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ITD Quality Manual

Information Technology Division University of Limerick

Quality Manual

Quality is delivered by people, to people, through people people

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ITD Quality Manual

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ITD Quality Manual

Table of Contents...............................................................................................................3 1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................4

2. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.............................................................................................5 3. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY......................................................................................5

1.1 ITD Quality Policy................................................................................................4 1.2 Structure of QMS................................................................................................4 2. Customer Satisfaction...........................................................................................4 3. Management Review............................................................................................4 4. Procedures............................................................................................................4 5. Communication.....................................................................................................4 1.3 Scope..................................................................................................................4 1.3.1 Exclusions....................................................................................................5 3.1 Quality Planning..................................................................................................6 Management Objectives........................................................................................6 3.2 Responsibility, Authority and Communication...................................................6 3.3 Management Representative..............................................................................6 3.4 Management Review Process............................................................................6 3.5 Communication (Internal & External).................................................................8 4.1 Work Environment and Infrastructure.................................................................8

4. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT..............................................................................................8 5. MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT...............................................................................10 6. PROCESSES..................................................................................................................10

5.1 Analysis of Data................................................................................................10 6.1 Process Map ....................................................................................................10 6.3 Service Realisation Procedures........................................................................11 6.4 Outsourced Services.........................................................................................11 6.5 Relationship between Processes and Procedures...........................................12

7.0 NON-CONFORMING MATERIAL....................................................................................16 8. APPROVALS AND REVISION HISTORY............................................................................16 APPENDIX 1......................................................................................................................19

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ITD Quality Manual

1. INTRODUCTION This quality manual consists of these introductory pages, the Quality Policy and the processes and procedures listed in Section 6. The manual is controlled under the terms of the Documentation Control procedure. 1.1 ITD Quality Policy The ITD Quality Policy is displayed in prominent locations throughout the division. The master copy can be viewed on the web ( and is controlled using the Documentation Control Procedure. 1.2 Structure of QMS
1. QMS Implementation & Maintenance Quality Policy & Processes developed, implemented and maintained Quality Management System planned Resources allocated

2. Customer Satisfaction

3. Management Review

4. Procedures

5. Communication

5. Internal Auditing

6. Corrective & Preventive Action

1.3 Scope This manual is designed to be used as a reference manual for our Quality Management System. The system is founded on the principles of ISO9001:2008. The system covers all areas of ITD within the University of Limerick. Areas covered by ITD include: o Services to enable communication for the University community (email, post, telephone, internet, network, video conferencing) o Appropriate information systems to support the management and administration of the University. o Appropriate computing environments o Printing and Audio-Visual Services

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ITD Quality Manual

1.3.1 Exclusions Clause 7.5.2: Validation of processes for production and service provision

ITD do not have any processes where the resulting outputs cannot be verified by subsequent monitoring and measuring. 2. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION As a primary measure of the performance of our Quality Management System, ITD monitors information relating to customer perception as to whether we are meeting customer requirements. This requirement is fulfilled by means of: 1. Call Closure Customer Survey (focus on computer services); 2. Review of positive and negative customer feedback reports and customer complaints; 3. Customer Engagement Process. Call closure feedback is monitored on a daily basis. Problem calls are reopened and these are reported on a monthly basis to the management team. Customer feedback (both positive and negative) is monitored on a continual basis. Feedback is reported once a month for review by management and discussed at our Monthly Quality Operational meeting. Action items from these surveys are recorded in RMS as Improvement Action Items, as outlined in the Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure listed in Section 6. The university undertakes a survey of the student population. This covers the services provided by ITD to the students. Feedback from these surveys is given to the Director, and these are discussed at the quality meetings. Feedback is also received from Library student surveys. Voice of customer interviews are conducted periodically to determine customer needs / satisfaction. In addition to this, any new customer requirement identified from customer surveys or other customer feedback is discussed by management to determine suitable projects and improvement actions to meet these requirements. Also see Service Provision and Customer Engagement Procedures. 3. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY ITDs management are committed to the process of continual improvement as outlined in the ITD Quality Policy. Management ensure the organisation maintains a focus on the customer as key to the success of their service provision. Management regularly review the Quality Management System, Quality Policy, Management Objectives and Processes as outlined below. Changes to the Quality Management System are planned to allow for maintenance of the integrity of the system and achievement of any existing objectives. In maintaining and changing the Quality Management System, the regulatory and statutory requirements, such as Universitys Act, Purchasing, Finance and HR policies, are communicated and accommodated within the system.
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ITD Quality Manual anagement_System/Regulatory_and_Statutory_Requirements 3.1 Quality Planning Planning is done in an appropriate manner for each service provided by ITD. In all cases, ITD management ensure that the correct resource level and experience are in place to support any of these planning structures. For example: For the Quality Management System itself, management regularly review and plan resource and change requirements using the Quarterly Management Review Process. For individual call items, planning is done by the person assigned to the call to ensure customer satisfaction. For projects and management action, the person or people assigned by management determine the correct resources and plan required to achieve the goal. Management Objectives Management ensure that measurable objectives are set for the organisation that help to maintain a focus on the customer as key to the success of their service provision. Management regularly review the Objectives which are maintained in a separate document, Management Objectives controlled and communicated in the organisation via the web. The setting, maintenance and monitoring of achievement of the objectives is done via the Quarterly Management meeting outlined below. 3.2 Responsibility, Authority and Communication

