Application Packet: Peer Review

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Application Packet: Peer Review

I. Resume Questions
1. Circle the most attention-grabbing thing. The thing that your eye goes to first. 2. Tell the most flawed part of the resume. 3. Tell the most impressive thing on the resume. 4. Tell something the resume could improve upon. 5. Does the resume use vectors and stoppers well? Does the eye travel in a logical pattern? 6. What kind of job do you think this resume is designed for? Why? 7. Is the resume uniform in terms of headings, fonts, and colors? 8. Cut 10 words from this resume. 9. Draw four quadrants across the resume and look at the balance of the test. 10. Are each of the bullet points punctuated in a logical way? With either no punctuation if they are not complete sentences or commas and periods if they are?

II. Job Call Questions

1. Circle the 4 most important things in the job call. 2. Write what the most important experience for the candidate to have is. 3. What are this company's core values? 4. What buzz words does this company use that might be played upon? Active verbs this company is looking for. bzzzz 5. List 1-4 of the most important qualifications of this business.

III. Cover Letter Questions

1. Put a star next to the specific examples this person is using to describe their skills. There should be 2-3. If there are no specific examples write fail at the top of the paper. 2. Do any claims go without specific examples? 3. Cut ten words from this letter. 4. Run through the following checklist: Does the cover letter state the specific job the person is applying to? Does the cover letter position the applicant as doing something for the company? Does the cover letter address a specific person? Does the cover letter contain the applicants name, address, phone number, email at the top of the page? Does the cover letter have an enclosure line at the bottom?

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