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Cod Club Ranero-Like Recipe

To proceed to this recipe we must do first a

As basic Cod, One beautiful unsalted Cod loin. 3 garlic heads. Chopped parsley. Oil aromatized with garlic (3 garlic heads each oil liter)

Ingredients Pilpil sauce, 250 g Cod skins 250 g Oil aromatized with garlic

To do Pilpil sauce: For the oil aromatized with garlic, start comfiting, the garlic heads inside the oil heated to a constant temperature 60 C (140 F). Get out from oil garlic pieces and then put Cod skins inside the oil at 60 C (140 F) until skins let gelatin. Then percolate in order to get out the skins and emulsify the gel, with a stair rod. If the gel is too much dense may add a few water more. We taste the salt content and let the sauce outside heat, until time to use. To comfit Cod: Put the unsalted cod loins, with the skin hurry up inside the oil aromatized with garlic to comfit at 60C (140 F) until ten minutes. If we would like to do a simply Pilpil cod we may end here finishing the dish: When the cod loins are well done, put them over the plate and cover it with the Pilpil sauce. Heat the plate slowly until all the flavors are integrated. Decorate them with chopped parsley and roasted garlic pieces.

To do the club Ranero-like Cod:

1 Kg. of Cod. l olive oil, extra quality. 4 White onions. 4 Mature tomatoes. 2 Green peeper or 6 small peepers 2 Chopped garlic heads.

1 table-spoon of chopped parsley. 5 red peepers (piquillo-like quality) Take a good cod loin and cut then in small squared pieces of approximately 75 g. To do the fried vegetables: Put in a small casserole 100 cc oil and then add, white onions cuter in small squares, mix slowly, add Green peepers chopped, mix slowly again and simultaneously the smashed tomatoes (scald, refresh in cold water, peel and smashed them in small squares). Fry all vegetables carefully because they will maintain their form. In the last moment one add chopped parsley and garlic. Previously heat the red pepper (piquillo-like) in the oven with salt and sugar, when done add then to the vegetable mix. Fry all the mix slowly without broken the vegetables. Percolate the previous fried vegetable mix in a sieve with the aim to separate the oil and then we proceed to ensemble Club Ranero-like Cod, just before server to avoid the excess of oil. Then take Pilpil-cod well done that we have over the plate, mix it with the previous prepared vegetable fry and joint both without disrupting the cod loins with Pilpil sauce.

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