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13 Reading Guide Japan Why did Chinese influence in Japan peak during the 7th and 8th centuries? Why did it decline therafter? Outline basic Shinto beliefs (aside from class notes and the text reading, you may want to look at the pptpalooza ppt). Identify the kami. Explain the role of Buddhism in Japan. How did Buddhism play a key role in the transmission of Chinese civilization to Japan? Identify dates, major figures, major events: Taika, Heian, Nara, Sengoku (warlord), Tokugawa. What role did Chinese cultural influence play in each of these eras? Taika Reforms What were they, when? Purpose? Impact? Why did the Japanese imperial family move the court to Heian and when? Impact? Describe the military organization of the Heian gvmt in Japan. How did this contribute to ultimately eroding the control of the imperial gvmt? Identify: The Tale of Genji author, date, plot, impact What role did focus on social convention and literature play in the imperial court at Heian? Impact? Identify these individuals/families, dates, periods, role, impact: Genshin, Fujiwara, Minamoto, Taira, Yoritomo, Hojo Identify: bushi, bushido, daimyo, samurai, seppuku, kata, bakufu, sensei, shogun What was the impact of the rise of a provincial military elite in Japan during the 10th century? How did this happen? How would you characterize the relationship between the imperial court and the provincial military elite? How would you characterize the nature of warfare among the bushi? What was the impact of the rise of the samurai on the peasantry in Japan? What was the status of the Japanese court aristocracy as a result of the rise of a provincial warrior elite by the 11th and 12th centuries Gempei Wars dates, who was involved, outcome, impact, other noteworthy info? Who won? When? Results? Location of the bakufu? Describe the feudal stage of Japanese history. Structure? Dates? How did the rise of a provincial warrior elite impact the role Confucianism played in Japan? What was going on in China during the rise of the provincial warrior elite in Japan? When and why did the Japanese cease to send official embassies to China? When and why was the shogunate established? What role did the shogun play? Kyoto- when/why was it important? What was the relationship betweenteh Hojo family and the Minamoto shoguns following the death of Yoritomo? Ashikaga Shogunate when did it come to power, how? Impact? How would you characterize the relationship between the Ashikaga shoguns and the emperor at Kyoto?


What happened as a result? Impact? How, when, and why was the Ashikaga Shogunate ultimately destroyed? Civil wars 1467-1477: major figures, events, outcome, impact? How did this impact the creation of daimyos (how many)? How did the principles of warfare change under the daimyos? What improvements in agricultural techniques and incentives came about during the warlord era in Japan? Impact? How would you characterize the status of women during the era of the daimyos? Zen Buddhism describe its emergence and its impact in Japan on the samurai, general culture. How did the rise of Zen contribute to a revival of Chinese cultural influence? What were some of the major developments on political and social structures during the era of the daimyos?

Choson where located, when established, when did Chinese emperors first conquer it (which Chinese dynasty)? Identify locations, dates, major figures, events: Silla, Koguryo, Paekche, Choson, Koryo, Yi what role did the Mongols play in Korea and when? Give correct chronological sequence for these dynasties. What was the impact of Confucianism and the establishment of an exam system based on the Chinese model? What role did birth/test scores play in admission to the bureaucracy? What role did the bureaucracy play overall? Why did the Korean elite tend toward Buddhism? Impact? What factors made the development of a merchant or artisan class in Korea difficult? What role did the Korean elite play in this development?

Vietnam Compare and contrast Chinese/Vietnam family structures, role of women Why did Chinese cultural imports fail to make an impact on the Vietnamese peasantry? Results? When did the Chinese establish control in Vietnam (include dates, dynasty) Trace the role of Chinese political and cultural influence in Vietnam. Identify rebellions, periods of independence and also major figures and dates in those rebellions and periods of independence. What role did the Confucian exam system play in Vietnam after the 10th century? What role did Buddhism play in Vietnam? When, why, how, did the division of the Vietnamese into two kingdoms come about. Identify and locate Hue, Hanoi.

General How did the Japanese importation of Chinese culture differ from that of Vietnam and Korea?

Discuss the government of Japan between the Gempei wars and the Tokugawa Shogunate. How did the social development of post-classical Japan differ from the development of Korea during the period of Chinese influence? Why was China unable to assimilate the Vietnamese despite direct rule for almost a millennium? How did the extension of Chinese culture to its satellite civilizations differ from other global civilizations?

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