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m e m b e r Institute of Techmdogy



Organizedby: DEPARTMENTOFINDUSTRIALDESIGN FacultyofCivilEngineeringandPlanning Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology



Prof.Ir.PriyoSuprobo,MS,PhD Prof.Ir.JoniHermana,MSc.ES.PhD PersoninResponsible: Ir.BarotoTavipIndrojarwo,MSi GeneralChairman: Dr.Ir.BambangIskandriawan,M.Eng.(ProgramChair) ThomasAriKristianto,SSn,MT.(SubprogramChair) TechnicalProgramCommittee: Ir.IGustiNgurahAntaryama,PhD(ITS) Drs.TaufikHidayat,MT(ITS) KentaKishi,SCIArc,M.Arch(TokyoInstituteofTechnology) Dr.AgusWindharto,DEA(ITS) Ir.KresnoSoelasmono,MSR(ITS) Ir.Budiono,MSn(ITS) Paper/Proceeding: Sayatman,SSn,MSi,Dra.AnnaEnariah,MT Treasury: Ir.NanikRachmaniyah,MT,FaizalRizal,SE SecretaryandSysInfo: AnggriIndraprasti,SSn,MDs,AriaWenyAnggraita,ST,MMT DyahAyuPrasetyawati,ST,AdindaParamita Program&Protocol: EriNaharaniUstazah,ST,MDs,FirmanHawari,SSn,MDs OctaviyantiDwiWahyurini,ST WebPublication&Documentation RahmatsyamLakoro,SSn,MT,NugrahardiRamadhani,SSn,MT, DjokoKuswanto,ST,BambangMardiono,S.Sn Sponsor&Exhibition: AnggraAyuRucitra,ST,MMT, Primaditya,SSn,MDs,AndjrahHamzahIrawan,ST,MSi, Waluyohadi,SSn,Ir.PrasetyoWahyudie,MT,KartikaKusumaWardani,ST,MSi Venue: Sabar,SE,MSi BambangTristiyono,ST,MSi,Ir.R.AdiWardoyo,Jatmiko,ST,Untung FoodandBeverage: HertinaSusandari,ST Ir.SusyBudiAstuti,MT,Eviliawanti Assistance: Nursari,Sholehan,Siyono,SlametRiyadi,NKSWahyudi

Welcome address from Prof. Ir. Priyo Suprobo, MS, PhD. Rector of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Ass. wr. wb. and sincere greetings to all. It gives me great pleasure to welcome all the speakers, participants and distinguished guests to the International Conference on Creative Industry (ICCI) 2011 at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. There are fourteen field of creative industry will be discussed in parallel session. I trust that you will find the ICCI 2011 informative and Interesting, and hope that numerous creative industry discussions will be deliberated and friendship will bloom as well. I hope that you exploit your best shot and effort during this one day, not only to present your paper but also to get to know each other and broaden your relationship. The Organizing Committee is ready to assist you and help you. Please, feel comfortable during your stay in Bali. Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology is among the top universities in Indonesia which focus on research-driven activities especially in science, engineering and art fields. The variety of research activities are multi-disciplinary in nature, extending across faculties and departments, often crossing traditional subject boundaries. Thus, this conference is initiated to provide opportunities for the young researches to gain invaluable experience and useful insights on issues pertinent to their areas of specialization. In addition, this conference also aims to enhance the contribution and strengthen the role of the graduate scholars in responding to various issues and challenges facing graduate education. I would like to take this opportunity to express my greatest utmost gratitude to the Reviewers and the Organizing Committee for their relentless effort and undivided attention in ensuring the successful implementation of the conferences. Las but not least, my sincere appreciation to all the sponsors and all those involved in making this seminar possible Personally, I hope you gain benefit from this conference, and get pleasure from your stay in Bali.

Wass wr wb. Thank you.

Welcome address from Prof. Ir. Joni Hermana, MSc, PhD. Dean Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Peace be upon all of us

First of all, I would like to welcome you all our distinguished guests and delegates from national and overseas to the International Conference on Creative Industry 2011. I wish you have a pleasant stay in Indonesia, especially here, in Bali and may this conference be a rewarding experience to you. I should admit that it is a great honour and privileged for me to address a message in this wonderful occasion. The Conference which is organized by our colleagues from the Department of Product Design, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning is hoped to become the accentuation of ITS commitment towards the development of creativity as a part of new economic backbones for the nation. As we know we have just been leaving the information technology era to the what so called conceptual era. The conference is conducted to cover a wide range of design and creative industry issues. I hope this one day conference will facilitate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas between all participants. Furthermore it would provide us a state-of-the-art of information and knowledge in the challenging world of design and creative industry. The growing success of our institutions and expertise should urge us to develop our competitive capabilities, especially as we face certain challenges which would be overcome through more smart works, working together hand in hand. We will work mutually to develop a common path and collaboration opportunities for future actions and researches on multi disciplinary design areas. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciations and gratitude to the invited speakers and the organizers of the Conference for their commendable efforts in organizing and conducting the conference and also to the co-organizers as well as participants for their distinctive roles in making this conference a success. I would like to conclude my remarks by wishing all the best for the Conference and wish all participants have a very pleasant stay here in Bali. Thank you. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Welcome address from Ir. Baroto Tavip Indrojarwo, MSi Head Department of Industrial Design Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Ass. wr. wb. and sincere greetings to all. First of all, kindly, I would like to give you a great gratitude for you coming to this important event that is conducted by our department. Our department has been founded for 13 years. As an education institution, it is still an infant. However, we have tried to give our best in contributing our knowledge in the field of Design and Creative Industry especially how we contribute to help the community for having better design facilities, indirectly. We know that it is still a long way to achieve the target; however, still one step is much better than nothing. This international conference will help us and, I believe you too, to comprehend more knowledge especially in design and creative industry. Notwithstanding, the special topic of this conference is for the sustainable design in creative industry, but it will not confine the problems on this region since other regions may have serious problems related to design and creative industry.

