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OVERRIDE Shooting Script

RANDALL KRONGARD, Copyright/Registered March 1, 2007 All Rights Reserved, Override Productions LLC





TAYLOR BRAITHWAITE, 35, hyperventilates over a running sink. He runs his hands through his hair, closes his eyes, takes a series of forced deep breaths trying to calm himself. A SERIES OF KNOCKS on the door tells him its time to go. He pops two painkillers and exits. 2. INT. PITTS COMMERICAL GARAGE DAY

BONDO, 30, a huge, brutal street brawler coats his forearms with vaseline and stalks into a ring of a dozen spectators. He intensely shadowboxes and eyes Taylor who follows him into the ring shortly afterward. A man in a baseball cap, COZ, steps to TAYLOR who eyes his enormous opponent. TAYLOR Whered you find this guy? COZ PPB. TAYLOR Huh? COZ Patchogue Parol Boardmy buddys the transportation supervisor over thereCome on, lets start the party. Taylor looks at BONDO then back at Coz and follows him into the ring. COZ Ladies and gentlemen, in this corner weighing in at a frickin ton and a halfBondo! (the crowd cheers) And in this corner weighing in at one hundred seventy-five pounds of fists and fury, Taylor Brakewa (to Taylor) Sorry, I can never pronounce your last name. Taylor smirks as crowd places their final bets in a flurry of activity and shouting. Bondo snorts and shakes like a caged rottweiler.

BONDO Im going to eat your heart like a fucking rhinoceros.

TAYLOR Thats impossible. BONDO Wait and see punk. TAYLOR Rhinos are herbivores so one would never eat my heart. What you want to say is something like, Im going to tear you apart and eat your small intestine like a tyrannosaurs rex. COZ Hes right, that does sound much better. BONDO Shut the fuck up and lets get it on. COZ Right. Starting position, please. Remember, girls, the rules are there are no rulesReadyGo! Taylor and Bondo circle each other. Taylor grabs Bondos forearm but his hand just slips off the greased up arm allowing Bondo to unload a flurry of punches on him. Taylor recovers and gets in a few kicks and punches but Bondo gets the better of him again. Bondo grapples him, but Taylor pushes off, and swipes vaseline into Bondos eyes then leg sweeps the big man sending him crashing down. Bondo curses and thrashes as Taylor leg locks him until Bondo finally taps out. Taylor walks away as Bondo snatches a screwdriver from a man wearing a tool belt and attacks, but Taylor turns just in time to stop him. Bondo pushes the point of the tool two inches from Taylors chest. Taylor struggles to push him away---MORE MONEY CHANGES HANDS IN ANOTHER FLURRY OF BETTING --- then with the point less than an inch away, Taylor takes a quick drop step, wrenches the screwdriver from Bondos grip and jams it into Bondos gut. (RETURN TO SENDER) Bondo drops wheezing for air, the crowd freezes. As Bondo drops, WE SEE THE HANDLE is facing Bondo and the lethal point facing harmlessly back. Taylor tosses the screwdriver to the ground. Coz walks over and congratulates him, handing him a thick wad of cash.

COZ Hey, whos idea was it to do this on payday? Oh, mine.

TAYLOR Yea, youre a genius Coz. I hope you made some money. COZ Oh, I bet on Bondo Naaaa, I didnt, you know Im your number one fan. (looking over Taylors shoulder) Oops, got to go Just then a voice shouts from across the lot. It belongs to BRADY, the garage manager, a stocky African American man in his 40s. BRADY I told you all I dont want this foolishness in here! He marches up to Taylor. BRADY And you! TAYLOR Last time I swear. Im this close from getting evicted and if that happens Ill have to sleep on your couch. BRADY Everyone, back to work! A few men snicker but disperse when Brady eyes them. He grabs Taylor and leads him to a QUIET CORNER OF THE GARAGE. 3. INT. CORNER OF PITTS GARAGE DAY

Two men change the tire on a tow truck while a YOUNG MECHANIC stands at a workbench adjusting a piece of equipment. Brady lights up a slightly used cigar an offers one to Taylor who declines. BRADY Thought you were going to lose that one. TAYLOR Just trying to keep things exciting. Taylor slides Brady a wad of cash. BRADY

When it comes to money, I dont like excitement. (pocketing the cash) And dont get too cocky, maybe Ill jump in the ring with you. I can still bring the heat, you know. TAYLOR I believe you. Brady offers a cigar but Taylor waves him off. BRADY Whered you learn that chop sukie shit, anyway? TAYLOR After my mom died my dad took a job selling airplane parts in Asia. He wasnt home much, either was I. BRADY That explains it. TAYLOR Explains what? BRADY Why you walk around with a black cloud over your head. You didnt get enough love from daddy, I knew it. TAYLOR Yea, that must be it, doc. Brady motions to the far side of the garage where a young mechanic, SKIPPY, is changing an air filter. BRADY Want to see something funny, watch this. (shouting across the garage) Hey, Skippy, get your pasty face over here. The mechanic walks over. BRADY You have lunch yet today? (to Taylor) Kid has peanut butter sandwiches everyday for lunch, aint that right, Skippy?

SKIPPY I guess so, yeah. BRADY You guess so, huh? SKIPPY I like peanut butter, you know. BRADY Youve been here how long? SKIPPY This is my first week, sir. BRADY And youre working hard? SKIPPY I think so, yes sir. BRADY Sir, do you hear that, he calls me sir? I like that. Listen, Skippy, I want you to go get a whackencocker from that steel box on the floor and go change the pocket shaft on this guys truck. Skippy stares back. BRADY You deaf, didnt hear what I said? SKIPPY No..Im not, I BRADY Do you even know what a pocket shaft is, Skippy? You told me you worked in your uncles garage for two summersunless you lied SKIPPY No..I didnt BRADY Can you believe this kid, he doesnt know what a

whackencocker is? TAYLOR Incomprehensible, an outrage, sir. SKIPPY I know what that is, I know what a whacken..I know it BRADY Then get your butt over to that box and get one. Skippy hustles over and as he FLIPS OPEN THE METAL BOX A NAKED BLOW-UP DOLL SHOOTS UP and scares him to death. The other men in the garage erupt with laughter. TAYLOR This place is a zoo, man. BRADY Hey, by the way, Im giving you the night off. TAYLOR Thanks but no thanks, I need the money. BRADY How would you like to make a couple of bucks and not have to get attacked? TAYLOR Im all ears. BRADY I lined up a repo job over in Riverhead. TAYLOR Since when does the shop do repos? BRADY The shop doesnt do repos, I do. TAYLOR Does Mr. Pitt know youre doing this out of his garage? If he finds out, he wont be too happy. BRADY Mr. Pitt s not finding out didly unless you tell him. A hundred-fifty bucks for your end.

TAYLOR Which is? BRADY Getting the car. TAYLOR Make it two hundred fifty. BRADY What? TAYLOR Im scared enough to go to that part of town in the middle of the day. Now Im going there at night and stealing a car. BRADY Repossessing. TAYLOR Im sure the owner will see it that way.

Brady tosses a set of keys to Taylor. Taylor stares at A SMALL PLASTIC DOLPHIN that hangs from the keychain. BRADY After work, meet me me outside the garage. Maybe well get a drink after so bring your dancing shoes. 4. EXT. SIDEWALK OUTSIDE PITTS GARAGE NIGHT

Taylor watches a family walks by with a small girl holding the fathers hand. He exchanges pleasantries with them and as they pass he stares down at the dolphin again. A few seconds later, he looks up as a man in a hooded sweatshirt, DEALER, approaches.

DEALER What you got for me, Jack? Taylor hands over a small bag of white powder. Dealer shakes his head. TAYLOR Thats all I could get.

DEALER Youre up to your ass in debt to me, Jack. He measure out a few pills from one vile and drops it into an empty one, holds it up. DEALER Twenty-five bucks will get you this. Taylor fumbles through his pockets for money as DEALER TAKES A LOLLYPOP FROM HIS JACKET, UNWRAPS IT, SLIDES IT INTO HIS MOUTH. DEALER I sure as hell hope youre cutting these things, theyre strong enough to knock an elephant on his ass. TAYLOR Next week. DEALER No dice, Jack.

Just then a car beeps its horn and Brady pulls up in a red Oldsmobile. BRADY Lets go, boy! TAYLOR (to dealer) Hold on. Taylor walks to Brady and leans down through the passenger window. TAYLOR Brady, I need you spot me twenty-five bucks. Brady peers at the Dealer then looks back to Taylor and hands over some cash. BRADY Thats a loan, not a gift. Taylor runs back and gives the money over, pockets the pills. DEALER

Until you pay off your tab, no more business. See you around, Jack.





Taylor looks across a small street and watches a mother load her two children into a car. He twirls the dolphin key chain between his fingers and looks up when he hears a car beep. He walks over and jumps into Bradys car. BRADY You have the keys? 6. INT. BRADYS CAR DUSK

Taylor shows them and slips back in his seat for the stakeout. Brady spots some hot ladies headed into the club. BRADY Yes sir. Double the funyou ever had double the fun? TAYLOR You sound like an ad for gum. BRADY You dont like big sweet, bootiesOh, I forgot, you white boys like skinny, boney ass. TAYLOR Thats not true, I like your ass. BRADY I heard you used to be a teacher, smacked some kid silly. TAYLOR He was over two hundred pounds and picking on kids that could fit in his pocket. BRADY You dont have to explain to me, thats how I raise my boys. They lip off to me or Sandy and they know whats coming. TAYLOR How many kids?

