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Empirically supported,
comprehensive, and
cost-effective programs
Parent Training
Teacher Training
Child Social Skills, Emotion &
Problem Solving Training
Proven effective programs for reducing
childrens aggression and behavior problems
and increasing social competence and emotional
regulation at home and at school
Selected by the U.S. Offce of
Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention as
Recommended by
American Psychological
Division 12 Task Force as a well-
established treatment for children
with conduct problems.
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565.
The purpose of The Incredible Years training
series for parents, teachers, and children is to
promote childrens use of appropriate confict
management skills, to strengthen social skills,
emotional regulation and academic success, to
increase self-esteem and to reduce aggressive
behavior problems.
Easy to use, step-by-step programs for use with groups
of parents, teachers or children include:
brief, real life, video vignettes of children interacting
with other children, teachers and parents which serve to
promote group discussion and problem-solving and serve
as a stimulus for role-playing or practice activities.
detailed leaders manuals with scripts and questions for
promoting group discussion and practice activities.
home activity plans and refrigerator notes.
books for parents, teachers, and children.

Developmentally appropriate
Empirically Supported parenting programs
recommended by the American Psychological Associa-
tion Task Force as meeting the stringent Chambless
criteria for empirically supported mental health
intervention for children with conduct problems.
Based on a collaborative model of intervention in
which parents, teachers, and children are partners in
the intervention.
Shown to be cost-effective see article by Olchowski,
2007. See also Scott, 2001.
Parents, teachers and children training
series for ages 0 to 12 years
General Information
The Incredible Years Parenting Program
was helpful in relieving much stress in my life not only
are my kids easier to live with, but so am I!
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. PREVIEWS AVAILABLE ON ALL PROGRAMS - CALL FOR DETAILS
Research for The Incredible Years Programs
The Incredible Years parenting program is the only
group-based parenting program which was identifed in
a recent review of the literature as having suffcient scien-
tifc evidence to be considered empirically supported to
reduce conduct problems in children with high levels of
conduct problems.
The Incredible Years parenting program is the only group-
based parenting program intervention with conduct
problem children which has been shown to be effective in
randomized trials, not only in university research settings,
but also in a mental health clinics and in Head Start and
elementary school settings. It also has been shown to pro-
mote childrens social-emotional competence in prevention
studies with high risk families.
The Incredible Years childrens social skills program (aka
Dinosaur School) has been demonstrated in a randomized
controlled trials to reduce aggressive behavior problems
in children ages 4-8. Two studies have shown that this
program adds to the effectiveness of The Incredible Years
parenting program by promoting more positive peer inter-
Additionally, the classroom version of the Dinosaur Cur-
riculum has been shown in randomized trials to promote
social competence, reduce aggression and increase school
The Incredible Years teacher training program has been
shown to be effective in randomized trials with teachers
(preschool to grade 3) to reduce students behavior prob-
lems, increase social competence and enhance teachers
classroom management skills.
See our on-line, searchable library for articles.
Recognition for The Incredible Years Programs
The Incredible Years programs have won numerous
awards, examples of which include:
Department of Health and Social Services, Center for
Substance Abuse Prevention - The Incredible Years Pro-
gram selected as a Model Program and listed in the Na-
tional Registry of Effective Prevention Programs (NREPP).
Offce of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Program
(OJJDP) - The Incredible Years parent, child and teacher
programs were selected for dissemination by the United
States Offce of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Preven-
tion (OJJDP) as an early violence prevention program.
Blueprints Model Program - The Incredible Years was se-
lected as a model program by the Center for the Study and
Prevention of Violence, Institute of Behavioral Science,
University of Colorado at Boulder.
Mental Health Research Scientist Award - In addition to
program awards, Professor Webster-Stratton herself is the
recipient of the prestigious National Institute of Mental
Health Research Scientist Award.
SAMHSA Science and Service Award - Morrison Child
and Family Services of Portland, Oregon, was awarded a
2007 SAMHSA Science and Service Award for their suc-
cessful implementation of an evidenced-based practice,
IncredibleYears Parent and Child Groups. Morrison was
recognized in the category of Mental Health Promotion.
2007 is the frst year that thesenational recognitions have
been awarded and represent SAMHSAs
efforts to encourage the successful application of research
at the practice level.
The Lela Rowland Award 2002 - In May 2002 one of our
certifed mentors, Dr. Charles O. Tingley, Jr. who brought
our parent, teacher and child training programs to his
agency -- Northeast Occupational Exchange -- received the
Lela Rowland Prevention Award from the National Mental
Health Association.
The Lela Rowland Award 1997 - The Incredible Years
parenting program was selected as the winner of the best
prevention programs of 1997 by the National Mental
Health Association.
The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) - as
exemplary and one of the most promising early interven-
tions for preventing delinquency in the United States.
General Information
American Psychological Division 12 Task Force - The
Incredible Years programs are recommended by American
Psychological Division 12 Task Force as a well-established
treatment for children with conduct problems.
Chambless - The Incredible Years parenting programs are
recommended by the American Psychological Association
Task Force as meeting the stringent Chambless criteria
for empirically supported mental health intervention for
children with conduct problems.
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565.
About the Author and Program Developer