We hope that you will enjoy all programs in this conference. Wass wr wb. Thank you.


MESSAGE from Dr. Ir.Bambang Iskandriawan, M.Eng. The Chairman of ICCI 2011 Organizing Committee

Ass. Wr. Wb. and sincere greetings to all. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my greatest pleasure to extend our warmest welcome to all of you to the 1st International Conference on Creative Industry 2011 (ICCI2011). The 1st International Conference on Creative Industry has been organized by Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. It will be an opportunity for international community, academics, scientist, and engineers to present and to exchange much ideas and their progress in researches. In line with educational process, this technical conference is designed to promote tremendous researches, enhance the skill in paper writing and oral presentation. All the excellent papers and experiences gained in this conference will be much valuable to increase the quality of research and design achievement. This year around 126 abstract papers had been reviewed and 90 full papers from Indonesia and overseas are accepted for the conference proceeding. Two keynote and three plenary speakers are invited in the plenary session after opening ceremony. These distinguished speakers are The Minister of Cooperative and Small Medium & Enterprise and General Director of National Export Development as the representative of Trade Ministry. Oral session will be held during conference will be focusing on all aspect in creative industry. We are fortunate to have a lot of fine quality papers that belongs to: 25 papers on Graphic, Advertising, Film, Videos and Television 20 papers on Architecture & Interior and Environment 26 papers on Product and Craft 19 papers on Fine Art, Design Management, Research & Development, Social Art, Music, Fashion and Recording I would like to thank you to various contributors, speakers and participants for your generous support of this conference. It is my pleasant duty to thank all the members of Organizing Committee and the Advisory Boards of Reviewers for their advices and help. We are grateful to all the Sponsors, Supporters and Exhibitors for their spontaneous response and encouragement by way of committing funds and extending help in kind. I would like to sincerely thank the Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, ITS as well the ITS Rector, for fully supporting the Committee to make this conference happen and to make it a success. Finally, we encourage you to explore the beautiful sights of Bali, East Java and Indonesia during your stay. I wish you a very pleasant stay here in Bali and finally, let me wish all of you a meaningful and fruitful conference. Thank you and hope to see you again in ICCI 2013. Wass. Wr. Wb.


OrganizationCommittee Preface Content Acknowledgement GroupI:Graphic,Advertising,Film,VideosandTelevision
No Paperid
1. 002






3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

013 015 017 034 038 042 044

10. 11

045 047



13. 14. 15.

057 061 066



ExplorationofNewBatikDesignforTeenagers RahmatsyamLakoro, SegmentthroughContemporaryThemes BarotoTavipIndrojarwo, Sabar,Sayatman MarketingDrivingResearchofNewBatik Sabar, BarotoTavip DesignFormulainSupportingIndonesia Indrojarwo,Rahmatsyam CreativeIndustry Lakoro,Sayatman EnhancingtheDevelopmentofCityBranding OctaviyantiDwi withinEastJavaProvinceIndonesia Wahyurini SustainableAdvertisingtowardSustainable DesiDwiPrianti Development TheEffectofCommunicationComicalSerial MaylannyChristin towardChildrenCreativity ViolationsofBusinessEthicsinAdvertising AstrieKrisnawati DesignofGSMCellularPhoneProvider FilmProductionandtheValorizationof DewiShintaWulanDiniS. HeritageinTorinoItaly P. FilminCulturalPerspectiveDevelopment EndangMirasari Advertising,Consumerism,andEnvironment DhyahAyuRetnoW,M.Si, (StudiesoftheBeautyProductAdvertisement SarahR.Tambunan,M.Si ProcessinInfluencingtheConsumption PatternofSubUrbanWomenthatcause negativeimpacttoenvironment) DefiningVisualCharacterDevelopmentasa DonnyTrihanondo BaseofCreativeIndustriesCompetency InfluenceandPerceptionofColorinPackaging AchmadYanuAliffianto, DesignthatAffectConsumerBuyingDecision S.T.,M.B.A. forSnackProducts GameDesignforChildrentoIntroduce Muh.Bahruddin,S.Sos., IndonesianFolktaleTimunMasandImprove M.Med.Kom SocialNetworkbyUsingMethodeofBoard Game ExtremeSoulsProductionsMarketing HeppyMillanyani StrategyforPlasmoptysisBand ResponsesofUsertoNewMediaApplication JandyE.Luik,Gatut inMpuTantularMuseum,EastJava Priyowidodo VisualDictionaryofIndonesianWayang AlvanovZpalanzani,M.Isa Design,CreatingAPathforDeveloping Pramana,Irfansyah,Iman ContemporaryCulturalBasedCreative Sudjudi Industry ApplyingaCommunicativeActStudyin SurantiTrisnawati TelevisionHealthCommunicationResearch





19. 20. 21.

086 088 104

22. 23. 24. 25.

105 112 116 119

UniversityStudentRadioinIndonesia: ACaseStudyofJakarta,Depok,Tangerang andBekasiStudentCommunityRadio AestheticComputingApplicationBasedon FuzzylogicandNeuralnetworkforAesthetic QualityAssessmentofPhotographicImage TheMascotofReffyandAwareness CreationofMetroTVastheElectionChannel SemioticAnalysisonTelevisionAdvertisement ofAndalanFamilyPlanningsPill TheRoleofWeblogMediainIdentityand ImaginedNetworkBuildingCasestudies WeblogofTheMinistryofDesign,Republicof Indonesia CartoonImagingForRealMovieUsingNon PhotorealisticRendering Character3DReconstructionforGame basedonVisualHull VisNoE(VisualNovelEngine)forIndonesias CulturalArtifactBasedDigitalContents TelevisionProgramEvaluatingSystem BaseonITSVisualization

AgusFirmansyah,Ikbal Rachmat ArikKurnianto


EuisNurulBahriyah AlilaPramiyanti SenjaAprelaA.


