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February 2013

Licensed Parelli 2* Junior Instructor NEWSLETTER
WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING Hi All. Well Christmas has been and gone and we are well into 2013 already. This year has started extremely well with lessons coming out my ears. It is great to see so many students focused on progressing and I am seeing so much improvement. I personally have been spending quite a bit of time with my young horse Cody, who is coming along really well. forward to that. This internship is focused on teaching, with us teaching the Fast Track course that will be there during our internship. This is incredibly exciting from the angle of what I will learn as far as savvy goes but also learning the format, content and delivery of such a high level course. Exciting times. WORKSHOPS In the past month we have held workshops Horsenality & Reading your horse as well as Stability and confidence in the saddle. At both workshops we broke our record for numbers attending and the feedback was excellent, so we will be repeating these in the near future. freestyle. I love jumping and it is a real passion for me, so I look forward to helping those attending to gain their confidence both on the ground and in the saddle with this. Costs are riders/participants (you can do the whole workshop online if you choose to) $80, auditors (spectators) $30.

Put the relationship with your horse first Develop expertise in Four Savvys (Online, Liberty, Freestyle, Finesse) foundation before specialisation Commit to never ending self-improvement


LEARNING I thought last year was a big year for me as far as learning goes, but it appears 2013 is going to be even bigger. I have just had it confirmed that I have been accepted onto the Colt Start course (breaking in horses) in Australia for 3 weeks in May. My plan at this stage is not to start horses under saddle, but this course will give me more savvy that I can then share with my students. Then early in August I am off to attend the Internship at the Colorado campus in the USA. This is a requirement for me to gain my 3 star Instructor qualification. I have been lucky enough to secure the fabulous lease horse I had last year (Smokey) again, so I am looking

OUR NEXT WORKSHOPS Jumping developing your horses and your confidence with jumping. This workshop will have two parts, the first being an online component, which is about setting your horse up with patterns to get confident & happy jumping and then a freestyle component which is about developing the riders confidence with jumping. Jumping forms part of Level 2 online and also starts in Level 2 for

A horseless workshop on Ropes and Tools and how to make the best use of them I have noticed that many of us dont make the best use of our tools, 12, 22 & 45 ropes or our carrot sticks and strings. This workshop is about helping you to maximise your ability to use these tools. For this workshop we will have 6 participants and places available for auditors too. Costs for this workshop will be participants $50 and auditors (spectators) $30. This workshop will be well worth attending. SAVVY PIZZA EVENINGS Over the next few months we will be running some Savvy Pizza evenings. During these evenings we will watch one of the Mastery DVDs this has a lesson with Pat and a lesson with Linda. This month is Linda's Lesson The Secret of Draw and

Sandy Stanway Licensed Parelli 2* Junior Instructor 411 Loburn Whiterock Rd, RD2, Rangiora 7472 Newsletter February 2013 Ph (027) 680 4800 Ph (03) 312 8550 or email -

Perhaps the greatest discovery in human history is the power of your mind to create almost every aspect of your life. Brian Tracy

Pat's Lesson - Lead Change Log. I will be available to answer any questions you might have. Anyone at any level can attend these evenings and will include the cost of Pizza for tea. 7pm 9pm, cost $20. BYO drinks, tea and coffee available. You need to book in for these evenings for catering purposes. This months will be held on Friday 22nd February 2013. Next months will be held on Thursday 28th March 2013 (Thursday before Easter) this month we will show Linda's Lesson: Puzzle Solving with Two Barrels, Pat's Lesson: Developing a Connection at Liberty again bookings necessary.

I will be assisting him and it is likely that there will be a UK Instructor assisting as well, as a working student to Russell. Contact me for an application form. ON THE ROAD AGAIN We will be heading back to the top of the South Island Blenheim, Nelson, Takaka - in early April 6,7,8 Tony will also be barefoot trimming whilst we are on the road so if you are interested in this let us know. It is also possible that I will be in Southland in autumn let me know if you want a lesson while I am there. SI NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP GAMES POSTPONED! This event had been planned for Sunday 24th March 2013. Unfortunately because of the changes to Colt starting that Russell Higgins and James Roberts were to undertake, we have had to postpone the Natural Horsemanship Games until further notice. Our intention is still to run the first ever, but because we have had to be so flexible this year, we are not currently in a position to run these. We will keep you updated with further developments on this. CHARGES My fee structure remains unchanged as follows: $50 per hour = 1 hour private one to one lesson at my facility (411 Loburn Whiterock Road, Loburn, North Canterbury) $60 per hour = 1 hour private one to one lesson at your place $40 per hour per person = when two or more people

(up to 6) are having a lesson together (any location) Travel will only be charged when I have to travel further than 45 minutes from my home
PLEASE NOTE:- Payment for lessons is due in cash or by cheque at the beginning of each lesson.

PARELLI PLAY DAYS Our next Parelli Play day is Sunday 23rd February. This fully booked. Keep an eye out for further dates in our next newsletter. HORSES NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR LESSONS Unfortunately due to a number of reasons we are currently unable to offer our horses for lessons. This may change again in the future. BAD WEATHER and CANCELATIONS As we head towards the autumn/winter we are likely to have more days where the weather is not so good. The weather varies so much around Canterbury that it is impossible for me to know the weather conditions at the many different lesson locations. I will always assume that the lesson is going ahead, unless I hear from you otherwise. If you do not want the lesson to go ahead due to the weather YOU NEED TO CONTACT ME AT LEAST 1 HOUR PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED LESSON TIME AND ADVISE ME YOU WISH TO CANCEL THE LESSON and then no fees will apply. Otherwise normal lesson fees will apply.


