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Baae Yor Life

1. Simplify.
Stop for a moment and think about what is stressful for you. For many people, its that never-ending to-do list that grows each day. We all have those lists of things to do that go on forever and overwhelm us every time we look at them. We then increase our stress by trying to do more than one thing at a time. Just for today, try focusing on one task at a time rather than multi-tasking.

If youre working on a paper, stop and just work on that paper. Dont turn the TV on in the background or stop to answer your cell phone. Just set a time limit and focus.

Write a new short to-do list for today that only includes 3-4 items.

2011 California Community Colleges Chancellors O ce

Baae Yor Life

2. Unclutter your space and life.
Cluttered surroundings add more stress to our lives. Even if we arent consciously aware of it, all that visual distraction can actually cause stress in the background. Take a look around the room where you usually do your schoolwork or your job search:

Have you gured out the best place to study? Is it set up so you can easily nd what you needs? Are the items related to your top three goals easily accessible and available? How long do you have to search for your keys in the morning? How often do you grab an item of clothing o the oor of your closet- (OK once in a while, but is it every day?) Is your desk/chair comfortable? Do you have photos up which remind you of who/what is important? Are you making it easy to accomplish what you want?


Review your answers and start making changes to your room. Remember, the changes dont have to be major. Sometimes just moving a few things around can make all the di erence. The point is to develop an environment that meets your needs.

What two items could you move away from your work area that would help reduce the clutter and visual distractions. Do it.

2011 California Community Colleges Chancellors O ce

Baae Yor Life

3. Learn to take power naps.
If you need a few moments to de-stress consider taking a power nap. A power nap is just like it soundsa short nap taken in the middle of the day or whenever your energy slumps.

Start by nding a good place to take your napeven if its in your car in the parking lot. (Be sure the motor is o and the emergency brake engaged.) Use your cell phone timer to set a timeapproximately 15 minutes of rest. Even if you cant sleep, try meditating. Just focus on your breath. Get up when your alarm goes o anything longer than 20-30 minutes will actually make you more tired and sluggish. Stretch, move around a little and get back to whatever you were doing.

Take note of when your energy starts to sag today. Instead of grabbing a power drink, try a power nap and see what happens.

2011 California Community Colleges Chancellors O ce

Baae Yor Life

4. Turn o the drama.
Does this sound at all like you?

You get ready to leave in the morning and discover you cant nd your car keys or school books. Youre late for school or work and the low gas warning light comes on. You accidentally book a doctors appointment for the same time you have an exam. You arrive late to class and interrupt the professor as you nd your seat. You realize you brought the wrong notebook to class. You have to pull another all-nighter to get your paper done by tomorrow. You get caught up (again) in one of your friends problems and dont accomplish your own goals.


If two or more of these scenarios sound familiar to you, you just might be hooked on excitement. The problem isthis kind of excitement isnt very positive and doesnt usually lead to good results. People who are hooked on drama often feel like they arent in control of their lives: things just happen to them.

Identify a place in your life that seems dramatic and wears you out. Ask yourself: how am I a victim in this situation? Then ask yourself what one step you could do to no longer be a victim.

2011 California Community Colleges Chancellors O ce

Baae Yor Life

5. Work toward nancial freedom.
Your nances can be a signi cant source of stress in your life. Even if youre not checking your accounts all the time, nancial worries can linger in the back of your mind, distract you from other activities, and cause a low-level tension you might not even be aware of. Did you know that protecting your credit score is key to a successful job search? Many employers conduct a credit check before they will hire you, so that longforgotten overdue payment on your electric bill can come back to haunt you at the worst time. As you read this, do you know how much money is in your checking and savings accounts? How much debt do you havecredit cards, student loans, etc.? If you dont have one already, set up a ling systemeither on your computer or paper les. Keep track of all bills, payments, etc., so that you know where your money is going. Remember the suggestion in card set one that you build up your math and computer skills? Setting up your budget on an excel spreadsheet is a great way to accomplish bothand get a handle on your budget! Give it a try.

Check your credit score today. If anything needs to be challenged, do it now so that your credit rating will be strong when you apply for jobs.