BRADY Five. All boys. TAYLOR Thats not a family, thats a militia. BRADY The middle one, Pierre, is a hard case like you though, getting into fights all the time. I set him up to train with a guy named Abie. TAYLOR A boxer? BRADY Yep. Hey, you and Abie ought to face off. Hes a detective with the Third Precinct. TAYLOR Right. BRADY How about your family life? Wife? Kids? TAYLOR Not really. BRADY What the hell does not really mean? TAYLOR SeparatedKind of like purgatory, you know. BRADY Sounds complicated. TAYLOR I lost my daughter. BRADY Im sorry. What was her name? TAYLOR Sadie. BRADY

Pretty nameWhat happened? TAYLOR Brady, I dont want to talk about this anymore. Lets just get this goddamn car. BRADY Sandy and me lost a kid when we were first married. TAYLOR Then you know how much I dont want to talk about it. Taylor pops two painkillers as Brady takes notice, BRADY You sick or something? TAYLOR People who talk too much give me migraines. BRADY That cat back there didnt look like no doctor to me.You know what my preacher says? TAYLOR Nope, but Im sure youre going to tell me. BRADY This is a new time, the year two thousand A time for settling with the past, a time for renewal. TAYLOR You in church, that must be a sight. (Taylor sits up) Look over thereBlue, ninety-five Honda Accord but not the same plates. BRADY They changed them, see the a bumper sticker and the dent on the side. Just then a luxury car pulls in front of the target car. MUSTAFA exits and goes to the back window of the luxury car. He receives a brown paper bag and a large envelope which he takes

and drops off at his car. Then he walks off down the street making a call on his cell phone. Taylor and Brady slip down to avoid being seen. The luxury car leaves. BRADY What do you think thats about? TAYLOR Just get the car, remember? Brady peaks over the dash and writes on a small pad, then places it in his shirt pocket. TAYLOR What are you doing? BRADY Ill bet you a million dollars these guys are up to something. Maybe Abie will get us a reward for busting them

They watch from a distance. ADEL exits, fiddles in the trunk for a minute, then walks into the club. BRADY (handing Taylor a sheet of paper.) Take this in case the cops pull you over, it has our garage address and an authorization number for us to repossess the vehicle. Taylor heads to the car and keys it open. He smiles and gives the thumbs up to Brady but as he begins to get in the car, Adel runs over to him.

ADEL Get away from my car! TAYLOR See this paper, it gives authorization to repossess this vehicle. Adel snatches the paper out of Taylors hand and tosses it to the side. TAYLOR You got the wrong idea. Im not stealing your car, Im.

Just then slams Taylor with two Thai kicks and a straight blast that launches him against the car door. Taylor recovers as Brady drives by and takes out Adels feet with a rod that drops to the ground (to be used later by Adel). BRADY Lets get out of here! Taylor gets in the car and they exit. 7. INT. PITTS GARAGE NIGHT

Taylor pulls the car inside. BRADY I had no idea that would happen. TAYLOR Earn a few bucks without getting attacked, huh? My fee just went up! Taylor tosses the keys back to Brady. BRADY Now dont get irrational. Im going to call the leasing company and tell them its going to cost them extra since we got ambushed. Fix the back tire, it must have gotten thrashed when you tore out of thereIll take care of you, I promise. 8. EXT. PITTS GARAGE DRIVEWAY NIGHT

Mustafa approaches Adel. Behind them, another man, HARAZI, pulls up on a street motorcycle, removes his helmet and leaves it on the handlebars. Hes in his 40s, death row eyes and all business. He has a thick scar on his cheek. ADEL (holding the paper Taylor left at the scene) This is the place. Harazi motions to Mustafa to check out the scene, he then marches over to Adel and places a blade a centimeter from his throat. HARAZI I told you to get rid of the car and place the briefcase in a secure location. Now youve compromised the entire mission.

ADEL Ill make it right, I will. Harazi presses the blade closer, closer. Mustafa returns. MUSTAFA Ibrahim, theyre inside the garage. We should make our move now. Harazi looks to him then back at Adel and pushes Adel to the side. HARAZI Follow me. 9. INT. PITTS GARAGE NIGHT

Taylor pops the trunk and removes the back panel to retrieve the tire. Looking for the jack he removes another panel and discovers a briefcase. He takes it out as Brady walks out. BRADY Whats that? TAYLOR Found it hidden in the trunk. BRADY Open it yet? TAYLOR `


BRADY Arent you a little curious? TAYLOR Be my guest. Brady smiles and grabs a screwdriver to open it. BRADY Ill bet this thing is loaded with goodies. TAYLOR Or youre about to get your head blown off.

Brady stops and Taylor smiles. BRADY Well see about that. Brady cranks the screwdriver and pops the top. He removes the large envelope they had seen transferred earlier and the paper bag. He lifts out a street-sized bag of heroin and places it on the workbench. He opens the large envelope and removes a stack of cash. Taylor starts to walk over to Brady when theres a clanging at the front of the garage. They look at each other. Brady throws the cash and brown bag back inside the case and by accident knocks the heroin packet to the ground. He slides the case back under the workbench and walks toward the center of the garage. BRADY That could be Mr. Pitt, better check it out. Taylor checks the front of the garage and COMES FACE TO FACE WITH A PISTOL HELD BY MUSTAFA who pushes him back and locks the door behind him. Taylor hears coughing and struggling behind him. He turns to see A KNIFE AGAINST BRADYS THROAT and the backdoor open. Harazi sees the open trunk, then spots the heroin packet on the ground. He walks over and retrieves it.

HARAZI You have something that belongs to me. BRADY Dont tell him nothing, Taylor! Harazi nods at Adel who slashes Bradys throat with horrible efficiency and drops him to the ground. The keys to the car fall to the side of Bradys body. HARAZI Where is my briefcase? Taylor stares at his friends bloody body. HARAZI The case! MUSTAFA hits Taylor in the gut and places the gun to his head. Taylor motions to the locker behind them.

Harazi nods to Adel who goes over and opens the locker. The blow-up doll flies up surprising him. Taylor uses the distraction to kick an oil can at Mustafa then tear out a small opening in the garage. Adel runs over. HARAZI Forget him. Harazi grabs a stack of cards from the punch-in clock, quickly flips through them. The small dolphin trinket has broken off the keychain and Adel picks it up, smiles and pockets it. Harazi storms over to him. HARAZI Wake Up! Harazi jams a punch-in card into Adels hand along with the motorcycle key. HARAZI Take this to the Prince and tell him to lend you one of his men to take care of the mess youve made. ADEL What is it? HARAZI Its a card with his name and address on it, you idiot. Now go. Adel hurries out the backdoor. They hear a key entering the front lock. Harazi tosses the heroin packet on the floor and stomps it, then distributes the remains across Bradys body. He places a small plastic bag with a syringe and spoon in Bradys pocket. He and MUSTAFA exit out the back. 10. EXT. VACANT PARKING LOT EARLY MORNING

Taylor pops two pills as a car pulls up. ABIE, short for ABDULLAH, late 30s, JordanianAmerican in plain clothes and a young Hispanic cop, CALDEZ, exit. ABIE You O.K., man? TAYLOR Yeah, Brady? ABIE His head was almost detached from his body.

CALDEZ Looks like you still have yours. ABIE You said on the phone the men looked Middle Eastern. TAYLOR Yeah. ABIE And one was called Ibrahim? TAYLOR Yeah. ABIE Excuse me for a minute. Abie makes a call on the cell phone as Taylor and the young cop eye each other. Abie hangs up. ABIE Youre wanted back at the garage. CALDEZ What about this guy? ABIE Im taking him to the house. CALDEZ Abie, you should let me ride with you. ABIE Ill be fine. A night manager of a liquor store said he saw a motorcycle leaving the scene. Agent Crowly wants you to check it out. CALDEZ Captain Richardson already sent me there for an hour. This guy is guilty of something (steps to Taylor) You stink for this, I can smell it a mile away. TAYLOR Thats just that burrito you had for breakfast, holmes. Caldezs clenches his fists and moves to Taylor as Abie grabs his shoulder.

ABIE Jason! Do what Agent Crowly wants, believe me, you dont want to get on her bad side. Caldez finally backs off. Taylor and Abie get in the car and drive off. 11. INT. ABIES CAR DAY

ABIE You have a real way with people, Brightwhite. TAYLOR Its Braithwaite... Taylor picks up a Bruce Lee movie off the dash. TAYLOR Li Xiao Longyou a fan? ABIE Excuse me? TAYLOR Li Xiao Long, its Chinese for little dragon, Bruce Lee. ABIE Yes I am most definitely a fan. TAYLOR (in mock Bruce Lee voice) Dont look at the finger ABIE or youll miss all that heavenly glory. TAYLOR Boards dont hit back. What movie? ABIE Return of the Dragon. TAYLOR Actually, it was Chinese Connection. ABIE

Nope. TAYLOR Case of beer, Im right. ABIE Dont drink. TAYLOR Fifty bucks. ABIE Dont bet. TAYLOR You must be a barrel of laughs. ABIE Religious thing. TAYLOR You missed the turn-off to go downtown. ABIE Just sit tight, somebody wants to talk to you. Taylor looks toward the door handle than back at Abie. ABIE How long have you worked for Brady? TAYLOR Ten months. ABIE You were friends? TAYLOR Yeah, I guess. He also liked that I made him threehundred bucks every month. ABIE I heard about you, Mr. Street-fighter. You that good? TAYLOR

Just broke. ABIE Did you get Brady involved in any other business?

TAYLOR Youre the one driving the BMW. Whats your business? ABIE Narcotics Department, undercover, perks of the job. Tell me what really happened and Ill see if I can help you out with the judge. TAYLOR Why would I call you if I was guilty of something? ABIE I dont know, why would you? TAYLOR You call yourself Bradys friend? ABIE He was family and Im trying to find out what happened to him. TAYLOR I told you, we repossessed a car and three rag-heads appeared out of nowhere and attacked us. ABIE Rag-heads. TAYLOR Yeah, rag-heads. They glare at each other as Abie pull up next to a small park. ABIE The lady over there wants to talk to you.





