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Associated Student Government University of Arkansas ASG Senate Bill No. 20 Author: Senator Sanket Desai Sponsor: Senator Sanket Desai The Graduate Congress Apportionment Bill Whereas, The Graduate Congress requires guidelines within the Associated Student Government Code establishing its membership before an election can be held; and The Congress was intended to follow a similar proportional model as the Associated Student Government Senate; and The Congress requires guidelines for the election of its special Congress offices; then



Be it therefore resolved:

Title III Graduate Congress Code be added to the ASG Code to state the following: Section 1 Composition of the Graduate Congress Seats in the Graduate Congress shall be apportioned as follows: A. The Graduate Congress shall have exactly thirty-five (35) Congress seats. B. Seats in the ASG Graduate Congress shall be apportioned according to a college-based model outlined below: a. Graduate student Congress seats are apportioned from the following colleges: Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences; Graduate School Interdisciplinary Programs; J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences; Sam M. Walton College of Business; College of Education and Health Professions; and the College of Engineering;

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b. The thirty-five (35) Congress seats shall be allocated proportionally by population between the enrollment groups each year. That is, each enrollment group will receive its whole percentage (excluding fractional remainders) of the total University graduate student population in Congress seats. If the number of Congress seats distributed based on whole percents does not add to thirty-five (35) seats, the remaining seats shall be allocated to those enrollment groups with the largest fractional remainders until thirty-five (35) seats are allocated. Students whose program is listed in more than one (1) college shall be required to designate the enrollment group in which they will vote; and c. The University population shall be based on the official University enrollment on record with the Registrars Office on the eleventh (11th) day of classes in the spring semester. C. All Congress Members shall be elected in publicized, enrollment group-wide or at-large vacancy, secret ballot elections administrated by the CLCE in conjunction with ASGJ. Section 2 Special Graduate Congress Offices A. The Graduate Congress shall elect, from amongst the members of Congress, via a simple majority, a presiding officer for its meetings who shall be known as the Speaker of the Graduate Congress. B. The Graduate Congress shall elect, from amongst the members of Congress, via a simple majority, a Vice Speaker of the Graduate Congress. C. The Graduate Congress shall elect, from amongst the members of Congress, via a simple majority, a Treasurer of the Graduate Congress.

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D. The Graduate Congress shall elect, from amongst the members of Congress, via a simple majority, a Secretary of the Graduate Congress. E. Election for the special Congress offices shall occur no later than the end of the third (3rd) meeting of the fall semester. Official Use Only Amendments: Vote Count: Aye Legislation Status: Passed ___________________________ Mike Norton, ASG Chair of the Senate ___________________________ Tori Pohlner, ASG President Nay Failed Abstentions Other ________________ Date ________________ Date

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