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ASCI Inter-Department Student Paper Presentation Contest 11th March 2013

Organized By ASCI (Association of Students in Computational Intelligence) Department of Computer Science School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences Central University of Kerala
About Us:ASCI (Association of Students in Computational Intelligence) is the technical forum of the Computer Science students of the Central University of Kerala. The forum, functioning under the patronage and guidance of the Department of Computer Science of the University, has as its objective the cultivation and fostering of research outlook among the students by conducting regular seminars, training programmes, discussions and technical events. About the Event:The Inter-Department student Paper Presentation Contest is going to be the flagship event of the ASCI and the event is expected to provide a platform for the postgraduate students of various department in the central university of kerala to present and share their research work and projects. Get the double benefit of attractive cash prizes and the opportunity to get your papers evaluated by distinguished academics in the field. Who can participate? The competition is open to all postgraduate students of Theme of the Event:The theme of the event is Intelligent Systems. The sub-themes include: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Systems and Control, Bioinformatics, Computational Intelligence, Expert Systems, Fuzzy Technologies and Systems, Game and Decision Theories, Intelligent Control Systems, Intelligent Internet Systems, Intelligent Software Systems, Intelligent Systems, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Neurocomputers, Optimization, Parallel Computation, Pattern Recognition, Robotics and Autonomous Robots, Signal Processing, Systems Modelling, Web Mining, Intelligent Agents, Cheminformatics, Bioinformatics, Computational Physics, Computational Linguistics, Genomic/Proteomic Signal processing, Computational Chemistry, Computational Mathematics, Biomedical Informatics and more Prizes:The first, second and third place winners will be given cash awards , in addition to mementos and merit certificates. Participation certificates will be issued to all the participants. Deadlines Submission of abstracts up to 5th March 2013 Abstract Acceptance Notification: 7th March 2013 Submission & presentation of Full Paper: 11th March2013 Submission Requirements Abstract of your paper and the full paper can be mailed to mail id

A 250-word abstract of your paper should reach us on or before the due date mentioned All papers will be evaluated in a standard blind peer review. Papers can be presented as a team consisting of a maximum of two members. A team may have students from different disciplines. The selected participants will be requested to submit two hard copies and one soft copy of the paper on or before the due date mentioned. There is no restriction on the number of teams from same department. No participant can be a part of more than one team. Visit the ASCI website for further details.

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