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Main Sanctuary (left/back) ....Betty Abrams Main Sanctuary (right/front) ..................................Brett Hahn Choir Room (behind baptistery) .......Ron Osterman Fellowship Hall..Pastor Ringstaff Adult classes held in the school: 1st Room on the right ......Jock McPhee 1st Room on the left ......Mitch Bane 4th Room on the right .........Aaron Christenson Childrens Division (lower level of Church): Cradle Roll......Karen Cheeseman Kindergarten ......Diane Dowell Primary .....Molly Dean Junior/Earliteen ...Brian Hutchins Youth ....Ben Hanlon SUNSET TONIGHT 6:11PM NEXT FRIDAY 6:19PM

PRELUDE WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP Platform Kneels Invocation IN SONG Hymn of Praise *** CHILDRENS PRAYER Little Lambs Offering OFFERING CALL Local Church Budget CALL TO PRAYER SPECIAL MUSIC SERMON OFFERING HYMN OF COMMITMENT Trust and Obey BENEDICTION *** POSTLUDE *** Congregation May Be Seated Elder Ted Struntz #590 Still, Still With Thee Will You Keep Your Crown? Pastor Ringstaff The Lansing Chorale Elder Ted Struntz The Lord is in His Holy Temple Pastor Ringstaff #692 Elder Ted Struntz Praise Team #6

O Worship the Lord

Heather Perez Kezia Leyva & Karenine Ornevil Pastor Ringstaff

Second Reading ~ Nominating Committee & Alternates Committee: Betty Abrams, Aaron Christenson, Sheri Christie, Max Coon, Dave Ellis, Nancy Hansen, Harvey Oetman, Cinda Osterman, Heather Perez, David Tripp. Alternates: Nola Collins, Brian Hutchins TODAY 12:30pm & 7pm Christianitys Greatest Cover Up THIS WEEK Sunday, 9am Pathfinder Meeting 9am Int/Adv Kettlebell Fitness Class @ CSC 9:30am Beginner Kettlebell Fitness Class @ CSC 12:30pm & 7pm The Antichrist of Bible Prophecy Tuesday, 12:30pm & 7pm Just What Do You Mean to Be Born Again? Wednesday, 9-3pm CSC Open 12:30pm & 7pm The Bibles Ancient Health Secrets Revealed Friday, 12:30pm & 7pm Whats it Like to Die? 6:30pm Childrens Choir Practice Sabbath Pastor Ringstaff 8:45am Prayer Time in the Sanctuary 2pm Adventurer Meeting 2:30pm Lansing Chorale Rehearsal 5pm Does God Torture Lost Sinners? 7:15pm Revelations 1000 Years of Peace? **Double Session begins at 5pm. A light supper will be provided between meetings in the Fellowship Hall**

WHAT I LIKE ABOUT GLAS ~ I like doing Math because I get to do problems like multiplication and subtraction. I like P.E. because we get to play games like Dare Base, where I get to chase people and catch them. I like Recess because I get to play lots of things like playing on the swings and playground. I like Science class because I get to learn more about the planets and that Saturn is a gas planet. ~Enoch Ringstaff, 4th Grade LITERATURE EVANGELISM SPONSOR NEEDED - There is a need for a sponsor for a Literature Evangelist in the Lansing area. If the Lord is calling you to help, please contact Pastor Ringstaff for more information. IMPACT NEWS: HELP! VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED (February 23 from 4:30-6pm and February 24, 7:30-9am) at Volunteers of America Homeless Shelter to serve meals and help distribute the gloves, hats & chapstick donated by our church members. STILL NEEDED: men's gloves (sizes M/L/XL). The donations box is on the shelf above the coatrack near the front door. If you can help please call Linda Cabose at (517) 321-2019. NOTE: Volunteers carpool to VOA from the church parking lot & will return in time to attend the meetings. 4-WHEEL BOBCAT MOBILITY SCOOTER Anyone interested in a FREE, like new, battery-operated 4-Wheel Bobcat may contact Marvin Anderson at 517-646-8255. There is a picture on the bulletin board by the restrooms. It can be seen in person at the Community Service Center. Everyone Bring One Please remember this program. Everyone bring one food item each Sabbath for the Community Service Center and Greater Lansing Food Bank. Thank you your continued support is appreciated.

Requesting prayer for safety in the military: Chris Hansen, Dennis Mayne, Claire Thomas, and Jenny Wilcox. Requesting health and healing: Francoise Abilhomme, Jacob Ashburn, Molly Evans, Damas Manderson, Jean Mauz, Evelyn Melton, Noah Nettrouer, Don Rebedew, Felipe Rodriguez, Suzie Ruiz, Emily Sanchez, Diane Stephan, Lorna Weisner (Eileen Campbells sister) and Jimi Wilcox. Prayer requests for Prayer Warriors: Call Jean Engel at 517-3211172 or Nola Collins at 517-669-5173. You may also email Jean at or Nola at MARRIAGE COMMITMENT RETREAT ~ MARCH 8-10 AT CAMP AU SABLE. The purpose of this weekend is for you and your spouse to get away and take some time to re-connect with each other and with God. There are five seminar sessions throughout the weekend, each one with topics designed to help strengthen your marriage. We provide lots of time for enjoying the natural beauty of the camp, and fellowshipping with other couples as you eat and worship together. We will have planned activities for Saturday night and then a special marriage re-commitment service on Sunday morning. This is a weekend that you wont want to miss. Make plans now to attend, and do something great for your marriage. To register call Alyce @ 517316-1543. You may also download an application at (Family Ministries Department). LIBERTY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS: Stay up-to-date with current events, legislative changes and end time happenings that may affect your religious freedom. Liberty is a bi-monthly magazine. The cost is $7.95. After you subscribe, you will receive 6 magazines for 1 year. If you are interested in a new or renewed subscription, please contact Sylvia Coleman in person or email your request to The Liberty subscriptions deadline is Friday, March 1, 2013.

CHURCH OFFICE Office Telephone Number...(517) 321-1963 Email **online giving is available on the church website Bulletin deadline .Wednesday @ 3pm COMBINED BUDGET Received 7-1-12 to 1-31-13 Expenses Ending Balance $97,255 -$102,628 -$5,373

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