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6 PLAYER PUERTO RICO You will need extra items. Easiest way is to borrow them from a second (friends?

) set - I cannot believe th at in any gathering of 6 games players there are not at least two who own this g ame. So, next time, instead of splitting into 2 x 3 players - join together and play with 6. (If you don't have any friends then you will have to work out your own substitutes or maybe ALEA/RIOGRANDE will publish an expansion kit!!) FIRSTLY ,and obviously, you will need a sixth board for the extra player. START. Everyone starts with 5_Doubloons. (The amount of money supplied for 5 players ha s ,so far, seemed sufficient for 6 but if you find that you need more then just add extra [2x5's; 6x1's?]). The first three players start with a INDIGO TILE each, the 4th. 5th &6th with a CORN. PLANTATION TILES. You will need 3(three) extra each of SUGAR &INDIGO and 2(two) extra of each of the others. (7 tiles should be face up at all times.) Also 2(two) extra QUARRY TILES. GOODS. (wooden barrels) You will need 3(three) extra each of SUGAR &INDIGO and 2(two) extra of each of the others. VICTORY POINTS. You need 150 total - i.e. 28 extra,(I use 4x5's and 8x1's but the mix is up to y ou). COLONISTS. You need 115 in supply and 6 on the ship (this is also the minimum number on the Colonists ship.)- total 121. (N.B. the rules state that there are 100 of these supplied but everyone that I k now has some extra. So, don't believe all that you read, count them, then make u p the number to 121.) CARGO SHIPS. You need three ships with 7, 8, and 9(nine) cargo spaces respectively. The 7 and 8 ships are supplied.To make the 9 take the 4 AND the 5 spaces ships a nd place, or preferably clip them together - (I use a short length of the plasti c 'slide-on' loose-leaf binders - the sort of thing that AH etc. used to clip th eir boards together.) - think of it as a large ship with two holds - but both ho lds have to contain the same type of goods. (A possible variation is that while you have to continue into the second hold if you have excess goods, if the first hold is full then you may choose another cargo for the second, providing it is

NOT one on either of the other ships. BUILDINGS. You also require one extra of each of the production buildings and one extra of each of the small violet ones. (You may prefer to add/substitute some of your ow n or ALEA's 'best of'). In my set (RIOGRANDE) there is a spare/blank large violet building - this you ne ed for an extra one. Again you can use your own idea, I use:CHURCH. Cost 10. VP's 4. At game end you may make donations to the Church. Each 2(two) doubloons donated equal 1 VP. These VP's do NOT count towards the CUSTOMS HOUSE and doubloons donated do NOT c ount in any TIE BREAK, situation. ROLE CARDS. Finally you need an extra role card. - the easiest way is to add another PROSPEC TOR but you may prefer my suggestion:POLITICIAN. As politicians like to jump on any band wagon and have a finger in every pie, (p hoto opportunities?), they can re-use a role that has previously been used - but they do NOT get the privilege. e.g. if the Builder has gone before then the Politician may start a building rou nd but he does NOT get the discount, similarly if Mayor, then NO extra colonist. (The other players have the option to use the repeated role in the usual way.) The Politician may, instead, decide to be a Prospector in this case they get the extra Doubloon as normal. (I have made this card double-sided. The player eithe r takes the card and announces which role they are re-using OR they flip it face down and take the money. In either case it is returned face-up to the centre fo r the next round.) All other rules are as in the standard game. N.B. As requested here is the relevant section from my COUNTER article. A number have tried and liked it but, of course, not all. Since it was written two things have happened:1.The Extra Buildings from Alea/Rio Grande have appeared and some have used them instead. One of these small buildings is the CHURCH, where you get VP's for buy ing buildings - although what that has logically to do with the Church I can't i magine - an Architects or Designers Hall might have bee more apporiate. If you w ant to use my large building and the clash of names worries you then just re-nam e one or t'other. 2. Our group find that we like the POLITICIAN so much that we use him instead of a PROSPECTOR in both the 5 & 4 player games.

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