Taylor and Abie exit and walk toward a woman conservatively dressed. DIANA CROWLY, 35, ditches a cigarette she was about to light as they approach. DIANA Im Diana Crowly with the FBI, Mr. Braitwale. TAYLOR BraithwaiteThe FBI? DIANA Yes. Are you all right? TAYLOR Im fine. DIANA What can you tell me about the men you encountered? TAYLOR They cut my friends throat and tried to shoot me, I wouldnt call that an encounter. DIANA Well, what were you guys doing there? TAYLOR Like I told that guy, we repossessed a car and they came after us. DIANA What about the company who hired you to have the car re-possessed? TAYLOR That was Bradys angle, he asked me to help him on a job and I did. DIANA Did you know your attackers? TAYLOR No. DIANA

Youre sure TAYLOR Yes. DIANA (she shows him a photo.) Does this man look familiar? TAYLOR Yeah, thats him, the guy who gave the order to cut Brady. DIANA This mans a serious drug runner with a network of smugglers and dealers around the world. Thats why Im asking you if you know him. TAYLOR Because Im a drug dealer? DIANA There were traces of heroin found at the scene and drug paraphernalia in your friends pocket. TAYLOR What is it with you peopleThey obviously planted that there. DIANA They wouldnt just kill someone over a car. There must have been something in the car worth killing for. TAYLOR Apparently there was, heroin. DIANA Right, and the question is did you know it was there and is there anything else youre not telling us about. TAYLOR And the answer is no and no. If you think Im guilty of something, then arrest me.

DIANA Im trying to flush out all the facts here. TAYLOR Well stop flushing because Ive told you everything I knowCan I go home now? DIANA Yes, but dont go farWe may need to ask you a few more questions. And I dont think home is the best place to go right now. TAYLOR Im going home. DIANA Then at least let Abdullah take you there. TAYLOR Ill walk, thanks. Taylor walks a little way then turns back. TAYLOR You need to find these people and just take them out, theyre vicious. DIANA Im aware of that. TAYLOR I hope you are. Taylor walks off. DIANA What is it Abie? ABIE I know this guy from somewhere. DIANA Prior? ABIE No, nothing like that. But, I dont think we

should forget about him. DIANA Either do I, hes definitely got something going on. Ill run him through the system when I get back. ABIE Youre going to use him as bait. DIANA We need to think outside the box if were to get back in the game. Besides, hell be fine with you watching over him. ABIE A stakeout? You said this assignment would be exciting. Diana retrieves a folder from her bag and hands it to Abie DIANA Here, these should keep you busy. ABIE Whats this? DIANA One of our overseas field officers got these from Yemeni intelligence. Theres been a lot of chatter about hitting American interests over there. ABIE If we ever find Harazi again, maybe this guys right, we should just take him out. DIANA Stand out firmly for justice, Abie, and Follow not the lusts, lest ye swerve. ABIE Quoting the Koran, impressive. DIANA Let the law handle him. ABIE Like last time?

DIANA Well have our evidence so rock solid, even Californias Ninth Circuit would have to convict. Air tight. Now, Ill see you tomorrowAnd, Abie, Yemen seems to be heating up, so let me know if anything in those intercepts jumps out at you. ABIE This whole case keeps jumping out at me, Miss Crowly. PITTS GARAGE NIGHT



Taylor slips in and retrieves the briefcase from under the workbench. He dials on his cell and hangs up, then opens the case checks the contents, takes out the brown bag and shuts it. He walks outside the garage to the corner and waits. DEALER approaches and Taylor hands him the bag. DEALER Wow.Looks like the smack-heads in Riverhead are going to have a happy summer. TAYLOR Were even now and then some. DEALER (nods and removes two viles and tosses them over) Enjoy yourself, Jack. 14. INT. TAYLORS BASEMENT APARTMENT NIGHT

Sparsely furnished with a punching bag, beer cans and pizza scattered about like a fraternity dungeon. Taylor enters and places the case down. He looks over at a picture of his daughter, SADIE, on the bureau. Shes three years old, smiling as she holds up a large dolphin doll for the camera. He removes his shirt. We see the results of his lifestyleBRUISES, SCRAPES, SCARS. He puts on another shirt and pops two painkillers then looks in the empty fridge for a beer but finds none. He searches on the kitchen table and finds an open beer. He downs it along with the pills, then opens the briefcase. He then removes the envelope of cash, sets a small stack to the side for himself, then places the remainder inside another larger envelope. He writes. 14. A INSERT

Mrs.Brady, Your husband wanted you to have this. A Friend.

14. B INSERT Taylor looks back in the case again and DISCOVERS VARIOUS LICENSES AND I.D. CARDS for building inspection, transportation of hazardous materials and chemicals as well as instruction manuals, detailing electrical systems, plumbing and sprinkler systems. Taylor also removes a VIDEO CAMERA. He flips the small screen out and hits play. A series of Islamic extremist images comes up on the screen. He watches for a few seconds. TAYLOR Drug dealer my ass. 15. EXT. OUTSIDE TAYLORS DUSK

Abie sits in his car reviewing papers and glancing up at Taylors apartment. He checks his watch, puts the papers down and runs a small, smooth stone over his hands, then prays. INSERT CUT: Harazi in a small hotel room, praying, weapons and detonators lay around him. 15. CONTD EXT. OUTSIDE TAYLORS APT. BUILDING DUSK

He opens his eyes after a short time and sees someone in a sweatshirt and hood sneaking around the corner to Talyors. He leaps out of the car, crosses the street, hops over a fence, draws his weapon. ABIE On the ground, on the ground! The person complies. Abie searches and finds pot in a bag that he tosses to the side. He flips the person over to find its a 20 year old girl, GEMMA. GEMMA Take my money just dont rape me! Taylor opens his door to check out the commotion. TAYLOR

Congratulations, officer, youve arrested my sister. ABIE Your sister? TAYLOR A long story. (to Gemma) Not a good time for a visit. ABIE Can you tell this guy to get off me? TAYLOR I can vouch for her, shes not here to kill me and that pot is purely for medicinal purposes, right, Gemma. GEMMA (getting up.) Definitely. ABIE You should be careful sneaking around like that. GEMMA Ill remember that. Can I go? Abie nods. GEMMA And can I take my medicine. He nods again and she scoops up the pot and walks down the hall. Abie turns to Taylor. ABIE Look, its not safe for you to stay here tonight. Pack some things and Ill drop you wherever you want. Do you have a friend or someone you can stay with? TAYLOR Does this mean you believe me now? ABIE Im just doing my job, man. Its hard to believe what anyone says in this business. TAYLOR

My wife Marci is over in Springs but I dont think shed be happy to see me. Abie walks to the doors to Taylors basement apartment and enters. ABIE You live here? Abie spots the suitcase ABIE You found this in that car didnt you? 17. INT. TAYLORS APT. NIGHT

Abie picks up the cash envelope. ABIE Youre withholding federal evidence, not to mention stealing. TAYLOR Brady had a wife and five kids, whos going to take care of them now, you? ABIE You should have shown this to me. Abie places the money back in the briefcase and shuts it. TAYLOR These guys arent just drug dealers, are they? ABIE I have to take this back to the car and begin processing it, Ill be back in five. TAYLOR Youre not turning me in are you? Abie looks over at the picture of Sadie, then back at Taylor. ABIE Thats your daughter?

TAYLOR Yes. ABIE No, Im not turning you in. Abie exits andTaylor sits and glances at the video playing. He sees a series of men are shown reading martyr statements spliced with scenes of the resulting carnage of their suicide attacks. Just then a man appears on the screen giving his martyr speech. ITS ABIE, FOLLOWED BY A HOTEL BURNING! Taylor exits with the camera and comes face to face with Jumah and Adel. TAYLOR Look, I dont want any trouble. They knock him to the ground. ADEL The case. Give it to me, give it to me! Taylor shakes his head, no. He smashes the camera into Adels leg, rolls and leaps up in time to knee Jumah in the face and escape over a wall. 19. EXT. A SMALL SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE NIGHT

Taylor knocks on the door of a small house. MARCI, Taylors wife, peeks through and opens the door. Shes late twenties, dirty blonde hair, attractive. Taylor stumbles inside.

MARCI Oh my god, Im calling an ambulance TAYLOR No ambulance, pleaseno ambulance.





Diana pulls up and Abie hops in with the briefcase.

DIANA The driver of the car has been located. ABIE Did she I.D. Harazi?

DIANA She wasnt able to ID anyone, a highway patrolman found her body stuffed inside a drainage pipe. Two fingers on her left hand were cut off. ABIE Random? DIANA Theyre not sharing many details other than she was up from D.C. visiting her sister. She was driving her sisters car, the one that was found at the garage. ABIE Right. DIANA Now, unfortunately, I have to turn the briefcase into States lead investigator, hes on a plane up from D.C. right now. ABIE State. Why State? DIANA Ill ask him when I see him. ABIE I have toI mean, we have to give up the case Youre kidding, right? DIANA No. ABIE Theyre fake IDs and manuals in there. We could piece them together if we had time. DIANA I understand. ABIE What happened to thinking outside the box? This is bullsh DIANA Need I remind you that you chose to return to this assignment and I allowed it because you promised to

play by my rulesI allowed it because youve shown the skills to get the job done and most importantly you ABIE speak and look like the enemy. DIANA Do you want to be removed from this assignment? ABIE Of course not. DIANA I know you want to make up for what happened at the Remson Towers but you have to have patience. Youre a boxer, you know the fight is rarely over in one or two rounds. ABIE For me it was. (he places the case in the back of the car) DIANA ..Anything from those Yemen communications I gave you? ABIE Something about the Port of Aden. Very vague, could have been just chatter about wanting to do something against the government there. The name Kazim was used, though, Harazi sometimes goes by that. DIANA Yes. ABIE Your brother Peters stationed on one of those boats in the region, right? DIANA Hes on R&R in the Philippines right now, then heads back to San Diego. ABIE Watch out, Manilla.

