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Codex: Salamanders Special Rules: Chapter Tactics: Salamanders have a great affinity for the forge, and this

naturally translates to their battlefield tactics & prowess. All flamers, heavy flamers, meltaguns, and multimeltas in a Salamanders army count as twin linked. All Thunderhammers count as mastercrafted. Forgeborn: As each individual Salamander is always expected to put in their own time at the forge, the Salamanders have greater access to artificer armor and power weapons than most Space Marine Chapters. This represented in the army selection section of this codex. Gravity Bound: Nocturne is a world of wildly fluctuating gravity, making it much harder for the Salamanders Chapter to maintain full strength squads of Assault Marines, Bikes, and Landspeeders. For this reason, there may be only one unit in a Salamanders army equipped with jump packs or bikes (excluding Independent Characters, but including Attack Bikes). In addition, Land Speeder squadrons become 0-1 in a Salamanders army. Combat Squads, And They Shall Know No Fear: As per Codex: Space Marines Salamanders Psychic Powers: The Salamanders Venom Summoning up the Salamanders venom, the Librarian spits forth a ball of pure fiery magma. This is a psychic shooting attack with the following profile: R18 Assault 1, S8 AP1 melta. The Salamanders Rage The Salamanders rage appears as a great fiery cloud of gas and flame, scorching the enemies of the Chapter. This is a psychic shooting attack with the following profile: R Template, Assault 1, S5 AP3. The Salamanders Heart Instilling the courage of the great Firedrakes of Nocturne, the Librarian emboldens the hearts of his fellow warriors. Until the start of the next Salamanders turn, 1 Salamander infantry unit (which can be the Librarian and/or the unit he is attached to) within 18 counts as Stubborn. The Salamanders Eye The Firedrakes of Nocturne are known to have keen vision, searching out their prey amidst the magma pools of their world. One friendly Salamander infantry unit (which can be the Librarian and/or the unit he is attached to) within 12 may reroll all rolls of 1 to hit in this shooting phase. Note: if a plasma weapon rolls a 1 to hit, this may be re-rolled; however, the firer still takes a wound, even if the second roll is a hit. The Salamanders Skin As you would expect, the great Drakes have developed incredibly heat-tolerant skin to survive their life among the magma pools of Nocturne. The Librarian may transfer a tiny shred of this resistance to his battle-brothers. One friendly Salamander unit within 12 treats all flame template weapons as being 1 less strength and 1 less AP when the opposing player is rolling to wound, and to determine if saves may be taken, until the start of the next Salamanders turn. For example, a unit with this power active is hit by a heavy flamer (S5 AP4). When rolling to wound, the owning player of the flamer treats it as S4 AP5. This applies to ALL weapons that use the flame template. Weapons using the flame template, but without a strength value (i.e. poison weapons) only suffer 1 less AP. The Salamanders Teeth Hunting the Firedrakes is never a easy task. They can tear through a Marines armor with ease, ending the promising career of many a battle-brother with their obsidian-sharp teeth. The Librarian can give part of this strength to his brothers, allowing them to carve through their enemies. One friendly non-vehicle model, which may be the Librarian himself, within 12 gains +1 attack and the Rending special rule in the Assault Phase. This lasts until the start of the next Salamanders turn. Wargear: Firedrake (maximum 1 per army) Capturing and taming a Firedrake is the most difficult task a Salamander may accomplish. Those who do find themselves swiftly promoted through the

ranks, as such a individual clearly must have Vulkans favor. Those who do succeed, a tiny fraction of those who try, will often bring their mounts to battle. The Firedrake makes a terrifying battle mount, fighting alongside its rider with its own weapons. Firedrakes are fiercely territorial; when two Drakes fight, it is a brave and foolish Salamander who attempts to intervene! For this reason, only 1 Firedrake may be taken in a Salamanders army. A model with a Firedrake mount gains +1 Toughness, +1 Wound, +1 Attack, the Cavalry unit type, and a breath weapon (counts as a Heavy Flamer with the Rending Special Rule). Do not include the +1 Toughness when calculating Instant Death. Belt of the Forge (maximum 1 per army) For those who find themselves elevated to the ranks of the Master Smiths, the Belt of the Forge serves as both mark of that honor and protection against the most powerful of the enemys weapons. A model with a Belt of the Forge has the Eternal Warrior special rule. Master-crafted Weapons any Salamander Independent Character or Salamander Space Marine Sergeant may master-craft one of their weapons. Note: the combi portion of a combi weapon may not be master-crafted however, the bolter itself may be. 10 points per model. Vehicle Wargear: Ceramite Hull The Salamanders will sometimes uparmor a vehicle by giving it new armor layers of heat-treated ceramite armor, making it impervious to melta weapons. However, the extra layers of armor reduce its top speed, a tradeoff the Techmarines of the Chapter are diligently working to fix. A vehicle with a Ceramite Hull treats all weapons with the melta special rule (including melta bombs) as regular weapons with the same profile. No melta weapons may roll an extra dice for armor penetration. However, the vehicles maximum speed becomes 6+d6. Predators, Vindicators, and Land Raiders of all varieties only. Pintle Mounted Flamer Often Salamander vehicles will be modified with a pintle mounted flamer, allowing them to scorch their enemies, who just cant take the heat the same as a Salamander can! This follows the rules for pintle mount weapons. Note: only one pintle mounted weapon may be taken per vehicle. HQ: Forgefather Vulkan Hestan 160 (as per Codex: Space Marines) Librarian options as per Codex: Space Marines -May take Terminator Armor with Storm Shield and Thunder Hammer (replaces the force weapon) +55 points -Replace Power Armor with Artificer Armor +10 points -May take a Belt of the Forge +20 points Captain - (as per Codex: Space Marines) -Replace Power Armor with Artificer Armor +10 points -May take a Firedrake mount (if selected, may not take a jump pack) +40 points -May take a Belt of the Forge +20 points -May replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a power weapon+10 points -May replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a power fist+20 points Chaplain (as per Codex: Space Marines) -Replace Power Armor with Artificer Armor +10 points -May take a Belt of the Forge +20 points Terminator Command Squad - may only be taken if the Chapter Master or a Captain in Terminator armor is also taken. Does not use up a HQ slot. 180 points Unit Composition: 3 Salamander Terminators 1 Salamander Terminator Apothecary Wargear: Terminator Armor Storm Bolter

