Primary key, storing a unique number for each coefficient in the database. The name of the coefficient. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

modifydate modifyuser permission projectno usergroup

varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

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This table shows the column list:
Name active DataType number(38) Constraint Description Indicates whether the global/mechanism/ component is active (1) or inactive (0) within the optimisation. Indicates the weight of the global/mechanism/ component when combined into the cost function value. Identifier within weight type. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each cfweight in the database. Indicates the type of weight - global(0), manpower(1), mechanism(2) or component (3). The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Indicates the technologies used in the mechanism: NOVAL, GSM, UMTS, Mobile WiMAX, Fixed WiMAX. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

cfweight cfweightenum cfweightskey cfweighttype createdate createuser

float number(38) number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38)

mechtechnology modifydate modifyuser permission

varchar2(256) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38)

projectno usergroup

number(38) number(38)

This table shows the column list:
Name upgradeversion versionnumber DataType integer integer not null Constraint Description The version number of the database from which the user upgraded. Primary key, storing a unique number for the version of the database the user is currently using.

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This table shows the column list:
Name changes cost createdate createdatedp createuser DataType varchar2(50) float varchar2(32) varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint Description The list of changes in the delta plan. The best cost, displayed in the Optimiser dialog box. The date when the object was created. The date when the delta plan was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each delta plan in the database. A description of the delta plan. Stores the delta plan data. not null The name of the delta plan, displayed in the Plan Manager section of the Optimiser Workflow. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The date when the object was last modified. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores a unique number, associating the delta plan with a particular plan. Identifies the previous delta plan created before this one. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The starting cost, displayed in the Optimiser dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

deltaplankey description dpdata idname modifyuser modifydate permission

number(38) varchar2(100) clob varchar2(32) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38)

plankey prevdeltaplankey projectno startingcost usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser DataType varchar2 (32) number(38) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null not null Stores a unique number associating a particular component with the design target. Identifies the design target group.

designtargetcompkey designtargetgroupkey

number(38) number(38)

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Name designtargetkey modifydate modifyuser permission

DataType number(38) varchar2 (32) number(38) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each design target in the database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

projectno targetvaluesXML usergroup

number(38) varchar2 (4000) number(38)

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Used to represent the target values in XML format. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + designtargetcompkey) references the DESIGNTARGETCOMP table FK2 (projectno + designtargetgroupkey) references the DESIGNTARGETGROUP table

This table shows the column list:
Name adjacency areatraffic bearer carrier cellaykey cluttercode createdate createuser DataType number(2) number(2) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint Description Indicates adjacency level. NOT USED. ID code identifying the bearer. ID code identifying the carrier. Associates carrier layers to the various cell layers in the site database. ID code identifying the clutter. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null not null Primary key used to identify the design target atom. Identifies the design target group. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

designtargetatomkey designtargetgroupkey modifydate modifyuser permission

number(38) number(38) varchar2 (32) number(38) number(38)

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Name projectno service subsgroup techtype termtype usergroup

DataType number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. ID code identifying the service. ID code identifying the subscriber group. Field storing the technology type used, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2). ID code identifying the terminal type. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + designtargetgroupkey) references the DESIGNTARGETGROUP table

This table shows the column list:
Name compid createdate createuser Data Type number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint not null Description Stores a unique number identifying the component type. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each design target component in the database. Stores a unique number identifying the CLSID cost mechanism. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

designtargetcompkey mechid modifydate modifyuser permission

number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38)

projectno usergroup

number(38) number(38)

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This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser DataType varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each design target group. User defined identifier for each particular config profile entry. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Identifies the technology used, either GSM or UMTS. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

designtargetgroupkey idname modifydate modifyuser permission

number(38) varchar2(32) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38)

projectno technology usergroup

number(38) varchar2(64) number(38)

This table shows the column list:
Name active constraintkey constraintname createdate createuser DataType number(38) number(38) varchar2(32) varchar2(32) number(38) not null Constraint Description Indicates whether the constraint is specified (1) or not (0) for an action or a unit in the optimiser. Primary key, storing a unique number for each constraint in the database. The name of the action or unit. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The maximum constraint value. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

maconstraint modifydate modifyuser permission

number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38)

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Name projectno usergroup

DataType number(38) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser majortype Data Type varchar2(32) number(38) number(10) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Identifies the type of optimisation - optimisation actions (1), parameter change cost categories (2), cost mechanism function components (3), power mechanism function components (4), Monte Carlo mechanism function components (5). The date when the object was last modified. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each set of optimisation details in a database. Stores a unique number, associating the optimisation details with a particular snapshot. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. A sub-type, used for the internal representation of major type. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The best cost value.

modifydate optimisationdetailskey optimisationsnapshotkey permission

varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) number(38)

projectno type usergroup value

number(38) number(10) number(38) float

Foreign keys: FK1(projectno + optimisationsnapshotkey) references the OPTIMISATIONSNAPSHOT table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser Data Type varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The iteration number of the snapshot. The date when the object was last modified.

iteration modifydate

number(38) varchar2(32)

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Name optimisationsnapshotkey overallcost permission

Data Type number(38) float number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each optimisation snapshot in a database. The overall cost of the snapshot. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

projectno timestamp timestamptf usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores time/date information related to the optimisation snapshot. Stores time/date information related to the tweak file. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name charvalue Data Type varchar2(260) Constraint Description Stores the option value, if the option is a string. This value is defined on the Options tab of the Settings section of the Optimiser Workflow. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the option value, if the option is an integer. This value is defined on the Options tab of the Settings section of the Optimiser Workflow. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each option in the database. This options are listed on the Options tab of the Settings section of the Optimiser Workflow. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the option value, if the option is a checkbox (Boolean). This value is defined on the Options tab of the Settings section of the Optimiser Workflow..

createdate createuser

varchar2(32) number(38)



modifydate modifyuser optionskey

varchar2(32) number(38) number(38)



projectno state

number(38) number(38)

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Name usergroup

Data Type number(38)


Description Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the option value, if the option is a float. This value is defined on the Options tab of the Settings section of the Optimiser Workflow..



This table shows the column list:
Name configprofilekey counter createdate createuser filename modifydate pedataindexkey permission DataType number(38) varchar2(256) varchar2 (32) number(38) varchar2(4000) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) not null Constraint not null Description Stores a unique number, associating a particular configuration profile with the PE data. Stores the name of the raster. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the file name of the Microsoft Excel data source. The date when the object was last modified. Primary key uniquely identifying the table index entry. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the location of the Microsoft Excel data source. Stores the spreading code raster reference. not null not null Field storing the technology type used, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2). Time of PE data raster creation. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno source spreadcode techtype timestamp usergroup

number(38) varchar2(4000) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

Table PLAN
This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser idname initials modifyuser DataType varchar2(32) number(38) varchar2(32) clob number(38) not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Plan Name, defined in the Plan Wizard. Stores initial site database data. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table.

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Name modifydate permission

DataType varchar2(32) number(38)


Description The date when the object was last modified. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Stores optimisation constraints data.

planconstraints plankey projectno restriction restrictionguid technology usedrivetest userestrict usergroup usevectors xmax xmin ymax ymin

clob number(38) number(38) clob varchar2(64) varchar2(256) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each plan in the Site Database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores the point data for the restriction polygon created for the plan in the Plan Wizard. Stores the restriction polygon guid. Field storing the technology type used, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2). NOT USED. Indicates whether the Use Restriction Polygon option is selected (1) or not (0) in the Plan Wizard. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Indicates whether the Use Vectors option is selected (1) or not (0) in the Plan Wizard. The x max co-ordinate of the map view chosen for the plan. The x min co-ordinate of the map view chosen for the plan. The y max co-ordinate of the map view chosen for the plan. The y-min co-ordinates of the map view chosen for the plan.

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser Data Type varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null Stores a unique number, associating the available plan with a particular delta plan. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The date when the object was last modified.

deltaplankey modifyuser modifydate

number(38) number(38) varchar2(32)

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Name permission

Data Type number(38)


Description Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

planavailabilitykey projectno usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38)

not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each available plan in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + deltaplankey) references the DELTAPLAN table

This table shows the column list:
Name absrelthreshold active DataType varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint Description Indicates whether the threshold is absolute (0) or relative (1). Indicates whether the threshold is specified (1) or not (0) for the global/mechanism/ component due to metric degradation after initial state. Indicates the layer that this plan rejection option is associated with. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Storing an identifier within option type. Indicates the level that the plan rejection is based on budget=1, manpower=2, performance=3. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each plan rejection option in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Field storing the technology type used, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2). Stores the threshold value.

bandcode createdate createuser

number(38) varchar2(32) number(38)

modifydate modifyuser optionenum optiontype permission

varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

plnrejectoptnkey projectno technology threshold

number(38) number(38) varchar2(64) float

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Name usergroup

DataType number(38)


Description Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name constrainttemplatekey createdate createuser Data Type number(38) varchar(32) number(38) Constraint not null Description Stores a unique number, associating the plan with a particular constraint template. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The date when the object was last modified. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null not null Stores a unique number, associating the constraint template with a particular plan. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each plan/constraint template relationship in the database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

modifuser modifydate permission

number(38) varchar2(32) number(38)

plankey projectno ptakey

number(38) number(38) number(38)



Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + constrainttemplatekey) references the CONSTRAINTTEMPLATE table FK2 (projectno + plankey) references the PLAN table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser Data Type varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Indicates the ID of the feature contained within the vector.