Carolyn Webster-Stratton, M.S.N., M.P.H., Ph.D. is
Professor and Director of the Parenting Clinic at the
University of Washington. She is a nurse and licensed
clinical psychologist and has published numerous scientifc
articles evaluating these training programs as prevention
and treatment programs.
She has had 30 years
clinical experience re-
searching and delivering
these programs to parents,
children and teachers.
She is the recipient of the
prestigious National In-
stitute of Mental Health
Research Scientist Award.
General Information
Effects of The Incredible Years parent training
program, as documented in published
controlled studies, include:
Reduction in childrens aggressive and disruptive
behavior, and increase in prosocial behavior
Reduction in the amount parents rely on spanking and
other harsh punishment
Reduction in parents stress
Increase in observed parents effectiveness in disciplin-
ing their children
Increase in parents use of praise and positive interac-
tions with their children
Increase in parents reports of their confdence in
Equal in effectiveness to individual therapy, while
serving fve times the number of families with the same
number of therapist hours
Treatment gains are typically maintained for at least
three years
Effects of The Incredible Years child social skills
training program, as documented in published
controlled studies, include:
Reduction in childrens aggressive and disruptive
behavior and increase in prosocial behavior
Children exhibited signifcantly more positive confict
management skills and social skills when interacting with
peers and teachers
Children showed increased problem solving strategies
(positive solutions) and increased emotion literacy on
Treatment gains are maintained for at least one year
(longer follow-up studies are currently underway)
Effects of The Incredible Years teacher training
program, as documented in controlled studies,
Reduction in childrens aggressive and disruptive
behavior in the classroom
Increase in childrens academic engagement and
prosocial behavior in class on-task behavior
Increase in childrens school readiness
Decrease in teachers use of criticism with students
Increase in observed teachers effectiveness in classroom
management skills
Increase in teachers use of praise and encouragement
with students
Programs Used Worldwide
These curricula have been adopted by many childrens
mental health centers, Head Start, preschool and childcare
centers, child protective agencies, and primary schools
throughout the US, Canada (English, Spanish, French
and Chinese), UK, Australia and New Zealand. Some
programs have been translated and used in Norway, Wales,
Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Holland, Russia, Portugal
and Turkey.
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. PREVIEWS AVAILABLE ON ALL PROGRAMS - CALL FOR DETAILS
General Information
Empirical Support (See website for earlier articles)
Webster-Stratton, C. & Hammond, M. (1997). Treating children with early-
onset conduct problems: A comparison of child and parent training interven-
tions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 95-109.
Webster-Stratton, C., Reid, M. J. & Hammond, M. (2001). Social skills and
problem solving training for children with early-onset conduct problems:
Who benefts? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disci-
plines, 42(7), 943-952.
Reid, M. J., Webster-Stratton, C., & Beauchaine, T. P. (2001). Parent Training
in Head Start: A comparison of program response among African American,
Asian American, Caucasian, and Hispanic Mothers. Prevention Science, 2(4),
Webster-Stratton, C., Reid, M. J. & Hammond, M. (2001). Preventing
conduct problems, promoting social competence: A parent and teacher train-
ing partnership in Head Start. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 30(3),
Webster-Stratton, C., & Reid, M. J. (2003). Treating conduct problems and
strengthening social emotional competence in young children: The Dina
Dinosaur treatment program. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Baydar, N., Reid, M. J., & Webster-Stratton, C. (2003) The Role of Mental
Health Factors and Program Engagement in the Effectiveness of a Preventive
Parenting Program for Head Start Mothers. Child Development, 74(5), 1433-
Reid, M. J., Webster-Stratton, C., & Hammond, M. (2003). Follow-up of
children who received the Incredible Years intervention for Oppositional-
Defant Disorder: Maintenance and prediction of 2-year outcome, Behavior
Therapy, 34(4) 471-491.
Hartman, R. R., Stage, S., & Webster-Stratton, C. (2003). A growth curve
analysis of parent training outcomes: Examining the infuence of child in
attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Journal of Clinical Child and Adoles-
cent Psychology. 44(3), 388-398.
Reid, M. J., Webster-Stratton, C., & Baydar, N. (2004). Halting the develop-
ment of externalizing behaviors in Head Start children: The effects of parent-
ing training. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 33(2).
Webster-Stratton, C., Reid, M. J., & Hammond, M. (2004). Treating children
with early-onset conduct problems: Intervention outcomes for parent, child,
and teacher training. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology,
Webster-Stratton, C. & Reid, M. J. (2004). Strengthening social and emotion-
al competence in young children The foundation for early success. Infants
and Young Children, 17(2), 96-113.
Beauchaine, T. P., Webster-Stratton, C., & Reid, M. J. (2005). Mediators,
moderators, and predictors of one-year outcomes among children treated for
early-onset conduct problems: A latent growth curve analysis. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
Bauera, N. S. and Webster-Stratton, C. (2006). Prevention of behavioral
disorders in primary care. Current Opinions in Pediatrics, 18.
Olchowski, A., Foster, E. M. & Webster-Stratton, C. (2007) Implementing
behavioral intervention components in a cost-effective manner: Analysis of the
Incredible Years Program. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavioral Interven-
tion, 4, 284-304.
Reid, M. J., Webster-Stratton, C., Hammond, M. (2008) Enhancing a
classroom social competence and problem solving curriculum by offering par-
ent training to families of moderate-to-high risk elementary school children.
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Webster-Stratton, C, Reid, M. J., & Stoolmiller, M (2008). Preventing aggres-
sion and improving social, emotional, and academic competence: Evaluation
of Dina Dinosaur Classroom Curriculum in high-risk schools. Journal of
Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Independent Replications (See online articles for updates)
Spaccarelli, S., Cotler, S., & Penman, D. (1992). Problem-solving skills train-
ing as a supplement to behavioral parent training. Cognitive Therapy and
Research, 16, 1-18.
Taylor, T. K., Schmidt, F., Pepler, D., & Hodgins, H. (1998). A comparison
of eclectic treatment with Webster-Strattons Parents and Children Series in
a childrens mental health center: A randomized controlled trial. Behavior
Therapy, 29, 221-240.
Scott, S., Spender, Q., Doolan, M., Jacobs, B., & Aspland, H. (2001). Mul-
ticentre controlled trial of parenting groups for child antisocial behavior in
clinical practice. British Medical Journal, 323(28), 1-5.
Patterson, J., Barlow, J., Mockford, C., Klimes, I., Pyper, C., & Stewart-
Brown, S. (2002). Improving mental health through parenting programmes:
Block randomized controlled trial. Archives of Disease in Children, 87, 472-
Gross, D., Fogg, L., Webster-Stratton, C., Garvey, C., W., J., & Grady, J.
(2003). Parent training with families of toddlers in day care in low-income
urban communities. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71(2),
Brotman Miller, L., Klein, R. G., Kamboukos, D., Brown, E. J., Coard Irby,
S., & Sosinsky Stout, S. L. (2003). Preventive intervention for urban, low-
income preschoolers at familial risk for conduct problems. Journal of Clinical
Child and Adolescent Psychology, 32(2), 246-257.
Drugli, M. B., & Larsson, B. (2006). Children aged 4-8 years treated with
parent training and child therapy because of conduct problems: Generaliza-
tion effects to day-care and school settings European Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, 15, 392-399.
Gardner, F., Burton, J., & Klimes, I. (2006). Randomized controlled trial of a
parenting intervention in the voluntary sector for reducing conduct problems
in children: Outcomes and mechanisms of change. Journal of Child Psychol-
ogy and Psychiatry, 47, 1123-1132.
Hutchings, J., Daley, D., Jones, E. E., Martin, P., & Gwyn, R. (2006). Early
results from developing and researching the Webster-Stratton Incredible Years
Teacher Classroom Management Training Programme in North West Wales.
British educational research journal.
Linares, L. O., Montalto, D., MinMin, L., & S., V. (2006). A Promising Par-
ent Intervention in Foster Care. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychol-
ogy, 74(1), 32-41.
Scott, S., OConnor, T., & Futh, A. (2006). What makes parenting programs
work in disadvantaged areas? York, Great Britain: Institute of Psychiatry.
Hutchings, J., Gardner, F., Bywater, T., Daley, D., Whitaker, C., Jones, K., et
al. (2007). Parenting intervention in Sure Start services for children at risk of
developing conduct disorder: Pragmatic randomized controlled trial. British
Medical Journal, 334(7595), 1-7.
Jones, K., Daley, D., Hutchings, J., bywater, T., and Eames, C. (2007) Effcacy
of the Incredible Years Basic parent training programme as an early interven-
tion for children with conduct problems and ADHD. Child Care: Health
and Development
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. 6
Parent Training Programs
Parents & Babies Program
Ages 0-12 months
The Incredible Years Parents and Babies program supports
parents and their babies. The Parents & Babies program
consists of a 6-part program focused on helping parents
learn to observe and read their babies cues and learning
ways to provide nurturing and responsive care including
physical, tactile, and visual stimulation as well as verbal
Part 1 - Getting to Know Your
Baby (0-3 months)
Part 2 - Babies as Intelligent
Learners (3-6 months)
Part 3 - Providing Physical, Tactile and Visual Stimulation
Part 4 - Parents Learning to Read Babies Minds
Part 5 - Gaining Support
Part 6 - Babies Emerging Sense of Self (6-12 months)
*3 DVDs over two hours total shown in 8 weekly
2-hour group sessions
Parents: Toddlers Program
Ages 1-3
The Incredible Years Parents and Toddlers Program sup-
ports parents and builds optimal parenting skills. The
Parents & Toddlers program consists of an 8-part program
focused on strengthening positive and nurturing parenting
skills. Each part builds on the previous part.
Part 1 - Child-Directed Play
Promotes Positive Relationships
Part 2 - Promoting Toddlers
Language with Child-Directed
Part 3 - Social and Emotion Coaching
Part 4 - The Art of Praise and Encouragement
Part 5 - Spontaneous Incentives for Toddlers -
Establishing Predictable Routines
Part 6 - Handling Separations and Reunions
Part 7 - Positive Discipline-Effective Limit Setting
Part 8 - Positive Discipline-Handling Misbehavior
*6 DVDs over 4 hours total shown in 12 weekly
2-hour group sessions
BASIC Parent Training Programs
The Parents, Babies and
Toddlers Series
Promoting Language, Emotional, Social and
Physical Development
Babies Series: 0-12 months
Toddlers Series: 1-3 years
Spontaneous Incentives
Effective Praise
Trust & Security
d S
l S
kills &
Parent Skills & Strategies
r C
Parenting Pyramid
Toddlers (1 - 3 years)
Limit Setting
Handling Separations
and Predictable Routines
Descriptive Commenting
Persistence Coaching
Social Coaching
Emotion Coaching
Child-directed Play
Incredible Years
Parenting Pyramid
Toddlers 1-3 years
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. PREVIEWS AVAILABLE ON ALL PROGRAMS - CALL FOR DETAILS 7
Parent Training Programs
BASIC Parent Training Programs
(Preschool/Early Childhood)
Ages 3 through 6
Since parents are key to fostering young childrens
social and emotional development, the parent training
programs focus on strengthening parenting skills such
as: effective use of play, academic, social and emotional
coaching, praise, encouragement, appropriate limit set-
ting, nonviolent discipline strategies, problem-solving
and positive involvement with teachers and schools. This
group-based program is designed to promote parents self-
confdence and competence in using these positive parent
management skills with children ages 3 to 6 years. The
video vignettes are designed to be used to stimulate group
involvement in a stop-start discussion format.
Ages 3-6. This training is
comprised of Programs 1-4.
The program focuses on
strengthening parenting skills
and consists of components which build upon one
Program 1 - Strengthening Childrens Social Skills,
Emotional Regulation and School Readiness Skills
Program 2 - Using Praise and Incentives to Encourage
Cooperative Behavior
Program 3 - Positive Discipline - Rules, Routines and
Effective Limit Setting
Program 4 - Positive Discipline - Handling Misbehavior
and Teaching Children to Problem Solve
*9 DVDs over 6 hours total
offered in 18-20 weekly
2-hour sessions

