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Trkic World - Codex of Inscriptions

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Issyk Inscription
The oldest inscription in the Trkic alphabet, the Issyk Inscription, written on a flat silver drinking cup, was found in 1970 in a royal tomb located within Balykchy ( Issyk), a town in Kyrgyzstan near Lake Issyk, and was dated by 5-th c. BC. What was the world in the 5-th century BC? We have archeological discoveries, where dating is almost always somewhat speculative, and reconstructions of the ancient Greek maps, and the views of the Mesopotamian and Chinese records. From the Mesopotamian, Chinese, and Greek texts, from the archeological discoveries of the kurgans, from the written monuments, we get a glimpse of the nomadic nations of the Central Asia in the 5-th c. BC. The various interpretations of the graphics and contents of the inscription witness the paucity of the finds and the potential for the studies. For the Issyk Alphabet table by Dr. Selahi Diker, the author of the AND THE WHOLE EARTH WAS OF ONE LANGUAGE (1996, 1999) click here.


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Trkic World - Codex of Inscriptions

Issyk drinking-cup (Pl. 24) Fifth-century B.C. Issyk Inscription (1) (Pl. 24), written on a flat silver drinking-cup, was found in 1970 in a royal tomb located within Esik, a small town in Kazakistan near Lake Issyk (Issiq) in Kirgizistan in Central Asia. In the tomb were found a body of a man dressed from head to toe in magnificent attire with his clothes, jacket, pants, socks, and boots all made of attached pieces of pure gold, amounting to 4,800 in numbers, greatest ever found in a tomb excepting that of Pharaoh Tutankhamon. His tall cone-shaped crowning hat extending down to his ears and neck contained golden arrows on top. On his belt he carried a sword on the right side and on the left a knife, both in their shields. Beautiful reliefs of animal design ornamented the shields, the belt and the front of the hat. Radio-carbon tests determined the age of the finds as belonging to the fifth century B.C. (2). Issyk drinking-cup (Pl. 24)

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Publications: Akishev, Kemal. A., "Issyk Kurgan", Moscow, 1978, Tracing, p. 55 Erin M., "Esik Yaziti, Trk Runik Yazisi" (Issyk Inscription, a Turkish Runic Text) in HD50S 225 Diker S., And The Whole Earth Was Of One Language (1996, 1999) Martynov 1996: 224, figure 8 Mirsan, Kazim, Prototrk Bilginlerine Gre Astrofizik ("Astrophysics According to the Proto-Turkish Scholars"), 1990, Ankara Musabayev Rjabchikov, Sergei V., 1999. A Saka (Scythian) Record Reads in Slavonic Sleymanof O. (Kazakhstan) Attempts to read: Akishev, Kemal. A., "Issyk Kurgan", Moscow, 1978, Tracing, p. 55 Erin M., "Esik Yaziti, Trk Runik Yazisi" (Issyk Inscription, a Turkish Runic Text) in HD50S 225 Diker S., And The Whole Earth Was Of One Language (1996, 1999) Mirsan, Kazim, Prototrk Bilginlerine Gre Astrofizik ("Astrophysics According to the Proto-Turkish Scholars"), 1990, Ankara Musabayev Rjabchikov, Sergei V., 1999. A Saka (Scythian) Record Reads in Slavonic Sleymanof O. (Kazakhstan) Transcription: Not available Transliteration: Diker S.: (ommited vowels in bold), Han Ong-Er, arik, Siz erik, Bargil! Erni iigig ktir, Ozgil!

han o-ng er arik siz irik bar gil er-ni iigig ketir oz gil


Olcas (Oljas) Sleymanof: Han uya otuzu (da) yok bolti, utigsi tozilti M. Erin, generally based on Akishev's phonemes:

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Trkic World - Codex of Inscriptions

Agn er / anga er i / arak Esiz i / erik baruk / araki E i itkir / az k Kazim Mirsan: gn an onuy a c ok . ub oz u esitis oz t onuy oy eki ekil aliz at Sergei V. Rjabchikov: (reading left-to-right, presumably using Minoan Linear A alphabet, distorted tracing of the inscription, and Slavono-Indo-Palestinian-Sinaian-Byblian-Indo-Arian-Old Indian etc language): p(i)-u-r-u v(e) n-r v(e) l-e-sh s-e v(e)-e-r A-n-i p(e)-u-t n-b-e-u Translation Diker S.: literally King Ong-Er, arik, You soldiers, Do depart! The heroes as willingly-joined volunteers, raise up to heaven, Reach (eternal) peace! in clearer English King Ong-Er, (of) arik (Nation), You soldiers, Do depart! Raise up to heaven the heroes who have voluntarily joined you, (and) Reach (eternal) peace!

Translation Dictionary: -gil -ig amplifier of the imperative verb of 2nd person singular. See: bargil, ozgil. Turkish noun-making suffix attached to verbs. See: iigig.

-ni accusative suffix (generally passive case). Some examples: M. Tr. ol erni k keldr "bring that man himself"; O. Tr. biz-ni "us". barbargil (Mod. Tr. var-) to go, to depart; to reach, to arrive. an imperative form of the verb bar-, meaning "do go!; do depart!." See: bar- and -gil.