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Name guid idname modifydate modifyuser permission

Data Type varchar2(50) varchar2(32) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Stores the guid of the vector. The name of the vector. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

plankey planvectorkey projectno type usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(2) number(38)

not null not null not null

Stores a number associating the vector with a particular plan. Primary key, storing a unique number for each plan vector in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates the vector type - user (0) or standard (1). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + plankey) references the PLAN table

This table shows the column list:
Name ccovthres clutcode cminarea cmintraf createdate createuser dmaxcells dminarea dmintraf modifydate modifyuser permission DataType float number(38) float float varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) float float varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) Constraint Description The signal strength coverage threshold. The clutter code. The minimum adjacent area affected by coverage. The minimum traffic affected by coverage. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The maximum dominant cells. The minimum adjacent area affected by dominant cells. The minimum traffic affected by dominant cells. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each problem area in the database.



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Name projectno qinterthres qminarea qmintraf techtype usergroup

DataType number(38) float float float number(38) number(38)

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The interference (quality) threshold. The minimum adjacent area affected by quality. The minimum traffic affected by quality. Field storing the technology type used, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name avrginter createdate createuser drpdcalls drpdcallsper hightraf hightrafmean hndoverfail hndoverfailper hndovrs hndovrsper lowtraf lowtrafmean lrgarea lrgareamean minalp minlcarea minlctraffic minlqarea minlqtraffic minqualprob DataType float varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) float float float number(38) float number(38) float float float float float float float float float float float Constraint Description The minimum interference threshold for problem cell identification (pci) due to low quality. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The number of dropped calls. The percentage of dropped calls. The threshold to find problem cells providing coverage to high traffic. The threshold to find problem cells providing coverage to high traffic compared to local mean. NOT USED. NOT USED. The number of handovers. The percentage of handovers. The threshold to find problem cells providing coverage to low traffic. The threshold to find problem cells providing coverage to low traffic compared to local mean. The threshold to find problem cells providing coverage to large area. The threshold to find problem cells providing coverage to large area compared to local mean. The minimum area location probability for pci due to low coverage. The minimum area threshold for pci due to low coverage. The minimum traffic threshold for pci due to low coverage. The minimum area threshold for pci due to low quality. The minimum traffic threshold for pci due to low quality. The minimum quality probability for pci due to low quality.

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Name minsgnlstrngth modifydate modifyuser permission

DataType float varchar2(32) number(38) number(38)


Description The minimum signal strength for pci due to low coverage. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

probcellidkey projectno smlarea smlareamean techtype usergroup

number(38) number(38) float float number(38) number(38)

not null not null

Primary key uniquely identifying an entry in the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The minimum threshold to find problem cells providing coverage to a small area. The threshold to find problem cells providing coverage to a small area compared to local mean. Field storing the technology type used, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name cluttercode createdate createuser DataType number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint Description Associates the statistic set with a particular clutter set. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Used to identify the vector, along with the guid and type. CURRENTLY NOT USED. guid modifydate optimisationsnapshotkey permission varchar2(50) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) not null Used to identify the vector, along with the featureid and the type. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a unique number, associating the statistic set with a particular optimisation snapshot. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each statistic set in a database. The statistic type. The total optimisation value associated with this statistic set.



projectno statistickey statistictype totalvalue

number(38) number(38) number(10) float

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Name type usergroup value

DataType number(2) number(38) float


Description Indicates the type of vector - standard (0), user (1) or building (2). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The best plan cost value.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + optimisationsnapshotkey) references the OPTIMISATIONSNAPSHOT table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser DataType varchar2(32) number(38) Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a unique number, associating the Monte Carlo statistics with a particular optimisation snapshot. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number, associating the Monte Carlo statistics with a particular service. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each set of Monte Carlo statistics in a database. Indicates the type of statistic - either Mean Attempts Terminals (1) or Mean Served Terminals (2). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The best plan cost value.

modifydate optimisationsnapshotkey

varchar2(32) number(38)



projectno servicekey statisticmckey statistictype

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(10)





Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + optimisationsnapshotkey) references the OPTIMISATIONSNAPSHOT table

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This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser entity modifydate modifyuser permission DataType varchar2(32) number(38) number(2) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Indicates whether the threshold is for clutter (0) or vector/polygon (1). The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each threshold in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno thresholdkey usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38)

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser ecio indoorloss indoorper DataType varchar2(32) number(38) float float float Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The C/I Threshold (dB), defined on the GSM/UMTS Vector Parameters tab of the Optimisation Parameters dialog box. The Indoor Loss (dB), defined on the GSM/UMTS Vector Parameters tab of the Optimisation Parameters dialog box. The probability of the clutter type being indoors (%). This is displayed on the GSM/UMTS Vector Parameters tab of the Optimisation Parameters dialog box. The Fading Indoor STD (dB), defined on the GSM/UMTS Vector Parameters tab of the Optimisation Parameters dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The Fading Outdoor STD (dB), defined on the GSM/UMTS Vector Parameters tab of the Optimisation Parameters dialog box. The Path Loss Threshold (dB), defined on the GSM/UMTS Vector Parameters tab of the Optimisation Parameters dialog box.

infade modifydate modifyuser outfade

float varchar2(32) number(38) float



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Name permission

DataType number(38)


Description Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. The Pilot Loss Threshold (dB), defined on the GSM/UMTS Vector Parameters tab of the Optimisation Parameters dialog box.

pilot priority

float number(38) not null

Indicates the threshold priority. This is displayed on the GSM/UMTS Vector Parameters tab of the Optimisation Parameters dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates the technology type, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2). Primary key, storing a unique value for each per-technology threshold in a database. Stores a unique number for each threshold in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno techtype threshold_ ptkey thresholdkey usergroup

number(38) number(2) number(38) number(38) number(38)

not null not null not null not null

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + thresholdkey) references the THRESHOLD table

This table shows the column list:
Name bandname createdate createuser featurid guid indoorper infade inloss interference DataType varchar2 (64) varchar2 (32) number(38) number(38) varchar2 (50) float float float float not null not null Constraint Description Indicates the technology type. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the ID of the individual polygon or line vector contained inside the vector file. Stores the guid of the vector. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. Depending on the bandname, this is either the C/I Threshold (dB), defined on the GSM Vector Parameters tab, or the Ec/Io Threshold (dB) defined on the UMTS Vector Parameters tab. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. NOT USED. NOT USED. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

modifydate modifyuser outfade pathloss permission

varchar2 (32) number(38) float float number(38)

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Name power

DataType float


Description Depending on the bandname, this is either the Signal Strength Threshold (dBm), defined on the GSM Vector Parameters tab, or the Pilot Strength Threshold (dBm), defined on the UMTS Vector Parameters tab. The priority of this vector relative to another vector. If both vectors cover the same pixel, this priority determines which vector's thresholds are used.



projectno recordactive

number(38) number(38)

not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether or not a record is active. If a record is created but then removed by a user, the vector record still exists but is no longer active. Field storing the technology type used, either GSM (1) or UMTS (2).

technology thr_key usergroup

varchar2 (64) number(38) number(38) not null

Primary key, storing a unique number. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser featureid DataType varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Used to identify the vector, along with the guid and type. CURRENTLY NOT USED. guid modifydate modifyuser permission varchar2(50) varchar2(32) number(38) number(38) not null Used to identify the vector, along with the featureid and the type. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number, associating a particular threshold with the vector. Indicates the type of vector - standard (0), user (1) or building (2). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each vector threshold in the database.

projectno thresholdkey type usergroup vectortkey

number(38) number(38) number(2) number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + thresholdkey) references the THRESHOLD table

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CONNECT Database Tables

This table describes the tables in the database that relate to CONNECT:
This Table AMPSBTSROUTE Stores Information On Routes for an analogue BTS back to the MSC, defined in the Site Database. Primary Keys cellsitekey hop linkendkey projectno BACKTOBACK ANTENNA Back to back passive repeater antennas backtobackantenna_pk prlinkend_fk projectno BAND The frequency Bands and channels available for microwave links, defined in the Band Channels dialog box. The feeders defined for the carriers. bandkey projectno carrierfeedersettingskey pmpcarrierkey projectno CHANNEL The channels in each frequency band. bandkey lofreq projectno CIOBJ T/I Objectives tables for Carrier and Interferer bandwidths, defined in the T/I Objectives dialog box. Required C/I values for frequency separations between the carrier and Interferer in each T/I Objective table. Routes for a digital BTS back to the MSC, defined in the Site Database. ciobjkey projectno ciobjkey freqsep projectno cellsitekey hop linkendkey projectno LINK Links, defined in the Links Database. linkkey projectno YES YES FK1 - ciobjkey YES YES FK1 - bandkey YES FK1 - pmpcarrierkey YES YES FK1 - linkfk FK2 - prlinkend_fk FK3 - prlinkfk YES Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) Diff Table? YES




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Stores Information On The location of files that have been attached to each of the links defined in the Link Database Linkend antennas, defined on the Antenna tab of a PmP Hub.