The main roles and responsibilities within ITD are outlined on the ITD Web site under ITD Structure. Job Descriptions exist for each position within ITD and are available from the Director. The latest version of the organisational chart is also available on the Web site. 3.3 Management Representative The ITD Management Representative is the Director of ITD. In addition to their normal duties, they are responsible for ensuring that customer requirements are known throughout ITD, ensuring processes required by the Quality Management System are established, reporting on the performance of the Quality Management System, proposing any improvements to the system and ensuring that the system is implemented and maintained throughout ITD. 3.4 Management Review Process The Management team comprises: Peter Brady, Director Declan Maguire

Clare McCracken Brian Sexton

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ITD Quality Manual

Management review the Quality Management System at planned intervals to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. This review includes assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the QMS, including the quality policy and quality objectives. The management review process includes a structure of meetings that take place weekly, monthly and quarterly. The weekly meeting is seen as an operational style meeting focused on short-term issues. The monthly meeting allows management to review performance related issues from month to month and the quarterly meeting focuses on the functioning of the overall Quality Management System, progress of objectives and trend development. The weekly management meeting discusses: 1. Key Issues 2. Project Proposals 3. Emergency Changes 4. Work Environment and Infrastructure. The weekly Change Control meeting discusses: 1. Change Control. 2. Weekly Call Reports 3. Problem Management Calls 4. Service Outages 5. Other Business Bi-weekly meetings are held between the Director and Section Heads to discuss progress on all current projects. The monthly meeting discusses: 1. The monthly call figures and Trend Analysis 2. All 'return' calls i.e. calls that the customer has disagreed should be closed. 3. Any customer feedback on service. 4. The service availability figures (available from the Management Station). 5. Improvement action items, including outstanding (over-due) actions. 6. Performance of third party suppliers. 7. Review ITD Risk Register 8. Other Business The Quality Management Review Committee meets quarterly to carry out a formal review of the ITD Quality Management System, QMS. Items for the agenda include the following: 1. Analysis of any quality audits 2. Review of customer feedback 3. Review of preventive action, corrective action and continuous improvement 4. Review of Trend Analysis 5. Review changes that could affect the ongoing suitability of the Quality Management System, including the Quality Manual, Quality Policy and Procedures 6. Review of training and development, including training effectiveness review 7. Review of service delivery performance and trends
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ITD Quality Manual

8. Recommendations for improvement 9. Review of Key Process Indicators 10.Review performance against management objectives 11.Review management objectives, including changes, additions and deletions. Output from 1. 2. 3. 4. the review includes any decisions and actions related to: Improvement of the effectiveness of the QMS and its processes Improvement of services related to customer satisfaction Resource needs Management Objectives