NugrahardiRamadhani, S.Sn, BettyDewiPuspasari RahadianYusuf,Alvanov Zpalanzani DiditWidiatmoko,Lies NeniBudiarti,Anne Nurfarina,LittaPrimasari


No Paperid
1. 007 008

ApplicationTechnologyVacuumforMaking PackagingSeaPearlusingPolymerMaterial Transparent TheBauhaussIdeology,ConceptandMethod inArchitecture






4. 5.

016 019



7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

033 058 059 067 076

SustainableDesignThroughCollaboration BetweenTheFunctionandPromotionToolof CrossingBridgeasAnAttempttoEmbellish BandungCity DryLeafExperimentasAStructureMaterial forSimpleProducts ReuseMaterialasCreativeStrategyfor SustainableDesignCasestudy:ProductDesign ofIvanChristian,InteriorDesignof KwendecheandCitralandDecoration ToBuildandToDwell(partII) IsThereSuchThingasSustainable Architecture? TheDevelopmentofAdaptiveFaadeSystem TowardstoSustainableKampongs

R.PuspitoHarimurti, DjokoWijono,AdiUtomo Hatmoko,andErwinRizal Hamzah LiaYuldinawatiST.,MM

FirmanHawari JulyHidayat,Fatmahwaty

MartinLKatoppo,Ruth EuselfvitaOppusunggu

FirzaUtamaS. PeterYogan Gandakusuma,ST,M.Ars. KecamatanThemePark:SolutionforJakartas EkoAriandonoST.,MT. OpenSpaceProblems TheSustainabilityofArchitecturalHeritagein HimasariHanan theEmergingCreativeEconomy TheImplementationofActivitiesinVillage INyomanArtayasa HouseKitchenInterior






14. 15.

096 098

TraditionalArtifactasanInspirational ResourcetoMeettheDemandofaModern SocietyInteriorDesign DesigntoDevelopBuildwithModularSystem SludgeasMixtureofMaterialWallPartition& CeilingSimpleBuilding BaduyTribeRuralResidential Creative:aNewSpiritTowardsABetterLiving





17. 18.

108 109

19. 20.

113 118

ExtendingTraditioninArchitectureand InteriorDesignofKarmelFoundationSchool Building AestheticDecorationandOrnamentofDayak SusyBudiAstuti inInteriorDesign SustainableInteriorinCreativeIndustry: YusitaKusumarini,Sri TheInterconnectionandITSConsequences NastitiNugrahaniEkasiwi, MuhammadFaqih ElectronicBillboardDesignforCity AgusWindharto Information StrategicUseofComputersforDeveloping PrasetyoWahyudie CreativityinStudioDesign

Dra.RDAnnaEnariahMT BudiIsdianto,Yusita Kusumarini,TriNoviyanto PujiUtomo ThomasAriKristianto,Dio DhimasHadhiBroto

No Paperid
1. 2. 3. 4. 005 011 021 022

ProductStuffastheMultiDimensionalObject CollaborativeDesignLearningforTraditional CraftsIndustry EconomicUtilizationofYarnWaste InDevelopingKnittingProductsInBinongJati VisualLanguageAnalyzingofGarbageBin DesignBasedonBasicPrincipleofDesign MeguroWard,Tokyo,JapanCase MappingTheMaterialsofBasicDrawing SubjectbyUsingVisualSpatialIntilligence ApproachesasReferenceforDemoReel TeachingTools TheusingofMetalWiretoDevelop TechniqueinWeavingRecycledNewspaper Strands ShoppingCartDesignDevelopment BasedonTRIZandQFDMethodology PaperCraftswithBatuantechnique:Efforts to shapethedevelopmentofIndonesian souvenirs MentalAttitudeandCreativeBehaviorAmong IndonesianCreativeWorkerinDesign Industry ApplicationofNaturalDyesinTextile ProductsinSustainableandEnvironmentally ConsciousCreativeIndustries AutodeskAliasDesignSoftwaremustbeMore KnownforIndonesianIndustrialDesigner DevelopmentofDesignertoybyUtilizing WoodWaste

BambangIskandriawan EllyaZulaikha,Margot Brereton EstiSitiAmanahGandana Waluyohadi




KumaraSadanaPutra, S.Ds.,Waluyohadi,S.Ds



IrenaVGFAJARTO, YuditaROYANDI Yulianti,JimmyGozaly GuguhSujatmiko

7. 8.

036 043





Wahdiaman,NugrohoJ. Setiadi,Agoestiana Boediprasetya DianWidiawatiS.Sn, M.Sn GeggyGamal,S.Des Primaditya

11. 12.

052 053




14. 15.

073 074

16. 17.

081 090

18. 19.

092 093

OptimizationofCombedCottonWaste byOpenEndSystemforProducingYarnasAn AlternativeRawMaterialsforTextile AnalysisofOrganizationalInnovationat FastForwardRecords TheRoleofCreativeIndustriesintheGlobal EconomicOrderandItsInfluence onProductDesignEducationinIndonesia ErgonomicMotorizedTrolleyDesignUsing QFDandTRIZ ExploringCornobAsMaterialforProduct Design (CaseSudy:FruitBowl) TheUsabilityofWashingMachineControl PanelDesigninIndonesia DevelopmentofRecycledPaperWasteas CreativeEconomyProducts (CaseStudy:ITBCampus) DevelopingIndonesianJewelryProducts UsingPotentialOfIndonesiaPreciousStone BatikDesigner:SoftwareforDesigningBatik Cloth ProductGreenDesignDevelopmentTo SupportGreenLifecycleEngineering ManufacturedInAdibuanaMetalworks DesignofStandarGuideforAirportSignage BasedOnHumanVisualPreferenceUsingthe ApplicationofConjointAnalysisinQFD ErgonomicAnalysisintheDigitalDesign MethodbyMannequinPro(Case:Computer Workstation) PassangerCoachSeatDesignforExecutive ClasswithFractalBatikStyleandIntegrated DigitalDesignMethodApplication SelfServiceMultimediaeKioskDesignFor PublicServices ExternalWaterTreatmentForFeedwater Boiler ProductDesignInIndonesianDesignPower Scheme


IndahVictoriaSandroto, ArinnyReginaAyu R.SatriyaAditama,S.Sn.