Primary Keys attachkey projectno linkendantennakey projectno ptplinkendkey

Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 - linkkey

Diff Table? YES




Linkend feeders, defined on the Feeder tab of a PmP Hub Carrier.

linkendfeedersettingskey projectno ptplinkendkey

FK1 -ptplinkendkey


LINKLOSVALUES LINKTERMEQUIP Link terminal equipment, defined in the Link Terminal Equipment dialog box. Link types, defined in the Link Types dialog box. User defined heights used in the Height Profile window. linktermequipmentkey projectno linktypekey projectno distance linkkeypk projectno LINKUDPROF User defined profiles created in the User Defined Profile dialog box. Modulation types, defined in the Modulation Types dialog box Microwave antennas, defined in the Antennas Database. PmP carriers, defined in the Link Database. PmP hubs, defined in the Link Database. PmP hub linkends, defined in the Link Database. linkkeypk projectno modtypepk projectno mwantennakey projectno pmpcarrierkey projectno pmphubkey projectno pmphublinkendkey projectno PMPSECTOR PmP sectors, defined in the Link Database. Linkends connecting passive repeaters. Links connecting back-to-back passive repeaters. Links connecting reflector passive repeaters. pmpsectorkey projectno prlinkend_pk projectno prlpk projectno linkpk prlpk projectno FK1 - linkpk FK2 - prlpk YES FK1 - linkfk FK2 - prlinkfk YES YES FK1 - pmphubkey YES FK1 - linkkey FK2 - pmphubkey YES FK1 - siteaddrkey YES FK1 - pmpsectorkey YES YES YES FK1 - linkkeypk YES FK1 - linkkeypk YES YES YES











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Stores Information On PtP linkends defined in the Links Database. Radio equipment, defined in the Radio Equipment dialog box. Any radio masks that you have defined on the Tx Spectrum and Rx Selectivity tabs of the Radio Equipment dialog box.

Primary Keys projectno ptplinkendkey projectno radioequipkey masktype offsetvalue projectno radioequippk

Foreign Keys (projectno + ...) FK1 - linkkey FK2 - siteaddrkey

Diff Table? YES




FK1 - radioequippk



Reflector passive repeaters.

projectno reflectorpk

FK1 - linkfk FK2 - prlinkendfk FK3 - prlinkfk



Sector antennas.

pmpsectorkey projectno sectorantennakey

FK1 - pmpsectorkey



System ranges for use in link templates. Splitters.

projectno rangekey projectno splitterkey




Routes taken by a signal travelling between sites and a BSC. Routes taken by a signal travelling along a reflected route between sites and a BSC. User ranges for use in link templates.

projectno spurpk linkpk projectno spurpk FK1 - spurpk





projectno rangekey


This table shows the column list:
Name cellsitekey hop linkendkey modifyuser projectno DataType integer integer integer integer integer Constraint not null not null not null not null not null Description Primary key that references the sitekey in the cellsite table of the site, where the route starts. Primary key that stores the number of hops back to the switch. Primary key associating each hop with a respective link. Field used to describe the user that performed the most recent changes. Primary key that stores unique value used to distinguish between projects in a database.

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This table shows the column list:
Name antennaheight DataType float Constraint Description The height of the antenna in m, defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a back to back passive repeater. not null Primary Key, storing a unique number for each back to back passive repeater antenna. The Dry Radome Loss (in dB) for the antenna, defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a back to back passive repeater. The latitude co-ordinate value for the antenna, defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a back to back passive repeater. not null Stores a unique number, associating the back to back passive repeater antenna to a particular link. The longitude co-ordinate value for the antenna, defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a back to back passive repeater. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. References an instance of a microwave antenna. Indicates whether the Actual Elevation of the antenna has been overridden (1) or not (0). Indicates whether the antenna Direction has been overridden (1) or not (0). not null not null not null Primary key, associating the back to back antenna with a particular linkend. References an instance of a passive repeater. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. NOT USED. The user defined Active Elevation, defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a back to back passive repeater. The user defined antenna Direction, defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a back to back passive repeater. The Wet Radome Loss (in dB) for the antenna, defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a back to back passive repeater.

backtoback antenna_pk dryradomeloss

integer float(64)



linkfk longitude

integer float(64)

modifyuser mwantenna_fk overrideactelev overrideantdir prlinkend_fk prlinkfk projectno tilt useractelev

integer integer integer integer integer integer integer float float





Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + linkfk) references the LINK table FK2 (projectno + prlinkend_fk) references the PRLINKEND table FK3 (projectno + prlinkfk) references the PRLLINK table
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Table BAND
This table shows the column list:
Name bandkey bandwidth createdate createuser DataType integer float date integer Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each band in the database. The Bandwidth (in MHz) of the band, defined in the Channel Editor dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. not null The band ID, defined in the Channel Editor dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. NOT USED. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

idname modifydate modifyuser permission projectno usergroup

varchar2(32) date integer integer integer integer

This table shows the column list:
Name carrierfeedersettingskey feederkey feederlength DataType integer integer float Constraint not null Description Primary key used to uniquely identify each feeder setting in the table. Stores a unique number for each feeder in the database. The length of feeder (in m), defined on the Feeders subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a Link in the Link Database. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates whether the Override Total Feeder Loss option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Feeders subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a Link in the Link Database. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number associating the feeder with a particular PmP carrier. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates the type of antenna that the feeder is attached to - main Tx(0), main Rx(1), diversity Tx(2) or diversity Rx(3).

modifyuser overridefeederloss

integer integer

pmpcarrierkey projectno radioflag

integer integer integer

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Name sectorantennakey userfeederloss

DataType integer float

Constraint not null

Description Stores a unique number, associating the feeder with a particular sector antenna. The Total Feeder Loss (in dB), defined on the Feeder subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a Link in the Link Database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + pmpcarrierkey) references the PMPCARRIER table

This table shows the column list:
Name bandkey channame hifreq lofreq modifyuser projectno DataType integer varchar2(32) float float integer integer not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number associating the channel with a particular band. The Channel Name, defined in the Channel Editor dialog box. The High Frequency (in MHz) for the channel, defined in the Channel Editor dialog box. Primary key, storing the Low Frequency (in MHz) of the channel, defined in the Channel Editor dialog box. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + bandkey) references the BAND table

This table shows the column list:
Name ciobjkey createdate createuser idname intfcarrierbw DataType integer date integer varchar2(32) float not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each T/I Objective in the database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The T/I Objective ID, defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. The Interferer Radio Settings Carrier Bandwidth (in MHz) for the T/I Objective, defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box.

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Name intfchannel cpctytype

DataType integer


Description Intfchannelcpctytype is the enumerated value that corresponds to a interferer radio capacity type (such as E1 or STM16). In the code each capacity type has a corresponding numerical value (for example, the label E1 corresponds to 1 and T1 to 6). These values are stored in the database so if a link or radio equipment is set to use T1 - it's database entry will be 6. This can be translated back to T1. Defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. A number corresponding to the Interferer Radio Settings Modulation Type for the T/I Objective, defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. A value of 0 indicates that the modulation type is Undefined.





The number of channels in the interferer radio capacity. This works in conjunction with the intfchannelcpctytype to give the capacity. It is defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. A number corresponding to the Interferer Radio Settings Radio Equipment for the T/I Objective, defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. A value of 0 indicates that the radio equipment is Unknown.





The capacity of the interferer radio defined as a single value in Kbps. This is defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. NOT USED. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The Victim Radio Settings Carrier Bandwidth (in MHz) for the T/I Objective, defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. Victimchannelcpctytype is the enumerated value that corresponds to a victim radio capacity type (such as E1 or STM16). In the code each capacity type has a corresponding numerical value (for example, the label E1 corresponds to 1 and T1 to 6). These values are stored in the database so if a link or radio equipment is set to use T1 - it's database entry will be 6. This can be translated back to T1. Defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. A number corresponding to the Interferer Radio Settings Modulation Type for the T/I Objective, defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. A value of 0 indicates that the modulation type is Undefined.

modifydate modifyuser permission projectno usergroup victimcarrierbw victimchannel cpctytype

date integer integer integer integer float integer





The number of channels in the victim radio capacity. This works in conjunction with the intfchannelcpctytype to give the capacity. It is defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. A number corresponding to the Interferer Radio Settings Radio Equipment for the T/I Objective, defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box. A value of 0 indicates that the radio equipment is Unknown.



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Name victimsinglevalue

DataType float


Description The capacity of the victim radio defined as a single value in Kbps. This is defined in the T/I Objectives Editor dialog box.

This table shows the column list:
Name ciobjective ciobjkey DataType float integer not null Constraint Description Field that stores the T/I ratio required for each particular carrier and interference separation specified. Primary foreign key used to relate each particular T/I Objective table to the actual values aimed to be achieved, as specified in this table. Primary key that specifies the various channel separations encountered when working with each particular carrier bandwidth. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.



not null

modifyuser projectno

integer integer

not null not null

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + ciobjkey) references the CIOBJ table

This table shows the column list:
Name cellsitekey hop DataType integer integer Constraint not null not null Description Primary foreign key that references the sitekey in the cellsite table of the site where the route starts. Primary key that stores the order in which links are joined to form the BTS route, back to the switches. Counting starts at 256 upwards, that is, 257 is used for the next link in the line. Primary Foreign key to the linkend table used to associate each hop with a respective link. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

linkendkey modifyuser projectno

integer integer integer

not null not null not null

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Table LINK
This table shows the column list:
Name alpha Data Type float Constraint Description The alpha value set for an ITU-R P.530-7 or 530-12 link. This is defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates the calculation method used: ITU-RP.530-12(0), ITU-RP.530-7(1), Vigants(2). capacitytype integer The capacity type defined in the top right hand drop down list of the Select Input Method pane on the Type subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link Database. Values (0-14) correspond to the options listed if PDH is selected. Values (15-29) correspond to the options listed if SDH is selected. Indicates whether the Channel Based option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Link Class, set for a ITU-T G.821 link. This is defined on the Objectives Settings subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database: None(0) Class 1(1), Class2,(2), Class3(3), Class4(4). A numerical constant used when the Climate Factor is set for a Vigants link. This is defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. The Rainfall Calculation Method used, either ITU-R Model(0) or Crane Model(1). This is defined on the Rainfall subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. Stores a unique number indicating the Climate/Terrain Factor selected for a Vigants link Wet & Humid (0), Average Terrain & Climate (1), Mountain Dry (2), User Define Terrain & Climate (3) or Terrain & Climate Factor (4). This is defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. climaticregioncrane integer The Rainzone used for the Crane Model Calculation Method. This is defined on the Rainfall subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database: A(0), B(1), B1(2), B2(3), C(4), D1(5), D2(6), D3(7), E(8), F(9), G(10), H(11). The Rainzone used for the ITU-R Model Calculation Method. This is defined on the Rainfall subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database: A(0), B(1), C(2), D(3), E(4), F(5), G(6) H(7), J(8), K(9), L(10), M(11), N(12), P(13), Q(14).