3.5 Communication (Internal & External) Internal The management team ensure appropriate communication within the division that will allow each employee obtain feedback on the effectiveness of the Quality Management System and how it might impact their work. This allows them effectively contribute to the ongoing improvement of the Quality Management System and Customer Satisfaction. The QMS and supporting documentation is published on the Web. SharePoint Portal is used as a central repository for all internal documentation, including minutes of meetings. External The services provided by ITD are publicised using the Intranet and Internet. Appropriate feedback and development plans are also publicised to customers using the web. The web is also utilised as part of the customer feedback mechanism used in ITD as outlined in this Manual and other procedures. 4. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The Director will determine and provide the resources of the Division to ensure that the Quality Management System is maintained and that it continues to improve its effectiveness and enhance Customer Satisfaction. Staff in ITD are selected based on their level of education, skills, experience and competence. ITD provide a training structure appropriate to the needs of each staff member. This is outlined in the ITD training procedure. 4.1 Work Environment and Infrastructure The management team monitor and maintain the appropriate infrastructure and work environment to achieve conformity to requirements. All work areas are maintained in a clean and tidy manner. The work environment and infrastructure that ITD operate within is mainly dictated by the University. Facility maintenance is the responsibility of the Buildings Department and requests for action are processed by contacting them directly. Note: The building that ITD operate from, was purpose built for their requirements. ITD have direct control over the communications, software and hardware tools used by ITD staff to carry out their job functions, e.g. phones, desktop computers, printers, RMS software, etc. Requests for action within the division
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ITD Quality Manual

may also be processed by use of RMS, as outlined in the Service Provision Procedure. Should any individual in the Division not receive adequate response to their request, they may raise the issue with their Section Head / Manager. The Section Head / Manager will determine the next course of action, which may include raising the issue at the Weekly Management meeting.

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ITD Quality Manual

5. MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT Process and service performance is measured on a monthly basis through the generation of monthly performance reports. ITD use the following Key Performance Indicators to ensure the delivery of a high quality service: Team Performance: Percentage of calls cleared within the defined target for each section per month; 90th Percentile Trend Report: The number of days in which 90% of calls are cleared each month; Number of Returned Calls: The number of calls that are returned by customers who were dissatisfied with the outcome; Number of Complaints: The number of complaints received each month Service Availability Figures: Service availability percentages for each server. These are discussed at the Monthly Quality meeting. Performance is also measured through our Internal Quality Audit process. Reports from these audits are discussed at the Quarterly Management Review meeting. Minutes of all meetings are published on the SharePoint Portal. Services and products such as those in the Print Room are monitored using specific data collection logs. These are reviewed by the Section Manager and reported on regularly at the Management meetings. Details of these systems are included in the specific process realisation procedures. Key Process Indicators directly measure the performance of the key processes within the Quality Management System. Details of these process indicators are outlined in Section 6.4, page 10 of this Quality Manual. 5.1 Analysis of Data Our commitment to quality is borne out by managements efforts to ensure that appropriate data is collected to allow procedures to be evaluated and improved. The analysis of: Weekly and monthly reports; Internal Audit feedback reports; Improvement Action Items recorded in RMS; Customer Feedback data; allows for this. The Management Review Process (Section 3.3 above) provides the main framework for this analysis, review and action cycle. 6. PROCESSES 6.1 Process Map The following diagram outlines the interaction between the processes of the quality management system. Management processes are those used by top management to oversee the entire quality management system. The service realisation processes are governed by the top-level management processes. Evaluation of process effectiveness is carried out using Internal / External Quality Audits and the Corrective Action process where a procedure itself is found to be the source of the problem under investigation.
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ITD Quality Manual Management Review & Communication Quality Policy Management Processes Internal Auditing Project Management Corrective & Preventive Action Training Document Control Change Control Customer Engagement Quality Manual

Measurement and Continuous Improvement

Service Realisation Processes Service Provision

Customer Satisfaction
Customer Interaction and Feedback
Outsourced Services

Purchasing Equipment Management Server Management Post Room Print Room Reception


Management Procedures 6.2.1 ITD Internal Audit Procedure 6.2.2 ITD Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure 6.2.3 ITD Training Procedure 6.2.4 ITD Documentation Control Procedure 6.2.5 ITD Change Control Procedure 6.2.6 ITD Project Management / System Development Procedure 6.2.7 ITD Customer Engagement Procedure