ChristinaWirawan,IeVie Mie,andBudiAntono DedyIsmail,M.Ds.

EriNaharaniUstazah MeirinaTriharini,S.Ds, AlvanovZpalanzani,ST, MM,Prof.Dr.Setiawan Sabana,MFA IndraGunaraRochyat, MA RullyAgusHendrawan, EriNaharaniUstazah YuniaDwieNurcahyanie

20. 21. 22.

094 099 101



Ir.FauziaDianawati,M.Si, ChintyaAsri BambangTristiyono






26. 27. 28.

115 120 121

AgusWindharto Nurcahyanie,YD., Purwoto,Setyo AndriSetiawan,Agus Windharto

No 1. Paper id 004 Title DevelopingContemporaryBatikDesignfor ChildrentoSupportSustainabilityofBatikin Indonesia TheroleofArt,Spiritual,Science,Engineering andTechnology(ASSET)forImprovingthe QualityofHumanResources(IQHR) CreativeIndustryasEpicentrumofNew Culture BeforeMeetsAfter:SculptureMakeover Author Sayatman,BarotoTavip Indrojarwo,Rahmatsyam Lakoro,Sabar RohaniJahjaWidodo Page



3. 4.

010 024

GaiSuhardja,PhD NancyMargried Panjaitan,YunHariadi, MuhamadLukman


5. 6.

025 031



8. 9.

050 056







13. 14. 15.

069 071 089





18. 19

122 123

Hallyu(TheKoreanWave),Repeatingand Gaining ArrangingIndonesianPatrioticSongwithin ActivitiesofComposingandArranging.Case Study:IbuKitaKartiniComposedbyWage RudolfS.andArranged DesignStoryBooksforChildrenwithThemes IndonesiasWayangbyUsingMethodeof AugmentedTechnology VisualArtsintheContextofIndustry/ EconomicsCreative ActionRecognitionSystemUsingFiniteState MachineforSupportofAdaptiveReward SysteminanElementaryStudentEducation Game Symbioticinterfaces:connectinghumansand elephantsandtheuseofempathyand synchronizationofbehaviourforpersuasive design PlayingwiththeMuseum: AproposedEducationalGameApplicationto PreserveLocalCultureinMpuTantular Museum,EastJava. GenderBasedStorytellinginSequential Media;CaseStudyofIndonesias ContemporaryGirlsComics ASocialConstructionPerspectivetoSupport InvestigationofTelevisionAdvertisement CulturalidentityandParadigmShiftinDesign InteractiveMultimediaOnTheAplicationOf DanceFloorPatternUsingTheMethod Djikstra InnovativeDesignConceptsinMaintaining SustainableExistenceProductsCreative IndustryinDomesticandGlobalMarket (thestudyofsustainabledesigninnovation undertakenbyCreativeIndustryinBandung asEmergingCreativeCity) CreativeEconomyisnotforeverybody.Oris it?LessonLearnedfromCreativeEconomy WorkshopsinTenProvincesinIndonesia FormCharacteristicsinPackagingDesign Creativity DesignStandardizationofStreetSignto Region,City,andDistrictinIndonesia MarketTestinRedesignEastJavaFood CommodityPackaginginSidoarjo MarketTestinRedesignEastJavaFood CommodityPackaginginSurabaya CityBrandingSurabayaasCentreofNational CreativeIndustry

Sissy,S.Ds.,M.M. IrwantoLaman

ThomasHanandry Dewanto,S.T Dr.IndaCitraninda Noerhadi,SS.,MA., HannyHaryanto, Sugiyanto,Ronny Haryanto InoshaWickrama,Denisa Kera



SurantiTrisnawati YannesMartinusPasaribu AndyPramono,S.Kom,MT


DwinitaLarasati,M.Ihsan, DenyWilly NedinaSari BarotoTavip,Sabar, Sayatman,Rahmatsyam Lakoro Sayatman,BarotoTavip, Sabar Sabar,BarotoTavip, Sayatman BarotoTavip,Sabar, Sayatman,Rahmatsyam, OctaviyantiD.W

20 21

124 125





The 1st International Conference on Creative Industry (ICCI) Organizing Committee wishes to express its gratitude and appreciation to:

Prof. Ir. Priyo Suprobo, MS, PhD. Rector of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. Prof. Ir. Joni Hermana, MSME, PhD Dean Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology.

All session moderator and conference speakers, for their participation. All conference sponsors, supporters, exhibitors and advertisers for their generous support. All participants and other who have in one way or another contributed towards the success of this conference.

Sponsor and Association:


Sustainable Design in Creative Industry Towards Better Human Life International Conference on Creative Industry 2011

Product Green Design Development To Support Green Lifecycle Engineering Manufactured In Adibuana Metalworks
Yunia Dwie Nurcahyanie*
*Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

AbstractTo win the furniture market, producer has been developing a lot of kind design variation and material to fulfill consumer needs. Until recently there is a new design trend for furniture product and design has changes a lot of time to follow the trend. To solve these problems, so we must develop modular design system for furniture product as the effective problem solving. In this research we use the functional base product development which is concerning the voice of customer to make. But with so many components from furniture products content, with so many forms and material variation, it is become new problem for the producer. How to choose and pick up the material and the component with the least pollutant content. In this research the technical attribute was added to help designer making decision which product is going to be make, when the product still in preliminary ideas stage to support green lifecycle engineering.Further more to fit up that the product is the green product, so the product must has green material analysis. Finally we can get the design alternatives which is use the green material and can recommend which alternatives must be make first. Key Words : Green Life Cycle Engineering, Green Analysis, Product Prototype

In order to minimize the environmental burden and cost for the entire Life cycle of engineering for a product, appropriate design is needed because the whole product including its components will go to its Life cycle through the same process. For example, disassembly, maintainability, upgrades ability, reuse ability, and recycle ability (Umeda, Fukushige, Tonoike, 2008). In this several years community realize the importance of environmental protection and give more attention to the environment. Some indicated concern with the way people recycle a product that is damaged, how to reuse products, but how this is how long that still negatively impacts the environment (Tseng, 2008). The consumer is called "responsible consuming" urged the industry to produce a green product or they will not buy products that is produced by producers.