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Name cliterfactorc

Data Type float(64)


Description A numerical constant used when the Climate/Terrain Factor is set for a Vigants link. This is defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database Indicates the Description of the Coastal Area for an ITU-R P.530-7 link - Inland (0), Over Large Bodies (1), Over Medium Bodies (2), Indeterminate (3) or Area of Many Lakes (4). This is defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database.





The proportion of path length over coastal area for an ITU-R P.530-7 link. This is defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. Stores optional comments for a link, defined on the Mappings tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates whether the Does the path cross over coastal areas option for a ITU-R P.530-7 link has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The radio capacity for the linkend equipment (used in DIRECT only). The name of the equipment family (used in DIRECT only). Indicates whether the Channel Based option has been selected (1) or not (0) Used for the diversity frequency only. This is defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database.

comments coverscoastal

varchar2(255) integer

createdate createuser

date integer

directradiocap directradiofamily divchannelbased

varchar2(32) varchar2(64) integer



Stores a unique number, associating a particular frequency band with the link. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The name of the channel used by the frequency band, defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Indicates the polarisation for the link, which can be horizontal (0) or vertical (1). Defined on the Frequency subtab of the Link Database dialog box. Used for diversity frequency only.



The A1, B or C parameter value (in %) for the ITU-R F.1668-1 Calculation Method. This is defined on the Objective Settings subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. The Percentage of time the rainfall is exceeded, defined on the Rainfall subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database.



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Name flagvalue freqbandkey freqchannel

Data Type varchar2(255) integer varchar2(32)


Description Stores a unique value, associating a particular field with the object. Stores a unique number associating a particular frequency band with the link. The name of the channel used by the frequency band, defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Link Grade, defined on the Objectives Settings subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database: high(0), medium(1), local(2).



idname istemplate kfactor

varchar2(32) integer float(64)

not null

The Link ID, defined on the Info subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates whether the link is a template (1) or not (0). The Geoclimatic factor k for an ITU-R 530-7 or 53012 link, defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database.

linkkey linklength

integer float

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each link in the database. The link length (in km) defined on the Objectives subtab of the Performance tab for a link in the Link Database. Stores a unique number identifying the parent link. This is used for dual polar and multi-radio links. Stores a unique number associating the link with a particular link type. The LOS Request sent date, defined on the Type subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates the LOS/Link Status - Unknown (0), LOS (1), No LOS (2), Confirmed LOS (3), Confirmed No LOS (4). This is defined on the Type subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link Database.

linkparentkey linktypekey losreqdate

integer integer varchar2(32)



modifydate modifyuser name1 name2

date integer varchar2(32) varchar2(32) not null

The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The 1st Name of the link, defined on the Info subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link Database. The 2nd name of the link, defined on the Info subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates the link type - Point to point (511), Point to Multi-point (512), Back to Back PR (514) or Reflector PR (515). The Control Overhead (in kbps), defined on the Type subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates whether you have overriden the obstruction loss (1) or not (0).







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Name pdhsdhmultiple

Data Type integer


Description The number of trunks for a link, defined on the Type subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. The pL Value for an ITU-R P.530-7 link, defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. The Point refractivity gradient (in N-unit/km) for an ITU-R P.530-12 link, defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates the polarisation for the link, which can be horizontal (0) or vertical (1). Defined on the Frequency subtab of the Link Database dialog box.









projectno propeffect

float integer

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates the Propagation effect used -Rain effect terrestrial(0), Rain effect slant path(1), Rain rate(2), Multipath(3), Trans horizon land(4), Trans horizon sea(5). This is defined on the Outage Period subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database.



Indicates whether the frequency diversity option has been selected (1) or not (0) (Point to point links only). This is defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database.



Indicates whether or not the link is protected (1) or not (0), defined by the M setting of the Select Radio Configuration Field on the General tab of the Link Database dialog box. Indicates the maximum number of traffic links possible for a multi-radio link, defined by the N setting of the Select Radio Configuration Field on the General tab of the Link Database dialog box. The Rain Rate for 0.01% (in mm/h), defined on the Rainfall subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. The range of the link, if one has been set. The reference link length. Indicates whether the reference link length has been overriden (1) or not (0). The calculated reflection loss at Linkend A, in dB. This is displayed on the Link Budget subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database.





rangepk reflinklength reflinklengthover reflossA

integer integer integer float(64)



The calculated reflection loss at Linkend A, in dB. This is displayed on the Link Budget subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database.

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Name region

Data Type integer


Description Indicates the link Region. This is defined on the Outage Period subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database: Global(0), Europe North West(1), [North West] [1.3GHz](2), [North West] [11GHz](3), [Mediterranean](4), [Nordic](5), [Alpine](6), [Poland](7), [Russia](8), [UK] [40 and 50 GHz](9), Congo(10), Canada [Prairie and North](11), [Coast and Great Lake](12) [Central and Mountains](13) United [States of America Virginia](14) Russia [North European Region](15) [Central and West European Region](16) [Middle Volga Region & South Urals](17) [Central Steppe & South European](18) [West Siberian Region](19) [Middle Siberian Plateau & Jakut](20) [South Far East](21) Australia [Temperate/Coastal](22) [Subtropical/Coastal](23) [Tropical/Arid](24) Brazil [Equatorial](25) [Tropical Maritime](26) [Tropical Inland](27) [Subtropical](28) Indonesia(29) Japan [Tokyo](30) [Yamaguchi](31) [Kashima](32) South Korea(33)



The terrain type used for short worst period of time unit: Relatively Flat Path (0), Hilly Path (1), Mountainous Path (2). The unit used for short worst period of time unit: Hours (0), Days (1), Weeks (2), Month (3). The value for the short worst period of time. The Single Capacity Value (in Kbps), defined on the Type subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates the Terrain Type for an ITU-R P.530-7 link Unknown (0), Plains (1), Hills (2) or Mountains (3). This is defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database.

shortperiodunit shortperiodvalue singlecapacityvalue terrain5307

integer integer integer




Indicates the Terrain Roughness for a Vigants link. This is defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database.



The Terrain Roughness Factor (in m) for a ITU-R P.530-12 link, defined on the Propagation Prediction subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database.

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Name useautocalcrainrate

Data Type integer


Description Indicates whether the Auto Calc Rain Rate option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Rainfall subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates whether the Rain Rate for 0.01% has been defined (0) or the Use Rainzone option has been selected (1). This is defined on the Rainfall subtab of the Calculation tab for a link in the Link Database.



useitu_826 usergroup userobsloss usesinglevalue

integer integer float(64) integer

Indicates whether the Objectives Calculation Method is set to ITU-R F.1668-1 (0) or ITU-T G.826 (1). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the user defined obstruction loss. Indicates whether a Single Frequency Value is being used (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Type subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link Database.

This table shows the column list:
Name attachkey comments filename linkkey modifyuser projectno DataType integer varchar2(255) varchar2(255) integer integer integer not null not null not null Constraint not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each attached file in the database. Stores the optional description that can be added to each attachment. The file path to the attached file. Indicates the link(s) associated with each attachment. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + linkkey) reference the LINK table

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This table shows the column list:
Name antennaheight Data Type float Constraint Description The Height (in m) of the antenna, defined on the Antenna A (or B) subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates whether the coordinates are stored as a relative location (1) or an absolute location (0). Defined on the Antenna A (or B) subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Dry Radome Loss (in dB) of the antenna, defined on the Antenna A (or B) subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The User EiRP in dBm Defined on the Antenna A (or B) subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. not null The Antenna ID for the antenna. The Latitude, defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each linkend antenna in the database. The Longitude, defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a unique number, associating a particular Antenna Type with the linkend antenna. Indicates whether the Override Active Elevation option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates whether the Override antenna Direction option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates whether the Override EiRP option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Antenna A (or B) subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number associating the linkend antenna with a particular linkend. The User Defined Tilt (in degrees), defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. This is for information purposes only, and is not used in any calculations.







idname latitude

varchar2(32) float(64)

linkendantennakey longitude

integer float(64)

modifyuser mwantennakey overrideactelev

integer integer integer





projectno ptplinkendkey tilt

integer integer float

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Name useractelev

Data Type float


Description The Actual Elevation (in degrees), defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The antenna Direction (in degrees), defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Wet Radome Loss (in dB), defined on the Antenna A/B subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database.





