The Green: Shaykh Mohammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibendi, Sohbat of The 30 of September, 2012

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The Green

Shaykh Mohammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibendi, Sohbat of the 30th of September, 2012.

Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. To the people of this time: Which is the most beautiful color? It is green. Who wears a green cap, a green dress; who paints their houses green; who keeps a green flag on their cars- these ones are seen from above & are under protection. There is no protection for any other color, only for green. Let everybody hang green flags on the endpiece of their cars. Green... If they like they can put on it the old flag of Egypt, it is green. Turks also have green. They also can put Turkish flag. They should put green flag. If the sky came down to earth, it wouldn't touch them. Who uses green dress, green cap, nothing comes on him. Who pays attention to wearing green dress, at least whatever dress he/she puts on should be green. Green is the heavenly protection. It is heavenly protection. They should pay attention to green. May Allah forgive us. Fatiha. Green is the most beautiful of the colors. It is the color of life, it has descended from Heavens. Therefore they should pay attention to this. Fatiha. No harm touches the one who loves green in dunya & in akhirah. This is the new instruction from Heavens: Green, it is the color of life. It is the color the angels love. Sundus, sundus alakhdar (fine green silk). It is green, it is the most beautiful color of the paradises. Sundus, therefore they should wear it. The scarf on their head, green silk. They can put embroidery or needlework on it, whatever they want to do. Basically they should put green cap. They don't suffer from headache. These ones don't suffer from headache. There is a special angel that protects them. If all that the sky carries of punishment came down to earth, it won't touch them. Like this, vest also should be green. If they circulate this green color, the heaviness in the world will be lifted. Let them be careful about this. They should love the green color. It has the love of the habitants of paradise in it- sundus al-akhdar/green silk. Is it not? O Allah, You know. There are things to come on those who don't love it. There is special angel to protect those who wear green. There is an angel who descends from Heavens. Let them pay attention to this. Women and men, all. At least they should put green rosette (pin) on their chest. It protects them. Ladies should prefer dark colors. Dark colors should be preferred, should be the choice of the ladies. Therefore I don't like light colors, I don't like at all. May Allah forgive us. Fatiha.

If they are to paint the outside of their houses, they should prefer green. They should choose for dresses the green ones. They should prefer green color in the furniture they use. It brings them good luck. Green color brings good luck. Other colors are unlucky except the green color, it is the color of life. They should wear it, use it. These people become lucky. The people of this time should pay attention to this also. They don't say "O my head, O my teeth." Who covers his/her head with a green cover will not suffer from headache. The latest fashion of Islam in the end of times is this, our fashion is this. Everything other than this and something will befall them. They should at least put something green around their necks. They should at least put green turban/ cotton cover on their heads. Let their cars be green. I will make green ghalib/victorious. Green prevents punishment. It turns away calamity. It turns away accidents and calamities. This is also a new instruction. Be careful about this. Fatiha. Men should wear green rosette on their chests. Ladies should wear green colored stones, jewelry. If green prevails in the world all troubles will go away & finish. O Lord, may You forgive us. May You send us Your servants who will teach us. There is divine protection in the color green. The cars also, they have something for flags. They should put a green colored flag on it- with 3 crescents, or with 3 stars, or with 1 crescent & 3 stars. It should be green. No accident or calamity comes on them. May Allah forgive us. Green brings majesty, angels love it. The color of fire- the people of this time have a tendency for red. Their fashion is red. It is fire, it burns them. Green gives comfort, gives beauty, gives peace, gives barakah. Be careful about this. O the ladies of this time, adorn yourselves with green. Fatiha. The greenery. Use the greenery that grows in nature, the greenery that grows in nature by the power of Allah Almighty. Eat them, grow them & have no fear. Meat makes you wild. Vegetables & greens make you friendly & soft. It makes you kind & ladylike, or it makes you a gentleman. Or else you become a wild animal. Allah... May Allah forgive us. Fatiha.

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