6.3 Service Realisation Procedures 6.3.1 ITD Purchasing Procedure 6.3.2 ITD Service Provision Procedure 6.3.3 ITD Print Room Procedure 6.3.4 ITD Post Room Procedure 6.3.5 ITD Reception Procedure 6.3.6 ITD Equipment Management Procedure 6.3.7 ITD Server Management Procedure 6.4 Outsourced Services The following processes, which are integral to our service provision, are outsourced by ITD: Network Outsourced to CommNet Telephones Outsourced to Siemens / PFH Hardware Maintenance Outsourced to Unity Web Infrastructure Outsourced to Heidi Computers Ltd.
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ITD Quality Manual

Details are outlined in the following table. Table 1: Approved List of Outsources Company Name CommNet Services Provided Network Email Internet Controls in Place Written SLA in place. Copy available from Director Type of Control SLAs in RMS for call monitoring Weekly and monthly performance reports Network availability reports Annual supplier review meeting Review of monthly call figures Service availability Annual supplier review meeting Quarterly service reviews SLAs in RMS for monitoring call performance Annual supplier review meeting Service availability Annual supplier review meeting

Siemens / PFH

Telephone Voice Mail

Written SLA in place. Copy available from Director


Hardware Maintenance

Written Contract

Heidi Computers Ltd.

Web Infrastructure

Written SLA in place

6.5 Relationship between Processes and Procedures

The following table outlines the relationship between the Processes and Procedures of the ITD Quality Management System.

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ITD Quality Manual

Process Managemen t Review

Internal Auditing Corrective and Preventive Action

Description Management review the Quality Management System at planned intervals to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. This review includes assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the QMS, including the quality policy and quality objectives. To ensure the Quality Management System is audited on an on-going basis to ensure it is effectively implemented and maintained. In ITD, corrective action is taken in response to individual issues, whereas preventive actions are initiated in response to observed trends. Action items are recorded and monitored to ensure effective closure.

Related Procedures Outlined in Quality Manual Section 3.4

Key Process Indicators Continued accreditation to ISO9001:2000

Review Period Annual

ITD Internal Auditing Procedure ITD Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure


Document Control Change Control

Customer Engagement

To ensure an effective system exists for the identification and provision of training requirements for each member of ITD. The requirements identified for each individual are based on the individuals competence, qualifications, and experience compared to the competence, qualification and experience required within their role in ITD, as outlined in job descriptions. In addition, that a system exists to deal with the review of effectiveness of any training provided. To ensure that the correct version of documentation is available to all personnel in ITD when they require it. Change Control manages changes to hardware, communications equipment and software, system software, applications software and all documentation and procedures that are relevant to the running, support and maintenance of live systems. It is not responsible for changes to components that are under the control of a development project. To ensure that an agreed level of service is provided for all current IT services (SLM) and to ensure that

ITD Training Procedure

Review of Audit Schedule Review of outstanding Internal Audit findings No. of IAIs completed in target Trend data on categories of IAIs reviewed quarterly No. of Complaints reviewed monthly Monthly review of Preventive and Corrective Actions Review of training evaluation forms PDRS reviews


Quarterly Quarterly Monthly Monthly Quarterly

ITD Document Control Procedure ITD Change Control Procedure

Review of internal audit findings Trend data recorded monthly from Change Control feedback

Quarterly Monthly

ITD Service Provision

Percentage of changes


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future services are negotiated, planned and delivered to agreed achievable targets (CPM).


completed on target Percentage of service targets being met Number of complaints and compliments

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ITD Quality Manual

Service Provision

To ensure effective response to all customer requests given to ITD.

ITD Service Provision Procedure ITD Print Room Procedure ITD Post Room Procedure ITD Reception Procedure

No. of returned calls Weekly failed targets Monthly team performance


Project Managemen t and System Developmen t Purchasing Equipment Managemen t Server Managemen t Outsourced Services

To facilitate the identification, management and monitoring of IT projects through their life cycles.

ITD Project Management and System Development Procedure ITD Purchasing Procedure ITD Equipment Management Procedure ITD Server Management Procedure

90th Percentile Trend Data Review of complaints and positive customer feedback Service Availability Figures No. of small, medium and large projects No. of projects on hold No. of projects that changed size Supplier Review Meeting

Project Review Meeting (monthly)

To ensure an effective system exists for the purchasing of goods in ITD. To ensure that ITD service-provision equipment is properly identified, handled and stored. To ensure that ITD servers are kept at a high level of operational efficiency and can be restored in the event of server failure. Services which are integral to ITD but are outsourced to external companies.