School Age BASIC Parent Training
Ages 6 through 12
This multicultural series is similar to the early childhood
series in content but aimed at an older age group. It gives
greater emphasis to strategies for older children, including
rules and responsibilities, logical consequences, promoting
school success and monitoring. Approximately 40% of the
scenes represent minority groups.
Program 8 - Supporting
Your Childs Education
Promoting reading skills
Dealing with childrens
Fostering good learning
habits and routines
Parents showing interest in school
Program 9 - Promoting Positive Behaviors in School Age
The importance of parental attention and special time
Social, Emotion and Persistence Coaching
Effective Praise and Encouragement
Tangible Rewards
Program 10 - Reducing Inappropriate Behaviors in
School Age Children
Rules, Responsibilities and Routines
Clear and Respectful limit setting
Ignoring misbehavior
Time Out consequence
Logical and Natural consequences
*7 DVDs or videotape
(7 hours) offered in weekly
2-hour sessions
BASIC Parent Training Programs
The Parents and
Children Series
Basic Preschool: A Comprehensive Program
for Parents of Children Ages 3-6
Child-Directed Play and Coaching Skills
Praise and Rewards
Positive Discipline: Routines and Effective
Limit Setting
Handling Misbehavior and Teaching
Children to Problem Solve
The Parents and
Children Series
A Comprehensive Course Divided into Three Programs
for School-Age Children
Supporting your Childs Education
Promoting Positive Behaviors
Reducing Inappropriate Behaviors
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. 8
Parent Training Programs
Discounts available on multiple programs.
See Price sheet for details.
The Parents and
Children Series
An Advanced Course Divided into Three Programs
How to Communicate Effectively
with Adults and Children
Problem-solving for Parents
Problem-solving with Young
ADVANCE Parent Training Programs
School age
Ages 4 through 12
This video-based series builds on the BASIC Parent
Training Programs by focusing on parent interpersonal
issues such as effective communication and problem
solving skills, anger and depression management, ways to
give and get support and successful family meetings.
Program 5 - How to
Communicate Effectively
with Adults and Children
Active Listening and
Speaking up
Communicating more
positively to oneself and others
Giving and Getting support
Program 6 - Problem Solving for Parents
Problem solving about childrens problems
Problem solving about interpersonal issues
Problem solving with teachers