On the other hand, product competition that increasingly, forces producers to always make a lot of innovation and produce a tailored design to fit the market needs and trend. If manufacturers continue to make product without considering the environment then its activity will add the burden of the environment. Therefore strategic thinking is required to consider how the end of life products and development thinking early in the design stage (Ishii, 1998) and it is very important to maximize the use of resources and minimize the damage to the environment can be incurred in the initial phase of product design will be created. Such as this activities is called Life cycle engineering design (Otto & Wood, 2001, and Tseng,, 2008). Product life cycle is the total amount of time needed from the selection of materials, manufacturing, assembly, the use by consumers, until the end of the product, and the green Life cycle activities are on the final two stages of the product use and disposal or recycle (Tseng , 2008). Much research has been take the issues of Sustainable Product Development from among the various sides of the Design for Environment (DFE), Design for Recycle (DFR) and Design for Disasembly (DFD) (Ishii, 1998). But the facts show that the use of the structure of modular design can significantly increase the activity of product life cycle, modularity plays the most important action among all the product life cycle approach (Tseng, 2008). Module not only improve the general efficiency of the reuse and easier operational recycling (recycle), but with the modules system consumers can choose their own (by custom), to improve the ease of maintenance, ease of product diagnosis, repair, disposal and so forth (Kimura, 2001). In the case of this research study was a case study is on the product, in this case we use furniture product, modular computer tables. As already mentioned above there are many differences to measure the effectiveness of the modularity, modularity is measured in the research the most appropriate to the needs of consumers with the voice of the customer notice to find exactly what is needed

Sustainable Design in Creative Industry Towards Better Human Life International Conference on Creative Industry 2011

and desired by consumers to indicate the level of interest "interesting", "should be have "or" one dimensional ". From the measurement of a modular approach of the seventh over, the most relevant needs and desires is a sound approach to consumer approach that is based on the first function (functionbased modular design) (Tseng, 2008). Attributeattribute of a successful vote was unearthed from the consumer and this is developed a system module design based on sound consumer, where the needs of the product needs to search critically use Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to get any technical needs that must be present in the product. Next to find the product functions in the split components and modules used method to get the FAST modules are prepared in accordance with the product functions. The problem of this research are 1. How do I develop design for modular products based on the needs of consumers. 2. How do I evaluate the effects on the environment component of the product that is designed, and sought the components which are most pollutant to help designers make decisions, whether the components that contain pollutant material must be replaced or must be changed on the whole components. As for research purposes who want to achieve are: 1. Develop architectural design computer desk, modular products that match consumer needs. 2. Search for product design components that cause the pollutant at least based on data from the Eco Indicator 99. 3. Pollutant reduces the value of products with a material change or change the order of component products for the architectural design for a computer desk according to the green life cycle engineering. This research is expected to provide the following benefits helping designers to reduce the environmental burden by reducing the risk of accumulation waste products designed start the first stage of the product made. To help companies to decide the number of component modules for the most effective and produced at least pollutant cause.. In addition, products with a modular structure can be more suitable for Lifecycle management compared with products that do not have a modular system. Upgrades and maintenance can also more easily done if the product has a modular functions which are designed for the standard module can be used again during the condition is still good (Hata, Kato and Kimura, 2001). The module itself has a meaning and a goal difference. In this research, the structure of modular products for Lifecycle management structure aimed at preparing the modular product architecture is used as a method in accordance with the development of green Lifecycle engineering. Life Cycle Design It is important to realize that research on sustainable product Lifecycle system has been able to drastically reduce the burden of the environment, reduce resource consumption, waste management and a good standard and is able to increase profit company. For this purpose, product Lifecycle design integrates the views of: 1. Business strategies, including post-production and services. 2. Lifecycle strategies, such as reduce, reuse, and recycling. 3. Process and Product Lifecycle 4. Lifecycle Management Design For Environment Eco design or the existing, widely focused on aspects such as disassembly, recyclability, and reusability, and Life Cycle Assessment. The key to successful design is the accuracy of the Lifecycle election strategy Lifecycle. Lifecycle in the development of design on the product design level, there are two basic design methodologies, they are: 1. Design for upgradability Upgrade, is an effective method of choice to extend the lifetime value of a product. This method provides a framework to upgrade and become a method for product modularity from the point of view function of a product change in the future. 2. Modular Design Tool Modular design is a method of choice in addition to upgrading the product. By using the modular method, the components will be easier to re-organized.

Literature Review Modular Products

According to Hata, Kato and Kimura (2001), the development of modular product structure can often be reduced assembly cost and management product family. From the point of view of manufacturing, modular are not efficient because it has multiple types of products with minor differences. Modular structure is used to re-organize a product family. However, the sharing module that is common in the product family can make production more efficient.

Next stage is the search for customer requirement using the Kano Model is used as the basics for developing modular product design. Then after we get result from Kano model, next step is combining Kano model result and QFD are as follows. This is the methodology used to develop a

Sustainable Design in Creative Industry Towards Better Human Life International Conference on Creative Industry 2011

green product in a modular design detail : Level 1: Develop a modular product structure based functional - Search for customer requirement with the Kano Model - Search for attribute requirement with consumers looking for a target level of customer satisfaction and customer dissatisfaction to measure the level of satisfaction and its weighting using the Kano model - Classify attribute analysis based on QFD - Obtain from the consumer category - Develop a modular product Level 2: green material analysis Percentage green determining pollutant - Evaluate each component - Redesign product - Select an alternative material that has a value lower pollutant attribute is given on the product.

