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The launch of B-Hive Academy in January 2014 Marketing Plan

Company: B-Hive Academy Author: Kristiana Briede Date: February 2013

Table of contents

A tactical plan to launch B-Hive academy in January 2014

-------------- A need for such service/product shortly -------------The external environment The following elements do not have an immediate impact on the performance of an organization, although they might do in the longer term. The Political Environment - Changes nationally/internationally - Political stability/climate - Changes to import/export process - Employment legislation - Tax on customer incomes - Laws/regulations The Economic Environment - Wealth of the country/ position in economic cycle - Disposable income levels/ unemployment/taxes/credit availability/spending patterns - Wage inflation - The increase of cost of undergrad studies The Socio-Cultural Environment - Birth-rate/lifespan/migration - Education attitude/value - Changing values in society - Crowdsourcing - Ppl interested in participating in marketing activities/search for a bargain - Social mobility - Attitudes towards: celebrity culture/materialism/consumerism/life balance/changes in internet usage/mobile - Transition from education to employment The Technological Environment - 4G technology - The internet - Internet changes the costs of market entry and the competitive structures of the markets affected - Time and distance/ lecturers possible - Competitive advantage (?) - Research and development

The performance environment - Industry analysis // An industry is composed of various firms that market similar products and services. - Define the market, key trends 1) Competitors [Who/what is the main competition to the brand? Direct competition? Indirect competition?] 2) Suppliers= universities/employers Top unis w creative courses, tho bottom ones could provide with more students, - UCAS
course search -> list

3) Organizations that supply services

4g technologies, a sponsor (?)

p. 64 Black Marketing, p. 73 Fireworks - customer analysis Most likely: Initiator Influencer Decider Buyer End user Indirect end user Student X x Employer X x X x x Parent x x X Lecturer x X

Primary Customer profile Nr. 1 // The Student // End user Innovators/early adopters for the 1st year Secondary Customer profile Nr. 2 // The Employer // All in 1 --- targeted after 1st year Tertiary Customer profile Nr. 3 // The Parent // Buyer Tertiary Customer profile Nr. 4 // The Lecturer // Initiator

Psychographic/lifestyle segmentation students/parents Consumer benefit/needs based segmentation employers/lecturers Consumer choice situation: The internal environment SWOT Internal external strengths opportunities weaknesses threats

Innovation aspect and competitive advantage // emphasis on strengths

1) Corporate objectives a. Launch b-hive academy in January 2014 b. Drive subscriptions 1000 new enrolled students in year 1 c. Successful logistic and technologic solutions 2) Marketing objectives a. Promote a trustworthy and quality assured brand b. Raise awareness of the B-Hive Academy c. Positive sentiment/ emotionational attachment (maximum reach/engagement) d. Niche marketing each segment at a time e. Communicate to allay fears/objections of universities [Advertising objectives?] [Direct Marketing objectives?] [Promotional objectives?] [Communication/PR/Publicity objectives?] [Pricing objectives?] [Product/Service/Brand development index objectives?] [New Product Development objectives?] [Objectives by customer/market segment?] [Market share objectives?] [Volume/Value share objectives?] [Your objectives by geographic market?] [Objectives for each distribution channel?] [Do you also have non-financial objectives for example employee satisfaction or Environmental?]

---- A summary of whole strategy ----A Brand promise >>> 1. Establish what you understand to be your brand promise. What is your commitment to your customers? What value can they consistently expect/rely on your brand to deliver? A brand promise is the audience expectation of a brand that is desired by the brand manager and other brand stewards. 2. What barriers stop your target audience responding positively to your brand promise (and buying your product)? 3. Measuring the fulfilment of brand promises.

Critical success factors: List + weighting + table against competitors + rankings the primary things (product/price/place/promotion factors) that your customers take into consideration when they buy from you and the competition.

Target audience (in timescale when primarily communicated to whom) sept oct nov Dec Q1 Dec Q2 Jan Q1 x x x Jan Q2 x X x Feb Mar

Student x x Parent x Employer* x x x x Lecturer x x x x x *Year 1 communications to the employer would be restricted to Companies early adapters, so there are results/feedback for the second year Where can be found + media channels 7. The Marketing Strategy the product [What has product analysis told you?] [What did your perceptual map tell you?] [Where is each product in its lifecycle?] [What new product development is planned/necessary/viable?] [How will the launch we supported?] The Marketing Strategy the price [What are your pricing objectives?] [What pricing methods are you using? Cost Plus? Demand based? Competitor indexing?] [What is your pricing strategy?] [What discounts, offers and allowances are built into the plan?]

The Marketing Strategy - by customer/geographic market [What is your strategy for each profitable customer segment or geographical market?] The Marketing Strategy by distribution channel [What is your strategy by distribution channel (place/process)?] [Geographical coverage?] [Distribution channels/retailers?] [Physical distribution?] [Electronic (e.g. website) distribution?] The Marketing Strategy the integrated communications plan [What is your Direct Marketing plan?] [The Promotional/offer/incentive/added value plan?] [The Digital plan?] [The PR/Publicity plan?] [The Field Marketing/demonstration/sampling plan?] [The Advertising/Brand awareness plan?] [The Sales force/Personal selling/Telemarketing plan?]

Campaign proposition + the hive chart DM Offer/promo digital xx x xx X x xx Xx x X xx x x xx x xx x xx x x PR Field/demo Ads/aw PS X X x x X X x x X x xX x xx x x x x x xx x xx x x x xx x

BING social search 5 characters

App beat mr.ogilvy

facebook/twitter content*

Refer 2 friends Video ***

workshop in main unis direct mail **** Lottery * Video 2 ** Forums Website wow Postcards + competition*** Facebook + tagging Lecturers as advocats

x x x


* facebook/twitter content tha is worth reading not only for academy subscribers, tell funny stories, get personal, be persoanlbe, catch the eye with something visually appealing, share clever and witty infographics, facebook contest "tag the most determined marketing student", qoute piccs about marketing ** refer 2 friends that also subscribe, get 10% off the subscription -- its fun to do it together - NFC thing ??? - good thng that pl are gonna search and be open for info *** video comparing 2 ppl, one has graduated b-hive, other havent **** to uni lecturers, business societies, to the B-Hive 2013, 2012, 2011 contestants that have criteria & facebook group/page fans * subscribers entered into lottery to win subscription to Brand republic / showed only at the latest stage of payement - to nudge if still in doubt

** recommendation video sfrom industry profssionals in a form of 2 "hey have you heard.. " *** postcards in hipstr cafes (list) -- postacrad hunt -- take a picc/share/ tell a story why you should be hired in marketing industry/ a winner recieves free subscription to academy -- BE SEEN - social media and SEO are fully linked - ???? Messages

A serious education in a fun filled environment th 4 generation of education The transition from studies to employment A centre of creative excellence


How the chosen strategy impact Buying behaviour Each segment described with a particular example BUDGETS THE MARKETRING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN THE EVALUATION STRATEGY ---

Monthly overview whats happening, like a calendar Customer portraits

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