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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region X Division Of Misamis Oriental District of Opol LUYONG BONBON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL


Calendar Year 2013 (Bases: RA 9155 and DO 32, s. 2010: NCBTS-SH)

Milestone/Performance Indicators
I. INSTRUCTIONAL COMPETENCE (70%) A. Lesson Planning and Delivery [45% for Teachers, 40% for Master Teachers]

Target (Descriptive)
Formulates/ adopts objectives of lesson plans Out of 5 indicators, at least 4 indicators will be met in the 4 subjects taught

Means of Verification/Artef acts/Evidences Compilation of lesson plans

B. Technical Assistance

Selects contents and prepares appropriate Instructional Materials/Teaching Aids Selects teaching methods/ strategies. Relates new lesson with previous knowledge/skills. Provides appropriate motivations. Presents and develops lessons. Conveys ideas clearly. Utilizes the art of questioning to develop higher level of thinking. Ensures pupils/ students participation. Address individual differences. Shows mastery of the subject matter assessment. Diagnose learners needs. Evaluate learning outcomes. Assess lesson to determine desired outcomes within the allotted time. Management of Time and Learning Environment Maintains clean and orderly classroom. Maintains classroom conducive to learning. Provides assistance to teachers in improving their

[for Master Teachers only 15%]

C. Learners Achievement [20% for teachers, 10% for Master Teachers] D. School, Home and Community Involvement [5%]

teaching competence. Prepare prototype instructional materials for use. Assist in the conduct of in-service training/conferences. Serves as demonstration teacher on innovative teaching techniques, classroom management, and materials development. Improves the learners achievement level over pretest.


Decisiveness Honesty & Integrity Dedication/ Commitment Initiative/Resourceful ness Courtesy Human Relations Leadership Stress Tolerance

Organizes and maintains functional homeroom PTA. Conducts homeroom PTA meeting to report learners progress. Disseminates school policies/plans/programs/ accomplishments to school clientele. Participates in community projects and in civic organizations. Encourages involvement of parents in school programs and activities. Listen to stakeholders needs and concerns and responds appropriately in consideration of the political, social, legal and cultural context. Maintain good reputation with respect to financial matters. Manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in the nobility of the teaching profession. Develop programs and projects for continuing personal and professional development Communicate effectively; interact appropriately with a variety of audience/ client. Maintain harmonious relations and pleasant personal official relations with superiors, colleagues, subordinates, learners, parents, stakeholders. Conduct environmental scanning; situational analysis of the school Involve stakeholders in drafting and communicating the schools vision and mission. Introduce innovations in the school program to achieve higher learning outcomes

Fairness & Justice Proper Attire/ Good Grooming III. PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE [10%] [Including meetings and required school activities] Punctuality Attendance

Empower teachers and personnel to identify, initiate and manage changes Demonstrate ability to maintain good health, manage emotions in a variety of situations. Recommend appointments, promotions and transfers on the bases of merit and needs in the interest of service. Observe and demonstrate desirable look of a professional at all times. Arrives in all required activities on time. Attends to all required activities.

Prepared by:

_____________________________ Teacher




Public Schools District Supervisor

Education Program

School Head


CHERRY MAE L. LIMBACO, Ph.D., CESO V Schools Division Superintendent

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region X Division Of Misamis Oriental District of Opol LUYONG BONBON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL


Calendar Year 2013 (Bases: RA 9155 and DO 32, s. 2010: NCBTS-SH)

Milestone/Performance Indicators
IV. INSTRUCTIONAL COMPETENCE (70%) B. Lesson Planning and Delivery [45% for Teachers, 40% for Master Teachers]

Target (Descriptive)
Formulates/ adopts objectives of lesson plans Selects contents and prepares appropriate Instructional Materials/Teaching Aids Selects teaching methods/ strategies. Relates new lesson with previous knowledge/skills. Provides appropriate motivations. Presents and develops lessons. Conveys ideas clearly. Utilizes the art of questioning to develop higher level of thinking. Ensures pupils/ students participation. Address individual differences. Shows mastery of the subject matter assessment. Diagnose learners needs. Evaluate learning outcomes. Assess lesson to determine desired outcomes within the allotted time. Management of Time and Learning Environment

Means of Verification/Artef acts/Evidences

Maintains clean and orderly classroom. Maintains classroom conducive to learning.

B. Technical Assistance [for Master Teachers only 15%]

C. Learners Achievement [20% for teachers, 10% for Master Teachers] D. School, Home and Community Involvement [5%]

Provides assistance to teachers in improving their teaching competence. Prepare prototype instructional materials for use. Assist in the conduct of in-service training/conferences. Serves as demonstration teacher on innovative teaching techniques, classroom management, and materials development. Improves the learners achievement level over pretest.