Analysis of Environmental Impact

Analysis of the environmental impact of materials from various forms of alternative and this material is influenced by the weight of each material multiplied by the indicator (indicator value of data obtained from this eco indicator 99). Pollution Index (Pt) is represents one per thousand of the environmental burden per year in average living needs of people of Europe. Weight is the weight of all components are measured in kilograms (kg), and Indicator pollution index is a unit of each component that does not have a particular dimension. To calculate the weight of components made in a manner as shown in the table 4.1. Table 4.1 Weight calculation for each table components
Material Alternative Tickness (mm) Approx Weight (Kg/m3) Volume (m3) Weight (kg)


1. woodboard

19 25 30 1 19 25 30 1 19 25 30 spray 12 16 19 1.2 2 2.25 19 25 30


0.1925 0.2508 0.3271 0.3366 0.192 0.3 0.3366 0.3366 0.1938 0.2549 0.3366 0.3366 0.1218 0.1620 0.1937 0.0137 0.0180 0.0203 0.0079 0.0306 0.0416 0.0479

46.2 60.2 78.5 0.3366 46.08 72 80.78 0.3366 122.08 160.6 212.04 0.3366 3.8 6.4 9.2 35 46 52 54 19.25 26.2 30.2


To search for data attribute ranking method used cuisine based on the Kano model, namely to get the data attributes that are really needed by the computer user's desk. This is a very important product because of computer desks that have a lot of computer components table at this time does not become a useful function for users, because the table is not able to adjust purchased with the needs of users vary. To achieve the attributes that are really important, first step is determining the attributes-attributes that are often used early in the development of computer design table. Attribute is the result of this initial discussion with the author's research and development team in the industry. The results obtained 21 attributes of the initial design of a reference desk computer. Kano model is used to find the satisfaction level of users, in this Kano model explore user satisfaction with the requirement with some product categories, requirements Must Be, is this criteria cannot be met, then this criteria will not be able to increase user satisfaction, if the criteria is met then the user can increase satisfaction. This must be a basic criteria of the product. One dimensional requirements, to meet this criteria, the user satisfaction will be more proportional, the higher the level of requirement is the higher level of user satisfaction and vice versa. These criteria become the actual criteria desired by the user. Attractive requirements, this criteria is the criteria which the product which has the largest influence how an attribute can increase user satisfaction, while the
Lapisan LDL 2. Particle Board

1 240-520

Lapisan HDL 3. Solidwoodboard

630-720 (teakwood) 1 31,2 39,5 47,5 2560-2640

Finishing WV 4. Glass

1. Aluminium 100%rec

2. DieCast Iron 3. SolidWoodboard

6800-7800 630-720 (teakwood)

1. Product development process model, modular computer tables based on the level of interest and level of user satisfaction can be obtained from the Kano-QFD model. Kano model is used to find the level of user satisfaction in terms of positive and negative of the product. Results from the Kano model is an attribute-the attribute that can increase user satisfaction, and attributes, this will be part of the QFD is the voice of the customer. Component that is designed must be evaluated whether the material composing them dangerous for the environment, before the product is manufactured in a way to evaluate some of the



Sustainable Design in Creative Industry Towards Better Human Life International Conference on Creative Industry 2011

alternative materials used is selected based on the smallest index of pollutant materials. How to evaluate the impact of material for the furniture products is to know first of each component in kilograms (Kg). Then multiplied with each pollutant index material, it will be found how much the components and materials component negative effect on the environment. Pollutant index value of each material used in the design of this eco data obtained from the indicator 99.
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The authors are grateful for the financial support provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Directorate General of Higher Education within its program IbIKK Produk Mebel Ramah Lingkungan Yang Diproduksi oleh Lab. Sistem Manufaktur Teknik Industri Unipa Surabaya, contract number 096/SP2H/PPM/DP2M/III/2010.


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Sustainable Design in Creative Industry Towards Better Human Life International Conference on Creative Industry 2011

External Water Treatment For Feedwater Boiler

1.Nurcahyanie ,YD.*) 2. Purwoto, Setyo **)
*Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya **Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Abstract Mineral content of natural water used as boiler feed water does not meet standard requirements, so it becomes a must to do the water treatment to reduce the damage caused by poor quality feed water. Cation anion levels that need to get attention in the feed water usage are: Ca, Fe, Mn, Cl, Mg, Al, pH, TDS, and carbonate. Based on previous research on water demineralization by ion exchange and spray aerator, then the combination treatment could be an alternative for the purpose aforesaid, by adding too zeolite adsorbent. Internal application of chemical treatments in packing products have some disadvantages, so it is best if done in external treatment as reactor design in this study. The treatment steps begin with the spray aerator (to remove levels of Fe, Mn), then continued treatment in compact reactor, where the hardness adsorption using zeolite, and ion exchanger using cation resin and anion resin (to optimize the demin, since both cations and anions can be remove). To maximize the performance of ion exchanger, then the column resin reactors were given feed or injection of hot water from the boiler steam outlet, to increase the temperature of the resin. Key words: feed water, external treatment, ion exchange, spray aerator, zeolite.

