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Pupils Components

Pedagogically sound and engaging Develops pupils higher-order thinking skills

Teachers Components

Comprises of scheme-of-work and lessons plans Equips teachers with strategies to teach Maths and English eectively

Bilingual Teachers Guide

For consolidation and practice Includes challenging questions that encourage application

Workbook Audio Materials

Package Components

Maths Alive!
Teachers Editions

Support teachers in making the switch to teaching in English

Pin-ups of keywords and concepts taught

Provide answers to questions in the textbooks and workbooks

For more information about Maths Alive! , please contact:

Great Teachers inspire motivate change the world

Pearson Education SouthAsia Pte Ltd Indonesia Representative Oce Kompleks Business Park, Kebon Jeruk Blk I No 10 Jln Raya Meruya Ilir No 88 Meruya Utara, 11620 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: 6221 5890 8219 Fax: 6221 5890 8210 Email:

A complete Primary Maths Textbook Package written in English for Indonesia. Available for use in July 2010.

A Maths package that follows the Indonesian Curriculum

Maths Alive! is a rst for Indonesia. Written in English, it has been
designed according to the latest Standard Content of the Indonesian Curriculum. This saves teachers the e ort of having to use several textbooks for teaching Maths in English. In line with the requirements of the Indonesian Curriculum, the package has also been written to develop pupils higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills.

A pedagogically sound Maths package that suits the Indonesian context

This package is written by Dr Ng Swee Fong and Michelle Choo. Dr Ng is a well-known Singapore Maths educator, who has taught the subject in a bilingual context; and Michelle is an experienced Maths author, with professional knowledge in moulding the minds of young children. Together they have made use of pedogogies that worked in Singapore and applied them e ectively to the Indonesian classroom context. This was done with the help of an experienced team of Indonesian teachers headed by Itje Chodidjah. Together, they developed scenarios, examples and cultural settings pupils can identify with to present the concepts. This enables teachers to better engage their pupils and help them acquire Maths concepts easily.

A package that integrates Maths content with English language learning

Maths Alive! brings together the teaching and learning of Maths concepts and English language skills. It provides teachers with strategies they can use to integrate content and language learning.
The Teachers Guide shows teachers how to deliver important Maths concepts e ectively in class. It also suggests to teachers language learning activities they can incorporate in a lesson, and supports them in teaching the language skills involved.

The topics taught follow the Indonesian syllabus closely.

A lively and engaging approach is adopted to encourage active pupil participation in learning.

Teachers will find the bilingual Teachers Guide and audio materials provided helpful in enabling them to teach English proficiently.

Problem-solving, analytical thinking and algebraic reasoning skills are developed in pupils through features like Number Detective and Looking Back.

Concrete examples that pupils can relate to are used to introduce concepts to them.

Maths Alive! is the package you need to teach Mathematics in English confidently and effectively!

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