Decisiveness Honesty & Integrity Dedication/ Commitment

Organizes and maintains functional homeroom PTA. Conducts homeroom PTA meeting to report learners progress. Disseminates school policies/plans/programs/ accomplishments to school clientele. Participates in community projects and in civic organizations. Encourages involvement of parents in school programs and activities. Listen to stakeholders needs and concerns and responds appropriately in consideration of the political, social, legal and cultural context. Maintain good reputation with respect to financial matters. Manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in the nobility of the teaching profession.

Initiative/Resourceful ness Courtesy Human Relations Leadership Stress Tolerance

Fairness & Justice Proper Attire/ Good Grooming Punctuality Attendance

Develop programs and projects for continuing personal and professional development Communicate effectively; interact appropriately with a variety of audience/ client. Maintain harmonious relations and pleasant personal official relations with superiors, colleagues, subordinates, learners, parents, stakeholders. Conduct environmental scanning; situational analysis of the school Involve stakeholders in drafting and communicating the schools vision and mission. Introduce innovations in the school program to achieve higher learning outcomes Empower teachers and personnel to identify, initiate and manage changes Demonstrate ability to maintain good health, manage emotions in a variety of situations. Recommend appointments, promotions and transfers on the bases of merit and needs in the interest of service. Observe and demonstrate desirable look of a professional at all times. Arrives in all required activities on time. Attends to all required activities.

VI. PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE [10%] [Including meetings and required school activities]

Prepared by:

_____________________________ Teacher




Public Schools District Supervisor

Education Program

School Head

Concurred: CHERRY MAE L. LIMBACO, Ph.D., CESO V Schools Division Superintendent

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region X Division Of Misamis Oriental District of Opol LUYONG BONBON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL


School Year 2013-2014 (Bases: RA 9155 and DO 32, s. 2010: NCBTS-SH)

Milestone/Performance Indicators

Target (Descriptive)

Means of Verification/Artif acts/ Evidences


A. Lesson Planning and Delivery [45% for Teachers, 40% for Master Teachers]

Formulates/ adopts objectives of lesson plans

-Out of 5 indicators, at least 4 indicators will be met in daily lesson planning and delivery in every subject areas taught within the school year. -Of the 5 indicators, at least 4 will be considered in selecting/preparing and utilizing instructional materials/teaching aids -4 out of 5 indicators will be met in selecting teaching methods and strategies -4 out of 5 indicators will be done in the presentation of the new lesson in every subject areas taught within the school year. -4 out of 5 indicators will be applied in providing appropriate motivation in every subject areas taught within the school year.

-Compilation of Lesson Plans -Filed IMs and pictures

Selects contents and prepares appropriate Instructional Materials/Teaching Aids Selects teaching methods/ strategies.

-Compilation of lesson plans and teaching methods/strategies -Compilation of Lesson Plans, compilation of formative and summative test results -Compilation of Lesson Plans, compilation of audiovisual/instructional materials used -Compilation of Lesson Plans and Teaching Materials -Compilation of Lesson Plans -Compilation of Test Results -Form 1

Relates new lesson with previous knowledge/skills.

Provides appropriate motivations.

Presents and develops lessons.

Conveys ideas clearly.

-4 out of 5 indicators will be applied in the presentation and development of the lesson in every subject areas taught within the school year. -4 out of 5 indicators will be followed in conveying ideas clearly in every subject areas taught within the school year. -4 out of 5 indicators will be considered in the construction of questions in every subject areas taught within the school year. -4 out of 5 indicators will be done to ensure

Utilizes the art of questioning to develop higher level of thinking. Ensures pupils/ students participation.

Address individual differences. Shows mastery of the subject matter assessment.

pupils participation in class discussion/recitation. -4 out of 5 indicators will be done to address individual differences of pupils -4 out of 5 indicators will be done to ensure mastery of the subject matter in every subject areas taught within the school year. -4 out of 4 indicators will be met in assessing pupils needs, background, IQ and academic records. Conduct case study/research for extraordinary pupils. -4 out of 5 evaluation tools will be included/ used in assessing pupils learning within the school year.

-Lesson Plans, Teaching Materials/Aids -Lesson Plans

Diagnose learners needs.

-Pupils anecdotal records/portfolio -Result of the Diagnostic Test -Compilation of Diagnostic Test papers -Results of the evaluations given -Pupils portfolio -Result of the tests conducted -Checklist of the daily assigned cleaners

Evaluate learning outcomes.

Assess lesson to determine desired outcomes within the allotted time.

Management of Time and Learning Environment Maintains clean and orderly classroom. Maintains classroom conducive to learning.

-At least 60% of the pupils will pass the formative test within the allotted time in every subject areas taught within the semester.

-Maintenance of clean and orderly classroom will be done all the time within the school year. -4 out of 5 characteristics will be achieved to maintain classroom conducive to learning within the school year


B. Technical Assistance [for Master Teachers only 15%]

Provides assistance to teachers in improving their teaching competence.