Heating process in the processed materials in most industries using steam or hot water outlets in the form of steam boiler evaporation performance results in the boiler room or tank, where water vapor results in a space heating boiler flowed to places where the desired process through piping. Feed water resource is from fresh water or salt water, even use sea water.Capacity of boiler feed water usage is very diverse, ranging from half tons to 20 tons per hour. As the treatment of boiler components, the quality parameters of the mineral deposits in natural water must meet the requirements of quality standards to be used as feed water. Natural phenomena show that the higher mineral conditions, so to use the feed water treatment must be done first so that components of the boiler is not quick or arising corrosive crust. The findings of previous studies (Purwoto, 2007), one sample of water in the coastal areas Lamongan, East Java, the content of Na = 3500 ppm, Mg = 278 ppm, Ca = 407 ppm, Fe (tot) = 0.088 ppm, Cl = 3000 ppm, SO4-2 = 350 ppm, CO3-2 = 235 ppm, pH = about 5.5. While the salinity of water samples in coastal areas ranging from Sidoarjo, East Java between 2500 - 6500 ppm. with high levels of TDS to 12,000 ppm. (Purwoto, 2006; 2008). According to the Department of Labour, 1995 and PT Southern Chemical, tth. feed water standard parameter for Ca only allowed a maximum of 3 ppm, a maximum of 2 ppm Mg, Cl-maximum 80 ppm, a maximum of 1 ppm Fe, pH between 6.5 to 7.5 and a maximum of only 400 ppm TDS. These conditions

provide an indication that, if the natural water used as boiler feed water without any prior processing are potentially damaging boiler components quickly.Crust formation and other deposits on the boiler can be caused by calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), and other organic materials (Damianos, 2007), (U.S. Patent - 6,435,138). Internal chemical treatment in the form of product packaging that most of the options industry players actually have a weakness, namely the results of treatment response would be in the field of boiler components that eventually can become corrosive and crust. To avoid this condition, hence in this study for external treatment of feed water quality standards have been in space before entering the boiler tank.The treatment is performed, begin with the spray aerator (to meremoval levels of Fe, Mn), then continued treatment in the reactor compact (compact reactors) where the hardness adsorption using zeolite, and ion exchanger using cation resin and anion resin (for the purpose of optimizing the demin) . In the column resin reactors were given feed or injection of hot water from the boiler steam outlet, with the intention that the resin exchange capacity to work to maximum effect the optimal temperature of the resin. From the above treatment steps, then as the formulation of the problem in this research, is: how much the removal parameters of boiler feed water treatment outcome spray aerator, zeolite, and ion exchangers by the resin cation and anion in compact reactor. The objective of this research is the analysis of parameter removal of boiler feed water treatment outcome spray aerator, zeolite, and ion exchangers by the resin cation and anion in compact reactor. Test calcium ion adsorption on zeolites generate breakthrough curves that follow the S-Shape. From the breakthrough curve, it appears that the zeolite is able to absorb calcium ions from 1200 ppm to below 500 ppm. Zeolite with 5 cm bed capable absorbing up to 500 ppm, zeolite with 10 cm bed capable absorbing up to 300 ppm, and the zeolite with a bed of 15 cm can absorbing up to 200 ppm. From the breakthrough curve can be determined adsorption capacity of zeolite. Zeolite with 5 cm bed capable absorbing of 10.83 mg Ca ion/g zeolite. For the zeolite with 10 cm bed capable absorbing Ca ions at 6.25 mg Ca ion/g zeolite and for the zeolite with a bed of 15 cm can absorb Ca ions at 3.61 mg / g zeolite. Adsorption capacity depends on the amount of zeolite mass and temperature of adsorption. Zeolite with 5cm bed (300 g) has a higher capacity than zeolite with a bed of 10 cm (600 g) and zeolite with a bed of 15 cm (900gr), although at the beginning of the reaction bed of zeolite capable absorbing 15 cm to 200 ppm. (Atastina S.B).

Sustainable Design in Creative Industry Towards Better Human Life International Conference on Creative Industry 2011

Table 1. Reference Parameters Under Standard Boiler Feed Water Parameters Parameter units low pressure high pressure pH 6,5 7,0 78 P.Alkalinity ppm, as CaCO3 0 0 Maks 100 M.Alkalinity ppm, as CaCO3 < 0,1 Total hardness ppm, as CaCO3 Maks 5 0 Ca hardness ppm, as CaCO3 Maks 3 0 Mg hardness ppm, as CaCO3 Maks 2 0 Silica ppm, as CaCO3 Maks 40 0,02 Chloride ppm, as SiO2 Maks 80 TDS ppm Maks 400 Fe (Iron) ppm as Fe Maks 1,0 0 Conductivity Microsiemens < 700 < 0,2

Framework for Research Activities. Chronology of stage research activities depicted in Figure 1 as follows:
Objective: Analysis of parameters of boiler feed water removal treatment outcome spray aerator, zeolite, and ion exchangers by the resin cation and anion in compact reactors

Previous research; Demineralization of water using ion exchange resins

Preliminary research; Demineralization of water using zeolites

Part IV: Implementation of treatment Part III: parameters standard bait

Part II: the character of feed water Part I: characteristics natural water of

Pre conditions: Analysis of basic parameters of the boiler feed water

literature study
Preparation of tools and materials

Measurement parameters: pH, Alkalinity P., M. Alkalinity, Total hardness, Ca hardness, Mg hardness, Silica, Chloride, TDS, Iron, Manganese, Conductivity

Human Readiness


Feed water quality is measured to determine how much the ability of ion exchange treatment alloy injected steam boiler outlet terpadukan with pretreatment of zeolite with spray aerator, and then used as design criteria in determining the dimensions of the reactor material on the ideal treatment.

Results Analysis of boiler feed water quality Figure 1. Stages of Research Activities

Sustainable Design in Creative Industry Towards Better Human Life International Conference on Creative Industry 2011

Figure 2. External Reactor Water Treatment Part I: an early stage, that treatment be done with spray aerator use a spray nozzle orifice, which results in a sprayer stored in funnel receptacle of fiber diameter of 3.5 m Part II: Reactor Unit Part III: Reservoir Treatment Results Part IV: Boiler Unit Data Analysis Method Analysis of the data used was percent removal parameters of boiler feed water treatment outcome spray aerator, zeolite, and ion exchangers by the resin cation and anion in compact reactors. Tools And Materials Table 2. Tools And Materials Used For Treatment And Reactor Design Criteria No. 1. Treatment / Materials Column tube reactor (cylindrical 3 pieces) Pump Nozel orifice spray Zeolit Function Venue for the reaction and treatment performance Pressure on nozel spray Generate bursts (spray) of water for the purpose of contact with air Absorption, filtration, ion exchange, softening Information 22 cm diameter galvanized type D thickness 4 mm, Height 75 cm Jet pump 0,2 0,6 mm Pressure 1800 psi Thickness 40 cm Volume pore size: 0.5 cm3 per cm3 volume of the zeolite. Density between 2.0 to 2.3 g/cm3 synthetic Thickness 40 cm synthetic Thickness 40 cm