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Trkic World - Codex of Inscriptions

arik/aruk name of the Issyk people, which may be the source of the Turkish clan mentioned in Mahmud Kashgari DLT where aruk (arik/arig) is mentioned as the name of one of the twenty Turkish clans, who, together with "Kirghiz, Kiptchak, Oghuz, Tokhsi, Yaghma, igil and Ughrak, speak only one language, that is, pure Turkish" (DLT I, 30). They lived in the city of Baruk (DLT I, 381) which Kashgari says was the city of Afrasiyab (Alp Er Tonga), the ancient king of the Turanians (Turks) in the Shahname. This city was located east of Kashgar and south of Aksu in Eastern Turkistan, the region only about 250 miles away from the town of Esik where the inscription was found. aruks are also mentioned under the name of aruk-lu ("belonging to the aruk") as one of the 22 Oghuz tribes (DLT I, 58). Their colonies seem to have lived in Khwarezm, Crimea, and Caucasus under the name of agruq/igrak. The name is also mentioned in Uighur texts found by M. A. Stein, Hungarian-born British archaeologist, in Tun-huang in Central Asia, where arig is one of the ten (royal) clans, and one of the five of the Tardus group (western part) of the Kk-Trk empire. The age of the Uighur texts is accepted to be not later than A.D. 8th century [probably much earlier] irik Tr. erik/erig "soldier, soldiers, troops, a line of soldiers, army" (UYG; DLT).

er man, men, brave man, hero (DLT I, 468). Example: O. Tr. er (written with single r) "man" (Kt:N12); tokuz erig (active accusative, written as tkuz rg) "the nine man" (Kt:N6). iigig/iikig (igg) "(one) joined willingly or voluntarily," used as past participle of the verb iik-, or "(one) who joins voluntarily; [(a) willing (man), volunteer]," used as verbal noun formed with the noun-making suffix -ig/-ik attached to the verb iik-. The word is written, almost exactly, in Bilge Kaghan's inscription where it appears together with its verb. Thus, Kk-Trk expression ikg-me ik-di (iikig-me iikdi), budun boldi "(those) if willing (or being willing), joined (and) became (part of) the nation" (BK:E37), the meaning of the suffix -me being apparently "to be; being," or -me/-ma "if" (UYG). Actually, the Issyk igg (iigig) conforms better with the Turkish harmony in spoken language than the Kk-Trk ikg (iikig) which is grammatically the correct form in writing. iik(ik-) to enter in, to join [voluntarily] (UYG); to surrender willingly or voluntarily (to the other side and then fight in their ranks) (DLT I, 192). O. Turkish example: Han birtim, haningin kodup iikding "I gave you (a) king, (but) you have joined (the enemy)". han king. (ktir) to raise, to raise above (CdCum 118.37; UYG).

ktir-/ktr-/kteron-? n/z.

"to reach a good end"; an alternate word for oz-, assuming the sign for z is a dual letter

ong (part of the name of the king) "good, safe; abundant, fruitful, fertile; [happy; blessed]"; "freedom; security, safety; soundness [(divine) peace; throne, God?, Heaven?]" (CdCum 113/4 and 119/43, 44). Ong was a Turkish title given to the Nestorian Tughril (Tughrul) Khan, king of the Kerait Turks, and a century before him, was the name of one king, Ong Khan of the infidel (non-muslim) Turks (of Khitai and Khotan) of the East. Ong-Er name of the king, meaning "Blessed Hero."

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ozto be saved, to find salvation, to reach safety, [to reach peace] (DLT; UYG). The word is a synonym of Tr. on- "to reach a good end; to make secure, safe; to cure, to be well" (UYG). ozgil an imperative form of the verb oz-, meaning "do find salvation!; do reach (eternal) peace!." See: oz- and -gil. sen? (1) (Normal Turkish) "you" singular, said to people younger and of lower rank; an alternate word for siz, assuming the sign for z is a dual letter n/z. sen? siz siz (2) (Oghuz Turkish) "you" singular, said to elders. See also: siz (3). (1) you (plural). (2) you (singular, said to older people).

siz (3) (Oghuz Turkish) "you," singular, said to people younger and of lower rank (DLT I, 339, where Kashgari says: "Oghuz Turks do the reverse, they say `sen' to the elders and `siz' to the younger"). M. Erin: Lonely person / worthless person drink / arak Alas drink / evil wild / (the) arak Do be obedient drink / just a little Musabayev: (see for Selahi Diker's comments) Olcas (Oljas) Sleymanof: (see for Selahi Diker's comments) The son of the king, at twenty three (three-thirty), died His name and fame became dust Kazim Mirsan: Him whose majesty you are praising is an arrow which became of the cosmos. He The Zeus. by passing to leadership as if winning a race, (to reach) to the seat of the cosmos (is) the name taken" Sergei V. Rjabchikov: (interpretation using Slavono-Indo-Arian-Minoan Linear A (B) etc language, with a major dose of undeclared Trkic borrowings like loshad' 'horse', burya 'storm', Sivka-burka 'fairytale horse'): Reading Rjabchikov's Explanation fairytale horse; in, into, at fury; aspiration fragment reports about the solar horse Fire, the path though the sky; to turn round and round; this No explanation, sorry is fire/top; sky

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