Annual Annual Weekly

Feedback from Annual 5S Review No. of servers through Change Control No. of failed backup / restores Team Performance reports Service Availability Figures Siemens monthly call figures Annual supplier review meetings

ITD Quality Manual (section 6.4)

Monthly and Annual

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ITD Quality Manual

7.0 NON-CONFORMING MATERIAL In ITD non-conforming material is considered to be mainly equipment that is not fit for use. Identification of such equipment is outlined in the Equipment Management Procedure. In the Print Room a process for this is also identified as outlined in the ITD Print Room Procedure. Services provided by ITD that do not comply with customer requirements are monitored using internal SLAs and customer service objectives. Service may also be regarded as being potentially non-conforming. 8. APPROVALS AND REVISION HISTORY
Revisio n No. 1 2 Date Feb 05 20 April 05 21-Apr05 1-Jun-05 Approved by: Mgt Team Mgt Team Details of Change Initial Release Added Section 3.1 on Management Objectives and made minor word changes in other areas. Removed hyperlink to other documents due to difficulty of maintaining links on web. Revised name of Design Procedure in Manual to reflect actual working title. Updated manual with section 3 (Planning). Updated Scope of manual. Clarified monitoring of objectives via quarterly quality review meeting. Included 5.6.2f as input by rewording item 4 of agenda. (Ref PE100041). Updated section 3.2 to refer to web link. Updated section 4 resource mgt. Updated Section 4.1 re infrastructure. Updated App section 7.5.5 to include Post & Print room procedures. Updated Section 7 (NonConforming material) to include services. Clarified different customer surveys conducted. Updated Section 5.4.1 to include reference to Quality Objectives and Management Review. Included Project Management and System Development in Section 3.4 Management Review (weekly meeting) The following updates were made following discussion with NSAI: 1. Updated Section 3.4 to include a description of what the Management Review process involves 2. Updated Section 6 to clarify ITD Processes and to identify related Procedures 3. Included paragraph in Section 6 on evaluation of process effectiveness 4. Included new Section 6.4 to outline the relationship between processes and procedures Changed the Procedure map to provide more clarity of process approach. Updated crossreference map in Appendix to give more detailed evidence of Section 4.1. Updated Section 3.4 after NSAI audit recommendations: 1) Included details of the Management Team; 2) Included Training

3 4

Mgt Team Kim OMahony

5 6 7

21-Jun-05 24-Jun-05 27-Jun-05

Kim OMahony Kim OMahony Kim OMahony


Kim OMahony Kim OMahony

14 Jul05

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ITD Quality Manual Effectiveness Review as an agenda item for the Quarterly Mgt Review meeting. Updated Section 3.4. Removed Point 12 (Training Effectiveness Review) and included it under Point 6 (Review of Training & Development) Updated Section 3.4. Removed Martin from Mgt team and also updated agenda for weekly meeting to include new points 4 and 5 (Problem Management and Service Outages). Updated Section 2 (Customer Satisfaction) to reflect recent changes. Updated Section 3.4 to include Brian Sexton on management team. Updated QMS diagram (Pg 9) to include communication under Management Review. Modified process diagram (Pg 9) to highlight the importance of customer satisfaction Included additional agenda item for the Quarterly Mgt Review (No. 4 Review of Trend Analysis). This is in response to a QRG recommendation (RF260023) Updated the following sections: 2. Customer Satisfaction included details of feedback from VOC interviews and library surveys; 3.4 Management Review Updated Mgt review structure for consistency with meeting agendas 3.5 Communication Updated internal communication to include the user of SharePoint 5. Monitoring and Measuring Changed the location of minutes from Web to SharePoint Updated the following sections: 3.4: Management Review included reference to the review of Key Process Indicators. 5: Monitoring and Measurement: Included details of Key Performance Indicators and the review of Key Process Indicators. 6.4: Relationship between Processes and Procedures Added column to table on page 10 to include details of specific process indicators related to individual processes. Updated key process indicators for Internal Audit Findings and Corrective & Preventive Action processes Updated process chart (pg 9) to move Project Mgt procedure under Management Processes. Updated review period for server management process to weekly instead of quarterly (pg. 11). Changed the wording of the scope of manual following internal audit recommendation (TF040023) Included details of our outsourced services, following recommendation from NSAI that this is a requirement for registration to the revised standard IS EN ISO 9001:2008. Removed Gordons name from Mgt Team and replaced with Director, ITD Included link to Statutory and Regulatory Requirements (VE090034) and updated monthly