DIANA The tattoo artists will be very happy to see him Im sure. ABIE Right. DIANA I put in a call to Lieutenant Richardson, I expect well know what Braitwrites up to soon enough. ABIE Hes going after Harazi. DIANA How do you know? Because of what he did to his friend in the garage. ABIE Partly, maybe DIANA Make your point, detective. I dont have time for guessing. ABIE I remembered where Ive seen him before. He was at the Remson Towers the day of the explosion. Harazi killed his daughter. DIANA I have to go. Abie exits the car. 21. INT. MARCIS HOUSE


Marci walks up to Taylor whos asleep on the couch. The blanket has slipped off him enough to reveal Taylors wedding ring hanging around his neck. She stares at it then fixes the blanket. The phone rings and she answers. Taylor stirs awake and looks over at her. Marci hangs up. MARCI Thank you officer, yes I have your number. I will, thank you. (hangs up)

TAYLOR Who was that, the cops? MARCI Relax. We think someone is stealing ketamine from the clinic. He wanted to know if Id seen any suspicious characters hanging around. TAYLOR What did you tell him? MARCI That I havent seen any suspicious people, but I treated a German shepherd who looked kind of shadyI made some eggs, you hungry? TAYLOR No thanks. Listen, I need to show you something. MARCI Taylor TAYLOR Its about Sadie. MARCI Its always about Sadie. TAYLOR Wheres my video camera? As Marci retrieves the camera, Taylor picks up a card on the table: TAYLOR (reading) Cant wait to see you againLove, Dillon Now youre dating cheese-balls named, Dillon. MARCI Stay away from my personal things, thats none of your business. She flips the note over and hands him the camera. Taylor flips open the side panel but its cracked. TAYLOR

You need to see whats on this. MARCI I dont want to see our wedding again, O.KNow, my friend is coming over soon and I TAYLOR Its not our wedding tape, its about Sadie, its about what happened at the Remson Towers, and the sooner you get me a cable to connect this thing to the T.V. the sooner Ill disappear and you can go frolicking off with Dildo. MARCI His name is Dillonand this better not be another one of your stunts.





PRINCE, 40, Saudi born, high-powered business man, is on his cell phone seated on a couch with two beautiful girls. He cups the phone and motions to Harazi to remove his shoes. Harazi rolls his eyes and removes his shoes. PRINCE Yes, Buzzy, of course I denounce terrorism. I abhor the killing of innocents on either side. But you have to understand thYou havLet me finish, please, let me finish. The Koran preaches peace but what are people to do when the IDF bombs their homes? When governments supported by the United States crush their muslim brothers and sisters. That is why I formed the Crescent Fund, to bring together our peoples and resolve our issues with pens and handshakes not guns. Yes, even the people of Israel. Thank you, I look forward to seeing your article next week. Good day, Buzzy.

As Prince speaks and Harazi sits, one of the girls rises, glass of wine in her hand, and sits on Harazis lap.

GIRL Salam

Harazi averts his eyes. Prince closes the cell phone then sends the girls away.

Prince hangs up. HARAZI I dont know how you do it. PRINCE We both serve Allah in our own way. I am the sheath, you are the dagger. Prince hands him an envelope. PRINCE Heres the funds you requested. What happened to the ten I gave you? HARAZI Inflation. PRINCE The items you wanted will arrive shortly. Oh, and Im putting together another fundraiser. I was hoping youd say a few words, on video, of course, to help oil up the check books so to speak. HARAZI After this weekend, theyll have plenty of motivation. PRINCE Ibrahim, you requested some heavy-duty weaponry. I just want to make sure you understand this is a targeted strike. Some of our friends abroad are afraid your flair for the dramatic might get the best of you and youll dowell, youll do something that will be bad for business. HARAZI My business is jihad. Whatever I do is in Gods service, if anyone has a problem with that they can go to hellDo you have a problem with my methods? PRINCE Me. No, no. I dont have a problem with them.

HARZAI Good, so I can expect to get the items I requested on time, right? PRINCE Of course. HARAZI What about Aden? PRINCE Ali crossed over last night. HARAZI Tell him to go to Dammaj after evening prayers tonight. Ask for Yusef. PRINCE O.K. HARAZI Theres that look on your face again. What is it now, do our sponsors have a problem with the Aden operation also? PRINCE Its just that, well, the raft will be totally exposed on your mans approach, hell be blown out of the water before he gets five hundred meters from the navy vessel. HARAZI No he wont because the ships own protocols will protect him. PRINCE I dont understand. HARAZI U.S. Navy ships in foreign ports arent allowed to fire on approaching vessels unless theyre fired on first. Even then, theyre required to get the captains permission before shooting. I want the sailors to see the smile on the martyrs face before they die. PRINCE

Its brilliant. By the time the Americans fire off one round HARAZI Boom. 24. INT. MARCIS HOME


Taylor finishes fixing the VCR tape and places it in the machine. The violent jihadist images run until the bombing of the Remson Towers appears.

MARCI My God. Where did you get this? TAYLOR It fell into my lap. MARCI Have you shown it to the police? TAYLOR When the times right. MARCI They need to see this. TAYLOR After I take care of some things, then Ill show them. MARCI Youre planning something crazy, arent you? I know that look in your eyes. TAYLOR What look? MARCI You still think I blame you but I told you I dont. Its you who blames you. Let it go. TAYLOR If you didnt blame me then Id be the one in your bed instead of DildoDillon

whatever his name is.

MARCI Youre impossible. Im telling you this because I love you and I care about you TAYLOR You still love me?

MARCI Yes, I still love you, I just cant be with you the way youve become. Look at yourself. One of the best science teachers in the district, now you fight for money in back of a garage. A knock at the door. TAYLOR Ill use the back door. Another knock. MARCI Be right there. (to Taylor) Use the front door, Im not playing around like that. Marci goes to the door while Taylor stops the VHS machine. MARCI Taylor, the man at the door isnt Dillon. Taylor hurries to the door and looks through the peephole. TAYLOR Stall him until I tell you to open the door. MARCI Just a minute, Im getting dressed. 25. EXT. OUTSIDE MARCIS FRONT DOOR DAY

Taylor SLIPS OUT THE BACK DOOR THEN COMES UP FROM BEHIND ABIE. He steals Abies pistol and places it to the back of his head.

TAYLOR Back to finish the job, assholeOpen the door, Marci. MARCIS HOUSE




The door opens and Taylor shoves Abie into the room, Abie holds up his badge. ABIE Im a police officer maam. Im here to talk to your husband, not hurt him. TAYLOR Shut up. Taylor pats him down again. MARCI Taylor, is it true, is he a cop? TAYLOR Marci, rewind and play the tape again. MARCI Taylor, are you sure you know what your doing? TAYLOR Would you do what I ask for once, rewind the tape? Marci rewinds and hits play. TAYLOR Therethere. You see anyone you know? MARCI Oh my. ABIE That was an undercover operation. If you let me up I can prove it. TAYLOR All I want from you is the names of the others involved and Ill promise to kill you quickly.

MARCI Why should we believe you? ABIE I have an envelope in my pocket that will prove what Im saying. MARCI Let him up. He says he can explain. let him up or Im calling 911. (Holding the phone.) Let him up, Taylor! Taylor obliges. ABIE Now, Im going to reach into my pocket and get an envelope. TAYLOR Use your left hand. Abie slowly removes an envelope. Marci takes it and opens it. TAYLOR What does it say Marci? MARCI Its an authorization letter from the Chief of Police and FBI. TAYLOR Authorized to do what? MARCI It says: Abdulla Mosana is tasked with infiltrating and obtaining evidence and such information necessary to bring charges against Ibrahim Harazi. Theres a citation signed by the mayor and governor for outstanding service and sacrifice. Taylor holds the gun steady. MARCI Hes telling the truth. Put the gun down. Taylor!

TAYLOR Let me see that citation. Marci shows the page to him but Taylor still holds the weapon firmly. ABIE Believe me, I want Harazi as much as you. TAYLOR If all this is true why are you on that tape? ABIE Harazi looks at all his people as potential shaheed. So he makes them all appear on camera so he can edit them into these propaganda videos. TAYLOR Shahe..what? ABIE Shaheed. Martyrsuicide bomber. MARCI My God, what is this all about? TAYLOR So you were set to be one of these shaheed. ABIE Can you put the gun down? Ill tell you everything you want to know. Just put the gun down. Taylor lowers the weapon. ABIE I was a scout. Casing buildings, entries and exits, security stations. I watched everything and everyone that went through the front entrance of that building. (turning to Taylor) And the back entrance. MARCI So why wasnt the son of a bitch arrested. Why isnt he in jail?

ABIE Most of our other evidence was obtained covertly and we didnt want to endanger our sources by revealing it to the defense. The judge didnt buy our reasoning. TAYLOR So you screwed up. MARCI We were told the explosion was caused by an overheated furnace. ABIE They didnt want a panic on their hands if the truth got out to the public. MARCI A panic, a fucking panic! They allow these people to kill my baby and walk away and they dont want a panic! ABIE Im sorry. I didnt say I agreed with it. TAYLOR If you were on the inside like you say, why the hell didnt you stop it? ABIE Harazi planned to hit the next day. But he learned the target had decided to leave the hotel early and told us we were making one more dry run. But he lied. I was able to warn my captain about the vehicle attack but Harazi had also planted a pound of C4 in a luggage cart. Thats what killed your daughter. TAYLOR Who was his target? ABIE The King of Jordan and his wife, they went out the back for security reasons. MARCI He must want to kill you.

Abie presses stop on the VCR. ABIE Like I said, I want him as bad as you do. I thought hed left the country. Now, hes going to hit again and I need your husbands help to find him before he has the chance. MARCI Hes not my husband. TAYLOR I told you everything I know. ABIE I dont believe you. TAYLOR Really ABIE You have no idea who this man is? TAYLOR Ive seen what he can do up close. ABIE And its only going to get worse unless hes stopped. Abies cellphone rings and he looks down at it. ABIE I need to get this. Taylor stares at him. ABIE Please, this could be about Harazi. Taylor considers then nods. Abie answers the cellphone and Marci steps to Taylor. MARCI Help him for Gods sakes, Taylor. Hes the only one who seems to give a damn about catching this murderer.

