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1. What is PL/SQL, why is it used for? 2. List the differences between SQL and PL/SQL? 3.

Write a program to accept two values, swap them with and without using 3rd variable? Note : two programs to be written. Example: Input : a = 17 b = 28 Output : a = 28 b = 17 4. Write a program to accept a number and convert it into decimal format? Input : n = 18 output : 10010 5. Write a program to accept a binary number and convert it into decimal number? Input : n = 10010 Ouput : 18

6. Write a program to find sum of n natural numbers? Input : n = 10 output : Sum Of 10 Natural Numbers Is 55 7. Write a program to display Sum of individual digits of a given number? Input : n = 7162 Output : 16 8. Write a program to display Mathematical table of a given number? 9. Write a program to check whether a given number is Prime or not? 10. Write a program to check whether a given number is Palindrome or not? 11. Write a program to accept year and display all Sundays along with their Dates? 12. Write a program to display the given String in the following format? Input : str = ORACLE Output: O OR ORA ORAC ORACL ORACLE

13. Write a program to Check whether a given character is a alphabet or number or special character? 14. Write a program to Count Number of vowels , consonants and digits in a given String? 15. Write a program to check whether a given string is palindrome or not? 16. Write a program to count number of characters in a given string? 17. Write a program to display the given string in vertical format? Input : str=computer Output : C O M . . . R 18. Write a program to display Floyd's Triangle? Output : 1 23 456 7 8 9 10 19. Write a program to display Slides Triangle? Output: 1 01 101 0101 10101

20. Write a program to display the following format? Output: *

** *** **** ***** **** *** ** * 21. Write a program to display the following format? Output: 54321 4321 321 21 1 22. Write a program to display GOOD MORNING or GOOD AFTERNOON or GOOD NIGHT depending upon the current time? 23. Write a program to concatinate two strings? 24. Difference between %TYPE and %ROWTYPE? 25. Write a program to accept a year and display the employees belonging to that year? 26. Write a program to accept a mgr code and display the employees who are working under that mgr? 27. Write a program to accept a grade and display all those employees belonging to that grade? 28. Write a program to display all the information of the emp table? 29. Write a program to accept location and display the empno,ename,sal,hiredate and also display the total salary, average salary and number of employees? 30. Write a program to display the job and employees working under the job with their empno,ename and salary? Output: Job Is . Analyst Empno Ename Sal ------------

--------------Job Is . Clerk Empno Ename ----------------------

--------Sal -------------

31. Write a program to display the employees based on year wise? 32. Write a program to display the employees who dont earn any commission and categorize the employees based on deptno? Output: Department Number . 10 Empno Ename Salary ---------------------------------------------Department Number ..20 Empno Ename Salary ---------------------------------------------Department Number ..30 Empno Ename Salary ----------------------------------------------

Comm ------------------Comm ------------------Comm -------------------------------------------------------------------------

33. Write a program to display Factors of a given number? Input: n = 6 Output: 1*6 2*3 3*2 6*1 =6 =6 =6 =6

34. Write a procedure to create your own Output Statement? 35. Write a procedure to accept 2 numbers, display all odd numbers between those numbers? 36. Write a procedure to display empno,ename,sal based on given deptno. Raise the necessary exceptions at procedure. Call the procedure from other program?

37. Write a procedure to accept the string as argument and check whether a given string is palindrome or not? Call the procedure from other program? 38. Write a procedure to accept dname irrespective of case and print all the details of employees? 39. Write a procedure to accept the string as argument and reverse the string? 40. Write a procedure for swapping two numbers? (Using 3rd variable) 41. Write a function to accept empno and return experience of employee? 42. Write a function to accept a string as argument and check whether a given string is palindrome or not? 43. Write a function to accept deptno and return number of employees working under that deptno? 44. Write a function to accept a grade and return max, total, average salary and number of employees belonging to that grade. Find all these without using Group functions? 45. Create a package to store the following procedure for Multiplication table, check whether a given number is odd/even. Function for factorial and palindrome? 46. Write a trigger to halt the transaction of the employees SALESMAN & PRESIDENT? 47. Write a database trigger to display the message when the inserting hiredate is greater than system date? 48. Write a database trigger to give the appropriate message if the record exceed more than 100 rows on EMP Table? 49. Write a database trigger to halt the transactions of Emp table if the deptno does not exist in dept table? 50. Write a database trigger to store User name, type of transaction, date of transaction and time of transaction of emp table into the EMP_LOG table?

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