Program 7 - Teaching Children to Problem Solve
Teaching children to problem solve in the midst of
Family problem-solving meetings
*7 DVDs or videotapes (5.5 hours) offered in weekly
2-hour sessions
The parenting groups gave us closer and
more personal interactions with families parents
got to know us and trust us.
Family service worker
DVDs representing a mix of multi-cultural groups

Comprehensive leader manual (consisting of over 800
pages of how to, including leader questions for discus-
sion, suggestions for group practice and home activities,
and interpretation of videotapes)

Parent weekly refrigerator notes (brief points to
remember for the week)

Parent take-home practice assignments for home
Book for parents titled The Incredible Years: A
Troubleshooting Guide for Parents (also available as
audio CD 15 chapters on 8 CDs)

Refrigerator magnet

Pyramid poster the pyramid shows how the program
builds a positive foundation frst, with an emphasis on
relationship skills, before beginning to discuss discipline
The parent programs can be used by counselors, psycholo-
gists, nurses, social workers, family therapists and other
mental health professionals who are interested in conduct-
ing parenting groups for parents of children with behavior
problems or for preventing problems from occurring in the
frst place.
ADVANCE Parent Training Programs
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. PREVIEWS AVAILABLE ON ALL PROGRAMS - CALL FOR DETAILS 9
Preschool-Grade 3
Ages 4 through 8
The Dinosaur Social Skills and
Problem-Solving Curriculum
The Dinosaur child training curriculum strengthens
childrens social and emotional competencies such as
understanding and communicating feelings, using effec-
tive problem-solving strategies, managing anger, practicing
friendship and conversational skills, as well as appropriate
classroom behaviors.
The child training program can be used by counselors or
therapists to treat diffcult, highly aggressive or anxious
children in small groups or can be used by teachers as a
prevention program for an entire classroom of students.
Ideal companion to the Parent Training Series because
children can be involved in training groups while parents
are involved in parent groups. These programs can also
be used as a companion to the teacher classroom manage-
ment series.
Brief video vignettes of children interacting with other
children and with teachers in small and large classrooms
serve to promote childrens problem solving, discussion
and sharing and to trigger role plays and skills building
Child Training Programs
Child Training Programs
Making New Friends and
Learning School Rules
Introduction to Dinosaur
Understanding and Detecting Feelings
Part 1: Wally teaches cues to detecting feelings
Part 2: Wally teaches cues to understanding feelings
Detective Wally Teaches Problem-Solving Steps
Part 1: Identifying Problems and Solutions
Part 2: Finding More Solutions