Power Fist Apothecary only: Narthecium One Terminator may be given the Company Standard+15 points -If the Chapter Master is taken, one Terminator may instead be given the Chapter Banner+25 points One Terminator may be upgraded to Company Champion (+1 Attack and +1 Weapon Skill) +20 points -If the Chapter Master is taken, one Terminator may instead be upgraded to Chapter Champion (+1 Attack and +1 Weapon Skill)+20 points The Chapter Champion may: -exchange his storm bolter and power fist for two lightning claws or a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield All Terminators may exchange his Storm Bolter and Power Fist for two lightning claws or a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield One Terminator may exchange his storm bolter for a: -Heavy Flamer+10 points -Assault Cannon+30 points -Cyclone Missile Launcher+30 points Up to 2 models may replace their storm bolter with a combi-melta or combi-flamer for +5 points each The unit may select a Land Raider (any type) as a dedicated transport. Command Squad (as per Codex: Space Marines) The entire Command Squad may take artificer armor at +7 points per model Elites: Salamander Veterans (Sternguard as per Codex: Space Marines) -may take artificer armor for the entire squad, at a cost of +7 points per model Assault Terminators (as per Codex: Space Marines) Terminator Squad (as per Codex: Space Marines) -up to 2 models may replace their storm bolter with a combi-melta or combi-flamer for +5 points each Dreadnought (as per Codex: Space Marines) -may replace Assault Cannon with Flamestorm cannon free Venerable Dreadnought (as per Codex: Space Marines) -may replace Assault Cannon with Flamestorm cannon free Ironclad Dreadnought (as per Codex: Space Marines) -may replace Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with a Flamestorm Cannon free -may replace Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with a Seismic Hammer (counts as master-crafted, has the same options as the seismic hammer) Troops: Tactical Marines (as per Codex: Space Marines) -Sergeant may replace bolter with chainsword-free -Sergeant may take artificer armor +5 points -Sergeant may replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a power weapon+10 points -Sergeant may replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a power fist+20 points -Heavy weapon may be replaced with a heavy flamer for +15 points Salamanders Scouts (as per Codex: Space Marines) -One squad may replace carapace armor with power armor for +1 point per model. This squad may not infiltrate. -Up to one Scout may be armed with a heavy bolter (with hellfire shells), a missile launcher, or a multimelta+10 points

-Sergeant may replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a power weapon+10 points -Sergeant may replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a power fist+20 points Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (as per Codex: Space Marines) Attack Bike Squadron (as per Codex: Space Marines) Salamander Bike Squadron (as per Codex: Space Marines) -Sergeant may replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a power weapon+10 points -Sergeant may replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a power fist+20 points Assault Squad (as per Codex: Space Marines) -Sergeant may take artificer armor +5 points -Sergeant may replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a power weapon+10 points - Sergeant may replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a lightning claw+15 points -Sergeant may replace his close combat weapon or bolt pistol with a power fist+20 points Razorback Squad: To make up for their comparative lack of Assault Marines, Bikes, and Landspeeders, Salamanders have developed the unique unit doctrine of the Razorback Squad. Razorback Squad 90 points Unit Composition: 4 Salamanders Space Marines 1 Salamanders Space Marine Sergeant Wargear: -Boltgun, bolt pistol, power armor, frag & krak grenades Options: -May add one additional Salamander Space Marine for +16 points -If the squad numbers 5 or more models, one Salamander Space Marine may replace his boltgun or bolt pistol with: -flamer-5 points -meltagun-10points -plasmagun-10 points -heavy flamer-20 points The Salamanders Space Marine Sergeant may replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with: -Chainsword-free -combi-melta or combi-flamer-10 points -power weapon-10 points -power fist-20 points -plasma pistol-15 points -storm bolter-5 points The Salamanders Space Marine Sergeant may take: -melta bombs-5 points -teleport homer-15 points All models may exchange their boltgun for a close combat weapon-free The squad must buy a Razorback, chosen as normal from the Dedicated Transports list. Dedicated Transports: Rhino (as per Codex: Space Marines) -may take storm bolter+10 points -if no additional storm bolter is selected, may take a pintle mounted flamer+15 points Razorback (as per Codex: Space Marines) -may take storm bolter+10 points -if no additional storm bolter is selected, may take a pintle mounted flamer+15 points

Drop Pod (as per Codex: Space Marines) Heavy Support: Whirlwind (as per Codex: Space Marines) -may take storm bolter+10 points -if no additional storm bolter is selected, may take a pintle mounted flamer+15 points Predator (as per Codex: Space Marines) -may take Ceramite Hull+25 points -may take storm bolter+10 points -if no additional storm bolter is selected, may take a pintle mounted flamer+15 points -may replace heavy bolter sponsons with heavy flamer sponsons-free Vindicator (as per Codex: Space Marines) -may take Ceramite Hull+25 points -may take storm bolter+10 points -if no additional storm bolter is selected, may take a pintle mounted flamer+15 points Land Raider (all variants: as per Codex: Space Marines) -may take Ceramite Hull+30 points -may take storm bolter+10 points -if no additional storm bolter is selected, may take a pintle mounted flamer+15 points

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