TAYLOR That sounds like something a wife would say to her husband but since Im not, then MARCI Im sorry, I shouldnt have said that. I just IPlease help this man. For Sadie, for us, for what used to be. Marci kisses Taylors cheek, then exits. Abie closes his cell phone and approaches Taylor. TAYLOR O.K., Ill help you but I come along with the information I give you, its a package deal. ABIE I cant do that but Ill keep you informed every step of the way. TAYLOR ...Or maybe Ill just conduct my own investigation. Dont worry though, Ill keep you informed every step of the way and Ill make sure your shaheed act stays off the channel five news. ABIE You think this is a game? TAYLOR Do I look like Im playing games? ABIE whats the information? TAYLOR So, its a deal? ABIE Yes, its a deal. TAYLOR Great. Now, if I give you a license plate number, you can track it to the owners address, correct? ABIE

Yes, whats the plate number? TAYLOR Dont have it. ABIE Well who does? TAYLOR Brady. 27. INT. BOXING GYM DAY

Taylor enters carrying a book in his right hand. He steps to the side of a boxing ring and watches as Abie trains a 13 year old African American kid, PIERRE, Bradys son. He jabs and dodges, striking the pad each time Abie shows it. ABIE Jab..jab..jabhookhookhookuppercut uppercut. Keep the back hand upnow hit to the body hithithit...O.K., hold on, hold on Abie steps out of the ring then returns with a phone book thats taped together to prevent it from opening. ABIE Hold this between your rear elbow and your body. Dont let it slide out, got it? PIERRE Am I supposed to smack the guy in the head with this or what, coach? ABIE No, noit teaches you to keep that back hand up to protect yourself. You keep dropping it. They train again, weaving around the ring punching and dodging. ABIE Go, go, gohit, hit, all right, buddy, nice job! Pierre doubles over, panting. PIERRE

I feel sick coach, like Im going to puke. ABIE Thats good, it means you gave it everything you had. They exit the ring. ABIE Taylor, this is Pierre. Pierre, Taylor. Taylor extends his hand but Pierre ignores it. PIERRE You were with my pops the night he died. TAYLOR Yes. PIERRE You were with him but you didnt do shit to stop him from getting killed. ABIE Pierre TAYLOR (to Abie) No, no, its O.K. Its O.K. ABIE Ill get my bag. Abie walks over to the corner of the gym. TAYLOR (turning back to Pierre) Youre right, Pierre, I didnt stop them. I should have done moreI should have seen what was happening and moved faster. Im sorry. Pierre removes his boxing gloves. PIERRE I miss him.

TAYLOR Me too. PIERRE whats that book? TAYLOR I brought it for you. PIERRE It looks like the math book they give us at school. TAYLOR (hands it to Pierre) Its called the Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee, you ever heard of him? PIERRE Hell yeah, thanks. TAYLOR Youre welcome. PIERRE Coach and my mom say the police will catch those men who killed my pops. Do you think theyll catch them? Taylor looks over as Abie. TAYLOR I dont know. PIERRE Then theyll get away? TAYLOR I didnt say theyll get away, I said the cops might not find them, but I will. PIERRE Promise. TAYLOR You can count on it. ABIE

Next week, same time, Whats that? The Taovery nice. (to Taylor) I got the trace on the plate, we should get going. TAYLOR See you around, kid. PIERRE EXTENDS HIS HAND FOR TAYLOR TO SHAKE. PIERRE Bye and thanks (motions with the book). Taylor and Abie exit. ABIE That was nice of you. TAYLOR Hes got some nice moves but he needs to be like waterWhen water is in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or it can crash. ABIE Be like water my friend TAYLOR ExactlyBy the way, you were right about boards hit back, it was in Return of the Dragon. ABIE I know. TAYLOR Well, if you think you know everything, then who was on the top floor of the pagoda in Game of Death? ABIE Kareem Abdul Jabar. What did the sign say that Bruce kicked to pieces in Fists of Fury? TAYLOR No Chinese and dogs allowed.

ABIE I knew a culturally sensitive guy like you would get that one. TAYLOR Very funny, where are we going anyway? ABIE 837 Bridge Road in Amaghansett. Vacation residence of Prince Ahmet Yaziam. TAYLOR For real, a prince, like king, queen, a prince? ABIE Thats right, a real Saudi prince. Abie goes around to his trunk and throws in his bag. When he returns, Taylor is finishing up a call on his cell phone. They enter the car and drive. TAYLOR That where youre from, Saudi Arabia. ABIE Try six thousand miles to the west, Astoria, Queens But my father is from Pakistan and my mother is from India, if thats what you mean. TAYLOR Wow, thats a hell of a mix.

They drive a few minutes. ABIE The house is at the end of this street. Now what? TAYLOR Pull over up there and take a look over there. ABIE Is that your sister? No, no. This is too dangerous, she shouldnt be here. TAYLOR You said the Prince has a weakness for young women,

this is perfect. ABIE What have I gotten into? TAYLOR All she has to do is get Prince to stop and well take him. ABIE Take him, take him where? TAYLOR The deal was I give you this lead and I get to make the game plan so ABIE That was not the deal, the deal was I get the address and you stay in the car if anything happens. TAYLOR Sorry my friend I cant be responsible if you didnt read the fine print.

Abie opens the door. TAYLOR contd ..Dont even think about removing Gemma, shell scream to high hell and blow the whole thing. Besides, shed be so disappointed in you ABIE And whys that? TAYLOR She really wanted to see you again, I think you turned her on when you sat on her. ABIE So, what do we do now, Mr. Fine Print? TAYLOR We wait. ABIE

So you dont have a plan? TAYLOR Wo xing, wo zuoNo way as way. ABIE My grandfather used to say: Arrogance diminishes wisdomThe guys Bruce fought didnt have guns. ABIES CAR




Abie pulls over to the side of the road. Soon after he removes the small stone from his pocket and gently runs it over his hand. He leans forward and mouths a series of words, then opens his eyes. He places the stone back in his pocket. TAYLOR Whats the rock for? ABIE TayammumI use it to cleanse my hands before I pray. Abie removes a small plastic bag filled with figs from a bag in the rear seat. TAYLOR More stones, what are you going to do with those? ABIE Eat themNever seen a fig before? TAYLOR Sure, inside a fig Newton. ABIE Thats garbage, this is the real thing, natures candy. Try it. TAYLOR (taking one) Pretty tasty. ABIE Great if youre constipated too. TAYLOR (chewing)

Thanks for the information, detective. ABIE Youre welcome. Another? TAYLOR One more.(Taylor takes another and eats) So, you pretty religious? ABIE I do the best I can. TAYLOR You dont eat pork, dont wear gold, your Woman wears a hajib? ABIE Its called a hijab. Yeah. TAYLOR What about boxing? ABIE What about it? TAYLOR Well, isnt it against your religion to pound on people for fun, I mean, how did you get into it? ABIE A plumber I used to work construction with was a semipro fighter. I figured if it was good enough for Muhammed Ali, why not meBut like I said, I do the best I can to adhere to the principles. Abie offers another fig but Taylor declines. TAYLOR Man, I dont envy you. ABIE Whys that? TAYLOR I mean, every time one of these crazies like Harazi blows something up, people must give you the eye,

huh? ABIE Its human nature to do stupid things when were afraid or angry. TAYLOR Well, do you ever feel conflicted chasing down one of your own people? ABIE If a violent, pissed off white guy was blowing up buildings would you feel conflicted about going after him? TAYLOR I spent a lot of time in Asia. Never had a problem with the muslim kids. Why do they hate us so much, people like Harazi. Is he just poor and hates the world for it? ABIE Harazi actually comes from a middle class family, his father was a fire chief in Egypt. He sees himself as a hero, fighting against the imperial armies trying to take his land. TAYLOR George Washington in a keffiyeh. ABIE There you go, Braithwhite, youre getting it, now. TAYLOR Its Braithwaite. ABIE Braith-waite.Harazi believes societies in the middle east are rotting on the vine from corruption and lack of morals and Coca Cola and Hollywood are more than happy to feed on the remains. Islam is the answer, his version of it at least. Hes not alone, a lot of muslims believe the same thing. TAYLOR A lot of muslims, does that include you too? ABIE

A little bit. On the other hand, I think its disrespectful to muslims to blame every problem on the west and not think we can make changes. And I dont agree that killing does anybody any good. TAYLOR So you believe in jihad-lite? ABIE Jihad isnt what you think, Taylor. TAYLOR My daughter was on the receiving end of it, I think I know goddamn well what it is. ABIE True jihad is an inner struggle to find peace and balance in yourself, its a philosophical battle. If I ever saw someone in the middle of jihad, its you. TAYLOR Im flattered, nobodys ever called me a jihadist beforeCan I have another fig, Im feeling constipated. Abie hands him one. Across the street, a luxury car pulls up to Gemma. TAYLOR Car. ABIE Thats not the car, she knows thats not the car, right? 29. EXT. STREET DAY

The luxury sedan drives down the street. Around the corner it pulls up to the curb to where Gemma is standing dancing to her I-pod. The Prince rolls down the widow. PRINCE Hello, young lady. Do you need a ride? GEMMA My mom says I shouldnt talk to strangers.

PRINCE Well she sounds like a wonderful woman. But does your mother have this? Prince reaches over and shows a small silver container of white powder. GEMMA I dont do that stuffBut hey, do you have some pot? PRINCE I have anything your heart desires. GEMMA Youre not some kind of freak, are you? PRINCE Of course not, Im just looking for a friend. It gets lonely riding around in this big car. ABIES CAR TAYLOR It looks like hes going for it. Just then a MAN in a sweatshirt starts cleaning the front windshield. Taylor gets out and yells at him. The man pulls a pistol wrapped in a white rag from the bucket. THUG Get out of the car, motherfucker. Abie steps out and the thug punches him in the gut and holds the gun to him. Abie drops and gasps. ABIE Please dont hit me again. TAYLOR I thought you were a boxer for Christs sakes. THUG (to Taylor) You shut up. ABIE You dont want to do this, just put the gun down.




THUG Shut up! ABIE This is only going to end badly for you. THUG Wrong, its going to end badly for you, bitch Taylor looks over to see Princes driver forcing Gemma into the car, then he looks back over just in time to see Abie fly up, knock the gun from the thugs hand and WRIST LOCK him to the ground, then cuff him to a street sign. The other thug runs off. TAYLOR They forced her into the car. Lets go! Taylor and Abie jump into their car. TAYLOR That was generous, I would have planted his head into the cement. ABIE Control, I stay in control, that way I know Im going to use the minimum force required. TAYLOR Yes, grasshopper, love your enemy. ABIE There they are, just ahead of the curve, probably headed to the reserve. TAYLOR Let me off near this tree. ABIE You should stay in the car. TAYLOR Ill come up from the back. Taylor jumps out and jogs around the back of the lot. The sedan pulls into a parking lot. Inside, Gemma struggles to open the door.