Tiny Turtle Teaches Anger Management
Part 3: Thinking of Consequences
Part 4: Controlling Anger
Part 5: Problem-Solving Step 7 and Review
Molly Manners Teaches How to Be Friendly
Part 1: Helping
Part 2: Sharing
Part 3: Teamwork at School
Part 4: Teamwork at Home
Molly Explains How To Talk with Friends
Dina Dinosaur Teaches How to Do Your Best in School
Part 1: Listening, Waiting, Quiet Hands Up
Part 2: Concentrating, Checking, and Cooperating
Puppets sold separately see price sheet.
The program is very child-friendly and our puppet
friends have become part of our school team. Teachers have
found Dinosaur School to be highly engaging for kids, and have
noticed children taking responsibility and using the problem-
solving skills more readily themselves, thereby requiring less
teacher time to deal with issues.
School Counselor
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565.
Dina Dinosaur Child Training Programs
(Small Group Therapy)
This treatment program is delivered in 2-hour weekly
small group sessions (6 children/group) lasting 20-22
weeks. Ideally it is offered in conjunction with the 2-hour
weekly parent group sessions. Group leaders explain to
parents ways they can foster their childrens learning in
Dinosaur School in their interactions with them at home.
Dina Dinosaur Classroom Curriculum
This curriculum is delivered 2-3 times a week by teachers
in the classroom. It consists of 20-30 minute circle time
lessons, followed by small group practice activities and
promotion of skills throughout the school day.
Child Training Programs
3 DVDs (3 hours total)
Comprehensive leader manual for small group therapy
model or 5 lesson plan manuals for teachers for classroom
Wallys Feeling Wheels
Dina Dinosaurs Wheel of Fortune
Book for Teachers entitled: How to Promote Social
and Academic Competence in Young Children
Wallys detective problem-solving books for
children (4)
Wallys Detective Manual for home activities
Letters to teachers and parents for each program
46 laminated and colored cue cards for teaching
social skills, anger management and problem-solving
concepts laminated cards for teaching from Wallys
solution detective kit
Stickers 6 types (refecting anger management,
social skills and problem-solving)
Black and white refrigerator pictures of key concepts
for children to take home (reproducible)
Parent assignments for home activities
Some of topics covered in the 53 vignettes:
Talking about rules
Calming down in Time Out
Social skills such as trading, taking turns, asking,
ignoring, using friendly words, complimenting, sharing,
helping, teamwork, being a good sport
Emotional regulation strategies such as waiting,
taking 3 deep breaths, going in your shell, problem
solving, and getting teachers help for hitting
Revised protocols and a supplemental manual show you
how these vignettes can be used.
Child Training Programs
The Childrens Small Group
Videotape Series
Dina Dinosaurs Curriculum for Young Children
Making Friends and Learning Rules
Understanding and Detecting Feelings
Problem Solving Steps
How to Be Friendly
How to Talk with Friends
How to Do Your Best
in School
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. PREVIEWS AVAILABLE ON ALL PROGRAMS - CALL FOR DETAILS 11
Child Training Programs
Books for Children
Wallys Detective Book for Solving Problems at Home
Wallys Detective Book for Solving Problems at School
Wally Learns a Lesson from Tiny Turtle
Wally Meet Dina Dinosaur
These four books are useful for teachers and parents
to help children learn how to problem-solve, manage
disappointment and anger, and make good friends. In
these fun, interactive books, children are encouraged to
be problem-solving detectives and to discuss their own
ideas and feelings for solving problems such as sibling
fghting, being excluded or teased, and experiencing dif-
fculty learning to read or write.
There is also a Wally Big Book for use by teachers in
circle time to elicit problem-solving discussions.
Book for Teachers
How to Promote Social and Academic Competence in
Young Children
This book is addressed to teachers of young children
(ages 3 to10 years) and focuses on classroom strategies
designed to promote students social and emotional
competence and effective confict management skills.
It includes an emphases on managing the hyperactive,
inattentive and aggressive student as well as ways to
promote collaboration with parents. It gives many
practical examples of scripts to use for role plays,
games to promote social skills, ideas for circle time
discussions and ways to set up specifc behavior
plans for problem behaviors.
Book for Parents
The Incredible Years: A Troubleshooting Guide for Parents
Revised 2006
This book for parents has a chapter which corresponds
to each of the videos in the BASIC and ADVANCE
training series. Group leaders use this book as the text
for parents participating in the training program. It is a
practical guide, flled with examples of everyday prob-
lem situations and concerns, and step-by-step sugges-
tions on how to handle them.
*Also available in audio format 15 chapters on 8 CDs
As principal I am most familiar with the Dinosaur
school and cannot speak highly enough of it. During the three
years our counselor has worked with the program, we observed
signifcant progress. I have been most impressed with the carryover
from one year to the next as I see children using the language and
problem-solving strategies in subsequent years.
Dina Dinosaur Training Series Social, Emotional and Problem-solving Skills
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. 12
Preschool-Grade 3
Ages 4 through 10
Teachers fnd themselves spending increasing amounts
of time attending to students aggressive, hyperactive and
noncompliant behaviors in the classroom. If these behav-
iors are ignored or if teachers give them negative attention
they will get worse and lead to eventual school failure and
antisocial behavior. This training curriculum focuses on
promoting the teachers self-confdence and competence
in using positive and proactive classroom management
strategies and discipline approaches. It also helps teachers
understand how to teach social skills, problem-solving and
anger management in the classroom.
The teacher training program can be useful for teach-
ers, teacher aids, psychologists, school counselors and
any school personnel working with young children. It is
recommended that teachers complete this training before
taking the Dinosaur Curriculum training.
Brief videotape vignettes of typically developing and
developmentally delayed children interacting with other
children and with teachers in small and large classrooms
serve to promote problem-solving, discussion, sharing, and
practice activities and role plays among group members.