This table shows the column list:
Name feederkey feederlength DataType integer float Constraint Description Stores a unique number associating a particular feeder type with the linkend. The Feeder Length (in m), defined on the Feeders subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. not null not null Stores a unique number, associating a particular antenna with the linkend. Primary key, storing a unique number for each set of linkend feeder settings in the database. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates whether the Total Feeder Loss has been overriden (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Feeders subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number associating the feeder setting with a particular linkend. Indicates which type of antenna the feeder is attached to - Antenna A Main, Antenna B Main, Antenna A Diversity or Antenna B Diversity. The Total Feeder Loss (in dB), defined on the Feeders subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database.

linkendantennakey linkendfeedersettingskey

integer integer

modifyuser overridefeederloss

integer integer

not null

projectno ptplinkendkey

integer integer





Foreign Key: FK1 (projectno + ptplinkendkey) references the PTPLINKEND table

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This table shows the column list:
Name linkloskey linklosvalue projectno DataType number(38) varchar2(512) number(38) not null Constraint not null Description Primary Key, storing a unique number for each link status value in a database. The name of the link status value, for example Critical LOS. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

This table shows the column list:
Name cost Data Type float Constraint Description The Unit cost of the link terminal equipment, defined on the Costing tab of the Link Terminal Equipment dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores an optional description of the link terminal equipment. not null The Part ID of the link terminal equipment. A user specified number denoting the Input Type, defined on the Info tab of the Link Terminal Equipment dialog box. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each link terminal equipment in the database. The name of the manufacturer of the link terminal equipment, defined on the Info tab of the Link Terminal Equipment dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. A user specified number denoting the Output Type, defined on the Info tab of the Link Terminal Equipment dialog box. Indicates the folder in which the equipment is stored, in the Link Terminal Equipment dialog box. 60000 = All projects folder 60001 = First created project folder 60002 = Second created project folder and so on. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

createdate createuser

date integer

description idname inputtype

varchar2(128) varchar2(32) varchar2(128)

linktermequipkey manufacturer

integer varchar2(128)

modifydate modifyuser outputtype

date integer varchar2(128)





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Name photofile

Data Type varchar2(128)


Description Stores the file path to a photo associated with the link terminal equipment, specified on the General tab of the Link Terminal Equipment dialog box.

projectno supplierkey

integer integer

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number for the link terminal equipment supplier, defined on the Costing tab of the Link Terminal Equipment dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the associated weight of the link terminal equipment.

usergroup weight

integer float

This table shows the column list:
Name bearer comments createdate createuser fibres idname installcost linktypekey maintencost manufacturer modifydate modifyuser permission projectno rentalcostkm usergroup Data Type integer varchar2(256) date integer integer varchar2(32) float integer float varchar2(64) date integer integer integer float integer not null not null not null not null Constraint Description Stores a unique number indicating the bearer - microwave (0), fibre optic (1), copper (2) or satellite (3). Stores any optional comments for the link type. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Number of Fibres for a Fibre Optic link type, defined on the Link Types dialog box. The link type ID, defined in the Link Types dialog box. The Installation Cost, defined in the Link Types dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each link type in the database. The Annual Maintenance Cost, defined in the Link Types dialog box. The Manufacturer, defined in the Link Types dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. NOT USED. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Annual Rental Cost/Km, defined in the Link Types dialog box. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

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This table shows the column list:
Name buildingraster buildingvector cluttervalue distance dtm fresclear linkkeypk losclear modifyuser projectno theight ucluttervalue udtmvalue uobstructionvalue DataType float float float float float float number(38) float number(38) number(38) float float float float not null not null not null Constraint Description The building raster height at the point, based on the map data. This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box. The building vector height at the point, based on the map data. This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box. The clutter height at the point, based on the map data. This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box. Primary key, storing the Distance (km) from End A. This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box. The DTM height at the point, based on the map data. This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box. The fresnel clearance (in m). This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each link in a database. The LOS clearance (in m). This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The total height (in metres). This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box. The clutter height at the point, based on the user-defined data. This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box. The DTM height at the point, based on the user-defined data. This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box. The obstruction height at the point, based on the userdefined data. This will be either the building vector or building raster height, whichever is greater. This is displayed in the User Defined Profile dialog box.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + linkkeypk) references the LINKUDPROF table

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This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser linkkeypk modifydate modifyuser permission DataType date number(38) number(38) date number(38) number(38) not null not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Primary key, indicating the link used for the user defined profile. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno usergroup

number(38) number(38)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + linkkeypk) references the LINK table

This table shows the column list:
Name bitspersymbol createdate createuser defaultkn idname modifydate modifyuser modtypepk permission DataType float date number(38) float varchar2(64) date number(38) number(38) number(38) not null not null not null Constraint Description The bits per symbol for the modulation type, defined in the Modulation Types dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The default Kn value, defined in the Modulation Types dialog box. The name of the modulation type, defined in the Modulation Types dialog box. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each modulation type in the database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.



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Name usergroup

DataType number(38)


Description Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

This table shows the column list:
Name cost createdate createuser description Data Type float date integer varchar2(128) Constraint Description The Unit cost of the antenna, defined on the Costing tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores an optional description for a microwave antenna. This is defined on the General tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. The Diameter (in m), defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. Indicates the particular ARCHITECT symbol associated with each microwave antenna. The FCC/ETSI id defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. This is only used for NSMA antennas. The Frequency Band (in MHz), defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. The Front to Back Ratio (in dB), defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. The Gain Value, defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box (in dBi or dBd). Indicates whether the gain is measured in dBi (0) (isotropic antennas) or dBd (1) (dipole antennas). The half power beam width id defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. This is only used for NSMA antennas. not null The Part ID, defined on the General tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. The name of the manufacturer of the microwave antenna. Stores pattern data, particularly the Pattern Type and Mask Type and the horizontal and vertical angle loss data. Indicates the mask style defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box which can be symmetrical (0) or non symmetrical (1). The Max Oper Frequency (in MHz), defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. The Min Oper Frequency (in MHz), defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. The date when the object was last modified.

diameter equipiconkey fccid frequency fronttobackratio gain gaintype halfpowerbeamwidth

float integer varchar2(20) float float float integer float

idname manufacturer mask maskstyle

varchar2(64) varchar2(64) clob integer

maxopfreq minopfreq modifydate

float float date

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Name modifyuser mwantennakey parentkey patternid permission photofile

Data Type integer integer integer varchar2(20) integer varchar2(128)

Constraint not null not null

Description Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each microwave antenna in the database. Stores a unique number, identifying the parent folder of the microwave antenna. The pattern id defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box.This is only used for NSMA antennas. NOT USED. Stores the file path to a photo associated with the microwave antenna, specified on the General tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. The type of polarisation supported on the antenna, single horizontal (0), single vertical (1), single crosspolar (2) or dual polarisation (3). This is defined on the Info tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box.



projectno supplierkey

integer integer

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number identifying the microwave antenna supplier, defined on the Costing tab of the Microwave Antennas dialog box. Specifies the type of tilt associated with the antenna, either mechanical (1) or electrical (0). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The Weight (in kg) associated with ms antenna type.

tilttype usergroup weight

integer integer float

This table shows the column list:
Name atpcrange Data Type float Constraint Description Stores the atpcrange value in dB defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. If the PDH/SDH Capacity option has been selected, this number corresponds to a particular carrier capacity type. For PDH, possible values are 0 to 5 (for E0 to E5 respectively), 6 to 9 (for T1 to T4 respectively) and 10-14 (for J1 to J5 respectively). For SDH, possible values are 15 to 19 (for STM1 , STM4, STM16, STM64 and STM264 respectively) and 20 to 28 (for STS1, STS3, STS9, STS12, STS18, STS36, STS48, STS192, STS768). This is stored on the Type tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database.



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Name channelbased

Data Type integer


Description Indicates whether the Channel Based option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Stores optional comments, defined on the General tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Stores the atpcrange value in dB defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



createdate createuser

date integer





Indicates whether the Channel Based option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



not null

Indicates whether the Enable AMC option is selected (1) or not (0) for this carrier. Defined on the Modulation/Capacity tab for a carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Indicates whether the enable Enable ATPC option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Indicates whether or not the nominal power (Pnom) is enabled (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Stores a unique number associating a particular frequency band with the link. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Frequency Bandwidth (in MHz), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Centre Frequency (in GHz), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The name of the channel used by the frequency band, defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.

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Name divfreqdesig

Data Type integer


Description The Frequency Designation, either High (0) or Low (1), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



not null

Indicates whether the suggested modulation type has been overridden (1) or not (0). Defined on the Modulation/Capacity tab for a carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Indicates whether the ATPC Range Override option is selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.

divoverride modulationtype


not null

If the suggested modulation type has been overridden, this number is the primary key for the chosen modulation type as defined in the modulation type table. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Indicates the type of polarisation on the Radio tab of the Link Database which can be horizontal (1) or vertical (2). Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Tx Power (in dBm), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Stores a unique number identifying the radio equipment assigned to the PmP carrier. This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The maximum power (Pmax) in dB defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The minimum power (Pmin) in dB defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The nominal power (Pnom) in dB defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Indicates the Operating Mode - Single (0), HotSB (1), HotSB + Space div. (2), 1+1 (single ant.) (3), 1+1 (2 ant.) (4). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.