PRINCE (to the driver) Park over there. 31. EXT. SMALL HILLSIDE OF PARK DAY

The driver/bodyguard exits and walks over to a small hill and lights a cigarette. Just then Taylor jumps him from behind but the man manages to set off the remote car alarm to warn the Prince. The Prince throws Gemma to the side and draws a gun just in time to hop out of the car and intercept Abie---the Prince is not wearing expensive slippers. Taylor stops fighting when he sees Abie being held hostage. The driver grabs him and walks him back into the car. PRINCE Hit the locks. The driver hits the remote, the door lock clicks shut. The driver frisks Abie and removes his badge. DRIVER Hes a cop. TAYLOR If we dont report back in five minutes, youll be buried with police. PRINCE This hardly looks like an official police operation. ABIE Wheres Harazi? PRINCE Hes right here. Another car pulls up and Harazi and MUSTAFA exit and approach them. Next to them, Adel arrives on a yellow motorcycle and stands behind the others. Prince hands Harazi a thick envelope and Harazis two men retrieve a large trunk from Princes car and place it in their own. Harazi walks over to Abie and puts his arm around him and whispers in his ear. Abie looks over at Taylor and then Harazi guides him back to sit in his car. Harazi then returns.

PRINCE Thats everything you requested.

(walking to the car) Im headed for the dock and taking a few days off on the yacht. God be with you. Good luck. HARAZI

Ma a salma.

TAYLOR (to Prince) Let her go. Shes got nothing to do with this. Prince smirks, gets in the car and drives off. Gemma struggles to open the door.

HARAZI Wheres my suitcase, Bratwrist? TAYLOR Its BraithwaiteI mailed it off to Beth El Synagogue in the city, didnt you get a thank you note? Harazi slams his fist into Taylors gut and follows with a vicious kick.

TAYLOR You killed my little girl you son of a bitch. HARAZI Thats whats called dharima, overriding necessity. Harazi slams his heel into Taylor again knocking him out. Mustafa walks up to him. HARAZI (glances back at Adel, then at Taylor) We can make it look like they killed each other, rid ourselves of two pests at once, huh? MUSTAFA Adels stupid but his heart is pure, just give him another chance to prove himself HARAZI Your heart is too open, brother, the truth is if he wasnt the great grandson of Sayyid Qutb youd

have killed him yourself by now.

MUSTAFA Maybe. HARAZI Sayyid himself would have killed him by now. MUSTAFA Itll make too many problems for us. Harazi relents and exits. Mustafa motions to Adel.
MUSTAFA (motions to Taylor) This is your chance to make good. Adel nods as Mustafa walks off, then turns. MUSTAFA No games, Adeldo it quickly. He exits. 32. EXT. PARKING LOT DAY

Adel waits for Harazis car to be out of sight. He goes to his motorcycle and retrieves a video camera, which he positions on the bike seat and clicks the record button. He walks to Taylor, who is beginning to stir. Adel draws a massive knife and, looking into the camera, he pulls Taylors head up. Allah Akbar! he shouts and is about to cut when the camera slips off the seat. He curses and goes and sets it up again. Taylor regains consciousness and stands as Adel returns. Adel throws the knife at Taylor and attacks. Taylor dodges the knife and a vicious fight ensues. They exchange kicks, punches and head-butts. Finally, Adel gets back to his bike and grabs a metal tube that he flicks and it extends out to make a lethal metal club. Taylor finds a discarded pipe. Adel hurls the motorcycle helmet at Taylor who dodges. Adel charges and they face off and clash several times. Adel blitzes again and Taylor fends him off. Taylor closes in then attacks high and drops low to slam the pipe into Adels knee. He slips behind and gets Adel in a chokehold with the pipe. TAYLOR Drop itDrop it.

Adel struggles, screams, grunts and then sinks his teeth into Taylors hand. Taylor tightens his grip and then twists with a quick motion breaking Adels neck. He stares at what hes done, then searches Adels pockets and PULLS OUT the dolphin from the keychain then takes Adels cell phone. He retrieves the bike helmet and rides off.




Harazi briefly talks to Jumah, a young middle-eastern man. HARAZI Remember, Ill fire first then you follow thirty seconds later, then well be out of there. Jumah nods his head then answers his cell phone and hands it to Harazi who brings it over to Abie who is tied to a chair. HARAZI When I found out you were alive and well, imagine my excitement. And then you fall right into my lap. Its obviously Allahs will (places the cellphone to Abies ear) Now go ahead, say something to your wife. ABIE Saleheverythings going to be all right Harazi pulls the phone away and tosses it back to Jumah. ABIE Why are you doing this? So much killing, for what? Innocent people slaughtered. HARAZI What about the innocent people stuffed inside Turra, or the ones strung up to bleed to death in Al Hayer and Suwaqa. Or the children in Mesopotamia being starved to death by sanctions. You kafirs are alike, you want so much to kiss Americas ass and drag us back to al jahiliya. \ ABIE You were born in Boston, Harazi, that makes you an American.

Harazi slaps Abie across the face. Abie struggles to free himself and get at Harazi.

HARAZI Now, as I was saying youre mission is simple, youre going to drive to a security checkpoint and flash your badge to get inside. A scouting mission just like old times, thats itOh, and youll need a suit to wear, well be going to a wedding. ABIE Im not doing anything for you, Harazi. Harazi removes a red scarf and places it to his nose, then grabs Abie by his hair. HARAZI I can still smell the whores perfume. Youll help me or Ill do things to her you cant even imagine. Then Ill take her to Quetta and auction her off to the highest bidder. ABIE Ibrahim, which way is Mecca, brother, do you even know anymore? Harazi pauses then storms off. 34. EXT. SIDE OF THE ROAD Taylor is on a cell phone, seated on the motorcycle. TAYLOR Marci, its me. YeaIm O.K. Listen, theres a wealthy Arab guy who recently bought a farm, horse farm in Springs. I need you to ask your cousin if she knows him I know she hates me but can you just askIll wait Taylor stares back at Adels body. YeahGot it, I know where it isNow listen, theres no time to explain but I need you to call the district FBI office. Ask for a woman named Diana Crowly. I dont know, look in the phone book or call 911. Just get in touch with her. Tell her to meet me at that address as fast as she can. I have to goI will Taylor hangs up and rides off. 35. EXT. PARKING LOT OVERLOOKING A DOCK DAY


Taylor dismounts the bike, places the helmet on the ground, and scouts out the area. He spots the Princes car and just then hears someone shout his name. Its the young cop, Caldez.

CALDEZ Wheres Abie? TAYLOR Wheres Crowly?

Caldez spots the motorcycle and draws his pistol.

TAYLOR What are you doing? CALDEZ Thats the bike that was seen the night of the murder. TAYLOR Yes, I just took it from the murderer, now put the gun down. CALDEZ On the ground, on ground! Just give me reason to drill you. TAYLOR Jesus, are you kidding? CALDEZ Down. TAYLOR I didnt kill Brady Now, my sisters down there. If you dont shut the hell up, theyll spot us and kill her. Not to mention that they know where Abie is. Now, wheres Crowly? CALDEZ She sent me ahead, said shell be here soon. TAYLOR Theyre getting ready to leave, we have to take them nowDo you want her blood on your hands,

because thats whats going to happen if you dont help me now. CALDEZ Agent Crowly told me not to do anything until she gets here.

Caldez lowers the weapon. TAYLOR We have to move now. Are you in or not? Are you a cop or not? CALDEZ All right.You follow meyou follow me





Taylor and Caldez sneak down to the dock. They clash with the Prince and his driver. The Prince grabs Gemma but she bites his hand and kicks him in the nuts. Prince falls crying in pain. Gemma sits on him, taunting him. Caldez and the DRIVER exchange blows, Caldez is knocked to the ground. As he gets up, Taylor steps in front of him to take on the Driver but Caldez grabs his arm and motions for him to step away. They trade blows again but the driver gets in a right cross that knocks Caldez to the ground. Hes about to punch Caldez again when hes sweep kicked to the ground from behind. Diana locks his arm behind him and places a gun to the back of his head. Back at the scene a few feet away Gemma turns to Taylor. GEMMA (to Taylor) I thought you said I wouldnt have to get into the car! TAYLOR I know, I know, Im sorry. Taylor helps Caldez to his feet. TAYLOR You O.K.?

CALDEZ Yeah. Diana pushes away the driver and storms back over. DIANA (to Caldez.) You were told to wait. CALDEZ He said they were going to kill her. DIANA Since when do you take orders from him? Hes not a cop, hes not anything. (to Gemma.) Youget off of him. Gemma looks at Taylor. TAYLOR What? DIANA Let him go. TAYLOR Are you insane! DIANA (placing her hand on her pistol.) Let him go. Taylor motions to Gemma. Prince stands slowly and walks to the car managing a smile. PRINCE A lovely adventure, lets do it again sometime.

DIANA (to Caldez.) Take this girl back home before I arrest her. Caldez obliges. GEMMA Taylor?

TAYLOR Go ahead, kid. Everythings going to be all right. Caldez escorts her off as Taylor glares at Diana. DIANA State Departments call, not mine, the Prince is here on a diplomatic visa. TAYLOR Diplomat? And is your terrorist friend Abie a diplomat also? DIANA Excuse me? TAYLOR He just walked off with Harazi and left me to have my head chopped offI cant believe I fell for his lies. DIANA He left you because he had no choice. TAYLOR No choice? DIANA They grabbed Bradys boy. TAYLOR Pierre? DIANA Besides, who are you to accuse anyone of lying? I know why you were at the Remson Towers that day. TAYLOR What I was doing there has nothing to do with anything. DIANA It does when you have to decide whether to believe someones story or not. Adulterers arent high on the trustworthy scale.

