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EDUC 429

Lauren Kidd Fifth Grade

Social Studies February 14, 2013

Learning Objective: Students will summarize the events of WWII and identify the key figures during the war. Alignment with Standards: S.S Standard: Standard 5-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of American economic challenges in the 1920s and 1930s and world conflict in the 1940s. 5-4.5: Analyze the role of key figures during World War II, including Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, and Adolph Hitler. Theater Standard: Standard 6: The student will make connections between theatre and other art disciplines, other content areas and the world. T5-6.2: Demonstrate ways that theatre skills can impact and enrich other disciplines. Developmental Appropriateness: Social: Students will be able to work in a group with others without conflict. The students will be able to work together to pick roles for each group member without any argument. Cognitive: The students will think critically about discussion questions and will be able to present an answer. Physical: The students will be able to create a skit with their bodies. They will be able to move around the room in an appropriate manner to get from place to place. Emotional: The students will be able to discuss the war without getting upset.

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Assessment of the Objective: Pre-assessment: Students are asked to either rap or create an acrostic about one of the key political figures we have been studying this week. If they decide to create a rap, they have to state at least three facts about their key figure. The students will be asked to present their final rap to the class. As they do this I will be checking to make sure each student participates and that their facts are relevant. At the end of the lesson I am using the testretest strategy. They will be given the same quiz they were given at the beginning of the unit. This will enable me to determine what they have learned. Accommodations: The students will work in their set groups at the beginning of the lesson to do an activity. Each group contains a mixture of both higher and lower level students. This way if the students that are weaker in academics need help, they can easily ask the higher leveled students for help. During the post-assessment, early finishers will be asked to do an activity based on the concept we have been discussing. I will also give all of the students plenty of time to take their quiz. Lastly, I do not have any students with a learning disability. However, if a student does need help during our learning activities I will give them one-on-one assistance. Materials: Paper Pencil Social studies notebook Text book Chart paper Markers

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Use of Technology: During the lesson the SmartBoard will be used. The students will have the opportunity to write their answers from their group discussions on the SmartBoard. Procedures: Good Afternoon! Today we are going to begin with wrapping up what we have really been focused on this week. That is the key figures in WWII. Literally we are going to be rapping. To do this activity we are going to need five groups of five. So, I will be pulling one person from three of your tables and two people from one of your tables and that will be a group. That group will do their activity on the carpet. The rest of you will already be in a group of five. Now, I am going to walk around and place a sticky note in the middle of your group. This sticky note will have one of the key figures we have been discussing this week. You have a choice between creating a rap about your figure or an acrostic. If you do the rap you have to have at least three facts in the rap about your person. I will be coming around to your groups to find out which your group has decided to do, an acrostic or a rap. You have 10 minutes to do this activity. Remember, you can use your book and the notes you have taken. Also, you will have to present these in front of the class, so, do your best work! You may begin. The students will be given 10 minutes to complete their activity. This activity is the motivational activity to pull them in to the lesson. Time is up. I have been walking around to see what each group has come up with and you all have some great raps and words for your acrostics. Group 1 we will begin with you. Please come to the front and present your rap.

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Well done! Class who did they rap about? Great job! You may go back to your seats.

Each group will take a turn in presenting their rap or acrostic. You guys did so well with those! I am really impressed. Now if you will pull out your book, we will finish reading about WWII. Turn to page 345 where we left off yesterday.

The last thing we read about yesterday was that the Pearl Harbor had been bombed by Japan. Turn and talk in your groups and discuss how you think the U.S. is feeling now since they have been bombed. Do you think Roosevelt will now feel the need to join in the war?

Once your group has finished discussing, I would like one member from your group to write the group answer on the SmartBoard. Very good! Each group has an answer up here.

It looks as if all of your groups said yes; Roosevelt will feel the need to join the war. I see that one group has that they think the U.S. is feeling upset because they have been bombed. You all have great answers here.

Lets finish reading and see if the U.S. joins the war. Our last page discusses the draft. Do we have to draft during our war now? Great job Alexis! No we do not. We have men and women that volunteer to go to war.

Turn and discuss with your group the question: Why did the United States need to draft millions of soldiers?(Text book question). Again, I need one person from each group to come and write their groups answer on the SmartBoard.

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All of you are correct. There were not enough men to fight, so they had to tell men they had to go train and fight in the army.

We are going to do another activity today that involves a lot of self-control. With your group you will create a scene. This seen will show what your group pictures when you think about the draft during WWII. If you think a soldier went around to houses and gave letters to the men telling them to join the war; then that is what you need to show through your role play.

You will have ten minutes to come up with a short skit. Then you will present it to the class. You may begin.

Give the students ten minutes to create their skit. Time is up. Lets start with group 4 this time. Come to the front of the room and show us your skit.

Great job. They all were loud enough for us all to hear, everyone had a part, and they showed what they depicted the draft to be very well.

Continue with each of the groups. You all did great with that. We are now going to finish up our KWL chart. Take out your social studies notebooks. I would like for you all to copy the chart into your notebooks.

Today we are going to fill in the last part of the KWL chart, and that is what we have learned.

Raise your hand and tell me some things you have learned about the key figures of WWII that we have been discussing this week.

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Allow a few students to give their answers. Expected answers are: Franklin Roosevelt is the president at this time, Benito Mussolini is the leader of Italy, and that Hitler started the Holocaust.

Very good! I am impressed! Did you all realize that every point that we put under the want to know column was answered. So, you all learned what you wanted to know.

So, remember the quiz I gave you all on Monday We have another quiz to take today. This quiz does count this time. You will need to answer the questions to the best of your ability. Once you have finished the quiz, take out a piece of paper and make an acrostic using the word war. If other people are still working on their quiz and you have finished your quiz and the acrostic, you may read or work on your Friday sheet.

You all did very well today and came up with great ideas when we did our activities. Well done!

Pass out the quiz. You may begin your quiz.

References: Dr. Gardner and Mrs. Odom Activity Analysis: At the beginning of the lesson the students were asked to write either a rap or an acrostic about the key figure they were assigned. The rap had to consist of at least three facts about their key figure. The activity was appropriate and connected to the standard/ indicator because the kids were asked to place their main focus around the key figure they were given. The key figures are the central focus of my standard/ indicator. The students in the class have an interest in modern music, which relates to the rapping they were asked to do. These students also

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love to work in groups. Putting them in the groups to do the activity was an enormous benefit. It was beneficial in the way that the stronger students that do not mind speaking and acting out could help those students that are shy and do not like to speak in front of the class or act out. Also because the students are very social and enjoy being able to work with their group members. I used sticky notes to tell the students who their key figure was. The students were allowed to use their textbooks and their notebooks if they needed to find facts about their figure.

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