RUSSELL HIGGINS CLINICS Russell is running 2 clinics here at our property in March 2013. Firstly a level 2 clinic 9/10 March in which we still have rider spaces available and a level 3 clinic 16/17 March which is fully booked for riders, but we are taking wait list names. Auditor (spectator) positions are available for both courses. $350 for rider/participant (which includes a free auditor ticket), Auditors = $65 per day. Russell is a superb 4* star Senior Parelli instructor. He is excellent at teaching with simply brilliant horsemanship skills. I cannot recommend Russell highly enough and think anyone who attends these clinics will find they significantly progress forward.

Sandy Stanway Licensed Parelli 2* Junior Instructor 411 Loburn Whiterock Rd, RD2, Rangiora 7472 Newsletter February 2013 Ph (027) 680 4800 Ph (03) 312 8550 or email -


PLEASE NOTE: We are now requesting people to complete an application form to attend workshops, and pay in advance. The application form is attached to this newsletter. In future if you wish to attend a workshop, please contact us and we will forward the application form. SAVVY PIZZA EVENING FRIDAY 22nd February 2013 - Featuring the Linda's DVD Mastery Lesson - The Secret of Draw and Pat's DVD Mastery Lesson - Lead Change Log. I will be available to answer any questions you might have. Anyone at any level can attend these evenings and will include the cost of Pizza for tea. 7pm 9pm, cost $20. BYO drinks, tea and coffee available. You need to book in for these evenings for catering purposes. PLAYDAY Saturday 23 February 2013 - FULL RUSSELL HIGGINS Level 2 two day clinic 9/10 March 2013 - covering online and freestyle. Assisted by myself. Cost = $350 for rider/participant, Auditors = $65 per day. Contact Sandy Stanway on to register RUSSELL HIGGINS Level 3 two day clinic, 16/17 March covering online, freestyle and liberty. Assisted by myself. Cost = $350 for rider/participant (which includes a free auditor ticket), Auditors = $65 per day. Contact Sandy Stanway on to register WORKSHOP Jumping Sat 23 March 2013 - 9am-12 noon. Developing your horses and your confidence with jumping. This workshop will have two parts, the first being an online component, which is about setting your horse up with patterns to get confident & happy jumping and then a freestyle component which is about developing the riders confidence with jumping. Jumping forms part of Level 2 online and also starts in Level 2 for freestyle. I love jumping it is a real passion for me, so look forward to helping those attending to gain their confidence both on the ground and in the saddle with this. Cost = $80 per rider/participant or $30 auditor (spectator) Contact Sandy Stanway on to register. SAVVY PIZZA EVENING Thursday 28th March 2013 (Thursday night of Easter Weekend) this month we will show Linda's DVD Mastery Lesson: Puzzle Solving with Two Barrels, Pat's DVD Mastery Lesson: Developing a Connection at Liberty. I will be available to answer any questions you might have. Anyone at any level can attend these evenings and will include the cost of Pizza for tea. 7pm 9pm, cost $20. BYO drinks, tea and coffee available. You need to book in for these evenings for catering purposes. WORKSHOP Ropes & Tools Horseless workshop Sat 13 April 2013 9am 12 noon. This is a horseless workshop focused on Ropes and Tools and how to make the best use of them I have noticed that many of us dont make the best use of our tools, 12, 22 & 45 ropes or our carrot sticks and savvy strings. This workshop is about helping you to maximise your ability to use these tools and make you more effective. The more effective you can be, the quicker and easier it is for your horse to understand you. For this workshop we will have 6 participants and places available for auditors too. Costs for this workshop will be participants $50 and auditors (spectators) $30. This workshop will be well worth attending. Contact Sandy Stanway on to register. WORKSHOP Stability and confidence in the saddle 01 June 2013 - 9am-12 noon. Move yourself forward with this great session on how to improve your stability and be more confident on your horse. Everyone raved about this course last time, being a great mix of theory, simulations and practical. Cost = $80 per or $30 auditor (spectator) Contact Sandy Stanway on to register. WORKSHOP - Horsenality 15 June 2013 - 9am 12 noon. What horsenality is your horse? Are you sure? At this workshop gain a greater depth of understanding of horsenalitys, what they mean, recognise the behaviours, and learn how to manage them in the best way to get the best results. Cost = $80 per participant or $30 auditor (spectator) Contact Sandy Stanway on to register.

Sandy Stanway Licensed Parelli 2* Junior Instructor 411 Loburn Whiterock Rd, RD2, Rangiora 7472 Newsletter February 2013 Ph (027) 680 4800 Ph (03) 312 8550 or email -

NOTE Students from out of town wishing to attend both of Russells clinics are welcome to camp on site for free. Use of the facilities between clinics is a possibility by negotiation Takaka/Nelson/Blenheim Lessons and workshops, 6, 7, 8 April 2013

Sandy Stanway Licensed Parelli 2* Junior Instructor 411 Loburn Whiterock Rd, RD2, Rangiora 7472 Newsletter February 2013 Ph (027) 680 4800 Ph (03) 312 8550 or email -

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