Master Neanderthal Input

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Name: Josh peavey Date:9/18/12 Period:1&2 Assignment: Neanderthal Input Chart

Brain: Larger than average modern human brain 1500 cubic centimeter. Used intelligence to become skilled toolmakers and develop a sense of community.

Facial Characteristics: Skull shape was long and low, with a rounded brain case; eye sockets were large and rounded; nose was broad and large; larger jaws than modern humans

Shelter: Built hearths and could control fire. Wore animal hides. Caves were often used as shelter but open air shelters were also made. Height: Males averaged 5.5 feet; female 5.1. Shorter and robust skeleton than modern humans.

Created burial rituals for dead. Worked together while hunting. Learn from experience and wisdom of older members of the group. Tools: More than 60 types of Neanderthal tools have been found. They created knives, scrapers, and spear points. They learned how to make sharp, thin blades.

Diet: Hunted big game. Fossils show they ate significant amounts of meat supplements with vegetation.

Name: Josh peavey Date:9/18/12 Period:1&2 Assignment: Neanderthal Input Chart

Use History Alive! Pages 20-21 to complete the following. Write complete sentences. Be thorough in your answers. Input Charts are the primary source for Unit Exams (30% HISTORY category) and they need to be used as a study guide. PROMPT 1.) Where was the first Neanderthal skull discovered? 2.) Which group of hominids do modern humans belong to? 3.) Where did Neanderthals live? 4.) What mistake was first made about Neanderthals based on the first skeleton found? 5.) Compare and contrast Homo Sapien Neanderthals and modern humans. 6.) How did Neanderthals use their large brains? 7.) What were the benefits of Neanderthals making better tools? 8.) What showed that Neanderthals cared about each other? 9.) Describe how Neanderthals hunted. 10.) What is the relationship between Neanderthals and early modern humans? YOUR ANSWER In 1856 mine workers discovered the first skeleton. Homo sapiens sapiens is the group. They lived in Africa, Near East, ,and parts of Asia. They assumed that the homo sapiens Neanderthalensis walked with a hunch. The homo sapien were strong then the human today. But the modern human is smart than the homo sapien. Shorter and stalker than humans. Q They used there brain to used to make complex tools . They could hunt and live longer because of the tools. If one of the members got hurt or sick they help mend they back to good heath They would surround animals and stab them. They exist with early modern humans for about 10,000 years.

Name: Josh peavey Date:9/18/12 Period:1&2 Assignment: Neanderthal Input Chart

Name: Josh peavey Date:9/18/12 Period:1&2 Assignment: Neanderthal Input Chart

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