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step out in faith :: a sermon discussion guide


CONNECT (Consider & Share)

1. When have you stepped out to take an outrageous risk in your life? Briey share the circumstances surrounding the risk and its outcome, good or bad.

GROW (Discuss and Learn)

2. In what areas of your everyday life do you nd it most dicult to trust God (job, relationships, nances, family, etc.)? Briey share why.

Read Matthew 14:25-32 3. What was the reaction of the disciples when they saw Jesus walking on the water? What would have been your reaction if you were on the boat that night? Why do you think Peters response was dierent from the other disciples? What combination of thrill and freak out do you think Peter experienced as he walked on the water? What is the value of daring to be like Jesus when we triumph in our risk taking for God? What panic do you think Peter experienced as he sank in the water? What is the value of our need to be rescued by Jesus when we fail in our risk taking for God?



SERVE (Apply and Take Action)

6. Where are you in relationship with Jesus? a. huddling in the boat, clinging to my life jacket for dear life b. straddling the side of the boat - one leg in, one leg out c. walking on water (and loving it!) d. out of the boat, but starting to sink e. other: _________________

(break into groups of 3 or 4 people)


Is there a specic area in your life where you sense the Spirit of God calling you to get out of the boat (job, relationships, nances, family, etc.)? What is holding you back? Encourage and pray specically for one another. Pray for insight as to how they might be courageous, how they might best step out in faith, to the glory of God.


Dont forget to consider subgrouping! (groups of 3-4 people)

step out in faith :: a daily devotional guide


be sure to check out this weeks video of the bensing family at! Sunday, February 17 - Matthew 14:25-32 Peter didnt ask for a guarantee, just an opportunity. Are you looking for guarantees or an opportunity from God? Who was the bigger failure, Peter or the other disciples? Why? Monday, February 18 - Matthew 14:25-32 The boat represents safety, security, and comfort. What is your boat(e.g. a relationship, money, pride, past failures, over-commitment, career, etc)? What price do we pay for staying in the boat? Tuesday, February 19 - Matthew 14:25-32 Later in life, what do you think went through Peters mind as he reected on this event? What about the other disciples who didnt get out of the boat? Is there a specic area in your life where you sense God is calling you to get out of the boat? Wednesday, February 20 - Mark 10:21 What one thing would Jesus say you lack in your desire to grow spiritually? Finish the following exhortation that Jesus might say to you, "Go ____________, you will have treasure in heaven." Thursday, February 21 - Joshua 3:1-14 Joshua told the people, Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you. What amazing things do you think God wants to do in and through our church tomorrow? In what way is God calling you to consecrate yourself before him? Friday, February 22 - Joshua 3:1-14 God didnt stop the raging Jordan river until the priests got their feet wet by entering the water. Why didnt God just stop the river - why the need for action rst? Where is God waiting for you to get your feet wet before he releases his power in your heart and life? Why obstacles are keeping you from wanting to get your feet wet? Saturday, February 23 - Matthew 28:19-20 How is God working in and through you to fulll his great commission? Who has God put on your heart and in your pathway to share the good news of Jesus Christ with, to baptize, and to teach?

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