The Importance of Teacher Attention,
Encouragement and Praise
Motivating Children through Incentives
Preventing Behavior Problems the Proactive Teacher
Decreasing Students Inappropriate Behaviors
Part 1: Less Disruptive Interventions
Part 2: Discipline Hierarchies
Building Positive Relationships with Students
How to Teach Social Skills, Problem-Solving and Anger
Management in the Classroom
7 DVDs (7 hours total) which can be shown in 6 full-
day workshops
Comprehensive leaders manuals
Wallys detective problem-solving books for
children (4)
Blackboard notes
Book for teachers How to Promote Social and
Academic Competence in Young Children
Dinas Wheel of Fortune
Teacher Training Programs
Teacher Training Programs
Self-administered manual
allows teachers to go
through a self-guided
process with the videotapes.
Ideal for teacher in-service.
The Teachers and
Children Series
A Video-Based Course
Promoting Positive
Academic and
Social Behaviors
The Importance of Attention,
Encouragement and Praise
Motivating Children through
Preventing Problems -
The Proactive Teacher
Decreasing Inappropriate Behavior
Building Positive Relationships
with Students
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. PREVIEWS AVAILABLE ON ALL PROGRAMS - CALL FOR DETAILS

Sample Sessions for Parent and
Child Programs
Sample Parent Program Sessions
Group leaders/clinicians who have received the initial
training workshop for the BASIC Parenting Program will
fnd these DVDs an invaluable resource and self-learning
aid for furthering their group leadership skills. These vid-
eos can be used for self-study or viewed with other group
leaders and used as a trigger for discussion and practices of
group sessions.
Sample Parent Groups Program
Videos show certifed leaders conducting actual live parent
groups of the BASIC Incredible Years Parent Program.
They include examples of group leaders conducting the
Limit Setting and Handling Misbehavior Programs (ses-
sions 7, 9, 10 and 12) with parents of children ages 3-6
The DVDs include a leaders manual which provides
questions to think about in regard to the group leaders
skills as well as Dr. Webster-Strattons interpretation of the
collaborative leadership skills being used by leaders with
the parents.
Several of these sessions illustrate how to work with inter-
preters and teachers when delivering the parent program.
Sample Cross-Cultural Parent Groups Program
Two new videos of live sessions from the BASIC Program
show how to most effectively incorporate interpreters into
your group sessions and to promote cultural diversity and
cross cultural collaboration.
Sessions shown are the Play and Ignoring
Sample Dina Dinosaur (Small Group Therapy)
Set of 7 videos showing certifed therapists (Dr. Webster-
Stratton and Dr. Reid) conducting actual small group
child treatment groups using the Dina Dinosaur Social,
Emotional and Problem Solving Program. These tapes
show examples of group leaders conducting each of the 7
programs including: Rules, School Behavior, Feelings Lit-
eracy, Problem Solving Steps, Anger Management, Friend-
ship Skills and Terminating the Sessions. The children in
the groups range in age from 4-8 years and have a variety
of problems including Oppositional Defant Disorder,
Attention Defcit Disorder, Social Withdrawal, and Devel-
opmental Delays.
The videos include a manual with questions to think
about in regard to the group leaders skills as well as Dr.
Webster-Strattons interpretation of the collaborative lead-
ership skills being used by them with the children.
These sessions illustrate how to work with groups of chil-
dren with a variety of problems and how to make the small
group activities and practice exercises developmentally
appropriate. In addition, group leaders demonstrate effec-
tive group management strategies such as praise, incentive
systems, distractions, redirections, use of differential atten-
tion and ignore for targeted negative behaviors, Time Out
for aggression, and logical consequences. Behavior plans
are developed for each child in the group.
Group leaders/clinicians who have received the initial
training workshop for the Dinosaur Small Group Treat-
ment Program will fnd these tapes an invaluable resource
for furthering their group
leadership skills. These tapes
can be used for self-study
or viewed with other group
leaders and used as a trigger
for discussion and learning
of group leadership skills.
Teacher Training Programs
Thank you for this training for the
frst time in my career, Ive felt important as a teacher
and that Ive been listened to by professionals.
First grade teacher
The Childrens Small Group
Training Series
Small Group Therapy Skills -
Sample Dinosaur School Sessions
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565.
How to Implement Dina Classroom Curriculum
Preschool/Kindergarten Version
Set of 4 DVDs. Extremely helpful self-learning module to
help teachers learn how to implement the Dinosaur Cur-
riculum lesson plans in the classroom with their preschool
and kindergarten students. It illustrates how to implement
the program using the four steps planning, presenting
(in circle time), practicing (in small groups) and promot-
ing (throughout the day).
4 DVDs. Leaders guide. Focused on problem solving,
anger management and feelings, plus sample lessons
(3 hours total):
Strategies to Promote Problem-Solving and Anger
Management, Part one: Presenting and Practicing