2011 California Community Colleges Chancellors O ce

Baae Yor Life

6. Find time for the artist in you.
One of the best writers in the eld of creative development is Julia Cameron. Her book, The Artists Way o ers a 12-week program to develop your creative side. She helps you overcome roadblocks in your thinking that keep you from being more creative, as well as o ering suggestions for developing ideas and a creative mindset. Dont have 12 weeks to explore your creative side? Heres a quick way to increase your creativity. Try asking yourself how you could make something better. It will open your mind to new ideas and new possibilitieseven if the answer at first is I cant.

Think of a situation or project youre working on and ask yourself: How could I change this or make it better? Ask this question over and over as you go through your day and watch what happens.

2011 California Community Colleges Chancellors O ce

Baae Yor Life

7. Breathing and meditation.
One of the best forms of relaxation and stress reduction is mindfulness meditation. Studies have shown that not only does meditation help with stress reduction, it aids concentration and focus (great before an exam!), and improves your mood and immune system. And even betterits free! Set aside a few minutes (5 minutes is enough if youre a beginner) and nd a quiet and comfortable place.

Sit in a chair if youd like. Try to stop thinking for a moment and just breathe. Feel the air going in and out of your body. Relax your muscles. Keep breathing. If thoughts interrupt, thats OK, just keep breathing and let them wander away.

Thats it.

Google mindfulness meditation or look up meditation podcasts on ITunes. Download a short podcastincorporating even 5 or 10 minutes of meditation each day can go a long way to de-stress your day and your life.

2011 California Community Colleges Chancellors O ce

Baae Yor Life

8. Develop your friendships.
Strong friendships can be the cornerstone to a balanced life. Its been said that friendship doubles your joy and divides your grief. A good friend can help you cope with any situation life hands you. Friendships in the workplace have been shown to be a major factor in whether you are more likely to remain with your employer or move to another job. And yet its easy to let friendships slide when youre caught up in whatever busy life youre leading. So how do you protect those important friendships and develop new ones while youre busy at work, in the job search, or in school?

Keep the golden rule in mind: treat others as you would like them to treat you. Develop a positive mindset. People who are positive tend to have more friends than pessimists. Smile when you walk into your classes or at work. Find the good in others and let them know you see it. Compliment someone on the clothes theyre wearing or on something they said in class. Share something personal about yourself to a friend. Be genuine and friendly.


Instead of going out with the group of people you know, consider spending an evening with just one of your friends and get to know him/her better.

2011 California Community Colleges Chancellors O ce

Baae Yor Life

9. Create your 9 boxes of life.
In her book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, Susan Je ers describes a great exercise called the 9 Boxes of Life. She says that many of us put too much emphasis on two or three areas of our lives (like work, relationships and/or school) and when one of those areas falls apart, we are lost. She recommends that you select a total of 9 areas of your life to focus on (including friends, hobbies, religion/spirituality, etc.).

Draw a grid with 9 boxes and ll in a word to represent each area. Ask yourself, If I counted-- what would I do each week in each area to move forward? Write down 2-3 things for each area. See if you can incorporate each area into your life each week so that you are living a well-rounded and balanced life.

Fill in your grid. Select an area thats been neglected for awhile (maybe you havent contacted your friends recently, or enjoyed your hobbies) and write 3 quick things you will do this week to bring them back into your life.

2011 California Community Colleges Chancellors O ce

Baae Yor Life

10. Focus on giving.
Are you looking for abundance in your life? Want to know how to bring more of everythingfriends, money, happiness, etc. into your life? Practice an abundance mindset by giving to others. Many people have a mindset of lack and feel a need to hold onto everythingfrom physical objects to ideas out of fear that if they lose them they wont get them back. Have you ever seen one of those hoarder TV shows? Some of us are doing that mentally: hoarding ideas because were afraid someone will steal them and worrying that well never have another idea. The truth is that by giving away items as well as ideas and time, you learn what is valuable to you and you end up receiving more than you gave away.

Break the lack pattern and give from where you are:

Could you spare some change for a charity collection? Or tip the musician at your favorite bar or club? Can you give away some friendshipmaybe go to lunch with that friend whos going through a tough time? Maybe even pay for their lunch?

Decide now what youre going to give away to someone this week.

2011 California Community Colleges Chancellors O ce

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