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Municipal Performance Management Program and NorthamptonStat

This program is funded by the Executive Office of Administration and Finances Community Innovation Challenge Grant Program.

Why is Northampton Involved?

To help us deliver smarter and more costeffective services, I will introduce a program in Northampton for collecting and analyzing data about key city functions and services By collecting and analyzing key data involving city operations and finance on everything from the number of overtime hours logged to the number of potholes filled, I believe we can identify cost savings, find more efficient ways of delivering services, and most importantly, provide more information and accountability to the tax payers.

Mayor David J. Narkewicz January 3, 2012

What is performance management?

Performance management is a systematic approach to performance improvement Uses evidence based, data driven analysis of services to increase efficiency and accountability in decision making

How is the data presented?

CompStat (New York)

CitiStat (Baltimore)

CitiStat evaluates policies and procedures practiced by City departments for delivering all manners of urban services from criminal investigation to pothole repair. Staff analysts examine data and perform investigations in order to identify areas in need of improvement. City agencies are required to participate in a highly particularized presentation format designed to maximize accountability.

City of Baltimore, 2010

CitiStat in Massachusetts
Somerville, Lowell, Amesbury, Newton and Woburn all have fully implemented CitiStat programs and hold regular departmental meetings.

- Dozens of municipalities from across New England now regularly participate in New England StatNet (A network of municipal officials using CitiStat or other data-driven performance management approaches.) - In FY13, according to Chapter 6A of the General Laws, Section 4A: - Each secretary shall develop a strategic plan and establish an office of performance management to execute that plan as part of implementing a performance management program for the agencies within the executive office.

What is the Municipal Performance Management Program?

A six month program (September 2012 midFebruary 2013) Some of the goals of the program: Increase the use of data and performance management Work on developing common measures Increase the sharing of best practices Gather lessons to help create a toolkit for municipalities that want to start performance management

Who am I?

Recent graduate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Master of Public Policy and Administration Master of Arts in Applied Communication Theory

Who are the communities?

Lead Municipalities: Lowell, Amesbury, Somerville, Woburn and Worcester

Team of analysts work with fifteen communities: Northampton, Chicopee, Orange and Shirley Chatham, Medway, Brookline and Holliston Cambridge, Revere, Salem and Braintree Andover, New Bedford and Dartmouth



September 20th November 14th November 19th December 17th December 19th January 24th

(Police) (DPW) (Fire) (DPW) (Fire) (Fire)

Goals of the meetings:

To use data to understand the day-to-day functions of each department To use data to make more informed management decisions

February 7th, 2013

Salary and Overtime in Thousands (bars) $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 FY11 FY12 FY13


Police Department: Overtime Spending** as a Percent of Salaries

Overtime as a percent of salary (line)

8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0%



Overtime as a percent of salary

**FY11 and FY12 amounts are actual figures** **FY13 amounts are budgeted figures**

Data Not Verified

30 25 20 15 10 5 0


Police Department: Payable and Warning Citations (CY11, data not verified, from program kickoff presentation)

Per Capita Warning Traffic Citations Issued in CY11 Per Capita Payable Traffic Citations Issued in CY11

Data Not Verified




Police Department: Call-log By Day of Week, Hour: CY11 vs. CY10

1,000 800 600 400 200 0 0-3 4-7 8 - 11 12 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 23 Average Calls, per week CY10 Average Calls, per week CY11

Data Not Verified


EMS Calls Fire Calls


Fire Department: Internal Comparisons of Fire and EMS calls per group

A Group


12.28 8.71 14.35 6.87 14.35 5.12

B Group

C Group

D Group

**Note: Above data is for one month period; variance in the number of calls is due to the number of scheduled work days (Groups A & B worked 7 Days; Groups C & D worked 8 days)**

Data Not Verified


50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0


Fire Department: External Comparison of Command Structures of Comparable Fire Departments

Municipality 1

Municipality 2

Municipality 3


Municipality 4

Ratio of Firefighters to Deputy Chiefs

Ratio of Firefighters to Commanders

Average Ratio of Firefighters to Deputy Chiefs Average Ratio of Firefighters to Commanders

18 to 1 4 to 1

Data Not Verified


DPW: Completed v. Not Completed Work Orders, January 2010 January 2011
100% 90% 80% 70% 60%


40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Completed Work Orders

Not Completed

Data Not Verified


Lessons Learned Identified trends across departments Identified and acknowledged interdepartmental best practices Identified issues in the day-to-day functions and processes of departments and used data to help departments move toward using data in management decisions Access to comparable data, best practices and information from municipalities in the grant community

Participation in StatNet conferences

Recognized value in expanding the performance management system in other departments

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