Strategies to Promote Problem-Solving and Anger
Management, Part two: Promoting

Strategies to Promote Social Skills: A typical day

Sample Year One Lessons: Problem Solving and Anger
Teacher Training Programs
How to Implement Dina Classroom Curriculum
Primary Grades Version
Set of 8 DVDs (6 hours) Extremely helpful self-learning
module to help teachers learn how to deliver the Dinosaur
Curriculum lesson with children in grades 1-3. Includes
Leaders guide. Focused on social skills and problem
Part one: Understanding and Detecting Feelings &
Part two: Dina Dinosaur Teaches how to do your Best in

Part three: Detective Wally Teaches Problem Solving

Part four: Tiny Turtle Teaches Anger Management

Part fve: Molly Manners Teaches how to be Friendly

Sample Year one lessons: Problem Solving and Anger
Management; Sample Year two lessons: Problem Solving
Part one; Sample Year two lessons: Problem Solving Part
two; Sample Year two lessons: Friendship
Dina Dinosaurs
Social Skills &
Problem Solving
in the Classroom
The Teachers and
Children Series
A Video-based Course
Strategies to Promote Problem-Solving and
Anger Management
Part 1: Presenting and Practicing
Part 2: Promoting
Strategies to Promote Social Skills
A Typical Day
Sample Year One Lessons:
Problem Solving and Anger Management
Dina Dinosaurs
Social Skills &
Problem Solving
in the Classroom
The Teachers and
Children Series
A Video-based Course Divided
into Five Programs
Understanding and Detecting Feelings
Dina Dinosaur Teaches how to do Your Best
in School
Dectective Wally Teaches Problem-Solving Steps
Tiny Turtle Teaches Anger Management
Molly Manners Teaches How to be Friendly
Parents are spending more time in the
classroom now. Weve never had this many
parents turn out before.
Head Start teacher
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. PREVIEWS AVAILABLE ON ALL PROGRAMS - CALL FOR DETAILS
Training and Qualifcations
Group leaders come from many disciplines, including
counseling, social work, psychology, psychiatry, nursing,
and education. Leaders should have training in child de-
velopment, behavior management and group process.
In addition, to achieve outcomes similar to that achieved
in the published studies, leaders should attend a 3-4 day
training from one of our certifed trainers of leaders, as
well as undergo our certifcation process. Trainings are of-
fered regularly in Seattle, and our trainers can also provide
on-site training in your community upon request. This
small group training (maximum 25 people) gives leaders a
detailed introduction to the content and process of leading
the groups, with extensive role plays and troubleshooting
for diffcult issues.
Becoming a Certifed Group Leader
Attending a workshop by a certifed trainer of leaders is
the frst step in becoming a certifed leader. Following this,
leaders must complete two groups and obtain weekly as
well as fnal parent evaluations, receive feedback on two
actual group sessions by a certifed leader, and complete
an application form. This process maximizes the quality
and performance of the group leader, and closely approxi-
mates the steps taken in our studies to ensure intervention
fdelity. Certifed leaders can feel confdent that they have
mastered the collaborative process, and are likely achieving
results similar to those obtained in our studies.
For more Information and training schedule,
Call (888) 506-3562 or (206) 285-7565
Leader Training and Certification
Group leader training and certifcation
The group leader training was invaluable
because the trainers modeled the collaborative process
with us. It completely changed my negative view of role
plays; Ive learned a new way to use them and
will start right away.
Parents who attend the group sessions grow in
confdence not only in parenting but also
in other areas of their lives. For example,
several parents have gone back to college
to fnish off courses.
Group Leader
Call (888) 506-3562 for more information or to order. In Seattle call (206) 285-7565. 16
The Incredible Years Parents,
Teachers and Children Training
Proven effective for:
families and teachers working with children
ages 2 to 12 diagnosed with disruptive behavior
problems, including Attention Defcit Hyper-
activity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defant
Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD), and
Severe Emotional Disturbance (SED)
schools and teachers looking for effective
programs for increasing their students social
skills, promoting school readiness, academic
success, and preventing and reducing behavior
To order, or for more information:
Toll-free phone: (888) 506-3562
Seattle area: (206) 285-7565
Fax: (888) 506-3562
Web site:
Discounts available
Discounts available on multiple programs.
See Price sheet for details.
The parenting program helped me feel
less hopeless and helpless. By sharing problems with
other parents youre not alone. The support, relaxed
atmosphere and humor made the learning and asking
questions easier. I left feeling confdent and positive.
I used to say to my daughter, Look at your
brother, he is doing so much better than you,
but now I know about giving praise so I listen
to my daughter and praise her for the small
achievements she makes.

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