Impressionist Task Adele

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Impressionist Task Adele Rolling in the Deep by Naomi Abraham

What does it represent? This shot of Adele at the beginning of the video represents that she is alone because she is sitting in on a chair in an abandoned room. What effect does the image have? The image shows the viewers that Adele is lonely and trying to get over her heartbreak.

What do they represent? The images of these glasses are shown when Adele sings the line Finally I can see you crystal clear. This is showing the viewers that Adele finally sees the guy for what he really is. Some of the glasses are half empty and half full. I think this represents that the relationship between Adele and the man was an unsteady relationship. What effect does this image have? This image has the effect of when the glasses filled with water start beating in time with the drum in the video. This is showing that Adele is going to reach a breaking point.

The drum then starts to come in and the glasses start beating to the sound of the drum. The beating also represents Adeles heart.

What does it represent? The smashed glasses and plates represents Adeles anger. In the video plates are and cups are thrown across the wall into the pile below. This image represents the constant quarrelling in the relationship. What effect does the image have? The image of the broken plates helps us relate to the anger that Adele feels. The images is giving us a strong understanding that Adele is singing with anger and unhappiness.

The plates are now being hit aginst the projector in time to the drum to represent Adeles heart that is continuing to break each time she sings.

What does it represent? The drumming represents the anger Adele feels. The drumming also represents the beating of Adeles heart. As the drum beats faster, Adele sings louder.

What effect does the image have? The image has the effect of portraying Adeles pain. As the drumming goes on, it shows Adeles defiance of not tolerating anymore of the relationship.

What does it represent? This image represents Adeles relationship. The wall covering represents the barrier and limits of the relationship.

What effect do the images have? The knight whipping up the powder gives the viewer an effect of the distortion and cloudy state of the relationship.

What does it represent? The city exploding represents Adele having had enough of the relationship.

What effect do the images have? It has the effect of portraying Adeles tipping point. The point where she has come to the conclusion that the relationship is over.

What do they represent? The city model bursting into flames show how angry adele is.

What effect do the images have? The flames show the absolute end of the relationship.

The last few shots started to run faster while Adele was getting to the end of her song. The shots represented Adeles mind having so many thought run through her head.

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