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Name divradthresh

Data Type integer


Description The Threshold - either the 1st specified (0) or the 2nd (1) - defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.

divrequired throughput


not null

The required throughput value in Mbps defined on the Modulation/Capacity tab for a carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Rx Atten. Losses (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Rx Branching Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Rx Misc Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.

divsuggested modulationtype


not null

The primary key of the suggested modulation type chosen by CONNECT. This references the MODULATIONTYPE table. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Tx Atten. Losses (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Tx Branching Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Tx Misc Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The XPIF (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



not null

Indicates whether the Enable AMC option is selected (1) or not (0) for this carrier. Defined on the Modulation/ Capacity tab for a carrier in the Link Database. Indicates whether the Enable ATPC option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Indicates whether or not the nominal power (Pnom) is enabled (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database.





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Name freqbandkey freqbw

Data Type integer float(64)


Description Stores a unique number associating a particular frequency band with the link. The Frequency Bandwidth (in MHz), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The Centre Frequency (in GHz), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The name of the channel used by the frequency band, defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The Frequency Designation, either High (0) or Low (1), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Indicates whether the Frequency Diversity option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database.









idname modifydate modifyuser name1 name2 overhead overrideamc

varchar2(32) date integer varchar2(32) varchar2(32) integer integer

not null

The Carrier ID, defined on the General tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The date when the object was last modified.

not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The 1st Name, defined on the General tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The 2nd Name, defined on the General tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The Carrier Overhead (in Kbps), stored on the Type tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database.

not null

Indicates whether the suggested modulation type has been overridden (1) or not (0). Defined on the Modulation/Capacity tab for a carrier in the Link Database. Indicates whether the ATPC Range Override option is selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database.



override modulationtype


not null

If the suggested modulation type has been overridden, this number is the primary key for the chosen modulation type as defined in the modulation type table. The multiplier used along with the capacity type to calculate the carrier capacity - for example, if the carrier capacity was 2 x E1, the pdhsdhmultiple value would be 2. This value is used when the PDH/SDH option has been selected on the Type tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database.





Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16.

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name pmpcarrierkey pmpsectorkey polarisation

Data Type integer integer integer

Constraint not null not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each PmP carrier in the database. Stores a unique number associating the PmP carrier with a particular PmP sector. Indicates the type of polarisation on the Radio tab of the Link Database which can be horizontal (1) or vertical (2). The Tx Power (in dBm), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database.

power projectno radioequip

float integer integer not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number identifying the radio equipment assigned to the PmP carrier. This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The maximum power (Pmax) in dB defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The minimum power (Pmin) in dB defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The nominal power (Pnom) in dB defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Indicates the Operating Mode - Single (0), HotSB (1), HotSB + Space div. (2), 1+1 (single ant.) (3), 1+1 (2 ant.) (4). This is defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database.











The Threshold - either the 1st specified (0) or the 2nd (1) - defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. not null The required throughput value in Mbps defined on the Modulation/Capacity tab for a carrier in the Link Database. The Rx Atten. Losses (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The Rx Branching Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The Rx Misc Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The carrier capacity in Kbps. This value is used when the Single Value option has been selected on the Type tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database.

required throughput rxattenuator





rxmiscloss singlecapacityvalue

float(64) integer

suggested modulationtype


not null

The primary key of the suggested modulation type chosen by CONNECT. This references the MODULATIONTYPE table.

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Page 279

Name txattenuator

Data Type float(64)


Description The Tx Atten. Losses (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The Tx Branching Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. The Tx Misc Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Indicates whether the carrier capacity is stored as a single value (1) or not (0). The XPIF (in dB), defined on the Radio tab for a PmP Carrier in the Link Database.



txmiscloss usergroup usesinglevalue xpifvalue

float(64) integer integer float(64)

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + pmpsectorkey) references the PMPSECTOR table

This table shows the column list:
Name comments createdate createuser idname istemplate modifydate modifyuser name1 name2 permission Data Type varchar2(255) date integer varchar2(32) integer date integer varchar2(32) varchar2(32) integer not null not null Constraint Description Stores optional comments, defined on the General tab for a PmP Hub in the Link Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Hub ID, defined on the General tab for a PmP Hub in the Link Database. Indicates whether the PmP hub is a template (1) or not (0). The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The 1st Name, defined on the General tab for a PmP Hub in the Link Database. The 2nd Name, defined on the General tab for a PmP Hub in the Link Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each PmP Hub in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number, associating the PmP hub with a particular Property.

pmphubkey projectno siteaddrkey

integer integer integer

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name usergroup

Data Type integer


Description Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + siteaddrkey) references the SITEADDRESS table

This table shows the column list:
Name annualavail Data Type float Constraint Description The annual availability percentage defined on the Reliability subtab of the Performance tab for a Point to Multi Point (PMP) link in the Link Database. The total annual reliability percentage defined on the on the Reliability subtab of the Performance tab for a PMP link in the Link Database. The average refractivity value at the linkend. The orientation of each of the antennas mounted on the sites in the database. The composite fade margin (in dB) defined on the Fade Margin subtab of the Performance tab for a PMP link in the Link Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The composite fade margin (in dB) defined on the Fade Margin subtab of the Performance tab for a PMP link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only. divrxlevel float The link length (in km) defined on the Objectives subtab of the Performance tab for a PMP link in the link database. Used for the diversity frequency only. inclination float The tilting calculated by the tool to ensure the antenna dishes on either side of the link are directly facing each other. A positive value represents a downtilt and a negative one an uptilt. not null Key used to uniquely identify each link in the table. Key used to uniquely identify each link termination equipment in the table. The minimum antenna height. The date when the object was last modified. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Key used to uniquely identify each pmp carrier in the table.



avgrefractivity bearing cmpfademargin

float(64) float float

createdate createuser divcmpfademargin

date integer float

linkkey linktermequipkey minantheight modifydate modifyuser permission

integer integer float date integer integer



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Page 281

Name pmphubkey pmphublinkendkey pmpsectorkey projectno rxlevel usergroup

Data Type integer integer integer integer float integer

Constraint not null not null

Description Key used to identify each pmp hub in the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each PmP hub linkend in the table. Key used to uniquely identify each pmp sector in the table.

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The Rx Level (in dBm) defined on the Link Budget subtab of the Performance tab for a PMP link in the Link Database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + linkkey) references the LINK table FK2 (projectno + pmphubkey) references the PMPHUB table

This table shows the column list:
Name comments createdate createuser idname modifydate modifyuser name1 name2 overridenbwdeg overridebw Data Type varchar2(255) date integer varchar2(32) date integer varchar2(32) varchar2(32) float integer not null not null Constraint Description Stores optional comments, defined on the General tab for a PmP sector in the Link Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Sector ID, defined on the General tab for a PmP sector in the Link Database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. The 1st Name of the sector, defined on the General tab for a PmP sector in the Link Database. The 2nd Name of the sector, defined on the General tab for a PmP sector in the Link Database. If the Override Sector BW option has been selected, this field stores the Sector BW value in degrees. Indicates whether the Override Sector BW option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the General tab for a PmP sector in the Link Database. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Stores a unique number, associating the PmP sector with a particular PmP hub. Primary key, storing a unique number for each PmP sector in the database.



pmphubkey pmpsectorkey

integer integer

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Name projectno rangemtr usergroup

Data Type integer float integer

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The sector range (in m), defined on the General tab for a PmP sector in the Link Database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + pmphubkey) references the PMPHUB table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser linkendtype linkfk modifydate modifyuser permission DataType date integer integer integer date integer integer not null not null not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. Indicates the type of PR, either back to back (524) or reflector (525). Stores a unique number, associating the PR linkend with a particular link. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each PR linkend in the database. Stores a unique number associating the PR linkend with a particular PR link. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a unique number, associating the PR linkend with a particular Property. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The Waveguide Length (in m), defined on the Passive Repeater subtab of the Frequency tab for a PR link in the Link Database. The Waveguide Loss/m (in dB), defined on the Passive Repeater subtab of the Frequency tab for a PR link in the Link Database.

prlinkend_pk prlinkfk projectno siteaddressfk usergroup waveguidelength

integer integer integer integer integer float



Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + linkfk) references the LINK table

Database Reference Guide Version 6.2 Page 283

FK2 (projectno + prlinkfk) references the PRLLINK table

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser idname istemplate modifydate modifyuser objecttype permission DataType date number(38) varchar2(32) number(38) date number(38) integer number(38) not null not null Constraint Description The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The Link ID, defined on the Info subtab of the General tab for a Passive Repeater (PR) link in the Link Database. Indicates whether or not the PR link is a template (1) or not (0). The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates the type of PR, Back to Back (514) or Reflector (515). Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each PR link in the database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

prlpk projectno usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38)

This table shows the column list:
Name legno linkpk modifyuser objecttype prlpk projectno DataType integer integer integer integer integer integer not null not null not null not null not null Constraint Description Field representing the joining section for the passive repeater link. Primary key, uniquely identifying the link. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Indicates the type of PR link, either Back to Back (514) or Reflector (515). Primary key storing the passive repeater link identifier Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + linkpk) references the LINK table FK2 (projectno + prlpk) references the PRLLINK table

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

This table shows the column list:
Name annualavail DataType float(64) Constraint Description The annual availability percentage defined on the Reliability subtab of the Performance tab for a Point to Point (PTP) link in the Link Database. The total annual reliability percentage defined on the Reliability subtab of the Performance tab for a link in the Link Database. Stores the atpcrange value in dB defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The average refractivity value at the linkend. The orientation of each of the antennas mounted on the sites in the database. The composite fade margin (in dB) defined on the Fade Margin subtab of the Performance tab for a link in the Link Database. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The composite fade margin (in dB) defined on the Fade Margin subtab of the Performance tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only. divatpcrange float Stores the atpcrange value in dB defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only. divenableamc integer not null Indicates whether the Enable AMC option is selected (1) or not (0) for this linkend. Defined on the Modulation/Capacity tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only. divenableatpc integer Indicates whether the enable Enable ATPC option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only. divenablenompower integer Indicates whether or not the nominal power (Pnom) is enabled (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only. divfreqbw float(64) The Frequency Bandwidth (in MHz), defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.





avgrefractivity bearing cmpfademargin

float(64) float float(64)

createdate createuser

date integer



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Page 285

Name divfreqcentre

DataType float(64)


Description The Centre Frequency (in GHz), defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Frequency Designation, either High (0) or Low (1), defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



not null

Indicates whether the suggested modulation type has been overridden (1) or not (0). Defined on the Modulation/ Capacity tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Indicates whether the ATPC Range Override option is selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.

divoverride modulationtype


not null

If the suggested modulation type has been overridden, this number is the primary key for the chosen modulation type as defined in the modulation type table. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Tx Power (in dBm), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Stores a unique number identifying the radio equipment assigned to the PmP carrier. This is defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The maximum power (Pmax) in dB defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The minimum power (Pmin) in dB defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The nominal power (Pnom) defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



Indicates the Operating Mode - Single (0), HotSB (1), HotSB + Space div. (2), 1+1 (single ant.) (3), 1+1 (2 ant.) (4). This is defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.

