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Classified Moscow - Bonn 11th of November 1989

[Greetings Exchanged]

Kohl: I am happy to have this conversation with you, General Secretary Gorbachev. I am very pleased in regards to yesterdays announcement. Its a very good move. Our goal is not to have the citizens of the GDR to move here, we want the people of the GDR to stay in their homes. We could not handle two hundred and thirty thousand people moving from the east to the west to settled. Such a massive relocation to the the GDR is absurd because we want East Germans to stay to build their future. You should know that by noon today, thousands of people have already passed the border from the GDR to the West. However, we assume that most of them are just visitors and have no intention to stay. The number of those who wish to resettle for permanent residence is significantly less than we should be concerned about. I know I have mentioned that we don't want the destabilization of the situation in the GDR, my position remains the same. I am not sure to what scale that East german leaders plan to reform. However, the GDR should act in this situation dynamically. I would like to say again how much I appreciate your reaching out to me with this situation. Next week, after returning from Poland, I would like to have another phone call to discuss the progression of the situation. Gorbachev: Okay. I am reminded of the philosophical discussion we once had about the problems between our nations and the whole development in Europe. As you can see Comrade Counselor, this conversation was not just a rhetorical exercise. Big changes are happening in the world. This is also true for the eastern european countries. A good example is all the change in Bulgaria, the beginnings of reform. Political and geographic shifting are taking place faster that even recently we could have expected them to. Of course, in different countries, the reform could take place differently. Take different form and different depth. Considering this, its important to maintaining stability so that both sides take balanced measures. Ultimately, I think this creates the foundation for mutual

understanding. We are becoming closer to each other, and its becoming very important. I recommend that the GDR conducts preparation to reform and thoroughly takes into consideration the atmosphere of the people. I understand that the situation in the GDR is followed by not just Europeans, but the whole world. Its a very important moment in world politics. It is not just a historic moment but a moment that will determine the character and strength of world relationships. So when I talk about keeping the balance, I think each step we take we have to think through and take in consideration each other. I am taking this conversation very seriously, I hope you can use your reputation and political power to influence and control within the frame.*

Kohl: I consider it a success that the Soviet Union and FRG have achieved the high level of communication that we have now. I especially appreciate the personal contact with you. In my opinion, our relationship has shifted from official to having a personal tone. I suppose it will keep progressing forward, I am ready for that. I understand that our personal relationship will not have a large influence but it could help with some decision-making. Returning to the evaluation of the situation in the GDR; I would like to remark that in my opinion, the most important problem lies in the psychology of Honecker. Until this moment, he has rejected all idea of reform. He has put the new government of the GDR in a very difficult position. They have to act under the monstrous pressure of time. In that I see a huge problem. You are right, in order to implement reform, it takes time. But how can we explain that to the people of the GDR? [Salutary Remarks]


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