2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

Resin anion Resin kation

Anion exchanger (cation decrease in water) Cation exchanger (anion decrease in water)

Sustainable Design in Creative Industry Towards Better Human Life International Conference on Creative Industry 2011

Table 3. Raw Water Test Results, water after the spray, water after treatment without a heater reactor and with the heater No. Parameter units Raw water Setyo 1 7.425 0 297 553.1 332.7 220.5 33.42 33.6 549 0.404 1.555 767 Treatment Spray Setyo 2 7.978 0 305.8 568.6 340.4 228.2 32.47 33.6 546 0.284 1.424 760 Treat reactor Without Heater 7.059 0 26.4 5.4 2.3 3.1 29.52 25.09 493 0.39 0.05 766 Treat reactor With Heater 7.333 0 37.4 5.4 2.3 5.1 28.61 24.38 484 0.27 0.05 755

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

pH P.Alkalinity M.Alkalinity Total hardness Ca hardness Mg hardness Silica Chloride TDS Besi Mangan Conductivity

ppm, as CaCO3 ppm, as CaCO3 ppm, as CaCO3 ppm, as CaCO3 ppm, as CaCO3 ppm, as CaCO3 ppm, as SiO2 ppm ppm as Fe ppm as Mn Microsiemens

Figure 3. Graph comparison of raw water, water after the process of spray, the water treatment process reactor after non-heating, and water after the treatment with heating Data analysis of basic parameters for boiler feed water requirement criteria obtained by the percentage of removal as the following table: Table 4. Percent Removal Treatment Results According to the Boiler Feed Water Parameters treatment No. Parameter material result % Removal pH 7.425 7.333 1 1.24 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P.Alkalinity M.Alkalinity Total hardness Ca hardness Mg hardness Silica Chloride TDS Iron Mangaan Conductivity 0 297 553.1 332.7 220.5 33.42 33.6 549 0.404 1.555 767 0 37.4 5.4 2.3 5.1 28.61 24.38 484 0.27 0.05 755 87.41 99.02 99.31 97.69 14.39 27.44 11.84 33.17 96.78 1.56

From table 4, the results of parameter analysis illustrates that significantly reduced Mn, Fe removal is quite enough, while the hardness is very successful.

Sustainable Design in Creative Industry Towards Better Human Life International Conference on Creative Industry 2011

CONCLUSION Treatment blend spray aerator, zeolite, resin anion cation with injected steam boiler outlet to remove pH, 1.24%, M alkali; 87.41%, Total Hardness; 99.02%, Ca Hardness; 99.31%, Chloride: 27.44%, 11.84% TDS, Iron; 33.17% , Mn, 96.78%, Conductivity: 1.56% To obtain the removal of M-Alkali, Total hardness, calcium hardness, Fe, Mn, the optimum then the things that need to be a recommendation is: Pump spray aerator pump pressure above 3 bar, the depth of the resin at least 70 cm, held in warm (temperatures around 40 degrees Celsius) US Patent 6435138 (Exhaust heat recovery boiler). US Patent Issued on August 20, 2002. Inventor(s) ; Shimada, Hideaki Egami, Norihide Nagashima, Takayuki EP - 1740283 ( Fully Automated Water Processing Control System), inventors : Thom Douglas M (US); Lum Gary W (US) P-00200100 558 , inventor ; Yaya Sonjaya PATEN No ID 0011240 , inventor : Takal Barus Paten Nomor ID-0000699-S (XPOWER), Battaerd, H. A. J. et al., (1973). An ion-exchange process with thermal regeneration VIII. Preliminary pilot plant results for the partial demineralisation of brackish waters. Desalination Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 217237, online 3 August 2001. Dasare, B. D. , et al., (2001). Demineralisation with ionexchange materials. Desalination. Volume 3, Issue 2, 1967, Pages 183-194, online 22 August. 2001. Baruth, E.E., (2005). Water Treatment Plant Design. McGraw-Hill Publishing, Toronto. Benefield, D.R.,, (1982). Process Chemistry For Water And Waste Water Treatment. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA Dasare, B. D. , et al., (2001). Demineralisation with ionexchange materials. Desalination. Volume 3, Issue 2, 1967, Pages 183-194, online 22 August. 2001. McGarvey, F.X., Fisher, S.A. (1986, August). Chapter 2.8 Measurements and kontrol in ion exchange installations. Desalination Volume 59, Pages 403-424 online 17 September 2002. Dipungut 27 Juli 2008. Purwoto, S. (2007). Desalinasi Air Payau Secara Ion Exchange Dengan Treatment Resin Sintetis. Purwoto, S. (2008). Removal Salinitas Air Payau Secara Ion exchange Dengan Treatment Resin Sintetis Pada Reaktor Up-Flow Down-Flow Purwoto, S. (2006). Spray Aerator Untuk Removal Fe, Mn Dalam Air Sumur DEPNAKER, (1995). Standard Air Industri Pengujian Air Mengisi Ketel Di Air Ketel. PT SOUTHERN CHEMICALS & ENGINEERING, _____. Boiler (Ketel Uap) DPNKK-JICA, _____. Undang Undang Uap Tahun 1930 Sutrisno, (2002). Operasional Dan Pemeliharaan Boiler Sutrisno, (2004). Penggunaan Air Umpan Dan Blowdown Ketel Uap

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful for the financial support provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Directorate General of Higher Education within its program Hibah Kompetensi Nomor SP2H : 257/SP2H/ PP/DP2M/III/2010 Tanggal 1 Maret 2010. No. DIPA : 0041/023-04.1/-/2010 Tgl. : 31 Desember 2009

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