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HTP for oral fungal infection Learning Objectives GOAL: After 1-3 days of nursing intervention, the patient

will be able to have knowledge about his fungal infection and its management Learning Content Methodology/Strate gy Venue/Date/Tim e Resources Evaluati on

What is oral fungal infection? is an infection of yeast fungus, Candida albicans, in the mucous membranes of the mouth. How do you get oral fungal infection? Candida is present in the oral cavity of almost half of the population. Everyone who wears dentures will have candida, without necessarily suffering any ill effects. Candida doesn't become a problem until there's a change in the chemistry of the oral cavity that favours candida over the other micro-organisms that are present. -Demonstration -Discussion FEU NRMF February 2,2013 10am -Visual aid: printed copy of the topics -Time and effort of the group members -Money for the materials needed in buying and making visual aids -Improvised visual aids regarding proper breathing -Sample videos regarding proper breathing techniques QUESTIO N AND ANSWER


OBJECTIVE: After 8-10 hours of nursing intervention, the patient will be able to display feeling of relief in her oral cavity.

These changes can occur as a side-effect of taking antibiotics or drug treatment, such as chemotherapy. These changes can also be caused by certain conditions such as diabetes, drug abuse, malnutrition and as a consequence of immune deficiencies relating to old age or infection such as AIDS. Furthermore, people whose dentures don't fit well can sustain breaks in the mucous membranes in their mouth, which can act as a gateway for candida. People who suffer from this problem often have moist, pale pink spots on their lips, known as angular cheilitis, which is an indication of a candida infection. What are the symptoms of oral fungal disease? White, cream-coloured, or yellow spots in the mouth. The spots are slightly raised. There is normally no pain in the area underneath the spots. If you scrape off these spots, they leave small wounds that bleed slightly. In adults, thrush can cause an uncomfortable burning sensation in the mouth and throat. Who is at special risk?

Denture users. Adults with diabetes or other metabolic disturbance. People with a dry mouth relating to side-effects of their medication People undergoing antibiotic or chemotherapy treatment. People prescribed oral steroid medication or steroid metered dose inhalers. Drug users. People with poor nutrition. People with an immune deficiency.

How is it treated? In other circumstances, the condition that caused the thrush must be brought under control. This might involve investing in new and better fitting dentures, or adjusting diabetes treatment. A course of oral treatment, using antifungal drugs, has to be used. Once the condition that caused the oral thrush has been treated, the thrush itself can be cured. Treatment is with antifungal medicines, in the form of pastilles that are sucked or oral suspensions that are held in the mouth before swallowing. These allow the antifungal agent to act locally in the mouth. Examples include nystatin (eg Nystan oral suspension), amphotericin (eg Fungilin lozenges) or miconazole (eg Daktarin oral gel). In certain complicated cases, or if the infection spreads, systemic treatment will be necessary in the form of antifungal tablets, or perhaps in the form of injections.

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