Mind Control Countermeasures 2

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Some research for you about magnetic countermeasures from me, year 2000 9.

) The consideration to block radiation may be possible with other simpler more elegant methods, Polyethylene the plastic commonly used in many kitchen products contains a substantial amount of hydrogen n and is well known at NASA for blocking radiation. 9a.) [ the following is an ongoing specification as to the cause and countermeasures where at the end of 9a there will be the most advanced up to date countermeasure. However it will be of interest to the reader how the general evolution of thought culminated in the various designs and changes. We don't that the following will protect against all the mechanisms being used to experiment on civilians but it appears that it will be effective against some energies. The following is a description of a means to protect yourself and children against some of the experimental weapons. It appears the complexity to remain protected may be too much for 99% of the population to create. A very efficient protection mechanism has been devised to eliminate much electromagnetic spectrum energies; it is a non screen faraday cage (meaning a solid sheet of metal optimally of copper enclosure enclosing all sides where the persons are inside and are not in contact with the metal walls. The walls have to be connected with a transformer output of half wave reversing currents that then prevent the penetration of various energies. This technique is currently being used to protect explosive weapons for the U.S. Armed Forces, for those interested in details as to the actual parameters necessary to manufacture the protective portion of such a device see the following patent number 5,291,829 view able at the online U.S. Patent Office . WE MAY HAVE some breakthrough information on a specific methodology countermeasure. It has to do with jamming ELF waves ( extra low frequency ) where the body has a magnetic output of some 3 - 15 hz, which is easy to see from a satellite with ultra sensitive sensors called ( SQUID magnetic ). A frequency matching the magnetic frequency of the human body is emanated and in much the same way as a transformer operates; the magnetic pulsing of the ELF wave as (the primary) intersects with the bodies magnetic field (the secondary) . The amplitude height of the primary wave magnetically inducts the secondary and as the primary amplitude drops as in any transformer causes the extra magnetic energy to be added to the secondary thereby increasing the voltage in the body causing an internal shock for example. Modification to cause such a rise beyond the simple example is to match the frequency and then tosimply cause a rise in its frequency whichthen causes a subsequent rise thesecondary frequency rate; a secondary method to be used in understanding the means which may be being used (as there are many devices of varying operations using various frequencies - these descriptions are meant to be used in considering the what and how of their operation) to add the use of an ELF wave together with a microwave where the frequency of the microwave being so much greater they are in a class by themselves where the microwave frequencies are extremely fast (short) they may have an overall modified carrier wave type frequency applied to them which allows portions of the frequency amplitude to intersect in such a way as to act as a pumping

mechanism of the primary when it intersects with the brain allowing the potential of adding subliminal messages and sounds to their several abilities. An overall means to block such signals transmission and or reception is to alter the natural magnetic frequency of the body. Together with generating negative wavelengths of other frequencies responsible. NOW WHAT is meant by the statement above. It means that the overall magnetic signature of the body exists in a minute quantity, the ability to see this field with extremely sensitive equipment has been proven and therefore is a also a means to use the bodies magnetic field as a signature for locating an individual using their magnetic field much like a fingerprint. The ELF frequency locator signal is sent out and as its frequency crests and troughs passes over the body it has the magnetic signature impressed upon it like a primary impressing a magnetic field upon a secondary of a transformer. The subsequent extra magnetic energy imparted by the body is then detected on an x - y - z coordinate so as to present a location for subsequent transmission of energy to or from that specific persons location. Once the location coordinates are obtained the programmer has several options as to what manipulation or test is to be conducted; such as sending pulses of energy to prevent going sleep, pulses to awaken the subject prematurely, imputing shock energy to cause pain, inputting specific magnetic frequency energy to cause the bodies overall magnetic field to increase which subsequently creates a means to have the sub vocalized actual thought process of the person imprinted upon the persons magnetic field which is then picked up as a primary output for impression onto the ELF wave for recording of actual brain thought sub vocalization ( meaning they can intercept your thoughts under condition that you think in terms of words. Not everyone thinks in terms of words however and the ability to extricate information is limited by the personalized though process which may not be readable due to unusual thought patterns). Images may be possible to extricate and it has been generally determined to be credibly possible. Without being on the other end where the receiver is it is not reasonable to explore the efficiency with which this can be done. A countermeasure is possible and doable. It should be possible to account for their ability to eliminate frequencies used to distort their signals.

Broad Spectrum Detection Method See Nov 28, 2000

The following primitive device works! The rotating magnetic metal at the tip of a motor shaft much like a propeller creates a disruptive magnetic field which is imparted like a primary of a transformer into the bodies secondary magnetic field to alter its frequency preventing an efficient

lock-on by the field from the testing/experimenting. A cover over the moving part should be attached made of plastic. For effective use have the device placed close to the head or heart. Design your own and send feedback to us. Distribute this and your information free to everyone you can to put those who are using the bio-manipulation equipment out of business in this particular methodology. The small magnets are harmless to the health and welfare of the user; however if you build your own devices be careful you don't use too strong or dangerous methods, get opinions from people who know about electromagnetic spectrum energies to advise you. A larger field with variable interference frequencies is being developed. A PICTURE OF A DIAGRAM APPEARS HERE of a simple disrupter of the magnetic signature of the bodies bio-field to disrupt the integration of illegal govt. and corporate testing of U.S. citizens.

As an aside the use of an ironically cheap semi noisy 9 volt motor run on a DC transformer will allow the determination of when and if such an ELF/Highfrequency field is involved due to the transformer driven device being caused to change pitch from the external load of such fields being focused on the person. In other words the motors sound will change and the Rounds Per Minute will fluctuate because of the energy from the illegal bio-magnetic field from sources of either satellite or triangulation from transmitting devices in your area. It has been mentioned that the potential of their using telephone, grounded water pipes and your outlets is possible; the alteration in sound, speed, and apparently load from resistance being induced in the motors

magnetic field begins to occur just before and during theta activity beginning in the brain using a stable DC power supply. (NOTE: a recent innovation to send microwave energy along the magnetic field of our outlets to supply internet makes it appear that such expectation of utilizing the electrical outlets of a home or business to transmit experimental frequencies to carry out a human guinea pig experiment very plausible.) A very small and quiet magnetic primary inductor coupled with a more complex field output has been made and we will let you know the results of its ability to jam the frequencies being used soon. And here it is

there are many frequencies which can be used to disrupt the human bio-field. We do not advocate that there is any one way to counter their effects. We state that these devices will alter the fundamental frequency of magnetism of the body and could decrease the use of the bodies field for targeting of the body and therefore the accuracy and or power level of energies aimed at the individual may be reduced. Which may reduce the exposure to energies aimed at the individual. Still doubt us just click this url below and type in the following United States Patent numbers CLICK-> 5213562 5356368 3647970 5101831

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