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Name divradthresh

DataType integer


Description The Threshold - either the 1st specified (0) or the 2nd (1) - defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.

divrequired throughput


not null

The required throughput value in Mbps defined on the Modulation/Capacity tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Rx Atten. Losses (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Rx Branching Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Rx Level (in dBm) defined on the Link Budget subtab of the Performance tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Rx Misc Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.

divsuggested modulationtype


not null

The primary key of the suggested modulation type chosen by CONNECT. This references the MODULATIONTYPE table. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Tx Atten. Losses (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Tx Branching Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The Tx Misc Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



The XPIF (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Used for the diversity frequency only.



not null

Indicates whether the Enable AMC option is selected (1) or not (0) for this linkend. Defined on the Modulation/Capacity tab for a link in the Link Database.

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Page 287

Name enableatpc

DataType integer


Description Indicates whether the enable Enable ATPC option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates whether or not the nominal power (Pnom) is enabled (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Frequency Bandwidth (in MHz), defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Centre Frequency (in GHz), defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Frequency Designation, either High (0) or Low (1), defined on the Frequency subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Stores the tilting computed by the tool to ensure the antenna dishes on either side of the link are directly facing each other. A positive value represents a downtilt and a negative one an up tilt. Indicates whether the linkend is end A (1) or not (0).











isenda linkkey linklength

integer integer float not null

Stores a unique number, associating the linkend with a particular link. The link length (in km) defined on the Objectives subtab of the Performance tab for a link in the Link database. Indicates the Link Status. Defined on the Type subtab of the General tab for a link in the Link database.



linktermequipkey minantheight modifydate modifyuser objecttype

integer float date integer integer not null

Stores a unique number, associating a particular link terminal equipment with the linkend. Field that specifies the minimum antenna height. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a unique number identifying the object type for development use only: point to point linkend (521) multi radio sub linkend (565) dual polar sub linkend (567) multi radio linkend (568) dual polar linkend (570) not null Indicates whether the suggested modulation type has been overridden (1) or not (0). Defined on the Modulation/ Capacity tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates whether the ATPC Range Override option is selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database.





not null

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Name overridedivspacing

DataType integer


Description Indicates whether the Optimum Diversity Spacing option is selected (1), or not (0). This is defined on the Feeders subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database.

override modulationtype


not null

If the suggested modulation type has been overridden, this number is the primary key for the chosen modulation type as defined in the modulation type table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. The Tx Power (in dBm), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database.





projectno ptplinkendkey radioequipkey radiomaxpower

integer integer integer float

not null not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key storing a unique number for each linkend in the database. Stores a unique number, associating a particular radio equipment with the linkend. The maximum power (Pmax) in dB defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The minimum power (Pmin) in dB defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The nominal power (Pnom) defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Indicates the Operating Mode - Single (0), HotSB (1), HotSB + Space div. (2), 1+1 (single ant.) (3), 1+1 (2 ant.) (4). This is defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database.









The Threshold - either the 1st specified (0) or the 2nd (1) - defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. not null The required throughput value in Mbps defined on the Modulation/Capacity tab for a link in the Link Database. The Rx Atten. Losses (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Rx Level (in dBm) defined on the Link Budget subtab of the Performance tab for a link in the Link Database. The Rx Branching Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Rx Misc Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database.

required throughput rxattenuator









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Page 289

Name siteaddrkey suggested modulationtype txattenuator

DataType integer integer

Constraint not null not null

Description Stores a unique number, associating the linkend with a particular Property. The primary key of the suggested modulation type chosen by CONNECT. This references the MODULATIONTYPE table. The Tx Atten. Losses (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Tx Branching Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Tx Misc Loss (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. The XPIF (in dB), defined on the Radio subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database.






usergroup xpifvalue

integer float

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + linkkey) references the LINK table FK2 (projectno + siteaddrkey) references the SITEADDRESS table

This table shows the column list:
Name ad DataType float Constraint Description The Dispersive fade margin, defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Indicates whether the Approximation Method for selective multipath fading option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The ATPC Range value (in dB), defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Bm value (in dB), defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Bnm value (in dB), defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Describes the channel capacity for each radio equipment element defined in the database.



atpcrange bm bnm channelcapacity

float float float float

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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name channelcapacityenum

DataType integer


Description Channelcapacityenum is the enum (enumerated value) that corresponds to a capacity type (such as E1 or STM16). In the code each capacity type has a corresponding numerical value (for example, the label E1 corresponds to 1 and T1 to 6). These values are stored in the database so if a link or radio equipment is set to use T1 - it's database entry will be 6. This can be translated back to T1. This is defined on the Configuration tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box.

channellist cost createdate createuser

varchar2 float date integer

A user defined list of channels. The Unit cost, defined on the Costing tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. A user defined list of channels. Optional entry that provides more information on the equipment added to this Radio Equipment dialog box. Indicates whether the Dispersive Fade Margin option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Duplexing Method , either FDD (0) or TDD (1), defined on the Frequency tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Indicates whether the Equaliser Used option has been selected (1) or not (0) for the Approximation Method. This is defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Stores the DIRECT radio family type. The FKTB, defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Frequency Band (in GHz), defined on the Frequency tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Radio Frequency Bandwidth (in MHz), defined on the Frequency tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. not null The Part ID for the radio equipment, defined on the General tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Kn value for the Approximation Method, defined on the Signature of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Reduced ratio for the Kn value for the Approximation Method, defined on Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box.

dchannellist description

varchar2 varchar2(256)







family fktb freqband

varchar2(64) float float









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Page 291

Name manufacturer maxopfreq

DataType varchar2(64) float


Description The radio equipment Manufacturer, defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Maximum Operating Frequency (in GHz), defined on the Frequency tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Max-Tx Power (in dBm), defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Minimum Operating Frequency (in GHz), defined on the Frequency tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Min-Tx Power (in dBm), defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The date when the object was last modified.

maxpower minopfreq

float float

minpower modifydate modifyuser modtypekey

float date integer integer not null

Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a number identifying the Modulation Type that has been selected on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Modulation Method, defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Rx Branching Loss for HotSB + space div, defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Rx Branching Loss for Dual (no modulation) defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Rx Branching Loss for HotSB, defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Rx Branching Loss for 1+1 (single ant.), defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Rx Branching Loss for 1+1 (2 ant.), defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Rx Branching Loss for Single, defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Rx Branching Loss for Single (no modulation) defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Stores the msm value. The MTBF (year), defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Indicates whether the 'Can be Used As Part of a Multi-radio Link' option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Configuration tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The noise figure (dB) used to calculate FKTB, defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box.







mouhotsb mouoneplusone

float float



mousingle mousinglenm

float float

msm mtbf multiradio

float float integer



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Database Reference Guide Version 6.2

Name noisetemp

DataType float


Description The noise temperature used to calculate FKTB, defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The number of channels, defined on the Frequency tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Indicates whether the Override checkbox on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box has been selected (1) or not (0). Indicates whether the Enable ATPC checkbox on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box has been selected (1) or not (0). Indicates the folder in which the equipment is stored, in the Radio Equipment dialog box. 40000 = All projects folder 40001 = First created project folder 40002 = Second created project folder, and so on. NOT USED. Stores the file path to a photo associated with the radio equipment, specified on the General tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box.









permission photofile

integer varchar2(128)

projectno protected

integer integer

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Indicates whether the Protected option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box.

radioequipkey radiotype sdhnmstatus selectedamc

integer integer integer integer

not null

Primary key, storing a unique number for each radio equipment in the database. The radio type that the equipment uses, either PDH (0) or SDH (1). FOR FUTURE USE. Identifies the AMC Modulation Scheme defined on the Configuration tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Indicates whether the Signature information for selective multipath fading option has been selected (1) or not (0). This is defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Stores the Single Value capacity (in Kbps), defined on the Configuration tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Stores a number for the radio equipment supplier, defined on the Costing tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The TAUm (ns), defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The TAUnm (ns), defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The BER for Threshold 1, defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box.







taum taunm thresh1ber

float float integer

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Name thresh1db thresh2ber thresh2db tiobjective trafficchannel

