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Jesup, Georgia 31545

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


When you sell a man a book, you dont sell him just twelve ounces of paper and ink and glueyou sell him a whole new life. Christopher Morley But you say, Theres not much paper and ink and glue in my iPad. I know. I know. This is 2013. When Im traveling, to lighten my load, I download books onto my iPad. But for everyday reading, I want to hold those 12ounces. I find comfort in pulling a real book from my stack and turning the pages. Books are my Happy Hour. During the holidays, I gulped down about a halfdozen books. My favorites were non-fiction, served with a twist of history and a splash of politics. Killing Kennedy I cant imagine sitting still to watch Bill OReilly on television. But on a cold, rainy Saturday, I sat long enough to read every word in OReilly and Martin Dugards newest book about President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Their conversational approach yanked me back to the early 1960s. Like many of you, I know exactly where I was when I heard the news from Dallas. Our high school principal, C.E. Bacon, announced over the intercom, President Kennedy has been shot. I was in the football training room, talking with Doc Tommy Causey. Even at 14, I knew my youth had just lost a

Please serve me a double shot of books for Happy Hour

My Opinion
chunk of its innocence. And that was reaffirmedover and over watching, on black and white TV, Jack Ruby gun down JFKs assassin, Lee Harvey

Oswald. The Fish That Ate the Whale As much as I knew about JFK, I was ignorant about Sam Zemurray, a Russian Jew who immigrated to Mobile, Ala., in 1891. The penniless teenager latched onto overripe bananas and peeled back the secret of the American Dream, stockpiling unimaginable wealth and power. Much of his money went to Tulane University, where its president lives in the Zemurray mansion. As for his power, Zemurrays influence stretched from New York to Central America. And if you peel back Washington politics during his era, youll discover Sam the Banana Man peddled more than fruit. I start each morning with yogurt and a banana. Thanks to Rich Cohen, the author, my banana is more than nutrition. Now, its


a symbol of intrigue, asking: How could I not have known? Huey Long Invades New Orleans Like the saga of Americas Banana King, I bumped into Garry Boulards book by accident. I picked up the paperback in the Roosevelt Hotels gift shop in New Orleans. Ive read plenty about the flamboyant Louisiana demagogue, but Id forgotten about his takeover of the Big Easy, starting in 1934. By the time I had reached the hotels elevator, I was already turning pages. Zemurray died in 1961. JFK was killed in 1963. Both shared a trait of Huey Long: lust. Kennedys not-so-secret lust was for women. Zemurrays littleknown-about lust was for control. Hueys infamous lust was for the limelight. And everywhere the United States senator went, the lights were glaring in his face some in adoration and others in disgust. If an assassin had not halted Hueys ascent, you have to wonder how far his lust would have taken him. Up next is Bill OReillys Killing Lincoln. Thats because he did such a good job with JFK. Still, I dont plan to watch his TV show. And that makes me think of what Groucho Marx said: I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.

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