TAYLOR You made your point, but, now that you let the Prince free, youll never find Abie. DIANA What would you have me do, hook up electric prods to his testicles? TAYLOR Thats a start. DIANA I know what happened to your daughter, I know what you must be feeling. TAYLOR Dont DIANA Look, youre in over your head on this. If Im going to apprehend Harazi, the only way to do it is the proper, lawful way. TAYLOR Thats a great line, you can use it at his funeral. DIANA Stay away from this case. If I see you again, youll be headed to federal prison on obstruction charges. Taylor storms back to the motorcycle. He looks down and picks out beachgrass. He hops on and starts the engine when Diana shouts to him. DIANA Hey, that bikes federal evidence! TAYLOR I cant hear you! Taylor guns the engine and rides off. 37. EXT. ROAD RUNNING THROUGH PINE FOREST DAY

Taylor rides through windy pine roads. He parks the bike checks out and alley way next to a series of doors. Inside a small building. He peaks inside to see Abie tied to a chair and being beaten by Jumah.

Taylor whistles and when Jumah approaches he kicks the door and knocks him backwards. Abie grabs Jumah by the throat. ABIE Wheres Pierre, where is he? Jumah CURSES AT HIM IN ARABIC. Abie punches him again, then grabs his throat and squeezes, the man coughs and screams TAYLOR Abie ABIE (to Taylor) No Finally Jumah breaks and motions outside. Abie drags him outside. ABIE Show me. They burst into another storage room and find Pierre bound in the corner. They bound Jumah in the corner and bring Pierre back to the room and sit him outside. Taylor and Abie reenter the room.

Taylor You O.K., man? ABIE Yes. How did you know where I was? TAYLOR

ABIE Come again? TAYLOR Another example of Americas flawless educational system. A rhizome, root system for beachgrass. I found grass wedged in the motorcycle wheel frame, this areas near the beach and has a lot of good hiding places. ABIE I knew Id regret sleeping through science class.

Look, I didnt mean to just abandon you back there, I mean, its just that I figured wed have a better shot if we were separated. Abie picks up the cell phone that Harazi left, Taylor tosses Abie the cell phone he took from Adel. TAYLOR I knowhere, you can add that to your collection, I took it from terrorist number two. ABIE What happened to terrorist number two? TAYLOR He chose the seventy-two virgins. Taylor steps to a table and picks up a notebook. ABIE Harazi mentioned that he wanted me to drive up and scout out a security station for him. TAYLOR I dont think thats quite what he had in mind, buddy. Taylor shows a diagram from the notebook of a car bomb detonating and a series of arrows indicating the blast projection. Abie speaks some more into the phone then hangs up. ABIE Theyre sending a car for usAnything else of interest besides blowing me up? TAYLOR (reading from the notebook) The greatest disaster

Muslims have suffered since the death of the Prophet is the occupation of the land of the two sacred mosques by the Christian armies of the Americans and their allies. These infidels must taste blood wherever in the world their devil hands reach and, of course, in their own land.Theyre a bunch of chemical notations
and random notes. ABIE Youre a science teacher, what do you think?

TAYLOR I taught photosynthesis and the birds and the beesBut if my memory is correct, CH4 is methane gas. C2H6 and C3H8, Im not sure. ABIE Right. TAYLOR Theyre also some more manuals on home construction. Plumbing, electrical wiring diagrams, even window design. Maybe Harazi is building a summer home on the Northfork. ABIE Methane gas would make a pretty good truck bomb. Maybe I was his lead blocker so he could get the truck to the target. TAYLOR Thats right, the target, all this great detective work wont mean shit if we dont know what that is. ABIE He mentioned something about a wedding Abie answers his cell phone, talks and hangs up. ABIE A police cruiser was in the area where the phone was tracked. They just spotted a vehicle that matches the witnesss description on route 27, Im headed down there. TAYLOR Thats good news, Abie, good newsHey, you said something about a wedding? That Harazi mentioned something about a wedding. ABIE Thats what he said, yeah, Ill check it out as soon as I get downtown. I also have a hunch about something, its a shot in the dark but

TAYLOR everything I do is a shot in the dark. Im going to take the bike and disappear before Crowly finds me here and ships me off to Hahns Island.

They exit.





Harazi stands with MUSTAFA looking at the trunk. Inside is the large container they received from the Prince. Harazi checks his watch. MUSTAFA Ill call him. HARAZI No, Ill do this myself. MUSTAFA But he could have told them everything, we should abort. HARAZI The mission goes on, Im not going to fail again. MUSTAFA Then let me come, youll need me. Harazi retrieves a duffel bag from the front seat and removes two small devices, switches them on and off, then puts them back in the bag. HARAZI Always have a back up plan, brotherIll meet you tonight as planned. MUSTAFA Finally, its here. Time for our own Battle of Badr. HARAZI time to put the J back into Islam. MUSTAFA

JihadBisma-allah, brother. They hug. HARAZI in shaa-allah.


Abie knocks and enters. TAYLOR Whats up? ABIE A few weeks ago a highway maintenance crew found the body of an Egyptian American woman near the interstate, pretty badly beaten. She was driving the car you and Brady repossessed, her sister was the owner.Now, I assumed Harazi did what he did to her because he thought she was too westernized, that shed become a kafir. TAYLOR A non-believer.... ABIE Turns out she worked for the State Department overseeing arrangements for Middle East dignitaries coming to the states. TAYLOR He tortured her to get information. ABIE Yes. At first I thought the target was a wedding at the Israeli Arts Center in Moriches in two weeks. But then I found out the son of Hamid Jafar, is getting married in Bridgehampton this weekend. TAYLOR Hamid Jafar? ABIE Hes chairman of OPEC. It all lines up. The woman who was killed was the State Departmentss main

liaison for the event. The thing will be loaded with diplomats from all over. And its even on the fifth of the month, Harazi likes to hit on five or multiples of five to represent the five pillars of Islam. TAYLOR What did the OPEC people say when you warned them? ABIE That everything is under control. Invited guest are being picked up by screened limo drivers and vehicles arent even allowed within a hundred yards of the place. TAYLOR Maybe hes hang gliding inside or maybe he wants to use you as lead blocker, like you said, to get a truck through security and detonate on the inside. ABIE It would just be too far to get to the main building, too risky. OPECs security searched the area a hundred times and even let a SWAT dog team search this morning. TAYLOR Hes got something planned ABIE how about you, anything on those chemicals? TAYLOR Methane gas, ethane and propane. I guess he was trying to see which would give him the biggest bang. Abies cell phone rings and he answers it. ABIE Hello, yeahall right, I cant really hear you He hangs up. TAYLOR You need the phone?

ABIE That was the fire commissioners office. Its fire safety week and the chief is speaking at the Islamic studies school and wants me there to make sure he doesnt call anyone a rag-head. TAYLOR What about Harazi? ABIE What else can we do? TAYLOR Hes going to get away with it again. ABIE Maybe he wont strike, maybe the OPEC people will get lucky. TAYLOR I dont give a shit about the OPEC people. The man who murdered my daughter is going to walk away again and Im just sitting here. Taylor steps to a punching bag and whacks it with a combination then turns back to Abie.

TAYLOR Well happy fire safety week, officerMaybe the kids will set off the sprinkler system to celebrate like they did at my school.

ABIE Im sorry, Taylor, well get him.

TAYLOR Right. Abie heads to the door. TAYLOR Abie, wait.

ABIE Listen, Ive got to go, I was late for this thing last year and Captain Richardson docked my pay. Taylor grabs a large reference book from his table and flips through it and lands on a page. Then flips through it again. TAYLOR Just hold onCH4, C2H6 and C3H8You know what that spells? ABIE What? TAYLOR Natural gas. ABIE O.K. TAYLOR Hes going to use the natural gas as the explosive and the sprinkler system to distribute it. Think about, he had all those manuals on plumbing and how to construct a sprinkler system. His father was fireman. I know it sounds crazy but play along, you worked in construction. What would he need to do to make this happen? ABIE Hed first have to empty the sprinkler. Then hed shut the gas off and put a splitter valve on the incoming gas line to keep gas flowing and divert it through the sprinkler system. TAYLOR Wouldnt somebody know? ABIE If you didnt know what to look for, youd never notice it. If he was able to fix the sprinklers to go off simultaneously, well thats a lot of gasI remember seeing a building inspector I.D. badge in the briefcase. That would give him access to override the system. TAYLOR But how would he do all of this? I mean hed need

to first set the sprinklers off then provide the spark. ABIE He must be doing it from the perimeter somehow. TAYLOR We should call Crowly. ABIE Ive called her three times today, no answer. She must be in the city for meetings or something.





Several hundred yards away is a large, manicured estate. Abie and Taylor pull to the side of the road. They run up a small hill and search the area. ABIE Over there! In a small clearing is a car with the trunk open. They approach from the front and then see Harazi thirty yards away sitting on a black motorcycle. He holds up a remote control device, waves to them and presses a button. Smoke and fire shoot up and blow Taylor and Abie back. They struggle up as another blast fires. 41. EXT. MARCIS HOME


Taylor knocks at the front door and Marci answers. MARCI Taylor. TAYLOR He got away. MARCI You saved a lot of innocent people, Im proud of you. She takes his hand. TAYLOR A day doesnt go by that I dont think about how to get you back.

Marci steps to Taylor and runs her hands under his shirt lifting out the wedding ring on the necklace. MARCI If you would go back to being the man I married, that I fell in love with, then we can make it. (She kisses him lightly on the neck and cheek) When you called and told me what happened, I was so afraid. It made me realize how much I still love you.

TAYLOR What about Dillon? MARCI Forget him. They kiss and hug. Marci runs her hands across his back and unbuttons his shirt. Shes ready to give herself over to him but halfway through Taylor stops her. TAYLOR Marci, I cant. MARCI Baby we can work through whatever youre feeling. Just let me in, just let me in and we can build something again.

TAYLOR Not if the foundation is built on lies. MARCI Ever since Sadie died youve been talking in riddles. What is it? Were you robbing the hotel, dealing drugs, seeing another woman Taylor looks down. Oh my God, thats it isnt it. You didnt go to there to pick up Giants tickets, you went to meet another woman.