14-Nov05 16-Oct06 7-Feb-07

Kim OMahony Kim OMahony Kim OMahony



13 14

21-Feb07 8-Oct-07

Kim OMahony Management Team Management Team




26 Sept 08

Management Team

17 18

20 Jan 09 22 Apr 09 8 June 09 29 June 09 30 May 11 21 June 11

Management Team Management Team Management Team Management Team Management Team Kim OMahony

19 20

21 22

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ITD Quality Manual agenda to include review of over-due improvement action items (VE090035) The following changes were approved at the Quarterly Mgt Review on 29 Nov: 1. Include new Customer Engagement Process on the list of Management Processes (p9) 2. Include details of the company providing outsourced service for Web (p9) 3. Include Peters name as Director 4. Update P4 Customer Satisfaction 5. Update Management Review process (p6) to outline current meeting structure. 6. Included review of ITD Risk Register in monthly meeting structure 7. Update P8 (5.1 analysis of data) to refer to Service Improvement Plan 8. Approved list of Outsourcers include web hosting details 9. Update table (relationship between processes & procedures) to include details of customer engagement process (p12) 10. Update Cross Reference Map (p15) Updated section 3.4 to change management representative from Quality Officer to Director, as approved at the quarterly management review meeting on 2 Oct.


12 Jan 12

Kim OMahony


2 Oct 12

Kim OMahony

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ITD Quality Manual

APPENDIX 1 ISO 9001:2000 Cross Reference Map

ISO 9001:2000 Clauses 1. Scope 2. Normative Reference 3. Terms & Definitions 4.1 General Requirements 4.1 a) 4.1 b) 4.1 c) 4.1 d) 4.1 e) 4.1 f) 4.2 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.1 7.2 Documentation Requirements Management Responsibility Management Commitment Customer Focus Quality Policy Planning Responsibility, Authority & Communication Management Review Resource Management Provision of Resources Human Resources Infrastructure Work Environment Planning of Product Realisation Customer Related Processes Related ITD Procedure Quality Manual Quality Manual Quality Manual Quality Manual (Section 1.2 & 6) Quality Manual (Section 6) Each procedure under Effectiveness Review section Quality Manual (Section 4) Quality Manual (Section 5) and Management Review ITD Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure and Management Review Document Control Procedure Quality Manual (Section 3) Quality Policy Quality Policy / ITD Customer Engagement Process Quality Policy Quality Manual (Sections 3.1 & 4) Quality Manual (Section 3) Quality Manual (Section 3) Quality Manual (Section 4) Quality Manual (Section 3.1, 3.4 & 4) Quality Manual (Section 4) & Training Procedure. Quality Manual (Section 4) Quality Manual (Section 4) ITD Service Provision Procedure ITD Service Provision Procedure & Quality Manual (Section 2). ITD Project Management & System Development Procedure. ITD Customer Engagement Process ITD Project Management & System Development Procedure Purchasing Procedure Quality Manual (Section 6) and related procedures Excluded Equipment Management Procedure Equipment Management Procedure Equipment Management Procedure; Print Room Procedure and Post Room Procedure Equipment Management Procedure


Design & Development

7.4 Purchasing 7.5.1 Control of production & service provision 7.5.2 Validation of processes for production and service provision 7.5.3 Identification & Traceability 7.5.4 Customer Property 7.5.5 Preservation of Product 7.6 Control of monitoring & measuring devices

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8.1 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.3

Measurement Analysis & Improvement Customer Satisfaction Internal Audit Monitoring & Measurement of Processes Monitoring & Measurement of Product Control of Nonconforming product

Quality Manual (Section 5) Quality Manual (Section 2) Internal Audit Procedure Quality Manual (Section 5) Quality Manual (Section 5) Quality Manual (Section 7), Print Room Procedure, Equipment Management Procedure Quality Manual (Section 6) Quality Manual, Quality Policy, Quality Objectives, Management Review and Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure Customer Engagement Procedure Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure

8.4 Analysis of Data 8.5.1 Continual Improvement

8.5.2 Corrective Action 8.5.3 Preventive Action

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