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Scarlett Rowe

AS Media E

Questionnaire Results on Final Music Magazine

1. Are you male or female? Female 40% Male 60% 2. What age range do you come under? 16-20 90% 21-25 10% 30 + 3. What is your current occupation? Occupations: Shop workers Food places Crewing - Taking down staging etc. 4. Do you think the colour scheme worked well? Yes 80% No 20% Please specify what worked well/didnt work well: Yes: Blended well with each other Contrast each other well Eye-catching, stands out No: Colours too dark

5. Would you consider buying this magazine? Yes 70% No 30% Please explain why: Yes: Good colours used Catches peoples attention No: Not my type of magazine

6. What stands out the most on the front cover and why? Images 30% - Striking photos, can see their faces Masthead 60% - Bold, clear, eye-catching Cover Lines 10% - Bright colours, stand out against backgrounds

Scarlett Rowe

AS Media E

7. Are there any improvements that could be done on the front cover? Please answer in detail. More cover lines to give readers a better idea of whats inside 8. Do the cover images and text work well? Yes 100% No 0% Please specify what worked well/didnt work well: Yes: Text and images look good with each other Keeps the theme of a rock/screamo magazine

9. Do the images and text work well on the contents page? Yes 90% No 10% Please specify what worked well/didnt work well: Yes: Keeps the rock magazine theme Bright colours used, stands out No: Bright colours are confusing, used too much

10. What are the strongest points of the contents page? Please answer in detail. Images 70% - Clear images, fit in with grunge idea Masthead 10% - Bold and clear Cover Lines 20% - Bright, interesting to look at

11. What are the weakest points of the contents page? Please answer in detail. Masthead is dull and not bright enough, not very eye-catching

12. How professional is the double-page spread? Please circle below to rate out of 10 how professional you think it is.

60% 40%


Scarlett Rowe

AS Media E

13. Do you think the images on the double page spread worked well? Yes 80% No 20% Please specify what worked well/didnt work well: Yes: Image layout looked professional as they were side by side Images are grungy looking and look like they belong in a rock magazine No: Smaller image doesnt fit in with the layout

14. What do you like about the double-page spread and why? Please answer in detail. Layout is professional, article is written well and has a chatty tone, masthead is clear and striking

15. What could be done to improve the double-page spread? Please answer in detail. Make the smaller image more part of the layout Brighter colours

16. How would you use to describe the overall page production? e.g. layout, text, images etc. Professional Grungy Good layout Eye-catching and interesting

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