TAYLOR Yes. MARCI Who was she, Taylor? Who was she? TAYLOR Her name was Jessica Chen, she managed the reception desk at the hotel. Her daughter was in my third period class. MARCI The woman who was killed? TAYLOR Yes. I went there to drop off a letter to a friend of hers telling her we were through. She wasnt even scheduled to be there that day but her friend called her. She was coming up from the parking lot and walked right into the blast. MARCI You took Sadie to see the woman you were fucking and then you left her alone in the car? TAYLOR Sadie was asleep and I didnt want to wake her. I jogged over and went right back to her, it was, less than a thirty seconds. I had her in sight the whole timeThe only thing that saved me was a concrete pillar that blocked the explosion. MARCI But it didnt save your daughter, did it? TAYLOR I would give anything to have that day back, to have it be me in the car instead of her. MARCI Why did you have to tell me this, dont I already have enough pain for one lifetime? TAYLOR If we were to try to be together again, I didnt want it based on a lie.

MARCI Try again? Try to do what? Two lives were lost because of you. And because of you the most important thing in my life is gone forever. How many peoples lives do you have to ruin Taylor? TAYLOR Marci Taylor reaches to her but she pushes his hand away. MARCI Im so humiliated, Im so sad, youre not the man I thought you were and you never were. TAYLOR Youre right. MARCI Taylor, I never want to see you againPlease go...Just go. TAYLOR (lays a key on the table) I copied that from your set. Im the one who was stealing ketamine from the clinic. MARCI I know. 42. INT. TAYLORS APARTMENT


Taylor places the picture of Sadie in front of him. He removes the wedding ring from around his neck and places it down in front of the picture. He sits and empties two bottles of pills into one glass and pours a whiskey into the other and places them down. He stares at his daughter and ring for a moment. He then reaches over and turns the picture face down, sliding the ring beneath it. Taking several forced deep breaths he picks up the glass with pills inside and is about to down them when someone bangs on the door then a moment later, Abie enters. ABIE Crowley wants to talk to you.

Taylor stares at the floor.

ABIE Come on. (takes Taylor and guides him to the door)





Abie and Taylor walk to a room on the second floor. The door is slightly ajar but theres no answer when they knock. They look at each other and push into the room.





The lights are off, the shades drawn but some daylight creeps in. Diana is seated in the corner, shes a far cry from her usual rigid appearance, her hair is disheveled and she clings to a cigarette. In front of her are several sheets of official documents.

DIANA Abdullah, wait outside. TAYLOR No, no, no. He stays here. Hes the only one I trust in this room. Diana stares at Taylor and he notices shes been crying. She looks at Abie, pauses, then drops a folded paper onto the coffee table. Taylor picks it up and looks at it. DIANA Harazi will be at that location tonight. TAYLOR Where did you get this? DIANA The Prince. TAYLOR Why would the Prince give up Harazi? Diana drags on her cigarette then releases s stream of smoke.

DIANA Harazis mission was to assassinate the OPEC chairman, not try to take down the entire building with everyone in it. His sponsors in the Middle East want him removed from service, hes become a liability to them. TAYLOR Why are you telling me this? Im not a cop, Im not anything, remember? Diana glances at Taylor then stares at the T.V. Taylor drops the paper back on the table. TAYLOR Forget this. ABIE Taylor TAYLOR Abie, look at her. Shes lost her mind. Who knows what shes up to? Maybe Harazi paid her off to set us up, maybe the Prince did. Abie walks over to Diana. He picks up and reads the papers in front of Diana on the table. ABIE Harazi hit a navy ship in Aden two hours ago. TAYLOR Aden, where the hell is that? ABIE Yemen, its a seaport. (leans over to Diana) Diana, was Peter on that boat? Diana looks back at him, the tears swelling in her eyes. ABIE Im so sorry, I should have known, I should have read the intelligence more thoroughly... Is there anything I can do? Diana picks up the folded paper and hands it to him. Abie walks back to Taylor. ABIE


Abie and Taylor slip into the airport. Small aircraft are spread around the area. They hide behind a safety barrier and wait for Harazi. TAYLOR What the hell was that we ran into back there, anyway? ABIE A remote, thermobaric RPG. TAYLOR Come again? ABIE Remote, thermobaricWhen the rounds hit they spew a small explosive mist then a charge ignites it giving it more punching power. It was also outfitted with a remote control attachment to steer it in flight. He fired one to set off the sprinklers and another to ignite the gas that filled the rooms. TAYLOR The news said the groom was killed. ABIE And three others. It could have been a lot worse if they hadnt shut down the gas line after we tipped them off. TAYLOR I told Marci everything, everything about that day. I wanted to thank you for not saying anything to her. ABIE Youre welcome. TAYLOR Shes the best thing Ive ever had, she gave me the best thing I ever had and I just burned it all down I actually thought there was a chance to get her back, as if I even deserved to have her back

Killing Harazi is the only thing I have left now. ABIE You have the truth. Stick to that and youll have everything you need. TAYLOR Did Bruce say that? ABIE No, I said it. Abies cell vibrates and he answers. ABIE The airport, Hangar B-3. (hangs up) Caldez is headed over, we may need the help. Just then Harazi and a pilot walk around the hangar thirty yards away. Taylor and Abie begin to sneak up on him when the voice of an AIRPORT GUARD sounds out from behind them. AIRPORT GUARD What are you doing? ABIE Im a police officer. Im here to detain those two men. AIRPORT GUARD Youre not doing anything until I see some identification. Abie shows his badge. Harazi and MUSTAFA look over at the commotion as the guard steps up to Abie. AIRPORT GUARD Im going to have to call this in and clear it with the boss. ABIE I dont have time for that. These men are about to board a plane and fly out of here. AIRPORT GUARD I said Im calling it in!

Abie looks over at Harazi, who has spotted them. They bolt after him knocking the guard to the ground. They chase after Harazi and finally corner him to the SIDE OF THE HANGAR. Abie grabs MUSTAFA and aims his service pistol at Harazi. 46. EXT. SIDE OF AIRPLANE HANGAR ABIE Its over Harazi. Harazi begins to hold up his pistol to surrender, then drops down and shoots MUSTAFA dead center and aims again at Abie but Taylor tackles him. They fight over the gun and Taylor manages to eject the magazine to the ground, leaving only one round chambered. Harazi slams Taylor back with a kick, takes aim and fires just as Abie dives toward Harazi. Taylor gets up. Harazi tosses the gun to the side and takes off. TAYLOR Lets go, he went toward the fence...Oh shit AbieAbie! Abie coughs up blood and chokes as Taylor kneels beside him. TAYLOR Hang on. Abie continues to shake and wheeze. CALDEZ runs up to the scene and kneels next to Abie. He calls in for an ambulance and hangs up. CALDEZ GoddamnitWheres Haraziwhich way did he go? Tell me which way he went! TAYLOR Stay with Abie CALDEZ No, I need to go after him. TAYLOR And when you find him, what then?Youre a good cop, Caldez, but if you do this youre either going to lose your life or lose your careerI dont have anything to loseLeave him to me. Caldez looks at Taylor and back at the fading Abie, then nods. NIGHT





Taylor runs between mounds of earth and rocks. Harazi tosses a stone that clangs off a bulldozer. Taylor turns toward the sound and Harazi leaps on him from behind and places a knife to his throat. Taylor manages to block his neck from the blade then knock the knife loose. They trade several series of vicious punches, kicks, head butts, and bites. Harazi pushes Taylor off and retrieves the knife. He stands, they go at each other again and again square off. HARAZI Im through playing with you, Im going to kill you very slowly and very painfully, truck driver. TAYLOR You sure talk a lot. HARAZI Then let this be the last thing I say. Im going to kill you in the name of Allah, the one, almighty godMy destiny. TAYLOR Your destiny is jahanam, Harazi.

Harazi smiles at Taylor, then screams and attacks again. He gets in close enough to push the knife an inch from Taylors chest as they both stand. Then closer and closer. HARAZI ALLAH AKBAR! Taylor struggles to fend him off, then steps back and reverses the knife and sticks it home (SAME MOVE HE USED ON BONDO BUT FOR REAL) Harazi stumbles backward gasping, and drops to his knees. He looks down at the knife protruding from his gut, then back to Taylor. TAYLOR Dharura. Harazi falls flat and dies. Taylor turns and walks, he feels the painkillers in his front pocket. He removes them, looks at them, then tosses them away. As he brings his arm down we notices blood streaming down his arm and he PASSES OUT, FALLS TO THE GROUND.





Taylor, DRESSED IN BLAZER, BUTTON DOWN, JEANS, his left arm bandaged, he places Abies prayer stone on the grave of his daughter. He stands and turns to see Diana several steps off to the side. Shes back to being groomed and all business.

DIANA Your wife Marci said you might be here. TAYLOR Im sorry about your brother. DIANA Thank you. How are you? TAYLOR Well, after all this I still dont have my baby girl, my wife, my friend, or my jobI guess you might say Im frustrated. DIANA I can help you with that. TAYLOR You really are a witch, youre able to bring people back from the dead. DIANA I was referring to the last thing you mentioned, a job. Some people very high up in the government are quite impressed with your skills. TAYLOR So you came to the graveyard where my daughters buried to throw a recruiting pitch at methey teach you that down at Quantico, Agent Crowley? Taylor pauses and takes a breath. DIANA Information from the briefcase you took yielded information thats led us to China. TAYLOR And?

DIANA And you speak and write Chinese, spent eight years living in Asia. And of course, we all know you can handle yourself in a crisis. TAYLOR tai duo xia Diana responds with a blank stare. TAYLOR No thanks, Ive had enough killing for now. Besides, Harazis roasting in hell now. DIANA Wasps still sting even after theyre dead. Harazis gone but his network isnt. Do you really want anyone else to have to go through what youve had to go through? TAYLOR You mean what weve gone through. DIANA thats right, we have something in common now. Diana steps to him. DIANA Your country needs you, Taylor. What do you say?

Taylor looks down, then to his left. A beat, he looks up again and back at Diana, places his sunglasses back on and walks ahead. Diana looks over to where he Taylors eyes went to see a firefighter medallion and an American flag above a gravestone. She grins slightly and follows.


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