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1.Faktor apa saja yang dapat menyebabkan keterbatasan dari pertumbuhan e-commerc e?

- technical kurang tersedianya sistem yang aman dari sisi, sekuritas, reliability, standard dan komunikasi protokol keterbatasan bandwith telekomunikasi evolusi dan perubahan software tools sulit integrasikan internet dengan e-commerce - non technical biaya investasi membuat sistem e-commerce cukup besar sekuritas dan privasi kepercayaan dan keberadaan konsumen sulit brrpndh dr fisik k virtual akses yg mahal ke internet kurangnya support service 2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan model perilaku konsumen? Faktor - faktor apa saja yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen dalam melakukan transaksi pada aplikasi e -commerce? Consumer behavior viewed in terms of: ? Why is the consumer shopping? ? How does the consumer benefit from shopping online? 5.Jelaskan manfaat apa saja yang dapat diberikan untuk perusahaan dan konsumen dengan menggunakan aggregated catalogs! Aggregating suppliers catalogs: an internal marketplace ?Maverick buying to save time leads to high prices ?Aggregating all approved suppliers catalogs in one place Reduced number of suppliers ?Buyers at multiple corporate locations Fewer and remote suppliers Larger quantity/lower costs 6. Bagaimana character- based interactive agents dapat digunakan di ecommerce? Berikan contoh! Character-Based Interactive Agents ? Avatars animated computer characters that exhibit human-like movements and behaviors ? Social computing an approach aimed at making the human computer interface more natural 7. Mengapa perusahaan harus melakukan online market research ? Jelaskan tehnik atau metode yang dapat digunakan dalam melakukan online market research! Powerful tool for research regarding: ? Consumer behavior ? Discover of new markets ? Consumer interest in new products Internet-based market research ? Interactive allowing personal contact ? Gives better understanding of customer, market, and competition Major factors used for prediction are: ? Product information requested

? Number of related e-mails ? Number of orders made ? What products/services are ordered ? Gender Online market research attempts to find: ? Purchase patterns for individuals and groups ? Factors that encourage online purchasing ? How to identify real buyers and browsers ? How an individual navigates ? Optimal Web page design 8. Jelaskan perbedaan antara spot buying dan strategic sourcing? Types of transactions ? Spot buying Purchasing of goods and services as they are needed, usually at prevailing market prices, which are determined dynamically by supply and demand ? Strategic sourcing Purchases made in long term contracts that are usually based on private negotiation between sellers and buyers 9. Jelaskan klasifikasi dari B2B exchanges! Exchanges ?many-to-many e-marketplaces, usually owned and run by a third party or a consortium, in which many buyers and many sellers meet electronically to trade with each other ?also called trading communities or trading exchanges benefits of e-commerce to organizations, consumers, and society org:memperluas pasar ke tingkatnasional dan multiasional mengurangi biaya pembuatan, proses dll yang masih menggunakan media cetak/kertas mengurangi jumlah barang inventory consumer, 24 jam Provides consumers with more choices ? Provides consumers with less expensive products and services by allowing them to shop in many places and conduct quick comparisons ? Allows quick delivery of products and services (in some cases) especially with digitized products ? Consumers can receive relevant and detailed information in seconds, rather than in days or weeks ? Makes it possible to participate in virtual auctions society membuat orang2 bekerja di rumah fasilitas pengiriman barang, menghemat biaya, menambah efisien dan cepat e-marketplaces and their components tempat bertemu pnjual-pmbeli u melakukan transaksi barang, jasa, informasi dilak

ukan secara elektronik komponen , consumer, sellers, intermediaries, infrastructure, product, bisnis pa rtner support service Types of Electronic Markets e-storefront e-malls online market/e-marketplaces supply chains and value chains value, aktifitas yg dilakukan organisasi u memberikan nilai lebih pada setiap aktifitas yang berjalan. supply, alur barang, uang, informasi yang mendukung eksekusi suatu aktifitas role intermediaries memberikan informasi produk mencarikan preferensi kustomer merahasiakan identitas seller/buyer menciptakan terjadinya transaksi e-catalog kumpulan presentasi informasi produk dalam bentuk elektronik shopping carts proses pemesanan dengan mengijinkan kustomer mengumpulkan item untuk nantinya dibeli bisnis model e-tailing subcription model- cas per bulan transaction fee model - cas per servis setiap transaksi advertising support model - cas setiap pemasangan iklan sponsorship model - cas donatur various e-tail consumer aids shopping portal shopbot and agent bisnis ratong site komunitas critical sukses factor e-tail memanage resiko, membuat situs yang menguntungkan, mengenalkan brand strategi clik-mortar memperluas channel mengedukasi customer advance search memberikan layanan informasi yang banyak pembelian online yang aman isu disintermediasi faktor behaviour consumer consumer type organitational buyer one-to one practice From mass marketing to segmentation to one-to-one marketing.

?Relationships as a two-way street: ? Customer information is collected and placed in a database ? Customer s profile is developed ?Generate four P s of marketing: ? Product Place ? Price Promotion

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