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Group 2 Members:

2G-Pharmacy BULAN, Anna Priscilla CANARIA, Marie Kristiene CARBON, Lorraine Zoe Daiyne CATAP, Maria Consolacion CHONG, Ayessa CHUA, Aldrich Anjelo

Date Performed: February 4, 2012 Date Submitted: February 11, 2012

ABSTRACT The speed of sound is the distance travelled during a unit of time by a sound wave propagating through an elastic medium. The measurement of sound velocity in the medium of air must take into account many factors, including air temperature, pressure, and purity. Air temperature and speed of sound are both directly proportional to each other. Sound travels faster in water than in air and even faster in solid surfaces. In this experiment, a tuning fork was vibrated by using a rubber mallet. The Tuning fork was then place above a graduated cylinder partially filled with water. The amount of water was carefully adjusted to produce the loudest sound available, too little or too much would affect the sound produced. . The speed of sound computed (experimental value) was then compared to the actual speed of sound which is 34360 cm/s. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS 1. Through what fraction of a vibration has the prong of a tuning fork moved while the sound traveled down to the water surface inside the pipe and reflected back up to the fork. - The sound wave traveled of wave down and of a wave up; therefore the tuning fork vibrated of a cycle. 2. What is the approximate wavelength of the fundamental frequency of a closed tubed 35.0cm long if the tube has a diameter of 4.000cm? Formula: =4L 4(35.0cm)=

3. A tuning fork of frequency 384Hz exhibits a resonance with a closed tube 20.0cm long and 4.000cm in diameter. What is the speed of the sound wave? Formula: V = f To find ; use = 4L =4(20.0) = 80.0cm Frequency(f)= 384Hz V= 80.0cm X 384Hz = 30720cm/s

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