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48390 Federal Register / Vol. 64, No.

171 / Friday, September 3, 1999 / Notices

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Annual Performance Report. The Loop Line (NSLL) and the Ellisburg to
Steering Committee of the Leidy Pipeline (ELL), which acquisition
President’s Advisory Commission on Massachusetts Education Initiative for is pending Commission approval in
Educational Excellence for Hispanic Latino students will present an Docket No. CP99–569–000. National
Americans; Meeting overview of the plans for the October 2, Fuel states that, in order to replicate
1999, summit. Massachusetts is the first Texas Eastern’s existing service for
AGENCY: President’s Advisory
state in the country to implement ProGas through the NSLL and the ELL,
Commission on Educational Excellence
Executive Order 12900 at the State level. and to reflect certain contingencies
for Hispanic Americans, Department of
Congressman Ruben Hinojosa, Chair of unique to this transaction, its agreement
the Education Taskforce of the with ProGas departs from its form of
ACTION: Notice of meeting. Congressional Hispanic Caucus will also service agreement in certain respects,
SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the
address the commission. and is filed pursuant to Section
On Wednesday, September 15, 1999, 154.112(b) of the Commission’s
schedule and proposed agenda of a
Commission members will release a regulations, together with a tariff
forthcoming meeting of the President’s
report on the issue of Assessment reference to the agreement.
Advisory Commission on Educational
during a Press Conference at the
Excellence for Hispanic Americans National Fuel also states it proposes
National Press Club, 529 14th Street,
(Commission). Notice of this meeting is to revise Section 17 of its General Terms
NW, at 10:00 a.m. and directly following
required under Section 10(a)(2) of the and Conditions to provide that National
will meet from 11:00 a.m.–12:00 noon to
Federal Advisory Committee Act in Fuel may seek a discount adjustment in
discuss plans for a National meeting on
order to notify the public of their future rate cases relating to services that
Latino Educational Excellence.
opportunity to attend. Records of all Commission are converted from discount services to
DATES AND TIMES: Tuesday, September proceedings are available for public negotiated rate services, and to revise
14, 1999, 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. (est). inspection at the White House Initiative, Section 3.5 of its FT and FT–S Rate
Wednesday, September 15, 1999, 10:00 U.S. Department of Education, 400 Schedules to clarify that the maximum
a.m.–12:00 noon (est). Maryland Ave., SW, Room 5E110, rates applicable to a shipper utilizing
ADDRESSES: Overseas Private Investment Washington, DC 20202 from 9:00 a.m. to Zones 1 and 3 of its Niagara import
Corporation (OPIC) Building, 1100 New 5:00 p.m. (est). point project capacity is the sum of the
York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. maximum rates applicable to Zones 1
Dated: September 1, 1999.
and 3.
Leo Coco,
Luis Rosero, Special Assistant for Acting Assistant Secretary, Office of
National Fuel states that its filing also
Communication, at 202–401–8459 Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs. is made to implement an amendment to
(telephone), 202–401–8377 (FAX), [FR Doc. 99–23169 Filed 9–2–99; 8:45 am] its agreement with ProGas, which (e-mail) or mail: provides for a negotiated rate pursuant
U.S. Department of Education, 400 to Section 17.2 of the General Terms
Maryland Avenue SW, Room 5E110; and Conditions of National Fuel’s tariff.
Washington, DC 20202–3601. National Fuel states that copies of this
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The filing were served upon its customers
Commission was established under Federal Energy Regulatory and interested state commissions.
Executive Order 12900 (February 22, Commission Any person desiring to be heard or to
1994) to provide the President and the protest said filing should file a motion
[Docket No. RP99–484–000]
Secretary of Education with advice on to intervene or a protest with the
(1) the progress of Hispanic Americans National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
toward achievement of the National Notice of Proposed Changes in FERC 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC
Goals and other standards of Gas Tariff 20426, in accordance with Sections
educational accomplishment; (2) the 385.214 or 385.211 of the Commission’s
development, monitoring, and August 30, 1999.
Rules and Regulations. All such motions
coordination of Federal efforts to Take notice that on August 26, 1999, or protests must be filed in accordance
promote high-quality education for National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation with Section 154.210 of the
Hispanic Americans; (3) ways to (National Fuel) tendered for filing as Commission’s Regulations. Protests will
increase, State, county, private sector part of its FERC Gas Tariff, Fourth be considered by the Commission in
and community involvement in Revised Volume No. 1, the following determining the appropriate action to be
improving education; and (4) ways to tariff sheets, with a proposed effective taken, but will not serve to make
expand and complement Federal date of November 1, 1999. protestants parties to the proceedings.
education initiatives. Second Revised Sheet No. 12 Any person wishing to become a party
At the September 14th meeting, Sheet Nos. 13 through 22 must file a motion to intervene. Copies
Commissioners will report on activity First Revised Sheet No. 30 of this filing are on file with the
within the following Committees: First Revised Sheet No. 36C
First Revised Sheet No. 407
Commission and are available for public
Children, Families and Communities, inspection in the Public Reference
Higher Education and Assessment. The First Revised Sheet No. 478
Room. This filing may be viewed on the
Departments of Education and Health National Fuel states that its filing is web at
and Human Services will report to made to implement its agreement with rims.htm (call 202–208–2222 for
Commissioners on the Implementation ProGas U.S.A., Inc. (ProGas) regarding assistance).
of the Hispanic Education Action Plan. the services and rates to be provided by
David P. Boergers,
The White House Initiative staff will National Fuel following National Fuel’s
report on the work of the acquisition of the interests of Texas Secretary.
Interdepartmental Council on Hispanic Eastern Transmission Corporation [FR Doc. 99–22971 Filed 9–2–99; 8:45 am]
Educational Improvement and the 1999 (Texas Eastern) in the Niagara Spur BILLING CODE 6717–01–M

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