DataType float integer float float integer


Description Threshold 1 (in dBm), defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The BER for Threshold 2, defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Threshold 2 (in dBm), defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The T/I Objective value (in dB), defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Indicates the Traffic Channel, either PDH (0) or SDH (1), defined on the Frequency tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Tx Branching Loss for HotSB + space div, defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Tx Branching Loss for Dual (no modulation) defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Tx Branching Loss for HotSB, defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Tx Branching Loss for 1+1 (single ant.), defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Tx Branching Loss for 1+1 (2 ant.), defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Tx Branching Loss for Single, defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Tx Branching Loss for Single (no modulation), defined on the Loss tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Indicates whether the AMC option is selected (1) or not (0), defined on the Configuration tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Indicates whether or not msm is being used. Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object. Stores the weight associated with the radio equipment. The Wm (in GHz), defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The Wnm (in GHz), defined on the Signature tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. The XPIF (in dB), defined on the Info tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box.





txmouhotsb txmouoneplusone

float float



txmousingle txmousinglenm

float float



usemsm usergroup weight wm wnm xpifvalue

integer integer float float float float

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This table shows the column list:
Name attenvalue masktype DataType float number(38) not null Constraint Description The attenuation (in dB) defined on the Tx Spectrum tab or the Rx Selectivity tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Primary key, The mask type defined on the Tx Spectrum tab or the Rx Selectivity tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. This can be receive (1) or transmit (0). Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. not null Primary key, The offset (in MHz) defined on the Tx Spectrum tab or the Rx Selectivity tab of the Radio Equipment dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, indicating the radio equipment on which the mask is set.

modifyuser offsetvalue

number(38) number(38)

projectno radioequippk

number(38) number(38)

not null not null

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + radioequippk) references the RADIOEQUIP table

This table shows the column list:
Name centreheight DataType float Constraint Description The Passive Centre Height (in m), defined on the Passive Repeater subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a PR link in the Link Database. The Height (in m), defined on the Passive Repeater subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a PR link in the Link Database. Stores the latitude co-ordinate value for the reflector passive repeater, stored on the Info subtab of the General tab for a PR link in the Link Database. not null Stores a unique number, associating the reflector passive repeater (PR) with a particular link. Stores the longitude co-ordinate value for the reflector passive repeater, stored on the Info subtab of the General tab for a PR link in the Link Database. not null not null not null not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a unique number, associating the reflector PR with a particular PR linkend. Stores a unique number, associating the reflector PR with a particular PR link. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database.

height latitude

float float

linkfk longitude

integer float

modifyuser prlinkendfk prlinkfk projectno

integer integer integer integer

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Name reflectorpk tilt width

DataType integer float float

Constraint not null

Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each reflector PR in the database. NOT USED. The Width (in m), defined on the Passive Repeater subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a PR link in the Link Database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + linkfk) references the LINK table FK2 (projectno + prlinkendfk) references the PRLINKEND table FK3 (projectno + prlinkfk) references the PRLLINK table

This table shows the column list:
Name antennaheight coordtype DataType float integer Constraint Description The Height (in m), defined on the Antenna tab for a sector in the Link Database. Indicates whether the coordinates are stored as a relative location (1) or an absolute location (0). Defined on the Antenna A (or B) subtab of the Linkend Settings tab for a link in the Link Database. The Dry Radome Loss (in dB), defined on the Antenna tab for a sector in the Link Database. not null The Antenna ID, defined on the Antenna tab for a sector in the Link Database. The Latitude, defined on the Antenna tab for a sector in the Link Database. The Longitude, defined on the Antenna tab for a sector in the Link Database. not null Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Stores a unique number, associating a particular microwave antenna type with the sector antenna. This is defined on the Antenna tab for a sector in the Link Database. Indicates whether the actual elevation option has been selected (1) or not (0). Indicates whether the override antenna direction option has been selected (1) or not (0). not null not null not null Primary key, storing a unique number associating the sector antenna with a particular PmP sector. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each sector antenna in the database. User defined value that provides a corrected value for the tilting of the sector antennas. This is purely an information field and is not used in any calculations.

dryradomeloss idname latitude longitude modifyuser mwantennakey

float(64) varchar2(32) float(64) float(64) integer integer

overrideactelev overrideantdir pmpsectorkey projectno sectorantennakey tilt

integer integer integer integer integer float

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Name useractelev userantdir wetradomeloss

DataType float float float(64)


Description Stores the user-defined actual elevation value. Stores the user-defined antenna direction value. The Wet Radome Loss (in dB), defined on the Antenna tab for a sector in the Link Database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + pmpsectorkey) references the PMPSECTOR table

This table shows the column list:
Name comments projectno rangefrom rangekey rangelinktype rangeto DataType varchar2(512) number(38) float number(38) number(3) float not null not null Constraint Description Optional comments for the system range, displayed in the Range Settings dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The from range (in km) for the system range, defined in the Range Settings dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each system range in a database. Indicates the link type for which the system range has been created - PtP (0), PmP (1), Dual Polar (2), Multi-radio (3) The to range (in km) for the system range, defined in the Range Settings dialog box.

This table shows the column list:
Name createdate createuser description idname loss manufacturer modifydate modifyuser permission photofile projectno splitterkey DataType date integer varchar2(128) varchar2(32) float varchar2(128) date integer integer varchar2(128) integer integer Constraint Description NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED.

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Name type usergroup

DataType varchar2(128) integer


Description NOT USED. NOT USED.

This table shows the column list:
Name class createdate createuser errorperformance DataType number(38) date number(38) float Constraint Description Stores ITU Error Performance objects. The date when the object was created. Stores a number indicating the user who created the object. The number is based on the order users were created in. The A1, B or C parameter value, depending on whether the connection is long haul, short haul or access. This is used in the G.826 error performance calculations, and the default = 0. grade idname modifydate modifyuser permission number(38) varchar2(32) date number(38) number(38) not null not null Stores grade information. Lists the names given to each chain created within the database. The date when the object was last modified. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Three digit code that provides the permissions for the user, the default group they belong to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. not null Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Stores a chain's calculation parameter. Indicates whether a spurlink length has been exceeded. 0 = not exceeded and 1 = exceeded. not null Primary key uniquely identifying the chain. Stores the ITU value, either G821(0), or ITU-R. P.1668-1 (1). Stores a number indicating the user group associated with the user who created the object.

projectno refspurlength refspurlengthover spurpk useitu_826 usergroup

number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38)

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This table shows the column list:
Name linkpk modifyuser projectno spurpk DataType number(38) number(38) number(38) number(38) Constraint not null not null not null not null Description Primary key, storing a unique number for each link in the chain. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. Primary key, storing a unique number for each chain in the database.

Foreign Keys: FK1 (projectno + spurpk) references the SPURLINK table

This table shows the column list:
Name comments modifyuser projectno rangefrom rangekey rangelinktype rangeto DataType varchar2(512) number(38) number(38) float number(38) number(3) float not null not null Constraint Description Optional comments for the user range, displayed in the Range Settings dialog box. Stores a number indicating the last user who made changes to the table. Primary key, storing a unique number for each project in a database. The from range (in km) for the user range, defined in the Range Settings dialog box. Primary key, storing a unique number for each user range in a database. Indicates the link type for which the user range has been created - PtP (0), PmP (1), Dual Polar (2), Multi-radio (3) The to range (in km) for the user range, defined in the Range Settings dialog box.

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About Difference Tables

The difference tables (Diff tables) in the database store information about user-specific changes. Diff tables contain all information that has been Applied but not yet Committed. These changes are associated with the user who made them. Other users can see these changes by updating network elements in the Site Database. For information on using Apply and Commit, see the ENTERPRISE User Reference Guide. Note the following points about Diff tables: Fields starting with a d store the new information that has been Applied. Fields that do not start with a d (preceding the field name) contain the original data, that is, the last data that was Committed. So, for example, these two fields exist in the DIFFMSC table: didname (varchar2(32)) - Updated data entry to the table. idname (varchar2(32)) - Original data entry to the table when the application was first loaded or subsequent data is committed.

Values in both fields remain the same when any deletions or additions to the database take place. If an update to the data is performed then the two fields will differ in their contents. Some difference fields will always remain the same as their counterparts, such as primary key fields which are used to reference the associated data in the committed tables. Some example of fields that remain the same are dcreatedate, dcreateuser, dprojectno, dobjectkey and dsitekey. Also present in each diff table is a field called diffstate. This specifies the change that has occurred to any of the database tables and will be: 0 to indicate an addition of an object to the database 1 to indicate an update to the current data 2 to indicate a deletion

In This Section
Permissions in Difference Tables 302

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Permissions in Difference Tables

Some Diff tables contain a permission field. This either: Shows a three digit code providing the permissions for the user, the default group they belongs to and all other users. For more information on this, see About Permissions on page 16. Is unused at present. To see which of these is the case for a particular Diff table, view the counterpart table.

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project 209 relationships 23

Database tables ADVANTAGE 225 CONNECT 253 Environment set-up 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 41 Equipment 29, 93 Internal 30, 105 Logical network 31, 32, 119 Project 35, 209 relationships 23 Databases table relationships 23 tables 41, 93, 105, 119, 209, 225, 253, 301 Difference tables 301

Vectors database tables 89

Fields tables 15, 68 Foreign keys, definition 15

Permissions database tables 16 Primary keys, definition 15

Symbols used in Help/Guide 16

Table relationships ADVANTAGE 36 CONNECT 38, 39 Environment set-up 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Equipment 29 Internal 30 Logical network 31, 32 Project 35 Tables ADVANTAGE 225 CONNECT 38, 39, 253 database 15, 301 environment set-up 41 equipment 93 Internal 105 logical 119 permissions 16

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