C. Learners Achievement [20% for teachers, 10% for Master Teachers]

Prepare prototype instructional materials for use. Assist in the conduct of in-service training/conferences. Serves as demonstration teacher on innovative teaching techniques, classroom management, and materials development. Improves the learners achievement level over pretest.

D. School, Home and Community Involvement [5%]

Organizes and maintains functional homeroom PTA. Conducts homeroom PTA meeting to report learners progress.

-Learners achievement level in the posttest will be increased at least 4% over pretest in every subject areas taught by the end of the school year based on the diagnostic test which will be conducted in the beginning of the school year and on the achievement test which will be conducted at the end of the school year. -4 out of 5 purposes will be achieved in organizing and maintaining a functional homeroom PTA within the school year. -Homeroom PTA meetings will be conducted at least once every grading period in order to report learners progress. -75% of the schools policies/plans/programs/accomplishments will be disseminated to the schools public within the school year. -5 out of 6 indicators will be met in the active participation/involvement in community projects and other civic organizations. -75% participation rate of the parents involvement in school programs and activities will be met/ achieved.

-Score sheets

-List of Homeroom PTA Officers -Attendance of parents

Disseminates school policies/plans/programs/ accomplishments to school clientele.

-Copies of the schools policies/plans/prog rams/accomplishm ents -Attendance or certificates received -Attendance of parents in school programs and activities

Participates in community projects and in civic organizations. Encourages involvement of parents in school programs and activities.



Listen to stakeholders needs and concerns and responds appropriately in consideration of the political, social, legal and cultural context. Maintain good reputation with respect to financial matters. Manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in the nobility of the teaching profession. Develop programs and projects for continuing personal and professional development Communicate effectively; interact appropriately with a variety of audience/ client. Maintain harmonious relations and pleasant personal official relations with superiors, colleagues, subordinates, learners, parents, stakeholders. Conduct environmental scanning; situational analysis of the school

Honesty & Integrity Dedication/ Commitment Initiative/Resourcefu lness Courtesy

Human Relations


Involve stakeholders in drafting and communicating the schools vision and mission. Introduce innovations in the school program to achieve higher learning outcomes Empower teachers and personnel to identify, initiate and manage changes

Stress Tolerance

Demonstrate ability to maintain good health,

-Stakeholders needs and concerns will be considered and responded most of the time in consideration of the political, social, legal and cultural context. -Good reputation with respect to financial matters will be maintained most of the time. -Service over and above the regular functions and even beyond the regular time will be rendered always. -Activities/projects will be initiated/ performed most of the time without being told or supervise. -Politeness, kindness and thoughtfulness in manners of speech and actions with a variety of audience/client will be shown most of the time. -Harmonious relations and pleasant personal official relations with a variety of personalities, ranks and groups will be maintained most of the time. -As teacher and for the good of the service, I will improve more as coach in Athletics, BSP coordinator, Science coordinator, EPP coordinator, record keeper, PHIL-IRI coordinator and school narrative report maker in the school level. -Stakeholders will be involved in the drafting and communicating of the schools vision and mission most of the time. -Innovations in the school program will be introduced most of the time to achieve higher learning outcomes. -Children will be empowered most of the time to identify, initiate, and manage changes in the classroom. -I, myself, will accept responsibilities most of the time to identify, initiate, and manage changes in the teaching profession. -Ability to maintain good health,

-Attendance of parents

-DTR -List of projects/activities initiated

-Certificates and awards received

-Attendance of parents during GPTA meetings. -Copies of innovations

manage emotions in a variety of situations. Fairness & Justice Recommend appointments, promotions and transfers on the bases of merit and needs in the interest of service.

Proper Attire/ Good Grooming III. PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE [10%] [Including meetings and required school activities] Punctuality Attendance

Observe and demonstrate desirable look of a professional at all times. Arrives in all required activities on time. Attends to all required activities.

management of emotions in a variety of situations will be demonstrated most of the time. -As teacher, I will be open-minded on policies of appointments, promotions and transfers most of the time in the interest of service. -With regards to children, I will conform to moral principles of law. I will be just and unbiased in dealing with them most of the time. -Desirable look of a professional teacher will be observed and demonstrated at all times in and outside of the school. -At least 4 times tardiness will be made in all required activities within the school year. -At least 4 times absences will be made in all required activities within the school year.

-Everyday personal look and sets of uniforms -DTR and logbook -DTR and logbook

I agree to achieve these targets for the rating period, June to October, 2013.

NELIA E. GRAFE Teacher I agree to assist the employee achieve her targets for the rating period, June to October, 2013.


School Head


blic Schools District Supervisor


I am a professional Teacher. I am responsible for my personal and professional growth. Henceforth, I commit my best to attain the goals and objectives I have set hereunto for my professional development, Not only for my benefit but also for my schools improvement and most of all, for my learners progress.



Atte sted: Principal I NIELE B. SABORNIDO

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