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Storm Talon Gunship 130 points BS FA SA RA 4 11 11 11

Ceramite Plating - no 2D6 rolls for melta weapons. Aerial Assault - can move at cruising speed and still fire all weapons. Supersonic - may make a flatout move of 36" Hover Strike - declare in movement phase. the model will not move this turn, except to pivot. in exchange, model gets to fire with BS 5, and all weapons cause Pinning, regardless of who/what the target is. Escort - if placed in reserve, and there's another unit in reserve, if the other unit enters the board, the talon may ALSO deploy with it without having to roll for reserves, but must enter within 6" of the other unit. you cannot escort a unit that deep strikes, or another talon. comes with a TL Assault cannon and TL Heavy Bolters, but may upgrade the heavy bolters to TL Lascannons for 20pts, typhoon launchers for 25pts, or the new skyhammer missiles for 25pts. skyhammer missiles - 60" S7 AP 4 Heavy 3

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